Presentation on the topic of creating computer games. Children's electronic presentations and clips. “life imitators” - a genre without a name

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The whole truth about computer games

What is our life? A game…

Many people choose computer games as a way to relax after a hard day at work. Others resort to them to relieve boredom. In any case, games help brighten up your leisure time and pass the time unnoticed.

For some, the opportunity to go through levels over and over again, doing it in the best possible way, is attractive. For such people, winning is not as important as winning in an ideal way. Some, on the contrary, want to complete a new game faster, and are ready to do this, using any hints and ready-made passwords, they are not interested in the intellectual process of the game itself and the search for options for completing it, they simply need a strong feeling of novelty. After which they lose interest in the toy and are more likely to look for a new game that will give them new emotions.

Goals and objectives of the project: Find out: are computer games harmful or beneficial? Review computer games. Compare and analyze the points of view of scientists on this issue. Explore Internet addiction.

About the benefits and harms of computer games So, what terrible things do computer games hide? Here are some of the negative effects: decreased mobility, decreased visual acuity, narrowed range of interests. And some games are believed to provoke aggressive behavior. In addition, games force people to live in some other world, according to other rules, separating a person from reality. Let's look at the negative and positive factors in more detail.

All computer games can be dynamic or non-dynamic. If you can step away from the computer at any time, say, for an hour, and then return and continue the interrupted game from that point, then this game is not dynamic. Dynamic games do not provide time for reflection; in such games you cannot be distracted, not just for an hour, but even for a second. Such games require quick reactions and good command of the keyboard and mouse.

Games in the "I'm looking" genre develop attention. The biggest harm caused by a computer is considered to be an adverse effect on vision. This problem was especially relevant in those days of monitors with cathode ray tubes. Now, looking at a monitor is no more harmful than looking at an album with photographs. The immobility of the pupil is harmful for vision, since in this case the eye is poorly moistened with tears, but in games of this type, you have to scan the entire screen with your eyes in search of the next object.

Adventure games are very popular. But they are all disposable, since if you know the right way, it costs nothing to win. A player playing such a game cannot gain any experience. They allow you to immerse yourself in a fantasy world and become a participant in interesting events. Adventure games can be arcade games and quests. Arcades usually require a good reaction from the player, and quests offer to unravel a tangle of mysteries. Among the adventure games, there are also games of the survival-horror class (translated as “survival in horror”) - their plot is similar to the plot of a horror film. The impact of such games is worth thinking about.

“Action games” and “flying games” have a detrimental effect on the psyche. These are predominantly fast-paced games and are very hard to put down due to their non-stop plot. There is blood shed in these toys, but there is practically no information content. “Counter Strike” is certainly considered the most harmful. Millions of teenagers around the world play it for days, and not always “for no reason.” Only a few win money at kantra tournaments, but millions and millions lose it, without thinking that they are losing not only money, but also time.

“Racing” and “sports” games, such as football “Fifa” or basketball “NBA Live,” have less impact on the psyche. There are also hockey, baseball and others. These toys are approximately neutral in their mental impact - they do no harm, but they also do no good, they are just a waste of time.

The first computer games were strategy games. Most people believe that these games develop thinking and broaden their horizons. The prototype of strategic games is chess. For some players, the beauty of strategy games is that they give you the opportunity to feel like a leader, a person endowed with power, but not burdened with the responsibility that comes with real power.

So, the pride of the creation of “toy” programmers is strategy! These types of toys are considered by the majority to be not only not harmful, but even useful! Their nature provides for a problem that should be solved not by quickly and accurately pressing keys, but by choosing the right strategy and tactics of action, that is, the real intelligence, the brains of the player. If you don’t believe it, try playing at least the peaceful Civilization or Sim Sity yourself. By the way, wars are not always fictional. By playing, for example, “Cossacs”, you can well expand your knowledge of history. In addition, there is a real interest in studying the history of the very period in which the game action takes place.

Tactics covers the study, development, preparation and conduct of all types of activities. Strategy is a general plan for any activity, covering a long period of time, a way to achieve a complex goal. Tactics and Strategy

Computer games develop: reaction speed; fine motor skills of hands; visual perception of objects; memory and attention; logical thinking; hand-eye coordination. Computer games teach a child: to classify and generalize; think analytically in a non-standard situation; achieve your goal; improve intellectual skills. BENEFIT

The bad thing is that if the regime is not followed, the computer turns from friend into enemy. We must not forget that everything is good in moderation. Good wonderful games, so useful, can also become harmful. Staying in front of a computer for too long can lead to deterioration of vision, as well as to a child’s psychological dependence on the virtual world. What then is the HARM?

Heavy gamers complain of: Irritability Inability to concentrate Difficulty communicating Scientists' point of view!!!

Computer games change the structure of the brain, scientists have found. Studies have shown that gamers suffer from an increase in the so-called ventral striatum, which is also called the reward center. This part of the brain is activated when a person experiences the pleasure of winning. By the way, an interesting fact: over time, gamers begin to experience pleasure not from winning, but from the process itself.

Parents: You can’t tear yourself away from the computer Do household chores under pressure Spend little time in the fresh air No time to talk like a human being Teachers: It is necessary to choose logical and educational games Spend no more than 30 minutes at the computer Opinions of parents and teachers

Research scientists warn that computer games have an impact on the child’s psyche, emotionality and creativity. Mostly boys are interested in computer games. Parents have a negative attitude towards their children’s passion for computer games and teachers generally support them. Conclusions:

Test: “Are you addicted to the Internet?”

1. How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended? 2. How often do you neglect your household chores to spend more time online? 3. How often do you prefer online entertainment over being with your partner? 4. How often do you build new relationships with friends online? 5. How often do your friends complain about the amount of time you spend online? Answers are given on a five-point scale: 1 – very rarely, 2 – sometimes, 3 – often, 4 – very often, 5 – always.

6. How often does your education suffer due to time spent online? 7. How often do you check your email before doing something else? 8. How often does your efficiency or productivity at work suffer due to Internet use? 9. How often do you resist talking or hide if you are asked about what you have been doing online? 10. How often do you push unpleasant thoughts about your life into the background, replacing them with calming thoughts about the Internet?

11. How often do you feel a pleasant anticipation about the upcoming entry into the Internet? 12. How often are you afraid that life without the Internet will become boring, empty and uninteresting? 13. How often do you get irritated and shout if something interrupts you when you are online? 14. How often do you lose sleep when you are online late? 15. How often do you feel engrossed in the Internet when you are not online, or imagine yourself being there?

16. How often do you notice yourself saying “just a couple more minutes...” when you’re online? 17. How often do you try and unsuccessfully reduce your time online? 18. How often do you try to hide the amount of time you spend online? 19. How often do you prefer to be online instead of meeting people? 20. How often do you feel depressed, bad mood, nervous when you are not online, which soon disappears as soon as you go online? With a score of 50-79, it is worth considering the serious impact of the Internet on your life. If the score is 80 or higher, you most likely have Internet addiction and need the help of a specialist.

There are 13 students in the class. Girls - 6 people. Boys - 7 people 13 people tested. Sum of points 50-79 (it is worth considering the serious influence of the Internet on your life) - 10 people. The total score is 80 and above (you most likely have Internet addiction and you need the help of a specialist) - 0 person. Less than 50 points - 3 people. Test results:

If you go too far, the most pleasant things will become the most unpleasant... Democritus wiki/%D1%F2%F0%E0%F2%E5%E3%E8%FF http :// Sources.

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Later, a visualized version of the MUD game appeared - PbEM games. You can play them via email. Communication takes place through a server, which sends players information about the state of the game world and its characters. And players send their commands to the server in emails. In the latest versions of such online games, it is possible to receive visual reports on the state of the game. Online games that were played in chat rooms were very popular at one time. In this case, it was possible to talk and play. This idea quickly caught on, since chatting was very fashionable at that time. The most famous in Russia were such online games as Way of Warrior, which is translated as “Way of the Warrior,” and “Fight Club,” which appeared a little later. The most successful and widespread version of online games known today are MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), which means Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Such games can be played in real time, and a large number of players can take part in them simultaneously. Later, a visualized version of the MUD game appeared - PbEM games. You can play them via email. Communication takes place through a server, which sends players information about the state of the game world and its characters. And players send their commands to the server in emails. In the latest versions of such online games, it is possible to receive visual reports on the state of the game. Online games that were played in chat rooms were very popular at one time. In this case, it was possible to talk and play. This idea quickly caught on, since chatting was very fashionable at that time. The most famous in Russia were such online games as Way of Warrior, which is translated as “Way of the Warrior,” and “Fight Club,” which appeared a little later. The most successful and widespread version of online games known today are MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), which means Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Such games can be played in real time, and a large number of players can take part in them simultaneously. Their number can reach several thousand.

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History of the development of computer games Computer games in the 50s of the XX century Computer games originate in the 50s of the twentieth century. Today, the gaming community has not yet fully decided who their original creator is. History knows three people who began to work on this issue in the 1950s. Ralph Baer As an engineer in 1951, he proposed the idea of ​​interactive television to the public. Baer is considered the inventor of the console. ( Pictured is Ralph Baer, ​​who received the US National Medal of Technology and Innovation in 2005). Arthur Douglas One of the fathers of video games is considered to be the British scientist Arthur Douglas, who in 1952, demonstrating the capabilities of the computer, presented to the dissertation committee in Cambridge a game program called Oy-Ex-Oy (English: OXO, “Tic Tac Toe”) for EDSAC ( English: Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer). William Higinbotham And the third person who can be called the father of computer games is William Higinbotham (helped build the first nuclear bomb). In 1958 he created the computer game " Tennis for Two" Two people could play it. Purpose: To entertain visitors to Brookhaven National Laboratory. Video games in the 60s of the XX century In 1960, Digital Equipment Corporation released the first PDP series computer. It was called PDP-1. In 1961, a group of students from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created the first interactive game "Spacewar". The developers did not patent their games, which were perceived as nothing more than fun, since computers at that time were, to put it mildly, not the cheapest pleasure. The developers did not patent their games, which were perceived as nothing more than fun, since computers at that time were, to put it mildly, not the cheapest pleasure. Computer games in the 70s of the XX century In 1970, a patent was issued for a computer manipulator, which now more than one player cannot do without. We are talking about a computer mouse. The man who received the patent was named Douglas Engelbart. (The picture shows one of the first joysticks). In 1972, Americans Bushnell and Ted Dabney founded Atari, which became the first video game company. The company's first successful product was the already well-known tennis game, called Pong. In 1972, Americans Bushnell and Ted Dabney founded Atari, which became the first video game company. The company's first successful product was the already well-known tennis game, called Pong. 1975 was the year of public interest in computer games. William Crowther creates a game that is a prototype of the quest genre and calls it Colossal Cave Adventure. This game is distributed instantly through the ArpaNET network. 1975 was the year of public interest in computer games. William Crowther creates a game that is a prototype of the quest genre and calls it Colossal Cave Adventure. This game is distributed instantly through the ArpaNET network. Since 1977, various developers have been releasing more and more new computer games, which will subsequently significantly accelerate the development of personal computers. Since 1977, various developers have been releasing more and more new computer games, which will subsequently significantly accelerate the development of personal computers. The Atari 2600 goes on sale. The console boom. The Apple II is released on July 5th. The emergence of the first graphic games for home computers. Video games in the 1980s In the 80s, due to a noticeable reduction in the cost of home computers (thanks to IBM), the computer games market began to grow rapidly. Now we can say that it was in the 1980s that the era of computer games began. Many companies have emerged that focus exclusively on game development. Namco produces the game Pac-Man, the most popular game in the world (according to the Guinness Book of Records). By the mid-eighties, the leader in the video game market had changed. Atari was replaced by Nintendo, which offered better games. The era of video games flourished in the nineties. Set-top boxes of various types and manufacturers began to appear in almost every home. By the mid-eighties, the leader in the video game market had changed. Atari was replaced by Nintendo, which offered better games. The era of video games flourished in the nineties. Set-top boxes of various types and manufacturers began to appear in almost every home. Computer games in the 90s of the XX century Beginning in the 90s, the boom in computer games only began to gain momentum, and the industry grew and grew. In 1993, on December 10, the great Doom was released by Id Software. The game that laid the foundations for the shooter genre. Rise of the Triad is released, the first computer game to feature a multiplayer capture-the-flag mode. Later, the mode migrated to popular e-sports shooters. Rise of the Triad is released, the first computer game to feature a multiplayer capture-the-flag mode. Later, the mode migrated to popular e-sports shooters. In 1996, Voodoo I was born - the first video card to support full 3D. This enabled the release of Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, the first fully 3D games. Also this year, games such as Super Mario, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Diablo and many others appeared. In 1996, Voodoo I was born - the first video card to support full 3D. This enabled the release of Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, the first fully 3D games. Also this year, games such as Super Mario, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Diablo and many others appeared. The cult RTS StarCraft from Blizzard is released, which immediately becomes the best-selling game of the year. Championships for this game were held until 2010. The cult RTS StarCraft from Blizzard is released, which immediately becomes the best-selling game of the year. Championships for this game were held until 2010. Half-Life is released - a game based on the engine of which many action games were created. The most popular of them is definitely Counter-Strike. Unreal is released - the first game in the series of the same name. The game marked the beginning of development of the popular Unreal Engine. Computer games in the 21st century In the first decade of the 21st century, the gaming industry is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Thousands of games are released every year, selling millions of copies around the world, and the turnover is tens of billions of dollars. The most successful gaming projects generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. The slowdown caused by the global financial crisis is gradually disappearing and the industry is gaining momentum again. The development of computers is closely related to the development of games. It is for them that powerful video cards and processors are created, and the amount of available RAM is growing. There is even an opinion, and not unfounded, that computers became what we know them thanks to games. The development of computers is closely related to the development of games. It is for them that powerful video cards and processors are created, and the amount of available RAM is growing. There is even an opinion, and not unfounded, that computers became what we know them thanks to games.

Zoya Tokareva
Presentation “Games with ready-made content and rules”

Presentation "Games with ready-made content and rules"

Game is the leading activity of preschoolers

The meaning of the game for a preschool child

The game affects the development of all cognitive processes: thinking, attention, memory and, of course, imagination.

During the game, the child actively communicates with peers. This affects his communication skills.

During the game, the child’s mental activity develops

Game is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world.

Didactic games

Children solve mental problems presented to them in an entertaining way, and in a game situation the child understands the very need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

Games with objects

Toys and real objects

Board and printed games

Word games

Outdoor games

Outdoor games have great potential for a beneficial effect on the health and physical development of children.

Outdoor games help develop intelligence, observation, attention, imagination, and the development of positive feelings.

Outdoor games are based on a variety of movements: running, throwing, climbing, jumping.

Music games

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Completed by: Kabankova N.V. Checked by: Gulyaeva V.A. Types of children's games and their influence on the development of a child Contents: 1. What is “game” 2. Types of children's games 3. The influence of games on the development and psyche of a child 4. The role of toys in development cognitive sphere of preschoolers in different age periods 5. Conclusion 6. Source What is “game” Game, a type of unproductive activity, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself. Types of children's games: outdoor games (help strengthen children's health, develop movements) construction games (with blocks, special building materials) didactic games (specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich natural science knowledge) role-playing games (games in which children imitate the everyday, work and social activities of adults, for example, games for school, daughters - mothers) story games, (in addition to cognitive purposes, they develop children’s initiative, creativity, observation) creative games, aimed not only at developing the child’s imagination, but also contribute to the formation child's personality. Playing for a child is not only a favorite and main activity. Most importantly, the game prepares the child for adult life. The game shows the child what to do in a given situation. Teaches you to do the right thing in certain circumstances. The influence of games on the development and psyche of a child The role of toys in the development of the cognitive sphere of preschoolers at different age periods A toy is an object that serves for fun and entertainment, but at the same time is a means of mental development of the child. Collapsible toys, a variety of construction sets, train children in analysis, synthesis and generalization. Various mosaics contribute to the development of concentration and stability of attention. Children use visual and effective thinking to explore a wide variety of connections found in the world around them. Conclusion The leading activity in preschool age is play, and a toy is its means, so most children's games involve the use of a variety of toys. The importance of toys in raising children is great. A toy is an indispensable childhood companion and the most important playing tool. Source 1) The influence of toys on the mental development of a preschool child [Electronic resource]: online store of soft toys. - URL:( - 05 - 11 - 25) (02/13/2013). 2) Monster toys. Their influence on the child’s psyche [Electronic resource]: ( t/igrushki_chudovishha_ikh_vlijanie/27 - 1 - 0 - 16) (13. 02.2013). 3) The influence of toys on the child’s psyche [Electronic resource]: online store of children's toys VGA WOODEN TOYS. - URL:( - bin/toys.cgi?stp=art_card&id=727) (02/13/2013).

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