What chess player left the world champion. From what died the youngest world champion in Chess Ivan Bukavshin. Life in the occupation

Once a few years a new world champion appears in chess. We have collected all the champions in one place and made a small description of everyone.

This article contains a complete list of all world champions in chess. If the article is not relevant - it means that we have not yet managed to add new information. Please email in the comments. Here is a list for faster navigation:

Title Who won Year
1 Chess World Champion 1886 – 1894
2 Chess World Champion 1894 -1921
3 Chess World Champion 1921 – 1927
4 Chess World Champion 1927 – 1935, 1937 – 1946
5 World Chess Champion 1935 – 1937
6 World Chess Champion 1948 – 1957, 1958 – 1960, 1961-1963
7 World Chess Champion 1957-1958
8 World Chess Champion 1960-1961
9 World Chess Champion 1963-1969
10 Chess World Champion 1969-1972
11 World Chess Champion 1972-1975
12 Chess World Champion 1975-1985
13 World Chess Champion 1985-1993
14 World Chess Champion 2006 - 2007
15 World Chess Champion 2007 - 2013
16 Chess World Champion 2013 - n. in.

Chess are played for more than 125 years. For this for a long time, the conditions of the game changed many times, and sometimes even her. Therefore, it is quite natural that the criteria for the establishment of world champions in chess in different epochs also differed. For example, during the time, the tournament stains were simultaneously held in several cities at once. Or, for example, the strongest chess player could not agree to receive a challenge on a chess match from a potential new champion, if, in his opinion, the enemy still does not have enough skills and skills to take the title.

As for today's days, the conditions and criteria for the inclusion of participants in the struggle for the championship rank have changed in many ways. A variety of qualifying tournaments are held in several stages, after which two of the strongest players meet and compete with each other. Well, now consider the list of world champions in chess and short information for each of them about who went through the way to the championship.

1 Chess World Champion

The first chess champion - Wilhelm Steinitz. Place of birth - Prague, year - 1836. Steinitz won this title in 1886, after which he won the party from his main opponent - I. Zukerto. Steinitz created a fundamentally new positional game of chess, and also made his personal great contribution to the development of this area.

V. Steinitz began playing at twelve years, but the young men had no opportunity to show his gift. The first luck in Chess for Wilhelm was the victory over the permanent partner of the game of his father - revered by many rabbi. A seriously future champion began to engage in chess only at the achievement of age 23 years after the end of the Polytechnic Institute in Vienna.

2 Chess World Champion

The second world champion in chess Emanuel Lasker. He was born in Poland in 1868, gained the title of champion in 1894. Lasker was the best player in the entire planet for the entire 27th years. In addition, he is the author of numerous books dedicated to chess.

E. Lasker adopted the love of this amazing game from the older brother Bertold Lasker, starting playing for 12 years. However, really, professionally, the future chess king began to play only during training in the first year of the university. The most powerful sides of the chess player was considered the endgame and positional flair. During his career of the chess player, he challenged a game for several years to engage in philosophical science and mathematics.

He became the champion of the world according to the results of the match, which was held for a long period (from mid-March to the end of May) in 1894 in Philadelphia, Montreal and New York, where, after the 19 parties played, the first champion won the first champion.

3 Chess World Champion

The third champion in chess in the world has become José Raul KapablancaBorn in Cuba in 1888. He won his title, won over Emanuel Lasker during the match, held in 1921. Often they talked about him as an outstanding chess machine, since the capplac was distinguished by brilliant chess equipment. He learned the third champion to play at a four years of age simply in the process of observing the games of his father.

4 Chess World Champion

The fourth world champion in chess became Alexander Alekhinborn in 1892. He studied the rules of the game and the main movement of Alekhin at the age of seven years thanks to the mother and the eldest brother. A. Alekhin was the greatest master of the combination and considered chess art. The chess player achieved the first success during the St. Petersburg tournament in 1909, precisely then at the age of sixteen, the gymnasium from Moscow won and he was awarded the title of Maestro.

A little later, the chess player begins to take part in professional higher-level tournaments. The match for the title of World Champion Alekhin won at Capablana in 1927 (Buenos Aires). After that, he defended his title twice twice, holding him until his death.

5 World Chess Champion

The fifth world champion in chess became Max Eywe.born in 1901 in Amsterdam. He learned the Azam Games at the age of 4, began to act in various amateur tournaments - at twelve years became a member of the Chess Club in Amsterdam. Professionally began to play from 18 years old. The game on the championship Eywe won from Alekhina in 1935, but after two years he again gave way to Alekhina champion title.

6 World Chess Champion

The sixth champion became born in 1911. He first met the game for 12 years, after which he began to engage in books. Numerous victories in the tournaments and the USSR championships put forward a young chess player among the best players of the country and soon showed that M. Botvinnik is ready to challenging the title of world champion.

The match tournament on the champion title took place in 1948 (Hague Moscow), and according to his results, Botvinnik became the winner, ahead of the chess player who took the second place for 3 points. In the process of the tournament, he confidently bypassed all rivals. For achievements in the chess sector, Botvinnik was awarded numerous orders.

7 World Chess Champion

The Soviet chess player was also the seventh champion. He learned the rules of the game through the father aged six years. Means 3 times met with Botvinnik during matches for the world championship. The title of the very powerful chess player of the planet of the meaning was received in 1957, but a year later he gave way to Botvinnik in a revenge match.

Means was the winner of a large number of world Olympiads, European Command Championships, as well as one World Championships.

8 World Chess Champion

The eighth world champion in chess became born in 1936 in Riga. Even from early childhood, Tal showed genius in many ways - at the age of three, he knew how to read well, in 5 - he made multiplication of three-digit numbers, had an amazing memory, after the end of the first class he moved immediately into the third. There were many such achievements in childhood.

Mikhail Tal learned to play chess at 10 years, already in the 16th he becomes the champion of Latvia, at the age of 21 - the Champion of the USSR. Tal has become the youngest world champion, winning this title in 1960 in Botvinnik. Distinctive features of the game Tal was aggressiveness and constant willingness to risk, which allowed him to achieve victory, despite the fact that soon, a year later, he again lost.

9 World Chess Champion

Tigran Petrosyan - Ninth World Chess Champion. It was born in 1929 in Georgia. The boy learned to play at 11 years old, at the age of 16, he becomes the champion of Georgia in chess. Professionally chess player begins to play after moving to Moscow.

The victory over M. Botvinnik Petrosyan won in 1963, he kept his championship rank for a period of 6 years. For achievements in Chess Petrosyan awarded numerous medals and orders.

10 Chess World Champion

Boris Spassky - The tenth world champion in chess. Spassky learned the Azam Games aged 5 years. He first became a member of the Soviet Union championship in 1955, in the same period he was awarded the title of grandmaster (in the 17th). Thus, the chess player at that time became the youngest grandmaster for the whole chess history. The competition for the championship of the Planet Spassky wins Petrosyan in 1969 and keeps the title of the tenth champion for 3 years.

11 World Chess Champion

The title of the Eleventh Chess Champion of Chess received, who was considered by the Wunderkind and the genius. He learned to play at a six-year-old. By the twelve years, Fisher becomes champion of America, in 15 years - international grandmaster. No one before him at such an early age achieved such high results. The world champion Fisher becomes in 1972, after he won the B. Spassky.

12 Chess World Champion

Anatoly Karpov - The twelfth world champion in chess. Chess player born in 1951, learned to play when he was only 4 years old. A strong master became at the age of 15 years, at the age of 18, the chess player became the champion in the youth tournament, the title of grandmaster received in 19. By the moment Karpov became the world champion in chess, he was the winner of a multitude of international competitions. The title of the 12th World Champion he received in 1975. Significantly surpassed others known in the history of chess players by the number of victories, which were obsessed with numerous international tournaments, matches and competitions.

13 World Chess Champion

Famous chess player in the USSR and Russia Harry Kasparov He is the thirteenth world champion in chess. Place of birth - Baku, year - 1963. At the thirteen age, he became the country champion in the youth tournament (in which 18-year-old chess players participated). At the 17th age, Kasparov receives the title of grandmaster. The confrontation of the 12th and 13th champions - Karpov and Kasparov was one of the most powerful for the whole chess history. In total, these two great chess players were held for the world title of a total of 5 matches. As a result, according to the results of the match, which lasted from September 1 to November 10, 1985, the chess player won Karpov with a score of 13:11, which brought him the title of the 13th World Chess Champion.

14 World Chess Champion

Vladimir Kramnik He is the fourteenth world champion in chess. He was born in 1975 in the city of Tuapse (Krasnodar Territory). In 1991, the chess player becomes the world champion in the youth tournament. In the late 90s, the 13th champion of the world of Kasparov himself chose his opponent in the face of Kramnik, who at that time was second in the rankings. Their chess duel took place in 2000, as a result of which Kramnik was defeated and the title of the 14th champion was obtained. After that, in 2004 and 2006, he twice defended his title, defeating Peter Leko and Veselin Topalov.

15 World Chess Champion

Vishvanatan Anand. - A native of India, in the period from 2007 to 2013 he was the world champion in chess, becoming the fifteenth owner of this title. Play Chess Anand taught mother at the age of six, and since then the boy has shown high results in this sport. Already at fourteen years, Anand received the rank of international master, becoming the most young owner of the latter in India.

Quickly moving on the stairs of chess achievements, in 2007 won the World Chess Champion title. The tournament took place in Mexico. In the following years (2008, 2010 and 2012), the chess player confirmed his title. At the moment Anand is the only champion in three different style styles: a knockout system, in a circular tournament and full-time matches with competitors.

16 Chess World Champion

Magnus Karlsen - Norwegian, Sixteenth (and at the moment the last) World Chess Champion. The world title won in 2013, fighting with the fifteenth world champion - Vishvanatan Anand. Play chess The young champion began at the age of five with his father, and seriously became interested in the game at eight, starting to study special literature and play a game for 2-3 hours a day.

Possessing outstanding abilities, Magnus quickly produced professional skills. Specialists predicted Magnus Champion title in 2004. World class grandmasters note that Magnus is not a unique strategist, but his ability to find solutions where others would agree on a draw, and to finely feel the opponent's psychology affects.

So far, it remains the first and only champion at the same time in three categories: a classic game, Blitz and Rapid.

The cold January morning of Bukavan was found dead in the room of Togliatti National sanatorium "Scarlet couple of sa", where coaching fees were walking. Version of doctors - stroke. The version of the investigators is an accident. Verdict of parents - Son poisoned envious. And friends believe that Vanya was killed due to debts in the bookmaker. To unravel the knot, I had to go to Togliatti and meet with those who saw Ivan in a couple of hours before the death, and check the most different versions of the death of a talented chess player - from real to the most insane.

Version number 1. Stroke

Mom Ivan Bukhavna is a 50-year-old woman who is almost like a year does not shoot a black headscarf, shows an SMS message from Ivan. "Mom, Gather, please, first aid kit. Vitamins do not forget, "asks the son.

See ourselves, no serious drugs in the list, "says Elena Bukhavna, - Iodine, Zelenka, leukoplasty, citragon ... he had excellent health. Cardiogram passed before the collection. Doctors joked that you can send into space. What a stroke can be ...

And who established this cause of death? - We ask the lawyer of the bug-free Vladimir Zubkov.

Nurse. Imagine the most common nurse, "says Vladimir. - And the precinct so from her words and recorded, even no one caused the investigators.

There are no investigators - no case. Only six months later, at the request of the prosecutor's office, the case of the death of Bukavan was returned to the investigation, because the evidence, pointing to the stroke, was not enough.

Version number 2. Poisoning

We will make a reservation at once that only parents of Ivan and lawyer believe in it. And that's why. Jewelsecpertiz has shown that the day before the guy took the deadly dose of the drug but-shpa, which fell into the body in liquid form.

There were no traces of alcohol or drugs in the blood, "the family lawyer continues. - But the concentration of but-shops in the stomach, liver, the kidney was simply monstrous. According to the conclusion of the examination, these are concentrations exceeding the minimum fatal several times.

But Vanya himself to eat so many pills could not.

He was dissolved by them in grapefruit juice, which he often drank, - Mother sure.

It turns out that someone came together with Vanya in his room while he was busy, poured crushed tablets into juice and retired. But who? Friends from Bukavanna had a lot, however, as enviously, who did not give peace of the glory of a young successful grandmaster. Bucavshin has won in various chess tournaments from 10 years, received fees. Run a little ahead, let's say that by 21 I killed 1.5 million rubles. Money was on a bank account.

When Ivan died, my mother called one of his rivals, I told her about the death of my son, so she answered me, they say, thank God, "he remembers Elena Bukhatina. - Why did she say so?

In some of their friends-rivals, Ivan's victory was like a bone in the throat. So this time they met, as they say, face to face: Sanan Sugirov, Dmitry Frolianov, Alexander ancestors, Yakov Geller, Igor Lysy and Ivan Bukavshin.

In February, a large tournament was held from the Russian airline, "Friends of Bukatvin are told us on anonymity. - The prize fund - 10 million rubles. All told that Ivan wins. He was already the world champion. Preparing for these competitions. At the fees due to the competition quarreled with Andrei Mitin *. This is another guy who wanted to win. Very swear. But then, Andryukha in a rustling of anger shouted, they say, still you will not participate.

The investigation does not believe in such a coincidence. And the poisoning version does not consider, and works the other - an accident.

Ivan drank the drug, by negligence there was an overdose, which led to an accident, comments the senior assistant to the head of SU SDR in the Samara region Elena Dzheaker.

This can not be, - Elena Bukhavna insists. - he did not accept but-shu.

Version number 3. Debts

We have already said that Ivan on the account was a very decent amount - 1.5 million rubles. Parents and friends of Bukavanov knew about money.

Ivan wanted to buy a good car, "Elena Bukhatina says. - We have agreed. He himself earned - albeit himself and spends, but not for nonsense some.

But time went, and the car did not hurry the car. Chose. And then Mom learned that the son had been betting in the bookmaker's office for half a year.

There was a conversation with him, but he assured me that the rates were small, and he almost does not lose, he recalls mom. - I do not understand anything in the bets, trusted him completely.

But those who have ever encountered gambling, knows how it delays. So Ivan tightened.

His debt in the office was almost a million rubles by the end of last year, "the chess players say. "He became money from the card to shoot, then he left in minus." But I was calm, promised lenders, they say, win 10 million - I will give everything.

In the bookmaker office, Ivan was not particularly "pressed," they knew that the guy was an athlete, responsible, hoped that the money would give, not going anywhere. But not - so they will not be silent, will report to the coach, and this Ivan was afraid most. Suddenly remove from all competitions. After the death of Bukavan, the investigators were taken to study the computer and mobile phone Ivan.

But why die? Maybe just did not want to displaced. After the version with a stroke, the investigation considered another version - suicide, but it assumed that Ivan imposed hands due to unrequited love, and not due to debts.

The Suicide version due to undivided love was originally, but now it is not considered, they explain in the investigative committee. - But the fact that there is a lot of inconsistencies in the case, we know. We work.

* According to the legislation, the name and name of the hero changed.

In 1946, he, at the time of the rank in Portugal, was to meet in a match for the world chess crown with the USSR Champion Mikhail Botvinnik. But the meeting, which I was looking forward to the chess world, did not take place. Alexander Alekhin suddenly died. His death still consider mysterious.

And a chess genius was born in Moscow in 1892 in a wealthy noble family. His father was the leader of the nobility of the Voronezh province, and the mother is a daughter of a textile manufacturer. In 1911, the family moved to St. Petersburg, where Alekhin graduated from the Imperial Institute of Justice and was counted for the Ministry of Justice. In Chess Alekhin learned to play in childhood, and thanks to the phenomenal memory immediately achieved brilliant successes. Already at 13, he won the first prize in the correspondence tournament.

In 1914, he took the third place at the international tournament in St. Petersburg, giving way only the great Lasker and Capalanca. When the First World War Alekhin began in the German mannheim, where the international tournament was held. But soon he was freed, and he managed to return to Russia.

Due to the disease of the heart of the chess player, he was not taken to the army, but Alekhin still went to the front by a volunteer, as an authorized Red Cross. For the salvation of the wounded on the battlefield, he was awarded two Georgiev medals. It was twice short.

After the October coup, Alekhin lost all his property and found himself in Odessa, where he was arrested on charges of ties with the White Guards and sentenced to shooting. However, he was released as a famous chess player at a special request for the Chairman of the Sovnarkom of Ukraine of Rakovsky, who turned out to be a big chess lover. For some time, Alekhin worked as an investigator in the Moscow wanted list, where he was engaged in the search for foreigners who disappeared during the revolution and civil war, worked in the apparatus of the Comintern - the translator. In 1920, Alekhin won the All-Russian Chess Championships. There was a tournament path without defeat: nine victories and six draws. This competition is considered the first official RSFSR championship, and the countertime of the USSR championships is also conducted.

Alekhin even became a candidate for party members.

In May 1921, the chess player sat down to go to a foreign trip. Legally, with the permission of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, he left the USSR to Riga, and then to Berlin and Paris, not yet knowing that it would never come back.

Abroad, Alekhin wheel heating around the world, play a lot. He becomes an unsurpassed Mastery of the simultaneous game on several boards, in New York establishes the world record of the game blindly on 26 boards. According to memories of contemporaries, Alekhin was a versatile and charming interlocutor, he owned six languages. Grossmaster Grigory Levenfish recalled: "Alekhin possessed a phenomenal chess memory ... He could restore a completely game, playing many years ago. But no less surprised his abutation. Many times he left a valuable cigarette card with a closure of a major emerald. Two days later we came to the club, sat down for the board. A waiter appeared and as if nothing had happened to Alekhina Portsigar. Alekhin politely thanked. "

There were Masters and their quirks. Alekhin was a big cat lover. His Siamese Cat Chess (in English means "chess") constantly attended competitions as a talisman. During the first match with Eyva Alekhin forced the cat sniffing the board in front of each party.

He was one of the few chess players for whom the game became a profession. It was Alekhina who meant Vladimir Nabokov, creating a chess genius in his "chess" novel: "Recently, he played a lot and randomly, and especially his tired game blindly, a fairly expensive post-paid view, which he would have given away.

He found a deep pleasure in this, it was not necessary to deal with visible, hears, tangible figures, who were always prevented by His thread, wooden reality, always prevented him, he always seemed coarse, earthly shell of adorable, invisible chessings. Playing blindly, he felt these diverse powers in their original purity.

He did not see the steep hitch mane, nor the fallen heads of the pawns, - but clearly felt that the one or another imaginary square was engaged in a certain focused force, so the movement of the figure seemed to him, as a discharge, like a blow like a lightning, and all chess The field fluttered from the voltage, and he ruled over this tension, gathering there, there is freeing the electrical power ... ".

The dream of the life of Alekhina is becoming a dream about the global chess crown. In those years, the world champion was the legendary José Raul Kapablanca. The bidders tournaments have not yet been conducted - the applicant had to send a personal champion himself to the current champion, which stipulates fear conditions. Conditions of the arrogant cafablane turned out to be the bonded: the applicant was obliged to provide a prize fund of $ 10,000, of which 20% were automatically switched to Cubans as the current champion; The remaining amount was divided between the winner and the losers in the ratio of 60 to 40. In addition, the Russian "fell out the honor" to pay and other expenses related to the holding of the match. Alekhina, with great difficulty, managed to collect the necessary money, and in 1927 the Government of Argentina considered the fight of two geniuses to the prestigious and helped in organizing confrontation.

Kapablaca at that time heard invincible. But Alekhin believed.

Before the match, the Russian grandmaster stated: "I can not imagine how I can win six parties from the capplana, but even less I imagine how the cappalanka will be able to win six parties!". In the victory of Alekhina, few people believed, but there was a sensation: 6: 3 - this was the result of a grueling match.

Alekhina proclaimed a chess genius, which brought theoretical preparation for the parties to the unprecedented height, invented new debuts and became famous for his attacking manner of the game.

Russian emigration picked up. The emigrant writer Boris Zaitsev enthusiastically wrote: "The current gloomy morning was painted with your victory for us. Hooray!

You are now not a Russian queen, but the Russian king. You can walk only on one cell, but from now on, your order is "royal." Russia won in your face. Your example should be refreshment, encouraging every Russian, in whatever area it worries.

Give you the god of forces, health, your art - prosperity. "

But the triumph turned into problems. The newspapers ran the words that Alekhin said: "The myth of the invincibility of the Bolsheviks will dispel, as disappeared the myth of the invincibility of the Capablana." He always tried to refrain from political statements, and therefore, most likely, this fatal phrase was attributed to him. Nevertheless, the reaction in Moscow turned out to be angry. In the magazine "Chess Vestnika" there was a drill article of the head of the Supreme Tribunal of the USSR Nikolai Krylenko: "After speech of Alekhina in a Russian club with a citizen Alekhin, we all are finished - he is our enemy, and only as the enemy, from now on, should be interpreted." The world champion's homeland could no longer return.

But the years went, chess in the USSR became increasingly popular, the real chess chimney was broken. The young masters gained strength, first of all - Mikhail Botvinnik. Alekhin rejoiced to the successes of a national chess school and still hoped to return to Russia. In 1935, the world champion sent a letter to his homeland: "Not only as a long-term chess worker, but also as a person who has understood the enormous importance of what is achieved in the USSR in all areas of cultural life, the seaside greetings of the USSR chess players on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the October Revolution. Alekhin.

But the Second World War soon saved. Alekhin was in Argentina, where the chess Olympiad was going, and called for a boycott of the German team. As the captain of the France national team, he refused to play with the German national team, and the whole team followed his example. In 1940, Alekhin entered a volunteer to the French army and served as a translator, and after the end of the fighting against Germany settled in the south of the country occupied by the Germans.

In France, Alekhin was with his wife, American Jewish origin Grace Vishard.

The grandmaster hinted that if he did not perform, the Grace would have problems. And that this could mean, it was not difficult to guess. Alekhin had to perform in tournaments under the flag with a swastika, playing with German officers, give lessons to chess skills to Governor Governor of Poland Gansu Frank.

In the spring of 1941, a article entitled "Jewish and Aryan chess" was published in the Pariz Zestung newspaper. Alekhina is not lucky again. Editors in the please of the invaders distorted his words, turning a cautious chess player in the fanatical "Shah-Fuhrera". As a result, after the collapse of the Third Reich, European chess players accused Alekhina in collaborationism and declared a boycott.

"I played chess in Germany," then Alekhin justified, "just because it was our only intricacy and, moreover, the price I paid for the freedom of my wife ...".

He tried to return to the global chess orbit, but all attempts to hardly be prelenged to his colleagues. The great chess player had to settle in Portugal, in a quiet estorile.

In his homeland, he was sharper than before, but the path to the Soviet Union was closed. However, in February 1946, in the English embassy, \u200b\u200bhe unexpectedly passed a letter from the USSR from Mikhail Botvinnik: "I'm sorry that the war prevented our match in 1939. I again call you a match for the world championship. If you agree, I am waiting for your answer in which I ask you to specify your opinion about the time and place of the match. "

It is clear that in those days the Botvinnik himself write such a letter to an emigrant abroad could not - it was a special decision of the Soviet authorities. On March 23, FIDE gave consent to the sensational match, but the next day it became known that Alekhin unexpectedly died. His dust was later transported to Paris, where they buried in the Russian cemetery with the inscription on the grave: "Alexander Alekhin - the genius of Chess Russia and France." He became the only champion of the world, deadly unfeese.

In the emigrant circles were convinced that the world champion became a victim of NKVD agents. It is curious that in those years, the Chairman of the All-Union Chess section was the Colonel of the NKVD Boris Weinstein, which Lyuto hated the "White Guard" Alekhina.

However, why was the NKVD to arrange violence over the world champion if the USSR himself decided to initiate his match with Botvinnik?

Alekhina found dead at the Park Hotel Hotel Estoril near Lisbon. In his room, the table remained the dishes, testifying that he had dinner with someone. The newspapers appeared a posthumous shot of a great chess player. He sits dead in the chair, for some reason in the coat, and nearby - a chessboard with placed figures - until the last minute, the master thought about his beloved game ...

According to the official version, the world champion suffocated, allegedly stifled with a piece of meat while eating. However, there were also other versions of death. Why did he have dinner without removing the coat? If he ate, then why the plates are empty? Is it done at all this photo? The son of Alekhina from the first spouse was leaning towards the murder of the father. Doctors who have made an autopsy, subsequently admitted that they wrote what they were dictated, and in fact Alekhin was killed on the eve of the day when his body was discovered. True, one of the doctors spoke of gunshot injury, and the other is about poisoning. It is also known that the Portuguese Catholic priest refused to participate in the burial of Alekhina, since the traces of violent death were clearly noticeable on the face of the deceased.

I did not believe in the official version and Mikhail Botvinnik. In the article dedicated to the Century Alekhina "Genius remains a person," published in the magazine "64 - Chess Review", Botvinnik wrote: "There was a rumor that he died on the street. About 15 years ago B. Subsorob sent me an article from one German magazine - it was reported that the Portuguese police assumed that the champion was poisoned. But if it is so, why after he accepted poison, had to dine or walk? ".

In 2009, a sensational article of some Boris Smolensky was published in one of the Russian-speaking newspapers Chicago.

He said that an employee of a restaurant in Estoril, where Alekhin had dinner, as if he admitted to his relatives to his relatives, that in March 1946 received from two people who spoken with a strong foreign focus, a large amount of money for the fact that he had fallen into the food of the chess player That powder.

What happened in fact in distant Portugal? Alas, the mystery of the death of a great chess player will probably never be revealed. The version of the involvement in her "Cunning NKVD", as we have already written, does not withstand critics.

However, there is another version of his death. As if American special services are involved in Alekhina's death. In the United States feared, which will win Botvinnik, and the global chess crown will swim in the USSR, with which the cold war was already flared up.

Alexander Alekhin, the 65th anniversary of whose death we celebrate this year, is rightly considered a chess legend. He is not only the only world champion in chess, who has gone from life in this rank, but also the owner of the most turbulent and winding biography from all world chess celebrities. In this regard, I would like to say a few words about the events of the last period of his life, which usually silenced or interpreted, namely, about his relationship with Hitler's Germany.

Born in 1892 in the Moscow noble-merchant family, Alekhin entered the global chess elite aged 21, taking the third place after Emmanuel Laskener and José Raul Capablana, at the Petersburg tournament of 1914. The Bolshevik Revolution almost cut off his career at the very takeoff. In the autumn of 1918, he moved from Soviet Moscow to the Russians of Odessa. After taking Odessa red in April 1919, Alekhin was arrested by the CC and sentenced to shooting. From the right to death, he was saved only the intervention of one of the Bolshevik Bons, who was fascinated by chess. The liberated and returned Alekhin was there in 1920. The CC is secondaryly arrested on suspicion of what is an employee of Denikin counterintelligence. Newly freed and decided to more than experience the fate of Alekhin in 1921 with his wife, the Swiss journalist, managed to escape from Soviet Russia to Latvia. From there, he headed to Germany, from which a few months later moved to France, where she settled, having received French citizenship in 1925.

In 1927, Alekhin won the match for the title of world champion in the Raul Kapalans who was considered invincible Jose and then dominated competitions for several years, winning the largest tournaments of his time with a great advantage over rivals. Twice (in 1929 and 1933) Alekhin defended the title in matches against Efim Bogolyubova, in 1935 lost Max Max Ave, but in two years he won the match-revenge and kept the title of world champion until death.

Alekhin with his Siamese Cat Chess

Upon returning Alekhina to Paris after the victory over the Capabalanka in 1927, a banquet was arranged in Russian club. The next day, in some emigrant newspapers, articles were published, where the speech of Alekhina was quoted, which wished to "... The myth of the invincibility of the Bolsheviks was dispelled, as the disappeared the myth about the invincibility of the Capablana." Soon the article of Nicholas Konlengko appeared in the magazine, which said: "After speech Alekhina in a Russian club with a citizen Alekhin, we all are finished - he is our enemy, and only as the enemy, from nowhere, should interpret it." However, the relationship between the Alekhin and Soviet authorities was not interrupted - the question of its possible arrival at the tournament to Moscow or the match with the leading chess player of the USSR Mikhail Botvinnik was periodically discussed. The agreement with the latter was achieved in 1938, however, the events broke out soon abolished the plans of the parties.

Alekhin in the late 1930s

In 1939, the elder brother Alexander Alekhina Alexey was shot in the USSR. About the fate of his sister, also remaining in Soviet Russia, Alekhin could not get any information. When the Second World War began on September 1, 1939, Alekhin was in Argentina, where he participated in the Chess Olympiad as part of the French team. In January 1940, he returned to France and after the attack on her Germany entered a volunteer to the French army as a translator. After the end of the fighting, he left the occupied German territory and settled in southern France. At this point, Alekhina's cooperation with the German authorities begins. In an interview, this is a few later Spanish press, he mentioned the sessions of the simultaneous game, which he had already given in the winter of 1940-1941 in Paris in favor of the German army.

In early 1941, Alekhin wrote a series of articles under the general title "Jewish and Aryan Chess", which were published from March to July in the German newspapers published in France and the Netherlands - "Pariser Zeitung" and "Die Deutsche Zeitung in Den Niederlanden", and Then reprinted in the "Deutscha Schachzeitung". This series of articles had a subtitle - "A psychological study of the world champion of the Chess Champions of Dr. Alekhina, showing the lack of conceptual strength and courage from Jews." Their basic idea was to oppose the offensive Aryan style of the game of a defensive Jewish, based on the waiting for the error of the opponent. Here are some excerpts from them:

What are the Jewish chess and what is the concept of Jewish chess? It is easy to answer this question: 1. The material benefit by all means. 2. Adaptability. The adaptability, brought to the extreme, which seeks to exclude the slightest possibility of potential danger and drags the idea (if you can use the word "idea") of protection as such here. With this idea, which in any form of struggle is equivalent to suicide, Jewish chess in the light of the real future dug their own grave.

Are the Jews nation, especially talented in chess? Having thirty-year experience by the shoulders, I dare to answer this question as follows: Yes, Jews have the highest abilities to use their mind and practical surrender in chess. But the Jew, which would be a true artist in chess, never existed.

During the response match with Eyve in 1937, the collective chess Jewishness was again excited. Most of the Jewish masters mentioned in this review were present as reporters, coaches and seconds on the side of Eyve. By the beginning of the second match, I could no longer deceive myself: I fought not with Eyve, but with the united chess Jewishness, and my decisive victory (10: 4) was a triumph over the Jewish plot.

As samples of Aryan chess players, Alekhin led, among others, Chigorina, Bogolyubova and Capalane, as samples of Jewish - Stains and Lasker. After the war, Alekhin argued that the articles were distorted by German editors, but there are evidence that in 1956 their texts written by His own hand were found in the things in his wife. In addition, the authorship of Alekhina is confirmed by two interviews given by the Spanish press in September 1941 before leaving for Munich on a European chess tournament. In one of them, he stated that his series of articles was the first in history attempt to consider chess from a racial point of view. In another, he mentioned his intention to read a number of lectures on Aryan and Jewish chess. On the question of the most distortion of the chess players, he, in particular, answered: "I will especially note the greatness of the Capabalanka, who was called upon to overthrow the Jew of Lasker from the world chess throne."

An excerpt from the article

In the Munich European Chess Tournament in September 1941, in which Alekhin participated as a representative of the Vichi France, his table was decorated with a flag with a swastika. In Munich, Alekhin divided the second and third place with Eric Lundin. In October 1941, he divided the first place with Paul Schmidt on the 2nd Chess Governor-General Championship in Krakow-Warsaw, and in December won the championship in Madrid. In June 1942, Alekhin won a chess tournament in Salzburg, in September 1942 - European Chess Championship in Munich. In October 1942, Alekhin won the 3rd Chess Governor-General Championship in Warsaw-Lublin-Krakow, and in December of the same year, he divided the first place at the tournament in Prague with Klaus Jung. In March 1943, he divided the first place in the tournament with Efim Bogolyubov, in April, he won in Prague, and in June, he divided the first place in Salzburg with Paul Keres.

Alekhin gives a session of a simultaneous game in Munich in 1941

In addition, Alekhin several times gave sessions of the simultaneous game for the Wehrmacht officers. Special patronage was provided by a great chess lover Dr. Hans Frank, Governor-General Occupied Poland, with whom Alekhin also played several parties. In 1942-1943 Its main residence was Prague. From the end of 1943, Alekhin lived mainly in Spain and Portugal, taking part in chess tournaments as a representative of the Third Reich.

(It should be noted that the circumstances of the German period of the life of Alekhina, as, however, and other periods of its periods are presented in a completely fantastic form in the Soviet biographical film about the great chess player "White Snow Russia" (1980). In general, Alekhin performed by Alexander Mikhailov It looks like a brown alcoholic, only and dreaming about returning to Soviet Russia (from which he actually barely escaped alive and in which he was killed by his brother) and not can do it only because of his own malignancy and external circumstances. In the fiction of Soviet scenarios, Playing in Germany Alekhin was forced whether under the fear of execution, or for food cards, so as not to die from hunger.)

The end of the Second World War found Alekhina in Spain, from where he moved to Portuguese Estoril in January 1946. In chess circles, the boycott campaign was launched against him and hurt his cooperation with the Germans, but in February 1946 he received a challenge from Botvinnik to the match still before the war and answered agreement. On March 23, 1946, the FIDE Executive Committee decided to hold an Alekhin-Botvinnik in London in London in August, but the next morning Alekhin was found dead in his hotel room. According to an official medical conclusion, he died of asphyxia caused by a bifhtex chungy, while a number of newspapers indicated the cause of death by angina or heart failure.

Scene of death

It is not surprising that the version immediately appeared that Alekhin was killed by the French, who revenge on him for collaborationism, or by Soviet agents. The second assumption looks quite believable. The possible defeat of the leading Soviet chess player, the Jew of Botvinnik, from the emigrant-anti-Sovetchik, Anti-Semita and Nazi collaborators of Alekhina would cause significant damage to the prestige of the USSR. In order to prevent it, the NKVD agents could poison the world champion, stinging then death from a natural reason. This version has many supporters, including the Son Grandmaster, Alexander Alekhina Jr.. Even if the true cause of the death of Alekhina will never be a well-known, the fact that the legendary chess player left the life of the universe.

Moscow, 1 Dec - R-Sport.Norwegez Magnus Karlsen defended the World Chess Champion title, Beating a challenger of the Russian grandmaster Sergey Karjakin in New York.

The first official match for the world championship in Chess took place in 1886. From now on, it is customary to count the official title "World Champion of Chess".

In the 1990s, a split of the chess movement occurred. In 1993, the world champion of the world Harry Kasparov and the challenger Nigel Short (England) accused FIDE in corruption, came out of FIDE and founded a professional chess association (PSH).

For some time, there were two chess world champion at the same time: according to FIDE, and according to PSH. In 1996, PSH has ceased to exist as a result of the loss of the sponsor, after which the champions of the PSH began to call the "World Classic Chess Champion", and the title was passed on the system when the champion himself took the challenger's challenge and played a match with him.

Wilhelm Steinitz (1836-1900)from Austria-Hungary - the first world champion in chess (1886-1894), a chess theorist. The world champion is officially proclaimed after the victory in the match with the German chess player Johann Zuckers (1886). In the 1980s, the XIX century developed the theory of the positional game in chess. The largest successes of Stainy - Victory in Matches with German Adolf Andersen (1866), Russian Mikhail Chigorin (1889, 1892), British Isidore Gunsberg (1890-1891), Russian Emmanuil Schiffers (1896) and in international tournaments: Vienna, 1873 and 1882 ( together with Shymon Vinatener); New York, 1894. In 1894, Steinitz lost the match for the world's championship German Emanuel Lasker. Since 1873, the steinets led the chess section in the English magazine "Field", and moved to America, founded in 1885 the magazine "International Chess Megazin".

Emanuel Lasker (1868 1941) - German Chess player, Second World Champion (1894 1921), Ph.D. and Mathematics. Lasker held his championship record for the history of chess period - 27 years. From 1907 to 1910, four challengers tried to challenge his championship title: Frank Marshall (1907), Zigbert Tarrash (1908), David Yanovsky (1909, 1910) and Karl Schlechter (1910). Winner of international tournaments in New York (1893, 1924), St. Petersburg (1895 96, 1909, 1914), Nuremberg (1896), London (1899), Paris (1900), etc. In 1934, 1936 lived in the USSR, emigrating from fascist Germany, and performed as a representative of the USSR at international tournaments. The last years of life spent in the United States.

José Raul Kapablanca (1888 1942) - Cuban Chess player, Third World Champion (1921 1927). The largest successes of the Capa Balanki: Winning Match at the World Emanuel Lasker Champion, the first prizes at International Tournaments in San Sebastian (1911), London (1922), New York (1927), Moscow (1936) and together with Mikhail Botvinnik in Nottingham (1936). Since 1962, international Capablanca Memory Tournaments are held in Cuba.

Alexander Alekhin (1892 1946) - Russian chess player, the fourth world champion in chess - since 1927 (after the victory over the Capabalanka) to 1935 and since 1937 (after the victory over Max Eyve) to 1946. In 1921, emigrated to France. Alekhin is a representative of the Russian chess school Alexander Petrov and Mikhail Chigorina. Brilliant combination chess player, global record holder on the game "blindly". Alekhin is the only chess player who died, being the current world champion.

Makhgilis (Max) Eywe (1901 1981) - Netherlands chess player, fifth world champion in chess (1935 1937). Alexandra Alekhina defeated, but then lost the match Revenge. International Grandmaster (1950) and International Arbitrator (1951). Multiple champion of the Netherlands. Winner and prize-winner of a number of large international tournaments in 1923 1958. In 1940, 1950, one of the challengers on the title of world champion; In 1948 - the participant of the match of the world championship in the world, in 1953 - the tournament of applicants. In 1970, 1978, the President of the International Chess Federation (FIDE).

Mikhail Botvinnik (1911 1995) - Soviet chess player, sixth world champion in chess, Doctor of Technical Sciences. First Grandmaster of the USSR (1935), International Grandmaster (1950), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1945). World Champion (1948 1957, 1958 1960 and 1961 1963). Six-time Champion of the USSR (1931 1952). The author of valuable analyzes in the field of the theory of the Debut and the Endshpil. Developed a method of preparation for competitions used by several generations of chess players. Having completed sports speeches in 1970, he was engaged in the problems of artificial intelligence, he worked on a Computer Chess Program "Pioneer", led the youthful chess school of sports society "Labor", where future world champions Anatoly Karpov, Harry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik were engaged in different years.

Vasily meaning (1921-2010) - Soviet chess player, Grandmaster of the USSR (1941), Honored Master of Sports (1948), International Grandmaster (1950), Seventh Chess Champion in 1957-1958 (in matches for the world championship, met three times with Mikhail Botvinnik: In 1954 - Draw , In 1957 - Victory, in 1958 - defeat). Champion of the USSR (1949). Member of the World Match Tournament in 1948 (2nd place after Botvinnik). He performed as part of the USSR national team on nine chess Olympiads in 1952-1972 and at the European Championships in 1957-1973. Means - the author of several books on chess, including on the theory of debuts and endgames: "Guide for beginner chess players" (1951), "In search of harmony" (1979), "Theory of Otina Endings" (1985), "Chess Creativity Chronicles" (1993) and "My Etudes" (2001). He became the first laureate of the Life - Chess Prize named after the outstanding chess player of the XVII century Joakino Greco (established by the Association of Chessters Italy in 1988).

Mikhail Tal (1936 1992) - Soviet chess player, the eighth world champion in chess (1960 1961), International Grandmaster (1957), Honored Master of Sports (1960), Six-time Champion of the USSR (1957, 1958, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1978), tournament winner: Interzonal (1958 ), applicants (1959), international - in Zurich (Switzerland, 1959), Bled (Slovenia, 1961), Hastings, (United Kingdom, 1964, 1974), Sarajevo and Palma (about. Mallorca, 1966) Tallinn (Estonia (1971, 1973), Mikhail Chigorin's memory in Sochi (1973), etc. In 1960, 1970, the editor of the Chess magazine (Riga). Won the first informal world championship in Blitz in 1988, who beat the current champion of the Kasparov world and Execlazy Karpov.

Tigran Petrosyan (1929-1984) - International Grandmaster (1952), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960), Ninth Chess Champion (1963 1969), Philosophical Candidate. Champion of the USSR (1959, 1961, 1969, 1975). Headup editor "Chess Moscow" (1963 1966), editor-in-chief of the weekly "64" (1968 1977).

Since 1987, team youth tournaments of Petrosyan in Moscow are held. In 1987, the memory medal of Tigran Petrosyan was established by the Spartak Chess Club of Armenia.

Boris Spassky (born 1937) - Soviet and French chess player, International Grandmaster (1955), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1965), Champion of the USSR (1961, 1973), World Champion among young men (1955), Tenth World Chess Champion (1969 1972). The winner is over 20 major international tournaments. His championship match in 1972 with an American Robert Fisher called an unprecedented excitement and was considered as a confrontation of the Soviet and Western worlds. I was marked by a number of scandals and was on the verge of a breakdown, but still was completed - Fisher's victory.

Robert James (Bobby) Fisher (1943-2008) - American chess player, international grandmaster (1958), the eleventh world champion in chess (1972 1975). Multiple US Champion (1957-1970), winner of international tournaments in Argentina (1960), in Monaco and Yugoslavia (1967), in Israel and Yugoslavia (1968), in Yugoslavia and Argentina (1970), interzal tournaments in Sweden (1962) and Spain (1970). He headed the US team at World Olympiads 1960, 1962, 1966, 1970. At the same time, Fisher was famous for his difficult character. In 1975, after the organizers did not fulfill one of the conditions nominated by Fisher, he refused to take part in the match for the championship title with Anatoly Karpov and stopped participating in international tournaments. FIDE in 1975 deprived Fisher of the world champion. In 1992, he played a commercial match with Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, despite the ban of the US government. Fisher won over 3.3 million dollars and was declared in his country a person Non Grata. Later he moved to a permanent place of residence in Japan. In July 2004, he was arrested at Tokyo International Airport when he was attempted to leave the country by the American Passport authorities. The Japanese authorities agreed to free Fisher after he refused American citizenship and received the citizenship of Iceland, where chess enjoy greatly popular. The international chess journal "Chess Informant" recognized Fisher's "the best chess player of the 20th century," putting it above Harry Kasparov and Alexander Alekhina.

Anatoly Karpov (born 1951) - Soviet and Russian chess player, International Grandmaster (1970), Honored Master of Sports (1974), Twelfth Chess World Champion (1975-1985), Three-time World Champion FIDE (1993, 1996, 1998), two-time world champion in the USSR national team ( 1985, 1989), six-time winner of chess Olympiads in the USSR national team (1972, 1974, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988), three-time champion of the USSR (1976, 1983, 1988). In 1975, FIDE announced Anatoly Karpova World Chess Champion after refusal from the match of the world's world champion Robert Fisher. Karpov turned out to be the only champion in the history of the world, who not only received the title, without playing a match or tournament for the world championship, but also did not play with the previous champion not a single party.

In 1994, I installed a record, first in history defeating a hundred chess competitions (the previous record belonged to Alexander Alekhina - 78 won tournaments). Anatoly Karpov - a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, is the author of 59 (of which 56 on chess topics) of books, collections and textbooks published and translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "64 - Chess Review" (1980-1992) and the Encyclopedic Dictionary "Chess" (1990).

Harry Kasparov (born 1963) - Soviet and Russian chess player, International Grandmaster (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1985), World Champion among young men (1980), Champion of the USSR (1981, 1988), Champion of Russia (2004). The thirteenth in the history of Chess World Champion (1985-1993). He was the initiator and creator of several chess organizations: the International Association of Grassmasters (1988), a professional chess association (PSH, 1993). Disagreeing with FIDE politics, on February 27, 1993, Kasparov and who won in the contendent cycle Nigel Short announced that they would hold their match without the participation of FIDE and under the auspices of the new organ - a professional chess association (PSH). FIDE as a result, excluded Kasparov from their rating sheets and canceled his world champion title. Under the auspices of PSHA, Harry Kasparov won the title of world chess champion in the match against short in 1993 and defended him in 1995 against Vishvanatan Ananda. In 2000, Kasparov lost to the match Vladimir Kramnik and lost the title of world champion in chess. In 2005, Kasparov said that he leaves professional chess in order

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