Gothic 3 where to burn artifacts. Quests. Quest: Find out for Robar what Xardas is planning

Additional tasks - Myrtana


Liberate Ardea from the orcs!
The very first task that you immediately receive after watching the introductory video. We must free the city from the orcs. It is not necessary to kill everyone - after killing most of them, the remaining orcs will run away. The task is not difficult - the orcs here are flimsy.
Reward: 500 experience, +2 to reputation with the rebels.

Jack and the bilge rats
At the lighthouse, near the city, you will find Jack. With the ship gone, Jack is left with one thing to do - look after the lighthouse. But, as luck would have it, bandits settled next to his lighthouse. Go left from the lighthouse and kill the bandits who are sitting by the fire. Return to Jack.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Jack), 50 gold.

Kill the shy deer
Hunter Chris is located in a stone circle northwest of the city. He will be able to teach you hunting skills if you bring him 5 pieces of deer meat that are grazing in a flock nearby. It is difficult to kill deer - if you injure/kill someone from them, they will rush at breakneck speed and it will be impossible to catch up with them. We must use magic. If you lose your deer, come back to the same place where you found them the next day. However, this does not always help. Usually deer run away towards Faring - therefore, you should look for them there.
Reward: 250 exp, 250 exp (Chris), agility +1.

Talk to the leader of rebels!
Talk to Hamlar, the local chief. He will ask you to tell the rebel leader from Reddock that Ardea has been liberated from the orcs. It's better to ask Gorn to show you where the rebels' hideout is. At the shelter, talk to Gelford, and then to Javier. Then return to Ardea, back to Hamlar.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Hamlar), +1 reputation with the rebels.

Gorn shows you the rebels hide-out
After the battle, talk to Gorn. Ask him to take you to the rebels' refuge. This task must be taken for three reasons: 1) Experience and reputation; 2) There are no problems with finding; 3) Monsters in the forest that will kill the hero with one left.
Awards: 250 experience, +1 to reputation with the rebels.


Reddock needs a smith
Javier, a local paladin, gives a task - you need to find a forge for the rebels. Near the shelter, closer to the coast, there is a farm where the blacksmith Cliff works under the supervision of orcs. Now there will be a series of quests to “deliver” the forge to the city. When you bring the forge to the shelter, talk to Javier.
Reward: 750 experience, blacksmithing +1, +10 reputation in the city.

Free Kliff from the orcs on the farm
When you talk to Cliff for the first time, he will ask you to free him. To complete this task you need to do the following task.

Defeat Topork in a duel
You can simply cut down all the orcs on the farm and complete the previous task. But we will go a different way. Challenge the leader of the orcs - Toporka - to a duel. Beat him up. When he comes to his senses, ask him to free Cliff.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Hatchet), strength +1.

Take Cliff to Javier, The Rebel leader in Reddock
The blacksmith is free, but he cannot get to the shelter on his own. Bring the blacksmith to Javier.
Awards: 500 experience, +10 to reputation in the city, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Eliminate the orc patrol on the farm
The last task related to the farm. Gelford gives the task - you need to kill all the orcs on the farm. Go to the farm and deal with the orcs.
Reward: 750 experience, 250 experience each (from Gelford and Cliff), 500 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Find the rebel underground in Cape Dun
Javier says that there is an underground operating in Cap Dun. But he won’t say who. Go to Cap Dun and talk to Phil, who is cleaning up after the pigs. The task is completed.
Reward: 500 experience, 50 gold, +10 to reputation in the city, +2 to reputation with the rebels.

Weapons for the rebels in Reddock
Norris says the rebels need weapons. Namely 5 bundles of weapons. 3 bundles can be found at the farm we visited. The remaining two will be found next to the orc patrol northeast of Reddock.
Reward: 500 experience, 300 gold, +10 to reputation in the city, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Clean out the southern caves of Reddock
Talk to Joy, who is next to Javier. He will ask you to clear the caves that are located near the shelter. First you will come across goblins, then lizards, and finally a creeper. The monsters, of course, are not strong, but they can ruin your nerves.
Reward: 750 experience, 250 experience (Joy), 500 gold, agility +1, +20 reputation in the city.

Defeat Joey in the arena
Reddock hosts regular arena fights. Talk to Norris to learn the rules. You cannot use magic or long-range weapons, or go outside the circle. The first opponent will be Joy.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Joy), healing potion, strength +1, +10 reputation in the city.

Defeat Copper in the arena
Another fighter. More complicated. No one will want to fight with you anymore.
Reward: 250 exp, 250 exp (Copper), strength +1.

Bring the fire mage Sebastiian some healing plants
Fire Mage Sebastian will be able to teach you alchemy if you bring him 10 medicinal plants. It grows in abundance everywhere.
Reward: 250 experience, +10 to reputation in the city, alchemy +1.

Get rid of the roaming orc patrol between Reddock and Ardea
Gelford will ask you to get rid of the orc patrol northeast of the hideout.
Reward: 750 experience, 250 experience (Gelford), 500 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Kill the aggressive wild boars
Brenton asks to kill 5 wild boars, which are located east of the shelter, near the former lumber camp. But there is one problem. If you have version 1.0, you're out of luck. In version 1.0 of the game, the wild boar is the most powerful monster that kills a couple with blows from a hero of any level. This bug was fixed in later versions, but wild boars are difficult due to their fast speed. So take someone as a partner or kill the boars one by one.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Brenton), 30 gold, agility +1, +10 reputation in the city.

Cap Dun.

The captured paladin's belongings
The orcs have captured the paladin and are keeping him prisoner. It turns out that he wanted to take the goblet of fire to the rebels, but was unable to. Go to Gamal. He will say that he sold all the things to the merchant Urkrass. Let's go to the last one. For 100 gold you can buy a goblet of fire. Don't forget to talk to the paladin. To do this, you need to gain 75% reputation in the city in order to be allowed to see the prisoner.
Reward: 5000 experience, 250 experience (Wenzel), +1 reputation with the rebels.

Cyrus needs booze
Cyrus is bored. He will ask for a bottle of booze. Alcohol can be bought from merchants or found elsewhere.
Reward: 500 experience, +10 reputation in the city.

A plague of bandits in the coastal region
If you completed the previous task, then Cyrus will give you this task. We need to get rid of the bandits north of the city. To find the cave where the bandits are hiding, go towards Montera, and when you meet a merchant, turn right and jump (be careful - don't crash!). You will find yourself next to the bandits. Kill all the bandits. Go to Cap Dun and talk to Cyrus, Iomaru and Bufford.
Reward: 1000 experience, 250 experience each (from Cyrus, Bufford and Yomaru), 500 gold, +1 to reputation with orcs, +10 to reputation in the city.

Lamp oil for Ardea
Who is Yomar, you ask? So this merchant you passed by is what. He was robbed by the same bandits. He will ask you to return 5 boxes of lighting oil. Return with your things to the merchant. Where did he go? You will meet him in Ardea.
Reward: 500 experience, 400 gold, +1 theft.

Defeat Fadi in arena
Arokkh arranges fights in the Cap Dun arena. Ask him to fight in the arena. First they will put Fadi against you. The rules are the same.
Reward: 1250 experience, 250 experience each (with Fadi and Arokha), strength +1, +10 to reputation in the city.

Defeat Darmok in the arena
Ask Arokkh to put up a more serious opponent against you. Now you have to fight Darmok. He is certainly stronger than the previous fighter, but defeating him will not be a problem.
Reward: 2500 experience, 250 experience each (from Darmok, Arokha and Bufford), strength +1, sword from Arokha, +10 to reputation in the city.

Kill all the hungry wolf packs around Cape Dun
Bufford doesn't like the wolves that hang around the city. We need to kill them. Try to track down the wolves one at a time. If they attack you en masse, it will be difficult to get rid of them.
Reward: 500 experience, 300 experience (Bufford), 300 gold, +15 reputation in the city, agility +1.

Harek wants meat
If you leave the city and turn left, you will find Harek. He wants to eat meat. He needs to take 3 pieces of fried meat. Meat is easy to get. You can fry the meat on a fire/stove. Attention! – This task must be completed before doing the next two tasks.
Reward: 500 experience.

Take Harek the slave back to Gamal
Near the gate you will find the assassin Gamal. He lost his slave and wants to find him. Say that you will assist in the capture of the slave. The slave is Harek, whom we found a little earlier. Harek will deny everything at first, but if you press him, he will tell the truth. Yes, he really is a slave, and he ran away from his master. You have two options: 1) hand over Kharek to Gamal; 2) take the slave to the hunter. If you chose the first, then order Harek to follow you and take him to Gamal. So, we completed this task.
Reward: 2500 experience, 250 experience (Gamal), +1 reputation with the Hashishins.

Help Harek escape!
If you decide to help Harek escape, he will ask you to take him to the hunter Jens, who lives near the city. The task is completed.
Reward: 1000 experience, 250 experience (Kharek), 3 healing potions, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Steal 3 golden goblets from Urkrass’s warehouse
Talk to Seruk. If you talk to him long and hard, he will say that he is a member of the thieves' guild. Tell him that you also want to join the thieves. You just need to pass the test. You need to steal 3 golden cups from the warehouse of the merchant Urkrass. When the orc goes outside, enter the warehouse through the side door and steal the cups. There will be no problems finding the cups, because they are in a visible place. Return with the cups to Seruk.
Reward: 2500 exp, 250 exp (Seruk), +1 theft.

Jack's rebel gold
You are now part of the Thieves Guild. Seruk will give you a task - you need to steal money from Jack, the lighthouse keeper. Go to the old man and demand money from him. He will give you the money without question, having heard that it is for the needs of the rebels.
Reward: 750 experience, 400 gold, +1 theft.

The alchemist's chest
Talk to Marlo in Reddock about what you can profit from... We sneak into the alchemist's house at night and open the chest. That's it, the task is completed.
Reward: 500 experience, +1 theft.

Healing herbs for the alchemist
The same alchemist whom we robbed in the previous task will be able to teach you alchemy if you bring him 12 medicinal plants. There shouldn't be any problems finding it.
Reward: 250 experience, 250 experience (Bufford), alchemy +1, +10 reputation in the city.

Bring his goods back to Urkrass
Urkrass has been waiting a long time for the goods to arrive. He has an assumption that the goods could have been stolen by bandits. Walk along the coast towards Ardea. You need to look not near the coast itself, but on the ledges. Soon you will meet bandits who are located around the fire. Kill all the bandits and take 3 boxes. Give the goods to Urkrass and talk to Bufford.
Reward: 1500 experience, 250 experience (Bufford), 150 gold, +15 reputation in the city.

The quartermaster in Cape Dun needs healing potion
Bufford will tell you that the local storekeeper, Deckart, needs 3 healing potions. Give the potions to the storekeeper and report the completed task to Bufford.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Bufford), +10 reputation in the city

Bundles of weapons for Phil
Talk to Phil. It turns out he is a rebel. He needs help - he needs 3 bundles of weapons. Bundles of weapons can be found in Urkrass' warehouse, near the lighthouse, and from the bandits who stole Urkrass' goods.
Reward: 500 experience, 200 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Pelts for Jens the hunter
The hunter who set up Kharek in his hut is ready to teach you hunting skills if you get 10 wolf skins. You can either skin the wolves yourself, or walk around Cap Dun and find a bunch of wolf skins.
Reward: 500 experience, 250 experience (Bufford), +10 reputation in the city.

Destroy the rebel underground in Cape Dun!
When you talk to Phil, you will find out that he is collaborating with the rebels. Report this to Bufford. He will send you to the warlord of the orcs in Cap Dun - Uruk. To get to the warlord, you need 75% reputation in the city. You just need to kill Phil and that’s it.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 experience (Bufford), +2 reputation with orcs.

Destroy the rebel camp in Reddock
Also, Uruk will ask you to destroy the rebels in Reddock. We carry out the order.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1000 experience (Uruk), 2000 gold, +7 reputation with orcs.

Wenzel cleans up
If you have 75 or more reputation in the city, you will be admitted to prison. Talk to the paladin. He has a plan to free the city from the orcs. When he asks: “Isn’t it crazy to liberate the city together?” - agree. Talk to Phil and tell him to be ready. Phil will ask you to give him 3 bundles of weapons. This task could already be done. Go to Wenzel and start attacking. Let Wenzel “tank”, and you hit the enemy from afar.
Reward: 750 experience, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Liberate Cape Dun!
You can free Cap Dun yourself, without Wenzel’s help. But if you took the previous task, then complete both tasks at the same time.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1000 experience each (from Javier and Wenzel), 500 experience (Phil), 1000 gold, 2 healing potions.

Wenzel's lost sword
When you capture the city, talk to the paladin. He will say that he lost the sword in one of the caves near Montera. Go to the southern gate of Montera and follow the path from there, searching all the caves along the way. When you find the sword, return it to its owner.
Reward: 500 experience, 1000 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.


Rescue Gorn from the orcs in Gotha
Gorn tried to destroy the demon in Goth, which the orcs are so afraid of, but was unsuccessful. The orcs caught him and will only release him for a ransom. Give the orc warlord Potros 2000 coins. Gorn is now free.
Reward: 1500 experience, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Defeat Potros
You can get your money back by defeating Potros in a duel. Challenge Potros to a duel, and when he lies on the floor, quickly pick out his pockets and break open the chest.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Potros), strength +1.

Free Gotha from its curse
The leader of Okara, Roland, will tell you the history of the city of Gotha. To complete this task you need to destroy the demon, which is located in the upper quarter. The demon can be killed with just one spell. In front of the demon you will meet various skeletons and zombies.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1500 experience (Roland - Okara), 1000 experience (Gorn), 500 experience (Potros), 2000 gold, +2 to reputation with the rebels.

Hunting demons with Gorn
You can kill the demon along with the Gorn if you freed it, of course. Gorn will immediately run towards the demon, and will not pay attention to the other monsters. But in vain. Before going with the Horn to kill the demon, it is better to destroy the extra monsters.
Reward: 1000 experience.

Rebuild Gotha
When you kill the demon, return to Roland and inform him of your victory. He offers to donate 1000 gold for the reconstruction of Gotha. Go to Sean, in the next room, and give him the money.
Reward: 2500 experience, +2 to reputation with the rebels.


Take Ali’s gift to Tom
The task is given by the hunter Tom. We need to pick up some item from the assassin-trader Ali. Ali can be found in or near the tavern. You can steal the key from the merchant or beat him up and then cast the Forget spell. When the key is in your pocket, go to the second floor of the tavern and open the chest. Give the item to Tom.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Wilson), agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Sell ​​the skin to Gnar for 500 gold coins
Another hunter, Wilson, will ask you to sell the skins he obtained to the orc Gnar. Gnar is at the castle gates. Tell him these are Wilson's skins. Otherwise you will fail the task. Instead of 500 gold, they will give you only 400. Talk to Wilson and give him 400 gold. You were tested for loyalty.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Go lurker hunting with Wilson
If you completed the two previous tasks, Wilson will invite you to go hunting with him. Agree. Wilson will lead you to the waterfall where the shnygs are located. After killing several creatures, Wilson will go home.
Reward: 2500 experience, agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Kill the lurkers!
This task is a continuation of the previous one. All you have to do is kill the remaining shnyg.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience each (from Wilson and Goroka), agility +1, +8 to reputation in the city.

The hunters of Faring
There are several ways to get to Nordmar. But there is also an “official” road to Nordmar. It is located in Faring. Only Faring's hunters can pass through it. To do this, we need to complete all the tasks of Tom and Wilson that we have already completed.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 experience each (from Moyok and Toma), tomb stone, +4 to reputation in the city.

Distribute booze to the orcs
The tavern owner, Flint, will ask you to deliver drinks to three orcs: Gorok, Gnar and Moyok. The first one is located near the tavern. The second guards the castle gates. The third guards the passage to Nordmar.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience each (from Flint and Goroka), 3 bottles of booze, +12 to reputation in the city.

Booze for Majok
Flint will ask you to take a special drink to Moyock. Namely “Nordmarskiy Podymok”. Sturdy stuff. You can make your own or buy from Tippler and Mitch. Bring the drinks to Moyok.
Reward: 1500 experience, +4 reputation in the city.

Defeat Goran in the arena
There are two arenas in Faring: one in the city, the other in the castle. First, let's win in the city arena. The rules are the same. Talk to Curtis to participate in battles. Goran's opponent is not very strong.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Curtis), 150 gold, strength +1, +8 reputation in the city.

Defeat Moff in the arena
The next opponent is Moff.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Curtis), 150 gold, strength +1, +8 reputation in the city.

Defeat Spike in the arena
The last opponent in the “general” arena.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience each (from Curtis and Gorok), 300 gold, strength +1, +8 to reputation in the city.

Become champion of the arena in Faring
To get into the castle arena, you must first get into the castle itself. You will be allowed in if you have 75 reputation in the city. That's not all. You also need to become the champion of the Mora Sul arena. Only after this will you be allowed to fight in the castle arena.
Reward: 2500 experience.

Defeat Vigo in the arena
Tharrok is in charge of the battles in the castle arena. Tell him that you want to fight with fighters. Vigo will be the first.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1000 experience (Tarok), +2 reputation with orcs.

Defeat Tukash in the arena
Next fighter.
Reward: 3000 experience, 1000 experience (Tarok), +2 reputation with orcs.

Defeat Mortis in the arena
The penultimate fighter. The fighter is serious, so don't relax.
Reward: 3500 experience, 1000 experience (Tarok), +2 reputation with orcs.

Defeat Rozhov in the arena
The last fighter. Toughie. After defeating him, you will become the champion of Faring.
Reward: 4000 experience, 1000 experience (Tarok), +2 reputation with orcs.

Kill the three trolls in the hills near Faring
The city is being plagued by three trolls who are located on the hills not far from the city. Trolls are, of course, strong, but they are easy to defeat. The main thing is to dodge, or use long-range weapons/magic. It's better to attack them one at a time.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 experience each (from Mitch and Zakosh), +12 to reputation in the city.

Troll hunting with Mitch
Mitch, the guard at the Faring gate, will ask you to go with him and kill three trolls. The trolls will slowly kill the guard. So don't worry about him. This task is similar to the previous one, only you will not go alone, but with the guard Mitch.

The castle of Faring
Faring is the capital of the orcs in the conquered lands. Kan is the leader of the invaders. To get into the castle, you need to have at least 75 reputation with the city. You will also need to get approval from: Wilson, Gnar, Flint, and also win in the city arena. After this you will be taken to the castle. But to get to Kan himself, you will also need to have 75 reputation with the orcs.
Reward: 2500 experience.

Blacksmithing in Faring/Forging in Faring
After you get to the castle, talk to the blacksmith Zakosh. Ask him to teach you blacksmithing. He will satisfy your knowledge if you can lift the cobblestone (at least 250 strength required). If you picked it up, then Zakosh will agree to teach you blacksmithing.
Reward: 2500 experience, +1 reputation with orcs.

Making booze with Tippler
Tipler needs your help. He doesn't have the ingredients for Nordmar Rising. You need to get 2 medicinal plants and 10 drunken berries.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Tipler), alchemy +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Rocco's cave
At the mines stands the slave Rocco, who complains about the goblins who have taken over the mine. There are 14 goblins. But goblins strike with quantity, not quality.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Rocco), piece of ore, +4 reputation in the city.

Bring Ur-Gosh three king’s plants
Merchant Ur-Gosh will not trade with you until you bring 3 royal sorrel. This plant, as in the previous part, is difficult to find. But if you spend the whole game collecting everything that catches your eye, then you should already have several things in your bag.
Reward: 1500 experience, alchemy +1, +2 to reputation with orcs.

Eliminate the goblins in the ancient ruins of Faring
Tipler will ask you to kill 8 goblins who are located in the ruins of a fortress near the city. 8 is not 14. The main thing is don’t get into the crowd.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Tilper), agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Wolfskins for Gnar
Connor will tell you that Gnar needs some skins. Let's go to the last one. Yes, he needs 20 wolf skins. You can collect skins from orc huts, or you can go and get them yourself.
Reward: 2000 experience, +4 reputation in the city.

Break the last resistance of the humans!
You give Kan a task - we must kill all the rebel leaders. Must be killed: Javier in Reddock, Roland in Okara, Russell in Nemora, Anog in Silden, Robar in Vengard.
Reward: 5000 experience, 3000 experience (Kan), orc armor, +7 reputation with orcs.

Liberate Faring from the orcs!
If you prefer the rebels, you will have to capture Faring. No one will help you. But in vain. Because there are a lot of orcs here. I warned you.
Reward: 10,000 experience, +5 to reputation with the rebels.


Eliminate the five leaders of the orc siege inside the barrier
The first person you will meet in Vengard will be the paladin Marcus. He will ask you to kill the five orc leaders inside the barrier. Five squads of orcs are scattered throughout the city. There are many orcs, but not as many as in Faring. By "kill five commanders" we mean kill all the orcs in the city. Because ordinary soldiers and shamans will not lie idly by when their commanders are killed.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1000 experience (Marcus), 500 experience (Corbin), 4000 gold (Marcus), 2000 gold (Corbin), +15 to reputation in the city, +2 to reputation with the rebels.

Take the paladin Georg to Cobryn, the commander-in-chief of the paladins
The paladin Georg hid in the city's monastery. He will ask you to take him to Corbin. There are plenty of orcs, and they will cut down the paladin faster than you have time to understand anything. Therefore, I advise you to clear the path before completing the task.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience each (from Georg and Corbin), 5 healing potions, +15 to reputation in the city.

Find the lost paladin Thordir
Paladin Commander Kobrin will ask you to find the lost paladin Thordir. It can be found in the south tower...
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 gold, +15 reputation in the city.

Help the paladin Thordir to get to the castle
..but he cannot get to the castle himself. We must help the unfortunate paladin. The paladin is killed in one or two minutes, so before completing the mission, clear the path to the castle.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience (Corbin), 300 gold, 3 healing potions, +15 reputation in the city.

Take Markur’s fire chalice to the head of the fire mages
Marcus will ask you to take the goblet of fire that he has to the fire mage Carripto, who is in the castle. After you give the cup, report the completed assignment to the paladin.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience (Marcus), +5 to reputation in the city, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Bring Abe bread for the castle
Abe will ask you to bring him 30 pieces of bread. Bread can be found anywhere. There shouldn't be any problems finding it.
Reward: 1000 experience, 5 mana potions, +5 reputation in the city.

Bring Abe roast meat for the castle
This time you need to bring 30 pieces of fried meat.
Reward: 1000 experience, 5 health potions, +5 reputation in the city.

Bring hammers to Vandorn for the castle
Merchant Vandoorne will ask you to bring 10 hammers. What you need is not blacksmith hammers, but simple hammers, which are very rare.

Bring saws to Vandorn for the castle
This time the merchant will ask you to get 15 saws. Saws can also be purchased from other merchants.
Reward: 1500 experience, 300 gold, +1 blacksmithing, +5 reputation in the city.

Bring pickaxes to Vandorn for the castle
Well, the last task that Vandoorne gives us. You need to find 20 hoes. This is already more difficult. Not all merchants can offer hoes. Search farms, forges, ruins.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 gold, +1 blacksmithing, +5 reputation in the city.

Bring Keldron weapons for the castle
Keldorn will ask you to find 20 bundles of weapons. They can be found throughout the city.
Reward: 1500 experience, 4000 gold, +10 to reputation in the city, +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Destroy the orc’s ring of siege outside of the barrier
Chris will ask you to destroy all the orcs sitting behind the barrier. There are 4 squads in total. Report your success to Chris, and also visit Robar.
Reward: 5000 experience, 500 experience (Chris), 5000 experience (Robar), 10000 gold, +2 reputation with the rebels.

Destroy Vengard, the capital of the humans
If you prefer orcs to the rebels, then to earn the respect of the orcs, you will have to kill all the people in Vengard.
Reward: 10,000 experience, +7 reputation with orcs.


Find the first paladin's helmet
Rebel Sean from Okara will tell you that, according to rumors, the helmet of the first paladin is hidden in Geldern. The helmet lies on the table in the shaman quarter. Sneak up at night and steal the helmet. However, the guards are not sleeping. Those who are watching the table on which the helmet lies will have to be put to sleep. You can keep the helmet or sell it to the mercenary Jared.
Reward: 500 experience, theft +1, 1000 experience (Jared), 2000 gold.

The seven ancient rings of alchemists
Mercenary Jared has a task for you. He suspects that ancient alchemist rings are hidden throughout the city. Here is the location of all the rings:

  1. In the house of the alchemist Peratur
  2. On Renwick's alchemy table
  3. Next to Marius
  4. In the shamans' quarter, at the counter
  5. On a table in a locked house, next to the northern gate.
  6. On the weapons rack in Gunnok's house
  7. In a box on the top floor of the tavern.
Reward: Experience 1500, Steal +1, 1000 experience (Jared), 3000 gold.

Bring Renwik the rare plant king's sorrel
Alchemist Renwick will ask you to find the king's sorrel. This plant is rare, but if you collected everything you came across along the way, then you should already have this plant in your bag.
Reward: 1000 experience, +2 reputation in Geldern, 3 healing potions.

Hamil, the audacious artifact trader among the slaves
Hamil boldly says that he sells various artifacts. Let's go to Nemrok. He will say that Hamil must work for one of the city alchemists. Nemrok will ask you to keep an eye on Hamil. It turns out that this is Peratur in cahoots with Hamil. We return with news to Nemrok.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Nemrok), 300 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Tell the orcs about the abandoned mine in the north
If you exit through the southern gate and walk along the mountain range to the right, you will soon discover an abandoned mine. Examine it and return to Nemrok. Also, visit Agenak.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Agenac), 500 gold (Nemrok), 200 gold (Agenac), +4 reputation in Geldern.

The secret of Mazin, the Hashishin merchant
Mirzo does not want to say where he hides the artifacts. You'll have to look for it yourself. Exit the southern gate and go right along the mountain range. You will soon discover a cave in which Mazin is working. Talk to him and return to Mirzo.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Bring the shaman Grimboll some sulfur
Shaman Grimbol in the shaman quarter will ask you to bring him 5 sulfur. Sulfur can be found in the mines near the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, healing potion, +2 reputation in the city.

Kill the threatening snappers outside the sulfur mine
The orc Salfok from the sulfur mine north of the city will ask you to kill the glorcs that walk around the entrance to the mine. Kill them.
Reward: 1500 experience, 9 sulfur, +6 reputation in the city.

Find some eager slaves for the wolf mine
Nemrok wants the wolf mine to work again. You need to find workers for it. Go to the arena and talk to one of the slaves so that he will show you the way.
Reward: 1250 experience, +6 to reputation in the city.

Follow the particularly eager slave to the wolf mine
This task is a continuation of the previous one. You need to accompany the slave to the mine. Along the way you will come across various monsters. Don't forget to visit Nemrok.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Nemrok), 500 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Kill the tunnel wolves in the wolf mine
Nemrok will also ask you to kill all the orcs in the wolf mine. We found the mine while completing the previous task, so all you have to do is kill the wolves.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Nemrok), 300 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Bring more eager slaves to the wolf mine
After completing the previous three tasks, the slave you escorted will ask you to find some more slaves. It’s hard for him to work alone. You can find slaves in the slave quarter. You need to find 3 slaves.

Bring Nemrok the artifact from the ruin in the north
Nemrok is interested in artifacts. According to him, in the ruined castle in the north there is a certain scepter. To find the ruins, exit the north gate, go left into the forest, go through the wolf and the ruined mine. When you reach the rock, circle around it until you find a ledge where you can climb up. At the top there will be 4 obscurantists waiting for you. The scepter lies on the barrel.
Reward: 2000 experience, 1000 experience (Nemrok), 100 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Nemrok expects a delivery of gold from the mines
Nemrok will ask you to deliver him 40 gold nuggets from the mines near the city. If you have a pickaxe, it's best to go out and dig up some nuggets yourself.
Reward: 2000 experience, 400 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Nemrok expects a delivery of sulfur from the sulfur mine
This time our already tired orc needs sulfur. You will find a lot of sulfur inside the mine. In total you need 30 pieces.
Reward: 2000 experience, 200 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Talk to Samuel about the destroyed mine
If you go north from the wolf mine, you will find a destroyed mine. Near the stockade you will see Dawson. He will ask you to tell Samuel what happened.
Reward: 1750 experience, 500 experience (Dawson), 500 gold, 10 gold nuggets, +4 reputation in the city.

Defeat Dimitar in the arena
Let's start fighting in the arena. Agenak is in charge of the battles in the arena. The rules are the same. The first enemy will be Dimitar.

Defeat Gembak in the arena
The next enemy will be Gembak.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Agenac), strength +1, stone tablet, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat Kulak in the arena
The last opponent will be the Fist.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Agenak), strength +1, stone tablet, Agenak ring, +6 reputation in the city.

Teach Mirzo a lesson
After you defeat everyone in the arena, Agenak will ask you to teach Mirzo a lesson. Provoke him to attack and beat him, but don't kill him. Then cast a “forget” spell on him.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Agenac), 500 gold, strength +1.

Gembak wants to rough up Ivan, the renegade mercenary
After you defeat Gembak in the arena, he will say that he wants to kill one mercenary Ivan. Agree. On the way to Ivan you will meet several bandits.
Reward: 1500 experience, +2 to reputation in the city.

Kill the traitor mercenary Ivan/Kill the unholy mercenary Ivan
The difference between this and the previous task is that you complete this task alone, and in the previous one with Gembak. After killing the mercenary, visit Dawson and Marius.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience each (from Dawson, Marius, Gembak), 3 healing potions, +8 to reputation in the city, +2 to reputation with orcs.

Golden plates for Lares
Our old friend Lares will tell you that there are 6 golden plates in the Geldern temple. To enter the temple, you must have a reputation of 75 or more in the city. Lares was “a little” mistaken. Actually not plates, but cups. One of the cups is on the counter next to Grok, the rest are in the shamans' sleeping quarters.
Reward: 2000 experience, 10000 gold, theft +2.

Jared the artifact trader wants to meet Lares
A simple task. Talk to Lares first and then to the merchant.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Jared), 1000 gold, theft +1, +2 to reputation in the city.

Mobilize the people in Geldern for Torn's druid stone
To the southwest of the city there is a nomad camp. Druid Thorn wants to mobilize people from Geldern to fight the invaders. Talk to the fire mage Marius in the city. First, he wants to know if the orcs in the city have the goblet of fire. Talk to Grok. He will say no. Return to Marius and then to Thorne.
Reward: 1500 experience, druid stone of glorha, +15 reputation with nomads.

The orc shaman Grok wants all the fire chalices
If you talk to Marius and then to Grok about the goblets of fire, the latter will ask you to bring him all 12 goblets.
Reward: 10,000 experience, 10,000 gold, +7 reputation with orcs.

Kill the druid hunting party from Geldern
Druid Runak is located far north of Geldern, next to a small lake. He will ask you to kill a group of druid hunters that is nearby.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 experience (Runak), 3 mana potions, +10 reputation with nomads.

Kill the leader of the southern druid search party
There are still those who annoy the Druids. In order not to kill the whole group, you need to kill its leader. But the leader, instead of looking for the Druids, sits in Geldern. That's the problem, he's in the city. He needs to be killed, not just beaten. Sneak into his hut at night and kill him.
Reward: 2000 experience, 500 experience (Runak), dark druid stone, +15 reputation with nomads.

Find out the secret of the druid Runak
Grok wants to know where the Druids get their powers. The secret is in their stones. Let's say we take Runak. The stone can be obtained in two ways: kill the druid or complete all his tasks.
Reward: 2000 experience, 1000 gold, +2 reputation with orcs.

Find the orcs druid search party
Grok wants to know how things are going with a group of druid hunters in the north. This is the group that Runak asked to eliminate. Return to Grok with your report.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Grok), 200 gold.

Kill the druid Runak
Grok will ask you to kill the druid Runak. Let's do it. Don't forget to pay a visit to Bullock, the leader of the group that was sent to search in the north.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1000 experience (Grok), 500 experience (Bullock), 300 gold, 5 mana potions, +4 to reputation in the city, +4 to reputation with orcs.

Kill the druid Torn
Grok will ask you to kill the druid Thorne. Let's do it.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 experience each (from Grok, Gunok, Kapoff), 500 gold (Kapoff), 300 gold (Gunok), 5 mana potions, +4 reputation with orcs.

Gunock, the lazy orc
Grok will say that Gunok should look for the druids, and not sit out in the city. Talk to the sloth. Then with Grok.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold.

Liberate Geldern from the orcs!
Tell Lares that you don't like the orcs in the city. He proposes to liberate the city. And the fire magician Marius will help us. Together you will clear the city of orcs quickly.
Reward: 7500 experience, 1000 experience each (from Lares, Marius, Thorne, Josh), 500 experience (Innostyan), 10 mana potions, druid stone of glorha, +5 to reputation with the rebels.


Change of shift in the slave camp
Bradley will say that one of the slaves needs to be sent to rest. Bengerd and Osko are suitable for this. Both are working at the excavation site near the south gate. Osko will only thank you, and Bengerd will give you the goblet of fire.
Reward: 1000 experience, 50 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Tell Dennis that Bradley needs a new slave
Bradley will say that he needs a new slave. One can be found in the barnyard, west of town. You can choose Calvin or Leon.

Slave Leon is working in the temple again
After completing the task before last, you can order Leon to go work in the temple. Don't forget to pay Bradley a visit afterwards.
Reward: 750 experience, 100 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Denis wants Bradley to go easy on the slaves
A simple task. You just need to talk to Bradley.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Slave Kelvin wants certainty
If you want to replace it with Kelvin, he will tell us interesting details. If we don’t send him to work at the excavation site, he will tell you the place where some treasures are located.
Reward: 500 exp, 250 exp (Kelvin).

Kelvin goes back to work in the temple
Honestly, it is possible to complete this task even after you have completed the previous one. The slave will go to work calmly.
Reward: 750 experience, 100 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Bring Marik proof that Ashton embezzles gold
Remember that place Kelvin was talking about? So, in this chest you will find a list that belongs to Ashton, the arena master. We give the list to Marik.
Reward: 500 experience (Marik), 200 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Marik wants Bradley's slave list
Marik is not sure that Bradley is paying all the money in full. He needs his list of slaves. You will find the list in Bradley's hut. Sneak up and steal the list. The main thing is that no one sees you.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Marik), 200 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Return the stolen slave list to Bradley
After checking the list, Marik makes sure that Bradley pays fairly. The list must be returned to the owner. Just talk to Bradley.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Marik), +2 to reputation in the city.

Basir wants his old gold casket
Hashishin Basir will say that his caravan was defeated during a rebel attack. To find the caravan, exit through the west gate and you will find a caravan at the fork.
Reward: 500 experience, 1000 gold, +1 reputation with assassins.

Defeat Dan in the arena
Talk to Dan and challenge him to a fight. Follow him into the arena and start the fight. The rules are the same.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Dan), strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat Goose in the arena
Challenge Goose to a fight and defeat him.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Goose), 300 gold, strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat Fedor in the arena
I won't repeat myself.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Fedor), 500 gold, strength +1, +6 to reputation in the city.

Defeat Ugo in the arena
The penultimate fighter in the arena in the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Ugo), strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat the champion Ashton in the arena
The last opponent in the arena, in Montera. Will fight with you after you defeat previous opponents.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Ashton), 1000 gold, strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Find the stray wolves and kill them
At the border of the forest, south of Montera, you will find a cave in which wolves are hiding. Kill them and report this to Denis.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Denis), 500 gold, +4 to reputation in the city.

The grain thieves must go
North of Montera, on a farm, Elber will meet you. He is worried about thieves who are stealing his wheat. Go north into the forest, along the cliff. You will soon discover a camp of thieves.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Elber), 1500 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Rufus escapes from the grain farm
At the farm you will meet the slave Ruphas, who has an urgent message for Okara. The task is done one or two times: you tell Rufus to run and he runs into the forest. At the same time, no one pays attention to him.
Reward: 500 experience, +1 reputation with the rebels.

The slave Rufus wants to go to Okara
After a "successful" escape, Rufus will say that he himself will not get to Okara. Therefore, you will have to keep him company.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig - Okara), 300 gold (Mannig), 15 gold (Rufus), +1 reputation with the rebels.

Report to the leader of the orcs" mercenaries in Montera
On the road between Montera and Cap Dun you will meet the mercenary Domenic, who will ask you to report your existence to Marik within three days. Then don't forget to return to Domenic.
Reward: 500 experience, 500 experience (Domenic), +2 to reputation in the city.

Collect the rent for Domenik's farm
After you have reported to Marik, he will ask you to collect the rent from Domenic. Domenic gives the money without talking.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Marik), +6 to reputation in the city.

Cowardly goblins in the night
On the way from Cap Dun to Montera, you will also meet the rebel Armon, who is frightened by the goblins who are located in a cave nearby. 8 goblins is not a problem for us.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Armon), 100 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

The thieving orc patrol
If you follow the path south of Domenic's farm, you will see a group of nomads. Arakos will say that their city was destroyed by orcs. They killed several orcs, and only three troops remained. Invite him to attack them. After a short run, the battle will begin.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Arakos), 300 gold, 3 healing potions, +10 reputation with nomads.

Follow Arakos to find the orc patrol
A quest from the category of “could have been done as one quest.” All you have to do is get to the patrol.
Reward: 500 experience, +5 reputation with nomads.

Porgan's druid stone
Next to the nomads you just discovered, you will find a cave in which a druid is hiding. He will say that he lost his Druid stone. It can be found on one of the orcs on patrol, which you destroyed in the quest before last.
Reward: 750 experience, +15 reputation with nomads.

Stoneroots for the druid Porgan
The stone has lost its strength and needs to be restored. To do this you will need a plant called rockroot. It grows on a small river nearby.
Reward: 2000 experience, +15 reputation with nomads.

Wheat for the warehouse keeper
Storekeeper Sanford needs 15 bags of wheat. You can find them at Elber's farm (10 pcs.), as well as in the camp of the thieves who stole wheat (5 pcs.). Don't forget to pay Elber a visit as well.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Elber), 500 gold (Sanford), 200 gold (Elber), +2 reputation in the city.

Milk for the warehouse keeper
After the previous order, you will be asked to deliver 5 kegs of milk. They can be found on the farm, west of the city.
Reward: 750 experience, 200 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Make Folleck go back to work in the castle yard
Kor-Shah will say that the orc Follek is afraid of training and is hiding somewhere in the castle. If you enter the castle through the gate and look at the tower to the left of the gate, an orc will be hiding there. First we have to beat him, otherwise he won’t listen to us.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Kor-Shah), 200 gold, +1 reputation with orcs.

Folleck is asking for it
There is a separate quest for the fight with Follek.
Reward: 1000 experience, strength +1.

Yorik needs old weapons
An orc in a castle named Yorick needs 20 bundles of weapons. 3 can be found in the tavern. The rest are in rebel camps around Montera.
Reward: 1250 experience, 1000 gold, +3 reputation with orcs.

How loyal are the orcs" mercenaries
Marik wonders what the mercenaries think of him. To complete the quest you need:

  1. Talk to Sanford, Elber, Hugo, Gooz, Fedor, Dan, Bradley, Domenic, Leon, Tran;
  2. Find out that Sanford is a rebel spy;
  3. Give Sanford's letter to Marik
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience each (from Marik (x2) and Sanford), 2000 and 200 gold (Marik), +10 to reputation in the city.

Get rid of the slave camp guards
In the crack to the left of the southern gate, you will find a gang of rebels. Daryl has problems with the guards, and they need to be killed. We need to attract the orcs one by one to the rebels. Let the rebels kill, and you just attract the orcs.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Daryl), 1000 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Kill the cattle in the stockyard
North of the barnyard, you will find a band of rebels. Mason will ask you to kill 7 cows in the barnyard. To avoid attracting the attention of mercenaries, shoot with a crossbow/bow or use magic.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Mason), 400 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Make the tired mercenary leave the rebels" meeting point
On the way from Montera to Trelis you will meet a group of rebels. Otis will trust you after you kick Trano out of the tower. You can either beat him or inform Marik on him while completing the quest “How honest are orc mercenaries?”
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Otis), 50 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Let the mercenary Trano know his pay has been cut
If you chose the latter option, Marik will ask you to tell him that he lowered his salary.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Marik (x2), 200 and 100 gold (Marik).

A message for Okara
After completing several rebel missions near Montera, you will be given a password to identify the rebel spy in the city. This is Sanford. He will ask you to take the letter to Okara, to Roland.
Reward: 1000 experience, 1000 experience (Sanford), 1000 gold each (from Sanford and Roland), +1 to reputation with the rebels.

Deal with Sanford/Do away with Sanford
If you prefer orcs to the rebels, then give the letter to Marik. He will ask you to kill Sanford.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Marik), 500 gold, +4 to reputation in the city, +3 to reputation with orcs.

Liberate Montera from the orcs!
Down with the invaders! You will liberate the city alone. But there are not so many orcs.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1500 experience each (from Sanford and Roland), 2000 gold (Roland), 500 gold (Sanford), 3 healing potions, 3 mana potions, +5 reputation with the rebels.

Eliminate the rebel positions around Montera
Do you want to help the invaders? Then you will have to kill the leaders of the three rebel camps near Montera. The task is given by Varek. We must kill Daryl in the south, Otis in the west and Mason in the north.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 experience (Varek), 2000 gold, +3 reputation with orcs.


The rebels stole the rent from Farmon's farm
South of Trelis, you will find a farm. Its owner, Farmon, will say that the rebels took the rent from him. It seems to him that the rebel Henley from Nemora is to blame for this. We talk to the latter and give the money to the farmer.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Farmon), 1000 gold.

Henley the farm raider
Farmon will also say that the rebels not only take money from him, but also organize raids on his farms. Henley is responsible for this. But to get him to stop raiding, you need to find out who the rebel leader is in Nemora, and then talk to the most important one.
Reward: 1000 experience, 200 gold.

Cross the pass to Varant with Karlen
Paladin Karlen, south of Nemora, will invite you to walk the road to Varant together. The problem is that there is a traitorous paladin on the way.
Reward: 1500 experience, +1 reputation with the rebels.

The renegade paladin at the pass to Varant must die
When you complete the previous quest, you will meet a traitor on the way. Kill him. Also don't forget to take the fire goblet from him.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 experience (Karlen), 1000 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Paladin Karlen shows you the desert
After you get to Varant with Karlen, he will invite you to walk through the desert. On the way you will meet several monsters.
Reward: 500 experience.

Paladin Karlen wants his magic back
To fulfill a paladin's wish, you must throw all the fire goblets into the fire. Then return one of the illuminated goblets to the paladin.
Reward: 2500 experience, 10 healing potions, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Kill the three monsters north of Nemora
Rendell will ask you to kill three monsters that are located near the city. Leave the city through the exit closest to Rendell and go northwest. You'll soon discover the monsters you need. Use ranged weapons or magic if you find the monsters difficult for you. Luckily they walk slowly.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Rendell), 500 gold, 3 healing potions, +20 reputation in the city.

Bring Treslott the rare plant herbaceous lobelia
The fire mage Treslott needs this plant. It can be found to the right of those monsters you killed in the previous task.
Reward: 1000 experience, alchemy +1, 5 healing and mana potions each, +15 to reputation in the city.

Clear the orcs out of the farm west of Trelis
Kippler in Nemora will ask you to kill the orc leader Karpoccia on a farm west of Trelis. This means killing all the orcs on the farm.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Kippler), 500 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels, +20 reputation in the city.

Bring Russel the goods from the desert
Easy task. Once you enter Varant through the passage, you will soon find a tent and glorcs walking around it. Inside the tent you will find the box you need.
Reward: 1000 experience, 300 gold, +15 reputation in the city.

Weapons for Nemora
Dudley in Nemora will say that the city needs weapons. Namely 10 bundles of weapons. Weapons can be found in Trelis, as well as in farms near the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 gold, theft +1, +15 reputation in the city.

Who runs the show in Nemora?/Who's boss in Nemora?
After you find that you have 75% reputation in Nemora, talk to Russell and ask him who the rebel leader in Nemora is. He will answer that he himself.
Reward: 2500 experience, +2 reputation with the rebels.

A new man for Nemora
Russell will say that more people are needed to protect the city. To complete this task, you can find several personalities. The closest one is the paladin Karlen, who sits south of Nemora.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Russell), 400 gold, 3 healing potions, +10 reputation in the city.

A message for the rebel Charles
After you find out that Russell is the leader of the rebels in Nemora and take the task from Charles, Russell will say that he cannot send reinforcements at the moment.
Reward: 1000 experience, 300 gold.

Finley gets all set to attack Trelis
Tell Finley in Nemora that you want to retake Trelis from the orcs. When you are ready, go with him to Trelis.
Reward: 1000 experience.

Finley attacks Trelis
Once you've arrived in Trelis, tell Finley it's time to attack. Try to help him as much as you can.
Reward: 1250 experience, +2 reputation with the rebels.

Destroy the rebel camp Nemora
The leader of the orcs in Trelis, Vak, will ask you to destroy the rebels in Nemora. Let's do it.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1500 experience each (from Waka and Charles), 3000 gold, +7 reputation with orcs.


Clean out the mine with Randall the fighter
West of Okara you will meet Randall, who needs help killing monsters in the mine. Halfway through, Randall will leave. The quest will be completed after you complete the next task.
Reward: 1000 experience, +4 to reputation in the city.

A rich mine
Actually, after Randall leaves, you will have to kill the remaining monsters.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Randall), strength +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Malicious ripperbeasts
In the forest, east of the Okara rebel camp, 4 strong monsters hid. After you kill them, Kent in the hole nearby will thank you.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Kent), 100 gold, agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Booze for the prospector
South of Okara you will meet Owen who wants to drink.
Reward: 250 experience, +4 to reputation in the city.

Rescue Rakus the Fire Mage from the cave of the undead
In the cave south of Okara you will find a magician who will ask you to lead him to the exit of the cave.
Reward: 1000 experience, ancient knowledge +1, +4 to reputation in the city.

Kill the undead that Rakus summoned
After you have saved the magician, he will ask you to finish off the remaining undead in the cave.
Reward: 100 experience, 500 experience (Rakus x2), 1000 gold, ancient knowledge +1, fire goblet, +4 to reputation in the city.

Go boar hunting with Fraser
In the ruins north of Okara, you will find Hunter Fraser. He wants to hunt wild boars. Agree.
Reward: 750 experience, agility +1.

Hunt the nasty wild boars
Same goal as the previous task.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Frazier), agility +1, 2 healing potions.

Hunt the nasty shadowbeasts
Hunter Kandel positioned himself next to Fraser. He will ask you to kill two obscurantists who are located nearby.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Kandel), agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Two shadowbeast horns for Candela
After completing the previous task, Kandel will ask you to get 2 horns of obscurantist. The right skill is required. It is impossible to get a horn from an already killed monster, so if you have not learned the skill before completing the previous task, then look for other obscurantists.
Reward: 750 experience, 200 gold, agility +1, 2 healing potions.

Okara needs more people
Blacksmith Mannig from Okara will say that the city does not have enough people. Next I will list who we need.
Reward: 1750 experience, +12 reputation in the city.

Candela should go to Okara
You will find Candela in the ruins north of the city. Complete his tasks, and then he will go to the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig), 200 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Randall should go to Okara
You will find it to the west of the city. He will go after you complete his tasks.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig), 500 gold, +1 to reputation with the rebels, +8 to reputation in the city.

Rakus the Fire Mage should go to Okara
You will find the magician in the south, next to the cave, if you freed him, or inside it. He will go after you free him from the cave.
Reward: 500 experience (Mannig), 500 gold, +1 to reputation with the rebels, +8 to reputation in the city.

A homeless prospector
To the south you will find Owen. He is waiting for the orcs to take him to work again. When you tell him that the rebels need new people, he will instantly agree.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig), 300 gold, healing potion, +1 reputation with rebels, +8 reputation in the city.

Fraser should go to Okara
You will find it in the ruins to the north. Help him hunt wild boars, and he will agree to go to Okara.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig), 200 gold, healing potion, +1 reputation with rebels, +8 reputation in the city.

Kent should go to Okara
Well, the last person we need is Kent. You will find him in a hole east of Okara. Kill the monsters and he will go to Okara.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Mannig), 100 gold, healing potion, +1 reputation with rebels, +8 reputation in the city.

Bring Mannig some iron ore
After you complete the blacksmith's previous task, ask him what else is needed. He will answer that you need 5 pieces of iron ore. You can find ore in the mine that you went through with Randall.
Reward: 1500 experience, 2000 gold, +8 to reputation in the city.

Take Okara apart!
Varek, the leader of the orcs in Montera, will ask you to deal with the rebels in Okara who are harassing him.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1500 experience (Varek), 2000 gold, +7 reputation with orcs.


Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
If you go north through the forest from the hunting lodge, you will find three camps with five slaves. They don't want to die. Each slave must be taken to Freeman, in the rebel camp, northeast of Silden. There are only 5 such tasks of the same name.
Reward: 500 experience, 100 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Kill the slaves who escaped from Silden
If you are on the side of the invaders, then you will have to kill these slaves. Report success to Zapotec.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Zapotec), 500 gold, +1 reputation with orcs.

Go snapper hunting with Falk
The hunter whose hut we passed will invite you to hunt gloryholes together.
Reward: 1000 experience, agility +1.

Kill snappers around Silden
This quest is tied to the previous one. After you kill the glorcs, you will kill two birds with one stone - finish this and the previous task.
Reward: 1500 exp, 1500 exp (Falk), agility +1.

Ganka remains in the city for now. Denpok should know about this /Gancka is staying in town now. Denpok needs to be told
At the entrance to the prisoners' quarter you will meet the orc Gank, who willingly wants to become a guard in the city. Tell Denpoku about this.

Denpok needs to know that Frillock is guarding the town now
Frillok, in the fishermen's quarter, wants to become a security guard in the city.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Brontobb now guards the city. Denpok should know about this/Brontobb will stand guard in the city. Denpok needs to be told
Another warrior wants to become a guard in the city. Brontobb, in the fishermen's quarter, wants it too.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Kill the strange lurkers by the river
Brontobb doesn't like the lurkers who are camped near the river. He will ask you to kill them all (8 monsters).
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Brontobb), 3 healing potions, +6 reputation in the city.

Roasted meat for Frillock
Frillok is hungry and he will ask you to get him 5 pieces of roasted meat.
Reward: 750 experience, 500 experience (Frillok), 50 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Hatlod's lost tools
The Hatlod worker lost his tools. According to him, the tools can be found in the lizard and the lurker. How to determine what animal it is? It's simple. If you look closely at the names of the monsters, you will find a lizard and a lurker, whose names will be different. The lizard is located on the opposite bank of the river, west of the city. Lurker – south of the city, along the river.

The quest for the perfect ship
After you give the tools to the shipbuilder, he will say that he has not been involved in shipbuilding for a long time and now he decided to build a ship. But he needs special drawings. They can be obtained from Sibur in Lago. But he won't just give them up. He will require you to obtain special wolf skins from Nordmar. But this is a different quest. When you receive the blueprints, take them to the shipbuilder.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1500 gold.

Hunt the silver wolves with Bram
To the north of the city you will find the hunter Brem, who will offer you a wolf hunt. Agree. If you have the opportunity to heal, then heal your ally, otherwise he will not survive.
Reward: 1000 experience, agility +1.

Kill wolves around Silden
This quest is tied to the previous one.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Brem), agility +1, +2 to reputation in the city.

Free the Nordmarian Lars from the prison camp
Do you think that by completing this quest we will cause a massacre? No. You just need to pay 300 gold to Zapotek.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Lars), +3 reputation with Nordmarians.

Follow Lars to the pass to Nordmar
After you free Lars from prison, he will tell you that he can show you the way to the hidden path to Nordmar.
Reward: 1500 experience, +2 to reputation with the Nordmarians.

Follow Pavel to his hunting cabin
Hunter Pavel can teach you hunting and acrobatic skills if you take him to his hut. No one should meet on the way.
Reward: 500 experience, +2 to reputation in the city.

The wood from the prison camp must be brought to Givess in the mill
The task is given by Ganka. You need to give Givess 10 firewood. Firewood can be found in the prison quarter, as well as in several houses in the city. Just be careful - you may be considered a thief if you steal firewood from houses.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Take the fish barrels to the mill
Timmy will ask you to take 8 barrels of fish to the mill, to Givess. The barrels are located in the fishermen's quarter.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Temmy), 700 gold (Givess), 200 gold (Temmy), +4 reputation in the city.

Irmak's halberd is missing
Guard Irmak is resting at the mill. If you ask him why he is not guarding, he will answer that he has lost his halberd. You will find Crash Irmak (this is the name of his “name” halberd) in one of the fishermen’s huts. Tell Irmak that you suspect that he hid the weapon on purpose so as not to work. Then he will give you 300 gold so that you don’t report him to your superiors.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Irmak), 300 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Denpok should be told that Irmak is guarding the town now
Tell Irmak to stop messing around and get to work. Report this to Denpoku.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

Kadok is missing his smith's hammer
Blacksmith Kadok lost his hammer. You can find him in a small cave in the arena.
Reward: 1000 experience, 100 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

The orcs need a smith for Silden
Denpok will say that the orcs in Silden do not have a blacksmith. Kadok is suitable for this post. Only he will agree after you find his lost hammer.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 experience (Denpok), 500 gold, +6 reputation in the city.

A package of wild berries for Stan the fisherman
At the lumber camp, west of Silden, Bozep will ask you to give a bag of berries to the fisherman Sten in Silden. Don't forget to return the money to Bosep.
Reward: 500 experience, 500 experience (Bosep), 200 gold, +2 reputation in the city.

Quadir "s hunt for a new slave for Silden
The Assassin will ask you to find a new slave to work in the city. Remember the camp west of the city? Tell Will to go to work in the city.
Reward: 1500 experience, 300 gold, +1 to reputation with assassins, +4 to reputation in the city.

Defeat Will
The slave will not listen to us and will immediately attack. Give him a beating, but don't kill him. After the slave comes to his senses, order him to go to work.
Reward: 1000 experience, strength +1.

Cook Gambal needs heaps of raw meat to feed the orcs in Silden
The task is basically simple. But getting 50 pieces of meat is a tedious task.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Supply the convict Jerek with roasted meat
Jerek is very hungry and he wants meat. Tell Gambal about this. He will give you 10 pieces of fried meat. Jerek needs 15, which means you have 5 pieces of fried meat left to get.
Reward: 1500 experience, 5 healing potions, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Supply the convict Jerek with weapons
Jerek needs 5 bundles of weapons. Weapons can be found in the arena and in houses throughout the city.
Reward:1000 experience, 4 healing potions, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Defeat Jarock in the arena
Barrak is in charge of the fighting in Silden. The rules are the same as in other cities. The first opponent will be Jerok.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Barrak), 100 gold, strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat Jaroll in the arena
The next opponent in the arena.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Barrak), 200 gold, strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Defeat Trompok in the arena
The last fighter in the arena in Silden. Barrack says he is a very strong fighter. Let's see.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Barrak), 500 gold, strength +1, +6 reputation in the city.

Take the hunters" delivery of pelts to the mill
Hunter Lukyan will ask you to give the skins to Givess.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Lukyan), +4 reputation in the city.

Bring Lukjan the hunter the money for the pelts
Now you need to take the money to the hunter for the sold skins.
Reward: 2000 experience, 300 gold, agility +1, +4 reputation in the city.

Improve your reputation in Silden
When you reach 75 reputation in the city, talk to Denpek. He will allow you to enter the orc leader in Silden.
Reward: 2000 experience, +1 reputation with orcs.

Talk to the warlord Umbrak about supplies
First talk to the leader. He will send you to Inog.
Reward: 1000 experience, 1000 experience (Inog), 300 gold, +1 reputation in the city.

Inog secretly helps slaves escape
Talk to Inog and ask him how he feels about the rebels. He will say that he himself is a rebel and is secretly helping the slaves escape. Let's tell Zapotec about this. Afterwards, talk to Inog.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 experience (Inog), 200 gold each (from Inog and Zapoteka), +1 to reputation with orcs.

Let Anog know that his brother Inog needs help in Silden
Down with the invaders! But we need to prepare. Inog will ask you to tell his brother Anog that we cannot do it alone. Anog is located in the rebel camp, northeast of the city.

Let Inog know that his brother Anog cannot help him
Report to Inog that Anog cannot help us in any way at the moment.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Inog needs five bundles of weapons for the resistance
Finally, we should get weapons. Weapons can be found in the arena, in the mill and in houses around the city.
Reward: 1500 experience, 1000 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Liberate Silden from the orcs
You and Inog will liberate the city. You don't have to kill all the orcs - when you kill more than half, the rest will run away from the city.
Reward: 7500 experience, 1500 experience each (with Inoga and Anoga), 1000 experience (Falk), 50 gold, 10 healing potions (Inog), 4 healing potions (Falk), +5 reputation with the rebels.

The warlord Umbrak wants Anog the rebel leader dead
You will find the rebel camp northeast of the city. You only need to kill the leader, but the rebels will not sit idly by.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1750 experience (Umbrak), 1000 gold, +7 reputation with orcs.

Grompel knows the way to the rebels at the Nordmar pass
Umbrak will also tell you that Grompel can show you the way. Take the task - experience is never superfluous.
Reward: 1000 experience.

Kill the town shaman Grompel
Zapotec will ask you to kill the Grompel shaman. It is better to do this when you complete the previous task, so as not to attract the attention of the guards.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1000 experience (Zapotec), 1000 gold, +1 reputation with assassins.

Kill the undercover rebel
As soon as you find out that Inog is working for the rebels, inform Umbrak about this. He will immediately order the traitor to be killed.
Reward: 2500 experience, 1000 experience (Umbrak), 1000 gold, +3 reputation with orcs.


Cole the farmhand wants to go to Nemora
To the southwest of the city you will find a small farm. Worker Cole will say that he wants to defect to the rebels in Nemora. It must be delivered safe and sound. But the problem is that he doesn't pay attention to the monsters and runs towards his goal. Therefore, they kill him once or twice. Before completing the mission, clear the path of all monsters that you encounter.
Reward: 500 experience, 2 pieces of meat, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Kill the grunting creatures below Josh's farm
To find Josh's farm, you need to go north from Trelis. Josh complains about the creatures that are in the cave below his farm. You need to kill three creatures. After completing the task, Josh will give you the rent.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Josh), 1000 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Kill the sneaking ogres in the woods
Torus is worried about 5 ogres who have settled in a cave south of the city. The task is difficult. Not only are ogres strong, but there are also many of them. We need to lure them out of the cave one by one.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Torus), 1000 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Find out what is wrong with the western farm
Thorus knows nothing about what is going on on the western farm. Go to the farm. There you will meet Kapoff. He will tell you everything he knows. Report this to Torus.
Reward: 1500 experience, 200 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

The suspicious cave near the farm
What happened to the farm anyway? Kapoff thinks the creatures from the cave next to the farm are involved. In the cave you will find only 3 monsters.
Reward: 1250 experience, 500 experience (Kapoff), +8 reputation in the city.

Did the rangers devastate the farm?
The creatures we killed certainly couldn't do anything to the farm. Maybe the nomads who settled north of the farm were involved in this? Let's check. Talk to the Druid. Yes, they are responsible for what happened. Report this to Kapoff.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Kapoff), 300 gold, +8 to reputation in the city.

The orc warrior Pranck needs healing potions
When you first meet Orak Prank walking around the city, he will immediately ask you for a healing potion. You must have it.
Reward: 500 experience, +4 reputation in the city.

Clean out the undead caves
If you go northeast of the city, you should soon find a rebel camp. Steve will ask you to kill all the monsters you find in the cave next to the camp. You only need to kill 4 skeletons.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Steve), +1 reputation with the rebels.

Tell the leader of Nemora about the rebels" situation at the temple of Trelis
Southeast of Trelis, next to the temple, you will find another rebel camp. Charles will ask you to take a message to the rebel leader in Nemora. To find out who the boss is in Nemora, you need to get 75 reputation in Nemora and talk to Russell. If you tell Charles that you don’t know who runs everything in Nemora, then he will simply attack you.
Reward: 1000 experience, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Find the runaway alchemist Avogadro
Prank will say that the only alchemist in the city, Avogadro, escaped from the city. He can be found on Josh's farm, north of the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Prank), +4 to reputation in the city.

Take Avogadro the alchemist to Trelis
When you find the escaped alchemist, he will ask you not to give him to the orcs. If you give him up, you will have to escort him to the city.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience each (from Avogadro and Prank), 500 gold (Prank), 150 gold (Avogadro), alchemy +1, 3 healing potions, +8 to reputation in the city.

The orc warrior Pranck wants twenty healing potions
If you let the alchemist go, then Pranka will yell at you and demand that you make 20 potions in 2 days.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

Sneaky goblin raid on Derek's farm
Drake complains about goblins who constantly steal things from him. After the conversation, five goblins will appear on the farm. They are, of course, weak, but they can kill Drake, which is not good. Also try not to hurt your own people.
Reward: 750 experience, +4 reputation in the city.

Kill the thieving goblins near Derek's farm
After the battle, Drake will ask you to deal with the goblins once and for all. They settled in a cave north of the farm.
Reward: 1000 experience, 500 experience (Drake), 300 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Ben the servant needs his shovel
You will find Ben at Drake's farm. He will say that he lost his shovel somewhere in the temple. The temple is located east of the farm.
Reward: 1000 experience, theft +1.

Hothead Ben needs to be taught a lesson
Ben annoys a lot of people. So beat him hard. Then talk to him.
Reward: 500 exp, 250 exp (Ben), strength +1.

No deliveries arriving from the eastern temple
Torus will say that there is no news from the Temple of Trelis. We need to find out what happened there. The temple is located east of the city. At the temple you will meet Tempek and his soldiers. He will ask you to find survivors. As soon as you take the shaman out of the temple, you can then report to Torus.
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 gold, +8 reputation in the city.

Search for survivors in the temple of Trelis
According to Tempik, monsters came into the temple from nowhere. It seems to him that there are still survivors in the temple. In the temple you will find one surviving shaman.
Reward: 1000 experience, 400 gold, +8 to reputation in the city.

Help the shaman Kamak leave the temple
When you discover the shaman, he will ask you to take you out of the temple. Easily. You have already cleared the path by going to the shaman.
Reward: 1000 experience, 5 healing potions, +8 reputation in the city.

Kamak's artifact
Didley from Nemora will say that Kamak keeps a very valuable artifact. You'll have to kill the shaman. It is better to do this in a temple so as not to attract unnecessary attention.
Reward: 500 experience, theft +1.

Rob the castle of Trelis/Ransack the castle of Trelis
At Josh's farm you will find Peer, who will tell you that there is gold in the castle that is easy to steal.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 experience (Feast), theft +1.

Ransack the farms!
South of Trelis you will find Farmon Farm. In the house you will find a chest. Tell Pir about this.
Reward: 1250 experience, theft +1.

Vak needs fifty thousand gold coins for the Hashishin
Vak will say that he urgently needs to give the assassins 50,000 gold. This is a very large amount. Vak will say that you can try to collect rent from the farms. But that won't help much. The task is worth taking because of its reputation.
Reward: 5000 experience, 1500 experience (Khabir - Trelis), +7 reputation with orcs.

Milok is looking for his old sword
Blacksmith Milok is looking for his sword. The sword can be found in the cart at the excavation site.
Reward: 1000 experience, 400 gold, +4 reputation in the city.

The paladin Konrad wants his magic back
The paladin Conrad is hanging around the city. He wants his magic back. To do this, you need to throw all 12 goblets of fire into the forge in Nordmard, and give one of the consecrated goblets to the paladin.
Reward: 2500 experience, 500 gold, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Destroy the orcs in and around the temple of Trelis
Remember the rebel camp northeast of the city? The leader of this camp, Charles, will ask you to kill all the orcs near the temple. Inside the temple there will be only Kamak (if you did not kill him or take him out of the temple).
Reward: 1500 experience, 500 experience (Charles), 500 gold, +2 reputation with the rebels.

Conquer the castle of Trelis!
If you helped Conrad, he will invite you to organize a riot in the city and drive the invaders out of the city. You don't have to kill all the orcs - the rest will run away. This is not the only way to take over the city. Finley from Nemora will also invite you to attack Trelis together.
Reward: 7500 experience, 1500 experience (Conrad), +5 reputation with the rebels.

This is Nerasul, a dark magician. Talk to him to complete the quest.

"Fight with Surus"
Quest type: Kill the target
Quest giver: Nerasul
Rewards: Experience: + 250
Reputation in Ishtar +5
Strength +1
Targets: Surus
Walkthrough: After taking the assassin test, talk to Surus about it, three assassins will appear who will try to attack you. One of the attackers will have an order that can be shown to Ugrasal, he will give you the task of taking care of Surus. As soon as you approach Surus, he will attack you, the guards will not care.

"Arm the slaves!"
Quest type: Hidden objects
Background/related to: "Free Ishtar!"
Quest giver: Karmok
Rewards: Experience: + 1500
Reputation with nomads +3
Targets: 3 x Weapon Bundle
Purpose: Karmok
Walkthrough: In Ishtar you will meet the slave Karmok, carrying stones, talk to him about the uprising. he will help you if you bring him bundles of weapons.

"8 stamina drinks for slaves!"
Quest type: Hidden objects
Quest giver: Karmok

Location of Fire Chalices
Kap Dun
1. In the warehouse of the orc merchant Urkrass. Can be redeemed after talking with a captured paladin at the lighthouse, or stolen
Bandits on the road from Trelis to Varant.
2. On the way you will see bandits and the most important one (it has a name) has a goblet of fire. If it is difficult for you to attack bandits in the South, South-East, there is a Paladin who will take you to the bandits and help you. This paladin sits at the bonfire southeast of Nemora.
3. An orc named Zapoteks, the prisoner Jerek in the slave camp will report this.
4. A paladin named Konrad gives a quest to return his magic.
Mora Sul
5. Traitor paladin Kurt.
6. From Mora Sul, go northeast (a little further from Orgov) there you will meet him with Yussif. You will need to kill the crawlers.
Take the quest from Masil to take 3 pieces of paper from people in Mora Sul. If you want to increase your Reputation, give it as a gift to Gonzales, and then go to Masil and he will give you the goblet of fire.
7. In a mine located within the city, in one of the dead ends.
8. Go northwest from the lineman. In the cave, the fire mage Rakus experiments with resurrecting the dead. Complete a couple of small quests and he will give you the cup.
9. From a slave working on the excavations of a temple within the city
10. At the Fire Mage Treslott. Will give after completing his quest with plants
11. Paladin Markus greeting at the city portal
Fire monastery
12. At Milten's


Location of city portal stones (Teleporter Stones)

Ardea On the table in front of the headman's house (starting point of the game)
Reddock Quest southern cave
Kap Dun Inside the warehouse where the Orc merchant stands
Montera In the abandoned house to the right of the house of the head of the mercenaries
Gotha A box in the house of the orc - the head of the village (the house in which Gorn sits captive).
The second stone in the village itself in the forge
Faring In the first cave on the right on the way up to the city. Opposite a man is digging ruins
Vengard [Temple] (Vengard Temple)
In a cave with skeletons under the castle in the village of Gotha
Vengard Throne room In the fire mage's room above the throne room
Okara (Okara) On the stone, to the left of the entrance if you are facing the camp.
Silden Northern exit from the city, in the center of the circle of stones. There is a small waterfall nearby.
is on Grompel
Geldern On the stone to the left of the south gate when facing the city.
In Mirzo's inventory
Trelis In a chest behind the Beliar statue, outside the city. Exit through the southwestern gate, where Sorus stands.
Nemora The stone is in the chest. The chest is located outside the camp, to the right of the entrance a little up the hill.


Braga Can be picked up from the merchant Bernado during the quest "Collect tribute from merchants" given by Nafalem. To complete the quest, Bernado will have to be beaten, and then you can take the teleport.
Ben Erai On a barrel standing in front of the rise leading into the mines
Lago Lies in a pile of dirt east of the slave Rasul. Walk past the arena to the east.
Ben Sala If you enter the city through the main entrance, we rise past the forge where Enzo works and come to a house. There is a large pallet of grain on the porch with a stone on it.
(Bakaresh) In the city. On the well cover, near Silvio, in the western part of the city
In the Temple of Beliar (75 reputation to enter) In the small room on the right.
Mora Sul To the northeast of the entrance to the arena, we run into a house. There is a teleport stone on the table near the house.
Ishtar Lies on the table at the entrance to the city.
In Delazar's inventory
In Zuben's bedroom (Zuben. The bedroom is the farthest room behind the throne room. There is a guard nearby, so you can't just take the stone.


Wolf Clan In the house of the hunter Ronar
Hammer Clan In Ingvar's forge on a bench.
Fire clan In the first secluded house. In the house of the clan leader, on the shelf to the left of the entrance.
Fire monastery In a box on the bottom floor of the library, under the stairs.
Xardas tower On the table in the tower


Location of Adanos' Divine Artifacts

Ring +50HP Removed from a defeated demon living in the former paladin fortress.

Akasha tomb Ring +50Mana In the tomb in the northeast, which is on the map given by the leader of the Fire clan

Amulet Can be removed from the corpse of the orc leader Trelis, or bought from him, for 50,000 money

Mora Sul
The Crown is located in the Mora Sul temple, to which you need to take Orknarok.

Al Shedim
Mantle Found in the temple to which the key is given by Saturas.


Location of the five keys to the Temple of Mora Sul The temple is located south of the city of Mora Sul

1. Within the city of Mora Sul with the mercenary Kirk (Kirk)
2. Leader of the orc expedition. Located next to the entrance to the Mora Sul Temple
3. Within the city of Mora Sul at the merchant Ilja
4. To the northeast of Mora Sul in the oasis there are a paladin and an escaped slave Yusuff. The slave will give the key if you do not hand it over.
5. Within the city of Mora Sul, with the ruler of the city, Gonzales.


Location of the five keys to the Temple of Al
Shedim) The temple is located east of the city of Mora Sul.

First you need to talk to the water mage Saturas, who is located
at the entrance to the Al Shedim Temple location from the Mora Sul-Bakaresh road. He will say that
will give you his key only after you have found the rest yourself.
Saturas will give you a map showing where you can find the rest
keys. After going around the temple, find Lester (Lester) he also has a key, but he
will give it back only when you destroy the orc leader of the expedition.

1. In the quarter of dead guards to the west of the temple.
2. In the ancient library to the northeast of the temple.
3. Between the warrior school and the healers' quarter to the south, southeast of the temple.
4. At Lester's, after you finish off the orcs.
5. At Saturas, northwest of the temple.


Location of 12 paladins
Markus - meets you at the city portal
Rebel leader Javier
Okara Rebel leader Roland
Kap Dun
The prisoner is at the lighthouse, paladin Wenzel, or if you liberated the city he is located near the rise to the lighthouse.
Mora Sul
Paladin Cruz is located not far north of the city near the ruins or east of the ruins in tents.
Not far from the Nemora rebel camp to the southwest, paladin Karlen is sitting by the fire, or if the quest “bring people to Nemora” is completed, then he is in the camp.
Konrad, a paladin who has lost faith in Innos, gives a quest to restore his magic
Fire Monastery
At the altar of Innos in the monastery, the paladin Oliver (Olivier) keeps his faith and dreams of regaining his magic


Okara needs more people. Where can you find them?

Here is the list:

Hunters Candela and Fraser
- located north of Okara, in the ruins of a fortress. You need to complete two of their hunting quests.
- sits in a small cave northeast of Okara, deep in the forest. In front of the cave there are “malicious ripperbeast” monsters - you need to kill them to get into the cave.
Prospector Owen
- sits in the forest south of Okara, not far from the ogres, on a hill. He should be given a bottle of alcohol.
Paladin Randall
- located near the mine on the way to Silden, west of Okara.

Complete passage of all quests in the settlement of Ardea. Screenshots of interesting moments in tasks. Description of useful things and bonuses in the settlement.

This walkthrough was written based on the game. In this patch, in addition to bug fixes, improved optimization and graphics, the balance was corrected. Therefore, rewards for quests and bonuses from lecterns may vary. However, completing the tasks is no different from the original. I also recommend that you install this patch, because with it you can fully enjoy the world of Gothic 3 and not be distracted by the bugs and shortcomings of previous versions.

About the settlement

Ardea is a small village located in the eastern part of Myrtana, almost at the very shore of the ocean. Like all the settlements of the kingdom, Ardea is captured by orcs, which the Hero can see at the very beginning of the game. Of the significant personalities in this village, only Halmar can be distinguished, who used to be the mayor. Jack's Lighthouse is located not far southeast of Ardea.

Teleportation stone to Ardea.

Teachers, traders, lecterns and buns

  • Lectern +3 to ancient knowledge on the second floor of the house near the statue of Innos.
  • The lectern +3 to alchemy is in the house next to the well, where you will also find an alchemy table and a recipe for a Healing Potion in the chest.
  • Shields, halberds, bows and a blacksmith recipe for making a Broadsword in a chest in the forge.

Liberate Ardea from the orcs

  • Quest giver: No;
  • Fraction: Rebels;
  • Reward: 500 experience points, +2 reputation with the Rebels.

The task begins immediately after the introductory video ends. The hero needs kill the orcs in Ardea.

There is no other choice, so methodically destroy the green-skinned invaders. Since the orcs immediately choose the friends of the Nameless One and slaves as their opponents, the best tactics will be running behind enemies and attack with a powerful blow (hold LMB). When the Main Character and his allies destroy most of the orcs, they will take flight and the task will be completed.

Horn reveals rebel hideout

  • Quest giver: Horn;
  • Fraction: Rebels;
  • Reward: 250 experience, +1 reputation with the rebels.

Before completing the task, it is necessary talk to Lester about equipment. Otherwise, the Horn will not lead you to the rebel camp. To find Leicester, exit Ardea through the northwest gate and go down the road to the sea. Soon you will see fishermen's houses, where you will find Lester.

After talking with Lester, return to Ardea and talk to Diego, he will bring you up to date and advise you to take a walk to the rebel camp. Once you're done talking to Diego, talk to Gorn and ask him to take you to Reddock.

The path to the rebel shelter is not long, and the only enemies you will encounter are scavengers And wolves. The task will complete after Nameless and Gorn arrive in Reddock.

Talk to the rebel leader in Reddock

  • Quest giver: Hamlar;
  • Fraction: Rebels;
  • Reward: 1000 experience after completing the task and 500 after reporting to Hamlar, +1 reputation with the rebels.

After the Gorn leads the Main Character to the Reddok rebel camp, the latter needs to go deep into the old mine and find the paladin Javier there. This is the man who runs Reddock.

Tell Javier what drove the orcs out of Ardea and the task will be completed. After this, a Blacksmith and an Alchemist will appear in the liberated settlement.

Kill the shy deer

  • Quest giver: Chris;
  • Fraction: No;
  • Reward: 250 experience after killing Shy Deer and another 250 after talking with Chris, +1 to agility, Chris will teach you hunting as soon as you give him five pieces of meat.

Head northwest from Ardea along the road to Vengrad. Soon you will see stone circle with a fire in the middle. Hunter Chris is next to him.

The quest begins after the Main Character talks to Chris and asks him to become a mentor in the hunting craft. In exchange for knowledge, Chris will ask the Nameless One kill six shy deer grazing northeast of his site.

Necessarily save before completing the task. Since this is one of the unpleasant quests of Gothic 3 due to the fact that deer are really very shy and give in at the slightest danger. Among other things, they can also escape into orc camp. In this situation, further passage of the quest is available only after loading the saved game.

A little advice about how to kill shy deer. The fact is that chasing and hitting these animals with a sword is not the best idea. Therefore, it is necessary to arm yourself with a bow. However, if your skill in using this weapon is not pumped up, then you will not be able to kill a timid deer with one shot. As a result, the object of the hunt will run away, and you will have to track it down again. To prevent this from happening, buy fire arrows from Chris. With them you can easily kill the Shy Deer with one shot.

  • Quest giver: Jack;
  • Fraction: No;
  • Reward: 500 experience when you finish off the Reptiles and another 250 experience and 50 gold when you report to Jack.

Head southeast of Ardea, along the road leading to the lighthouse and talk to Jack. The lighthouse keeper will tell you that several times already was attacked by bandits and really wants to die last.

The bandits getting Jack are located near the lighthouse, near the cliff. Since the numerical advantage is not on the side of the Main Character, I recommend starting a battle from a long distance. Fortunately, you can find several fire arrows in chests at the lighthouse.

As soon as Jack's bastards are defeated, the task is completed. You can safely return to the quest giver and tell him that no one will bother him again.

Rebel Jack's Gold

  • Quest giver: Seruk;
  • Fraction: No;
  • Reward: 750 experience, +1 to thief skill, 400 gold taken from Jack.

Jack's Lighthouse is located southeast of Ardea, right off the coast. Just Tell to the lighthouse keeper that they came to take the gold and he will give it back. This completes the task.

Gothic 3 is a popular RPG game released back in 2006. The project could not surpass the two previous parts, but was still warmly received by fans. Nowadays, many players play this RPG with many modifications that change the gameplay or the plot. But in the original game, the storyline revolves around an interesting and mysterious story. The main task for the hero is to search for ancient artifacts of Adanos. "Gothic 3" tells an exciting story; in the game you will learn a lot about the ancient gods and find magical objects. In this article we will look at the main story quest.

History of artifacts

To study the history of the appearance of objects, you should refer to the description of the game world. According to gaming mythology, Adanos is one of the main deities. He is responsible for balance and maintaining peace. Also, the great ruler is a kind of mediator between the two remaining gods, who are in eternal enmity.

If history is to be believed, Adanos' artifacts in Gothic 3 are items of clothing and magical attributes. These include a robe, a crown, an amulet, two rings and an eye.

Description of items

To begin with, it’s worth taking a closer look at the number of mysterious artifacts, as well as their meaning. The main majestic items include the robe, crown, amulet, rings of mana and life. The final item is the Eye of Adanos. Also, in addition to this, you can find many less significant artifacts in the game. For example, signs, monuments, notes. With their help, you can learn how to handle magical objects after you find them.

Accordingly, both those and other objects are mainly located in the ancient temples of an extinct people who worshiped this god. We'll talk about the specific location below, but now it's worth mentioning the locations where you can find most of the auxiliary items. They must be collected for research during the passage of the main storyline. The solution to the Adanos artifacts in Gothic 3 can be found with the help of evidence, instructions and books that are scattered in Varant, Myrtana, Nordmar.

The extraction of each of the artifacts is a separate adventure in which the player will face a variety of difficulties. Somewhere solve puzzles, somewhere defeat a powerful demon, and somewhere else fulfill the request of an NPC (non-player character), and so on. Let's take a closer look.

Where can I find Adanos artifacts in Gothic 3?

Let's go through the locations of the 5 main artifacts necessary to complete the main quest of the game:

  • The crown called "Mora Sul" is located in the temple of the same name.
  • The ring (+50 hit points) can be found on the body of a killed demon who will attack you in the former paladin fortress.
  • Ring (+50 mana points) in Akasha's tomb - this artifact is hidden in the northeast of the game world. The marker with the tomb can be taken from the leader of the Fire clan.
  • Amulet "Trellis" - an item worn by an orc who must be killed.
  • "Al Shedim" mantle. To find this item, you need to take the key from Saturas the “Water” mage and go to the temple.

Now you know where to find all the important artifacts of Adanos in Gothic 3. With the help of hints, you will quickly and easily find things and solve the mystery at the heart of the game's story!

Today we will talk about the game "Gothic 3". Its complete passage will be discussed in detail below. This is the third part of the famous adventure series, which was created in 2006.

Battle with orcs

So, before us is “Gothic 3”. The passage begins with a desperate battle: we cope with a detachment of orcs. The plot provides 3 options for the development of events. The first is the liberation of Myrtana from the orcs, the salvation of all cities, the liquidation of Zubar - the king of the assassins, and the return of five artifacts of Adanos to Innos. The second option is the destruction of the nomads, rebels, Rhobar - the king of people, and Xardas. Subsequently, five artifacts of Adanos should be transferred to Beliar. The third possible outcome is the liquidation of Zuben and Rhobar. As a result, five artifacts of Adanos were destroyed using Nordmar's furnace.

So, each user decides for himself what outcome suits him in the game “Gothic 3”. The quests will begin immediately, and the first task is to liberate the village from the orcs. For this we get reputation +2 (“Rebels”) and 500 experience points. The battle has subsided. We approach the headman and talk. It is with this character that our further passage is connected. “Gothic 3” task can be viewed at any time. This time its content will be as follows: find the rebels and report that Ardea has been freed from the orcs. We talk to Gorn, ask him to lead us to the rebels. He shows the camp in the forest and goes back to the village.

Rebel camp

The passage of the game "Gothic 3" continues with a meeting with Reddock. For finding it, we receive 250 units of experience, as well as reputation +1 (“Rebels”). We inform Javier and Gelford about what happened in Ardea. We receive 1000 units of experience, as well as reputation +1 (“Rebels”). It should be taken into account how non-linear the plot is offered by Gothic 3. The passage for the rebels can, for example, be continued by returning to Ardea and talking with the headman, who will give us another 500 units of experience. But we will wait a while and stay in the rebel camp. Brenton gives the task of exterminating wild boars. They settled in the east. The wild boars are located near the camp. Sebastian, who is a local fire mage, asks to bring medicinal herbs (10 red berries). We get the “Reddock” reputation +10, as well as 250 experience points. We take a walk into the forest, there is a lot of this grass here. We talk with guard Joy. It is located near the south exit. He says that this part of the caves is inhabited by wild animals. We destroy monsters. Let's return to Joy. We get reputation +20 “Reddock” and 750 experience points.


Next, we will have to survive several battles that the characters arrange in the game “Gothic 3”. The passage continues with a call to the arena and a battle with the first opponent. For victory we get reputation +10 “Reddock”, as well as 500 experience. We call Copper to the arena. For victory we get 250 experience. Javier asks to find the blacksmith. We go after him to the farm, which is located not far from the camp. The passage of the game “Gothic 3” will continue with a meeting with orcs. We challenge Toporok, the main one, to a duel. We defeat the opponent. Please hand over slave Cliff. After receiving his consent, we go to this person and talk with him. We learn that Cliff was previously a blacksmith, but the orcs forced him to do dirty work and cut down trees. We inform him that he can follow us to Reddock, who needs a good blacksmith. We get 500 experience, as well as reputation “Reddock” +10, “Rebels” +1. We take Cliff to Javier and talk with both people in turn. We get a total of 1500 experience and reputation “Reddock” +20.

Cap Doun

So we figured out how to fight in the arena in the game “Gothic 3”. We will continue our journey through the cities with a trip to Cap Dun. Javier says that there is an underground rebel organization there. We need to meet their head, the swineherd Phil. Norris asks to find 5 bundles of weapons for the rebels. Thus, we see how a revolution is brewing in the plot of the game “Gothic 3”. We will briefly interrupt our walk through the cities; we will go to the farm for three bundles of weapons. The rest are located directly in Cap Dun. We receive a task from Gelford. He asks to eliminate the orc patrol located between Ardea and Reddock. We carry out the assignment. We go to Cap Doun. We meet the hunter Jens on the road. To improve this master’s skills, we find ten wolf skins for him. In the city we meet the assassin Gamal. He asks for the return of slave Harek. We agree. We leave the city. We turn left. We go up the slope a little and find Harek. We talk to him and agree to help him escape. We take him to Jens's hut, located not far from the road leading to the city of Cap Dun. We speak with the hunter.


We proceed to the city of Cap Dun. A local alchemist named Ezil asks to find a medicinal herb. He needs 12 plants. Let's go to the lighthouse. We find grass there. We speak with Bufford. We inform you about the completion of tasks for Ezil and Jens. Bufford asks to get rid of the wolves near Cap Dun. We will get to know especially hungry animals, which will be encountered more and more often in the plot of the game “Gothic 3”. Completing this task is made easier by the fact that the wolves are divided into several groups. After a successful hunt, we inform Bufford that the assignment has been completed. Let's go to Urkrass. We buy the fire cup for one hundred gold coins. We receive the task of returning the goods to Urkrass. We are looking for the bandits who committed the robbery. They are based on a headland, on the south side of the farm, above the seashore. Not far from the warehouse we find the thief Seruk. We talk to him. We find Cyrus nearby. He asks to bring a bottle of schnapps. After we complete our assignment, he talks about the bandits terrorizing Cap Dun. We go to Ortega's cave, which is located in the northwest direction from Ardea. We destroy the bandits and search the premises. We find 5 boxes in which oil is placed. They are needed to complete Iomar's mission. We find it on the road between Monter and Ardea. We speak with Iomar, Cyrus and Bufford.


Now we are waiting for a meeting with a beautiful lighthouse in the game “Gothic 3”. The passage continues with a return to Cap Dun. There we go up to the lighthouse and see the arena. We approach Arokkh to be able to take part in the battles. Our first opponent is Fadi. We defeat him. We speak with Fadi and Arokkh. The next opponent is Darmok. We defeat him. We speak with Darmok, Arokkh and Bufford. We approach Phil. We talk with him. We agree to help organize the uprising. To do this, you need to bring 3 bundles of weapons, and then negotiate with Wenzel, the paladin. We find the equipment at the warehouse and not far from the entrance to the lighthouse. Let's go to Wenzel. We agree on an uprising with him. We destroy all the orcs in the city. We speak with Javier, Phil, Wenzel. The latter asks to find a sword, which is hidden in a cave near Montera. Let's hit the road. We follow the sword to Montera. We find the sword. We destroy the wolves. We speak with Dennis. We return to Wenzel in the city of Cap Dun.


We need to go to Dominic's farm. He will order to report to Marik, the leader of the mercenaries. We are given 2 days to get to the city from the farm. Then you need to get to Marik. We choose one of 2 roads leading to Montera - short or long. In the city we go to Marik and tell him about Dominic’s unworthy behavior. We get the building back and also collect rent. Let's complete the task. Let's go back. We speak with Marik. We go to the rangers and carry out several missions for them.

We find a man standing at the entrance to a cave belonging to a druid. The young man's name is Arakos. We learn from him that the rangers are being greatly disturbed by the orc patrol. He will show you a temporary camp. Let's follow him. We enter into battle with the orcs. We take the Druid's stone from the vanquished. Let's return to Pogan. Arakos must survive. We bring him to his destination. We speak with Arakos and give him the stone. We agree to complete one more task.

We have to get the ingredients to restore the stone. We find them by the river. We need twenty stone roots. Give the ingredients to Porgan. He restores the stone and gives it to us.

We return to the city. Let's go to the arena. We have to participate in five battles. We defeat Dan, then talk to him. Next up is Fedor. We win again and talk. 3 more fighters and we will be able to win the championship in the arena. We defeat Gus, Hugo and Ashton. After each fight we talk to our losing opponents. Let's become champions. We speak with Bradley. We receive a task that requires changing slaves.

Let's go to the excavations. We talk with a couple of slaves - Osko and Bengard. The latter mentions the fire bowl in the conversation. It turns out that he has the item. He agrees to give the cup, but asks for help in return. He wants us to help him transfer to work on a farm. Let's complete the mission. We inform Bradley about this. We speak with Bengard again and take the fire bowl as a reward for the service.

Then we talk to Bradley and receive the next task. We leave the city through the gate with a couple of orcs. Let's go to the dairy farm. At its end we find Dennis. We tell him that Bradley needs new slaves. As a result, he will send two to the farm. The mercenary asks to tell Bradley to take care of the slaves, so they won’t get tired quickly. We carry out this receiving as well.

We speak with Elber. who is located in Sanford, asks for five barrels of milk. Let's go to Dennis. We talk with him. He allows me to bring barrels. They stand outside every house. Let's go to Elber. He asks to destroy the thieves stealing the wheat. We leave the farm where Elber was previously found onto the road. We follow the mountains. We find a fence, and behind it the thieves are located. We destroy them. We return to Elber and talk to him.


One of the most dangerous places that we will encounter in the game “Gothic 3” is Mora Sul. The passage of this stage begins with the search for the dangerous enemy Taklar. We take the road leading to Mora Sul. We enter into a fight with an opponent and his assistant. The next enemy is wearing Riordian, who will help us get there. We speak with Jouza. We accompany Riordian. We leave Azara alive. The final enemy that Mora Sul is associated with is Malir. We find him west of the city, in a cave. We search the chests and find the bowl. We speak with Jose. We go to Bernado. We ask him to pay tribute. We talk with Nafalem. We are looking for the deceased Taklar. We find a note from him. She proves that Bernado is trading with the Normans. We take the note to Nafalem. Next we look for Tufail. We agree to pay tribute for him. He shows where Malir's gang is. When this issue is resolved, we speak with Tufail. Now we need Abbas. He will offer the cup as tribute to Naphalem. However, Malir stole it. When we have the cup, we talk to Abbas. Let's go to Nafalem. Next we have to rescue Azar Ail from captivity. This is Naphalem's next task. We go to the cave to Azar. We speak with Ailu. We take her to Nafalem.

Game "Gothic 3": walkthrough of Geldern

There are many tasks in this city. Let's go to the arena. The opponent will be Dimitar. Next you have to fight Gembak and Kulak. We defeat everyone. We are looking for Nemrok. He asks to find the Shadow Scepter artifact in the ruins in the north. We pass by three trolls and the Wolf Mine. It is above the first ones on the rock that the ruined fortress is located. It is guarded by four obscurantists. Inside on the barrel we find a package in which a shadow scepter is placed.

We go to help the shaman Grimball. He asks to bring 5 units of sulfur. Let's go to the mine. It can be reached through the north gate. We turn left. We turn to Nemrok. He asks to deliver the energy slave to the Wolf Mines. We can find the right person. To do this, we go to the Geldern mine. We clear the path from monsters and lead it to the mine. Gork asks to find out about the secret of the druid Runak, who lives in the mountains in the northwest side of the city. We go to the waterfall. Nearby we find Runak's hut.

The next task is to find a search party consisting of druids. It is located on a plateau, just above Runak. We find Gembak. He asks to beat Ivan. We exit through the northern gate. We go straight: we pass the columns and turn left. We climb the hill. Here the bandits set up camp, their leader is Ivan. Jared asks to inform Lares that he wants to see him, we pass on the information to an old acquaintance. We go to Nemrok, who asks to inform Peratur about Hamil. He lives on the 2nd floor of the house, near the fire mage.

The next task is to destroy the wolves living in the mine tunnel. Next, we deliver forty nuggets to Nemrok.


Now we will try to understand the features of the game “Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods”. The passage of this add-on begins with five We must receive them in order to gain the trust of Anog.

The next task requires you to destroy the cows of the shepherd Tabert. We need to visit the former slave quarter, which appeared in the add-on to the game “Gothic 3” (“Gods”). Completing the described task requires finding cows near the tavern. Most of them will run away, but after a few seconds they will return.

Let's move on to the next task in the game "Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods." The passage consists of delivering strange fire nettles. We leave Silden through the northern gate and move along the river bed. We find 6 scavengers. Everyone will have between two and five goblin berries left. We collect plants. We deliver it to the alchemist. He will mistake them for fire nettles. We receive a letter of recommendation.

Next, you should find the person who lures the birds to Oelk. A madman scatters bread to lure winged creatures to Silden. We follow the trail from the arena to the abandoned lumberjack camp. We meet a strange man there, give him 500 coins and peace comes.

Here we have provided a short walkthrough of “Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods”.

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