Moving games for two little children. Best Home Games for Children Home Girls Games

Fastered a computer? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. What about the game? After all, choosing time to play with your loved ones (like a baby and adults), you make a mutual gift: your days will be filled with happiness and joy of communication, and the memories of jointly spent time will become bright and warm.

Important: The classic of the genre is all sorts of board games and puzzles (for each age category of its own level). Perfectly screens up drawing time, painting anti-stress pictures or needlework.

Games together at home without a computer for girls

Selecting Activities, first of all depends on the child's temperament.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or beautiful caps from candy boxes are perfect for the manufacture of puzzles. Just cut your favorite image into several parts and your puzzle is ready.


Among children, even the smallest, increasing popularity are gaining all sorts of Chellands. The most Waullage, who can be held for a child, is a game with drinks.

For the Challenge, you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small packages / bottles with different flavors), identical paper craft packages for snacks (by the number of drinks), long cocktail tubes (also by the number of drinks).

Pre-insert the tubes into all drinks. Packages / drinks with drinks carefully pack into paper bags. Packed drinks on the table and offer the child to fasten a drink through the tube and guess what he drinks.

It is not as easy as it seems, but very fun.

Daily in the Origami technique

Invite your guest to make a dealer of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games on paper

"Ticker-Nariki" - another beautiful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with the child.

Rules of the game see photo.

To make the game "Necking-zoliki" more interesting, try together crossbars and zero use cookies, nuts, candy. The winner naturally takes all goodness. The game field can be demolished directly on the table using a greasy tape for this.

Games together at home without computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make chokes from buttons. But the thematic puzzles puzzles may well be interested in young supermen. How to make puzzles from girlfriend, see at the beginning of the article.

Construction of towers

  • In addition, boys will gladly fold the towers from cookies or donuts. Candy, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building tower. Wins the one whose tower will be higher.
  • From plastic or paper cups, you can build not only towers, but also whole cities. In addition, using the cups you can diversify the walks in the fresh air (see photo below).


For older children, offer to play Reversi. Instead of chips in the game, two-layer cookies are used (64 pcs.). And the field for the game (8x8 squares) graphs directly on the table using painting scotch. In the center of the field diagonally, 2 light chips / cookies and 2 dark are displayed.

For the rules of the game, see the photo below.

Rules of the game "Reversi"

Rock Paper Scissors

Another gambling is not requiring long-term training "stone-scissors-paper". Depending on the age of the child, you can use the game of 3 elements (stone, scissors, paper), 5 (stone, scissors, paper, lizard, spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Stone-scissors-paper"

How to show game elements: (clockwise, starting with the top): scissors, paper, stone, lizard, spock.

Airplanes in Origami

Paper airplanes - classic children's games. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games together at home without a computer for adults

Any of the prescribed children's games can also be used for adults.

Card games

If for children's leisure card games, many are considered not acceptable, then for adult they are quite acceptable. In addition to "fool" or "poker", you can play in Akulin. Another name of the game "Witch", "Caldong". The rules for this card game are so simple that you can play with the child (see the photo below).

Rules of the Card game "Witch"

Games with matches

Matchboxes will also help to brighten the evening. No, it's not about the MK on the breeding of fires. In this case, we will talk about the game "11 matches". For rules, see the photo below.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches up to 27 pcs.

Another game, which is also called "11 matches". However, the rules differ from the previous one (see photo at the bottom).

Number of matches required for the game, 11 pcs. One of the matches should be labeled. For example, coloring with felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game "11 matches" (II option)

Linguistic games

To brighten the evening will help both the game with the words. Perhaps they have too original names and rules, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults, with an appropriate sense of humor.

The first of the proposed games is "Holes". Rules of the game - in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Holes".

Step by step example of the game "Holes"

The second linguistic game "Balda".

The game field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row, the word "Bald" or any other word out of five letters is written.

An example of a playing field for "Bald"

For detailed rules of the game, see below.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Games together at home without computer mobile

Small fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will be your beloved.


Impless moving game. Delivers pleasure and players, and viewers (if any).

For the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and large T-shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, shove the pillows for them and start the fight. Won one who will be able to push the enemy outside the conditional circle.

Game "Sumo Fighters"


Try to play hide and seek. If you don't really want to hide yourself / conveniently, hide any object.


If you are doing yoga, offer a child to repeat a few simple Asan for you. Exercises can be accompanied by words from the famous game "The sea is worried about ...", changing them slightly (see photo).

The bar of obstacles will delight not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home together with my girlfriend? What can you play at home together with my sister?

Any of the Games proposed above will suit both girls and girls. If you are not suitable for any of the options proposed above, go around for love. Options for simple ghosts can be found by clicking on.

What can you play at home together with a girl? What can you play at home together with a guy?

Now just a huge choice of board games for lovers. But if you buy a ready-made game is not possible, play the game proposed below. An unforgettable evening is provided to you.

What can you play at home together with my wife?

Any of the games proposed above can be used for a pleasant pastime in a family circle. It all depends on what exactly you understand under a pleasant time to the transmitting and what the ultimate goal is pursuing.

What can you play at home together with my brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child of 5 - 9 years?

On this topic it is worth stopping in more detail, as the children need a constant change of activity.

  • "Yes / no" game. One player makes a word (something that he sees in the room, in the apartment, on the street). The other is trying to guess that the first was conceived. The player who makes the word, you can put that suggestive questions, but it can only answer or "no".
  • "False mirror". One player corts Grimas - the second is trying to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather Story". One player says: "I went hunting and saw ...". At the same time, he must name any item on the letter "A". The second player repeats: "I went hunting and saw ..." At the same time, he must name the subject that the first player chose, and add his own. But items should be called alphabetical order.
  • Offer the child to name all the words that begin with the letter "T" or any other letter.
  • "Stupidity." Someone from the players calls the word. Another must be a proposal, each word of which begins with the letter of this word. For example, someone said the word "moshka" - the second is the offer "Marina dress the scarf square orange."

Video: Games on paper: Tetris - Season 2 2 series

The game for a child is part of his life, without which it will not develop as much as possible. In a games form, children learn to communicate, knowing the world, as well as with the help of such a cheerful classes, it is possible to adjust the behavior of various emotional spheres.

Most of the games are held at home. Among them you can find such that will suit children of any age from kids to adolescents. They can not be better diverse life inside the family and allow participants and find out each other better.

What games can you play at home?

A variety of mobile active games can be carried out not only on the street, but also in the house or apartment, provided that they will not damage the interior items. For example, Twister is a cheerful active game for any age.

But still truly domestic, numerous desktop and role-playing games are considered, in which it can be involved from one to ten people, and this is exactly what is needed to take a small company. Very useful for the overall development of the game, which are talking about various professions, because this information will come in handy and in his continued life.

Children who fear the doctor and medical procedures are very helpful to try on the role of a doctor, but if they do not know how to play the hospital at home, then the task of parents to supply them to a game kit with a stethoscope, syringe, and other medical accessories.

Home games for girls

Most games can play both boys and girls, but there are those in which children play a certain floor. So, for example, all sorts of role-playing games with dishes, dolls and houses are traditionally a lesson for girls.


Girls, gathering a small company, love to wear paper dolls in all sorts of outfits that are cut out of ready-made patterns. This hobby was both in our moms, but only then different dresses and trousers were drawn from hand and painted.

To girls can show their design abilities to such children's home games, you can include a competition for the best designer. With bright markers and gel pens with glitter girls can create fashionable outfits for their cardboard dolls, which will help draw and cut mom.

Home games for boys

Pure for boys entertainment is not much more. This is the construction of towers and locks from blocks, games in the garage with numerous machines. From board games, the boys adore sea battle and tanks that occur on a simple piece of paper, as well as crafts from the designer.

What games can you play all?

Children are small motors and it is difficult for them to stop in place. Therefore, homemade mobile entertainment games are in the biggest post. Hyperships, Zhmurki, catch-up - all these are the simplest entertainment that do not require certain rules and are available to all from Mala to Great.


The kids love to play the game when one of the players hides the object in the room. And the rest are looking for it. As soon as one of the players approaches the cache, the one who hid shouts: "Heat, still warmer and hot!", When the toy was found. Although the winner should receive a small incentive prize.


Easy at first glance, the game is quite complicated. Players sit in a row on chairs or sofa. All put hands on the knees, while one hand will be on its own, and the other is on the neighbor, and so everyone.

Alternately each of the players clap first right and then with his left hand. Since all the hands go ahead, it is quite difficult to guess which hand should clap next. The one who made this nefple will be fined and removes the "feed" hand behind his back.

The pace accelerates and eventually confusion will be even greater until one player remains, which is considered to be won.

Home Top Games

Board games are for both small and big children. They are preferable in the room, especially in small, but this does not become less exciting.

Chess, backgammon can be attributed to home games for adolescents. Checkers are all that allows you to activate mental activity. From modern, you can highlight a monopoly, evolution, mafia.

Home desktop addictive games are perfect And on the birthday, the main thing is that they can cover all those present.


Very popular desktop active game, when all those present are divided into two teams and each is issued a certain number of pictures. On the game field there are chips that indicate the priority of the stroke. Participants with drawings, sounds, facial expressions should show their team what is depicted on the card. The team wins the team that will come faster to the finish.

Game for children at home: Herring in barrel

This game for children at home - The opposite option of hide and seekers. All players close their eyes and consider up to ten, and leading runs away and hiding. After some time, one of the players is looking for and, if it does not find a hidden one minute, dropping out of the game. If he found the lead, then hiding with him.

A game It continues until everyone hide together with the lead, as if herring in a barrel. The main thing at the same time is not laughing and not to issue everyone.

Game for children at home: Bilbok

This is such an old French game that grandparents and even great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers can remember how they played it.

For this games with children at home It is necessary to take a thick thread or a lace with a length of approximately 45 cm. One of its ends is glued with a sticky ribbon to the tennis ball, and the other - to the snack of a plastic cup. You can also bind the end of the thread to the handle of the plastic circle.

A few people take part in the game. From the playing required to throw the ball up and catch it into a cup or a mug. Glasses are charged for it. You need to catch the ball in turn, to the misah. The missing player transmits the Bilbok to the next player in turn. Wins the one who is the first to gain a denominated number of points.

From the book: M.A. Mikhailova.

Children holidays. Games, tricks, fun. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2000.

Game for children at home: Who is presenter?

The game should participate at least six players, one of the players leave the room. At this time, the rest sit in the circle and choose the lead. The presenter makes simple movements, for example, claps in your hands, ships heads, shakes fists in the air, etc. The remaining players must repeat the movement of the lead and as soon as possible to perform new movements after it.

Now the player who went beyond the door returns and becomes in the center of the circle. His task is to detect who is leading. This is not easy, because while he looks at the lead, he will not make new movements. When the master is still found, it should come out of the room, and players choose a new lead.

From the book: Tubelskaya. Children's holidays in the family. Moscow, TC "Sphere", 1999.

Game for children at home: find out me

Many children take part in this game. The leader tie his eyes, he becomes in the center of the circle. According to the signal (cotton) lead players begin to move in a circle. Re-cotton stops movement. Now the presenter should indicate someone from the players and try to find out. He has the right to touch the player and, if he can't guess, ask him anything to say (depiction of the animal - flushing, sucking, reproach, contact, etc.).

If the presenter does not recognize the child, it leads the second time.

From the book: M.A. Mikhailova.

Children holidays. Games, tricks, fun. Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2000

Nice to spend time in a funny company of friends, setting up an unusual championship. Games are important not only for kids, but also for adults, because they can rally us even stronger. In addition, this is a great way to help new buddies join the team, and not stand alone all evening at the wall. We have chosen 10 popular games that will allow you to have a good time. In our article, you will find a variety of entertainment that train mind and body flexibility.

When it comes to games for a large company, many primarily remember the "mafia", who conquered the whole world and saved a lot of fans. To play in an intellectual detective, you will need a deck of special cards that can be purchased on the Internet or draw yourself. You can also create your own card templates and order their printout in any editor. Well, if the above options are not suitable, take the most ordinary cards and agree with friends, what roles you will give them. For example: Peaks - Mafia, Peak Ace - Boss Mafia, Chervoy Vallet - Doctor, Chervoy King - Commissioner and so on. So that the players do not peep each other, it is advisable to wear a mask or a dressing, as soon as the city falls asleep.

The essence of the game
There are three sides in the game: mafia, peaceful citizens and maniac. The goal of mafiosi is to kill players at night and execute in the afternoon, giving themselves for positive heroes. The purpose of citizens is to find and execute the mafia. The maniac is a particularly self-removal who kills everyone without disaster.
In the classic version there are active and passive characters. The presenter is a passive character, does not affect the course of the game, but coordinates the actions of all its participants.
Evil characters: Mafia (consists of a boss and his girlfriend), maniac.
Good characters: Commissioner, Doctor, civilians.
Peaceful citizens are passive players: they sleep at night, but they can vote in the afternoon, sending unwanted on the death penalty.
Mafia wakes up at night.
The Mafia boss chooses a sacrifice that strikes. In the event of the death of the boss, his post takes another mafia.
Maniac at night strikes any player.
Commissioner can check any player at night. If a mafia or maniac came to this player, the commissioner checks the criminals, saving the life of the player.
The doctor also makes his move at night and can cure anyone (one player) by canceling the Mafia or Maniac's murderer.

Stroke Game

The game is divided into intervals - day and night. On the first day, the presenter distributes card players, after which the first night comes. On the first night (at the command of the leader), the players take turns wake up, giving him to understand who has what role. Mafia gets familiar with each other and finds out who received the role of boss. During the day all players wake up. The host briefly describes the events of the past night. For example: "Mafia hit, but the commissioner's visit to the gangsters. Manyak all night brutally mocked the next victim, but the doctor managed to save the poor fellow. " These tips allow players to calculate the opponent. Then voting follows, during which each player can offer a candidacy for execution. Carefully studying the arguments and suspects, you can calculate mafiosa, as they are usually unanimous on day voting. However, deft players know how to let dust in the eyes, accusing each other during the day (but only if the execution of the colleague clearly does not face). After execution, the card of the murdered is revealed and everyone see his role. Then night falls on the city and active players re-make their move. The game ends with the victory of peaceful if all the maphes and maniac are killed. Mafia wins when remains most. With a successful circumstance, a maniac can win, remaining one on one with a passive player.

In addition to the classic plot, there are many different options for the game. We advise you to choose the leader of the most creative friend who has an excellent sense of humor. In our contests you can use references to various books and movies. So, for example, the plot of vampires and things was popular, where the role of the boss plays the Count Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein treats from the alers, and the Commissioner turns into Helsing or Buffy. The more friends you have, the more characters you can enter into the game by making it more fun!

Fascinating fun "Twister" will give you a reason to laugh at the awkward poses of your friends, and at the same time - work out sports, because during the game you will have to bend, reach your hands and legs to multicolored circles and try to keep the balance.

Stroke Game

The lead twists a special arrow by setting each player a certain pose (for example, left hand on a green circle, right leg on yellow, etc.). The player wins the player to resist the field by completing all the orders of the lead. If the player touched the field surface in an unfaithful place, it automatically drops out of the game.

One of the most popular youth entertainment abroad is the game "Question or Desire". To determine the queue of players, you can use pointers (for example, a bottle) or transfer the move clockwise.

Stroke Game

Player A offers a player B one of two action options: a question or desire. If a player B chooses a question, then a player and can ask him about anything. If a player B chooses a desire, then a player or can order anything. It is better not to play married couples, because questions may be too personal and trusted. Best of all this fun is suitable for idle guys and girls.

The detective quiz, developing a mixture and fantasy, is a kind of popular game "Best".

Stroke Game

The presenter describes any situation (most often we are talking about robbery or murder), and you, using logic and imagination, try to figure out what happened. The key to the solution always lies in the task itself.

Examples of mysteries

1) In the midst of the desert found the body of a man, next to which the backpack lay. The man was absolutely healthy, neither hunger nor dehydration caused death. What did he die from?
Family: The key to the decision is a backpack in which there was a parachute, and the poor died from the fact that the parachute did not reveal.

2) In the middle of the supermarket, the body of the guard was found. They did not attack a man, he died not from illness. Near him there was only a sign. What happened?
BUDGET: Surely you had to notice the signs in stores on which the inscription "Wet floor" stands. Obviously, the guard slipped on the wet floor and hit when falling.

3) A man who died under mysterious circumstances was found next to the playground. There are no visible injuries on his body. Detectives noticed near the ball. What happened?
Raddle: a heavy basketball ball, departing outside the site, pleased the poor man in the head.

This game has many names and you probably familiar with it. She gained particular popularity after the release of the film "Inchlastic bastards".

Stroke Game

Each participant writes the name (literary character, kinheroya or real person) on the sticker. The leaflets are distributed to players (the player should not see words on his piece) and attach to the forehead. Asking questions to other participants, the player must guess his character. Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions.

An example of a riddle
Player 1: I am a person?
Player 2: No.
Player 1: I'm a movie hero?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: I bow for fire?
Player 2: Yes.
Player 1: I Dragon Drogon?
Player 2: Yes.

The round wins the player who gave the right answer, asking the smallest number of questions.

"Black Casket" is a kind of game "What? Where? When? ", Where a black box is used instead of a classic black box. The feature of the game is that all questions and answers are somewhat frivolous: they are associated with sex, drinking, etc. In the television version of such questions you would not hear.

Stroke Game

The presenter sets the question associated with the subject lying in a black box. A minute later, players must answer the question. By the way, it is not necessary to use a black box at all, it can be conditional.

An example of a question for "CHS"
Actors of the popular Musical "Cats" fasten the microphones under the trico. Artists often dance and (to protect against sweat) to microphones put on it. Caution Question: What lies in a black box?
Answer: Condoms.

This quiz will allow you to test your erudition and compete in the speed of thinking.

Stroke Game

One of the players (transmitting this round) makes the leading famous winged expression, proverb or saying. The presenter reports the number of words in a given proposal. Players must guess the phrase by asking the leading as many questions as words in the phrase. Questions and answers can be absolutely any. However, each answer may consist only of one sentence and must contain 1 word of the specified phrase.

An example of a riddle
Host: The phrase contains 3 words. The player can set 3 questions.
Player: What time is it now?
Host: Virgo on the wall, where the clock hangs.
Player: Is there life on Mars?
Host: Scientists disagree in this matter.
Player: Who is to blame?
Host: The root of the problem is hidden from our eyes.
Answer: Sungage Aphorism Kozma Prutkov "Zries in the root".

Surely you all are well acquainted by the game "Crocodile", during which one participant silently shows the word of the group of galaying players. In the folding "crocodile" rules are somewhat different.

Fascinating quests in the style of "Find a way out of the room" became one of the most fashionable entertainment. In almost any city there are quests in which (for a moderate and not very moderate fee) for you a whole view will be arranged.

Stroke Game

The team is closed in an unfamiliar room, from which it should get out for a certain period of time. Players are looking for riddles and tips to various secret boxes with new keys. Deciding all the tasks, the team finds the main key, unlocking the door to freedom. If you have a spacious room and an inexhaustible fantasy, you yourself can come up with a quest script. Come on friends, leave for them tips and see how they will cope with the task.

Literball is an adult game in the style of "who is chatting." Historians claim that various analogues have existed for centuries in any corners of the planet. Those who wish to measure the ability to change the opponent appeared as soon as humanity has invented alcoholic beverages. It is said that such games especially liked the ancient Greeks and Peter I. In the CIS countries, the so-called are popular. "Drunk checkers", in which instead of white and black checkers, use glasses with vodka and brandy or glasses with light and dark beer. As soon as you "eat" the rival's checker, you need to drink the contents of this wineglass and remove it from the board. More advanced players prefer "drunk chess". For a party on wine glasses, the silhouettes of chess pieces draw a marker.

However, only 2 people can play "drunken checkers" and "drunken chess", so we will look at the option for a more crowded company. We will talk about student fun under the name "Beer Ping Pong" (or "Beer Pong").

Stroke Game

You will need plastic cups, table, ball for ping pong and beer. MO-O-Oh beer. Participants are divided into 2 teams. The judge breaks beer on the glasses and places them equally on both sides of the table, entertaining the glasses in the form of a triangle. Competed in turns must throw a ball into a rival glass. If the ball dropped into a glass, the player who hit the player drinks beer from this glan, removes an empty ass from the table and gets the right of a re-throw. The team defeats the most famous, devastating all the glasses of the enemy.

Attention: Favorite fun students can lead to alcohol poisoning. We advise you to take a smaller cups, in order not to painfully painfully for aimlessly killed liver.

The game is an excellent way not only to take a child, but also in the game, unobtrusive form to teach it a new one, to develop his speech, to contribute to the development of logical abilities. But what games can you play at home?

Children's home games "for every day"

"What is missing?"

Material. Dishes, cutlery, vegetables, fruit 3-4 pieces.

Rules. 1. Clearly tell what happened. 2. Not to watch when the toy is hiding.

The course of the game. On the table lay out objects, the child calls them and remembers. Now he must turn or get out of the room. Adult hides the subject. The child returns, considers items and reports, for example: "There is not enough fruit, this fruit - an apple" or "lacks a table appliance, it is called a" knife "."

"What am I doing?"

Rules. Gestures, expressively depict the planned.

The course of the game.Mom or master informs the child: "Now I will show that I do something, and you have to guess what exactly." Next, the mother takes a spoon and pretend to be "eating." The child joyfully guess: "I know you eat!". Now the child comes down, the task of an adult is unraveling that he portrays for the activity.

Homemade mobile games

"Cat and mouse"

This game is suitable for a big children's company, it can be used as a homemade birthday game.

The course of the game. Children take hands and become a circle, and two "cat" (boy) and "mouse" (girl) become in the middle of the circle. When children raise hands up "mouse" should try to snap from the cat. Saving mouse, children lower hands when the cat runs after her.


The leader tie the eyes, put at the threshold, all other children are hiding in different parts of the room and try to move silently so that the presenter does not guess where they are. The presenter begins to catch the one he cares, he must become leading.

Game Games for Girls

"Dress up a doll"

Material. Large dolls and various sets of clothing, one of which can be combined with each other, and others are not.

The course of the game. Mom hangs dolls and appeals to the child. "Watch how many dolls are beautiful clothes. Let's dress them. " When the child agrees, the mother continues: "Let's put this green skirt with your doll, see how you think there will be a blue blouse?" Mom's task to push the child to choose the right combination.

Home games for boys

"Kegley of bottles"

(The game is suitable for those parents who realized what pleasure is delivering to the boys getting into the target, but who has not had time to purchase a suitable set of plastic or wooden kegiles.)

Material. Plastic bottles filled with water, and a rather heavy ball that can overturn these bottles.

The course of the game. Plastic containers filled with water and try to confuse more than as many homemade "kegles" as possible.

"My fleet"

Material: Pieces of foam, paper, cardboard, walnut shell, as well as big Capacity filled with water, watering can, cereals.

The course of the game. The child is offered to forward the ships from one shore to another. At the same time, it can interfere with its goal as rain (use a watering can with nozzle for water dissipation) and the wind and hail (cereals).

Home games for teens

For children of adolescence, home board games are of the greatest interest. This requires auxiliary material, such as cards, chess, checkers, bones. For playing in the family circle, you can buy games conducted on the field, such as Pandemic, "Monopoly", "Dixit". Games at home is a good alternative to family pastime in front of the TV not only for children, but also for adults.

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