Poker books – online poker library for beginners and professionals. Poker tutorial for beginners with detailed instructions on how to play The Poker Bible

Books about poker – an important source of information for every player. It contains the knowledge and experience of professionals about various. It is necessary to read books regularly to gain more skill and try new techniques at the gaming table.

Types of Poker Books

All literature is divided into groups. It is necessary to study a book from a new category each time in order to develop your knowledge in all areas of poker.

You can download poker books of the following types:

  • , counting and calculation.
  • Poker strategy.
  • Books about and choice.
  • Literature about games.
  • Basics of poker for beginners, description and subtleties of the game.
  • Psychological books on poker for reading your opponent's emotions and actions at the table.
  • Literature on the rules of combating the condition.

What literature should you start with?

If you are just getting started with poker, be sure to read the literature with a detailed description of the rules. These will be the best poker books at this stage. They will describe possible actions at the table, some nuances of poker etiquette for playing in tournaments.

After this, you need to switch to books on mathematics to study the correct calculation of outs and the chances of making a combination. At the same time, read about the psychology of poker and the rules of maintaining a bankroll.

After reading several books, choose which one you will play regularly. These can be cash games, sit-and-gos or multi-table tournaments. Start reading literature on your chosen poker disciplines. There the nuances of the strategy, secrets from professionals will be described this poker direction.

Here is an example of the best poker books with which A must-read for beginner players:

  • . It will help even a beginner to master the mathematics of poker and quickly calculate his chances of winning at the table.
  • . This is a legendary poker book from a professional. He explains step by step how to become a master of the game, feel your opponents and always outplay them. It contains knowledge about strategy, mathematics and poker psychology.
  • . This is a simple poker tutorial for beginners. Basic rules and strategies are collected here. A player who has never even heard of poker will, after reading it, be able to feel confident at the gaming table and make the right decisions.
  • . This is another masterpiece from the poker master. He was able to win the World Championship twice. The book on poker describes the system of correct play, various strategies, and tips on mathematical calculations.
  • . This is the perfect textbook on poker psychology for beginners. After reading, you will be able to determine the playing style of your opponent and his approximate cards in hand. You will be able to analyze your opponents not only by their actions, but also by their emotions and gestures.
  • . From this book you will gain invaluable knowledge about the rules of the tournament. Winning strategies and rules of conduct at different stages are described here.

Bottom line

Books about poker will help every player improve your skills, learn new techniques and successfully use them to win. It is important to take some notes after each new book and write down the most important recommendations that you will begin to apply at the gaming table today. If you can't play a certain strategy, re-read the corresponding chapter again or look for the answer to this question in another book on poker.

Poker, like many other disciplines, can be learned on your own. But you must understand the most difficult point in this whole process: you will not always be able to understand whether you are moving in the right direction. The lack of prompts from a living person often delays progress or even leads to the fact that a person stops learning.

However, if we put aside this one drawback, we can say that it is possible to learn to play on your own. And now we will tell you how to achieve this.

Required elements of a poker tutorial

First of all, you must understand that no training will produce results if it is not supported by practice. You can read the best books, communicate with professionals and watch recordings of the most important championships, but if you don’t play yourself, you won’t understand much.

Plus, not all things are one-size-fits-all. Each player has his own tactics, and you can only understand what yours is by trying everything available

From the very first day of training register at your chosen poker room and start playing.

If you plan to play for real money over time, then we would generally not recommend using gaming applications like World Poker Club, Poker Shark, and so on. They are played by those who perceive poker solely as entertainment. Their style of play has nothing in common with real experience, so such practice will not bring much benefit to you.

Most poker rooms also have modes where you can play with virtual currency. Even if this is similar to what “toys” offer, the audience for them is more serious - often these are those who are simply taking a break from the real money game modes.

Therefore, if you are at that stage when you don’t even really know the rules yet or haven’t memorized the combinations, then you can start with this.

Over time, as you master the basics, move on to micro-limits. The mood of playing for real money will be completely different, and you also need to get used to it. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can move on to devoting yourself to intentional learning.

The best poker tutorial

As in any other field, books are almost the best way to learn something new. Poker is no exception. In the not too long history of this game, not many guides have been written, but all of them are worthy of attention.

Some (David Sklansky's Theory of Poker) focus on general points that develop real-time thinking and decision-making skills. Thanks to them, you will understand how the game works and how to make your game exactly yours.

Others (Harrington on Hold'em by Dan Harrington) cover more specific topics but devote more attention to them. So, this work is a classic, and many professionals admitted that it was with its help that they came to what they have at the moment.

Others (Alan Schoonmaker's The Psychology of Poker or Roy Rounder's Poker Math Made Easy) are even more specialized, but take you into narrow but incredibly important areas of poker without which you will never reach the professional level.

We have a variety of literature-based materials, broken down by both the topics they cover and the level of difficulty, so you can start learning poker from scratch and move on to more advanced topics.

Do not immediately turn to the heaviest books. Even in the “Poker Self-Tutorials” for beginners you will find important and new things for yourself.

Videos and articles

Books are structured knowledge that is accumulated and collected into a single whole of experience. Articles are something that is on the agenda and can make your game better at the moment.

With the help of short text materials you can get acquainted with the trends, learn about some of the techniques that experienced players from all over the world are just starting to offer. An important element are analyzes of past games, where the actions of other players are analyzed step by step.

VODs (video on demand) are similar in content, but differ in presentation. Most often, such videos are a recording of gameplay with player comments. It can be either a real-time game or a recording

The convenience of video is that you see visualized information that is easier to perceive. The author offers a distribution - you pause and think about what you would do yourself - turn on the video again and see the solution and result. This can be considered a self-test that also develops your skills.


There are quite popular paid courses on the Internet, but with the help of poker tutorials you can just as successfully master the field on your own, spending only on books that will be useful to you in the future. The only thing that can help you a lot is knowledge of English.

To understand all the intricacies of poker, you cannot do without books from experts. It is there that you can find a lot of practical recommendations and effective strategies, tactics and practical tips, as well as a lot of other important information. That is why such literature is in great demand among players. But which poker books should you download first? It all depends on how familiar this game is to you. Below we will first announce best poker books for beginners, which you can download for free directly from our website. Next, let's imagine list of books that experienced poker players should definitely read. So, let's begin!

The Best Poker Books for Beginners

1. Easy Game" by Andrew Seidman. In this book, the author explains NL Hold'em in two steps. The first step means obtaining key knowledge that will help you earn a hundred dollars for every hour of playing in online rooms or at live tables. The second step involves full immersion in advanced concepts that help you understand the key fundamentals needed to play high stakes poker. At the same time, the author insists that you first need to go through the first step, only then move on to the second. After all, without prior preparation, it will be difficult to play successfully at higher stakes.

2. "Little Green Book" by Phil Gordon. This publication is what beginners need. It first covers the basic rules of poker and provides a detailed description of each betting round. After which the reader will find supporting sections that will help consolidate the theory and begin successful practice. The main advantage of this book is that it is written in an accessible form. Even very complex terms are presented simply, making them easy to understand. However, you will not need to spend a lot of time reading this book, since it includes only 177 pages.

3. “Hold'em for Beginners” by Ed Miller. This publication is a real guide for beginners in the world of poker. It gives the basics of such a card game, and also provides effective tactics that will help you win hands at first. In the future, the author advises developing your own strategy so that it is unique. Then you will be able to become a strong opponent and win big pots, since your opponents will not be able to predict your moves. The book “Hold'em for Beginners” contains a lot of other important information for a beginner.

4. “The Theory of Poker” by David Sklansky. Recommending a publication from this author to beginners is especially important and at the same time pleasant, since he is a very successful professional player. He managed to win three gold bracelets in the World Series. In his book, David provides an extensive base on the theory and mathematics of poker. Beginners may think that the latter is unnecessary. However, it is not. Mathematics in poker is one of the main components. If you neglect it, you will not be able to win often and improve your skill level. This book is also valuable because it provides readers with many clear examples. Thanks to them, it will be much easier to understand the theory presented and apply the voiced recommendations in practice.

5. “The Ingredients of Poker” by Tommy Angelo. A publication that is presented in a very interesting narrative form. The theory here is presented in such a fascinating way that you don’t want to put off reading this publication until later. The author managed to achieve this effect due to his extensive experience in teaching beginners the basics of poker, because Tommy Angelo is not only a professional player, but also one of the best coaches. That's why his book is a must read.

6. “Secrets of Poker. Learning to win" from Vadim Markushevsky. This book is a famous textbook for beginners in the world of poker. Thanks to this publication, they will be able to learn the basics of this card game. And most importantly, here the author reveals the secrets of successful distributions. He describes effective moves, advanced strategies, special psychological maneuvers. Using all this in practice, even a beginner will be able to win often. It is also important that the book is written in simple language, informative, but at the same time it includes only 141 pages.

7. “Flawless Poker” by John Anholt. The book is quite interesting. Indeed, in addition to the basics of poker, the author teaches readers to develop their own playing style. He also dwells on how to combat tilt and “read” your opponents. The book provides tips on the correct preparation of notes and their effective use. Consider the issues of building strategies. This book is intended not only to teach, but also to help in the game of professional development.

The Best Poker Books for Advanced Players

1. “Treat Poker Like a Business” by Dusty Schmidt. Most players come to the world of poker not with the goal of brightening up their leisure time, but to earn money from such card entertainment. When a player has enough poker skills, he looks for ways to start consistently winning big pots. This book by Dusty Schmidt will help with this. In it, he presents a different side to poker and describes unique tips that, when put into practice, can provide stunning results. The author first asks players to start small - earn at least $100 per hour. After which he teaches how to increase your income so that in the near future it reaches millions. They, of course, have to be won in major world tournaments.

2. Peak Poker Performance by Travis Steffen. This publication is recommended for reading by experienced players, since not all of them adhere to the correct daily routine and set priorities correctly. Here the author insists on the importance of self-control both in the poker room and beyond. She gives advice on how to correctly define your tasks, how to plan your personal schedule, what diet can give more energy and maintain the health of a poker player who is often stressed due to participation in gambling competitions. By putting Travis' tips into practice, you can significantly increase your poker performance.

3. "Professional No-Limit Hold'em" by Ed Miller. Here the author has collected the most important points regarding traditional Texas Hold'em. He reveals Features of the game of the winners of major international tournaments and expands the poker player’s perception of tactics and playing styles. The information presented here can help experienced players successfully play at high stakes and win big pots in tournament series. Other publications by this author are also a must-read, as they have all become bestsellers.

4. “Bobbo's No-Limit Hold'em Bible” by Robert Ekstat. In it, the author pays a lot of attention to mathematics. In his opinion, this should become the basis for the professional game. Using mathematical formulas within the hands, you can easily win pots in No-Limit Hold'em. Robert Ekstat cites the most significant of them in a special section. As a result, players only have to remember the presented formulas and begin to apply them in practice. The book also contains a lot of other important and useful information for the player.

5. “Poker Strategy for the CIS” by Collin Moshman. One of those books that will be of interest to both beginners and experienced players. In it, the author reveals the secrets of playing at tables with different limits and provides his scheme for correctly assessing hands. He also offers strategies for playing Sit'n'Go tournaments with low, medium and high blinds. It describes the factors that seriously affect the performance of the game. The value of the publication also lies in the fact that it contains a huge number of examples of real game situations and their detailed analysis.

6. “Tournament Poker for Advanced Players” by David Sklansky. This author’s collection includes many bestsellers, and this book is one of them. In it, the author first examines in detail the theory of tournament poker. After which he offers readers carefully a well-built strategy that can bring results in any tournament. The publication will be of interest to all those players who have already played thousands of hands and are now ready to take a serious step up the limit ladder and start winning not only for cash

7. “The Secrets of Pot Limit Omaha Hi Low” by Dan Deppen. When a poker player becomes a professional Hold'em player, he begins to look for other types of poker in order to succeed in them as well. Most often, the choice falls on Omaha, because it is where the aggressive game is played and the largest pots are played. This publication from Dan Deppen will help you master it. In it, he dwells on the rules of Omaha, effective techniques and tactics so that every player can succeed in this type of poker.

Let's sum it up

This is what the list of the best poker books looks like. We recommend reading them. You can download all these books about poker in Russian in formats convenient for you, including fb2 and PDF. After reading them, beginners will be able to succeed in this card game, and professionals will look at poker from a different angle and gain knowledge that will be useful for playing at higher limits and in large tournament competitions.

Poker needs quality sources of information. One of the recommended methods for studying the theory is books on online poker in Russian, written by domestic and foreign authors.

The abundance of literature is not easy to understand, since some publications are focused on tables with large bets, while others require certain basic knowledge.

Educational literature for beginners and improving the game of experienced poker players

The selection includes books about poker for beginners and players who want to improve the game. From them you can learn the basics of strategy, the secrets of a successful game, and even gain practical experience. Please note that to understand the material you need to know the rules of the disciplines; unfamiliar terms may appear.

Matthew Hilger "Internet Texas Hold'em"

Ideal for online players, as it is dedicated specifically to this format. The training starts with the basics of strategy and gradually moves to more advanced aspects. The author covers all components of the strategy - from the types of opponents to the mathematics and play of each specific combination. The material is presented in a fairly easy-to-understand form - accessible.

Pavel Nazarevich “A Guide to Building a Bankroll”

The Russian author talks about an important basis of the strategy - bankroll management. It is this part that beginners often skip when mastering the theory. Nazarevich gives detailed instructions on how to turn $50 into a five-figure bankroll by starting at micro-limits. In the publication, he conveys his own knowledge, since he is a successful online player and himself began his career at micro-limits.

Ed Miller "Small Stakes No Limit Hold'em"

Nathan Williams built his starting bankroll at the play chip tables. He sold them to other players through forums at prices lower than in the poker room.

Tournament strategy

Greg Jones "Breaking the CIS online"

Jones reveals the game in Sit & Go tournaments in detail, touching on all its aspects - from the basics to advanced strategies. He provides instructions on how to play depending on the size of the blinds, and suggests optimal tactics against opponents of different styles. The author is a successful poker coach and put into the material his practical experience of working with beginner poker players, whom he turned into winning players.

Andrey Streltsov “The concept of success in online MTT”

The Russian poker player teaches you to think correctly during the game, which allows you to make the right decisions in any situation, adapting to the prevailing conditions. The basis is taken from examples of playing specific cards - the author describes in detail the explanations of why he made this or that decision. This publication will be especially useful to those who have little practical experience.

Jonathan Little "Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker"

The name speaks for itself - the material is intended for those who already know tournament strategy, but want to make it perfect and play like a pro. The main bias is to reject the tight style of play, which is recommended in many other sources. In the long run, it results in monetary losses.

Poker psychology

Each player must work on himself not only in terms of strategy, but also psychology. It helps you better understand your opponents, prepare yourself for the game, and build the right attitude towards the process of making money. To study this aspect of the theory, we recommend reading the following poker books.

Alan Schoonmaker Psychology of Poker

A successful psychologist and at the same time a poker player, he teaches readers to identify their own weaknesses and capabilities in order to correct their psychological state. He talks about how to overcome excessive self-confidence, gain moral satisfaction from the game, read your opponents by their behavior and remain unpredictable for them. Reading two books included in one publication entitled “Your Best Poker Friend” and “Your Best Poker Enemy” is recommended for all users.

Travis Steffen "Peak Poker Performance"

The author touches on not only psychological aspects, but also physical ones. Its goal is to help poker players increase their productivity without compromising their health. If he takes care of his body and mind, maintaining a high level of vitality, they will in return take care of his bankroll. You can download the PDF format for free.

What's the most important thing in poker? Bluff? Knowledge of combinations? Rates?


Many players miss it, underestimating its importance, or use it only superficially, calculating the chances of winning “by eye”.

Famous poker player, winner of three WSOP gold bracelets, David Sklansky, reveals to his readers the full power of the mathematical approach in poker. Now the numbers will always tell you what tactics to choose with a specific opponent and what decision to make in each situation. Mathematical schemes can lead your playing style to a winning algorithm - a system that will help you be guaranteed to be in the black with regular and long-term play.

The work belongs to the Guide genre. It was published in 1999 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the series "Sport. The best world experience." On our website you can download the book “Poker Mathematics from a Professional” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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