Abstract on the Federal State Educational Standards plot-role-playing game. GCD in the form of a role-playing game “Our city Materials for GCD

Irina Chusovitina
Summary of a role-playing game according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the senior group “Family trip to the dacha”

1. Objectives:

1. formation of respectful and friendly relationships in the family;

2. formation and development of gaming activities:

3. expansion of ideas about the environment world:

* introduce the types of activities at the dacha;

* consolidate knowledge about the sequence of growing fruit and berry crops;

* consolidate knowledge about carpentry tools and their purpose;

* consolidate knowledge about the rules of table setting;

4. development of creativity (hand-made production of attributes, use of substitute items, improvisation in game actions).

2. Preparing for the game:

Date Preparation

attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques

May 2016 1. Making attributes for the main plot:

*vegetables fruits

*gardening tools (shovels, rakes; buckets; scoops)

2. Making and preparing existing toys (buckets, watering cans, dishes, carpentry tools, seeds, stroller, doll, (pacifier, bottle, blanket, cubes - to indicate beds, towels);

4. Construction family car;

3. Construction of buildings in group. 1. Conversation with children on topics "Adult Labor", "My family", "What can you plant in your garden"

2. Reading a poem "Country house" (Denkov D. A);

3. Examination of illustrations with images of country holidays and work;

4. Examination of vegetables and fruits.

1. Display of games for children actions:

*use of carpentry tools (hammer, saw, plane, vice, etc.)

3. Training in transition from the main one plot to accompanying(transferring play actions from one toy to another - from zone to zone).

4. Consolidation of knowledge on the rules of seating and behavior in a car (an adult is driving, children do not sit in the front seat, everyone needs to buckle up before setting off).

3. Long-term game preparation plan "In the country"

Basic plot Roles Attributes Game actions Speech figures

Work in the garden

*Vegetables fruits

* Garden tools (shovels, rakes, buckets, watering cans)

* Cubes for marking beds


*Gathering the harvest *Come on together, come on together!

*Please help me please

*Help is needed

*What great fellows!

*Thanks a lot!

Related stories

* Automobile

*Eldest son

*Daughter * Built car

*We put in the car what we are taking with us (baggage)

*Take a seat

take your seats, buckle up

*We talk on the way *Has everyone sat down?

*Buckle up!


* Builders

*Eldest son

* Building tools

* Hammering nails

*Making it *Look, son!

*Come on, help!

Kitchen *Mom

* Products


*Cooking lunch

*Boil the kettle

*We're setting the table

*Wash and dry the dishes *Turn on the stove

*Wash the vegetables

*Peel the potatoes

*Put the kettle on

* Please help me!

* Time to have lunch!

*Everyone to the table!

*Bon appetit!

*Who will wash the dishes?

* "Mothers and Daughters"


(*Daughter)* Baby doll, stroller, blanket, pacifier, bottle * Swaddling the doll

*Feed her

*Putting us to bed *You are my good one!

*Let's eat

*Bye-bye, close your eyes

4. Move games

1. The teacher introduces a game situation.

Reading a poem "Country house!" (author Denkov D. A.):

Look around the dacha in the summer -

Everything is dressed for summer:

And rose hips and roses,

And an oak tree and a birch tree.

Everything is chosen to perfection -

I came up with some fun

Dress like a model

There's a spruce in the corner behind the oak tree!

Nearby the apple tree is laughing,

Like a young lady stands

Here he will smile again,

Let me treat you to some rosy...

Evening, summer, and at the dacha -

The nightingale jumps through the beds,

Just a little bit in the corner

The stove is heating by the window,

Mom again: "Let's go to sleep,

It's too early to leave tomorrow..."

I woke up with the early light -

It's good to be at the dacha in the summer!

B. After reading the poem with the children, have a conversation on the topic "My family", "Adult Labor in the Garden". Of course, as a rule, the main work in the garden is planting and growing fruit and berry crops, after which a conversation with the children reveals the topic "What can you plant in the garden" with a look at the vegetables and fruits that are grown at home.

B. Making dummies of vegetables and fruits that will become necessary in the process games.

D. The teacher invites the children to answer the situational question:

* “What can you do at the dacha besides working in the garden?”

During the discussion and proposals, actions are clarified. In this case, the teacher shows children games actions:

* possible actions in the garden (dig, plant, weed, water, etc.)

*use of construction tools (hammer, saw, nails, etc.)

Here you can also look at illustrations depicting country holidays and work.

Based on this, in addition to the main plot"work in the garden" associated stories, which will certainly be included in the game. This: "automobile", "kitchen", "builders", "mothers and daughters".

* "What can we take with us on dacha

This is where all the attributes that will be included in the game are identified– This: gardening tools, dishes, food for preparing lunch, construction tools, stroller, doll. Let's call it all baggage.

2. Distribution of roles. Children choose their own roles. The teacher observes and prompts. To avoid any conflict situations, the teacher suggests dividing into subgroups of 6 people according to the principle "Who is friends with whom" or by "Counting" and lose plot several times in different compositions. Be sure to inform everyone that you can play an unlimited number of times and prove yourself in any role.

3. Game design space:

* location determination games(group or an area on the street);

* distribution of zones on the territory (car (garage, vegetable garden, kitchen, carpentry workshop);

* placement of attributes in each zone.

4. Game actions:

*. Participants sit in the car. Packing luggage. Buckle up. "Adults" help "children". Dad gets behind the wheel.

There is a situational conversation going on;

*. We've arrived. "Adults" help "children" get out of the car, take out your luggage.

*. We take out the gardening tools and move into the garden. We dig a garden with a shovel and sow it. Water using a watering can. We weed the beds. We collect the ripe harvest. Everything happens with elements of training and support "adults" "children".

*. The boy participants remain in the garden, the girl participants move to the kitchen area.

*. Lunch is being prepared in the kitchen. We wash, peel vegetables, prepare lunch from available products. We boil the kettle. We're setting the table.

*. Participants plot"kitchen" they call those remaining in the garden to dine. Let's have lunch. We wash and dry the dishes.

*. Boy participants go to a construction workshop. They independently choose the type of activity using construction tools.

*. Meanwhile, the girl participants feed, swaddle and put the baby doll to bed.

*. In case of conflict situations during games, the teacher joins in plot in the role of chairman of the gardening and dacha partnership, which implies his competence in resolving any dispute.

5. End games

* “End of the day off at the dacha”;

*Move to another view activities:

** conversation-discussion

** drawing

* When games on the site - end of the walk (mode moment).

6. Evaluation games

During game actions, disclosures plot The teacher, through observation, assesses the children’s interest in the game based on parameters:

* activity inside plot;

* desire to move from plot to plot;

* the desire of others to participate or organize a similar parallel plot.

1. have a conversation on Topics:

* “What did you like? What didn’t you like?”

* “What can I add?”

2. Thematic drawing: “Who do I want to be in the game? "In the country"

Tverdyakova Larisa
GCD in the form of a role-playing game “Our City”

Target: compiling stories according to the scheme demonstrated by the actions.



Cultivate a polite attitude towards each other, observe a culture of behavior during the game.


Develop the ability to act according to plan. Continue to develop coherent speech.


Teach children to organize games independently: choose a theme, assign roles.

Roles: masons, drivers, excavator operators, cooks, mom, dad.

Equipment: story picture “At a construction site”, building material, special transport (concrete mixer, grader, truck, crane, set of “Cookware”, set of “Furniture”, 2 aprons, dolls, pictures and diagrams of the construction, diagrams for preparing borscht or soup, story pictures based on the fairy tales “Kolobok” and “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

Preliminary work: constructing various structures, looking at pictures of people’s professions, composing descriptive stories based on diagrams and stories based on demonstrated actions.

Speech therapist. Guys, what professions do you know?

Children. Cook, teacher, builder, seller, postman, driver, military man….

Speech therapist. What do your parents do?

Children. My dad is a prosecutor (doctor, salesman, driver, and my mom doesn’t work, she’s always at home.)

Speech therapist. Who would you like to become?

Children. I want to become a police officer (doctor, driver, speech therapist, teacher)

Speech therapist. Now look at this picture and tell me what professions are depicted here?

Children. Driver, crane operator, carpenter, mason...

Speech therapist. Do you want to play the game “Builders”?

(Children's answers.)

Speech therapist. A new microdistrict is being built in our city. There will be many small children living there. For the new microdistrict it is necessary to build a kindergarten. The construction company of our group “Korabliki” won the tender for the right to build a kindergarten. Well, let's help our hometown build a kindergarten?

(Children's answers.)

The chief architect of the city gave us a project for a kindergarten. It consists of these drawings.

Speech therapist. What do we need for this?

Children. We will need building material and special transport.

Speech therapist. Right. And who will work as who at the construction site?

(Children distribute roles)

Speech therapist. On which street will we build a kindergarten? If many children live on this street, what can it be called?

Children. Children's street.

Speech therapist. And those guys who remained will be residents of our city. Someone will be a mother and cook lunch for the builders, someone will help the mother, someone will look after small children.

(Children distribute roles)

(Children examine the drawings and determine the construction sequence. During construction, children follow the rules of cultural behavior and communication. At the end of construction, the builders tell mothers and children the construction sequence using a mnemonic table.)

Speech therapist. Dad will soon come home from work for lunch. Mom needs to prepare borscht (soup). She asks her son (daughter) to help her with this. He (she) doesn't know how. She says that she will cook according to the recipe, and her son (daughter) will serve her the food. At the end of the activity, the mother will ask the child about how they cooked. The child will tell you the recipe (mnemonic table).

(While preparing lunch, children follow the rules of cultural behavior and communication.)

Speech therapist. The kindergarten is ready. You can take your children to kindergarten. Who will be the teacher? Who will take the children to kindergarten?

(Children distribute roles.)

Speech therapist. The mother brought the child to kindergarten. There is a conversation in the morning with the teacher about the child’s condition. The teacher wants to tell the children a fairy tale. But the tales got mixed up.

(The teacher asks them to unravel and put in order the plot pictures of two fairy tales. The teacher tells one of the fairy tales using the mnemonic table herself. Then he asks who will tell the other fairy tale? The child tells a fairy tale based on the mnemonic table.)

Speech therapist. Guys, who were you in the game today? What they were doing? What else do you want to build? How will you do this? What other dishes can you prepare? Can you cook them? How to learn?

(Children's answers.)

Publications on the topic:

Teachers: Furshtakova Svetlana Anatolyevna, Petrova Elena Sergeevna. In preparation for the "Space is a Pro" competition, my colleague and I.

Scenario of the role-playing game “Geologists” Role-playing game “Geologists” by Melnikova A.V. and Varenova A.D. Purpose: to give children elementary ideas about the properties of stones, to consolidate.

Thematic role-playing game “Mishutka’s Birthday”. Goal: to promote the formation of the ability to reflect impressions received in everyday life.

Summary of the role-playing game “Hospital” Goal: developing the ability to apply early knowledge about the surrounding life in the game. Objectives: - consolidate previously acquired knowledge about work.

Summary of the role-playing game “Inventors” Compiled by the teacher of the senior preparatory group of MBDOU No. 13: Vlasyuk M.P. Purpose: To develop fantasy, imagination, interest in knowledge.

Organization: Kindergarten No. 80 in Chelyabinsk

Locality: Chelyabinsk

Program content

Target: formation in children of cognitive interest in the profession of doctor (doctor), nurse, patient, interest in gaming activities, collective, productive, creative, cognitive and research.



1. To form an idea of ​​the integrity of the picture of the world and broaden one’s horizons;

2. Enrich children’s understanding of the medical profession;

3. Continue to develop self-care skills.


1. To develop children’s attention and integrity of perception and to enrich children’s ideas about professions.

2. To develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor, patient).

3. Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”, using familiar medical instruments (toys).

4. Promote the emergence of role dialogue.


1. Foster respect for the work of adults.

2. Develop a caring attitude towards your health, the ability to show sensitivity and care towards a sick person.

Direction: personality-oriented.

Equipment: doctor costume, hospital play set, dolls.

Methods and techniques:

· excursion to the medical office;

· observations;

· reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky;

· examination of medical gaming instruments;

· educational conversations;

· productive activity.

Situational conversation

Speech situation

Game (story with rules)

Relevance: To the question: “Who is a doctor?, What is a hospital?” - the children answer in monosyllables, “it hurts.” Kids still have virtually no idea “What is work?” “What do they do at work?”, not to mention understanding the name of the specialty and job responsibilities. Therefore, it is very important to introduce children to the profession of a doctor or nurse, to talk about the characteristic qualities that this or that profession requires, to broaden children’s horizons about the work of adults, to apply the acquired knowledge in role-playing games, life situations, which contributes to their connection with society.

Operating principles: integration of educational areas - social-communicative, speech, motor, cognitive.

Practical significance: To strengthen family ties, talk with your child at home about the profession of doctor, nurse, patient.

Planned results: have an idea of ​​the profession of doctor, nurse and their parents, know the subjects of assistants, and are oriented in the social world. Show more independence in various activities. Know and understand the rules of conduct in public places.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, do you know who your mom and dad work?

Children's answers.

Tasya’s mother works as a doctor! (the teacher explains that a doctor is also called a doctor).

Educator: What does a doctor do?

Children's answers.

Today we will play the game “Hospital”. Look, a doctor came to visit us today. Let's say hello to him together, to do this we need to stand in a circle. (We all stand in a circle, the doctor calls the name of each child in turn and says “Hello name”)

Doctor: Guys, do you know what the word “Hello” means?

“Hello” is when we wish each other health.

Why do you think we need health?

Children's answers.

Doctor: What a great fellow you are, we can’t live without health, we will get sick and won’t be able to play, walk, or communicate with friends.

How can you protect your health?

Children's answers.

Doctor: Indeed, you need to eat healthy food, exercise, etc. And if a person still gets sick, what should he do?

Children's answers.

Doctor: Of course, he needs to go to the hospital to see a doctor.


If someone is not well,

They call ..... (doctors).

Wait, baby, don't cry!

Prescribed medicine... (doctor).

Doctor: Let’s have a physical minute with you

The sun came out from behind a cloud,

We will stretch our arms to the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

Hands to the sides then

We'll spread wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

We've finished warming up.

Rested your legs and backs.

Educator: Who will be our doctor today? (they chose a boy) What about a doctor’s assistant, a nurse? (they chose a girl) And the rest of the kids will be patients. Today we have a medical examination at the hospital.

The guys take their places. The doctor and nurse sit at the table, the patients on chairs. The doctor sits down on a chair.

Educator: Don’t forget, the hospital should be quiet, don’t make noise, don’t interfere with the doctor treating sick children. The dialogue between the doctor and the patient is structured as follows:

D.: Hello, what is your name?

B.: Says hello, says his name.

D.: What hurts you?

B.: He says that he is in pain.

The nurse records and assists the doctor.

Next, the doctor begins the examination. The patient thanks the doctor, says goodbye, and leaves. The next patient comes in. Game continues. After 2-3 patients, it is proposed to change the role of the doctor. (The teacher helps and participates in the game).


Educator: Well done, guys, we did an examination, everyone is healthy, the nurse prescribed vitamins! Did you like the game? What did we play today?

Children: to the hospital

Educator: Correct!

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He is the happiest of all.

The guys took part in the game very actively and friendly. After playing together with the teacher, the children lose the game with dolls.


1. Bozhovich L.I. "Personality and its formation in childhood". M.: Pedagogy, 2000

2. Vygotsky L.S. “Game and its role in the mental development of a child // Questions of psychology, 1961 - No. 2- p. 62-76

3. Zvorygina E.V., Children’s first story games. M: Enlightenment. 1988

4. Zvorygina E.V., Komarova N. “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of SYURI // preschool education. 1989 No. 5 p. 31-40

5. Elkonin D.V. “Psychology of the game. 2nd edition. – M.: VLADOS, 1999

Abstract of GED according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the form of a role-playing game “Cafe”.


Expand children's understanding of culinary professions; consolidate the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. To form the basis for the safety of one’s own life in the process of work.

Integration of areas:

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: Introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life activity in the process of work. To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans

5. “Artistic-aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of people of different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials:

Decoration of cafe premises, kitchens, confectionery shop, bartender's workplace, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted dough for modeling confectionery, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (the use of literary words, the teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in the educational process of educational activities, summarizing the assessment of children’s activity).



MKU Department of Education Administration

urban district city of Neftekamsk

Municipal preschool

educational budgetary institution

kindergarten No. 32

Abstract of GCD

according to Federal State Educational Standards

in the form of a role-playing game


in the preparatory group


Conducted by the teacher:

Zaydullina E.M.


Expand children's understanding of culinary professions; consolidate the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. To form the basis for the safety of one’s own life in the process of work.

Integration of areas:

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: To introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life activity in the process of work. To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans

5. “Artistic-aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of people of different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials:

Decoration of cafe premises, kitchens, confectionery shop, bartender's workplace, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted dough for modeling confectionery, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (the use of literary words, the teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in the educational process of educational activities, summarizing the assessment of children’s activity).

Progress of activities:

1. Introductory part. Organizing time.

Relaxation exercise"Let's rejoice"

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

(children raise their hands up)

And we will also rejoice in smiling faces,

(smile at each other)

To all those who live on our planet,

(spread arms to the sides)

"Good morning! " - we will tell the guests and children.

(hug each other)

2. Introduction to the topic. Posing a question for discussion.

The teacher draws the attention of the guests present:

Guys, how many guests we have today!

Do you have guests coming to your home?

How do you meet them?

Do you go to visit yourself?

How do you behave when visiting?

On what occasions do we go to visit?

Well, if there are a lot of guests, then you can invite them to the cafe. Here is my proposal: since we have guests today, we will open our own cafe and invite them there.

But before we remember what professions people work in cafes, let's say

What is this profession? (profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life)

What professions do people work in the cafe? (cook, pastry chef, waiters, bartenders...).

And I also know such a profession as a pizza maker.

Have any of you heard of her? (Pizzmetsker is a pizza maker).

Where are people of this profession needed? (at the pizzeria). (SLIDE 1)

Teacher's story:

This profession appeared in Italy, like pizza itself. (SLIDE 2)

Pizza, an Italian dish, is so popular among Italians that a special holiday is dedicated to it, held in Italy every year. Now let's see how and what pizza is made from. (SLIDE 3)

Well, now let's take guests on a tour of our cafe.

Cafe tour:

  1. Kitchen.

Look how many items there are!

What is this? (meat grinder)

What do you do with a meat grinder?

What is this? (grater, pan, stove...)

What profession do these items belong to? (To the cook)

(The chef has special clothing - this is an apron, cap or scarf. He wears this so as not to stain his clothes and so that lint and hair do not get into the food. And in general, such clothes are worn not only by cooks, but also by confectioners and salespeople , waiters).

What should a chef be like? (neat, healthy, fast...)

Physical exercise "Cooks"

  1. Confectionary shop.

What do you know about the work of a pastry chef?

What confectionery products do you know?

What tools does the pastry chef use?

3. Bar table.

There is a wide range of cocktails here. Who cooks them? (Bartender)

What do you know about being a bartender?

4. Administrator's office.

What job does an administrator do? (Keeps order in the hall, makes food orders).

5. Cafe hall.

Who works in the cafe hall? (waiters)

What kind of work do waiters do? (Introduces visitors to the menu, takes orders and fulfills them).

Now we have become acquainted with the cafe premises, let's assign roles and invite willing guests to the cafe. (Cooks prepare salads, prepare soup, porridge, French fries; pastry chefs cut out cookies from salt dough and make cakes; bartenders stir cocktails; waiters turn on calm music, prepare notepads with pens; the administrator calls clients).

Reception of guests.


We played very interestingly. You played your roles wonderfully. Let's close our cafe today, and tomorrow, if the desire arises, we will continue the game.

Summary of the role-playing game “Journey to the Mysterious Island” in the preparatory group

Author. Makarova Nadezhda Leonidovna, teacher of the MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 30 Kipen, Leningrad region.
Description. I offer a summary of the role-playing game “Journey to the Mysterious Island” for children in the preparatory group. This work will be of interest to teachers of preschool institutions who work with children of this age category.
The relevance of conducting role-playing games. Role-playing games allow you to develop children's creative abilities and their imagination. In the game, children learn to get used to the image of a particular character and play a certain role. They are of great importance in the social adaptation of the child and the realization of his potential in the future. In the role-playing game, the child’s personality, his intelligence, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed, but most importantly, the role-playing game generates the desire for self-realization and self-expression.
Target. To develop in children the ability to combine various thematic plots into a single game plot; establish and regulate contacts in a joint game.
Tasks. 1. Expand the range of children's games, teach them to play together (discuss the plot, come up with new roles and game actions), help create a game environment taking into account the theme of the game and an imaginary situation, teach them to name their role, verbally determine the events depicted, the location of the players (here is the sea , this is a ship, it is sailing to a mysterious island, etc.).
2. Reinforce in children the sequence of days of the week, the number and order of counting, the names of geometric shapes, measuring objects using a conventional measure, and orientation in space.
3. Activate children's vocabulary: cabin, navigator, boatswain, porthole, cook, travel agency, courier, cruise.
4.Develop creative thinking, imagination, and fantasy in children.
5. Cultivate friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork in children.
Preliminary work. Examination of photographs, illustrations, pictures depicting various ships. Construction of ships from various building materials and paper. Reading “Native Man” by V. Korzhikov, “Shark” by L. N. Tolstoy. Making attributes for the game. Watching the cartoon "Boniface's Vacation". Conversation after watching the cartoon. Writing stories on the topic: “What if I went on a trip.”

Game attributes. Modules for building a ship, seven multi-colored (according to the colors of the rainbow) flags, caps, binoculars, an anchor, small toys from Kinder surprises, a conventional measure - braid, napkins, wallets, money, tickets, a computer, bananas, a cutting board.

Progress of the game.

Educator. Children, let's play with you. What game do you want to play? (Children's answers).
Educator. Okay, we're going on a sea cruise! What will we sail on? (Children offer different options - choose a ship).
Educator. Guys, what day of the week do you think is best to travel? Why? What is the day of the week called today? (Children's answers). Let's not delay our voyage! Let's go traveling today!
Educator. Let's think about where we're going? (Children's answers. I offer the children seven multi-colored (according to the colors of the rainbow) flags, on one side of each flag a letter is written.) Guys, if you arrange the flags by color in the same order as a rainbow, then you will find out where we will go on the cruise. (Children complete the task and read the word “islands”). Yes, to the islands!

Together with the children, we decide what we need to prepare for the trip and assign roles. We choose an agent to work in a travel agency, a courier to purchase vouchers, a supermarket seller, a supply manager to purchase the necessary goods for the cruise (a set of small toys, wet wipes, four knives). The rest of the children are ship designers (we build the ship from modules).
When everything is ready for the trip (tickets have been purchased, goods have been purchased, and most importantly, the ship has been built), the children choose a captain, a navigator, and a cook. The rest of the children will be sailors.
Boarding of the ship is announced. The captain checks the tickets, it turns out that the tickets were purchased from a travel agency to the “Mysterious Island”. Everyone takes their places on the ship. The captain gives the command to the navigator. The ship departs from the pier (a recording of the sound of the sea and a ship signal sounds).
During the journey, children play with their tickets. The tickets are unusual, with tasks. On one side of the ticket you need to count the number of objects, and on the reverse side you need to find the differences in the picture depicting two ships.

So the ship approaches its destination unnoticed, but a problematic situation arises. There is no pier for a ship on this island.
Educator. Children, how can you get to the island? (Children's answers).
The captain suggests getting to land using a life preserver. Children imitate swimming with a lifebuoy to the song “Chunga-Changa” by V. Ya. Shainsky and land on the island. On the island we listen to birdsong (a recording of bird voices sounds). Next, the children try to imagine what can grow here, how beautiful it is here.
Educator. Children, it is very hot on the island, you can take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the sand. (At this time, small Kinder Surprise toys that the children wanted to play with accidentally fell apart.) How can you collect the toys? (Children's answers). Yes, of course, now you and I will turn into monkeys and collect toys with our toes. (Children collect toys with their toes and put them in a basin.)
Educator. Who do you think lives on the island? (Children's answers). We put together a cut-out picture and find out what kind of funny people live here.

Educator. Children, how can you imagine what kind of home they might have? What might their house be called? (Children's answers). We will now come up with a home for them using these pictures. (The game “Wonderful Things” (TRIZ) is being played. This game can be found in the book “Amazing Stories” by L. E. Belousova. The house is green, made of rubber, four-story, moves on chicken legs, a guitar is always playing in it, the smell of strawberries in the house. We discuss with the children whether it is comfortable to live in such a house. We play the game “Good - Bad” (TRIZ).

Educator. Children, if this island is mysterious, there must be treasures here? (The game is played: “Find the treasure.” Three children are blindfolded. According to the specified plan, they look for treasures. The plan is voiced by the captain. The children quickly find the treasure, but they cannot open it without guessing the following spell (a recording from a tape recorder sounds): “There are two objects - one of them grows here on the island, the other is in your group and in the music room. Both of these objects begin with one sound and end with a sound, but the other has five sounds. Children guess the word “banana” and. the word “tambourine”. A treasure opens (a beautiful old chest prepared in advance), and there are bananas.)
Educator. Guys, we are on an unusual island, it’s so mysterious, and it’s hot here. Maybe we can turn these bananas into ice cream? (The children happily agree.) Then let's wash our hands first. (A finger game is played. “Wash your big finger, wash your index finger, wash your middle finger, ring finger and little little finger.” Children wash their fingers using wet wipes.
The cook distributes bananas. The children are faced with a problematic situation - there are not enough bananas for everyone. What to do? Children, using a conventional measure (braid), divide the bananas in half, then cut, peel, insert an ice cream stick into one side of the banana and roll the banana in cocoa. It turns out ice cream and everyone treats themselves.

Educator. Guys, let's take a look at the magic chest where the bananas were. (The children look into the chest, it turns out to have a second bottom. There the children find souvenirs from the inhabitants of the island - jewelry with a shell.)
The journey is coming to an end. We have to go back to kindergarten. Children close their eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, four, five - we are in kindergarten again.” And they end up in a group. They look at their jewelry and plan to go to the mysterious island again, so that next time they can get acquainted with the marine inhabitants of the island.
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