The meaning of sevens in fortune telling. Card of Fate - Seven of Clubs

personality description

All Sevens are highly spiritual cards, but a person must manifest this spirituality and transform negative tendencies into genuine achievements and personal freedom on his own. Otherwise, the influence of the Seven will only bring him trouble. Seven of Clubs problems relate to the negative aspects of thinking, causing anxiety, doubt and pessimism. Sevens of Clubs are endowed with innate intuition and insight, but if they do not follow their inner impulses, the influence of Saturn will bring them many disappointments and sometimes even long-term depression. Sevens of Clubs have enough strength to cope with their problems and achieve the fame and recognition that they secretly strive for, but for this they need to put in a lot of diligence.

It is likely that at different periods of her life, the Seven of Clubs will receive large sums of money, but she tends to spend this money with incredible ease. Wise management of finances is not one of the abilities of the Seven of Clubs. The Eight of Diamonds as a Karmic Card inspires the Seven of Clubs with a desire for fame and recognition, but at the same time can turn it into a spender and a spendthrift. Seven of Clubs squanders money faster than it earns. The reasons for these troubles lie in her way of thinking. Therefore, the Seven of Clubs simply must monitor their thoughts, avoiding the slightest despondency and pessimism. She is always positively influenced by contact with spiritual teachings or ideals.

The second task of the Seven of Clubs is to develop honesty and moral purity. This is due to her second Karmic Card, the Jack of Spades, which is sometimes called the "thief card". If the Seven of Clubs allows her thirst for success to prevail over her moral principles, she will have to suffer greatly, especially in the area of ​​love and family relationships.

relationships of the Seven of Clubs with other people

The love karma of the Seven of Clubs cannot be called either good or bad. The story of their love life will largely depend on how they handle other areas of activity. If they find proper use for themselves, they will be able to master their feelings and romantic desires more easily than any other card in the deck.

Of course, they still have some karma, and this karma can be expressed in two tasks: learning to free oneself from personal attachments to other people or developing the correct attitude towards a partner, as well as towards all other areas of life. Sevens of Clubs always feel better when they get married. Then they have the opportunity to achieve greater financial and professional success. Therefore, among the Sevens of Clubs there are few bachelors.

The love relationships of male Sevens of Clubs are influenced by their second Karmic Card - the Jack of Spades. Many of them take on the role of a romantic famous actor. This leads to inconstancy and deception in love, as well as extramarital affairs, which help the Seven of Clubs feel like a special person. If the Seven of Clubs actually achieves the desired fame, this makes her more indecisive in choosing a partner for marriage. This situation can lead to divorce and remarriage.

compatibility of the Seven of Clubs with other birth cards

Sevens of Clubs develop very special, unique relationships with women of the Spades suit or hardworking and determined women, regardless of suit. Women Sevens of Clubs often dream of men of their own suit, and their relationships with men-Dambourines are not easy, since the Pluto Card for the Seven of Clubs is the Knave of Diamonds. The ideal partner for a female Seven of Clubs can be a Spades man.

Bill (Seven of Clubs) and Hillary (Nine of Hearts) Clinton

In many ways, Bill and Hillary are the perfect couple. The Seven of Clubs and the Nine of Hearts stand side by side in the Life Set. This in itself is an excellent indication for marriage. But that is not all. The Seven of Clubs is located in front of the Nine of Hearts. This means that the Seven of Clubs is the Mercury Card for the Nine of Hearts, and the Nine of Hearts is the Moon Card for the Seven of Clubs. This is a wonderful combination in which the partner standing “behind” allows his lover to play the role of leader in the relationship. In this case, Hillary seems to be quite content with her position as assistant and gives Bill the opportunity to lead (at least so it seems at first glance). A helping partner can provide invaluable support to a leading partner in their work. Hillary, being a Scorpio with a Semi-Fixed Birth Chart, is undoubtedly such a helper for Bill, helping him maintain self-confidence and a sense of security. Bill, being a Leo and the Seven of Clubs, is doomed to fluctuations in his sense of self-confidence. Sevens of Clubs very often fluctuate between two extremes, moving from a feeling of absolute happiness and good luck in everything to pessimism and anxiety. Hillary's stable character, without a doubt, helps Bill maintain his inner balance and mitigate these swings.

Bill's first Karmic Card is the Eight of Diamonds. The Sun card, located in the center of the top row of cards of the Life Set. This means that Sevens of Clubs are characterized by a strong, although often hidden, desire for fame. It manifests itself especially clearly when the Seven of Clubs was born under the solar sign of Leo, also associated with the Sun Card. The influence of Leo enhances and sometimes exaggerates the thirst for leadership and fame, power and authority. At first glance, Bill preaches a philosophy based on a spiritual basis (the Seven of Clubs is a card of spiritual knowledge). But additional cards that influence his personality reveal his true motives, which may turn out to be no more complicated than the usual thirst for recognition and admiration. This is why Bill bases his policies on popularity ratings rather than on any clear philosophy or ideology.

Hillary is influenced by similar motives. Being a Scorpio, she has two Planetary Rule Cards: the Queen of Spades and the King of Clubs - signs of authority and leadership. It is curious that the Queen of Spades is the first Karmic Card of the Eight of Diamonds and that in the Spiritual Set it is the Card of the Sun. Therefore, we can conclude that Hillary is also endowed with remarkable leadership abilities and also strives for power and a leadership position. With such an explosive combination of energies, it is not surprising that she has achieved such impressive successes in life. The Nine of Hearts is the “savior card.” This is why Hillary is putting so much effort into developing America's healthcare system. This is quite consistent with the Nine of Hearts, which is called the "card of universal love." In many ways, Hillary is a much more effective leader than her husband because she truly believes in her cause and is not as sensitive to the issue of popularity.

The first Karmic Cards of Hillary and Bill - the Eight and the Seven of Diamonds - are united in the Life Set by an excellent connection on Venus. This means that the spouses are extremely close to each other emotionally and that their love is truly deep. This love gives them strength to work together. The Venusian connection also indicates that Bill and Hillary have common values. They strive to unite their life goals to support each other in their work and in achieving what they want.

All Sevens are highly spiritual cards, but a person must manifest this spirituality and transform negative tendencies into genuine achievements and personal freedom on his own. Otherwise, the influence of the Seven will only bring him trouble. Seven of Clubs problems relate to the negative aspects of thinking, causing anxiety, doubt and pessimism.
Sevens of Clubs are endowed with innate intuition and insight, but if they do not follow their inner impulses, the influence of Saturn will bring them many disappointments and sometimes even long-term depression. Sevens of Clubs have enough strength to cope with their problems and achieve the fame and recognition that they secretly strive for, but for this they need to put in a lot of diligence. It is likely that at different periods of her life, the Seven of Clubs will receive large sums of money, but she tends to spend this money with incredible ease. Wise management of finances is not one of the abilities of the Seven of Clubs. The Eight of Diamonds as a Karmic Card inspires the Seven of Clubs with a desire for fame and recognition, but at the same time can turn it into a spender and a spendthrift. Seven of Clubs squanders money faster than it earns.

Brief description of the meaning of the card:

  • independent consciousness
  • spiritual knowledge
  • revealing bad thoughts and beliefs
  • positive thinking
  • openness to new knowledge and points of view
  • fear of the future
  • gossip
  • intrigue, swearing, insults
  • fear of condemnation
  • criticality

The reasons for these troubles lie in her way of thinking. Therefore, the Seven of Clubs simply must monitor their thoughts, avoiding the slightest despondency and pessimism. She is always positively influenced by contact with spiritual teachings or ideals. The second task of the Seven of Clubs is to develop honesty and moral purity. This is due to her second Karmic Card, the Jack of Spades, which is sometimes called the "thief card".

Seven of clubs (crosses) - Card of people born:
March 29 April 27 May 25 June 23 July 21 August 19 September 17 October 15 November 13 December 11

If the Seven of Clubs allows her thirst for success to prevail over her moral principles, she will have to suffer greatly, especially in the area of ​​love and family relationships.

Relationships with other people

The love karma of the Seven of Clubs cannot be called either good or bad. The story of their love life will largely depend on how they handle other areas of activity. If they find proper use for themselves, they will be able to master their feelings and romantic desires more easily than any other card in the deck.

Of course, they still have some karma, and this karma can be expressed in two tasks: learning to free oneself from personal attachments to other people or developing the correct attitude towards a partner, as well as towards all other areas of life. Sevens of Clubs always feel better when they get married. Then they have the opportunity to achieve greater financial and professional success. Therefore, among the Sevens of Clubs there are few bachelors.

The love relationships of male Sevens of Clubs are influenced by their second Karmic Card - the Jack of Spades. Many of them take on the role of a romantic famous actor. This leads to inconstancy and deception in love, as well as extramarital affairs, which help the Seven of Clubs feel like a special person. If the Seven of Clubs actually achieves the desired fame, this makes her more indecisive in choosing a partner for marriage. This situation can lead to divorce and remarriage.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Sevens of Clubs develop very special, unique relationships with women of the Spades suit or hardworking and determined women, regardless of suit. Women Sevens of Clubs often dream of men of their own suit, and their relationships with men-Dambourines are not easy, since the Pluto Card for the Seven of Clubs is the Knave of Diamonds. The ideal partner for a female Seven of Clubs can be a Spades man.

Bill (Seven of Clubs) and Hillary (Nine of Hearts) Clinton

In many ways, Bill and Hillary are the perfect couple. The Seven of Clubs and the Nine of Hearts stand side by side in the Life Set. This in itself is an excellent indication for marriage. But that is not all. The Seven of Clubs is located in front of the Nine of Hearts. This means that the Seven of Clubs is the Mercury Card for the Nine of Hearts, and the Nine of Hearts is the Moon Card for the Seven of Clubs. This is a wonderful combination in which the partner standing “behind” allows his lover to play the role of leader in the relationship. In this case, Hillary seems to be quite content with her position as assistant and gives Bill the opportunity to lead (at least so it seems at first glance). A helping partner can provide invaluable support to a leading partner in their work. Hillary, being a Scorpio with a Semi-Fixed Birth Chart, is undoubtedly such a helper for Bill, helping him maintain self-confidence and a sense of security. Bill, being a Leo and the Seven of Clubs, is doomed to fluctuations in his sense of self-confidence. Sevens of Clubs very often fluctuate between two extremes, moving from a feeling of absolute happiness and good luck in everything to pessimism and anxiety. Hillary's stable character, without a doubt, helps Bill maintain his inner balance and mitigate these swings.

Bill's first Karmic Card is the Eight of Diamonds. The Sun card, located in the center of the top row of cards of the Life Set. This means that Sevens of Clubs are characterized by a strong, although often hidden, desire for fame. It manifests itself especially clearly when the Seven of Clubs was born under the solar sign of Leo, also associated with the Sun Card. The influence of Leo enhances and sometimes exaggerates the thirst for leadership and fame, power and authority. At first glance, Bill preaches a philosophy based on a spiritual basis (the Seven of Clubs is a card of spiritual knowledge). But additional cards that influence his personality reveal his true motives, which may turn out to be no more complicated than the usual thirst for recognition and admiration. This is why Bill bases his policies on popularity ratings rather than on any clear philosophy or ideology.

Hillary is influenced by similar motives. Being a Scorpio, she has two Planetary Rule Cards: the Queen of Spades and the King of Clubs - signs of authority and leadership. It is curious that the Queen of Spades is the first Karmic Card of the Eight of Diamonds and that in the Spiritual Set it is the Card of the Sun. Therefore, we can conclude that Hillary is also endowed with remarkable leadership abilities and also strives for power and a leadership position. With such an explosive combination of energies, it is not surprising that she has achieved such impressive successes in life. The Nine of Hearts is the “savior card.” This is why Hillary is putting so much effort into developing America's healthcare system. This is quite consistent with the Nine of Hearts, which is called the “card of universal love.” In many ways, Hillary is a much more effective leader than her husband because she truly believes in her cause and is not as sensitive to the issue of popularity.

The first Karmic Cards of Hillary and Bill - the Eight and the Seven of Diamonds - are united in the Life Set by an excellent connection on Venus. This means that the spouses are extremely close to each other emotionally and that their love is truly deep. This love gives them strength to work together. The Venusian connection also indicates that Bill and Hillary have common values. They strive to combine their life goals to support each other in their work and in achieving what they want.

Number of the card “Seven of clubs (crosses)”: 20

Birth card - Seven of clubs (crosses)

Man has always tried to lift the veil of the unknown, to find out what awaits him in the future, and what secrets the past hides. For such knowledge they go to the world of magic and the supernatural.

Fortune telling with cards is a great way to find out what awaits you. Let someone not believe in it at all, but once you try to decipher the designation of cards during fortune telling, you will certainly return to it again. All because of the wisdom that lies within a deck with ordinary 36 playing cards.

Each card in the deck plays its own role and has its own meaning.

Each card in it plays its own role and has its own meaning. Their interpretation also depends on which card is nearby. There are many ways to tell fortunes with 36 playing cards. You can also tell fortunes using a full deck of 54 cards.

Prohibitions when telling fortunes with 36 playing cards

Like any magical ritual, fortune telling with 36 cards has its own rules and restrictions. Different methods of fortune telling with playing cards have different rules and their own nuances.

By adhering to them completely, you will be able to get the most correct result, and also protect the fortuneteller from troubles. This is what is prohibited in fortune telling:

  1. Fortune telling more than once a day per person for a loved one or husband. This not only depletes spiritual and physical strength, but can also bring disaster to the fortuneteller.
  2. If the result, the layout of the cards, does not suit you, then it is better to make a clarification than to do everything again, because in this way the chances of fulfilling your plans are reduced to a minimum. The fortune-telling scheme cannot be changed.
  3. You need to guess as little as possible, because cards don’t like to be disturbed, they need rest.
  4. Making card spreads just out of boredom. In this case, the cards simply will not serve you, and you will not serve them.
  5. Perform a ritual without the necessary mood for this. No matter how hard you try, the result of the fortune telling process will be inaccurate.

It is not advisable to guess at night, especially for beginners in this matter. The risk is due to the action of dark otherworldly forces at this time of day. It is strictly forbidden to carry out any fortune-telling on church holidays, as well as on the waning moon. If the interpretations are not clear, then it’s better to tell your fortune another time.

The meaning of suits in fortune telling with playing cards

There are four suits of playing cards: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. Each of them symbolizes a different hypostasis in our lives:

  • peaks – intuition, bad events, negative emotions;
  • clubs (crosses) - power, working relationships, career;
  • diamonds - material well-being, money, plans associated with them;
  • hearts (worms) – emotions, love relationships, favorable environment.

Each suit of playing cards symbolizes a different aspect in our lives.

Also, each suit has its own natural element:

  • peaks – water;
  • clubs - fire;
  • tambourines – earth;
  • hearts - air.

Now let’s find out what the decoding of the cards is. How a card is interpreted depends on what lands next to it. With the combination of certain cards, their meaning can completely change. So, if a seven means troubles and small work, then if it falls next to another seven, then this already means serious problems in the family.


Six is ​​the youngest of the 36 cards, representing a journey or a long journey. The path will lead to favorable consequences and will have a positive result. Predictions say that at the end of the road a person will find something new: knowledge, experience, friends, a soulmate, etc.

Six of Spades is a bad road or a trip that was not worth the time spent. In combination with:

  • any tambourine card, then the trip will be related to solving financial issues;
  • a card of hearts promises a new meeting;
  • suit of spades, then there is no need to worry, everything will go like clockwork;
  • 10 clubs and six spades means a bad outcome.

Six of clubs - fruitless attempts to start something and finish it. The reason for failure may be your own ambitions or outside obstacles. Together with:

  • ace speaks of a romantic date;
  • a peak card for changing your social circle.

Six of tambourines - fulfillment of outlined plans and fulfillment of dreams. This may require some effort, but the result will be worth it. If the six is ​​next to:

  • nine of spades, then bad news;
  • ten spades to the death of a relative;
  • 9 diamonds, then material profit is not far off.

Six of Hearts - obstacles and difficulties in achieving harmony in the family. Harmonious relationships between family members can be disrupted due to many factors. Take a closer look at those around you; perhaps the person who is “muddying the waters” is very close by. If the six of hearts comes up with:

  • nine of hearts, then a very frank conversation awaits you;
  • ten of hearts, then success with the opposite sex.

The six of hearts combined with the ten of hearts means success for the fortuneteller with the opposite sex


The seven in the deck symbolizes a fortune-telling card associated with some kind of troubles, working on oneself and building healthy relationships with others. In addition to everything, 7 also speaks of outside support. This could be financial support or just good advice.

Seven of Spades – tears, quarrels with relatives, conflict situations.

If you take a close look, it will become clear that you yourself are the initiator of the scandals that are happening and you need to start improving the relationship with yourself, otherwise separation cannot be avoided. If you lay down next to each other:

  • Queen of Diamonds, then pregnancy is possible;
  • jack, then someone around you wishes you harm and even death.

Seven of Clubs – improvement of relations, good deal. You will realize harmony within yourself and, as a result, in your relationships with friends and relatives. Together with:

  • the jack of hearts seven promises a new addition to the family;
  • an ace to win in a dispute or court;
  • The 10th peak speaks of possible betrayal.

Seven of diamonds - pleasant chores, successful manipulations with money. Your financial situation is slowly but surely creeping up. The troubles will be related mainly to the family and arrangement of the family hearth. Near:

  • The 10th peak speaks of lucrative offers and a chance that should not be missed;
  • any card of worms promises good luck in your endeavor.

Seven of Hearts – change, relaxation, fun. Life is in full swing and gives many chances for a good rest. Don't throw yourself into work, but live a little for yourself. Together with:

  • kings for conversation or intimate conversation;
  • ten of the same suit for a date in a pleasant environment;
  • the seven of spades for a marriage proposal.


This mysterious card foreshadows minor everyday problems, which cause a lot of trouble but are of little use. Your days will pass in hustle and bustle, but everything will eventually resolve itself.

Eight of Spades – boredom, tears, illness. The fortuneteller needs to take a break from the hustle and bustle and think about his health. In tandem with:

  • king for a holiday with friends;
  • 9 peak to vile betrayal, treason;
  • jack of hearts to bad news, illness.

The Eight of Spades in combination with the Jack of Hearts prophesies the appearance of a disease

Eight of clubs - increasing status in society, meeting influential people. If you believe the cards, fateful meetings await you and you should not miss them. If there is a card nearby:

  • queen of clubs - support for relatives;
  • jack of spades - a profitable business or transaction that will bring significant profit;
  • ace of hearts - receiving cash gifts, rewards, inheritance;
  • ace of clubs - good luck in your endeavor.

Eight of Diamonds - buying an apartment or renovation, improving living conditions. If they fell nearby:

  • king of spades - deception by a stranger;
  • ten of diamonds - unexpected profit;
  • 9 peak – deterioration of financial situation, lack of stability.

Eight of Hearts – entertaining conversations, changes in relationships. Changes may affect you and your other half, and it is not a fact that they will be for the better. If dropped with:

  • ten of hearts, sex is foreseen;
  • the nine of hearts promises a meeting for a productive conversation;
  • a lady of any stripe for gossip.


Nine is a card that promises money, but you shouldn’t rely on “maybe”, because only thoughtful and balanced decisions can improve your material base.

Nine of spades - quarrels and possible breakup, losses, bad news. In duet with:

  • ace of diamonds to betrayal in the family circle;
  • ace of clubs promises harm from lifestyle;
  • the ace of spades speaks of an imminent illness;
  • an ace of hearts to a change of sexual partner;
  • queen of spades for love.

Nine of clubs - short-term romance, marriage of convenience, receiving someone else's profit. Together with:

  • diamond suit - excessive waste;
  • suit of hearts – love, mutual feelings;
  • with the jack of hearts - to a long journey;
  • ten of spades - troubles, problems.

Nine of diamonds - fateful meetings, necessary acquaintances. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to miss anything. Near:

  • the suit of hearts for success and money;
  • spades and clubs suit to problems and losses.

Nine of Hearts - a happy union, good news, moving to a new house/apartment. If nearby:

  • kings or queen of hearts, then expect to meet your soulmate;
  • ten hearts for the wedding;
  • six - a pleasant meeting that was not expected at all;
  • Eight of hearts romantic date.

Nine of Hearts combined with Eight of Hearts - a romantic date


Ten indicates love, a sudden breakthrough in career, favor from superiors.

Ten of peaks – problems in the personal sphere and at work, illness. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of spades - unexpected cash replenishment;
  • king or queen - bad news, failures;
  • ten of clubs - cure for illness.

Ten of clubs - success in endeavors and a successful outcome of difficult situations, changes for the better. Paired with: ten of hearts - mutual feelings, love;

  • six of clubs for a long journey;
  • a card of the spades suit for physical labor and financial expenses.

Ten of diamonds - relaxation in pleasant company, dates, financial investments. If dropped with:

  • the ace of spades, then a scandal over money or debt is inevitable;
  • jack of clubs, then success at work awaits you;
  • six of tambourines to make wishes come true.

Ten of hearts - happiness, joy, delight in everyday little things. If there is one nearby:

  • king - devotion;
  • eight hearts - date;
  • ten diamonds - profit.

A ten of hearts dropped with a ten of diamonds indicates an imminent profit.


This card is not favorable, because the meaning of the jack comes down to the fact that there is a certain person who wishes bad things for you.

Jack of spades - illness of loved ones, meanness and betrayal. Together with:

  • queen of spades - scandal, fight;
  • cards of the diamond suit - a drunken brawl.

Jack of clubs - live communication, protection from a man. In combination with:

  • by a lady - treason;
  • 8 peak and 9 peak – danger from an ill-wisher;
  • jack - troubled life, experiences.

The jack of diamonds promises prosperity and good news. If you fell with it:

  • king - to deception on the part of a man;
  • Queen of Diamonds - aggression, enmity;
  • Queen of clubs - trouble.

Jack of hearts – love, boyfriends, news. Availability in the schedule:

  • other cards of the heart suit promise success;
  • king - guests in the house;
  • nine of clubs - trip.


The meaning of the queen card in a card layout indicates that there is a woman in your environment who is jealous of you or plotting intrigues.

Queen of Spades - gossip, condemnation, slander. Someone is saying bad things about you behind your back. Together with:

  • The 8th peak speaks of impending happiness;
  • card of the diamond suit - harm from a woman;
  • card of the spades suit - an adult woman with good intentions.

The Queen of Clubs is leadership in the family, at work and among friends. Scheduled with:

  • the queen of spades warns of serious problems in the family;
  • seven of clubs - help from relatives.

Queen of Diamonds - minor troubles that will cause a lot of trouble. Together with:

  • jack to the evil guest;
  • ten of hearts - theft.

The queen of diamonds in tandem with the ten of hearts indicates that you may soon be robbed

The Queen of Hearts brings the fortuneteller family happiness and good relationships with relatives. When nearby:

  • 8 peak, then a friendly meeting awaits you;
  • card of the heart suit for reciprocity.


When fortune telling with playing cards, the king can be interpreted as cooperation, success, support from influential people.

King of Spades – competition, danger. Near:

  • a queen or jack predicts help from an influential person;
  • hearts card - friendship;
  • with the tambourine card - a warm relationship with someone.

King of Clubs - help at the most needed moment from a person associated with military affairs. Combination with:

  • a club card for joy;
  • 8 peak to the road to a new place.

King of Diamonds - stability in the family, fateful significance. Near:

  • the worms card - liberation from the shackles of the past, awareness of one’s mistakes;
  • the ten of diamonds to improve family relationships.

King of Hearts - strong love ties, romance, signs of attention from the outside. If you lay down next to each other:

  • spades cards for problems and troubles;
  • tambourine cards for a pleasant find;
  • Queen of Hearts - meeting with a married man.


Ace is the highest card in a playing deck of 36 cards and means news, news that will play an important role in your life.

Ace of spades - loss, fear, bad news. Together with:

  • ace of clubs - panicky fear of change;
  • 8 peak – sudden income.

Ace of clubs - changing your life for the better. Changes will affect many areas of life. Near:

  • 8 spades for a profitable deal;
  • king - flirting and fleeting infatuation;
  • seven of clubs to win.

Ace of diamonds - the beginning of a new successful business or career, promotion. If in the scenario you get:

  • cards of a black suit, problems and troubles with people await you;
  • cards are worms, then wait for a love letter;
  • cards of diamonds - to sudden profit.

The Ace of Diamonds, dropped with diamond cards, predicts sudden profit

Ace of hearts - the beginning of a new relationship, a wedding, a new addition to the family. When nearby:

  • ace of diamonds, then you will receive good news;
  • ten of spades, then bad news awaits you soon.

If a deck of playing cards is used for fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to its appearance; a very old deck will not tell the truth; it contains a lot of alien energy.

Straight position

The 7 of clubs denotes conversations, news, and sometimes changes in opinion about someone or something. Moreover, the significance of what is happening is most likely great. In any case, the information received - during a conversation or receiving news - will affect the future in one way or another.

When this card characterizes a person, it speaks of his receptivity to everything new, his ability to analyze and, at the same time, doubts about his own talents and some self-doubt.

Among other things, the 7 of clubs can symbolize the thoughts of a particular woman (in this situation, the queen of clubs). What exactly these thoughts are should be suggested by the card that came up paired with the seven of clubs.

If there are 7 worms next to this card in the layout, then this pair should be perceived as a need to change your diet.

Inverted position

The inverted 7 of clubs loses a significant share of its positivity. That is, changes in this situation turn out to be insignificant and mostly meaningless. For example, if a person has a debtor, then the 7 of clubs that appears upside down will indicate that he will not be able to repay the debt in full in a timely manner; maximum - only part of this amount will be returned. In some cases, such a seven of clubs even speaks of changes for the worse.

Another interpretation of it is the need for unexpected expenses. They may be associated with problems at home - the breakdown of something valuable, a leaking roof, etc. - if the king of hearts immediately fell. Or with illness, if the pair turns out to be 9 diamonds.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In general, the 7 of clubs indicates positive changes in the relationship with the person being told fortunes. Let's say, with the Ace of Hearts it signifies marriage. If we are talking about one of the family members, then we should expect reconciliation or even harmonization of relations, which will most likely arise after a conversation that touched on the key principles for the questioner. Moreover, when the jack of hearts appears in combination with 7 clubs, this should be taken as a recommendation from the cards not to succumb to excessive jealousy.

In a certain context, this card should be interpreted as the future receipt of an inheritance (which indicates a very good attitude towards the fortuneteller on the part of one of the relatives); and the 7th club itself is the news that an inheritance document has been issued for a person.

Inverted position

In such scenarios, the inverted seven of clubs means disappointment. When they make fortunes about a specific partner, then this is a disappointment specifically in him. And this, most likely, is connected not with one particular action or word, but with a certain trend that has become stable and irreversible.

If the fortuneteller is alone, then the card speaks of his (her) disappointment in the opposite sex in general. Moreover, if the 8 of spades fell along with such a seven, then this disappointment occurred due to the betrayal of a loved one. When it is complemented by 7 diamonds, it means that it was associated with an unfair and groundless mistrust of the fortuneteller and, perhaps, even with surveillance undertaken in relation to him.


Straight position

In such scenarios, the 7 of clubs is an official letter, or a conversation with superiors, or a business meeting. That is, the card indicates that a person may have to take part in negotiations, and maybe even lead them. And if the ace of clubs is paired with her, then he will cope with this task perfectly.

Such a seven, in addition, means the need to make significant efforts. However, the chances of success in this case are quite high, because the conditions in which the person will be (or already is) are favorable for him and will allow him to reveal his potential. For example, the combination of 7 clubs and 7 hearts indicates that you can make financial plans. Although in fairness it should be noted that the very process of achieving this success may not be very pleasant, since you will have to prove something, deal with not the most loyal management, etc.

Inverted position

For the professional sphere, the inverted 7 of clubs symbolizes the loss and destruction of the business begun. The reason for this in this case is most likely financial problems (especially in combination with the Ace of Diamonds). Specifically, this may be, say, an unrealistic expectation of receiving a certain amount of money. Or theft. Moreover, not necessarily in the form of outright theft. Even an accountant who made an entry in the payroll can steal. Although in combination with 9 of hearts, the inverted 7 of clubs should be interpreted precisely as theft.

When a 6 of clubs appears in combination with an inverted 7 of clubs, this indicates the machinations of ill-wishers.

Most often, this card speaks of important changes. Seven of clubs, the meaning of the card often indicates some kind of news. The card can predict a significant change in your opinion about someone or something. Moreover, the importance of these changes is most likely quite great.

General meaning of the seven of the cross card

If a seven of clubs appears in a personality description scenario, the meaning indicates that the person is very receptive to innovation, has excellent analytical skills, but, nevertheless, constantly doubts his capabilities, talent, and is somewhat unsure of himself.

Sometimes the card even promises negative changes. In this case, the promised changes are minor and sometimes meaningless. The seven clubs card also has a meaning - unexpected expenses. For example, if you were borrowed a certain amount of money and must repay the debt, then the seven of clubs that appear indicates that the entire amount of the debt will not be returned on time; at best, you will receive only part of it.

The meaning of the card in the layout

For love and relationships

In its basic meaning, the seven of clubs promises positive changes in relationships with a partner. In layouts for the family and its members, the card gives hope for reconciliation and improved relationships; a conversation that touches on your main life principles will help you achieve them.

In certain layouts, the card is interpreted as the likelihood that you will receive an inheritance. The seven of clubs is an indicator that some relative of yours treats you very well.

In a negative context, the seven of clubs represents the possibility of disappointment. Moreover, in fortune telling for a specific person, the card shows that this person is the cause of your disappointment. Not just one of his actions or words, but his entire behavior over the period of your relationship, which has become unacceptable to you and is simply boring.

For work and career

In a professional scenario, the seven of clubs takes on the meaning of government paper, a conversation with a manager, or a business meeting. The card says that there is a possibility of negotiations (participation in or leadership of them).

Another meaning of the seven of clubs is the need for great effort to achieve a goal. It should be noted that the circumstances and conditions for this will be quite favorable for you. However, it should be noted that the path to achieving success will not be the easiest and most pleasant - many difficulties and obstacles may arise.

The card warns of the likelihood of loss or destruction of something important to you in your work. The most likely reason for this is financial difficulties. You can talk, for example, about the fact that your expectation of receiving a certain amount of money will not come true, or about theft. And here we mean not only outright theft, but implicit theft, such as data intentionally added by an accountant to salary slips.

What does 7 crosses mean in combination with other cards?

  • With the Ace of Diamonds - financial difficulties;
  • With the eight of diamonds - you are prejudiced;
  • With a nine, a tambourine is a disease;
  • With an ace of hearts - marriage or marriage;
  • With the seven of hearts - you have a chance to get rich;
  • With the nine of hearts - the risk of becoming a victim of theft;
  • With a jack of hearts - your jealousy is groundless;
  • With the King of Hearts - everyday problems;
  • With an ace of clubs - a successful deal;
  • With a six of clubs - hints at the possible machinations of enemies;
  • With a lady of clubs - a certain woman is thinking about you;
  • With a seven of spades - betrayal of a partner.
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