What to do with a lamp in minecraft. How to make a lamp in Minecraft and how it works. Creating a lamp in Minecraft

The lamp is a very useful item in Minecraft. Its most popular counterparts are fire, torch, and glowing stone. However, of all these options, the use of the lamp is the most convenient.

If you use a lamp, and not torches, to illuminate a self-built house, then the effect will be much better. You just need to know how to do it.

Creating a lamp in Minecraft

  • The glowing stone can be found either ready-made in the Nether world in the game, or you can make it yourself. This will require the following elements: light dust; witch.
  • Red Dust can be obtained from Red Ore with a Pickaxe.
  • It is not so easy to build such a lamp in Minecraft. The following game components will be needed: red dust - 4 pcs .; lightstone - 1 pc.
  • The witch will be necessary for the crafting itself, but it is extremely difficult to find her in the game. Because of this, making a lightstone will not be very easy, for the same reason, creating a lamp is not an easy task.
  • On the crafting grid, you need to knead a lightstone, placing it in the center, and place 4 blocks of red dust around it.
  • The glow of such a lamp will have a maximum level of 15. In brightness it surpasses the torch, and in strength it is equal to the lamp. One such light bulb is capable of illuminating about 15 game blocks.

Activating the lamp in the Minecraft game

After making the lamp, you need to activate it. This is done very simply and in several ways. Let's consider them sequentially.

  • With pressure rails. They are pre-crafted from iron ingots, stone plates and red dust. On the crafting grid, the red dust should be around the other two elements.
  • By pressing a button, which is created from two stone blocks.
  • With the help of circuits composed of red stone, which provide the ability to carry out various transformations.
  • When using a lever. To create it, you will need cobblestones and a stick. They are located in any order on the crafting grid.

Each of these types of switches can be located directly on the lamp itself. The connection is carried out in a standard way so that signals come from adjacent blocks either from below or from above. If the signal is received and everything is configured correctly, then the lamp starts to glow. In the case when the lamp does not light up, you need to check the connection for serviceability.

additional information

  • If the lamp is located on a farm, then it can be used to grow the crop and then harvest it.
  • Such a lamp in the game is not afraid of water.
  • However, some problems may arise with this device, for example: when the lamp is activated on the street, lags sometimes occur; the device can only work when transmitting signals from red stones, despite the fact that the lamp belongs to the "glass" type.

At night, the world of Minecraft is extremely uncomfortable. And of course, the gameplay offers us a varied selection of items that can be used to illuminate the home.


The choice of lamps is diverse. Here is a partial list of what you can use to light up your home: Torch, Jack's Lamp, lava, glowing stones, fire, and a lamp.

The lamp in Minecraft does not look like in life, it is a luminous block, which has its very place in the dwelling you have created. Today we'll talk about how to create it.

Crafting a lamp

Crafting in Minecraft is not an easy task. To create the lamp, we need red dust and a glowing stone. Red dust is relatively easy to get - with a pickaxe and red ore, but you have to tinker with a lightstone. As a final ingredient, it is found in the nether worlds and resembles coral. In any case, you will need a portal to Hell to craft it from light dust, but this will require a witch, but this should not stop you.

To create a lamp, you need one Lightstone and four pieces of Red Dust. It burns brighter than a torch, spreading light over fifteen blocks. Can make snow and ice melt.

Lamp activation

In addition to crafting a lamp, you will have to activate it. For this you need:

Two stones for creating an activation button

Redstone circuits
Pressure rails
Levers. Crafted from a stick with a cobblestone

The rules for connecting switches to a lamp are standard: the signal must come from any neighboring block.

Under the light of a lamp, crops can be grown on underground farms. Also the lamp is waterproof and can be floated with.

Like all devices in Minecraft, the light bulb and the corresponding bugs have not passed:

  • When you turn on the lamp on the street on old PCs, lags begin.
  • The lamp can conduct a signal from a red stone, although its very type is glass.

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First appearance in Minecraft such a subject as lamp, fell on update 1.2.1 - it literally immediately divided the players into two camps. Some enthusiastically accepted the innovation and began to craft lamps, chandeliers, street lights, signal lights and brag about design solutions in the lighting of the house. Others felt that mining resources to craft this item was too dangerous, as a result, they still rely on torches the old fashioned way. So, let's begin: how to make a lamp in Minecraft?

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Lamp features in Minecraft

The brightness of the lamp in the game is slightly higher than that of the torch - for example, it is 15 units. Like Jack's Lamp, Lightstone, or Lava, this block can melt nearby ice or snow. The lamp does not need to be tied to another block, can be attached in different ways or carried with you, it is not washed off with liquids. Standard rules are used to connect the lamp. The main distinguishing feature of the unit is the need for activation, that is, the ability to turn on and off the lamp. In addition, if you turn off this unit on a wheat, carrot or potato farm, the crop will die, therefore, you can quickly harvest.

What do you need to craft a lamp in Minecraft?

You can get a lamp by combining red dust and a glowing stone in the crafting of items. The first is obtained by smelting ore, which can be mined underground with a diamond or enchanted iron pickaxe. In turn, the glowing stone is crafted from the dust of the same name. To do this, you need to go down to the Lower World, find spotted stalactites and destroy several blocks. The catch is that the resource is often located above the lava, therefore, you can easily stumble upon Gast. Read on if you want to know how to make a lamp in minecraft.

Activating the lamp in Minecraft

Push rails, a lever, a button, or a redstone circuit will work for this purpose. Each of these switches - for compactness - can be attached to the unit itself. With correct connection and signal, the lamp will light up.

At night, the world of Minecraft is extremely uncomfortable. And of course, the gameplay offers us a varied selection of items that can be used to illuminate the home.


The choice of lamps is diverse. Here is a partial list of what you can use to light up your home: Torch, Jack's Lamp, lava, glowing stones, fire, and a lamp.

The lamp in Minecraft does not look like in life, it is a luminous block, which has its very place in the dwelling you have created. Today we'll talk about how to create it.

Crafting a lamp

Crafting in Minecraft is not an easy task. To create the lamp, we need red dust and a glowing stone. Red dust is relatively easy to get - with a pickaxe and red ore, but you have to tinker with a lightstone. As a final ingredient, it is found in the nether worlds and resembles coral. In any case, you will need a portal to Hell to craft it from light dust, but this will require a witch, but this should not stop you.

To create a lamp, you need one Lightstone and four pieces of Red Dust. It burns brighter than a torch, spreading light over fifteen blocks. Can make snow and ice melt.

Lamp activation

In addition to crafting a lamp, you will have to activate it. For this you need:

Two stones for creating an activation button

Redstone circuits
Pressure rails
Levers. Crafted from a stick with a cobblestone

The rules for connecting switches to a lamp are standard: the signal must come from any neighboring block.

Under the light of a lamp, crops can be grown on underground farms. Also the lamp is waterproof and can be floated with.

Like all devices in Minecraft, the light bulb and the corresponding bugs have not passed:

  • When you turn on the lamp on the street on old PCs, lags begin.
  • The lamp can conduct a signal from a red stone, although its very type is glass.

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