How to win a cultural victory in civilization 5. Civilization V Choosing a nation, or What the elephant was doing when Napoleon came. Money and caravans

Hello everyone, there are a lot of articles on the site about Dota and CS, but one of the most popular games Steam for some reason they deprive me. Daily in Civilization More than 60,000 thousand people play, and there are 20,000 people constantly online. The numbers are impressive and you can’t argue with that. That's why I decided to write a small guide aimed at beginners of this game. Personally, I play online and often notice that many people don’t even know the basic truths of this game. Today I will touch on the topic of culture, tourism, control of cities.
1. Control of cities
All of your cities have inhabitants who can provide significant benefits if placed correctly. You can arrange the townspeople using the panel on the left

Or manually, by clicking on one cell with a city dweller and moving it to the desired one.

However, residents can work not only in a factory or farm, they can work in buildings, and very often players completely forget about specialists. It is worth noting that more money is spent on specialists, but they bring more benefits than farm and mine workers. You can manage specialists in the city menu by opening the tab " Buildings for specialists"and setting manual control. All specialists give OVL(glasses of great people).

2. Tourism
Tourism is needed to achieve a cultural victory, one of my favorite types of victory. To gain tourism you should use your great artists, writers, musicians to create masterpieces, not to create contracts or launch a golden age. Some religious buildings also increase the amount of tourism. In order to quickly get great people, place specialists in these buildings: the guild of artists, the guild of musicians, the guild of writers.

For each masterpiece you create, you are given 2 culture points and 2 tourism points. There will be more detail about masterpieces if such a topic is successful, since there are many different features with masterpieces.
3. Cultural victory
To achieve a culture victory, your tourism points accumulated over time must overtake someone else's culture points, which were also received by another power over time.

When your influence reaches the level " Fashion", it means the power was conquered by your culture. If your culture has the status of " Fashion"In all powers, cultural victory will be achieved.
Tourism modifiers- this is the coefficient by which your base tourism points will be multiplied in favor of other powers. Additional points will be given only if the following conditions are met: common ideology, common religion, open borders, trade routes.
4. Development
Winning with culture against real people is difficult, but possible. The development should be like this:
Take science as you want, but it’s better on the top lines to the Internet (+100% to tourism), build hotels, airports, radio towers (% of the amount of culture produced per turn). Send great musicians on tours so that when they explode, they will give additional tourism points in the desired power. From social media politician take piety. For faith points, buy great musicians and blow them up in the most developed state. You can also take social media. "Tradition" policy.
If you have questions, ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them, advise your development paths.

There are 4 types of victory in Civilization VI:

1. Military victory. The classic look of victory. The idea is that you need to capture all the capitals of other civilizations. In fact, this is not the most difficult victory, given that the defense capacity of the cities themselves is quite weak compared to what it was in the 5th civilization + it is necessary to take into account that on the “prince” most of the rivals will lag behind in technical terms. But I never had the patience to achieve just such an outcome for my campaign, and in general, war is not my method. It is best to play with civilizations that have strong unique units. So, for example, in antiquity the Sumerians with their chariots were good. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, these were the Romans with powerful legions. And also the Arabs, since the Mamelukes are a huge power with their ability to restore health. They say that the Aztecs ruled in ancient times, but I haven’t checked yet.

2. Cultural victory. The bottom line is that you need to attract foreign tourists in numbers equal to the largest number of domestic tourists in other civilizations. In my opinion, this type of victory has been refined compared to Civilization V. It has become much easier to achieve, since obtaining great creators has become more streamlined (in my opinion) and no longer takes up an extra citizen cell. Of course, their functionality has become much smaller (in the 5th part they could perform a number of other functions), and there are fewer of them themselves, but I think that this has only made it more convenient. Moreover, the level of tourism is influenced by the presence of world wonders, resorts and national parks, which adds variety to the gameplay. We should not forget about technologies that increase the level of tourism. This victory is best achieved by those civilizations that have bonuses to culture, such as Great Britain or China. However, this type of victory should not cause any particular difficulties for other civilizations.

3. Scientific victory. The same classic victory as a military one. I never liked it in all parts - it was always dreary and boring. And it also takes the longest to achieve. In this part it is quite easy to quickly study the entire technology tree, since it itself is small, in addition to this it also has so-called “accelerations”. Therefore, learning the necessary technologies to win is not difficult. But the most difficult thing is to wait until the construction of all space projects is completed. They take so long to build that you can die of boredom. My London, which had considerable bonuses to production, built a spaceport in 40 moves. I am silent about the launches of satellites and modules necessary for victory. In my purely personal opinion, the most uninteresting victory. And, by the way, there are no civilizations specializing in science.

4. Religious victory. A new kind of victory. Quite interesting, in my opinion. I liked the idea that you can fight for the influence of your religion. Previously, everything was limited only to missionaries and inquisitions, but now you can conduct theological disputes that reduce the influence of other religions and increase the influence of your own... in case of victory, of course. Some civilizations will happily accept the player’s teachings, while others, on the contrary, will contribute to the ignition of a real military conflict. Therefore, religious victory seemed to me the most dynamic, the most interesting and the most enjoyable type of victory. An ideal victory option for Russia, India and the Arabs.

What is missing, however, is a diplomatic victory, but it is logical that there is none. After all, there is no World Congress and the UN, plus the influence on city-states is no longer as flexible as before. But I hope that this will be fixed in the next expansions.

And you, gentlemen, what type of victory do you prefer?

Iconic turn-based strategy Sid Meier's Civilization has always been distinguished by the presence of non-linear progression and a variety of paths that lead to victory. This is another plus for the world-famous game, since everyone can develop their power as they please. Civilization is one of the few games in this genre that can be played without resorting to war at all.

During the existence of the series, the number of possible options for winning has changed many times, which is generally due to the complication of game mechanics. Still relevant today Civilization 5 there are only 5 of them – that is, one option less than its predecessor:

Scientific victory
Military victory
Cultural dominance
Diplomatic victory
Victory on points (in 2050)

A scientific victory lies in the construction of a spaceship and its successful launch to the Alpha Centauri star system closest to Earth. To do this, you need to study the technologies necessary for manufacturing parts as quickly as possible, produce them in the cities of the country and assemble your ship in the capital before your rivals do it. If the flight has a favorable outcome, a scientific victory will be won.

Victory through War has undergone some changes compared to the previous game in the series. Now, in order to achieve world championship in this way, you need to capture the capitals of your opponents, and not the entire territory of their powers. Once your capital is captured, you can continue the game trying to win in any of the remaining four ways. However, you will not be able to win a military victory until you regain your historical capital. The essence of this idea is that the winner is the one who was last able to hold his capital and take possession of all the others.

To win by being the most cultural nation in the world is truly exciting. Achieving a high level of cultural influx in Civilization is not so easy, but if you still manage to ensure it, then you will easily open the 5 necessary branches of social institutions. This automatically gives access to the unique Utopia project, which can be built in one of the cities of the country. The rules remain the same - you need to bring the project to life faster than your rivals.

Diplomatic victory becomes available only after mastering the “globalization” technology. It makes it possible to build a UN building. This building introduces into the game such functions as voting for various resolutions, which are closely related to global world processes, as well as the election of a world leader. To win elections, you need to enlist the support of as many powers as possible. The one who has the warmest and most trusting relationships with his opponents will have an undeniable advantage.

Sometimes it happens that during an entire era of human existence, not a single leader has been able to achieve world domination. In this situation, the game ends in 2050, the winner is determined by counting the points scored. After the end of regulation time and the announcement of the results, the game can continue, but the race for first place will be stopped. The most important factor when calculating points is the number of fully built wonders in the power, the population, the number of cities, and the number of unlocked technologies are also important. The cells that are in your possession are considered the least significant.

In the comments there are often requests to make a video on playing against the computer at the maximum difficulty level, so I thought that readers would be interested in tips on how to win against the “deity”. I note that this is not some kind of step-by-step guide or a comprehensive “scientific” analysis of strategies, but simply a set of small tips based on my personal experience of the game. I like to play on a huge 12-player map at the slowest speed, but most of these tips will work for a more standard 6-8 player, fast or medium speed setting. I decided to limit myself to considering peaceful options for victory, partly because I don’t like to fight (the reason I like the game is that you can win without fighting), partly because you can learn a lot about how to fight and how not to fight from a large number of videos with online games. I managed to win diplomatic and scientific victories more than once; I will also write some thoughts on cultural ones, although formally I did not win in this way on the “deity” and I think that this is the most difficult victory (let’s not call the defeat of all rivals and a formal victory against one opponent with one city). So let's get started.

Diplomatic victory

Scientific progress

I consider the diplomatic victory to be the easiest in the game because it is least dependent on scientific progress. It doesn't really matter what stage of development you are at when you vote for world leader at the UN. The “Globalization” technology, which is supposed to be needed for a diplomatic victory, is not at all important.

Great people

I usually focus on merchants, although this may not be that critical. It is better to store merchants until the end of the game and then send them out to city-states - firstly, you will receive 30 influence points, i.e. you will save some money, secondly, the amount of gold from a trade deal depends on the current era, so towards the end of the game you will simply receive more gold.

Public institutions

Open a trade for 25% of gold in the capital, and also accept the Entrepreneurship institute, which will increase the growth of merchants, and most importantly, double the amount of gold from transactions with city-states. Buying merchants for faith can help, but there are too many not very useful institutions in commerce, and there is never too much culture and it is better to spend it on development. It is also necessary to open a philanthropy where the institutions of “Consulate” and “Charity” will be accepted. I prefer to do this at the very end, since the bulk of the gold is given to the city-states the turn before the vote.

As for ideology, it is not so important what to take - choose based on the specific conditions and what your rivals took, since ideologies significantly affect your relationship with the computer and it is better to quarrel with as few rivals as possible.


The main thing when playing for a diplomatic victory is to accumulate as much money as possible to purchase city-states in the turn before the vote. Therefore, try to receive as much gold as possible and spend as little as possible. In most cases, I was able to save enough money to buy all the city-states.


It is better to send most caravans to their cities, otherwise development will be too slow. In the second half of the game, send several caravans to those directions that bring especially a lot of gold.


Towards the end of the game, send diplomats to powers that treat you well. The computer sells its congressional votes surprisingly cheaply, and you can gain missing votes this way if you don't have enough money for all the city-states or too many city-states have been captured. During the game, you can steal technology or maintain relationships with city-states. If you lack money at the end of the game, you can try to organize coups in some city-states, but, in my opinion, it is better to buy them and send spies as diplomats to get the votes of your rivals.


It is not necessary to strive at all costs to be allies of as many city-states as possible throughout the game. It is clear that bonuses from this will never hurt, but it is not worth spending too much money. Complete simple quests, but you don’t need to be too zealous. Do not promise protection to city-states, otherwise you will constantly have to spoil relations either with them or with the powers that demand tribute from them.

Scientific victory

Scientific progress

In science, you will be catching up throughout the game, so you need to discover technologies that allow you to build scientific buildings as quickly as possible. Don’t delay with the national college - 2-3 cities at the beginning of the game and it’s better to build it already. Try to figure it out so that by the time philosophy opens, you are already ready to start building a national college.

Great people

Of course, as many scientists as possible are needed. Usually I put the first couple of scientists in the academy, but then it’s better to leave them until the end of the game. Let's make some small calculations: the academy brings 8 science, 10 after the discovery of nuclear physics, another 4 can be obtained if you accept the New Deal dogma in freedom. It’s good if this gives an average of 10 science per turn over the entire game. Taking into account the scientific buildings in the city and other bonuses, you can get a maximum of +175% science. But since these modifiers are accumulated gradually, we can assume that the academy will give about 20 science on average. You will get your first academy at medium speed on turn 100, somewhere around turn 300 the game will come to an end. Thus, the academy will bring 4000 science per game. When "burned" at the end of the game, the scientist will give the amount of science for the last 8 turns. The amount of science in use at that time will be around 1000, i.e. "burning" will bring 8000 science. Here, of course, it is worth considering that, firstly, the academy will contribute to the amount of science when “burning”, in addition, additional science in the middle of the game will bring you closer to discovering technologies that open scientific buildings. But still, it seems to me that the calculation shows that the vast majority of scientists should be saved until the end of the game.

Public institutions

Rationalism is everything when playing for a scientific victory, close it as soon as possible. Here is the increase in science (try not to go into the red by luck), and the acceleration of the generation of scientists, and the increase in science received from research agreements, and, finally, free technology and the ability to buy scientists for faith at the end. I don't think it's worth delaying closing rationalism to get more expensive technology for free, since it's impossible to leave relatively unclosed useless institution.

The ideology must be chosen from freedom and order, it is difficult to say unequivocally which is better, the main thing is to accept a dogma in both, which increases the rate of generation of great people. It is also a very good idea to accept “Working faculties”, which give an increase in science from factories. Buying spaceship parts or building them with the help of engineers will not be easy, and even if you succeed, there is no guarantee that you will have the money or engineers. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of building your strategy around one of these tenets, but I don't usually use them. In autocracy there is an excellent dogma “Industrial Espionage”, which doubles the speed of the theft of technology by spies, but there are too few other useful dogmas and, it seems to me, it alone does not outweigh the advantages of freedom or order in general.


The most important miracles when playing for a scientific victory are the porcelain pagoda and the Hubble telescope. The first will increase the amount of science received from research agreements, and the second, not only will give two scientists, but also gives a free spaceship factory and a 25% acceleration in the construction of spaceship parts.


All spies are dedicated to stealing technology; this greatly helps to catch up with rivals in science. Don't steal technology from the leader - he probably keeps his spies at home. By the number of points for technology, you can find out which powers are significantly ahead of you in science. Plant spies for them in capitals or large cities.


Be sure to make as many scientific agreements as possible, I believe this is the main thing you should use gold for when playing for a scientific victory. Many opponents will constantly spend their money, so you need to use this technique: give the computer gold for gold in a turn (you will lose a little on this, since it is unlikely to agree to an equal exchange - you will have to give more gold than you will receive in total during the contract ), and then immediately enter into a scientific agreement. It is extremely rare for a computer to refuse an agreement if it has the money to do so. Of course, you probably shouldn’t enter into an agreement with the leader, but try to do this all the time with everyone else.


It is best to send caravans with food. We need as much science as possible, and basic science is provided by the population. At the end of the game, of course, as much as possible, send caravans with production to the cities where you will build spaceship parts.


Try to accumulate as much faith as possible, i.e. At a minimum, sanctuaries and temples must be built in all cities. The more scientists you can buy at the end with faith, the better. It is, of course, not necessary to pursue the foundation of religion, especially since it is not so often possible to do this on the basis of a “deity”. They will still bring you religion, but you don’t need more to buy scientists.

Cultural victory

Scientific progress

Computer opponents will generate a lot of culture. Unfortunately, the very important Internet technology is at the last level of the technology tree. Opening it in time, while focusing the game on culture and tourism, is quite difficult, which makes a cultural victory difficult to achieve. In addition, the sooner you discover technologies that allow you to build hotels and airports, the better. These buildings significantly increase the number of tourism points. For the rest, you need to go through technology in the same way as in the case of a scientific victory, i.e. try to discover technologies that allow you to build scientific buildings as quickly as possible.

Great people

The more “cultured” great people you have, the better. It is better to immediately use writers and artists to create masterpieces. Regarding musicians, I believe that most of the musicians that will be generated by your guild should also be used to create masterpieces, since, unlike scholars and merchants, a musician's power is fixed at the time of his appearance. Maybe the last one or two is worth holding on to, but it all depends on how many Tourism Points you have when they appear. Since you will have only one guild of writers, artists and musicians, it is important to build them all in one city on the river (so that you can build a garden) and place the national epic in this city.

Among the “uncultured” great people, I think it is worth choosing scientists. Engineers can help build some of the many useful wonders, but scientific progress is more important - no wonder will give you as much tourism as Internet technology.

Public institutions

For a cultural victory, it is simply necessary to close aesthetics. In general, a key aspect of a cultural victory is to buy as many musicians as possible with faith at the end of the game. Therefore, it is also very important to maximize the generation of faith points. It will be very good if you manage to go by piety, collect as many religious buildings (pagodas, mosques, monasteries, cathedrals) as possible and accept the beliefs of the reformation, which gives tourism points from these buildings. Although it is still more important to cover aesthetics, and most likely there will not be enough for all the cultures.

It is better to choose freedom as an ideology, since it has the “Media Culture” dogma, which increases tourism points by 34% in a city with a radio tower. A similar dogma in order - "Cultural Revolution" - increases tourism points by 34% in relation to powers that have also adopted the order, and it is unlikely that all your rivals will be so unanimous. The strategy with “Futurism” from autocracy, in my opinion, is useless in the game on “deity”.


Perhaps the most necessary miracle when playing for a cultural victory is the Leaning Tower of Pisa; it should be built in a city with guilds. It will be very good if you can build the Eiffel Tower, which gives 12 tourism points per turn without any masterpieces. It will be very useful to build any miracle that produces a “cultured” great person: this is the Globe Theater, the Uffizi Gallery, the Louvre, Broadway. Wonders are also good, in which there are several cells for masterpieces, and, accordingly, the opportunity to receive a thematic bonus. This includes, in addition to the above, the Sistine Chapel and the Sydney Opera House. It is unlikely that you will build many of them on the “deity”, but if there is an opportunity, take advantage of it. Don’t forget also about the national wonders - the Hermitage and the information center. But the Alexandrian library and the Parthenon are not worth building - too much of a lag behind the computer in the early eras practically reduces the chances of completing them before your rivals to zero.

Money and caravans

Be sure to buy open borders from all rivals - it is relatively cheap and significantly increases the number of tourism points. It is also desirable that trade caravans be established with as many powers as possible. It doesn't matter who owns the caravan, so keep track of which rivals are sending caravans to you so you can send yours to someone else.


Use spies in the same way as in the case of a scientific victory. Try to steal as many technologies as possible, since scientific progress is very important here. After accepting an ideology, assign diplomats to powers with an ideology different from yours - this will level out the penalty to tourism points from ideological differences. There are not enough spies for everyone, so choose the most culturally developed powers.


It is advisable to obtain as many artifacts as possible with the help of archaeologists. Start with the furthest dig sites, as the ones closest to you are easier to control. Occupy excavation sites with your units so that rival archaeologists cannot get ahead of you. You can dig up one artifact on the territory of your rivals; this will slightly worsen the relationship, but not critical. Make sure you have buildings ready to house artifacts: if you excavate outside your territory and have nowhere to place the artifact, you will be wasting an archaeologist. It is better to turn excavation sites located on tiles that your cities can process into monuments, since the hotel and the airport in total will give as much tourism as the culture the monument brings, in addition, you will also get culture, which needs a lot.

  • Keep a small but competitive army. This will not protect you from attack, but it will allow you to fight back. As you know, the computer acts very poorly tactically, so even against numerically superior forces it is quite possible to defend yourself. If your nearest neighbor attacks you, you can take advantage of this and seize something; this will not be regarded as strong aggression and will not spoil relations with other rivals. Don't be upset if you've lost a city or two, the chances of winning back are still quite high.
  • Try to sell all excess resources - both strategic and luxury resources. The computer still doesn't use them well. Of course, it is advisable to sell them not to the leader and not to the closest neighbors. Approximate prices at which the computer buys resources: strategic - 1.5 gold per turn per 1 unit, luxury resources - 7 gold per turn. The price may vary depending on your relationship with the purchasing party. Sell ​​resources to your friends for a lump sum - you never know what will happen to the resource during the term of the agreement
  • Don't be aggressive. In each winning option, it is extremely useful to be friends with as many opponents as possible, and aggressive behavior can cause many of them to view you negatively.
  • If you are attacked or feel someone is about to, negotiate with a couple of other powers to declare war on the attacker. Warlike leaders will agree to this for literally a few gold pieces per turn. This can divert some of your enemy's troops to another front or force him to make peace with you. In general, this technique can always be used - the more resources your rivals spend on wars with each other, the more profitable it is for you.

This is probably where my advice ends. I'm not saying that you'll win any game this way, because something can always go wrong, but using these tips, it's quite possible to win often on the "deity" difficulty level. Good luck with your games!

My children! We were humiliated, broken by severe adversity! But I knew that the time would come when my people would rise up and brutally get even with their enemies. Now we are united and stronger than ever. I have a dream, and this dream is in your hands! I will lead you to greatness. Together we will win!

So, he received dictatorial powers. Now all that remains is to conquer the world.

Armored train for civilians

A large state, other things being equal, is more effective than a small one.

If you want peace, prepare for war. If you want war, prepare for war. In general, whether you like it or not, there will be a war! Artificial intelligence in “Civilization” constantly strives to attack; even the stronger army of the “victim” will not scare it away. If you hesitate, the enemy may be better prepared for war, so a timely preemptive strike may be justified.

War here is not an end in itself, but a means of strengthening one’s country. A large state, other things being equal, is more effective than a small one. Why? I'll tell you about this in detail.

My empire has acquired many suppliers of science, culture and gold.

The advantages of a large empire are obvious:

    Many cities - a lot of money, science and culture points.

    High production capacity.

    A large area where trading posts and other improvements can be placed.

What are the downsides then?

    There is growing dissatisfaction with population density and the number of cities.

    The amount of culture required to establish a new policy is increased by 30% for each new city.

Well, the “contraindications” are significant, but still not fatal. Firstly, in every new city there is a place for the construction of “happy” buildings. To neutralize the discontent caused by the construction, the Colosseum will be enough. It is available almost immediately and is built quickly. Having received “bread and circuses”, the plebs will worry less about rising prices and taxes, and you will be able to build entertainment establishments faster than the population in the cities grows, and with it discontent. The main thing is to hurry slowly. If the people of the empire are unhappy, do not expand the territory until you have built a couple of colosseums or circuses.

On a note: Often the population requires luxury goods (as a resource, in the sense) for the happiness and growth of cities. Take them away from the enemy along with the territory.

Secondly, even if you are not striving for a cultural victory, you should not become like the barbarians and blow your nose in tapestries. Some perks purchased for culture will provide a very noticeable advantage, no matter what winning strategy you choose.

Build up quickly, quickly! We won't have time! French gas
Should I call the tarbeiters...

Therefore, satellites are usually preferable to annexed enemy cities.

And the secret is that only those cities that are completely under your control receive a penalty for culture, but not satellites. Of course, the latter do not produce miracles and troops, but they regularly supply them with money, contribute to science and culture, and themselves build all sorts of “people’s entertainment.” Therefore, satellites are usually preferable to annexed enemy cities. This is especially true if you expect to win through the construction of a utopia. Let puppet governments tell their citizens fairy tales about freedom and independence, we know and are rubbing our hands. And if any satellite manages to grow into a metropolis with a population of 20+, annex it.

After the third city, begin to prepare for defense, gradually turning into an offensive. By that time, you should have studied bronze processing (for spearmen) and the wheel (for chariots, which, by the way, are more profitable than archers). It is better to attack the enemy, enlisting the help of an ally who will divert part of the enemy army to himself. The ideal option is an alliance with a weaker player against a stronger one.

When playing against living players, beware of being stabbed in the back while your main forces are shedding blood in a foreign land. Don’t be shy about making such attacks yourself, this makes the game much more interesting. And if you are not currently involved in a war, it makes sense to donate units to the weaker side. It is easier to face several weak players than one strong one.

Now it’s time to talk directly about combat operations, fortunately in the fifth “Civilization” they have become much more interesting. Here are a number of rules that a commander should follow:

The ship can scout out the enemy's location for artillery and, without engaging in battle, retreat.

    If the squad was slightly injured, it is better not to throw it into battle, but to camp for treatment. If it’s difficult, take it to a safe distance. To do this, make a “castling” - if both units can move, they can be swapped. Healthy soldiers will cover the wounded.

    Shooters and artillery are very vulnerable in close combat. Cavalry, which is capable of moving many squares, copes especially well with them. Don't forget that cavalry can move after an attack. Hit-and-run tactics in action.

    In a forest, jungle or on a hill, units defend better than in the middle of a field.

    Two squads side by side are stronger than three separate ones. Concentrate your forces in the right place. The forces are gathered into a fist and act together - this is the advantage of attack over defense.

    The advantage of defense is that you can occupy the high ground and order the soldiers to strengthen themselves; you can hold the defense near the city, and fire at the enemy from the city; successfully position artillery in advance.

    Don't be afraid to expose your fighters to fire from an enemy city. While standing still, the party heals wounds almost as quickly as it takes damage, but at the same time earns experience. Sometimes it even makes sense not to rush into an assault when training fighters. In an online game, constantly standing under fire from the city is considered by many players to be dishonest.

    To successfully capture a city, three or four detachments are needed if there are no enemy soldiers near this city. Otherwise more.

    Here, unlike the previous parts of the game, technically more advanced units have a higher chance of winning. Military research is among the priorities.

From Tenochtitlan to Medina we will build a highway

Everything has its price, and a considerable one. The maintenance of armies, buildings and even roads places a heavy burden on the treasury. And that means that before every order you give, you should ask yourself whether it is truly moving your country closer to world domination. We will discuss certain buildings more than once in the context of “whether they will pay off or not.”

There are no useless buildings, but consider the situation. Here are some rules:

    Barns and similar buildings that provide food definitely pay off.

    Buildings with specialists are needed in any case, just decide which specialists are more important at the moment and in a given city. However, if the settlement does not have enough residents and/or food for specialists, then buildings requiring specialists will only be a burden. Specialists are also valuable because they increase the likelihood of the birth of a great person.

    Build pleasure buildings constantly; the more of them, the larger part of the world map can be repainted in your favorite color, without teasing the geese, that is, the people. The profits from the new city and the golden ages for the people's happiness will more than pay for the costs of maintenance. After watching the exciting meat grinder in the arena, the citizen will be inspired and, instead of an anti-war rally, will go to the nearest recruiting center.

    Fortifications are needed only on the border. Barracks and military buildings in every city are expensive. Even if only a few cities supply soldiers to the front, they do so quickly and efficiently. A large army in peacetime is extremely expensive, but if peacetime drags on, something is wrong, a lot of money and people are wasted, working not for you.

    A trade route brings 1.25 units of gold per inhabitant in the city connected by this route to the capital. Maintaining a section of road costs gold. That is, if, for example, the distance from the capital is five, and the city has a population of more than four, the road pays off.

No, will this golden age ever end?!

However, with the right economic policy and impressive gains, the problem of lack of money is relevant only in the early stages. Later, with the expansion of the territory, there will be a lot of area for development. Spend most of it on trading posts and you shouldn't have any money problems.

Even if the financial balance turns out to be negative, it’s not scary. The main earnings come during the golden age and more than cover any deficit. Of course, if such a century comes often. For it to last forever, you need happy citizens (which, as already said, are facilitated by coliseums and theaters) and a combination of the corresponding wonders of the world and policies. Research the Civil Service technology as early as possible, which will unlock the golden age-extending world wonder of Chichen Itza. Among the policies, the most useful ones are "organized religion" (-25% happiness requirement for the beginning of the golden age) and "theocracy" (-20% unhappiness) in the "piety" category. The gaps between “happy” golden ages can be “plugged” by great personalities.

But the main deficit in the game - the lack of people - is not eliminated by the golden age. Many of the buildings you need require city dwellers to operate, which distracts them from producing food or building. And the further we go, the more production capacity we need. Where should the citizens be sent? On the field so that the population grows? To the factory to speed up production? Or poring over books at university in the name of science? The author of the article solves this problem this way: cities have their own specialization.

This is how good it is to locate cities - at a considerable distance and near resources.

There are cities - industrial giants: overpopulated, with a gray, smoky sky. Usually these are old cities, founded at the beginning of the game and managed to grow to the required size. Residents of such megacities are minimally distracted by churches and libraries, and the buildings that require specialists are mainly workshops, factories, etc. The city is surrounded by sawmills, mines and fields. The latter are needed for the population to grow very quickly. At the beginning of the game, establish cities at a considerable distance from each other in order to effectively feed the sprawling metropolises. It is highly desirable to establish cities near resource deposits and on the banks of rivers.

If you play for France, then at the very beginning the city’s borders will actively expand, and you will receive huge areas for development. The efficiency of a city surrounded by many fields, sawmills and mines increases significantly.

Forge cities are engaged in production, primarily the construction of wonders of the world, and they do it very efficiently. It is especially important to build miracles as quickly as possible, because only the first one will get an impressive advantage. And do not neglect your own regulation of employment. If you are building a miracle or something equally important, direct maximum inhabitants from agriculture to production. In the long term, many settlers employed in agriculture will ensure rapid growth for the city. The more “extra” food there is, the faster the city grows.

The efficiency of the Iroquois longhouse is amazing. And it's still a small town!

To surround the metropolis with fields, expand the borders with the help of culture. An obelisk that does not require specialists and miracles will help with this.

On a note: Which nation do you think is the nation of the best industrialists in the world? Americans? Chinese? Germans? No! Iroquois. Their unique "longhouse" building increases the efficiency of sawmills to stratospheric levels. Build industrial centers in the middle of the forest, surround them with sawmills and send townspeople to them. It is important not to cut down the forest until the ceremonial moment when longhouses and sawmills become available. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the jungle.

Younger cities, often satellites, are responsible for science, culture and money in my empire. Growth is not so important to them; the small population of one city is compensated by their number. Roughly speaking, it is easier to get a couple of cities with libraries than one with a university, and the effect is comparable. At the same time, cities of specialists are also growing, although not to the same size as industrial centers. Many trading posts, rather than fields, can be built around scientific, financial and cultural settlements.

I’ll buy a victory, we’ll agree on the price!

And finally, let's talk about the features of the strategy for different types of victory. For glorious victories you need an army equipped with the latest technology, for the rapid development of science you need a large empire; From an alliance with city-states, you can get an increase in culture, and a successful diplomat will be helped by the policies of the “patronage” section “bought” for culture. Still, different strategies have some specificity.

Properly developed Egyptians can boast of many
a lot of miracles in big cities.

For achievement cultural victory you need to accumulate enough culture to accept all the policies from the five branches. Each new city provides you with penalties to culture, so do not found more than three settlements and try not to annex others. But do not forget that satellites do not have a negative impact; they can be purchased in quantities limited only by the strength of the army and the happiness of citizens.

Surprisingly, at the beginning of the game the emphasis should be on science rather than culture. It is necessary to study as early as possible the technologies that open access to the cultural wonders of the world and the branches of the “freedom” policy. The Sistine Chapel, thanks to which politicians are accepted more cheaply, must be built by you. The Oracle will be useful - it gives an additional policy, and the cost of the next one does not increase.

It is for achieving cultural victory that the wonders of the world are especially relevant. Therefore, first choose from the “tradition” + “aristocracy” policies (+33% wonder construction speed). To have a big head start in building wonders, study the technologies needed for them first.

There is an interesting strategy for gaining early access to the wonders of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, especially effective when performed by the Egyptians, with their “miraculous” plus. Learn pottery and writing and begin building the Library of Alexandria in the capital. During this time, study the calendar and philosophy. The second city, which must be founded by then, should aim at the Oracle or Stonehenge. By the time the library is built, you will have access to the “theology” technology. This science is medieval, and in our yard we are in antiquity; it will take an extremely long time to study theology. But with the help of the miracle library, you can learn one technology (any) instantly.

Pursue the technology that unlocks the wonders of the world you want.

This gives you the opportunity to start building the Cathedral of St. Sofia and Ankgor Wat. Next, invent education and do the same trick with the Porcelain Tower or Oxford University instead of a library. Invent acoustics in this way, and the precious Sistine Chapel is yours. Moreover, you will quickly jump into the Renaissance, which will allow you to adopt policies from the “freedom” branch that are indispensable for cultural victory: “civil society”, which reduces the need for specialists for food, “constitution”, which doubles the culture in cities with a wonder of the world, and “freedom of speech” ”, reducing the price of the policy.

Scientific victory is to launch a spacecraft. It requires not only many cities with scientists, but also several industrial cities that are capable of collecting ship parts. Get to Modern Times as soon as possible to gain access to the politicians from the “rationalism” branch. “Secularism” gives +2 science points for each specialist in the city (that is, not only a scientist, but also a merchant or artist). Freethought adds a science point for each trading post. There is already a huge territory under your control, most of which is built up with trading posts. No? Fix it urgently! Once you gain access to rationalism, urgently engage in a hitherto abandoned culture. Let the highbrow employees of the research institute at least clear their head a little and go to the theater.

Nuclear explosion. Beauty requires sacrifice.

For diplomatic victory you need to build the UN, or at least live to see it built and enter into an alliance with nine city-states. Such a victory is only possible for a very rich and powerful country. Rich, because the easiest way to improve relations with city-states is a banal bribe. Many cities and trading posts, as well as frequent golden ages, will help in the right business of making money.

An empire that relies on diplomacy needs strength even more. Otherwise, how to protect your allies from annexation or, if it has already happened, free them? In addition, many tasks, for the completion of which small countries gain favor with you, are solved with the help of military force. Typical missions are defense against barbarians or another empire. Yes, if you want peace, get ready for war! Remember? This is what the Romans said, and they knew a lot about these matters. Also, city-states are often asked to destroy a competing city, and this should never be done.

The feasibility of calculating military victory strongly depends on the world map. A small world from one continent is ideal for conquest. A huge world with a scattering of islands, on the contrary, pushes the player towards a more peaceful strategy. The cold wind from the sea, like nothing else, will cool down the ardor of conquest, because an army placed on a transport is powerless against warships. High speed at sea will allow you to quickly concentrate the fleet in the right place and, even with a significant numerical superiority of the attackers, destroy the landing force, and then retreat under the cover of coastal batteries in the cities.

"The Iroquois don't give up!" - I answered this little guy.

On the other hand, do not forget that to win by conquest, you only need to capture the capitals of all remaining players, and if the capital city is located on the seashore, you do not need to fight your way to it through all the enemy’s lands. The author of the article once won a game that was not very successful for him. After all, the capture of the capital counts, even if it was immediately recaptured. In addition, the enemy capital can be easily destroyed with the help of two nuclear missiles launched in a row from the mother ship.

This is interesting: even if the enemy has captured all the capitals except yours, to win you only need to capture his capital.

The most advantageous position is when there is water on three sides, so you don’t have to fight on several fronts. Try to keep it this way until the end of the game - do not leave a living player in the rear, even if your flag is already proudly flying in his capital and with some couple of cities it doesn’t seem to be dangerous to you.

Of the miracles, priority is given to those that reduce the level of unhappiness, because your country needs to “digest” a lot of captured territory. Learn banking early for the Hidden Palace miracle. At the beginning of the game, you should choose “honor” from the policies. Although conquerors are offered the “autocracy” branch, this is not the best option. The same rationalism is more useful.

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