How a lamp is crafted in minecraft. How to make a lamp in Minecraft and how it works. Creating a lamp in Minecraft

The lamp in Minecraft is a unique gameplay element that helps players illuminate dark rooms without using a torch. After all, the lamp is much more convenient, it will light up and go out at the request of the player, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the same torch. Due to the fact that a special lever will be installed on the lamp, allowing this to be done.

How to craft (make) a lamp

But many Minecraft players are not worried about what the lamp is actually needed for, but how to make it. For this event, you will need some items: one glowstone block, four glowstone blocks, and a workbench.

To obtain a lamp, it is necessary to arrange the above items in such an arrangement, as shown in the figure. That's all, by the way. The lamp is ready, you can start using it. It should also be added that this very lamp can be used not only to illuminate the surrounding area, but also to perform some manipulations in the game. For example, for melting ice, snow, which makes a lamp in Minecraft generally irreplaceable.

And also, thanks to the special arrangement of lamps around the perimeter of your house, you can create an exclusive decor element that makes the mansion more expensive and prestigious. To carry out this execution, you just need to show a unique ingenuity, well, and wiggle your brains a little.

Lighting in Minecraft is one of the main tasks facing the player. Why? Because mobs do not spawn in the light. The more you illuminate the area, the less likely a monster will appear next to you. Of course, you can use regular torches, but their illumination radius is much smaller than that of a lamp. So, how to make a lamp in Minecraft?

Materials (edit)

In fact, we will not need so many raw materials to manufacture the item in question. A lamp in Minecraft is crafted from the following ingredients.

  1. Red dust. You can get it by breaking red ore blocks. There is also some chance of getting dust when killing a witch.
  2. Luminous stone. It is mined in two ways. If you have a "silk touch" pickaxe, then you can easily collect ready-made blocks. If you have a regular tool, then break the blocks and collect the glowing dust. From four handfuls, you can craft a solid stone.

That, in fact, is all that Minecraft will require of us. How to make a lamp, see below. The main thing is to remember that one lamp requires four handfuls of red dust and one block of glowing stone. So stock up on everything you need at once.


Having collected everything we need in our inventory, we go to our workbench. We spread the materials on it.

  • Place a glowing stone in the very center.
  • Spread red dust on the sides.
  • The corners of the workbench remain empty.

As you can see, you should have a lamp. Be sure to check the surroundings before installation. There should be no hostile creatures on it, otherwise the light can attract them to you, and this can end very sadly.

Also, when installing the lamp, you must take into account the terrain. The fact is that in some versions, when installing this item on the street (outside an enclosed space or a cave), the players get creepy.Despite the fact that the lamp has the highest brightness in the game, you are unlikely to be able to illuminate the entire courtyard near the house. The luminaire is ideal for illuminating caves, but not good for open areas.


Now you know how to make a lamp in Minecraft. But are there any alternatives to this buggy item? You can, of course, use torches, but the light from them is not enough, but cheap and cheerful.

The second option is to install a simple glowing stone. Minecraft's knowledge base suggests that this natural block also emits light, which in turn allows the lamp to be replaced. The only "but" is that it cannot be turned off during the daytime, and in general, from a design point of view, it is not the best solution. Therefore, it is much better to figure out how to make a lamp in Minecraft.

Among the announced changes in Minecraft, there is information about the future introduction of such a block as a lantern. It will be infinite and will replace all the torches the player has. At the same time, torches will be able to burn out (end). Thus, it can be seen that lamps will always remain relevant, even with the introduction of innovations and improvements. Feel free to craft this item, despite the difficulty of obtaining some of its components, because you still have nothing left but to make a lamp in Minecraft.

At night, the world of Minecraft is extremely uncomfortable. And of course, the gameplay offers us a varied selection of items that can be used to illuminate the home.


The choice of lamps is diverse. Here is a partial list of what you can use to light up your home: Torch, Jack's Lamp, lava, glowing stones, fire, and a lamp.

The lamp in Minecraft does not look like in life, it is a luminous block, which has its very place in the dwelling you have created. Today we'll talk about how to create it.

Crafting a lamp

Crafting in Minecraft is not an easy task. To create the lamp, we need red dust and a glowing stone. Red dust is relatively easy to get - with a pickaxe and red ore, but you have to tinker with a lightstone. As a final ingredient, it is found in the nether worlds and resembles coral. In any case, you will need a portal to Hell to craft it from light dust, but this will require a witch, but this should not stop you.

To create a lamp, you need one Lightstone and four pieces of Red Dust. It burns brighter than a torch, spreading light over fifteen blocks. Can make snow and ice melt.

Lamp activation

In addition to crafting a lamp, you will have to activate it. For this you need:

Two stones for creating an activation button

Redstone circuits
Pressure rails
Levers. Crafted from a stick with a cobblestone

The rules for connecting switches to a lamp are standard: the signal must come from any neighboring block.

Under the light of a lamp, crops can be grown on underground farms. Also the lamp is waterproof and can be floated with.

Like all devices in Minecraft, the light bulb and the corresponding bugs have not passed:

  • When you turn on the lamp on the street on old PCs, lags begin.
  • The lamp can conduct a signal from a red stone, although its very type is glass.

Video lessons

The lamp is a very useful item in Minecraft. Its most popular counterparts are fire, torch, and glowing stone. However, of all these options, the use of the lamp is the most convenient.

If you use a lamp, and not torches, to illuminate a self-built house, then the effect will be much better. You just need to know how to do it.

Creating a lamp in Minecraft

  • The glowing stone can be found either ready-made in the Nether world in the game, or you can make it yourself. This will require the following elements: light dust; witch.
  • Red Dust can be obtained from Red Ore with a Pickaxe.
  • It is not so easy to build such a lamp in Minecraft. The following game components will be needed: red dust - 4 pcs .; lightstone - 1 pc.
  • The witch will be necessary for the crafting itself, but it is extremely difficult to find her in the game. Because of this, making a lightstone will not be very easy, for the same reason, creating a lamp is not an easy task.
  • On the crafting grid, you need to knead a lightstone, placing it in the center, and place 4 blocks of red dust around it.
  • The glow of such a lamp will have a maximum level of 15. In brightness it surpasses the torch, and in strength it is equal to the lamp. One such light bulb is capable of illuminating about 15 game blocks.

Activating the lamp in the Minecraft game

After making the lamp, you need to activate it. This is done very simply and in several ways. Let's consider them sequentially.

  • With pressure rails. They are pre-crafted from iron ingots, stone plates and red dust. On the crafting grid, the red dust should be around the other two elements.
  • By pressing a button, which is created from two stone blocks.
  • With the help of circuits composed of red stone, which provide the ability to carry out various transformations.
  • When using a lever. To create it, you will need cobblestones and a stick. They are located in any order on the crafting grid.

Each of these types of switches can be located directly on the lamp itself. The connection is carried out in a standard way so that signals come from adjacent blocks either from below or from above. If the signal is received and everything is configured correctly, then the lamp starts to glow. In the case when the lamp does not light up, you need to check the connection for serviceability.

additional information

  • If the lamp is located on a farm, then it can be used to grow the crop and then harvest it.
  • Such a lamp in the game is not afraid of water.
  • However, some problems may arise with this device, for example: when the lamp is activated on the street, lags sometimes occur; the device can only work when transmitting signals from red stones, despite the fact that the lamp belongs to the "glass" type.

Good evening. The editor is a sailor with you, and today I will tell how to make a lamp in minecraft.

Light in the game

Light is quite an important element of the game. Without light, we will not see anything in the mine and will not be able to defend our home from hostile mobs.

There are two ways to get light. The first is the simplest. This is the creation of a torch. To craft it, we need only two materials. Stick and coal. Put a stick in the lower slot, and coal in the upper slot.

The second way is more complicated, but more beautiful. This is a lamp. We need a glowing stone, which is mined in the nether world, and red dust. Put a glowing stone in the center, and red dust units in the second, fourth, sixth and eighth slots. We get one lamp.

We insert it into the ceiling and connect it to the lever with red dust. It is very easy to do this, but if you have long lamp roads, then do not forget to install repeaters so that the energy goes everywhere. Yes, red dust has its own distance at which it will work.

Now, when you press the lever, our lamps will light up. I think not a single mechanical house can do without this mechanism, because it is the simplest, but very beautiful.

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