Folk games for children of the 2nd junior group. Card index of folk games. Game environment structure

Russian folk game "Rucheyok"

Target: Teaching walking, mindfulness, and team play in a playful manner.

Description: Children become pairs, holding hands. You need to raise your hands up so that you get a “house”. Pairs of children stand behind each other, gradually moving forward. Something like a “stream” is formed, which constantly flows.

One person comes to the beginning of this stream, passes under the raised hands of the players and snatches one of the players from the main mass by the hand, taking him with him to the end of the stream, becoming its last link. The next pair of players stands in the vacated place, and the vacated player goes to the beginning of the stream and does the same thing - he walks under the hands of the players, snatching the person he likes from the stream by the hand and leading him to the very end of the stream.


Depending on the size of the playing area, playing pairs walk with an even, confident step straight or in a circle. At the teacher’s signal (hand clap, whistle), the first pair, bending down, enters the “corridor” from their hands.

Russian folk game "Cabbage"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on cue, the ability to coordinate movements with words, practice running, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: A circle is drawn - “vegetable garden”. Hats, belts, scarves, etc. are placed in the middle of the circle. This is cabbage. All participants in the game stand behind a circle, and one of them is chosen as the owner. He sits down next to the cabbage. “The Master” depicts with his movements what he sings about:

I'm sitting on a pebble, playing with small pegs.

I play with small pegs,

I will build my own vegetable garden,

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

They didn’t come to the garden

Wolf and fox, beaver and chicken,

The hare is mustachioed, the bear is clubfooted.

The players try to quickly run into the “garden”, grab the “cabbage” and run away. Whoever the “owner” catches is eliminated from the game. The participant who takes away the most “cabbages” is declared the winner.

Rules of the game: You can only run after the words “toed bear.”

Russian folk game "Grandfather Horn"

Target: Develop, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice running.

Description: Children choose Grandfather according to a counting rhyme.

By God's dew,

Along the priest's lane

There are cones, nuts,

Honey, sugar

Get out, Grandpa Rozhok!

The selected Grandfather player is assigned a “house”. The remaining players move 15-20 steps away from this “house” - they have their own “house”.

Children: Oh, Grandpa Rozhok,

Burnt a hole in my shoulder!

Grandfather: Who's afraid of me? Children: Nobody!

Those whom he insulted catch those playing with him. As soon as the players run from house to house and the driver and the assistant take their place, the game resumes.

Rules of the game: the game continues until there are three or four uncaught players left.

Russian folk game "Frogs in the swamp"

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal and practice jumping on two legs.

Description: The banks are outlined on both sides, and there is a swamp in the middle. There is a crane on one of the banks (beyond the line). The frogs sit on hummocks (circles at a distance of 50 cm) and say:

Here from a wet rotten place

Frogs jump into the water.

They began to croak from the water:

Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke

It will rain on the river.

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the hummock into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that are on the hummock. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught. The game resumes.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Target: Develop, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice walking in a chain.

Description: A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the goal. The remaining players take on each other so that a chain is formed. All the children say:

Ay, people, ay, people,

We intertwined our hands.

We raised them higher

It turned out beautiful!

It turned out not simple,

Golden Gate!

The gate players say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them. Children - “gates” say:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

With these words, hands drop and the gates slam shut. Those that are caught become additional gates. The "Gate" wins if they manage to catch all the players.

Rules of the game: The game continues until there are three or four uncaught players left; you need to lower your hands quickly but carefully.

Tatar folk game “Tatar fence”

Target: teach joint action; develop the ability to navigate in space.

Game description: one subgroup of children stands along the hall, at a distance of 1 step from each other, takes hands and raises them above their heads, says the words:

“Wait, hang, my cabbage!

Hang on, hang on, my little fork!

How can I keep the cabbage from curling up?

How can I not get tangled with a fork!”

The children of the second subgroup, holding hands, run like a snake around the players of the first subgroup. Methodical instructions: players of the first subgroup cannot be touched.

Then the subgroups change. (Repeat 2 times)

Mordovian folk game “Trunk Running”

Target: strengthen balance skills; walking and running at varying speeds.

Game description:

The words are spoken:

"White birch,

Black Rose,

fragrant lily of the valley,

Fluffy dandelion

Blue bell.

Turn! Don't stop!”

Children walk along the beam (gymnastic bench), accelerating the pace of movement, then run along the bench at a fast pace, slowing down, start walking and gradually stop. (Repeat the game 2-3 times)

Guidelines: do not push, keep your distance.

Russian folk game "Game"

Target: Develop in children the ability to act on a signal, independently choose movements, practice forming in a circle, walking with a change of direction.

Description: Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

At Uncle Tryphon's

There were seven children

Seven sons:

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

At once they did as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best becomes the leader.

Rules of the game: When repeating the game, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.

Russian folk game "Horses"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running with high knees, walking, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: The players scatter across the entire court and, at the teacher’s signal, “Horses” run, raising their knees high. At the signal "Kucher" - normal walking. Walking and running alternate. The teacher can repeat the same signal in a row.

Artistic word:

Hop-hop! Well, gallop!

You fly, horse, soon, soon

Through rivers, through mountains!

Still, gallop - gop-gop!

Trash-trash! Trot, dear friend!

After all, it will be strength to restrain, -

Trot, trot, my dear horse!

Trash-trash! Don't stumble, my friend!

Rules of the game: You can run only after the word “catching up.”

Russian folk game "Jump rope"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice jumping on two legs and the ability to play in a team.

Description: One of the players takes the rope and unwinds it. Low to the ground. The rest jump over the rope: the higher, the greater the income and wealth.

Before the game starts, the following words are said:

So that the spikelet may last long,

So that the flax grows tall,

Jump as high as possible.

You can jump above the roof.

Rules of the game:

Whoever touches the rope is eliminated from the game.

Russian folk game "Red Nose Frost"


Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them the players are located. The driver stands in the middle of the platform - Frost-Red Nose.

He says:

I am Frost the Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, another driver is chosen. Rules of the game: You can only run after the word “frost”. “Frozen” players do not move from their place.

Russian folk game "Grandma Yozhka"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running with dodging, jumping on one leg, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: Children form a circle. The driver, Grandma Ezhka, stands in the middle of the circle, holding a “broom” in her hands. The players are running around and teasing her:

Grandma Hedgehog - Bone Leg

Fell from the stove, broke my leg,

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

She went outside -

Crushed the chicken.

I went to the market -

She crushed the samovar.

Grandma Hedgehog jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a broom. Whoever it touches is “bewitched” and freezes.

Rules of the game: The “bewitched” one stands still. Another driver is selected when there are many “bewitched” people.

Russian folk game “Two Frosts”

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a signal and endurance. Practice walking and running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them the players are located. In the middle of the site, from opposite sides, there are two leading frosts - Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Blue Nose.

We are two young brothers, Two Frosts are daring

I am Frost the Red Nose, I am Frost the Blue Nose,

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. The frosts catch up with them and try to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, other drivers are chosen. Rules of the game: You can only run after the word “frost”; “frozen” players do not move from their place.

Russian folk game “Clap! Clap! Run away!

Target: Develop, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice running.

Description: The players walk around the playground - picking flowers in the meadow, weaving wreaths, catching butterflies, etc. Several children play the role of horses, which nibble grass to the side. After the leader's words:

"Clap, clap, run away,

The horses will trample you"

several players


“But I’m not afraid of horses,

I’ll ride along the road!”

and begin to jump on sticks, imitating horses and trying to catch children walking in the meadow.

Rules of the game: You can run away only after the word “I’ll get a ride”; the child who is overtaken by the horse is temporarily eliminated from the game.

Russian folk game "Zhmurki"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, learn to navigate in space, and follow the rules of the game.

Description: Children choose one participant and put a blindfold on his eyes. At this signal, those participating in the game rush in different directions, and a child with a blindfold standing in the middle of the playing area tries to catch someone running.

The person who gets caught switches roles with him, i.e., they put a blindfold on his eyes and he becomes a “blind man’s buff.”

Rules: While running, children should still make sure that the one who is blindfolded does not bump into any object; When they see danger, they warn by shouting: “fire”!

Options: The game can be played with a bell, which children pass to each other.

Bashkir game “Equestrian competition”

Target: development of speed; consistency in movements;

Competitive moment.

Game description: players stand in pairs one after another on the same line. The “horse” player stretches his arms back down and takes the “rider” by the hands. On command, pairs run to the finish line, then change (repeat 3-4 times).

Guidelines: couples run straight, without crossing the path of others, without pulling the “rider” too much.

Russian folk game "Keeping Up"

Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice throwing.

Description: Children are divided into two equal teams. Circles with a diameter of about 30 centimeters are drawn along one of the lines, according to the number of players on one team. After this, players of one team line up along a line, placing one foot in a drawn circle. Players of the opposing team stand opposite, at a certain, predetermined distance. Their task is to hit the players of the opposing team with soft balls. The game lasts according to the number of established throws (for example, 5), after which the teams change places. For each hit you can score points. The team with the most points wins.

Rules: During the game, it is forbidden to throw the ball in the face, and players in the circles are prohibited from lifting the leg located in the circle off the ground.

Russian folk game "Hawk"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise children in running in different directions, lining up in pairs.

Description: Children cast lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.

In front of everyone is a hawk who can only look forward and does not dare look back. At this signal, the pairs suddenly separate from each other and run in different directions, at which time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone. The victim, that is, who finds himself in the claws of the hawk, changes roles with him.


While running, children try to throw a handkerchief at the hawk; if they hit it, it is considered “bewitched” and another child is chosen to take its place. .

Russian folk game "Bells"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, attention, exercise children to navigate in space using auditory perception, formation in a circle, round dance movement.

Description: Children stand in a circle. Two people come out into the middle - one with a bell or bell, the other with a blindfold.

All the children say:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:


Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the “blind man’s buff” catches the dodging player.

Rules: Start fishing only after the words “Ringing!” The player who is caught must not run outside the circle.

Options: Children forming a circle can dance in a circle.

Russian folk game "Mother Spring"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise children in walking and forming in a circle.

Description: Spring is selected. Two children form a gate with green branches or a garland.

All the children say:

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has arrived

He spent all the children;

And behind it comes April

He opened the window and the door;

And when May came -

Walk as much as you want!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and into a circle.

Rules: Don't break the chain

Russian folk game "Pie"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice running and the ability to play in a team.

Description: The players are divided into two teams. The teams are pitted against each other. A “pie” sits between them (with a hat on it). Everyone unanimously begins to praise the “pie”:

That's how tall he is,

Here he is, how soft he is,

That's how wide he is.

Cut it and eat it!

After these words, the players, one from each team, run to the “pie”. Whoever reaches the goal faster and touches the “pie” takes it with him. A child from the losing team sits in the “pie’s” place. This happens until everyone on one of the teams loses.

Russian folk game "Malechina-Kalechina"

Target: Develop agility, endurance, coordination of movements, a sense of sports competition.

Description: The players choose the driver. Everyone picks up a stick and says:


How many hours

It remains until evening

Until summer?

After these words, place the stick vertically on the palm or on the tip of the fingers.

The driver counts: “One, two, three... ten!” When the stick falls, you should catch it with your other hand, preventing it from falling completely to the ground. The count is carried out only until the second hand is picked up, and not until it falls to the ground. The one who holds the wand longer wins.

Options: The stick can be held in different ways:

1. On the back of the hand, on the elbow, on the shoulder, on the head.

2. Holding the stick, squat, stand on the bench, walk or run towards the drawn line.

3. Hold two sticks at the same time, one on the palm, the other on the head.

Rules of the game: You cannot support the crippled man with the fingers of your other hand (stick).

Russian folk game “Forged Chains”

Target: Develop in children the ability to act on a signal, practice forming in two lines, and running.

Description: Two lines of children, holding hands, stand opposite each other at a distance of 15 - 20 m. One line of children shouts:

Chains, chains, break us!

Which one of us? - the other one answers

Styopa! - the first one answers

The child whose name was called runs up and tries to break the second line (aims at the clasped hands). If he breaks, he takes into his line the pair of participants that he broke. If he doesn’t break it, then he stands in the line that he couldn’t break. The team with the most players wins .

Russian folk game "Salki"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice jumping on one leg, with advancement, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: Children disperse around the playground, stop and close their eyes. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. The driver, unnoticed by the others, places an object in the hand of one of them. To the words “One, two, three, look!” children open their eyes. The one who got the item raises his hands up and says “I am a tag.” Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, run away from the tag. The one he touched with his hand goes to lead. He takes the object, lifts it up, quickly says the words: “I am a tag!”

The game is repeated.

Rules of the game:

1. If the player is tired, he can jump alternately on one leg or the other.

2. When the tags are changed, the players are allowed to stand on both feet.

3. Salka should also jump on one leg.

Bashkir game “Swallows and Hawks”

Target: develop attention; practice fast running; develop spatial orientation and attention.

Game description: players are divided into 2 teams and stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In one row are “hawks”, in the other are “swallows”. The presenter names one of the teams. The team that was named is catching up with the other. Those caught become prisoners of those who catch them. The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Guidelines: listen carefully to the driver while running away, try not to bump into each other (repeat 3-5 times).

Russian folk game "Weaver"

Target: Develop agility, endurance, coordination of movements. Exercise children in walking and running.

Description: Two ranks, tightly intertwined with arms, stand opposite each other, facing each other. In the middle of the corridor, 2 “shuttles” will run towards each other along the right side of the corridor, each. On command, everyone begins to sing the recitative:

I'm a happy weaver

I can weave famously, famously.

Ay, lyu-li, ah, lyu-li,

I can weave famously, famously!

The ranks in even walls come together and diverge, weaving, at which time the “shuttles” must slip through. If they don’t have time, then they “weave the thread” (weave it poorly). When the “shuttles” have run, they join the “village” and stand in a line.

Rules of the game: Shuttles should not bump into each other.

Russian folk game "Bear"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise children in running in different directions, teach them to navigate in space, and follow the rules of the game.

Description: Participants in the game choose by lot one comrade who is assigned the role of a bear. On one side of the space allocated for the game, there is a small place limited by the line, which serves as a den for the bear.

At this signal, the children rush from one end of the yard to the opposite, and the “bear” catches up with them, trying to touch one of them with his hand, i.e., “grumpy.”

The “greasy” one also becomes a “bear” and is taken to the den. The game continues in this order until there are more “bears” than the remaining participants in the game.

Rules: As the number of the “bear’s” assistants increases, they all go out with him to hunt for prey, are placed in a row, and only those on the edges have the right to catch the players. You must act only when given a signal.

Russian folk game “Gorelochki with a handkerchief”

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal and practice running.

Description: Players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is in front, holding a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

All in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky,

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One two Three!

Last couple run!

The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who reaches the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with it in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns”, i.e. leads .

Russian folk game "Lame Fox"

Target: Exercise children in running in circles and jumping on one leg.

Description: Children choose "Lame Fox". At the place chosen for the game, a fairly large circle is drawn, which includes all the children except the “fox”. At this signal, the children rush to run in a circle, and at this time the fox jumps on one leg and tries at all costs to touch one of the runners with his hand. As soon as she succeeds, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the running children, while the victim takes on the role of the “fox.” The children play until everyone is in the role of a lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first sign of fatigue.

Rules: Children who enter the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line; in addition, the participant chosen by the fox must run only on one leg.


1. Arouse children’s interest in Russian folk games and a desire to play them.

2.Practice in performing basic types of movements through game tasks.

3. Bring joy to children.

4. Develop the ability to act in a team and follow the rules in games.


Baba Yaga costume, broom, 4 stumps, 4 buckets.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: Guys, I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk games!

We're starting the games

We wish everyone good health!

Take part quickly!

Yes, call your friends!

It's time for us all to hit the road!

The game is calling us to visit!

(Baba Yaga enters to the music)

Presenter: Hello Grandmother Yaga! How did you get here?

Yaga: It’s no coincidence that I came to see you today, I’m friends,

I collected a lot of games and brought them in a bag!

Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, what is your favorite game?

Yaga: From all sports life, I love hockey!

I would like a stick and a goal - I'd love to score the puck!

And I also love, friends, to dance until the morning!

Presenter: And our guys also love to dance!

Yaga: Can you dance?

I'll check it now!

Get ready to dance!

(children stand up scattered)

Musical and rhythmic composition

(Baba Yaga shows movements)

Presenter: Baba Yaga, we read in books that your broom has magical powers!

Yaga: Of course! Otherwise, how would I have gotten to you, so far away?

(Baba Yaga holds the broom, and it seems to be torn out of her hands)

Broom, stop!

I'm sorry, what? (listens to the broom) Do you want to play with the guys?

Let's try!

GAME “Flying on the Broom”

Children stand in a column behind Baba Yaga and hold each other by the shoulders. They walk in a straight line or in a “snake” to the music. At the command “stop,” children squat. Baba Yaga catches those who do not sit down.

Yaga: Oh, my little broom, how I love you!

A new game is waiting for you - have fun kids!

GAME “The broom is worried - once...”

(“forest figure freeze in place” - fox, bear, mouse, hare)

Yaga: Let's have a hare race!

Game task “Hare racing”

Children line up in one line opposite the “stumps”

Assignment: after the words One, two, three - don’t yawn!

The hare race begins!

Children jump on two legs up to the stump, the one who jumps first wins.

Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, I see you are tired, right?

Yaga: Yes, I’m a little tired!

I open my bag, who is it? My cat!

(Baba Yaga takes out a toy cat)

Sit on the mat and the cat will play with you!

GAME “The cat dangles the strings”

Forming in a circle, sitting cross-legged.

The cat is winding strings, winding them around a ball “ winding the threads"

The cat is winding the strings around the ball!

Bakes rolls, rolls, rolls! “turn your fists»

Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts! clapping hands

Bakes rolls, rolls, rolls! Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts!

Views, views, views! rotate the cams

I beat the mallets, clap our fists on our knees

I'm nailing it!

Fist on fist

I'm hammering !

Palms are knocking by gender

Yaga: Where is my bag, give it to me!

Help grandma! (addresses the child)

(Baba Yaga takes a fish out of the bag)

I love fish very much, I cook fish soup from it!

Do you know how to catch fish?

GAME “Fishermen and Fishes”

Two children are fishermen, the rest are fish.

Hey you, sprats and bulls!

What do you want, fishermen?

We'll catch you now

And salt in barrels

And we will find a hole

And we will sail away from you!

Children "fishermen" hold each other's hands, children "fish" run "through the nets."

Children caught by fishermen become fish.

Yaga: Well, thank you, friends! I had a lot of fun playing!

I promise I won't do it again

Marina Alexandrovna Larina
Card index of folk games for the second younger group

Card file of folk games for the second younger group.

A folk game is a game implemented on the principles of voluntariness, spontaneity under special conditions of agreement, popular and widespread at a given historical moment in the development of society and reflecting its characteristics, undergoing changes under various influences: socio-political, economic, national.

The peculiarity of folk play as an educational tool is that it is included as a leading component in folk traditions: family, work, family, holiday games and others. This allows an adult to unobtrusively and purposefully introduce children into the world of folk culture, ethics, and human relations. It is no coincidence that the gaming experience of children of senior preschool age certainly includes a variety of folk jokes, game counting rhymes, folk active, comic and other games with peers and adults.

Folk outdoor games influence the development of will, moral feelings, development of intelligence, speed of reaction, and physically strengthen the child. Through the game, a sense of responsibility to the team and the ability to act in a team is developed. At the same time, the spontaneity of the game and the absence of didactic tasks make these games attractive and “fresh” for children. Apparently, such widespread use of folk outdoor games ensures their preservation and transmission from generation to generation.

1. Game “At the Bear in the Forest”

A “bear” is selected and sits to the side. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the “bear”, singing (saying):

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

The bear is sitting

He's looking at us.

The bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us!

The basket tipped over (the children show with a gesture how the basket tipped over,

The bear rushed after us!

The children run away and the “bear” catches them. The first one caught becomes the bear.

2. Game "Geese-swans"

Participants in the game choose a wolf and an owner, the rest are geese-swans. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - a wolf lives under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After some time, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese:

Geese-geese! Ga-ha-ga.

Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes.

Swan geese! Home!

Gray wolf under the mountain!

What is he doing there?

Ryabchikov is pinched.

Well, run home!

The geese run into the house, the wolf tries to catch them. Those caught leave the game. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes a wolf.

Rules of the game. The geese should “fly” all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after saying: “Well, run home!”

3. Game: “The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears...”

Goal: - to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words,

Run, jump on two legs;

The game promotes speech development.

The little white bunny is sitting

He wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears

(Kids raise their hands to their heads and move them like their ears)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

We need to warm our paws.

(Children get up at the last words, begin to rub and clap their hands and shoulders, as if they are warming up)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump...

Skok, skok, skok, skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

(At the last words, the players begin to jump in one place.)

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped... and ran away.

(The teacher claps his hands and the children run away).

4. "Bunny"

Goal: To develop rhythmic hearing, attention, improvisation based on the text of the song.

Progress of the game: Children together with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song and shows the children the movements.

1. Bunny stomp your foot, little gray stomp your foot

Just like that, stamp your foot! (2 times) (children stomp their feet on their belts)

2. Little Bunny, clap your hands, little gray one, clap your hands!

Just like that, clap your hands! (2 times) (children clap their hands)

3. Zainka, turn around, little gray one, turn around,

Turn around like this (2 times) (turns to the sides, hands on the belt)

4. Little bunny, dance, little little bunny, dance!

Dance like this (2 times) (children jump on two legs as best they can)

5. Bunny bow, little gray bow

Bow like this (2 times) (children bow, spreading their arms to the sides).

Directions. The number of verses of the song can be reduced, especially at first. At first you can only take verses 1, 2 and 4.

When repeated, you can perform all the verses. In addition, when the kids know the content of the song well, you can choose a bunny child who stands in the middle of the circle and performs all the movements according to the text of the song. For the role of the bunny, they choose a more courageous and active baby, who will not be embarrassed when performing movements.

With the next driver, you can add one more verse:

Choose a little bunny, choose a gray one!

Like this, choose (2 times).

5. “On a level path”

Goal: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements, observation, activity, and intelligence. Induce a feeling of joy in children.

Progress of the game: Children freely group or line up in a column and go for a walk. The teacher rhythmically pronounces the following text at a certain pace:

On a smooth path,

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

One-two, one-two,

By the pebbles, by the pebbles

By pebbles, by pebbles...

Thump into the hole!

At the words “The children walk along the level path at a pace. When the teacher says: “By the pebbles, by the pebbles,” they jump on two legs, moving forward slightly. When they hear the words “Bang in the hole,” they squat down. “Climbed out of the hole” - and the children rise. Let's repeat the poem again.

After several repetitions, he pronounces another text:

Along a level path, along a level path.

Our legs are tired, our legs are tired.

This is our home, this is where we live.

At the end of the text, the kids run into the house (they agree in advance where the house will be - on a bench, behind a drawn line, etc.).

6. "Carousel"

Goal: To teach children to speak at a fast and slow pace, coordinate movements with the words of a poem, and respond to a verbal signal. Develop attention and navigation skills.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. Holds a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take hold of the ribbons, the teacher moves with the hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. The teacher says:

Barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, and then everything runs, runs, runs!

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,

One and two, one and two, the game is over!

The children stop.

7. "Cap"

Goal: to teach children to hold hands and perform movements according to the text of the game.

Progress of the game: Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say according to the text:

Cap, cap

Thin legs

Red boots

We fed you

We gave you something to drink

Put on my feet

They forced me to dance.

Dance as much as you want.

Choose whoever you want!

When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are said, the circle narrows, then the children disperse back again, forming a large circle, and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle chooses a couple and the children dance to the music.

8. “Red Nose Frost”

Goal: developing the ability to perform characteristic movements; exercise children in running.

The teacher stands opposite the children at a distance of 5 meters and says the words:

I am Frost Red Nose. Full of beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest. Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies! Girls and boys!

(Children go to meet the teacher halfway.)

I'll freeze it! I'll freeze it!

The teacher is trying to catch the children - they will “hares.” The children run away.

9. “Sun and Rain”

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

How to play: Children sit on chairs. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children are running around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home! - run to the teacher under an umbrella and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk,” and the game repeats.

The sun is shining stronger

Shines into our room

We clapped our hands

Very happy about the sun!

(children jump, dance, clap their hands)

It's raining, it's raining faster!

Everyone under the umbrella quickly!

(Run under the umbrella).

Goal: Development of auditory attention

One participant in the game stands in a circle and closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle without holding hands and say:

We gathered in an even circle,

Let's turn around at once,

And how can we say skok - skok - skok! -

The words "Leap - hop - hop!" pronounced by one child at the direction of the teacher. The one standing in the center should recognize him. The one who is recognized takes the place of the driver.

11. “Chicken - Corydalis”

Goal: to train children to quickly respond to the teacher’s signal; exercise children in walking.

Progress of the game: The teacher portrays a “chicken”, children - “chickens”. One child (older) is a “cat”. The “cat” sits on a chair to the side. The “hen” and “chicks” walk around the site. The teacher says:

A hen came out - a crested chicken, with yellow chicks,

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko, don’t go far.”

Approaching the “cat”, the teacher says:

A cat lay down on a bench by the path and dozed...

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

The “cat” opens its eyes, meows and runs after the “chickens”, which run away to a certain corner of the site - the “house” - to the mother hen. The teacher (“chicken”) protects the “chickens,” spreading his arms to the sides, and says at the same time: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!” When the game is repeated, the role of “cat” is assigned to another child.

12. "Bubble"

This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys hold hands and form a circle. Before the game starts, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Next, they “inflate” the bubble, that is, they move apart, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance-bubble is “inflated” until one of the round dance participants, unable to withstand the tension, lets go of their hands. This means the bubble has burst. The game is accompanied by the following text:

Blow up, bubble,

Puff up big!

Blow up, hold on

Don't rush!

13. “The mice dance in circles”

They choose a “cat”. The rest of the children are mice. The “cat” stands in the middle of the round dance and pretends to be asleep. The mice dance in a circle and say:

“The mice dance in circles,

And the cat is dozing on the stove.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Vaska the cat will wake up,

It will break up the whole round dance!”

After this, the “cat” hunts the “mice”. The greasy “mouse” becomes a new “cat” and the game is repeated from the beginning.

14. “Vanya is walking”

Goal: learn to stand in a circle, sing along to songs, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Progress of the game: Children and the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and say the words:

Vanya walks, Vanya walks,

In the middle of the circle

Vanya is looking, Vanya is looking,

For myself, my friend

I found Vanya. Found Vanya

For myself, my friend

One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself with the words: I found Vanya, Vanya found a friend for himself.

Standing in a circle, they dance, and the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the teacher changes the leader, and the game continues.

15. “Round dance”

Purpose: to teach children to dance in a round dance; practice squats.

The children pronounce the words behind the teacher. Holding hands, they walk in a circle.

Around the rose bushes, among the herbs and flowers

We circle and dance around, oh, we are merry people!

We were so dizzy that we fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, perform squats.

Folk games for preschoolers


The culture of every nation includes the games it creates.
For centuries, these games have accompanied the everyday life of children and adults, developing vital qualities: endurance, strength, dexterity, speed, and instilling honesty, justice and dignity.
Russian folk games have a history of thousands of years:
they have survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions.
In addition to preserving folk traditions, games have a great influence on developing character, willpower, interest in folk art among young people and developing physical culture.


A folk game is a game implemented on the principles of voluntariness, spontaneity under special conditions of agreement, popular and widespread at a given historical moment in the development of society and reflecting its characteristics, undergoing changes under various influences: socio-political, economic, national. The folk game, being a phenomenon of folk culture, can serve as one of the means of introducing older children to folk traditions, which, in turn, represents the most important aspect of the education of spirituality, the formation of a system of universal values; In the current situation of social development, turning to folk origins and the past is very timely.
The folk game contributes to the development of the necessary moral qualities in children of senior preschool age, always in conjunction with qualities related to physical, mental, labor and other aspects of culture. A wide variety of games can be used to develop a culture of communication in children of senior preschool age. Thus, by including a folk game in the educational process, the teacher unobtrusively and purposefully introduces children into the world of folk culture, teaching children the culture of communication.
The peculiarity of folk play as an educational tool is that it is included as a leading component in folk traditions: family, work, family, holiday games and others. This allows an adult to unobtrusively and purposefully introduce children into the world of folk culture, ethics, and human relations. It is no coincidence that the gaming experience of children of senior preschool age certainly includes a variety of folk jokes, game counting rhymes, folk active, comic and other games with peers and adults.
Folk outdoor games influence the development of will, moral feelings, development of intelligence, speed of reaction, and physically strengthen the child. Through the game, a sense of responsibility to the team and the ability to act in a team is developed. At the same time, the spontaneity of the game and the absence of didactic tasks make these games attractive and “fresh” for children. Apparently, such widespread use of folk outdoor games ensures their preservation and transmission from generation to generation.
Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor; the movements are precise and imaginative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children counting rhymes, drawing lots, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic significance and constitute the most valuable, undeniable gaming folklore.
The main condition for the successful introduction of folk outdoor games into the lives of preschoolers has always been and remains deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, as well as pedagogical guidance methods. The teacher, creatively using the game as an emotional and imaginative means of influencing children, awakens interest and imagination, achieving active performance of game actions. Folk games, in combination with other educational means, represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. This is the relevance of the topic of my work.

Goal of the work: introducing children to the folk culture of the peoples of Russia.
Using folk games in your work, it is necessary to simultaneously implement the following tasks:
Introduce folk holidays included in the Russian folk calendar; with the history of their occurrence; cultivate a desire to adopt and preserve folk traditions.
Develop coordination of movements, muscle tone, artistic skills.
Contribute to the development of initiative, organizational and creative abilities.
A well-known saying: if you want to know the soul of a people, take a closer look at how and what their children play with. The game accompanies a person from the cradle. Scientists have long noticed that it is children's games that help visually imagine hoary antiquity. Much of what was characteristic of everyday life has disappeared over the centuries, but something has been preserved only in children's games.

Folk games are a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions and have great educational power. Unfortunately, folk games have almost disappeared, so the teacher’s task is to make this type of activity a part of children’s lives.
The practical significance of this card index lies in the fact that it creates conditions for the revival of folk games and helps to make children’s leisure time meaningful and useful.

TARGET: introducing children to folk culture and the culture of the peoples of Russia.
1. Introduce folk holidays included in the Russian folk calendar; with the history of their occurrence; cultivate a desire to adopt and preserve folk traditions.
2. Develop coordination of movements, muscle tone, artistic skills.
3. Contribute to the development of initiative, organizational and creative abilities.

At Grandma Malanya's.
Children dance in a circle, saying:
"At Malanya's, at the old woman's,
Lived in a small hut
Seven sons
Seven daughters
All without eyebrows
With noses like these,
(show with gestures)
With beards like this,
They all sat
Didn't eat anything
They did it like this..."
(reproduce the actions shown by the Presenter)

The participants of the game are divided into 3-4 subgroups. Each subgroup forms a circle at the corners of the site. A chair is placed in the center of each circle, on which a scarf with patterns is hung. Children hold hands, walk in a circle around the chairs, sing and say:
We are funny guys.
Let's all gather in a circle,
Let's play and dance
And let's rush to the meadow.
At the end of the singing, the children line up in one common circle. Holding hands, they jump and move in a circle. When the music ends (or at the signal “Build a tent”), the children quickly run to their chairs, take scarves and pull them over their heads in the form of a tent (roof). The first group to build a “Tent” wins.

A “stump” (chair) is placed in the center of a large circle, and pegs (or toys representing vegetables) are placed in the circle. All players stand behind a circle. The “gardener” sits on a stump and “plays the pegs”, while saying:
I'm sitting on a stump
I play with small pegs,
I'm planting a vegetable garden.
With the end of the words, the players try to quickly run into the garden and carry away the pegs (“vegetables”). The child touched by the “gardener” is eliminated from the game. The one who collects the most pegs wins.

Roll a loaf.
One of the children is blindfolded, then turned several times around its axis and, continuing to turn, they sing:
Roll a loaf
Turn around, come on,
To the forest - to the frolic,
I'll go into the garden,
I will break the fence,
I'll dig up the ridges.
Speak, blind man,
Where are you heading?
The “blind person” must guess and name the place where he is turning his head. For example, to a wall, to a window, etc. If he guesses correctly, another participant takes his place.

Storks and frogs.
Children are divided into two groups: “storks” and “frogs” - and are located on opposite sides of the site. Storks stand on one leg, and Frogs jump towards them with the words:
You stand on one leg
You're looking at the swamp
And we're having fun, jump and hop,
Catch up with us, my friend!
The storks are catching up with the frogs. Next time the children change roles.

The players line up in a circle and choose a “drake” and a “duck”. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and sing:
The drake was chasing a duck
The young duck was chasing:
“Go home, little duck,
Go home, gray one!”
The Drake walks clockwise inside the circle, and the Duck goes counterclockwise outside the circle. When the singing ends, the drake catches the duck in a cat-and-mouse game. Having caught the “Duck”, the Drake brings her into a circle and kisses her on the cheek.

Burn clearly.
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. In the middle is a child with a handkerchief in his hand (leading). First, the children walk in a circle to the right, and the driver waves his handkerchief. Then the children stop and clap their hands. The driver moves in leaps and bounds inside the circle. When the music ends, they stop and turn to face two children standing in a circle. Then the players sing in chorus:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
One two Three!
To the words “One, two, three,” the children clap their hands three times, and the driver waves his handkerchief three times. After this, the two guys, opposite whom the driver stopped, turn their backs to each other and run around the circle. Everyone tries to run first to take the driver’s handkerchief and lift it up.
The game is repeated.

Burn, burn clearly. (2)
The children line up pair by pair. The driver takes the lead. He is not allowed to look back. Everyone sings:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky -
Birds are flying, bells are ringing!
When the song ends, the children standing in the last pair separate and run around those standing in pairs (one on the left, the other on the right). They try to grab hands in front. The driver, in turn, tries to catch someone running. The one who is caught becomes the first pair with the driver, and the one left without a pair becomes the new driver. If a pair of runners manages to connect before the driver catches anyone, then this pair takes the lead, and the game continues with the same driver.

Children stand in a circle. One child is selected in advance - a raven. (he stands in a circle with everyone).
Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!
There is a mountain on the mountain,
(children walk to the center of the circle in fractional steps)
And on that mountain there is an oak tree,
And there are craters on the oak tree.
(children walk back with the same step, expanding the circle, and leaving the “raven” in the center)
Raven in red boots
In gilded earrings.
(the raven dances, the children repeat his movements)
Black raven on an oak tree,
He plays the trumpet.
Turned pipe,
Gold plated,
The pipe is fine,
The song is complex.
With the end of the song, the “raven” runs out of the circle, everyone closes their eyes. The raven runs around the circle, touches someone's back, and stands in the circle. When the song begins, the child who is touched becomes a raven.

The players choose the owner and the buyer - the devil. All the rest are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and, so that the buyers do not hear, names it to the owner. Then the owner invites the buyer. The devil comes up, taps his stick on the ground and speaks to the owner:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's come?
- I am the devil with horns, with hot rapids,
He fell from the sky and fell into a pot!
-Why did you come?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For the red one.
If there is no red paint, the owner says:
- There is no such thing. Go home. Along your own curved path.
If there is paint, the owner says:
Jump on one leg along the red carpet
Find the red boots.
Diarrhea, diarrhea
And bring it back!
At this time, the red paint runs away. And the devil is trying to catch up with her.

The guys grab each other by the waist and stand in single file along the spring stream. Everyone sings:
The fontanel overflowed,
Golden horn. Wow!
The key spilled,
White, snowy. Wow!
Through mosses, through swamps,
On rotten decks. Wow!
Then they try to jump over the stream sideways without touching the water. But at the same time, everyone interferes with his neighbor. The one who touches the water is eliminated from the game.

The rooks are flying.
Children stand in a circle. One goes to the middle and sings:
The rooks are flying,
They trumpet all over Rus':
We are bringing spring!

He raises his hands up, showing how the rooks fly.
They're flying! They're flying! - the children shout and raise their hands
Cranes are flying
They are shouting all over Rus'.
No one can catch us!
They're flying! They're flying! – the children shout and raise their hands.
The piglets are flying
The stripes squeal.
Oink oink oink
We're tired of being in the barn!
They’re flying, le... - some children make a mistake and raise their hands up. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Further, you can name other birds and animals.

The presenter takes the ring in his hands. All other participants sit on the bench, fold their palms into a boat and place them on their knees. The leader goes around the children and puts his hands in each one’s hands, while he says:
I’m walking along the hill, carrying the ring! Guess, guys, where the gold fell?”
The presenter quietly places a ring in the hands of one of the players. Then he takes a few steps away from the bench and intones the words:
Ring, ring,
Get out on the porch!
Who will leave the porch,
He will find the ring!
The task of the player who has the ring in his hands is to jump up from the bench and run away, and the children sitting next to him must guess who has it hidden and try, holding it with their hands, not to let this player go. If the player with the ring fails to escape, he returns the ring to the leader. And if he manages to escape, he becomes the new leader and continues the game

Raven (2).
The Raven and the Hare are chosen. The rest of the children are bunnies. They cling to the Hare, stretching out in a long chain and say:
We go around the Raven,
We carry three grains each.
Some have two, some have one,
And Raven - nothing!
The raven sits on the ground and picks it with a stick. The hare approaches him and asks:
-Raven, Raven, what are you doing?
“I’m digging a hole,” Raven answers.
-What do you need a hole for?
-I'm looking for money.
-What do you need money for?
-I’ll buy a sitchika.
-What do you need a sitchik for?
-Sew a bag.
-Why do you need a bag?
-Place pebbles.
-What do you need pebbles for?
- Throw them at your children!
-What did my kids do to you?
- They came running to my garden
Luchik and machik were dragged!
And a turnip and a mint -
Stomp your heels!
Kar-r-r! - the raven shouts and rushes at the bunnies, and the hare protects. The little bunny that is pulled out of the chain by a raven becomes a new raven.

A circle is drawn - a vegetable garden. In the middle of the circle, the players place their hats, belts, and scarves, representing cabbage. All participants in the game stand behind the circle, and one of the children, chosen by the owner, sits next to the cabbage. The owner, showing his imaginary work with his movements, sings:
I'm sitting on a pebble
Chalk pegs I tease / 2 times
I will build my own vegetable garden,
So that the cabbage is not stolen,
They didn’t go to the garden
Wolf and fox
Beaver and marten
Bunny with a mustache
Thick-footed bear.
The guys are trying to quickly run into the garden, grab the “cabbage” and run away. Whoever Kozlik touches with his hand in the garden no longer participates in the game. The player who takes away the most cabbage from the garden is declared the winner.

Wolf and sheep.
The players choose a wolf and a shepherd, everyone else chooses sheep. The shepherd stands in the middle of the meadow with a stick in his hands. Sheep graze near him. The wolf is hiding behind a tree. The shepherd sings:
I'm herding sheep near the river
The wolf is behind the mountain, the gray one is behind the steep slope.
He prowls day and night, looking for my sheep.
But I'm not afraid of the wolf. I’ll defend myself with my bat,
I’ll fight back with a poker.
“I’ll go and sleep!” - says the shepherd, lies down and pretends that there are no sheep, and sings:
I graze, I graze until the evening,
There’s nothing to take home!
The gray wolf came
Have you knocked down my sheep?
And I fell asleep and lost my breath!
The shepherd begins to look for the sheep, taps his stick on the ground and says: “Here is a wolf’s trail, here is a sheep’s trail..”
He approaches the wolf and asks:
-Wolf, have you seen my sheep?
-What are they?
- Little white ones.
- We ran along the little white path. (the sheep with blond hair run away from the wolf to the shepherd) Then the wolf says, “Let’s run along the little black path,” and the sheep with dark hair run away.

Baba Yaga.
According to the counting, Baba Yaga is chosen. Then a circle is drawn on the ground. Baba Yaga picks up a branch - a broom - and stands in the center of the circle. The guys run around in circles and tease:
Grandma Yozhka - bone leg,
Fell from the stove and broke my leg
And then he says:
-My leg hurts.
She went outside
Crushed the chicken.
I went to the market
She crushed the samovar.
I went to the lawn
I scared the bunny.
Baba Yaga jumps out of the circle on one leg and tries to touch the children with her broom.

A participant is selected - depicting a flower. The rest of the guys are divided into 2 groups - guards and bees. The watchmen, holding hands, walk around the flower and sing:
Spring bees
Golden wings
Why are you sitting?
Are you not flying into the field?
Al will rain on you,
Is the sun baking you?
Fly over the high mountains,
Behind the forests are green.
On a round meadow,
On an azure flower.
The bees try to run into the circle, and the guards, now raising and lowering their hands, interfere with them. As soon as one of the bees manages to penetrate the circle and touch the flower, the guards who were unable to protect the flower scatter. The bees run after them, trying to sting and buzz in their ears.

Golden Gate.
One pair of players join hands and raise them up, forming a gate. The remaining participants in the game, holding hands, walk through the gate in a chain and chant:
Mother Spring is coming,
Open the gate.
The first of March has come -
He brought all the children.
And behind it comes April -
He opened the window and door.
And when May came -
Walk as much as you want now!
After letting everyone through several times, the players forming the goal ask each one which side he chooses - right or left.
Divided into 2 teams, everyone makes up new pairs and holding hands, raising them up, stand in a row behind the goal. One of the players, who does not have a pair, enters the gate, and they sing to him:
Mother Spring is walking
Alone through the fields and forests
Saying goodbye for the first time
Any other time is prohibited
And we won’t miss you the third time!
Then he uses the edge of his palm to separate the hands of the standing couples. The resulting 2 teams measure their strength - tug of war.

The players choose a participant representing a woodpecker. The remaining players approach the tree with the woodpecker and sing:
A woodpecker walks across the arable land,
Looking for a grain of wheat,
I couldn’t find it and I’m pounding the bitches,
A knock is heard in the forest.
After this, the woodpecker takes a stick and, counting to himself, knocks on the tree the intended number of times. Whichever player is the first to correctly name the number and run around the tree as many times becomes the new woodpecker and the game is repeated.

Zarya - Zaryanitsa.
One of the guys holds a pole with ribbons attached to a wheel. Each player takes up the tape. One of the players is the driver. He stands outside the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing a song:
Zarya - Zaryanitsa, red maiden,
She was walking across the field and dropped her keys.
The keys are gold, the ribbons are blue.
One, two - not a crow
And run like fire!
With the last words of the game chorus, the driver touches one of the players, he throws the ribbon, the two of them run in different directions and run around the circle. Whoever grabs the left ribbon first wins, and the loser becomes the driver. The game is repeated.

A circle is drawn. According to the counting, Yerykalische is selected. They put on a mask of a terrible monster. He stands in a circle. The rest are running around and chanting:
Eco miracle, miracle - yudo,
Sea Bay - Erikalische!
Eco miracle, miracle - yudo,
From Gorinov's oak - a lame abomination!
Suddenly, the player portraying Erikalische jumps out of the circle and, jumping on one leg, catches the children running around. Whoever he catches, he takes captive into a circle and rests. Then they tease him again, and Erikalische, together with the captive player, jumps on one leg and catches the rest. The game continues until Yerykalische and his assistants catch all the children.

Grandfather Mazai.
The players choose Grandpa Mazai. The remaining participants agree on what movements that indicate work they will show him (threshing, reaping, etc.), they approach Grandfather Mazai and sing:
Hello, grandfather Mazay,
Get out of the box!
We won't say where we were
And we’ll show you what they did!
After these words, everyone depicts with their movements the work that they agreed on. If Grandpa Mazai guesses right, the children run away and he catches them. Whoever catches it first becomes the new grandfather Mazai and the game repeats. If he doesn’t guess, he is shown another job.

The thief is a sparrow.
A gardener and a sparrow are selected. The rest of the players form a circle and join hands. The gardener goes to the middle of the round dance, the sparrow remains behind the circle. The children dance in a circle and the gardener sings:
Hey thief sparrow
Don't peck my hemp
Not mine, not yours, not your neighbor’s.
I'm for that hemp
I'll break your leg.
The gardener runs to catch a sparrow. Children let a sparrow into the circle and release it, but the gardener can only catch it outside the circle. At the same time everyone sings:
Our little sparrow
In a gray army jacket
Doesn't go into an open field
Doesn't bite hemp
Snooping around the yard
Collects crumbs.
Having caught a sparrow, the gardener changes places with it, or a new gardener and sparrow are selected, and the game is repeated.

One of the players portrays an owl, the rest - mice. The owl calls out: “Morning!” and immediately the mice begin to run and jump. The owl shouts: “Day”, the mice continue to move. The owl says: “Evening!”, then the mice begin to walk around it and sing:
Oh, you little owl,
Golden head
Why don't you sleep at night?
Are you still looking at us?
The owl says "Night". At this word, the mice instantly freeze. The owl approaches each of the players and tries to make them laugh with various movements and funny grimaces. The one who laughs or makes any movement is eliminated from the game. The one who doesn't laugh stays in the game.

The players choose a leader, sit around him and sing:
Horses, horses, my horses,
We sat on the balcony
We drank tea, washed cups,
In Turkish they said:
-Chab – chalyabi, chab – chalyabi.
The cranes have arrived
And they told us: “Freeze!”
And who will die first?
He'll get a bump on the forehead.
Don't laugh, don't chat,
And stand like a soldier!
As soon as the last word is sung, everyone falls silent. The driver tries to make each of the children laugh - with movements, funny grimaces. If one of the players laughs or says a word, he gives the driver a forfeit. At the end of the game, each of the participants redeems their phantom: at the driver’s request, they perform various actions (sing, read a poem...)
Blind Man's Bluff.

The players choose a participant portraying a cat, blindfold him with a handkerchief - he is the blind man's buff - lead him to the door and sing:
Come, cat, to the threshold,
Where is the sour cream and cottage cheese!
Turn around five times
Catch the mice, not us!
After these words, everyone runs away, and the cat looks for them. Children dodge, squat, walk on all fours (however, you cannot hide or run very far!). If the cat comes close to any object that can be hit, he is warned by saying: “FIRE!” . When the blind man's buff cat catches one of the children, he takes his place, and the game is repeated.

The players stand in a circle, each participant, without leaving his place, spins. At the same time everyone sings:
Grind, grind the mill,
The millstones are turning!
Shallow, shallow, go to sleep
And stuff them into bags!
At the last word of the song, everyone must stop and stand still. Whoever falls or fails to stop in time leaves the game, the rest repeat the song and spin around again. The most enduring one remains in the circle. he wins.
They play in winter. Children stand in a circle. The driver comes out to the middle. He jumps on one leg and pushes a piece of ice in front of him with the other. They sing to him:
Captain, captain,
Don't hit your feet with ice,
On crooked boots!
Your nose is knotty
Head with a bow,
Back with a box!
To this the driver answers:
I jump along the path on one leg,
In an old shoe,
Over stumps, over hummocks,
Over the hills, over the slides.
Bang! By the minks!
With the last words, the driver tries to hit the players’ feet with a piece of ice. The children jump, missing the piece of ice. Whoever the piece of ice touches becomes the new driver and continues the game.

One of the players picks up the ball and sings:
Olya, Kolya, green oak
White lily of the valley, gray bunny
Give it up!
With the word “Drop it!” throws the ball up strongly. Whichever player is the first to catch it on the fly sings the same game chorus and tosses the ball.

The players choose two. One is blindfolded with a scarf, the other is given bells. Then they lead a round dance around them:
Tryntsy - bryntsy bells,
The ends are gilded.
Who plays the bells -
The blind man's buff won't catch him!
After these words, the player with the bells begins to ring them and walk in a circle, and the blind man's buff tries to catch him. As soon as the blind man's buff catches him, they are replaced by other players, and the game continues.

Children sit in a row and fold their palms into a boat. The driver places his palms in the palms of each participant in the game. To one of them he must quietly leave a “ring” - a ring, a pebble, a nut, which is squeezed between his palms. At the same time they sing:
I'm walking along the bench
I bury the gold ring -
In mother's mansion,
Under Father's castle.
You can't guess, you can't guess!
I can’t tell you, I can’t tell you!
Those sitting answer:
We've been wondering for a long time
We have been looking for a ring for a long time -
Everything is behind strong locks,
Behind oak doors.
Then one of the players tries to guess who has the hidden ring. They say to him: “The ring rolled from the red porch - along the barns, through the cages, through the barns, through the entryway. Find the golden ring! If he finds it, they run around the shop with the one who had the ring. They run in different directions. Whoever comes running first becomes the driver.

A lark sang in the sky,
The bell rang.
Frolic in silence
I hid the song in the grass.
Children stand in a circle and sing. Lark - a driving child with a bell moves in hops inside the circle. At the end of the song he stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says: “Whoever finds the song will be happy for a whole year.” The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game is repeated.

Roll a loaf
Close the eyes of one of the children, turn them around several times and chant:
Roll a loaf
Turn around, come on,
To the forest-curoles.
I'll go into the garden,
I will break the fence,
I'll dig up the ridges.
Speak, blind man,
Where are you heading?
The child must guess and name the place where he is turning his head. If he guesses correctly, another participant takes his place.

Children sit in a circle. Inside the circle there are two chairs with their backs facing each other. They choose a leading gentleman, he walks inside the circle.
The gentleman walks in a round dance,
The master is looking for a girl.
(The master takes one of the girls by the hand and leads her into a circle)
Children. Found!
Master. Is my girl good?
Children. Good, hard-working, beautiful. Take a seat (The master and the girl sit on chairs with their backs to each other.) One, two, three! (On the count of “three” the master and the girl turn their heads; if they turn in one direction, the master and the girl become a couple; if they turn in different directions, it means no luck)

Hello grandfather Prokop!
Children stand in a circle. They choose Grandfather Prokop, he stands in the center of the circle.
Children. Hello, Grandfather Prokop! (They go to the center of the circle, bow) Are the peas not ripe yet? (They return to their original place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (stomp rhythmically)
Grandfather Prokop. No, it’s not ripe, I just planted it and need some rain.
Children. Rain, rain, there will be a glorious harvest (they raise and lower their hands imitating trickles of rain) Hello Grandfather Prokop! (They go to the center of the circle, bow) Are your peas not ripe? (They return to their original place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (stomp rhythmically).
Grandfather Prokop. No, it’s not ripe, it’s just pouring. It's warm, we need some sun.
Children. Red sun, warm it up, there will be a glorious harvest! (they draw the sun in the air with both hands.) Hello, Grandfather Prokop! (go to the center of the circle, bow) Are the peas not ripe yet? (return to their original place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (stomp rhythmically)
Grandfather Prokop. Ripe! It's time to thresh! (they walk towards each other, imitating threshing peas) Threshed!
Everyone runs away, Grandfather Prokop catches up.

Children stand in a circle, one child squats down in the middle and closes his eyes. Children extend one hand to the center, palm open, and the leader says:
Geese-swans were flying
They were losing gold
And the guys came running
And they collected gold
“Gold” is placed in one of the children’s hands. Children clench their hand into a fist and quickly turn it over. The person sitting in the center of the circle stands up and tries to guess who has the “gold” in his hand. Everyone counts loudly to three. If the driver did not guess correctly, then the child will say “Here is gold!” runs away, and he catches up with him.
Folk games teach children a lot and contribute to the development of dexterity, speed of movement, and accuracy. They teach you to be smart. Of course, these games are a national treasure, and it is important that preschoolers know and love them.

Card index of outdoor games for 2nd junior group

“Walk without hitting” (games with walking and running)

Pins (clubs) are placed in two rows on the floor. The distance between the rows is 35-40 cm, and between the pins of the same row is 15-20 cm. Children must walk or run along the corridor without touching the pins.

“Walk - don't fall” (games with walking and running)

The instructor places a board 25-30 cm wide on the floor, and behind it lays out cubes and bars at a distance of 25-30 cm from one another. Invites children to walk along a difficult path, first along the board, trying not to stumble, then stepping over cubes and bars without touching them.

“Run to the flag” (walking and running games)

Children sit or stand on one side of the room. On the opposite side, at a distance of 6-8 m from them, flags (cubes) are laid out on chairs or on a bench. Children, at the instructor’s suggestion, go to the flags, take them and head to the instructor. Then, at his signal, they run to the chairs, place flags and return back.

"Cat and Mice" (games with walking and running)

Children sitting on a bench are mice in holes. On the opposite side of the room sits a cat, whose role is played by the instructor. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes, and the mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and begins to catch mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in holes (take their places). The cat takes the caught mice to his place. When the rest of the mice hide into the burrows, the cat walks around the room again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

“Birds in the nests” (games with walking and running)

Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room - these are nests. At the instructor’s signal, all the birds fly to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, crouch down, looking for food, and fly again, flapping their arms and wings. At the instructor’s signal, “Birds, go to their nests!” "return to their places.

“Sparrows and the car” (games with walking and running)

Children sit on a bench on one side of the playground - these are sparrows in their nests. The instructor stands on the opposite side. It depicts a car. After the instructor says: “The sparrows have flown onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

At the instructor’s signal, “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests! “The car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into their nests (sit down in their seats). The car returns to the garage - the sparrows have flown.

“Find your house” (walking and running games)

The instructor invites the children to choose houses. These can be chairs, benches, cubes, hoops, circles drawn on the ground. Each has a separate house. At the instructor’s signal, the children run out of the houses, disperse around the playground and frolic until the instructor says, “Find your house! " At this signal, the children run to their houses.

“Walk and don’t get knocked down” (games with walking and running)

Several pins are placed in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children must go to the other side of the room, going around the pins (like a snake) and without touching them.

"Shaggy Dog" (games with walking and running)

Children sit or stand on one side of the hall. One child on the opposite side pretends to be a dog. The children quietly approach him in a crowd, and at this time the instructor says:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see: “Will something happen? "

Children approach the dog. As soon as the instructor finishes reading the poem, she jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog chases them and tries to catch someone and take them home. When all the children hide, the dog returns to its place and lies down on the rug again.

"Tram" (games with walking and running)

3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hands. With their free hands they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The instructor stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the tram moves when the signal is green, when it is yellow it slows down, and when it is red it stops. The instructor raises the green flag - and the tram moves: children run along the edges of the hall (area). If the instructor raises a yellow or red flag, the tram slows down and stops.

"Taks" (games with walking and running)

Children stand inside a large hoop (1 m in diameter, hold it in their lowered hands: one is at one side of the rim, the other is at the opposite side, one behind the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. Through They switch roles for a while.

“Cucumber, cucumber. "(games with walking and running)

Children stand behind a line on one side of the playground. On the opposite side lives a mouse (the instructor or one of the children). Everyone walks along the site towards the mouse and says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

With the end of the words, the mouse begins to catch the running children.

"The Cat and the Sparrows" (jumping games)

Children stand on benches or cubes (height 10-12 cm, lying on the floor on one side of the playground - these are sparrows on the roof. On the other side, away from the children, a cat sits, he is sleeping. “The sparrows fly out onto the road,” says the instructor, and the children jump off the benches, blocks, scatter in different directions. The cat wakes up, he stretches, says “meow-meow” and runs to catch the sparrows that are hiding on the roof. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house.

“We Stomp Our Feet” (walking and running games)

The instructor and the children stand in a circle at a distance of arms straight out to the side. In accordance with the spoken text, children perform exercises:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

We shake hands.

With these words, the children give each other their hands, forming a circle, and continue:

And run around

And we run around.

After a while, the instructor says: “Stop! “The children slow down and stop. When running, you can invite children to lower their hands.

“On a Level Path” (games with jumping)

The children, together with the instructor on one side of the site, mark the place where they will have a home and set off. The instructor pronounces a text, according to which the children perform different movements: walk, jump, squat.

On a smooth path,

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two! (They go.)

By pebbles, by pebbles,

By the pebbles, by the pebbles

In the hole - bang! (They jump.)

On a smooth path,

On a flat path

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

(Children walk and then squat.)

This is our home

This is where we live.

(Everyone runs into the house.)

“From bump to bump” (games with jumping)

On the site, the instructor draws circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm. The distance between them is approximately 25-30 cm. These are hummocks along which you need to get to the other side of the swamp. You can step over the bumps, run across, jump over.

“Through the Stream” (jumping games)

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 15-20 cm - this is a stream. Indoors, you can place two cords on the floor at the same distance from one another. Several children are asked to come closer to the stream and jump over it, pushing off with both legs at the same time.

"Frogs" (jumping games)

In the middle of the site they draw a large circle or lay a thick cord in the shape of a circle - this is a swamp. Frog children are located along the edge of the swamp, and other children sit on chairs placed away from the swamp. The instructor, together with the children sitting on chairs, says the following words:

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs stretched out,

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump with their legs stretched out.

Children standing in a circle jump, moving forward, pretending to be frogs. At the end of the text, children sitting on chairs clap their hands - they scare the frogs; frog children jump over the line - in a swamp and squat down. Then the game repeats.

“Catch and ride” (games with throwing and catching)

An instructor stands opposite the child at a distance of 1.5-2 m from him. He throws the ball to the child, who catches it and rolls it back to the instructor.

“Crawl through - don’t hit me” (games with crawling and climbing)

Children are located on one side of the room. Chairs are placed at a distance of 3-4 m from them, and gymnastic sticks or long slats are placed on their seats. Two or three children must crawl under the sticks, trying not to touch them, crawl to the bench on which the flags lie, stand up, take the flags and wave them, then run back.

“Catch a mosquito” (jumping games)

Children stand in a circle at arm's length, facing the center of the circle. The instructor is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he holds a rod 1-1.5 m long, to which a figurine of a mosquito (made of paper or cloth) is tied with a cord. The instructor circles the cord slightly above the heads of the players - a mosquito flies overhead, the children jump, trying to catch it with both hands. The one who catches a mosquito says: “I caught it.”

“Run like a mouse, walk like a bear” (games with crawling and climbing)

Children sit against one wall of the room. The instructor places two arcs in front of them: the first arc is 50 cm high, behind it at a distance of 2-3 m is the second, 30-35 cm high. The instructor calls one child and invites him to walk under the first arc on all fours, like a bear, i.e. resting on the soles of your feet and palms of your hands. Under the second arc - run like a mouse (on your palms and knees, then return to your place.

"Rabbits" (jumping games)

On one side of the room there are chairs arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle - these are rabbit cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house. In the middle is a lawn where rabbits are allowed to roam. Two or three children stand behind the chairs and, as instructed by the instructor, squat down - the rabbits sit in cages. The guard instructor approaches the cages and releases the rabbits onto the lawn: one after another, the children crawl under the chair and then jump, moving forward across the entire lawn. At the instructor’s signal, “Run into the cages! » return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks" (crawling and climbing games)

Children pretending to be chickens, together with a hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. On the opposite side of the platform sits a large bird. The hen calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, look for food, squat, bend over, and run from place to place. At the instructor’s signal, “The big bird is flying!” “The bird catches the chickens, and they run away from it and hide in the house.

"Hares and the Wolf" (jumping games)

Children-hares hide behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf behind a bush to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. At the instructor’s signal: “The wolf is coming!” " - the hares run away and hide behind the bushes, under the trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them.

You can use small text in the game:

The bunnies are jumping: hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully

Is there a wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

"Little Bunnies" (games with jumping)

All children are bunnies. They are located on a hillock. They can serve as a slide on the site or in the room. Instructor says:

In a field on a hill

The bunnies are sitting

They warm their paws,

They move them.

Children make appropriate movements (clap their hands, move their arms). After some time, the instructor and children say:

The frost has become stronger,

We'll freeze sitting like this.

To warm up quickly,

Let's jump more fun.

Children run down the slide, start running, jumping, and tapping their paws. At the instructor’s signal, they return to the slide.

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks" (crawling and climbing games)

Children pretending to be chickens, together with a hen, are behind a rope stretched between chairs at a height of 35-40 cm. This is their home. On the opposite side of the platform sits a large bird. The hen calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At her call, the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, look for food, squat, bend over, and run from place to place. At the instructor’s signal, “The big bird is flying!” “The bird catches the chickens, and they run away from it and hide in the house.

“Knock down the mace (pin)” (games with throwing and catching)

A line is drawn or a rope is placed on the floor or ground. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from it, two or three large clubs are placed (the distance between them is 15-20 cm). Children take turns approaching the designated place, pick up the balls lying nearby and roll them, trying to knock down the club. After rolling three balls, the child collects them and gives them to the next player.

Mice in the Pantry (crawling and climbing games)

Children stand behind chairs (benches) or sit on them on one side of the playground - these are mice in holes. On the opposite side, at a height of 40-50 cm, there is a rope stretched, behind it is a storage room. An instructor playing the role of a cat sits to the side of the players. When the cat falls asleep, the mice sneak into the pantry, crawling under the rope. In the pantry they find treats for themselves, squat down, chew crackers, run from place to place to find something tasty. The cat wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run away from the pantry (they crawl under the rope) and hide in holes (the cat does not catch flies, she only pretends that she wants to catch them). Having not caught anyone, the cat returns to its place and falls asleep. Game continues.

“Toss and catch” (games with throwing and catching)

One child or several children take a ball and stand in an empty place on the court. Everyone throws the ball directly above their head with both hands and tries to catch it. If the child cannot catch the ball, he picks it up from the floor and throws it again.

Children stand on one side of the hall or playground behind a drawn line or a placed rope. Everyone, at the instructor’s signal, throws the balls into the distance. Everyone should notice where their ball fell. At the instructor’s signal, the children run to their balls, stop near them, and raise the balls above their heads with both hands. The instructor marks those who threw the ball the farthest. After this, the children return back behind the line.

"Get in the Circle" (throwing and catching games)

Children stand in a circle at a distance of two or three steps from a large hoop or circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m lying in the center. They have bags of sand in their hands, at the instructor’s signal they throw them into the circle, at the same signal they come up and pick up the bags and return to their places.

Throw Over the Rope (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on chairs along one wall of the hall. A rope is stretched at a height of approximately 1 m from the floor. A 3 m long rope with weights at the ends can be hung on the backs of two adult chairs or on jumping racks. At a distance of 1.5 m in front of the rope, a cord is placed on the floor. Near it lie one or two balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm. One or two children come up to the cord, take the balls and throw them, run under the rope; Having caught up with the balls, they return back.

“Find your place” (games for spatial orientation)

Each player chooses a house for himself - a place where he can hide. Indoors it can be a chair, bench, cube; You can draw circles on the area. The children are in their places. At the instructor’s signal, they run out onto the site and run easily in different directions. At the signal “Find your place! "return to their places.

“Find what’s hidden” (games for spatial orientation)

Children stand in a circle or in a line. The instructor places three to five objects on the floor in front of them (cubes, flags, rattles, balls, rings) and asks them to remember them. Then, at the instructor’s signal, the players turn their backs to the center of the circle or face the wall. The instructor hides one or two objects and says: “One, two, three! Turn around and look! " Children turn their faces to objects and, looking closely at them, remember which ones are not there. The instructor asks the children to find these objects in the room. When the items are found, the game repeats.

“Guess who is screaming and where” (games for spatial orientation)

Children stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The instructor stands in a circle. He appoints a driver, who also stands in the middle of the circle. One of the children is asked to shout, imitating a domestic animal or bird: a cat, a dog, a rooster. The child standing in the center of the circle must guess who shouted and where.

“Find your color” (games for spatial orientation)

The instructor distributes flags of three or four colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Children with flags of the same color stand in different places in the room, near flags of certain colors. After the instructor says “Go for a walk,” the children disperse around the playground in different directions. When the instructor says, “Find your color,” the children gather near the flag of the corresponding color.

“At the Bear’s Forest” (folk games and fun)

On one side of the site a circle is drawn - this is the bear’s den; on the other, the house in which the children live is indicated. The instructor selects a bear that is sitting in a den. When the instructor says: “Go, children, for a walk! ", they leave the house and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies. They say in unison:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is sitting

And he growls at us.

After the word “growls,” the bear begins to catch the children running away home. Anyone whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den. Children cannot be caught behind the house line.

After the bear catches several players, the game resumes. Another child is assigned to the role of the bear. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

“Hide and Seek” (folk games and fun)

The instructor invites several children to hide (behind a gazebo, behind bushes, and he closes his eyes so as not to see where they are hiding. After a while he asks: “Ready?” The children answer: “Ready!” The instructor goes to look for them. He looks in to different places, pretending that he will not find the children. At the same time, he may say the following words: “Where are the children hiding?” from the shelter and run up to him. In this case, the instructor happily draws them to him and says: “Here they are, our children!”

“Zhmurki” (folk games and fun)

The instructor invites the children to disperse around the room. He closes his eyes or ties them with a scarf and pretends that he is trying to catch the children: he carefully moves around the room and catches children where they are not. Children laugh. The instructor asks: “Where are our children? " Then he takes off the bandage, turns towards the children and says: “Here they are, our children! "

“Soap bubbles” (folk games and fun)

To play, you need to prepare plastic tubes or straws for the number of children, and dilute soapy water in a small saucer. All children receive straws and try to blow a soap bubble. If this is successful, they enthusiastically blow soap bubbles, watch them fly, run after them, and see whose bubble flies further and does not burst.

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