Walkthrough of the Prophet (Vampires) in Dawnguard. Walkthrough of the Prophet (Dawnguard) in Dawnguard The priest of the moth does not want to read the scroll


All personal computer users were looking forward to the release of the first full-fledged addition for Skyrim called Dawnguard. In this article I will describe the passage of the storyline for the Dawnguard faction.

To better understand how the storyline diverges into the light and dark sides, here is a small diagram:

Requirements to start the storyline: level 10 or higher.
Requirements for completing the storyline: the presence of an ancient scroll (obtained from the main passage of Skyrim)


ID: DLC1VQ01MiscObjective

The first question after installing the DLC is how to see all the additional content in all its glory? The answer is simple, after your character reaches level 10, any guard in Skyrim will have access to a dialogue about recruiting for the Dawnguard, but if you are in the city, an orc named Durak will approach you and talk to you. We choose the answer with the desire to join the vampire slayers (Killind vampires? Where do I sign up?).

Following the marker (the best way to get there is from Riften) we come to a cleft in the mountain. Let's jump boldly. Walking along the path we get to the entrance to the castle. Next we observe a scripted dialogue between two NPCs:

We speak with a character named Isran and express a desire to join the Dawnguard. This is followed by a scene of conversation between Isran and Tolan, after which the Dawnguard quest ends.


We follow to the cave, which is located not far from the sanctuary of Mehrun Dagon and kill a bunch of vampires in it (attention! To follow the Dawnguard storyline, do not accidentally become infected with vampirism). Arriving at a certain altar:

press the button under the marker and a purple glow appears. Next, you need to move the braziers (Brazier) that are standing around so that they become engulfed in flames.

When everything is ready, a stone monolith will open. When activated, a lady of beautiful appearance and... long fangs will fall out of it. After talking with her, the task is completed.


As it turned out, the girl’s name is Serana and she asks to take her home. Well, we won’t refuse. We get out of the crypt and learn a new cry along the way.

We move north and take a boat to Castle Volkihar and go to the main gate. When they see Serana, they will immediately open the gate.

Lord Harkon awaits us in the castle and will invite you to become a vampire. We choose to refuse to accept this curse (I don't want to become a vampire. I refuse your gift), because we want to slaughter vampires! Not very happy about this development of events, Harkon expels us from the castle (well, he doesn’t kill us, thanks for that) On the approach to the castle of the Guardians of the Dawn we observe an attack on the castle by a detachment of vampires, in the amount of 3! Having killed them, we talk with Isran and this is where the task ends.

A New Order

ID: DLC1HunterBaseIntro

We are required to recruit two new Van Helsings to the castle. Let's begin. The first one, named Gunmar, will not come to the castle until you kill the she-bear who is in the cave before our eyes. The difficulty here can only be caused by a troll who has settled near the bear. We talk with Gumnar and he goes to the castle.

The second recruit will be a girl named Sorine Jurard. She flatly refuses to go to the castle if you don’t have a pumped-up conviction or if she doesn’t have a “Dwemer Gyro”. Fortunately, Serana’s lost bag with gyroscopes lies near the river.

We give her one piece and she is already a member of the order.

Returning from the mission, we find ourselves locked in a castle where we are tested for vampirism. If you are not infected, the gate will lower, after which we go to Isran (turn left and up the stairs). End of task.


ID: DLC1VQ03Hunter

We are required to follow Isran, who will lead us to Serana (I was already thinking we would have to kill her) and after talking with them they will send us to find out about a certain priest. We go to the College of Winterhold to the librarian Urag gro-Shub and find out where to find the priest (I need to find a Moth Priest), he will send us to the Dragon Bridge. Arriving there, we lose the quest marker, but any city resident or guard quickly helps us out. We ask if they saw the priest here (Know anything about a Moth Priest visiting Dragon Bridge?) and they answer that he was here, but had already crossed the bridge to the south.

We take out the note from the vampire and, after reading it, follow the marker to the cave. Let's clean it up. We take out the quest stone from the marked corpse and insert it into the hole on the parapet.

The energy barrier falls and you need to beat up the old man! After talking with him, after his sides were dented by our sword/mace/axe/fireball/(insert as appropriate), we send him to the castle, and then we ourselves move there. After the dialogue in the castle, the old man reads the ancient scroll and the Prophet quest ends.

Chasing Echoes

You need to talk with Serana and from the dialogue we learn that the entrance to one of the Oblivion planes is hidden where she would not look. We offer her the option of Castle Volkihar (In Castle Volkihar?) and hit the road.

You shouldn't go into the main entrance of the castle; we'll go left.

In the castle we go through the corridors, unlock the doors, lower the bridges with levers and in the end, going out into the fresh air, we come across a lunar clock (it’s like a sun clock, only lunar). They look like this.

For them to work you need to find the missing sections:

After repairing the mechanism, we go down to the basement. We pass along the way, taking all opponents into Oblivion.

The mechanism from the bars behind the gargoyle.

Let's activate it.

How unexpected!

When passing by a room with a bunch of gargoyles, don’t forget to take a beautiful vampire armor.

Find a couple of differences:

Arriving at this location with circles in the middle of the room:

I advise you not to touch anything until it is indicated in the task (there are bugs with the task) and save just in case.

After Serana's long speech, she asks us to find her mother's diary.

We read, take it, give it to Serana (I "ve found your mother"s notes). After which she asks to find three things in the room to open the portal.

Next, we put it all in a marked cup and say to Serana. She drips her blood there, the portal opens, but we cannot enter there. Serana tells us that either a vampire or someone who leaves part of their soul in this world can enter there.

Eh, since we, the Guardians of the Dawn, in a conversation with Serana choose the option of dividing the soul (Soul trap me. I won't feel right as a vampire), and then say that we are ready (I'm ready). The separation is painless:

and we can go through the portal. End of task.

Beyond Death

Having passed through the portal, we find ourselves in one of the planes of Oblivion, where those souls that are absorbed into stones are stored. The peculiarity of this area is its own unique landscape. There are cracks in the ground that, when activated, fill one of the soul stones in the player's inventory.

First of all, we go to the marker, along the way meeting wandering souls and local undead.

Arriving at the place we will meet Serana's mother Valerica.

Based on her tip, we go to kill three guardians. There is nothing complicated with this, the markers will indicate where they are.

Returning to Valerika, we discover that the barrier separating us has disappeared and she takes us outside the gate.

Where a dragon appears that must be defeated.

And then we set off to complete the next task.

Seeking Disclosure

One of the scrolls for this task is obtained through the previous task, and the other during the passage of the main storyline.

Having obtained both scrolls, we talk with the monk.

This completes the task.

Unseen Visions

Important: in this task you will need an ancient scroll (Elder Scroll Dragon), which is obtained according to the main plot of the game (see the task “Beyond the Ordinary”)

The monk who was supposed to read our scrolls is blind! Now you need to perform the moth ritual.

To do this, we go to the cave under the sign, where we take a scraper, use it on a tree and start running after the moths. You don't need to catch them, you just need them to fly after you. To do this, we run around the cave in search of 7 groups of moths.

When they are collected, go to the light and read the scroll.

We speak with the companion and the task is completed.

Touching the Sky

So, we stock up on everything we need for a long journey and set off on a mission that will take a long time to climb through dark caves.

So in the first cave we need to jump into the water and swim with the current, it will lead to the right place. In general, the cave is quite straightforward, we look at the location map and go where we have not been before. After a long journey, we meet a snow elf named Gelebor! The only representative in his right mind and with seeing eyes.

Talking with him, we learn that he is not the last snow elf, but he really wants to become one and gives the task to kill his own brother. Well, it’s not possible to continue the family line, so it doesn’t matter if there’s one more member of a dying race or one less.

A representative of the Red Book opens a portal for us and we receive the task of collecting 5 water samples from different sources.

There is a lot of running around, there are a lot of Falmer, there is more than one dragon, but there shouldn’t be any difficulties in finding locations.

In the end we come to a huge castle, into the bowl of which we need to pour the collected water. We go to the opened location and meet our brother sitting on the throne.

He doesn’t want to give up just like that, so he revives the frozen Falmer and Corus that we have to kill. Next, the fight takes place with the snow elf himself:

after defeating which, Gelebor will give us Auriel’s Bow.

End of task.

Kindred Judgment

The final mission of the Dawnguard! We talk with Serana, and then with Isran in the castle, where he, delighted at our discovery of the bow, will gather all the warriors and make a fiery speech.

Having dealt with them, we run to the castle, where a battle is raging, in which it would be good not to hurt our own.

And the last one will have to fight with Harkon. There is no need to give him the bow, because the battle will take place in any case.

He is a nimble enemy, summons skeletons and gargoyles, and sometimes pupates, becoming invulnerable to everything except Auriel’s bow.

By killing him we receive... honor and respect from all the Dawnguard. Congratulations.

When you complete the task regarding the hematite bowl, the passage of Dawnguard will continue with a new quest - you will need to go to Lord Harkon first, you will see that he has prepared a speech for his clan about the prophecy of the tyranny of the sun and that in order to decipher the Ancient Scroll you will need to find the Priest Moth , a well-known prophet from Cyrodiil in his circles. The Lord will offer to interrogate the cabbies and innkeepers about the Priest.

At the same time, his daughter Serana suggests turning to the College of Winterhold for the necessary information. The information will be both here and there, and after receiving it we will inevitably have to go to Dragon Bridge. After receiving information from the residents and guards, find out that the Priest is no longer in the village, follow him in a southerly direction. Behind the large stone bridge you will see a cart that was damaged from the attack, and there will also be lifeless bodies lying around it.

Search the vampire's body, you will see a note that an ambush was being prepared on the Dragon Bridge. Our passage of Dawnguard will continue with the fact that we need to pull the Priest Moth out of the hands of the kidnappers who intend to break his will, the target place is the Shelter of the Ancestors, we follow to this cave, passing from the cart in the eastern direction, then cross the river, among the boulders with rocks you will find a close passage This passage will lead you to a stone balcony.

From the balcony there is a view of the blue magical dome - our sought-after Priest is imprisoned in it, however, it is guarded by Dawnguard fighters, who, for complete happiness, also managed to kill the leader of the kidnappers - the vampire Malkus. Kill all the enemies, search Malkus's body, you will find a core on him, which will allow you to remove the barrier (you need to go up to the control panel and insert the core). The freed prisoner will attack us, we will have to fight back, since his mind is clouded.

Common sense will allow him to return to the blows successfully carried out on him, after several good blows he will finally come to his senses, and we will continue the passage of Dawnguard, using the “Vampire Seduction” talent on the captive. Afterwards you need to turn him into your thrall - just bite him on the neck. Now he won't go anywhere - he will do whatever is required, so order him to go to Volkihar Castle.

Having arrived there yourself, talk to Harkon about the successful operation, and then force the Priest to read the Ancient Scroll. From the scroll we get information that in order to bring the prophecy to life, we will need to find two more of the same scrolls, they will allow us to find out the location of the legendary weapon - Auriel's Bow. Actually, now our goal is to obtain those same scrolls, they are called Blood and Dragon.

At the beginning of this task, we need to listen to the dialogue between Izran and Serana; at the end of it, it turns out that the Ancient Scroll requires deciphering. Only one person can do it - the Prophet from Cyrodiil, the Priest of the Moth. But he still needs to be found, and Serana suggests starting the search by asking the city guards, cab drivers and members of the College of Winterhold. Interestingly, the passage of Dawnguard is absolutely the same in all cases - in any case, we will need to head to the Dragon Bridge. Having arrived at the place, communicate with the local inhabitants and the guards.

Let's find out that the priest has already managed to get away from here, heading along the path in a southern direction. After crossing a massive bridge made of stones, you will find an overturned cart, as well as a handful of corpses next to it. During a search, you can find a note on the vampire’s body, which reports an ambush on the Dragon Bridge, as well as the kidnapping of the Moth Priest in order to break his will, but the main thing is that the place is indicated there: it turned out to be the Ancestral Shelter. Finding the target cave will not be difficult.

To do this, continuing the passage of Dawnguard, go from the overturned cart in an easterly direction, cross the river, look for a narrow passage among the boulders and rocks. When you go down into the dungeon, you get out onto a balcony made of stone, there you will see a blue dome, it is there that the Priest we need is kept. Of course, the vampires guarding him must be destroyed, as well as their faithful servants - dogs and thralls. From the corpse of the leader of this gang, the vampire Malkus, take the core of wayston, which is the key to the magical dome in which the poor Priest is imprisoned.

Afterwards, get upstairs to the control panel, you need to insert the core there and thereby get rid of the barrier. True, a small surprise awaits us here: instead of saying thank you to our hero for liberation, the Priest will immediately attack us. Apparently, his will has already been at least partially broken. You will have to beat the aggressive prisoner until he wakes up and comes to his senses. After this, he will no longer twitch and will behave adequately.

Next, we will continue the passage of Dawnguard by talking with the poor guy, telling him the news that the Dawn Guard needs his help. Moreover, for the same purpose for which the vampires needed it - it’s in great demand... When the conversation ends, get to Izran in the Fort, where the allies have already prepared everything for reading the scroll.

The priest will not let you down: he will be able to read the prophecy, which, it turns out, mentions a legendary weapon called Auriel's Bow. But to find this valuable artifact, you will first have to obtain two of the same Ancient Scrolls - Blood and Dragon.

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