It is customary to distinguish two main types of linguistic games. Linguistic studies of the language game. What are the words

The use of various game forms of tasks in teaching is relevant for an audience of any age.

The use of modern linguistic games in the Russian language and culture of speech classes “ Drummer”, “Erundopel” and “Spelling” allows not only to present the most important topic of the training course in an exciting way, but also to draw the attention of students to their native language and the linguistic field of knowledge in general.

The ways of using these linguistic games in the educational process are different: with their help, independent and control work was carried out on the course "Russian language and culture of speech", and they also became a didactic basis for practical classes.

General rules for organizing the game

This way of playing will allow you to find out if the majority is right.

Individual responses: The participant answers the question individually.

This way of playing will allow you to monitor the individual success of students and encourage those who have particularly distinguished themselves.

Working with the game of rare words "Jerundopel".

Game "Herundopel"


This linguistic game is a set one hundred and twenty cards packed in a compact box.

Various rarely used lexical units served as linguistic material for it. Among them are terms, foreign words (exoticisms are most common).

For example, for the lexeme "pozzolan" the following interpretations are given: "a small confectionery product with jam", "a mixture of volcanic ash, pumice, tuff" and "broad-nosed monkey". The second value is correct.

One of the cards also explains the name of the linguistic game itself. Students consider this lexeme to be occasional, but it has the general language meaning "salad of caviar, fish and vegetables".

There is in this game place for a linguistic joke: on one of the cards, the authors placed the word “prepyaha” and offered three interpretations for it: “obstacle in the competition”, “interference on the rally track” and “reflection, insoluble doubts”. On the reverse side we read: "Sorry, but there is no such word yet."

For studying the topic "Means of speech expressiveness" within the framework of the training course "Russian language and culture of speech" the linguistic term is relevant "synecdoche" given in this game. The horizons of students expands the literary term "sphragida"(mention in the poem of the name of the poet himself).

Game "Professor and student"

Of great interest among the cadets is the dramatization game "Professor and Student", the didactic material for which are the cards of "Yerundopel".

One of the students, according to the rules, offers a task, the other must find the correct answer. The one who plays the role of "professor" is allowed to mislead his opponent. The task of the "student" is to determine the correct interpretation of the lexeme and argue his opinion.

In this way, both the skill of language guessing and general speech skills are developed.

With active involvement in gaming activities, students are emotionally unloaded.

Use as a warm-up

The linguistic game "Jerundopel" can contribute to the activation of the mental activity of the listeners.

At the initial stage of a number of lessons of the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" it is convenient to use such tasks as linguistic warm-up.

Having chosen the interpretation of two or three rare words, immersed in the “linguistic material”, students tune in to the perception of the theoretical foundations of the course and the implementation of practical tasks.

Working with the linguistic game “Drummer”

Game "Drummer"

Description and application

This linguistic game is a set of one hundred and twenty cards, each of which contains a word that is difficult from an orthoepic point of view with three versions of stress. On the reverse side of each card there is a variant corresponding to the modern language norm.

A set of cards "Drummer" is used as didactic material when working on topic "Language norm" and relevant for the study of accentological norms of the Russian language.

The teacher offers each student from one to three cards (depending on the size of the group and the time allotted for work), then the participants take turns working with the tasks. Their activity consists in choosing the correct orthoepic variant, followed by discussion and collective voting. Since the orthoepic norms of the Russian language are very complex and varied, it is likely that a certain number of incorrect variants of stress and pronunciation of words will sound in the audience.

In order to avoid the formation of negative language habits, the teacher should focus the students' attention on the right options, helping them to memorize (you can, for example, use analogies: great danes about R s ugh about R s ).

Evaluation of listeners' actions

It is important to note that the task of such games is precisely the active assimilation of a large number of words that are complex from an orthoepic point of view, and the goal is to increase the orthoepic literacy of students.

An indicator of their result cannot be a mark from "2" to "5", so it makes no sense to evaluate the work at the training in this way. In this case, it will be objective to control the assimilation of orthoepic norms a few weeks after the lesson.

For example, it can be carried out by inviting students to read a text rich in orthoepic complex words.

Working with the linguistic game “Spelling”

Game "Spelling"


The purpose of this linguistic game- to develop and check spelling literacy. Each of the one hundred and twenty game cards contains three spellings of a spelling difficult word. Among them are such frequently used lexemes that cause difficulties in writing, such as “abbreviation”, “grapefruit”, “food”, etc.

The use of the game "Spelling" in the classroom is quite wide:

  • its material serves as the basis for oral spelling warm-ups,
  • it is possible to use cards for writing independent works,
  • as exercises for correcting and developing spelling skills.

The game form allows you to diversify the activities of students, motivate them to study the spelling norms of the Russian language.

A significant disadvantage of the linguistic game "Spelling" is such an organization of tasks in which the player (student) is forced to see two incorrect spellings of the language unit. In this case, the memorization of erroneous versions may occur, which subsequently leads to difficulties in writing these words.

The material of linguistic games is relevant both for the study of specific topics and for the development of a general interest in the native language. All games are compactly packed, which allows them to be used in any conditions.

Playing, the child learns the world. Play accompanies every stage of a child's development. The older the baby gets, the more difficult the games he plays. The game is not just entertainment, it is the creative, inspired work of the child, this is his life. There are many popular world methods of early development built primarily on the game. That is, not according to the rules of the adult world, but according to the rules that are understandable and pleasant for the child. It is no secret that it is interest that prompts the child to new discoveries. And it is important to first ignite this interest, and then “frame” it into science for the baby. The ability to speak a native and foreign language is also easier for a child if it is studied in a playful way.

What are linguistic games

The very name "linguistic game" already reveals the meaning of this phrase. This is a language game, fun associated with learning the language and enriching speech, with the development of logical thinking and entertainment, where the main character is linguistics, that is, linguistics.

At each stage of a child's development, linguistic games contribute to the formation of various aspects of the child's speech activity. While playing, the kid accumulates knowledge, develops thinking and imagination, masters his native language, and, of course, learns to communicate.

Speech, in all its diversity, is a necessary component of communication, in the course of which it, in fact, is formed. The most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschool children is the creation of an emotionally favorable environment that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication. And it is the game that helps to create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up.

What are linguistic games

Conventionally, linguistic games can be divided into two groups: communicative (development of speech) and language (expansion of horizons and the ability to use vocabulary).

Communication games include:

  • guessing games
  • Matchmaking
  • search engines
  • Conformity
  • Collection of information
  • Combined

Language games include:

  • Games aimed at studying the behavior of a native speaker, culture, behavior
  • Acquaintance with cultural products
  • Disclosure of cultural values ​​of different peoples

Benefits of linguistic games

Thanks to linguistic games, the child develops a culture of speech and communication:

  • intonation-dynamic expressiveness of speech is formed,
  • the tempo-rhythm and clarity of pronunciation of each word is formed;
  • the correctness of the stress in the word, literacy, clarity and the ability to correctly formulate one’s thought is formed in order to be understood by others;
  • develop dialogical and monologue speech;
  • vocabulary is enriched;
  • the prerequisites for written speech are formed;
  • there is a stimulation of the speech activity of the child as a whole.

Important! The emotional component, as with any gameplay, plays a major role here. Using linguistic games as a means of organizing communication and joint activities of a child and an adult, it is necessary to carefully monitor the mood of the child, identify and take into account his speech capabilities. Where the child cannot find a suitable word, it is allowed to combine verbal and non-verbal means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, plasticity.

Common types of linguistic games

  • Remember the word

The task of this game is to remember words united by a common meaning. A ball can help us play “Remember the Word”. The facilitator/teacher asks for five (breeds of cats, swimming animals, professions, trees, square objects, red fruits, musical instruments, etc.), after which he throws the ball. The kid must quickly name words that fit the meaning, each time slamming the ball on the floor. If he can't remember, he's lost.

It is even more interesting to play this game with several participants - other children or, if there are no other children nearby, with grandparents, because the competition always makes the game more exciting.

  • Word combinations with meaning

This is a more difficult game than "Remember the word", but it's more interesting. The host/teacher calls different phrases, for example, the car is moving, the rain is dripping, the whale is swimming, the kettle is boiling, and so on. If the meaning of the phrase is correct, then the children raise their hands, if not, they should point out the mistake. During the game, you need to use a few incorrect phrases, for example, a cat barks, or a purple melon, a wolf chews grass, or an airplane floats.

Any confusion in games is useful, they force the child to be attentive, especially since it always amuses the children.

  • chain of words

By choosing nouns and adjectives that characterize someone or something with similar features, we enrich the child's vocabulary. How exactly? The task of the child is to string "beads" from words that are interconnected.

For example, take the word "scarf".

- What is a scarf like?

- Warm, blue, with buboes, prickly ...

- What else is prickly?

- Needle, Christmas tree, hedgehog ...

- Where is the Christmas tree?

- In the forest, in the yard, in the country, at home for the New Year ...

- Who lives in the forest?

Animals, insects, trees...

- And what animals change their coat for the winter?

  • Interview

The child in the game becomes a specialist in a certain profession or a star, and the presenter becomes an interviewer. The kid can choose the role of a travel lover, a music expert, a fan of painting, a cartoonist and so on. The choice of the role of the one who will be interviewed can be carried out at the individual request of the child, or you can give the crumbs a choice from several options (suddenly, it will be difficult for the player to decide right away). The facilitator/teacher should get to know his interlocutor as best as possible, so he asks the child to answer each question in detail, in detail. For example, recognizing the musical tastes of his interlocutor, the presenter asks questions related to serious and light music: opera, symphony, chamber music; rock, pop, jazz, pop music, etc. Each answer to a question is evaluated in terms of logical meaning, their sequence, focus on the required amount of response information, and grammatical correctness. In response to questions, epithets should be heard. For each epithet, the participant receives one point.

A million linguistic games have been invented, and even more can be invented. The main thing in this case is not to constrain your imagination and use every opportunity to teach the baby something new in a non-standard playful way.

  • The Geronimo summer camp program (June-August) includes a separate weekly block of linguistic games in native languages ​​and in English.
  • To activate the speech development of children in the speech development classes in Geronimo, exercises and games are used that are aimed at solving various speech problems. The main tasks are to develop the sound culture of speech, to form the grammatical structure of speech, to enrich vocabulary, to develop coherent speech. These tasks are solved at each age stage, however, from age to age, there is a gradual complication of methods and techniques for teaching a language (native and foreign). All tasks are closely interconnected, and the proposed games and exercises develop children's attention to the word.

    When conducting any game, we are guided by the golden rule of organizing children's activities, including games: the child should be interested and comfortable.

    We are waiting for you at the classes at the Geronimo Children's Development Center on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00 and on Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00.

    Geronimo. Join us for knowledge!

    Astrauskene Svetlana Vladimirovna

    Along with the new standards of education, new definitions and concepts have come into our lives. For example, communicative competence, or communicative competence.
    Communicative competence allows, first of all, to communicate: to transmit, receive, comprehend information, perceive, understand another person - and acts as a regulator of further relationships, contacts with other people.
    To improve the level of communicative competence of students in the classroom, various methods and forms of work are used: work in pairs and groups, the project method, the problematic method, working with text, linguistic (language) games, and others.
    In the lessons of the Russian language, games are used as a means of mastering the ability to effectively use language tools in a communicative situation.
    Helping to learn various aspects of the language as a means of communication, they are conditionally divided into:
    1. Phonetic, aimed at the formation of the correct and the correction of deviant pronunciation (for example, "Invisible sounds", "Ambulance phonetic help", "Lost letter", etc.),
    2. Lexical, focused on enriching the child's vocabulary, mastering ideas about the correct use of lexical units in communicative acts, depending on the communication situation, stimulating the child's creative abilities (word-making, improvisation, etc.)
    3. Grammar, ensuring the grammatical competence of the student,
    4. Stylistic, designed to form schoolchildren's ideas about the variety of speech styles and their areas of application.
    In Russian language lessons I use the following game forms of work to improve communicative competence:
    - phonetic charging
    • linguistic "guessing";
    • linguistic "why";
    • microstudies;
    • tasks "for backfilling";
    • complex text analysis.
    • simulators
    Let's take a closer look at these forms of work.
    I.Phonetic charging
    1) Let's play the game "The Fourth Extra". Find an extra sound and explain your choice: 1) [b u p f]; 2) [i, o, n, a]; 3) [d, d, c, l]; 4) [h, p. w, f].
    2) The first word that the kitten Fruktya said was, of course, the word meow. What words did Fruktya say next, if known. that they differed from the first word only in the first sound, and in the new words this sound was sonorous?
    3) The Englishman Mr. Hamster came to Moscow to work as a lemonade seller. He speaks Russian well, but pronounces all consonants firmly. Try to imagine how he says the phrase: "Here is mint lemonade for the little guys."
    4) Japanese Xiai Liai Wii sells ice cream next to Mr. Hamster. He, on the contrary, pronounces all Russian consonants softly. How will the phrase sound in his performance: “Buy cold ice cream, eat carefully!”?
    5) Tim and Tom are two people. They are very friendly and never quarrel, because they love everything different. Tom always chooses what begins with a hard consonant, Tim - with a soft one. Tom loves donuts and Tim likes cakes, Tim draws and Tom paints. Determine which sweets Tom loves, and which ones Tim: "Bear", "Squirrel", "Mask", "Luzhniki", "Spring", "Little Red Riding Hood". You can continue all these games by replacing sentences and words.
    6) Indicate how many times the sound [t] occurs in the sentence The document is signed by the director, sound [z "] - in a sentence Zina turned to Lisa with a request.
    7) In the offer The cat sleeps and sees the mouse each letter corresponds to its pronunciation. Make up your own sentences or words.
    II Linguistic "guessing".
    1) Connect the parts of stable comparisons that have lost each other. Write down the resulting phraseological units. Don't forget about the absence of a comma!
    First part: not to see how ..., rushing about like ..., needed like ..., pale like ..., stuck like ..., fall down like ..., feel like ..., tired like ...
    The second part: ... through the ground, ... a donkey, ... of their ears, ... at home, ... a dog, ... mad, ... cheese in butter, ... a dog's fifth leg.
    2 ) Try to draw one of the actions of Yuri Olesha in such a way that both things involved in the comparison are presented in your drawing. I wonder if anyone can, by looking at your drawing, understand what comparison is encrypted here?
    (For example: The doctor's heart jumped like a penny in a piggy bank.
    The doctor's heart jumped like an egg in boiling water, etc.)
    3) We play the game "third wheel". In each group of phrases, one metaphor was hidden. Find her! Don't fall into our traps! (bright sun, wolfish appetite, curly hair; sweet voice, deep well, icy slide; golden ring, icy gaze, wide yard)
    4) Do you remember the well-known poem by S. Marshak about an absent-minded person? “He sat down on the bed in the morning, became a shirt ...” - what did he begin to do with a shirt: put on or put on? Did he put on a frying pan instead of a hat on the go or put it on? Think of your own example with a paronymic verb.
    5) Can you independently explain the difference between the words intolerant and intolerable, conspicuous and conspicuous, skin and skin? Think of sentences that would express the meaning of these words.
    III. Linguistic "why".
    1) As you know, some words, including adjectives, can be used in a direct and figurative sense. Find a common definition for each group of three nouns.
    For example: bread, climate, pillow - [?] (soft)
    village, black grouse, old woman - [?] (deaf)
    road, will, discipline - [?]
    tooth, key, character - [?]
    2) What word of the Russian language simultaneously means:
    Bench and shop - ______________
    Vegetables are an ancient weapon - _______________
    Peace and the universe - _______________
    Make up your own questions with different words.
    3) Try to guess the word:
    a) in one sense a synonym in the words to attract, lure, in another - to delay;
    b) in one sense a synonym for the word healthy, in the third - to saturated;
    c) in one sense a synonym for the word bubbly, in another - to drizzling.
    Think of phrases with these words.
    IV. Microstudies- tasks of this type involve the formation of students' research skills (at a level accessible to a certain age): work with popular science literature and reference books; analyze language units; formulate conclusions; compose a text (message, report).
    1) Think of as many words as possible, which include the names of the numbers "one, two, three, five"
    2) Familiar strangers (about borrowed words).
    3) What is your name now? (On the transition of words from one part of speech to another.)
    4) Missing letter (detective investigation)
    5) Imagine that in a forest clearing you met Board of announcements. Sign requests, invitations and proposals.
    I have big ears.
    Come admire. ___________________
    There will be a concert in the evening. Three mosquitoes entrance
    Two flies. Come to the swamp._________________
    6) Insert the desired syllable of three letters instead of dots, and you will read two words in each line: the first will end with the guessed syllable, the second will begin with it.
    For example: you ... .. rtira - you (kva), (kva) rtira
    Whether…….eta etc.
    V . Tasks "for backfilling.
    Dictations "on backfill";
    Editing sentences and texts that are maximally saturated with the same type of elements (speech errors, inappropriately used words and structures);
    Selection of the same type of language units (synonyms, related words, etc.) to the given one - according to the principle "who is more?";
    "Words from Words" is a game aimed at enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren, suitable for both third graders and older children. It can be held as an auction. The facilitator suggests a word. The children take turns calling new words made up of his letters.
    "Editor" - players act as editors of incorrect texts: they explain what the error is and suggest the correct text. Each teacher probably has a set of stylistic and speech errors of students, and this material should be used in the game.

    Ludmila Borisenko
    Linguistic games as a means of developing communication for preschoolers

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a compensating type d. /s. No. 22 "Why"

    "Linguistic games as a means of developing communication of preschoolers"


    Borisenko Ludmila Viktorovna

    Sayanogorsk 2012

    The game accepts everyone

    Words words words

    Everything has a name -

    And the beast and the object,

    Things around are full - full

    And there are no nameless ones!

    And all that the eye can see

    Above us and below us

    And all that is in our memory

    Signified by words.

    They are heard here and there,

    Outdoors and at home:

    One is familiar to us,

    The other one is unfamiliar...

    Language is both old and forever new!

    And it's so beautiful

    In the vast sea - the sea of ​​​​words -

    Bathe daily!

    A. Shibaev

    Games for 2 ml. gr.

    "Miscellaneous Words"

    This game, in all its diversity and variability, allows the child to see the "similarity" of a wide variety of objects, objects, phenomena to each other, contributes to the development of observation and the ability to cognize the multifaceted essence of the surrounding reality.

    For example:

    "dog" - big, shaggy, kind, cheerful, hunting, old, etc.

    And vice versa, a noun is selected for the original adjective.

    For example:

    "green" - tomato, grass, spruce, house, etc.

    Poetic works can serve as an emotionally attractive basis and incentive for participation in the game.

    What are the words

    There is a sweet word - candy. There is a stubborn word - goal.

    There is a quick word - rocket. There is a word green - spruce.

    There is a sour word - lemon. There is a book word - page.

    There is a word with a window - wagon. There is a forest word - a titmouse.

    There is a prickly word - a hedgehog. There is a fluffy word - snow.

    There is a word wet - rain. There is a funny word - laughter.

    M. Plyatskovsky


    The goal of the game is to recognize an object, an object by a group of adjectives, epithets or by a group of words-actions. The words proposed as an initial support should be associated with the child's sensory and practical experience. For example, "green, curly, slender, white-trunked" - birch; “sparkles, warms the earth, disperses darkness” - the sun.

    Games with words need to be gradually complicated, not only increasing the child's vocabulary, but also training his ability to easily find the right word. In order for the child to “scoop out” the necessary word from memory without much difficulty, it is necessary to diversify the options for games (“What happens?”, “What does it do?”). In the future, the main rule of such games is the absence of repetitions.

    Games for Wed gr.

    "Chain of words".

    This game is used with children of middle preschool age and is carried out mainly in a verbal version, since it can be quite difficult to predict children's answers and quickly select appropriate pictures for them. The essence of the game is the selection of words - nouns and adjectives, characterizing in their association any object with similar qualitative features (cold - wind, ice cream, water; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; can not swim - brick, earth, screw etc.). That is, children make up a kind of "train" of words, where the words-carriages are interconnected.

    For example, the original word is "cat".

    What happens to a cat?

    Fluffy, affectionate, colorful ...

    What else is colorful?

    Rainbow, dress, TV...

    What else could be a dress?

    Silky, new, straight...

    What else can be direct?

    Line, road, look...etc.

    "Who's doing what".

    This game enriches the vocabulary of children with words-actions (verbs) and allows not only to activate monologue speech, but also the expressiveness of non-verbal (non-verbal) means of influencing listeners. Within this option, there are several ways to organize the game action.

    a) For the game, you need a set of subject pictures (a picture, a hammer, an umbrella, a clock, a cat, a dog, a ball of thread, a newspaper, etc.). Children are shown pictures (one at a time) and asked questions: “What can be done with this? What is it for?" You can also do the following: ask questions that reflect the specific use of the object, and the children point to a particular picture.

    For example: “What can I hang on the wall? Where can you hide from the rain? Who takes care of the house? What can be read? What nails to hammer? How to find out what time it is? Who catches mice?

    b) With older preschoolers, the game can be played without a visual basis. The host calls the object, phenomenon, object, and the players take turns calling the action performed by this object, and the noun for the next player.

    For example, the host says: "Car." The child replies: "He's going. Painter". Next player: “Drawing. Hand ”, etc. In the future, several verbs are invented for one noun.

    For example, “wind” - howls, raises dust, tears off leaves, inflates the sail, refreshes, disperses clouds, etc.

    c) The game can be complicated by the use of non-verbal means of expression: gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. The task of children is to name the activity for one or more actions.

    For example, an adult raises both hands - this action can mean lifting an object, hanging clothes on a rope, etc.

    "Flies - does not fly."

    This game helps to enrich the vocabulary of children, develops observation, attention, forms the ability to verbally draw up the results of comparison.

    It is easy to organize and accessible to children of any age. It is based on elementary forms of comparison (on one basis, comparisons, using which you can come up with a wide variety of options: for example, “floats - does not swim”, “draws - does not draw”, “grows - does not grow”, etc. .

    What is the difference

    What is the difference between sprat and river

    What is the difference between a barn and a lamb,

    What is the difference between a cook and a dinner?

    It is so interesting and necessary to ask.

    meticulous old man

    The old man was meticulous, but pleasant in taste.

    Approached and asked: - Or rather?

    What is a potato? - More precisely,

    Small orange. tanned watermelon,

    More precisely? buried in the ground

    Or rather, because it's hot.

    hippopotamus without a tail, - Or rather?

    without ears and without a neck, - More precisely,

    no teeth and no mouth, it's time for me to have dinner.

    very very lazy

    G. Kruzhkov.

    Games for Art. gr.

    "Drawings in a circle."

    At least 3-5 children are expected to participate in this game. Each child receives a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. At the signal of an adult, children begin to draw. After 1-2 minutes, a conditional signal is given, and each of the children passes his sheet to the child sitting to his right. Having received the started drawing from the neighbor, the child continues it for 1-2 minutes and again, on a signal, passes it on. And so several times (depending on the number of participants in the game, until the sheet on which he first began to draw returns to him. You can talk with the children about what their original idea was and how it changed along the way games In the "circular" way, not only drawings can be made, but also collages, which, in turn, serve as an excellent support for inventing fables, fantastic stories and other products of children's literary creativity.

    "I want to draw."

    Each of the participants in the game in turn tells the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture that he would like to draw, and the adult tries to combine everything said into a single plot. For example, one child says that he would like to draw an aquarium, another - a bear, a third - a rocket, etc. The adult generalizes: "We draw an aquarium in which bears live, rockets fly and ...". As they draw, children can make additions to their drawing, detail objects (a bear in a diving mask and fins, etc.). usually such drawing is accompanied by children's laughter, writing funny stories.

    "Funny pictures".

    To organize the game, you need a set of pictures, illustrations or postcards (at least 20 pieces) of both subject and plot content. The essence of the game is as follows: the pictures are laid out one after another (one at a time) in a completely meaningless order, but at the same time, the content (image) of each subsequent one is tried to be connected with the previous one in such a way that a story, fairy tale or story is obtained. After the literary work is finished, the pictures are collected and mixed well. The task of the children is to consistently and as accurately as possible restore the entire work invented from the pictures.

    The so-called "express" table can also be used as a support for compiling stories. It is compiled as follows: a sheet of paper is drawn into 20 squares. Children call any words in turn, and an adult fixes each word in a separate square using the corresponding drawing. When the table is completely filled, you can start writing stories in which each subsequent picture acts as a starting point, but a link in inventing subsequent plot events. In the future, children can independently compose such supports and exchange them with each other, writing stories according to the tables of game partners, peers.

    "Color Stories".

    This game also aims to develop children's literary creativity. Unlike the previous game, as an initial visual material, children are offered a strip of paper consisting of 8-10 squares of different colors arranged in two rows, on the basis of which a story or a fairy tale is actually invented. The game proceeds as follows: children are presented with a colored strip, point to the uppermost square and ask: “What does it look like? What happens in this color? Based on the children's answer, the adult comes up with the first sentence, and all the rest are composed by the children based on the associations of each next colored square with the realities of the world around them.

    For example, children are presented with a strip consisting of: 1 (top) row - green, blue, yellow, white squares; 2 (bottom) row - brown, red, orange, purple squares. The work may look like this: “The green forest rustled its foliage in a welcoming manner. The blue sky above the forest was clear and transparent, and the dazzlingly bright yellow sun warmed with its warmth everyone who fell under its rays. A forest bird is located on a branch of a white birch. Cleaning her brown wings, she sang merrily as she greeted the new day. The forest dwellers greeted her singing with approval: strawberries turned their red heads towards the sun; orange fox sisters chattered in unison, telling each other their dreams; beetle, spread its purple wings and flew on business. The forest was filled with sounds, and a new day began. To complicate the game, it makes sense to invite the child to rely on the association of color with the mood, the situation in the process of creating a literary work.

    Games for prep. gr.

    "Guess the Mood"

    First, children are introduced to various emotional states, they analyze the means of expression that allow others to correctly understand them. Then various situations are offered, to which it is necessary to choose the most appropriate mood, state, feeling. For example, the situation “lost in the forest” - what mood, feeling arises immediately (sadness, fear, fear); what quality of a person is most useful in this situation (decisiveness, resourcefulness, courage, etc.).

    In this game, you can use any means of expression (facial expressions, gesture, pantomime). For example, invite the guys to display a certain gesture (“Stay still!”, “I'm afraid”, “You can’t do this”, “Come with me”, “Hello!”, “See you soon”, “Who did this?”, “Let's make peace”, “I'm afraid”, etc.) and pick up a picture (or express mimicry, corresponding to the partner's emotional reaction to this gesture. Or show with body parts (shoulders, body, arms, head, nose, ears, eyes) certain states: “I am proud”, “I am the strongest”, “No”, “I don’t like this”, “I really love these sweets”, “I see a rainbow in the sky”, “I hid”, “Where are you "and so on.

    The spectrum of human feelings is very extensive and children can master it with the help of the magic word “as if”, which has a special magical attraction for them. It is in the proposed circumstances that, as K. S. Stanislavsky believed, a powerful creative impulse lies. Give the children the following tasks:

    a) pass a book to each other as if it were a bomb, a brick, a crystal vase, a flower;

    b) take a thread from the table, as if it were a snake, beaded beads, a hot baked potato, a fidget-grasshopper;

    c) walk along a line drawn in chalk, as if it were a rope, a wide road, a narrow path or a narrow bridge over a river;

    d) to walk along a “seemingly” crowded street, like a soldier, like a very old man whose shoes are very tight, like a ballerina, like a fashion model, like a “pusher”, like a person who carries a heavy burden.

    Empathic ability is important not only in communication between people, it plays a special role in literary creativity, is a kind of exponent of the author's style, serves as an indicator of the originality of the work.

    "Yes, no."

    The author of this game, Lucho Lombardo Rodice, called it "The Guessing Game". He wrote about it like this: "This is one of the most fruitful and rewarding games in terms of intelligence and the accumulation of cultural baggage." Indeed, this game is more than just a way of guessing. This is the main method of human intellectual activity, the ability to classify and combine experience data into a concept. During the game, children master the ability to ask questions, hone their wording, enrich their speech practice. The atmosphere of the game is always filled with mystery and humor. The rules of the game are quite simple: one of the players conceives something or someone, and the other participants in the game, with the help of questions that are allowed to be answered either “Yes” or “No”, try to determine what was conceived. You can illustrate with the help of a poem that adults read in roles:

    I guessed the subject.

    Is this a watering can?

    Not a watering can?

    It's a cat?

    Is it a midge?

    Maybe a button?

    So, a bottleneck!

    Can't find an answer.

    After reading, you can ask the children: “Guys, why do you think they couldn’t guess the subject? How should you ask questions so that, without guessing and sorting through different names, you can guess what is guessed? - and analyze with them examples of the correct wording of questions. For example, the word "grandmother" is guessed.

    Question answer:

    Is the item alive? - Yes.

    This animal? - Not.

    Is this a plant? - Not.

    Is it a person? - Yes.

    Man? - Not.

    Lives in our city? - Yes.

    Lives with you? - Yes.

    This is your sister? - Not.

    Mother? - Not.

    Grandmother? - Yes.

    The content becomes more complicated - the objects, situations can be endowed with contradictory characteristics; "Yes-no" come up with the children themselves.


    This game has several varieties, the course of which is always accompanied by a special emotional state of children - the child "gets used" to the role of an adult and explains, clarifies, shares his knowledge himself, which means he is full of confidence and self-esteem. But he does not speak “the way it should be”, not according to the scheme, but the way he himself understands it. It is very interesting for a child to explain to others the essence of the objective world. The child will explain the meaning of a particular word, concept, purpose (function) of an object with pleasure and more confidently only if there is an immediate need for this, which is not difficult to create, including in the activity a real or game character interested in detailed explanation. An adult may well “temporarily” become an alien or a Dunno who wants to know and be able to do everything, or a forest, fairy-tale inhabitant, to whom much in the city is a curiosity, because he sees this for the first time in his life.

    This is how children explain the meaning of some words:

    A museum is a place where people go to see paintings, a new exhibition, learn about a lot and have fun.

    A cloud is such a fluffy, soft air, like a pillow, which often changes its shape. This is a part of the sky that is difficult to see at night if there are no stars and the moon, but you can guess that it is on top.

    In the future, children are involved in the interpretation of various actions and their results. Such practice not only expands the child's speech range, but also allows him to comprehend the behavior of others and his own, enriches the experience of social interaction, and contributes to the formation of realistic self-esteem. Literary works are first used as analytical material (M. Gorky "Sparrow", V. Oseeva "Blue Leaves", "Magic Word", etc., and then they proceed to explain the qualities, emotional states of a person, his actions that children encounter directly in real life.

    We wish you success!

    And so the game is over...

    We have to close the book.

    But we hope that with her

    You have become a little smarter -

    You learned a lot of funny words

    And a lot of stuff.

    And if you remember them -

    No wonder your day is wasted!

    Save this valuable treasure!

    We don't say goodbye, see you soon!

    B. Zakhoder.


    1. Belobrykina O. A. Speech and communication. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development". 1998

    linguistic game "Connoisseurs of the Russian language" (for grades 10-11)

    Target: to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the study of the Russian language, to form the ability to use knowledge in non-standard situations, to develop a sense of camaraderie.


    educational - repeat and consolidate students' knowledge on topics studied in the middle grades of the school;

    developing - to form skills for the practical solution of the tasks set, to promote the development of students' speech, thinking, memory, creative activity;

    educating - develop group work skills, paying special attention to issues of mutual assistance, control and self-control, instill interest in the Russian language and subject.

    Preparatory stage: A week in advance, the time of the quiz is announced, teams are formed, the participants come up with the name of the team, the motto, and greetings to the opponents.

    Class layout: statements about the Russian language,holiday decoration, task cards, gong, music.

    Implementation time: 45 minutes


    linguistic game "Connoisseurs of the Russian language" for grades 10-11.

    Goals: hold an event dedicated to the Russian language; to activate knowledge of the Russian language; broaden the horizons of students; develop their creative abilities, ingenuity, dexterity; to instill love for the Russian language; contribute to class cohesion.

    Training: arrange a class with statements about the Russian language of famous people, for example: “In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my Motherland, you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!” (I.S. Turgenev)

    I have the key to all sciences,

    I am familiar with the whole universe -

    It's because I own

    Russian inclusive language.

    Semyon Danilov

    Presenter 1. Do you think we are well acquainted with the Russian language?

    Lead 2. That we know each other, I agree. After all, this is our native language - we speak it, read it, write letters, hear it on the radio and on TV screens. But how well do we know him? Are there many grammatical errors in your notebooks? You will say that very few people know how to write completely without errors. But you don't have to be upset. Remember, even the great poet A.S. Pushkin believed that a mistake is a common thing in Russian speech.He even confirmed this in his verses, saying:
    Like ruddy lips without a smile,
    No grammatical error
    I don't like Russian language .

    Presenter 1. A great poet has always appreciated a good joke. And in this case, he was clearly joking. After all, studying his manuscripts, scientists were able to find a completely negligible number of errors. Oh, Pushkin was a great connoisseur of the Russian language.

    And now, friends, let's check if you speak Russian well. Let two teams enter the competition today, and we will determine the experts in Russian speech.

    Lead 2. The word is given to the teams.
    Presenter 1. Today, the participants of the meeting will have to go through exciting tasks. And to judge who will cope with the task faster and more accurately, will be our respected jury, which included ...
    So let's start the game.

    Competition "Warm-up"

    Lead 2.Task: answer the questions (whoever from the teams gives the correct answer the fastest gets 1 point).
    1. Let's turn to history. In 863, an important event took place in the life of the Slavic peoples. Name it. (Two brothers, learned monks Cyril and Methodius compiled the Slavic alphabet). 1 point

    3. What was the name of the ancient Slavic alphabet? (Cyrillic).1 point

    And now the tough questions.

    1. What do they say when a fish is off the hook? Determine the part of speech. (Eh! Interjection). 1 point

    2. Which state starts with "A" and ends with three "I"? (Austria). 1 point

    3. They hang him, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, conceited; he is shoved everywhere, interfering in other than his own business. (Nose). 1 point

    4. Not flowers, but wither; not clap, but they clap if they don’t understand something; not underwear, but they are hung by overly gullible test subjects. (Ears). 1 point

    5. It is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person; he is advised to search in the field when someone has disappeared without a trace; words and money are thrown at him, who do not appreciate them. (Wind). 1 point

    6. Do newspapers, books have legs? (There is: after all, they sometimes say that he took a book, a newspaper upside down). 1 point

    7. Which verb has a hundred negatives?(groans). 1 point

    Captains competition

    Lead 1.Now we ask the captains to leave. To youto complete the next task. Try to pronounce the tongue twister: “There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.”But this phrase is quite simple. Now each of you will have to complete a more difficult task. There are phrases written on the sheets. You have to read them quickly and without errors.

    1. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

    2. You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk, you can’t pronounce.

    Competition "Guess the proverb."

    Lead 2.Answer the question, remembering the famous proverb. For each correctly guessed proverb, the team receives 1 point.

    1) what can not be cut down with an ax? (Which is written in pen).

    2) why is debt red? (Payment).

    1) where the hell are found? ( in the stillness).

    2) what does money love? (Check).

    1) what should be done when he called himself a load? (Climb into the box).

    2) what kind of sleigh should you not sit on? (Not in yours).

    Competition "Grammatic arithmetic".

    Lead 1.Three examples are given for each team. Task: Solve examples.

    First team: Ditch + posture = ? kind of transport. (Locomotive). 1 point

    Kippah + satin = ? musician. (Pianist). 1 point

    Longing + steam + seam = ? milk product. (Curdled milk). 1 point

    Second team: Ocher + under = ? type of water transport. (Steamboat). 1 point

    Paste + wedge = ? one of the types of music playback. (Plate). 1 point

    Face + foam = ? a bird with a large goiter. (Pelican). 1 point

    Competition "Exemplary speech".

    Lead 2.Task number 1: put the stress in the words:

    catalog, solicit, facilitate, at the same time, quarter, plucked, reward, cakes, provision, include, bows, blinds, facsimile.

    1 point for each correct accent.

    Lead 1.Task number 2: find speech errors and explain them:

    1) opens inwards 1) bought for free 1) hardly

    2) loaf of bread 2) cut in half 2) proud posture

    1 point for each correct explanation.

    Contest "How do they talk about it?"

    Lead 2. Task: choose the phraseological unit that is appropriate in meaning.

    1. The one who changes his mind often.(He has seven Fridays a week). 1 point

    2. About a person who is difficult to make believe in anything, to convince in anything.(Doubting Thomas). 1 point

    3. About a meek and harmless person. (Won't hurt a fly). 1 point

    4. About a chatty person. (He has a boneless tongue). 1 point

    5. About a situation where danger threatens from two sides. (Between two fires). 1 point

    6. About a lazy person. (I ate and got tired, slept and got drunk). 1 point

    Competition "Verb".

    Lead 1.Write down as many verbs as possible that without "not" are not used.

    (To hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to dislike, to misunderstand, to be unwell, to rage, not to sleep, not to be well, not to be good ...)

    1 point for each word

    Competition "Do you know fables?".

    Lead 2. Determine from which fables these winged words.

    4. "And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner."("A Crow and a fox"). 1 point

    2. "And the chest just opened." ("Larchik"). 1 point

    3. "The jumping dragonfly summer sang red." ("Dragonfly and Ant"). 1 point

    4. "You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat." ("Wolf and Lamb"). 1 point

    Competition "Money in Russia".

    Lead 2.Task: in our country, the main currency in circulation is the ruble. Do you know other names of the monetary units that existed in Russia? Call them in one minute. (Polushka, penny, money, altyn, hryvnia, nogata, chervonets.)1 point for each word.

    Competition "What's in common?".

    Lead 1.Task: is the coincidence of the first syllable in the words compote and composer by chance? Give me an answer in a minute. (Both words initially carry the general idea of ​​collecting, arranging. Compote is something that is cooked from different fruits or berries collected together; a composer is someone who collects a melody from individual sounds).
    2 points.

    Summing up the game. Jury word.

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