The game on the island of the survival quest. Survival game on the island. Video Games The Culling

Games about survival on the island for PC combine all the mandatory elements for the genre - the system of hunger and thirst, the need to constantly explore the territory and look for resources, a lot of crafting. And all this in conditions of extremely limited space!

1. Ark: Survival Evolved - Wildlife and Dinosaurs

"Ark: Survival Evolved" is one of the most famous representatives of the genre. Like many representatives of the genre, the game does not differ in friendliness to beginners, but then dinosaurs are also threatened and real opponents.

Video games Ark: Survival Evolved

Information for those whom the game seems too complicated - she has another version of "Ark: Survival of the Fittest", this is a royal battle with much more dynamic battles, durability of only about an hour.

2. RAFT - Fighting sharks on a raft

"RAFT" - the game is not quite about the island, although the landing on the land here is also there. But most of the events occur on the raft floating over the endless ocean.

Video games RAFT.

Manage the raft by opening new islands, and try to go through the game at the maximum level of difficulty, it is not so easy.

3. The Culling - one of the first royal battles

"The Culling" is a game known to a significantly smaller number of man than the legendary "Pubg", and in vain. In addition to survival to the last player there is still kraft, and very decent.

Video Games The Culling

Unfortunately, today the game is almost dead due to bad optimization and unsuccessful updates. But the developers promise to release the second part!

4. StrangeDed Deep - Running on an uninhabited island

"Stranged Deep" - an atmospheric single toy with high relaignability. The main character becomes a victim of the crash of the aircraft and, floating from the last forces, gets to the island.

Video game Stranged Deep

So far, the game is in the early access stage and it clearly lacks a cooperative, but also what is, it looks decent.

5. Escape The Pacific - the most realistic Pacific Ocean

"Escape the Pacific" is a game, positioning itself as one of the most difficult of existing surveillars. Huge world and realistic weather conditions of the Pacific Ocean.

Video game Escape The Pacific

Hunger, cold, fatigue and need in a dream, various levels of complexity. The developers plans are a system of diseases, medicines, aging, repair and many more interesting things.

6. Ylands - Cozy Cartoon Survival

"Ylands" is not just a sandbox on the island with colorful graphics, as it may seem at first glance. This is also almost limitless space for creativity.

Video games Ylands.

It is difficult to accommodate the entire description of the game a couple of paragraphs, here too much content. Just imagine - it's like minecraft, but with more modern graphics and practically no restrictions.

These are the most interesting games with survival on the islands on the PC, but if the survival in a limited space will seem too simple to you, just pay attention to other surveals in the selection on the site.

At the same time, your actions are not limited in any way, you can become a peaceful hunter or the head of your settlement, and join the clan of the insane thugs that do not quietly live the entire server. But before starting the game, you should know that Rust is a game with an incredibly toxic community, so you get ready to survive a thousand and one unpleasant moment associated with other players. But if you play with friends, or were able to find reliable allies, then we are guaranteed to survive many unforgettable moments in the game, which is not ashamed to remember.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 69/100.

Platforms: PC, Linux, MacOS.

Conan Exiles (2018)

The first attempt to make a successful MMORPG in the world of Robert Howard FunCom took at the dawn in the distant 2008, creating. But despite the initial splash of interest in the game, the developers could not keep the players in the world of Conan, who actually turned out to be a fairly raw product. Later, the game was renamed by, making it a conditionally free, but by that time she was already very interested. The next attempt to make money on the honest name of Conan-Varvara was made only in 2017, when the survival multiplayer simulator came out in early access. For the honor of FunCom, it is worth saying that the game did not spend years there as many "survival", and in a year its full release took place.

The game tie is traditionally simple. You start your way as a non-name break, nailed to the cross and doomed to the right death, if by the same Conan, who quite noblely removes him from the cross, says a pathoral speech and leaves, so the survival basics will have to comprehend themselves. As in most survival simulators, your character has an indicators of hunger and thirst for which you need to follow, periodically go hunting and produce water, adapt to weather conditions, and still need to fight back from enemies and not forget about construction and kraft. At the same time, the game has its own unique features. For example, you can bring the enemy to sacrifice the gods or turn it into slavery. In addition, you can call on your side an avatar of a deity, which you can manage for a minute. Well, if you want to play alone, not even stuck, from time to time, on other players, then you can play offline mode.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 68/100.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.


Take the standard multiplayer game about survival, add to it the elements of science fiction, throw it all on the island, densely populated by dinosaurs of all the masters - it will be. If in the usual survival simulator you get satisfaction from the fact that you could survive the night and you did not eat animals or did not kill other players, then here you have the opportunity to get your own tyrantosaurus, and not only.

All screenshots from Ark: Survival Evolved.

Over time, you can build a whole household with a multitude of dinosaurs. By the way, gigantic lizards can significantly simplify gameplay. For example, different types of dinosaurs are used for mining and creating resources, transportation or in battle. In the game you can build as a huge farm for dinosaurs and a futuristic base for your clan, where there is a place for any classes. But never forget about your physical condition. ARK is very easy to die from thirst, hunger or weather conditions.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 70/100 .

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android, Nintendo Switch, PC, IOS, Linux, MacOS.

Astroneer (2019)

Of course, for all this you will inevitably need materials that you can find as the planet studies. At your disposal there is a device for collecting resources, with which you can safely terrarify the planet, and get to the most hard-to-reach of its sections. And when it gets bored - go to the next planet, with your features and unique materials. Unlike other projects where survival is the main itself, Astroneer is played much more calmly. The main thing is to follow the level of oxygen, thanks to which you can safely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game. Also in the game there is a cooperative mode over the network.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 72/100.

Platforms: Xbox One, PC.


Your group can grow if you will respond to calls for the help of other victims. Without cracks behind the supasses, too, do not do, and then you have to take into account who of the characters it is better to use now, who will be more useful for you in battle, and from whom more benefits on the basis.

In 2015, a reprint of the game was published.
In 2018, State of Decay 2 came out, in which appeared. The game developed some mechanics from the first part and got rid of many bugs.

Assessment on Metacritic: State of Decay - 79/100, State of Decay 2 - 69/100.

Platforms: Xbox One, PC.

Long Dark (2017)

At the same time, the game makes it takes to take a lot of details: in wet clothes you can easily freeze and cold, water has to boil or disintegrate, the fire will not get diluted in the wind, the torches over time goes out, the match ends, a heavy backpack or several layers of clothing seriously slow down movement. All these nuances make The Long Dark one of the most realistic survival games.

There are several modes in the game. Wintermute - episodic plot mode, fully revealing the plot (2 episode has been published). There is a survival mode, which is a full-fledged sandbox and test script for those who want to check themselves for strength.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 77/100.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Linux, MacOS.

Don "T Starve

Despite its respectable age, it is advantageous from the early "survival", which for the most part was the faceless sandboxes. It was born in 3-5 hours. So, for example, there is a storyline in the game: Wilson is a nikudnyh scientist, lazy in his hut in the middle of the forest, while someone's voice from the radio suggests him to build an invention, with which Will falls into the world of Maxwell. This world he will have to explore.

In the game you can meet a lot of strange, like bees-killers, one-eyed birds or aggressive pine tears, jealously guarding their settlements from strangers. They all (and not only they) will be happy to send you to the next world. Danger carry not only strange creatures around, but even a fragile reason, which can leave Wilson at the most inopportune moment, why your character dies slowly. Sunday in this case will not come out, you will have to start again. To at least somehow survive in the unfriendly world, it is necessary to collect various branches, herbs and pebbles, from which you can make the necessary tools and start equipping your life.

Night - especially dangerous time of day, because new monsters appear in the darkness, they can escape from which it is possible with a fire or torch.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 79/100.

Platforms: PC, MacOS, Linux, Playstation 4, Playstation 3, PlayStation Vita, IOS, Xbox One, Android.

Darkwood (2017)

Play You will be at a certain doctor who woke up in the Terelestie - the rural area of \u200b\u200bPoland suffered from a strange epidemic. The remaining plot parts will have to get along the game. Darkwood took the classic elements of survival simulators. Take, for example, the cycle of the day and night, when during the day you need to explore the terrain, look for supplies, repair, improve the asylum and items with the help of a workbench, and at night there is a barricade doors and pray, so that no monster or ghost climb into the house. Also, your character can open new skills, for this you will have to prepare special injections from the necessary ingredients.

The creators tried both over the atmosphere and above the terrain, so that the Brojor's prefix to the game is not an empty sound, and the matter is not only in monsters. For example, you can stumble upon the church where whispering ghosts surround you, or find a location littered with human bodies. And the farther in the forest - the more likely such episodes will occur, immersing you into the atmosphere of madness.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 80/100.


Sunless Sea (2015)

The game with the atmosphere in the spirit of Lovekraft's stories. It is a bizarre combination of the game about survival and an interactive book. The text in the game is really a lot, but at the same time it is so qualitatively written that it will pass even those who do not like to read a lot. The prehistory of the game is also unusual. In the XIX century, the English Queen gave London to the Underground World, where he is now and is with all its inhabitants.

Being a captain of the vessel, you can carry the goods, collect valuable information, perform quests or just study the gloomy expanses of the underworld, opening new islands and getting into unusual situations. The main thing, do not forget to engage in logistics, because without food your team will turn into cannibals, and if you bring them to madness, the riot can be raised at all.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 81/100.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC, Linux, Macos, Steamos.

StarBound (2016)

So you have to do gray weekdays researcher-survival. Search for food, materials, create the necessary things and generally explore the planet along and across. Or you can follow only in the plot (he is not here what is what, but there is). Or collect enough fuel, repair the ship and go to explore the galaxy, where any planet is open to the study, but each is unique in something. The game provides many opportunities and classes.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 81/100.

Platforms: PC, Linux, MacOS.

The Forest (2014)

What could be worse than a plane crash with your participation? Only land in the forest, where cannibals live, resembling distant relatives of mutants from the movie "The Hills have eyes" (The Hills Have Eyes)! Skillfully combines the survival simulator and elements of Horror Games. According to the plot of the game, you get along with your son in a plane crash. Your plane crashes over the peninsula. You come to myself in the middle of the forest and learn that a strange person led your son in an unknown direction. Moreover, a tribal of cannibal mutants in the forest lives, who crave your blood. So before saving the Son, you need to learn to survive.

An important role in The Forest has a change of day and night. In the afternoon, you explore the forest, hunt, collect food and build a refuge. Sometimes you will notice the cannibals studying you. Happy they are not too active. But at night, cannibals are sharply buried and start a bloody hunt. At night, it is better to reset at home, strengthening it and putting the traps. At the same time, your enemies are not stupid blanks, but they are not so easy to kill them. The plot taught here is present not only for a tick. This is a full-fledged storyline with two endings, well, if it seems to be boring to play alone, then there is a cooperative mode in the game.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 83/100.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC.

This War Of Mine (2018)

Each hero has its own character, on whom its strengths, fears and desires depend. Do not care about the needs of the heroes will not work, because the more you ignore their needs, the stronger people are immersed in depression, and this directly affects their effectiveness. The game is divided on day and night. In the afternoon, you are engaged in the way that the house is landscaped, latch holes in the walls, build the necessary things, plates, rainwater collector, and so on. Sometimes new people can join you, which means there will be more supplies, which are not always easy.

The resources necessary for the normal life of your home must be collected at night. To do this, you will have to go to the neighboring houses where the same people live like you, or try to get to the hospital or to the warehouse, which are most often sicked by opponents. Moreover, with another sealing, your hero (and only one character can be sent to the fishery) may not return. In this case, the remainder is depressed. If you are careless, you will easily lose all your characters. But if your characters will survive a certain number of days, then you will get an ending in which the fate of each character is revealed after the war. To more accurately make an opinion about the game, you can familiarize yourself with.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 83/100.

Platforms: Android, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, IOS, Xbox One, PC, MacOS, Linux.

RimWorld (2018)

An incredibly well-thought-out science fiction game of survival in space. In the plot, you will have to lead a small group of colonists, whose liner failed on an unknown planet. The main "chip" of the game is that the narrator here performs artificial intelligence, which generates various events within the gaming world. The variants of the whole three. One focuses on the construction and calm development of your colony, the other is absolutely unpredictable, and the third is a gold middle and ideal for beginners.

According to the plot, in the XIX century in Britain, people discover the power of steam thrust, which leads to a boom of inventions that were impossible earlier, such as functional prostheses and robots. It was during this period that a cataclysm occurred in the world, which led to the icing of the planet. The surviving people from all over the world are equipped with expeditions to the Arctic, where there is a huge amount of mineral and generators, which perfectly play the premises. Here, in the conditions of the eternal winter, you will have to build a refuge for your people.

In your settlement there is a generator that produces saving heat. In fact, he is the heart of your settlement, its main value. For the operation of the generator, you need coal for the functioning of asylum and a bunch of other supplies. One of the features of the game is that the temperature around gradually decreases, and if, on the first day, your settlers calmly collected resources scattered around, and they had only a desire to warm up near the generator, on the 10-15 day of the game, when the temperature Beats all the records of abnormality, resources are already missing, and the people of Togo will begin to rapid. Playing Frostpunk solely as a city-planning simulator will not work. The game regularly sets you difficult questions. Should I use child labor? Is it possible to use experimental treatment on patients with workers? To make a complete opinion about the game, you can read our.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 84/100.

Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4.


In many "survival" reigns extremely dark, intense atmosphere, where the feeling of constant danger does not leave the player. - One of those rare representatives of the genre, the creators of which were not afraid to replace the dark tones on bright, juicy paints, thereby creating a world in which you want not only to survive, but also to live, exploring the seabed. The action takes place in the XXII century. Your employer sends you to the construction of phase gates. But your spacecraft crashes in someone else's planet and you barely have time to climb into the rescue capsule. It must be said that the plot does not end with a simple string, it is quite good. In addition, thanks to an unusual place of action, the usual elements of survival games are played fresh and interesting.

For example, in addition to hunger and thirst here, the stock of oxygen is of great importance, which you will have to consider when immersed in the underground world. At the same time, the kraft system is very developed in the game, so if your character does not withstand a long immersion in marine jams, you can build both aqualang and a whole BATIscaph or a separate full-fledged base. But be careful - many predators dwell in the water, who wants you to devour you, they are especially aggressive at night.

In order not to die from hunger, you will have to constantly catch and cook fish, or feed on plants that can be grown both on land and under water (either in the aquarium). The main thing is not to forget to scan everything around. This opens up new properties of items and access to drawings. You can also familiarize yourself with the game.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 87/100.

Platforms: PC, MacOS, Xbox One, PlayStation 4.

Minecraft (2009)

The game, published 10 years ago, does not need a special presentation. Its popularity is so great that at the moment they are sold worldwide. In Hollywood, too, not to make money on a loud name and prepare for the shooting of the film by.

In order not to spend the nights, you will need a more or less reliable asylum, and for this you need to look for materials and craft. In addition to the home arrangement, it makes sense to engage in building houses specifically for NPC, which appear when performing certain conditions, and will sell you various things Kraft in the game is simplified compared to the same Minecraft, and this is not surprising. The fact is that Terraria makes more focus not on construction and kraft, but on battles and survival.

The most interesting part of the game begins when you open the cave systems that are deep underground. There you can find treasures and meet new, interesting opponents. Thanks to the random generation of the world, each new cave will be unique in its own way, so you can explore the dungeons for hours in search of adventures and materials that will be suitable for creating new equipment. Well, finally, using the materials found, you can collect almost anything.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 83/100.

Platform: PC, Linux, Playstation 4, Android, Xbox 360, IOS, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, MacOS, PlayStation Vita, Windows Phone, Playstation 3, Wii U, MacOS.


The games about the zombie apocalypse in one form or another have long been an entry and do not cause the had been delight, and although it exploits the whole theme with an infected city, sising the crowds of the walking dead, makes it much better than its predecessors. The developers of the game are TECHLAND, in one time the world's cooperative zombie fighter Dead Island, in which killing zombies was more than ever. From him, the game got a melee system in which it is practically anything to cheat down, watching the fluttering limbs. But the main chip Dying Light is parkour. Here you can wear on the roofs and other surfaces are not worse than the catering assassin, and it is doubly interested in a cooperative with friends. Also the game has a full-fledged story.

It all begins with the fact that the operative Kyle Crain is planted in an infected zombie virus city to get a file with virus studies at a local terrorist. But everything goes to hell, Kyle gets into the ambush and in addition he bites him one of the zombies. People from the local community survivors saved the operative. To conquer their trust and achieve a goal, he will have to fulfill a lot of instructions.

By performing tasks and getting supplies you will often be in the city, under the urban zombie. You should not be afraid of afternoon, they are somehow quite slow and are a light target. Danger they begin to represent only gathering the crowd.

But at night it becomes really dangerous, because it is not enough that all zombies become faster and more aggressive, and jumpers appear - real monsters, from which it is better to stay away. From those found on the street of supplists you can collect various weapons and combine it, or change unnecessary junk for more useful things.

If you think you will allow you from the very beginning to go to the spacecraft and start to fight the windless space, then no, it all starts in the best traditions of survival: you appear on a random planet, your technique has failed, the starship is also in non-working condition. You have to repair all this technique, starting from the Wimer and Multitule, and ending with a spacecraft. After that, you can go to the study of the universe. At the same time, there are also typical moments for simulator.

For example, depending on the temperature on the surface of the planet, you will have to spend resources for the cooling or heating system. Locked on the next planet, you can get into the acidic or sandy storm, which can significantly reduce the strength of your costume. Well, if you get tired of constantly collecting resources, you can go to fulfill the main mission, or make quests, and even go to the creation mode in which you can make creativity with great comfort.

No Man's Sky is not the game that it was three years ago, developers continue to work on improving the world, introducing new major updates. In general, the game still remains a number of problems, but considering the hardworking of developers, maybe one day we get the most promised dream game.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 77/100

Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One.

7 Days to Die (2013)

The plot of the game is like this, so your character randomly appears in one of the biomes, and begins to actively survive. If you are not lucky, you can throw, for example, in a snowy biome, where at the initial stage of the game it is quite realistic to frozen, or stumble upon a thick icy zombie, which will finish with you in two bills.

In the afternoon, you can stumble upon small zombie groups, but at night there are much more, so the first thing will have to take care of the construction of the house. Moreover, it is possible to make asylum even underground, where you can build whole mining tunnels and produce useful materials. If the dead hurt your character, you will start an active attack on the home, gradually destroying it in the process, so after a rapid night you need to repair damaged places. So that the enemies do not break up, the shelter needs to strengthen and put several rows of stakes around the perimeter, on which the undead will safely die. But the fun will start on the 7th night of your survival, because not only zombies will be thrown on you, but also other unpleasant creatures like a dead girl who can urge new crowds of monsters, zombie spiders and aggressive bees.

Periodically, in some area will throw off the box with supplies, to which you need to reach during a certain time. As it should be mastered with the craft, you can collect not only weapons and equipment, but also real transport. The game is quite interesting if you play with friends.

Evaluation on Metacritic - 7.0/10.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, MacOS.

With Stranged Deep you can feel like a real Robinsone Cruise: a player has a tropical with a huge unexplored territory. Collect useful resources, extract food, arrange traps, build a dwelling and secure.

2. Rust.

Survive on the uninhabited island, full of desperate players, overcome numerous deprivation, thirst, hunger and cold, be prepared for hundreds of different dangers. Fight for your life or die a brown weak. Without a doubt, the best project among multiplayer games about, both in terms of quality and variety of the gameplay and part of the atmosphere.

3. Ark: Survival Evolved

Naked and helpless players turn out to be thrown to the shore of the mysterious island inhabited and many other fantastic creatures. In addition to the standard for multiplayer elements (collection,), the game provides for the possibility of taking the factory representatives of the fauna - only almost a hundred unique creatures. The better the player takes care and teaches his pet, the more important functions he can perform.

4. Pubg.

5. How to Survive

Another game in our list about survival on the uninhabited island filled with carnivorous dead. In order not to become their victim, the player must carefully and gently explore the outdoor territory of the island, collect useful resources and things, save food and drink, in a timely manner on the night. In total, the game provides for more than a hundred recipes for crafting. Also here are available for the game three unique characters, each with its set of characteristics. In addition to the campaign there is a multiplayer mode.

6. RAFT.

A project from an early access of a service that can safely attribute to the game about survival on a PC island, although technically survive here will have to raft. The man-made platform will have to constantly improve and strengthen, so that she was able to withstand a long journey across the sea, full of various dangers. For example, a player may encounter an attack or a sudden storm. Kraft, construction, resource collection, study of underwater depths - all this is present in RAFT. The game also presents a multiplayer, giving a unique chance to participate in an unforgettable sea adventure along with friends.

7. The Forest.

The game about survival on a uninhabited island, wherees are forever hungry aborigine-cannibals with pronounced mutations, not to meet a single living soul. The player takes on the role of a passenger of the crash of the airliner, which turned out here with his son, which the mentioned lovers of human flesh dragged into their caves. Of course, the salvation of the Son is the task of paramount importance, but first you need to prepare as you should prepare: to collect useful junk from, to equip reliable housing, having stitched by his traps for uninvited guests, podnaping resources, make food and water reserves, scaffle reliable weapons and tools. And only after that go to the study of terrible cave tunnels.

8. Dead Island

Dead Island is a unique survival experience on the island after a zombie apocalypse. Since the island developers from chose a tropical bath in Papua New Guinea - an incredibly beautiful place embodies all the existential ideas about the paradise on Earth. But instead of resting on the beach and the cocktail player, you will have to twist the skull and cut the finiteness occupied this wonderful place. Fortunately, for this, a huge arsenal of melee weapons, an craft and upgrade system, as well as fascinating with gradually disappeared passive and active skills. Is that a normal thing here is missing here, but this omission of Techland was completely corrected in the other of his Zombie Survail - Dying Light.

9. Desolate.

10. Scum

This multiplayer surveival was released August 2018. The plot is tied around a cruel television show, the main task of the participants of which is to survive on an uninhabited island. But to satisfy the thirst for the blood of the audience to fully, instead of ordinary participants, the creators of the show decided to make the most dangerous criminals among themselves. Now these garbage of society will fight under the sight of cameras not only for victory, but also for their lives.

The best games where you have to survive contrary to everything.

The popularity of survival games is easy to understand, because to fight for survival - in our genes. It becomes clear why everyone is tightened to these games. The best Survival PC games face harsh tests and problems, and pushed to find creative solutions.

Games in this genre recently firmly fascinated in the ranks of the most popular projects in Steam, even taking into account the fact that many of these games lie in the early access mode - and some are not the first year. The desire to survive is embedded in us at the gene level, and therefore it is not surprising that we are so easy to captivate survival in the virtual world.

But how to find the most worthy projects among thousands of representatives of this genre? We have prepared a list of our favorite Survival games for the PC, the action in which is unfolded not only on earth, but also under water, in space and in dangerous worlds, populated zombies, mutants and even dinosaurs.

Retired from the main list

Survival on the island, while in early access.

Unlike The Forest, the island is uninhabited and not to find naked cannibals. Although coastal waters patrol the sharks - also in some sense naked cannibals.

Survival in a zombie apocalypse, focus on the craft.

As a survivor, you spend the precious day of daylight in search of spare parts and trash, which at night will be able to apply against the bloodthirsty Horde of the Dead.

Survive, kraft, build - and all this under water.

Explore the hostile underwater world, being behind the steering wheel of a homemade submarine floating on mysterious deep-sea landscapes. Beautiful coral reefs and underwater caves and trenches, full useful resources and food are waiting for you. Build the base, create a fleet from submarines and develop the existing technologies in every way to survive at the depths of the sea. The game is hard not to compare with Minecraft, but at the same time the developer Unknown Worlds managed to bring a number of unique elements into the established genre.


Fantasy RPG with survival elements.

Status: released in March 2019.

It will sound strange, but fantasy-RPG will repeat - one of the best surveals has recently. In Outward, it is necessary to fight not only with magic monsters, but also with the world itself, since you need to eat, drink and try not to hurt.

The desert heat will pull out of you all the forces, the marsh water will poison you, and the lack of fast travels or at least displaying their own position on the map turns any expedition to test training, waiting and survival skills.

SCI-Fi Colonia, the game is inspired by Dwarf Fortress.

The game was in early access for 5 years, but RimWorld finally got to version 1.0. In this survival simulator, you manage the colony, random people who wander on the procedural generated aliens planet.

Expand the database, keep the physical and mental health of the colonists, handle the catastrophes that the director lies on you (the system of generation of the world's events). It may be outbreaks of diseases, alien attack, natural changes. The most difficult test can be a simple survival of the colonists with each other, because everyone has their own identity, desire and behavior.


Surrive on the raft, gradually turning it into a floating fortress.

It sounds almost perfect, serenely swim around the world on the raft, gradually building and expanding it, while catching out the wreckage of ships from the ocean fishing hook. There are also hungry sharks. And if they can't eat you, they will do everything possible to eat your floating house.

You need to look for food and clean water, keeping your rack afloat and expanding it. A cooperative comes to the rescue, because with a partner you double your chances of survival.

Stand in the zombie apocalypse, driving the surviving team.

You do not play State of Decay 2 as a person, but by the society of people. In the game you need to make bars not only for food, water, weapons and equipment, but also for other people. Each character has its own abilities, quirks and character traits. Prips are very limited, so with the growth of settlements, you need more resources for its content.

It is necessary to make ripples into a huge open world of the countryside of America. There is a possibility of a cooperative in which players can join and leave at any time.


Prisoners were released for a deadly island to fight for survival.

Status: Early Access game

SCUM is not long at the stage of early access, so it's hard to say that waiting for this game, but she has already raised the bar of the game parameters for survival. In the SCUM ton of information about what you eat, a personal set of necessary vitamins and minerals, and all this remains after being erected. Also need to go to the toilet.

Tracking heartbeat, weight and even the amount of teeth, and also takes into account additional weight clothing if it wureswards. In SCUM, many different survival simulations in one.

Atmospheric Survival game in the setting of the Canadian post-apocalypse.

Status: Early Access Mode.

At the expense of the accent on the atmosphere and survival in conditions of harsh environment, The Long Dark is distinguished vividly against the background of countless representatives of the genre. Play will be for the pilot, which turned out in the snow-covered wilderness as a result of a mysterious Cataclysm of global scales. There are no zombies, no mutants, nor even other players: to fight with harsh wildlife and with their own fears.

Watch out for a handful printed on a 3D printer of the colonists in a dangerous growing underground colony.

Status: Early Access.

The best games are those that are easy to understand, but it is difficult to master. Suitable for this Description: Start playing in it and learn the basics is simpler, but complete study requires a lot of time and effort. This prison simulator is as delicious as deep and complicated because it imitates a harsh underground environment.

You will have to keep track of hunger, happiness, cleanliness and, naturally, clean and suitable oxygen colonists, while they dig caves, collect resources, build mechanisms and try to turn around the world into a comfortable underground house.

Survive, krafts, we build - and all this with dinosaurs.

Status: Early Access Mode.

We are thrown away with almost bare hands on a huge map, where you have to somehow deal with exhausting heat, cold, hunger, dehydration and other players (although there is a single mode). To survive, you need to make a weapon, to build yourself a home, tame dinosaurs and unite (or fight) with other gamers.

A free supplement Primitive Plus makes a variety of in the gameplay, and the coming DLC \u200b\u200bcalled Tech Tier promises to add weapons to the game and the devices straight from science fiction.

Survive in cartoon wildlife, full animals and monsters.

Thanks to the combination of delightful design and very severe gameplay, Don't Starve is a delaying adventure and one of the best games of the Survival genre (and one more of the few games that managed to get out of the early access mode). The crafting system is as complex as exciting, and perfectly fits into the gameplay, where tense days are replaced by deadly nights.

You are waiting for a fight with animals (and after the meals of them), the use of science and magic, and, of course, support for sincere health at the proper level (when it decreases, the character will begin to go crazy). Supplement DON'T Starve Together allows you to play with friends.

Real-time strategy in real time, in which you explore terrible abandoned spaceships with drone drones.

Duskers may not create an impression of a full-fledged survival game, considering that this is a strategy for controlling the fleet of drones inside frightening spacecraft. But the reason why you explore them are to collect composite parts and fuel, as well as fix and improve your drones so that you can continue to travel through space in the hope of finding safety and understand the reason for the inexplicable event, because of which the universe has become uninhabited (non-heated people , at least).

It is really tightening because you have to get involved in increasingly dangerous situations in the hope of collecting enough resources to survive.

Burn with a blizzard wandering gangs of non-chairs and other players in finding medication from their illness in the dark zone of Manhattan.

Status: released in November 2016.

The second addition to The Division gave the players not only new content, but also changes in the game process. Once at the deadly blizzard, the players hit every round, being armed only with a pistol and low-level equipment, and they must go to the dark zone to find a medicine and evacuation point.

Meanwhile, they need to survive terrible cold, enemy gangs and a couple of dozen other players who are in the same difficult position.


Online game Survival genre with zombies and Eastern European setting.

Status: Early Access Mode.

Yes, many players have already been tired of waiting when the multiplayer zombie Survival will finally leave the early access mode, and the fact that Dayz roots goes to the Arma military simulator, sometimes confuses newcomers. But at the same time, all the features of the genre in DayZ are fulfilled: a complex nutrition and health system is out of the framework of the usual set of regular snacks and dressing wounds.

Here you are waiting for food and resources in the detailed open world, stressful interactions with other players, the creation and modification of weapons, and, of course, attempts to stay alive as longer as possible: after death, it will have to begin all over with empty hands.

Stressful and terrible survival game with multiplayer and mutants.

Status: Early Access Mode.

At first glance, this is one of the days of Dayz, which in recent years has been divorced quite a few, but miscentated over time turned into a high-quality multiplayer game with excellent graphics (the game is created on the CryenGine engine). At the beginning we only get a flashlight and a couple of items of clothing, and then we will find the search for weapons and supplies in empty houses and on military bases. It is worthwhile here not only wild animals and mutants, but also other survivors.

Terraria in space.

StarBound offers both flights to distant galaxies and the construction of their small farm, thus combining the elements of a strained survival adventure and unhightened pastime. Pixel two-dimensional open world is interesting to explore, and during the game you are waiting for meetings with peaceful NPC aliens and battles with incredibly living bosses.

There is a competent plot campaign with additional quests, and you can pass it at a tempo convenient for you - the game does not hurry. You can play StarBound with friends on separate servers, or inviting them through Steam to your own passage.


Dicks run through the forest and beat each other with stones.

Status: Early Access Mode.

Combine or fight with other players (or try to survive alone), at first using primitive workers of labor and weapons and with time reaching the firearms and buildings of large bases. As enemies here are wild animals, hunger and thirst, but the game is sharpened precisely under constant interactions between people, so the main danger will come from dozens of gamers connected to the same server.

Rust still experiments with the gameplay (recently removed the levels of characters and a system set system), and we are very interested in what it will lead to.

Build, destroy, fight with monsters.

You may have heard about it. Minecraft modes do not consider: single, "creative", cooperative (with friends or random players), research mode, or a game in any of the thousands of mods on special servers.

Survival elements here and to this day look fine: we are talking about well-developed hunger and thirst systems, as well as incredibly well-thought-out kraft systems and construction. Immerse yourself in this wonderful cubic world and you will not want to leave it.

The guy who survived in a plane crash raised the tribe of cannibals.

Status: Early Access Mode.

Send from under the wreckage of a broken aircraft, you will very soon find that you are not alone. The company on the mysterious island you will be creepy cannibals. And while you are trying to search for food and resources, as well as build simple tents and log houses, passing the traps for animals, you will have to defend from the evil and hungry local population. The Forest uses the Unity 5 engine, which provides a chic visual row and effects.

Minecraft, side view.

Wonderful, fascinating (not to mention the fact that inexpensive) Survival-sandbox. Explore arbitrarily generated worlds, collect resources and enjoy a simple, but pleasant crafting system. Purse through huge caves, fight the monsters, communicate with the friendly NPC, build your refuge and play alone or in a cooperative with friends. For the development of Terraria, not one year left, but the game eventually sustained the time check.

Survival in harsh conditions with an emphasis on the skill system and battles between players (PVP).

Status: Early Access Mode.

Let you not confuse the bright style of graphics - Hurtworld much more serious than it seems. If you manage to survive the first few hours of ladders, fights with mutants and other players, then you can build your first base and repair a car found in the district (if, of course, you will collect the necessary details).

Special attention is paid here to weather influence - for example, during the snowfall a piece of meat in a backpack will be frozen, and not turn. And it is quite nice to see some concerns in the game, which usually does not forgive mistakes, for example, after death and revival, all weapons remain with you.

The struggle for survival in the city, torn by part of the war.

This War Of Mine gives us the opportunity to look at the war not from the eye of a brave soldier, but from the point of view of ordinary people trying to survive terrible events - the game is different from other representatives of the survival genre of the permeating atmosphere of despair and hopelessness. In an attempt to preserve both the physical and spiritual health of the surviving group, you will constantly face a series of difficult elections.

You are waiting for tense nightlings in search of food and supplies, and whatever you find it will always be enough. This is not just a survival game, this is a hard and truthful look at the very essence of the war.

Conditionally free multiplayer Survival-jellis.

Status: Early Access Mode.

Unturned is far from classic conditionally free games. Her creator (teenager) since 2014 has managed to release more than 150 updates for this survival sandbox, populated zombies, and that is why the game has such popularity - from the moment of the first appearance in Steam it has already downloaded it several million times.

Despite not the most pleasant visual part, Unturned carries deeply developed crafting systems, skills and survival; And in bonuses you can record a huge and discovered project audience.

Sometimes life is very boring. What do we do in this case, gamers? Right, sit down for some interesting toy. But it happens that I want to play in simulator of Life - At least in order to see if it is interesting to live at least in virtuality. If anyone does not know - the classic example of a life simulator is The Sims. But this is not the only game of this type. There are all simulators of dansy (Many of which pass with a rating of 18+), which we will also talk about.

It is believed that only girls play the game of this genre. But this is at least not quite right. Just male gamers somehow somehow confess that they spend time for such "non-serious" projects. Of course, gutting monsters - much more serious, and in general, purely male occupation. However, enough entry - let's move to our top 10 simulators of life. Go!

10. Singles. FLIRT Up Your Life!

What Singles.? This is something like The Sims, but here our goal is to establish the personal life of characters. All the games of this series have a rating of 18+, for it is very well worked out the whole ... Let's say the process. And the development of relations, and their climax, and all the characters are made very well and in terms of their characters, and from the point of view of anatomy. There are several games in the series, and we recommend familiar with them by everyone - after all, this is a very high-quality date simulator, which will probably enjoy many.


Game OT Firefly Studios.. If anyone is not aware, then Fireflies»Developed a notorious strategy Stronghold. And here they made an unusual project again - a combination of a strategy and simulator of life. From the strategy there is all familiar elements like the development of the base, hostilities (if you are not in peaceful, but in a military campaign), but with a simulator of life everything is somewhat more interesting. We have several characters on the basis, each with their own character, skills and preferences. They do not always get along with each other, many love to "be shown", and, worth it to offend someone, as the effectiveness of work on the base. In general, too easy here will not be here, but it is interesting - for sure. Add to all of the above very good humor - and get one of those projects that are better not to skip.

8. Virtual Villagers.

This game has five parts. We manage here (truth, not directly) the life of one tribe that lives on a nameless island somewhere in the tropics. Each of our wards have their own character, and make them do what we need is not a lung task. Perhaps someone will not want to climb into the cave (he, you see, afraid of darkness). And the other, on the contrary, will put himself danger during swimming with sharks (well he loves water, nothing can be done). And for everyone you need to follow, develop your settlement, make it comfortable and pass - to achieve your goals. In total, the game has as many as five parts (not counting the various addons), so there is something to play here.

7. Viva Pinata.

Surreal and funny toy about growing piling. What pinyata.? Actually, this is a hollow figure filled with candy (in Mexico there is a custom to give them to various holidays). There are in the form of animals, people and various fabulous living things. And here they are (in the sense, Pinyata) we must grow. Create certain conditions for them, develop our farm (which at the beginning does not represent anything special), attract new types of our pets. Then we will need to find them a pair, to breed, and "cubs" - to sell. The project is a very funny hybrid of a life simulator and an economic strategy that children will especially like.


Medieval simulator of life. A very unusual and interesting toy in which you can be anyone. Want to be a town-actor? You are welcome. Or maybe you are more like a guard career? Or vice versa, dream of becoming a robbery leader? All these options are available, and it all depends on you, will your protagonist succeed, or not. By the way, all the characters are mortal here, so take care that you have a capable heir who will continue your business. Or, if you want, he can change his career - your business. And by the way, the game has the second part, which is called Guild 2.. Well, the third is in development, and should come out in the second half of 2016. What does it mean - you still have time to go through the first two games.

5. 7 Sins

Do you like sin? No? And why then they blushed so much? Okay, do not confuse, everyone love to sin. So game 7 Sins.Seven sins") Suitable for everyone. Well, everyone who has already been 18 years old. Our hero wants to climb the top of the social staircase, and he will do it, indulging in various sins. Along the way, seduced by another beauty. The gameplay is unusual and in places funny, but we will not tell about it, so as not to spoil you pleasure from familiarizing the game. You can only say that it will have to sin much and often, and we will remember much about the conscience rarely and very long. In general, if you are tired of the need to be good - welcome.


A very interesting project that combines several genres. This is a simulator of life, and sailing yacht simulator, I. economic strategy. You are the owner of a small ship that suits tours of water. Your customers are very secured people, and you will have to work well in order for your business to flourish. You can equip your yacht, buy various items (from a lounger to the hotel), arrange surface and underwater cruises, to search for treasures and other interesting things. The game is unusual, very beautiful and with a truly original gameplay. Be sure to play.


Another MMO project in the style of a simulator of life, and again - with "Strawberry." This is something like The Sims, but on the online version and oriented, first of all, for sex (again). All also - create your own character, and begin to live them. Want to spend time? Go to a party or relax on the beach. Lack of something? Buy a house and arrange it, purchase new things or even change your appearance. Boring? Get friends, or even start meeting (to this the game of you and leads). It is possible that your virtual dating will become real, and through the game you will find new acquaintances. And if you are lucky - then my soul mate.


2. 3Dxchat

Another project from the discharge of 18+. The previous game is an erotic launcher simulator, the disadvantage of which is only one point - it is possible to play there only alone, and the graphics are weak. And if you make a similar thing in the MMO version? Then we do 3dxchat.. Here you are engaged in seducing characters of other players, not computer mobs. The occupation is much more interesting, although more complex. Graphics here is just a top level. If you were looking for a life simulator for adults (I hope you understand what I am), then 3Dxchat is the best of everything you can find. Register, without thinking - the game is really unique, and offers an incredibly realistic simulation slightly (okay, not slightly, but even very) depraved life. Develop your character, look for various adventures on your ... Hmm, head, build relationships with other players - and who knows, perhaps you will transfer them to real life? Trying worth it.

Read more about the game in our review.

1. The Sims.

At the top of our top 10, they were natural The Sims.. The whole series - we decided not to divide it on individual projects. There are also classic life simulators (ordinary person in the usual city), and pets oriented options (something like an advanced Tamagotchi), and even any exotic seems to be a life simulators on a pirate island somewhere on the Caribbean. It is pointless about this series meaninglessly - everyone heard about her who at least once wondered by computer games. You can only say that at the moment there are already several dozen games from this series, among which everyone can find a project to their taste. The main thing is to just look.

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