How are marks on barrels calculated? How to calculate XWM (RE) rating or entertaining arithmetic Average server damage for wot tanks

5 years and 5 months ago Comments: 6

I really wanted to start with how much nonsense they write about how, in order to maximize the “windup” of a battle, you need to take/break a grapple, light up the entire team and merge in the first seconds, jump and make frags in flight and similar nonsense. But I decided to write a separate article on action analysis without specifics on technology. In order to understand what to do to increase your rating, you must first understand how it is calculated.
Ratings are different, and they are calculated differently. It seems to me that the most popular on the RU server is based on the formula from WoT-News, used in the XWM (RE) fashion, so we will do the analysis using their formula:

RE = DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.21 + 3*TIER / 100)
+ FRAGS * 250
+ SPOT * 150
+ Ln(CAP + 1.732) * 150
+ DEF * 150

TIER- average level of technology
DAMAGE- average damage
FRAGS- average number of frags
SPOT- average number of exposed players
CAP- average number of capture points
DEF- average number of defense points

Let's compare the influence of these indicators for a tier 1 tank.

So damage. Let’s say there was a wonderful battle where you managed to inflict 1000 damage but didn’t find anyone, you also had no frags, didn’t get to the capture and didn’t knock down the capture at your base.

Total damage results: RE = 800 (frankly not that much for almost 50 times the damage of the average 18 at this level, in practice the best results are at level 300 and this is an increase of 275 RE to your overall rating)

Frags. Now let’s say that you scored 5-10 frags with minimal damage (let’s say 10) without finding anyone, didn’t get to the capture and didn’t knock down the capture at your base.

Total frags: RE = 1250-2500 (by the way, 2 frags is a very realistic indicator for a 1st level tank, and this is an increase of 500 RE to your overall rating)

Flashing. Did you see how the enemy merges there? And what is the bottom line for him personally? Let's do the math. As a rule, these characters merge without damage or capture, so we take the maximum possible number of detected opponents and everything else is zero.

In total, if 15 enemies are detected: RE = 2250 (wow, I feel that now the number of drain fireflies will be even greater, although in fact a good average is 3 tanks, and 5 is simply wonderful, and in this case RE = 450 and 750)

Total with 100% capture: RE = 300 (very little, and at best the average per battle is 5 points and RE = 124)

Protection. Here it is.. We knock down 100% of the capture and we get RE = 15,000 (today, with various modifications and edits to the efficiency rating formula from WoT-News, used in different configs for (RE), the number of points for base defense does not change, which is strange for me personally, and by the way, in this regard, the formulas WN6 and WN8 are much more correct).

Conclusion: the greatest influence on the result is exerted by: average damage, number of frags and defense points.

But after seeing 15,000 RE, there is no need to draw the wrong conclusion that now the most effective tactic is to duck around the base in the bushes with the hope of knocking down the capture. In the vast majority of cases, you will either do nothing to win - if no one gets to you, or you will be left alone against several opponents and you will be merged without even trying to capture the base.

Just remember that if you plan to capture a base, you should hurry to get the 15,000 RE bonus.

Now let's look at what RE you can earn for a battle at different levels of technology if you play well

From what is written above you can calculate RE for a level 1 tank for a good fight(damage 300, 2 kills, 3 detected enemies, 1 base capture and 1 for knocking down a capture). RE = 1405

Next, let's look at the probable RE with a good game for different levels and similar conditions for a battle as in the previous paragraph for a first-level tank: 2 kills, 3 detected enemies, 1 base capture, 1 for shooting down a capture and the average or double the average damage of popular vehicles at the level.

RE for a level 2 tank for a good fight
Average damage for the server: T18 – 72 damage, T2 Light – 82 damage, AT-1 – 46 damage.
If your damage is 100 then RE = 1233, and for damage 200 RE = 1300.

RE for a level 5 tank for a good fight
Average damage on the server: T49 – 366 damage, StuG III – 355 damage, T-34 – 255 damage
If your damage is 330 then RE = 1335, and for damage 660 RE = 1505.

RE for a level 6 tank for a good fight
Average damage on the server: M18 Hellcat – 711 damage, Nashorn – 786 damage, KV-1S – 614.
If your damage is 703 then RE = 1508, and for damage 1406 RE = 1850.

RE for a level 8 tank for a good fight
Average damage on the server: Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger – 1703, AMX 13 90 – 674, IS-3 – 1000.
If your damage is 1125 then RE = 1671, and for damage 2250 RE = 2178.

RE for a level 10 tank for a good fight
Average damage per server: Waffenträger auf E 100 – 2870, T57 – 2234, Object 268 – 2500.
If your damage is 2535 then RE = 2242, and for damage 5700 RE = 3320.


Of course, everyone will now remember that by knocking down a grab you get the biggest increase in your RE. I repeat, it’s worth remembering, but you shouldn’t wait in the bushes for every game based on this most cherished event for you.

Please note that when playing tanks of the first level, you must play on average not twice but 50 times better than others in order to achieve an average RE of 1400. That is, the opinion that someone is gaining a rating on a tank of the 1st level is very ambiguous. Further, you can see that with the same game, your RE level is easier to raise at high levels. Starting from level 6 tanks, if on average you play a little better and cause a little more damage than the average statistical player, then your game will correspond to the level of a very good player (RE from 1475) at the same time if you to damage twice as much with normal average other indicators, then this is the level of RE of unique players.

How to play to increase your RE

I will try to write the nuances and how it looks practically in the next article (although I have the impression that no one needs analytics on this site).

Here's an example fight 27000 RE

Enjoy watching! I hope you enjoyed it.

Prepared by: little_boy_acc_green

Such marks encourage high average damage: the higher the player's score compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the barrel.

Intelligence damage is also taken into account. Thanks to this, the achievement is also available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

How is damage calculated?

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

For the calculation, the results of the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success. What does it mean? The average performance per battle on a machine over the last 14 days is compared to the average results of others who have played on the same machine over the past 14 days. Performance is determined based on the last 100 battles and is updated with each new battle.

When are marks awarded?

To receive entry-level achievement marks, a player must be included in the lists of the best players according to average damage:

  • The best 35% of players on the same tank are awarded the first level of achievement and one mark.
  • The top 15% of players are awarded a second degree and two marks on the barrel.
  • The top 5% of players are awarded the highest degree and three marks.

Example of marks and the corresponding percentage of players by damage:

What do the marks look like?

Here is an example of the location of marks on the barrel of a Soviet tank:

For other nations, the marks will look different:

Where can I see my damage indicator?

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently you deal damage, the fewer battles it takes to calculate your personal score. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Can marks be removed or reduced?

No, the marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away.

Is it possible to turn off the display of marks?

Yes, if you wish, you can turn off the display of marks on the tank both for yourself and for other players, but other people’s marks will still be displayed.

You can do this in the menu “Settings”> “Game”> “Display distinctive marks”.

Distinguishing marks each of your tanks can be awarded individually. To get them, you need to surpass other players in damage dealt using this tank over the last 14 days. This takes into account damage caused both directly by you and with your help.

  • Distinctive marks are only available for vehicles of tier V and higher.
  • Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, making the achievement accessible to light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.
  • The received marks remain on the tanks forever.
  • Similar to class badges, re-acquired badges are displayed in post-battle statistics.
  • In the game, the “Indicators” tab displays the maximum marks.

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not so easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must get into the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players.

How to get 3 marks on wot gun barrels (mark in wot battle)?

The scheme for getting 3 marks on different tanks is slightly different, but in general, to earn marks on the trunk, you should stick to a fairly simple tactic: be as useful as possible during the battle - expose the enemy, consistently cause damage. The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to assign the highest degree of achievement, which will turn into a mark on the barrel.

Those that were awarded to a player once will never be taken away from him. There are also no measures to reduce their status. The player can either hide these drawings or make them visible again (declaring to everyone around him about his achievements), using a special option for this.

Marks that are received again will be displayed in the post-battle statistics data (mark in wot battle).

Can wot gun barrel marks (wot battle mark) be purchased with money?

We are all fans of the game World of Tanks, but sometimes it is so tiring to reach the coveted mark, for which we simply do not have enough of our precious time.

Here our wot-assist Service will come to your aid! We will upgrade any of your tanks to the required mark (mark in wot battle) in the shortest possible time!

Our standard prices for obtaining marks on barrels from scratch on regular tanks:

  • 3 marks on the trunk (95%) - 1900 rub.
  • 2 marks on the trunk (85%) - 1200 rub.
  • 1 mark on the trunk (65%) - 600 rub.

If, for example, you have 2 marks on the barrel and you need a 3rd one, etc. The price will depend on the % mark at the moment.

To obtain distinctive marks on the barrels of wot guns for ordinary tanks. For complex, new tanks, tanks obtained from the Civil Code, promotional tanks and tanks for LBZ, the price will differ significantly, the maximum price is 4,000 rubles.

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