Imperishable covenant passing. Imperishable Testament in Pillars of Eternity. Completing quests for the Dungeons of Od Nua

After the game starts, go west and look for a bush behind the wolf. Now go across the bridge to the water bag in the south and when you are ambushed, scatter the enemies and go to the camp. After defeating the natives in the camp, you will find yourself in the dungeon. Explore it carefully. From shining symbols, i.e. traps, there will be a false wall on the right, as well as on the left along the corridor. If you go left, you will go to a hiding place, where you need to wash the face of the statue with water, and then insert the crystal previously found on one ghoul. The exit from the level will go through a trap with symbols, or through the wall to the right of them. By the way, if you light the pillars to the right of the trap, in the room, then non-dangerous symbols will be highlighted. There will be spiders at the exit. We leave the level.

Useful: if you don’t want to miss anything important, then walk more often in stealth mode and highlight your surroundings on “Tab”.

After a short story insert, you will be able to leave the location “Sillant Liss”, the next one is “Veilwood”. Once you enter it, do not rush to clean the area, because... You still have more comrades and you won’t be able to defeat almost anyone. Follow the path to the southern exit of the location. It is also worth talking to the man who is grazing near the bridge and will tell you that his friend was killed by a bear. Let's go to the location "Gilded Valley".

Useful: if you see that the characters are exhausted and are suffering from fatigue debuffs, then you should rest using a camp or spend the night in a designated place for rest.

Gilded Valley

Having arrived in the gilded valley, begin collecting tasks and information. It is also recommended to hire help.

> Mother's prayers.

This task is given by Ofra in the house in the northwest of the location. She will ask you to find a priestess, who should help make the potion. This task is done like this. You go south, through the “migranovo crossroads” to the location “Anesloig Compass”. Find a camp near the coast, where the shaman is hiding. After talking with her, you will be sent to perform additional tasks. Tasks. The first will be to clear the camp in the east of the location. Nothing difficult. Next we will be asked to get the spores that are in the cave just above the camp. Inside, kill at least one fungus and collect the material. Tip: if you have few people and you cannot kill everyone, then just wait until one mushroom comes down. It can be without everyone else. Bring it to the magician and she will cook something there. Afterwards, present what you received to the customer and decide how to tell what it really is.

> Late for dinner.

This task can be taken from the innkeeper in the tavern. She will ask you to find her cook, who is lost. You need to look for the poor guy in Valewood. It is located in the northeast near the bandits. You need to fight him off by force and as soon as all the enemies are dead, chat with the cook and he will return back to the tavern. You need to complete the task at the innkeeper.

Advice: don’t waste money on a good night’s accommodation. The bonus for sleeping in the rooms is very good.

> Funeral secrets.

This task can be obtained if you go down into the catacombs in the middle of the location, from the guy who is lying on the floor. He will ask you to find the remains of the fallen and penetrate two levels deep into the catacombs. The task will require a lot of people, because... The enemies will be quite strong and often in large groups. After killing everyone, go to the bells. There you need to play the ringing in a certain sequence. To find out the melody, you need to take the book from the shelf right behind the bells. If you are too lazy to read, here is the combination: right, center, left, right.

The lower floor will be more difficult to clear, but there is no need to kill everyone. Go to the hall where there is a wheel, spin it, and then take the key from the mantle where the water was released. Then unlock the door with the lock. Now enter the desired room, which is in the south of the location. You can open the door with a hidden switch in the wall. We collect the remains and move on, there will be an exit from the subway to the first level, although it is guarded by an evil ghoul. On the way out, hand over the remains to the employer and decide your fate at the same time.

> Dead Man's Revenge.

This quest can be obtained in Veilwood, in the cave with the bear, after you have killed it and communicated with the spirit. Now you need to proceed to the city and find a house in the northeast, (right next to the tree of corpses) where two people are hastily gathering. They killed this man and then left him to die in a cave. Judge them as you see fit and the task will end.

> Food war.

This quest is automatically taken from the mill in the Gilded Valley location. It is done simply. Go to the mill and talk to the man. Afterwards, when the task is updated, go to the inn and find Sveinar. Treat him to beer, chat peacefully or threaten him, and when he agrees to stop the row, return to the miller. Immediately after this task, the next quest will open.

> Lord of the Wasteland.

To receive the quest you need to complete the “Food War”. After talking with the stranger, go to the eastern road and exit to the Esterwund location. There is almost nothing remarkable on it, but it still needs to be cleaned. After that there will be Redrik's fortress. You can enter it from three sides. In the center - with battle, on the left - also with battle, but on the walls, and on the right through the sewer, which is almost the safest (more in terms of stealth). So, I wandered through the sewer.

There will be many traps and enemies inside, so it is better to walk strictly on all fours. You can clear the first floor, or try to go to the north, where there is an exit to the castle premises, from where it will be easier to reach the lord without unnecessary bloodshed. Don't forget to free the guy who is sitting in the cages. His release will be a condition for further quiet passage. (The witch has the key to the cell if there is no mechanics for 5).

After leaving the loki, go even higher and put on monk robes in the drawers near the stairs (as in the screenshot above). Having done this, go to the right and do not catch the eye of the guard who walks along the first corridor. Next, there will be another guard who can also be avoided. If you have determination from 12, then you can talk one out and do it better with the second. Afterwards, go along the wall in the temple on the left and pull the eye near the skull. A secret door will open. Behind her is a monk who will give you the key to the door (if you saved the boy in the dungeon) and allow you to rest. Now go through the door below and in the rooms in the northwest there will be an exit to the hall. Next there will be two options: a) you will kill Redrik, b) you will help him suppress the uprising. (I was killed).

Advice: to defeat Redrick and his henchmen, do not start the battle in the hall surrounded. This is not profitable at all. Better try to pin him near the doors, luring him out with a shooter or someone else.

Mass magic is great for destruction, and shooting heavy fighters with armor-piercing gizmos while the tank blocks the passage with its body. After victory, you can calmly loot the castle and leave.

> Weight for the forge:

In this quest, which is obtained from the blacksmith in the first town, you need to find the cargo. To do this, head to Magranovo Crossroads, from where turn right to the east and follow the road to the Black Meadow location. If you follow the path to the north, sooner or later you will stumble upon bandits, and the cargo will be lying nearby in boxes and barrels. Take the cargo back and the quest will end.

That's it, this quest is over, you can move on. Next stop – Magranovo Crossroads. And now we are leaving it to the east along the road, which will ultimately lead us to the Black Meadow. From the south we cross to the “Madmr Bridge”. There are tasks at the location.

> Lost cargo:

The girl has one, standing in the center of the location. She will ask you to return the cargo and kill the bandits. They are located just below where the cliff is. Decide their fate and the task will end.

I didn’t find any more tasks in the locations, so I went along the story quest “Visions and Whispers.” To do this, visit the center of the village and communicate with the spirit of the deceased gnome, she will shine with a purple light. After the dialogue, go to the “Black Meadow” and leave the location to the east along the road to “Kaed Nua”. Having arrived at the place, take into your squad the person who is grazing nearby and go deeper into the fortress. In the building in the north you will find a throne statue, it will tell (and show) where to go in search of the right person.

Go down into the subway and start nailing spiders. There are a lot of them, but almost all of them have little HP, but against scarabs you will have to find something heavier, they have good armor. After you have cleared the level and went down even lower, directly to the left of the exit you will see a door, it leads to that person. If you don’t have the ability to break locks, then go around and kill the marauders, and then find a hidden switch near the wall that will unlock the door. Conduct a dialogue and decide the fate of the madman, and then return to the throne, having first killed everyone on the level. After the dialogue, the quests will be updated and a couple of additional ones will appear.

Tip: don't forget to build and improve the fortress. Now it is yours and only your team can change something. You can build at any time in the game.

Exploring (walking through) the Od Nua dungeons

Note: Since the Od Nua dungeons are very large and complex, it is simply impossible to complete them in one fell swoop, mainly due to the difference in the level of monsters and bosses. I will separately record the passage of the dungeon and all the quests associated with it. Of course, the dungeon was explored in several runs, so don’t try to clear everything at once. The first time I managed to go down about 12 levels, then some unimaginable hell broke out and I left on the main task. When my soldier hit 10, I tried again and had already reached the last boss, but judging by his damage, it was still too early to come.

> Time and wave

In this task you need to continue traveling deep into the catacombs. Go to the magical barrier (after dialogue with the throne and transfer of the fortress into possession). Clear the underground and head to the third level. There you will be met by an ogre who will give you the quest “Desperate Measures”. After this task, search for seals to move on, and this is the quest “Seal of Endless Paths”. After you solve it, you will find yourself on level 7 where behind the door there is a solution. The key to the room is in one of the rooms on a corpse on the same level.

> Desperate measures

The quest is taken from the ogre in the Od Nua dungeons on the third level. In the quest you will be asked to bring a necklace from the neck of a shaman. It is located on the same level, but under serious guard. There are two ways to get through: jump into the abyss on the second level and eventually go around, or go head-on, with a fight, straight across the bridge. The key to victory lies in the consistency with which you lure out your enemies. It’s definitely not worth attacking everyone at once, take out the druid and warrior in turn (with long-range attacks), and then kill Zolla. We carry the necklace and receive a reward.

> Blade of Endless Paths

This task is completed if you find at least one part of the sword. The first one is located immediately behind the barrier, (endless paths level 2) at the first location in the lizard house (handle). At level 12 in the south of the map you will find the sphere from the set. The spiders will have it. Another piece of the sword lies on level 9. In the corridor after the room with the spikes, there is a secret switch in the form of a round disk on the wall. It is in stealth, opens a secret door opposite, and there lies a piece. (Need mechanics) The last piece on level 5 in the dragon's treasury. (Mechanics required) To reforge the sword, go to the blacksmiths in the Gorna fortress. The reward will be - Two-handed, Ignored damage deduction 5, attack speed x1.2, ally's accuracy when attacking the same target +10, and excellent quality (Accuracy +12, damage x1.45), 11/12 almost max enchanted.

> Master in the depths

This task is given by the statue after clearing the fortress. To start it, go down into the pit, which is located on the second level of Od Nua, behind the barrier. To do this, go through all five levels. On the fifth, killing the dragon and getting to the sixth level. Advice: it is difficult to beat a dragon, but if you lure it into a narrow corridor, it will be much easier. Go further down and complete the quest “Seal of Endless Paths” to go deeper into the catacombs. To pass level 7, you will need to find pyramids for each figurine in the round hall. After which the security at the central entrance, where the ghost still stands, will become much smaller and you will be able to pass through. Level 8 will be even tougher, but apart from battles, there is nothing you need to do here for now. Migrate to 9, killing the guards.

Tip: to avoid pain, use the bridges in the hall to fight without being surrounded.

Having reached level 9, it is worth preparing thoroughly for battle. Lots of beetles and slugs will be around every step. The room with the stakes is traversed like this: in the cells, find the key that unlocks one of the cells, which contains the key to the door below. Then there are more fights with enemies, and then the transition to level 10. It is quite short, after which the stairs lead to 11, where you can find the exit to the beginning, or continue the path.

Level 12 is even tougher, but again without any riddles. If you have enough strength, then push on. 13, you will have to not only clear it, but also open the door with a riddle. To do this, first visit the door itself, and then chat with the spirit in the north of the location, he will recite an oath to get inside. There will be solid guards behind the door, and by beating them you can get to level 14. 14 is another strong enemy and a whole pack of henchmen. Fortunately, they can be lured into a narrow passage and destroyed one by one. Level 15 - final battle with a huge dragon.

Killing the creature is difficult, but there is one way that almost 100% guarantees victory. Try to make sure that the lizard comes between you and the dragon. If you manage to catch him in this position, the dragon will helplessly dangle back and forth behind his back and you will be able to shoot him. Of course, you need to hold the lizard correctly, without causing a lot of damage and without letting it catch up.

Characteristics of Hadron Dragon:

Additional information: “You still need to come to an agreement with the dragon. Even if you decide to kill, it is better to do it after a dialogue with Falanroyd. There are two important reasons for this, the first is gaining the “Scaly Crusher” skill, the second is that killing him becomes a little easier, since it gives you a chance to move away from him at a decent distance before attacking and take out his retinue, and then paralyze him and shoot.”

> Print endless paths

This quest is triggered by finding a seal containing remnants of the records of past adventurers. One is in a box on the fourth level, in the south of the location in a box. The second is on the sixth level, in the tomb to the west. The third and final one also lies on the sixth level in the east. After you collect everything, go north to the sixth level, to the door with the seals. Each seal has a symbol on the back, enter them as indicated in the picture on the wall. Then pull the door. From this moment on, the task is completed and the quest “Master in the Depths” continues at the seventh level.

As soon as you get tired of climbing in the dark and want to continue the adventure, leave the fortress and stomp along the newly built path in the southeast. A new path will take you to the Rural Plains location. We clean the area, if necessary, take a partner with a wolf and go left, to the Edelvan Bridge and enter the city.

Walkthrough of Defiance Bay

> Broken engagement

This quest can be taken from the Goose and Fox tavern in the city, from the girl to the right at the table from the innkeeper. Go north and find a house (den). Inside, talk to Purnis. You can give the ring, and then stomp to the second floor. The guard will let you in for 100 coins. On the second floor we beat the guards and talk to the beaten original Purnis. Then we go down and “persuad” the magician to stop the booth. When finished, go first to the guy and then to the girl and decide the fate of this couple.

The building is located just above the man's catacombs, behind the bridge. He will ask you to go to the catacombs. Entrance in the southeast. Inside to the west you will find a man who knows where the girl is, but he will only tell you this after you help him take revenge and return the book. Go to the hospital in Breekenbury. On the second level, find the person behind the door and find out information about the book. Now let's go back to the sewer. We kill the deceiver and take the amulet. It must be given to the customer.

> Undesirable

The task is taken in the sewers from the man behind the locked door to the south. Decide his fate yourself by handing him over to the Duke, killing him, or releasing him, while giving him some money for his journey.

In the same dungeon on the second level you will find novices from whom you will extract information about the lead key (plot quest). There are a couple of options for how to get there. First: pretend to be a novice by finding a mask on the first level. When you come to the soldiers, give a bribe and go into the hall. To answer questions, you can learn questions from the person in the library who is muttering a tray. Second: kill everyone and probe the essence. Then the task “Always near the queen” will be completed, new ones will be added: “Waiting”, “Incorruptible Testament” and “Through the Gates of Death”.

But first, more additional quests from the city.

> The Parable of Vale

This quest is taken in the city of Coperlane in the hall of hidden secrets in the north-west. We will be asked to find a scroll stolen from the monks by some thieves. You can find thieves in the “Rural Plains” near the only house. After killing them and taking the scroll, you will hear a voice that will ask you to hide the scroll in the Black Meadow. You need to hide it in the dragon, or rather in the bones that lie at the eastern exit from the location. Now report to the employer.

> Two-story work

The quest can be obtained by entering the house behind the market in Coperlane, which is on the right. The door is not marked on the map. Inside there will be a couple of thieves who are discussing how to heat one of the nobles for some kind of precious stone. We kill them and stomp to the Brenkduri area to the Domenel house. There you will be asked to steal an item. Agree or refuse and fight. (I refused).

There is also an option to bring it next to the lord himself. Of course, you don’t have to give up stealing and steal what they ask for right through the window to the left of the entrance to the mansion.

>Robber Knight

The quest is taken from the boss in the warriors guild, which is in the north of Coperlane. He will ask you to bring a bib and at the same time sew on one person. Having reached the fortress, you must talk to the man himself and he will tell you that your customer is supposedly a liar. Now we need to find the characteristic. She is in the next room to the right of Penhelm. Take it to the man in Hadred's house (or give it to Penhelm). If you take it to the employer, then at the exit you will be met by that same liar and you can kill him and take the bib. If you give it to Penhelm himself, he will also give the breastplate.

> Smoldering corners of faith

The quest can be obtained in the Duke's palace, to the right of the entrance from the nun. Now go to the “Home of Admes”, which is located in the city. Get information from the main one in the hall and go to the room in the east of the location, where from the chest you will remove a map with the location of the target. Go to "Rural Plains" from there south to "Scorching Falls". Find the cave in the north and kill the dragon inside. Take the flaming spark to the customer.

>Missing Guardians

This quest can be taken in the “Fortress of Thunder”, which is located in “First Fire”. Go northeast and find the tomb. Inside you need to kill the ghost and the remaining guards. Report to your employer and teach your gold.

> Wounded feelings

The task is taken in the Domenel house on the second floor of the girl. She will ask you to beat up a guy in the Dar Ondara area. It is located in a house in the north of Kolfeg. Decide your fate and report to your employer.

> Made to last

The task is taken from the commander in the Gorn fortress. Go to the blacksmith there, and then to the Koperlane area to the clerks. There you will find out information about the girl you are looking for from a local junkie and you will be directed to Dor Ondra. Find an abandoned house in the north and kill the girl's guards and after the conversation go to the blacksmith in the Gorna fortress.

> Far from home

In the tavern near Breckenbury you will meet (right at the entrance) a man who will ask you to take the amulet from the courtesan. Go to the brothel on Ondra's Gift and find Cyril. True, the hostess will have to pay for an audience with this whore. Afterwards, “bargain” for the amulet from the girl and give it to the employer.

>The last act

The task is taken from Karren in Breckenbury. Based on a tip, find all three characters in the indicated places. And only the third one will be in the center behind, right after you exit. After the interrogation, go to a woman named Lamdala, she is located in Copperlane near the amphitheater in the center of the location. Afterwards we stomp into Lamdala’s house in the north and talk to the man. He'll tell you about the hidden theater and let you in through the door on the left. There will be an ambush below. We fight or we negotiate. (I fought) and stomp back to the employer.

> Supply and demand

The quest is taken from Ondra's Gift in the Salt Mast brothel. The brothel owner asks you to find and punish the bandits who are attacking her visitors. Go to the left of the brothel and higher and you will run into trouble. After killing enemies you will receive a key. Now go to the dilapidated house and talk to the "bandits". You can kill them, or convince the owner of the brothel to lower prices. In any case, the choice is yours.

> At any cost

In this task, which is taken from the Vailian Trading Company, you need to deliver cargo to the Coperlane inn. After delivery there will be a dialogue and you are free to “fit in” to the showdown or move away. After returning to the employer, another battle will take place, of course, if you support him yourself. At the exit, a girl is waiting for you who doesn’t mind joining the company.

> Secret cargo

The task is taken on the pier from the old man in Ondra's Gift. Search the water below and find three pieces, and then “take” the last one from the employer himself. Next, with everything, go to the psychiatric hospital in Breckenbury and chat with Nance. Depending on your skills, you will receive a reward.

> "Pondgram's Theorem"

The task is taken from the psychiatric hospital, right next to the entrance from one of the shrinks. After receiving it, go to the main hall of secrets and the task will be completed. Or manually search for texts for the customer (this is already theft).

>Child of the Five Suns

The task will appear after Plugina joins the group (see quest above). Go to the embassy and take further instructions. Then visit Hartsong and discuss trading privileges.

> Whistle everyone upstairs

The task is taken from the sailor who is standing right on the pier. He will ask you to find a chest stolen from him by some unknown people. You need to look for the chest in the eastern part of the pier, almost at the very edge. You decide for yourself what to do with the find.

> Brave Derryn

The quest is taken from the soul that lies in the water next to the trading company in Ondra's Gift. The boy's killer is located in the west near the cliff. And the boy's mother is in Odda's house.

>Crying Banshee

This quest is taken at the pier, next to the lighthouse from the girl. She will ask you to enter the lighthouse. Kill the ghosts inside and climb to the top to find Lily's ghost. There are a couple of options: just kill, or find evidence and so on. To complete the search for evidence, you need to talk to the ghost before searching for the journal, or rather, examine it. If you find the journal earlier (on the same floor), then the quest will not be able to update and you will only have to kill it. (This is clearly a bug, but it can be fixed in updates).

We continue our journey through the main task. The first on the list is “Waiting”. Head to the Breekenbury Asylum and talk to the statue. Now go down and find out about the experiments from each anemancer. Afterwards, go back to the statue and then a passage will open for you on the lower level. Next, continue your search to the south until you meet Azo himself. Persuade him to give the key to the northern branch and stomp upstairs. There will be a battle. As soon as you talk to the last prisoner, the mess will begin. Rake and leave Azo. After the dialogue, go to the statue and decide Azo's fate.

A messenger will meet you at the exit from the hospital. And a new story mission will begin - “The Hermit of the House of Hadret.” Inside, on the second floor, you will find a woman who will ask you to cooperate. She needs to leak information about your investigations. You can immediately talk about the psychiatric hospital and the events.

Then we concentrate on the “Imperishable Testament” and go to the “Treasured Temple” location, storm the tower. At the top there will be a madman who will tell you that words are needed for the tower to function. Go downstairs and go to Ikanta's house. Talk to her and pacify her pride and gain knowledge, and then return to the mechanism on the roof. We interact with the car and (either reboot or “complete”) I completed, as a result the car stalled.


In the quest “The Imperishable Covenant” there is also a third option, namely to absorb the souls from the machine. To do this, after a dialogue with Ikanta, who will teach you the language, we go back to the tower and talk with Aldhelm, but only once is this important! The quest will update, Aldhelm requires a sacrifice. To do this, we run back to Ikanta’s house, and there in the back room we find several people, only if you don’t let them go at the first meeting, we trick them into sending them to the tower. We return to Aldhelm and learn from him the third option - to direct the car towards ourselves. After this we get the passive talent “Gift from the Machine”, which gives us 1 strength and x1.05 maximum endurance.

You can now complete the "Safe Shelter" quest.

> Safe Shelter

The task is taken in the mansion in the “Treasured Temple” location. Inside, kill the enemies and poke objects in the room, and also find the will in the boxes. Afterwards, go outside and go to the Valtas crypt. There will be a girl inside, whom you will convince that it’s all over and she can leave.

> Steel faith

The building is taken from the commander in the Gorn fortress and most likely after all the main events. He will ask you to go to the “Ansoloit Compass”. There will be a skirmish at the pier. Then go back and get ready to clear the fortress from enemies. At the end of the battle, talk to the boss.

Moving east from the rural plains, you can enter the Stormfall Gorge area. If you have visited the Bay of Defiance before, you have already been here. One way or another, you will have to destroy the Knights of the Horn either at the entrance or already at the exit. Head south to find ruins on the left side of the gorge, where there will be three pugras. Go to the round stone outside the circle and examine the hole. Insert a circle of andra there, which was supposed to be taken away from the giant slayers. This way you will get rid of the water and can proceed further.

How to get to Gemini Elms?

Don't worry about it. When this goal appears, just continue through the storyline. You will be taken to this location at the beginning of the second act.

How to ring the bells when completing a quest?

In Pillars of Eternity you have to complete a task with the riddle “Three Bells in the Temple of Eothos”. The sequence of interaction with the bells is as follows:

  • on right;
  • in the center;
  • left;
  • on right.

Where is the gnome with whom you need to talk and tell about the miller?

Look for him in the tavern.

During the quest “Redric's Fortress”, there will be a door behind the main gate that requires high skill to break. I don't have such characters. What to do in this case?

You can go to the left side of the entrance and climb the wall. Change clothes, and then find a character named Nedmar. Follow the catacombs and release the young guy. Having done this, you will receive from Nedmar the key leading to the throne room.

But there is a second way! On the right side of the fortress, find a sewer grate that can be straightened using force.

Where is Redrik?

You will find it in the throne room of the fortress of the same name. You can get there using the chapel, but first you need to take the key from the priest located in the temple on the castle grounds.

How many sword fragments need to be found in the dungeon under the Kaer Nua fortress?

In total, there are four fragments of the blade in the Od Nua dungeon, and all of them are located on level 13, where that same closed door is (we reported where to look for the password for it in a separate guide. We are talking about a sphere, a hilt and two fragments of the blade itself.

How to get to the Od Nua fortress?

You can move there through the “Black Meadow” location.

How to get to Elmshore?

To get to Elmshore, you will have to complete the story quest in the main town. Afterwards there will be a flood, and then you can move on.

Why do you need to travel to Aud Nua and what can you get?

If there is any hero in the castle, you can send him on an adventure. For this, the whole group will earn experience points, receive items and money. You can pick up the reward from the treasury on the first tier of the castle, it lies in the chest.

I can’t get around the bridge by water, I can’t do it through the castle and the “Black Meadow”. What should I do?

To bypass the bridge, you will have to build “Eastern Barricades” in the castle.

Does Redrik have a treasury and where is it located?

Unfortunately, she doesn't exist. We are probably talking about his bedroom and library.

Where can I find Firga from the quest “Smoldering Embers of Faith”?

Go to the Duke's palace and go right into the round room.

Where can I find Ikanta in the quest “The Imperishable Covenant”?

Move north of the tower, almost nearby. The woman is inside the house where she lives.

How to get to the Madmr Bridge?

To do this, you will have to take a detour and cross the Edelvan Bridge.

Near the village of Diberford you can find your missing daughter. There is a pool of blood nearby, what is it for?

To complete this task, you must level up the “Evil” parameter. In this case, you will have the option to sacrifice one of the allies in the squad to receive a bonus to the following characteristics for the characters:

  • For Aloth this is +1 to intelligence and +5 to reflexes.
  • For Eder - 1 to magic and 5 to reflexes.
  • For Palejin, +1 Resolve and +1 Damage Threshold.
  • For Stoic, +1 to concentration and 5% to maximum stamina.
  • For Saggani, +1 to perception and +1 to accuracy bonus when attacking the same enemy.
  • For the Sorrowful Mother, +1 to resolve and +5 to disease resistance.
  • For Hiravias, +1 to Agility and +1 to Damage Threshold.
  • For Cana, +1 to intelligence and +5 to disease resistance.

What are the prisoners for in Kaed Nua?

For each captive you will receive a ransom, earning gold coins.

How to get to the “Endless Paths” location?

Go to the Kaed Nua fortress according to the story quest, as part of which you must find Mervald. By completing it, you will find yourself on the first level of the Endless Paths - in the Od Nua dungeon.

How to get a fortress in Pillars of Eternity?

As you progress through the main storyline, you will receive the Kaed Nua fortress as soon as Mervald, its previous guardian, dies.

How to get to Kaed Nua?

Leave the Gilded Valley location through the eastern part of the map and go to the Black Meadow, from where you should move straight east. From here you will be taken to the Kaed Nua fortress.

What to do with Mervald?

Regardless of how you communicate with Mervald, the guardian Kaed Nua will attack the GG. There is no choice - kill him. When the battle is over, you will have a choice regarding Mervald's soul - connect it with the Endless Paths, which will significantly increase the defense of the fortress, force it to leave the world, increasing the prestige of Kaed Nua. But there is a third option - you can absorb all knowledge using the fusion of souls. This saves a lot of time, but at the same time makes it possible to explore the secret room on level 13 in the Od Nua dungeon.

What to do with a white wyrm egg?

This is an ordinary pet that will run next to you. It cannot be killed, nor can it be used for other purposes during gameplay.

What to do if you know where the cache is, but the character does not find it?

Pay attention to the mechanics skill, which is responsible for disarming traps, finding hiding places and picking locks. For example, to find the key from the underground temple of Eothas in the first city, your mechanical skill must be equal to five.

Igor Patrin

The classic world of magic, treasure and dungeons is now available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In this guide, we have put together a guide and walkthrough for Pillars of Eternity, where you can find all the information that will allow you to complete any tasks in the game without any problems.

Character Creation

This is the first thing any RPG starts with. Take your time. Decisions made at this stage cannot be changed during the game, and they are of key importance. Before completing, look at all available options and possible bonuses. You can return to the previous step at any time without having to start over.


The choice between a man and a woman does not matter much, it only affects some of the dialogue options.


Preferences for one or another representative should be given based on the desired class - this way you can choose a race with the most suitable bonuses and passive abilities. Each race has several subraces. They differ mainly in passive skills, the stats remain unchanged. The chosen race determines how the NPC character will be perceived.


Determines most of the game. Make your decision as thoughtfully as possible. Make your choice based on the style that suits you best.

Classes in PoE are represented by two familiar types: melee (fighter, barbarian, monk, paladin) and ranged (wizard, ranger, cipher, druid, priest). Adventurers and singers choose their own path.

Some classes will require you to choose to belong to an order. This will affect the character's personality.

Each class has a different difficulty level. For an inexperienced player, a fighter that does not require a comprehensive development strategy and is forgiving of mistakes is ideal. It's quite easy to play as a monk or barbarian. Of the long-range characters, the ranger with an animal companion is interesting. It's best to avoid the Cypher, Songster, or Adventurer the first time. They will require a lot of effort to think through the path and understand the fighting style.

In addition, you have to choose starting skills.


A fixed number of points is given here. They can be spent on Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, Intelligence, or Determination. Those that are significant for the selected class are marked with gold and silver stars. Focus on the most important attribute and improve it to the maximum level. Raise the second one 3-4 points below the main one. Borrow a few points from the less useful options and use them for the recommended ones. Some attributes affect the availability of dialogue options in controversial situations. For example, with a high level of power, you will gain the ability to blackmail enemies, and through perception you will notice suspicious behavior and lies.

Culture and biography

At this stage, you need to outline the origin and backstory of the hero. Choose a crop according to its class - with a suitable bonus to the required characteristics. The equipment you wear at the start of the game also depends on it, but it can be changed quickly and cheaply. When choosing a biography, the most important factor is the future development of the character. History gives additional points to skills. If you are creating a melee fighter, take the bonus to athletics, and for the magic class, knowledge is the best choice.

Appearance and voice

The last step: choosing a portrait, head shape, skin color and voice.

The only thing left is to give the hero a name and click the “Done” button. Congratulations! You managed to create a character with whom you will spend several dozen hours in the world of Pillars of Eternity.

Controlling the hero and companions

Give different roles to group members. You should have at least one character that specializes in mechanics and stealth. It would be good if all companions had it. For example, mechanics is useful for picking locks and traps, athletics for climbing walls and rocks.

Develop in a certain direction. Choose only the appropriate abilities and talents.

Don't slow down with pumping. Update your group's equipment in a timely manner. Opening a window to compare the parameters of two items will not take much time, but it can bring considerable benefits. Acquire new skills and abilities as soon as the opportunity arises.

More doesn't mean better. It is not necessary to have a full group of six members. If your ideal team is four people, don't change it. The experience gained is shared among all group members. Fewer people means faster achievement of new levels.

Use a pause. In the settings you can set an automatic pause at the beginning of the battle. Pause the game as often as necessary. You will not be able to give orders to six characters at the same time.

Be careful with some abilities. This is especially true for damage-dealing area of ​​effect spells. It may happen that you kill not only your enemies, but also your team. Even linearly directional impacts can affect satellites that happen to be in the way.

Make the right arrangement. Melee fighters should be in the first line, shooters and magicians should be behind them.

In the bestiary you will find information about all the enemies encountered. The more monsters you kill, the more complete it becomes. Check back there often. This knowledge can be useful when facing a powerful enemy.

Use your environment. By blocking the doorway with a warrior, you will not allow the enemy to reach the shooters.

Is the enemy too strong? Come back to it later. Sometimes you encounter opponents without the ability to defeat them at the current level. Meet with them after gaining the required experience.

Carry two types of weapons. Sometimes the enemy is resistant to a certain type of damage, in this case it won’t hurt to change equipment.


Crafting is an important aspect of the game that you will encounter. It is quite simple and intuitive. The hero knows all the recipes from the very beginning of the game, but there is a limit on level and resources.

There are two ways to open the craft menu. To do alchemy, cooking, or creating scrolls, go to your inventory and click the crafting icon at the bottom of the window. To enchant an item, open its description and stats; the required button is located at the bottom. Some things will require a lot of gold.


There is access to dozens of recipes in this area. It's better to create potions before the battle. For example, if you are facing a battle with a dragon, make pots to increase elemental resistance. Each party member must have at least one stamina potion. Remember that alchemy is relatively cheap.


It will allow you to create food with bonuses to various characteristics (mainly stamina). To cook, you don't need gold, only resources. Food is useful for melee characters, so try to provide them with provisions first. If you don’t want to spend time cooking, you can buy food at the nearest tavern.

Creating Scrolls

This type of craft is extremely necessary at high difficulty levels, when spells of magic classes are no longer enough. Thanks to the scrolls, the priest will be able to deal enormous damage, and the wizard will be able to heal. Don't forget that using them requires a high level of knowledge.


Enchanting is probably the most important type of crafting. It allows you to significantly improve the parameters of equipment and, consequently, the character itself. You need to remember a few things:

  • Only weapons and armor are enchanted.
  • One item includes a maximum of three effects.
  • Place enchantments on items that you will use for a long time.
  • It is more useful for warriors to improve their armor.
  • Add secondary damage to weapons.
  • Mages need armor bonuses (including intelligence).

Game world

Above is the world map of Pillars of Eternity. It shows the main locations. You have access to dozens of places that you unlock as you progress through the main storyline. They are connected by various paths and tracts. To move to a new area of ​​the map, go to the edge of the area and press the arrow button. There may be several such points, but you need to find a transition to the next location (sometimes you go back or end up in adjacent areas). Its location is not always obvious. Once you manage to discover the exit, the new area will be unlocked and you will be able to access it from any part of the world.

Enter each location. You gain experience when you discover new territory. Even if there are overly strong enemies there, you should not have problems retreating.

In one location, look for all possible exits. It is better to walk along the edges of the map and click on any possible point, especially in the road area.

Open the map to the maximum. You will find not only caves or chests with equipment, but also new companions.

Pay attention to illuminated objects. In caves or dungeons you may find suspicious looking walls. This is a good reason to activate reconnaissance mode and look for the secret door switch.

Don't pass by places and things with a magnifying glass icon. Typically, clicking it will only give you brief information about the object, but sometimes a side quest may begin.

Collect plants and resources. They are stored in a special bottomless bag and are extremely useful for creating potions, scrolls or enchanted items.

Look for interactive objects, such as rocks. Climbing them is possible with a certain level of athleticism or using the right tool.


The game has useful items for those who do not reach the required level in any skill. Each tool can only be used once, after which it is destroyed. The most useful are the master keys. They are used to open locked chests and doors. The number of master keys required for a particular lock depends on the character’s mechanics level. If you have good command of this ability, you will not need them at all for weak castles and only a small amount for medium ones. If the lock level is two or more values ​​higher than the mechanical level, it will not be possible to open it even with the help of master keys. Replenish your stock as often as possible and always carry at least five with you.

The second group of tools consists of a rope with a hook, a crowbar and a hammer with a chisel. They will allow you to get to places that are otherwise inaccessible. A rope with a hook helps you cross broken bridges, climb ledges, or descend into caves. This is the most versatile tool and you should have at least two copies. The crowbar is used to clear blocked corridors. A hammer and chisel allow you to break weak walls. You don't need more than two of these items during your adventure, as unlike rope they are rarely used.

Gaining experience

The golden plus in the upper left corner of the character's portrait informs you that you have gained a new level.

Pillars of Eternity has a specific system for gaining experience. Its most important aspect is the lack of it for defeating enemies (the only exception is a new bestiary entry after killing a monster). Winning a fight only gives you new items and advances you along the storyline. Experience is provided to the entire team, not specific participants. This means that a group with fewer people will level up faster than a larger group.

4 Most Important Sources of Experience

Quests– you get a little experience for completing main story quests, but ignoring side quests, you won’t be able to develop your character to the maximum. The main quest line will allow you to gain no more than eight levels.

World Exploration– for entering a new location (including buildings and caves) you will be given a small amount of experience.

Interaction with the environment– a valuable resource is provided for disarming traps, opening chests and any other interactive actions.

Bestiary update– you gain experience over the first few fights with a new type of monster. It is intended to find out the characteristics of the enemy, do not expect it from the battle itself.

Dialogues, reputation and theft

Communication and the reputation system are significant aspects in Pillars of Eternity. Each decision made affects the character's personality and reputation in the factions of the game.

In conversation, don't poke at random. Read all the available options and choose the one you mostly agree with. In most main storyline dialogues, you can only make one decision without the ability to change it. With every answer you write a story, so returning to past conversations will not work. If you answer without thinking, you may offend your interlocutor or even provoke him to attack.

During a conversation, additional information can be shown on the left and right in the response lines (after enabling the corresponding items in the menu). The requirements for the corresponding utterance are displayed on the left. One of them is the minimum level of any skill(strength, physique, agility, intelligence, perception or determination). Necessary skill- This is the second type of requirement (athletics, knowledge, stealth, survival or mechanics). Sometimes it's the need to be relevant race, class or read the correct one deity. If you have met all the requirements, this answer option will give you a bonus (some enemies will flee before the battle, others will surrender, you will receive an additional reward, etc.). The line on the right shows the consequences of this decision and its impact on the character’s personality. For example, when you make a joke, the character takes on “cruelty” or “wit.” Almost every line of dialogue has a small impact on the protagonist. These notes about requirements and consequences have no significant meaning in the gameplay, and often the opinion of other NPCs about you depends only on them.

While completing some tasks, you will be faced with incredibly difficult moral choices. The result may be the loss of one of the satellites. Luckily, they will usually communicate with you and suggest which option to choose for the best outcome.

What's even more interesting is your character's relationships with factions. More than once you will find yourself between two or more groups of people fighting with each other. This affects a large number of side quests. When you first make a decision, it is wise to choose one faction and stay with it for the entire game. But in this case, you will not be able to complete several tasks of other representatives. Moreover, they can even become your enemies and periodically send hired assassins to you or attack your fortress.

When you steal, you lose your reputation. If you are caught, your reputation in the faction that owned the stolen item or in the local community will drop. However, there are no problems with selling stolen goods even where you “found” them.

But don't worry too much about reputation. This is largely an indicator of your path and decisions to date, rather than an important factor with a serious impact on the game. Most side quests and opportunities remain available regardless of your position in society.

Console control

PlayStation 4


Recon Mode

Panoramic camera

Main menu

Cancel / Back

Pause / Unpause

Battle menu

Zoom in

Slow Mode

Accelerated mode

Zoom out

Area map


Xbox One


Recon Mode

Panoramic camera

Follow-the-character camera mode

Select previous character / Select character (hold)

Main menu

Cancel / Back

Pause / Unpause

Formation (out of battle) / Active effects (in battle)

Interaction (out of battle) / Attack (in battle)

Battle menu

Select next character / Select character (hold)

Zoom in

Slow Mode

Accelerated mode

Zoom out

Area map


Walkthrough of Pillars of Eternity

Act 1

Brief respite

Talk to the caravan master Odema and the warrior Kaliska, who will become part of your team. Head west past Sparfel. Get to a small grove and attack the wolves there. After defeating them, go to the bush and collect the berries.

A short conversation scene with Kaliska will then begin. To the south, find a bridge, behind which you will find a wineskin. At this moment, you will be attacked by two Galanfathan hunters (kill the archer first). Then loot the corpses and return to the main camp (it's a good idea to save at this point). Along the way, defeat another enemy hunter.

When you reach the camp, a conversation will begin with the leader of the Galanfathans. You won't be able to influence him, but avoid the "put down your weapon" option (it will move to your inventory, and you will start the battle with your bare hands). Next, the next battle will occur. Immediately attack the leader. Once he dies, switch to his assistant.

Alternative solution. When meeting with the leader of the bandits, you can choose a unique option for a character with 15 or more intelligence points. This will allow Heodan to avoid injury as the enemies will be focused on you.

Before leaving this place, you must make the first key decision. It is connected with the life of Heodan. We advise you not to leave him to his fate (option 3), because as a result he will die. The best idea would be to throw your weapon at the attacking Heodan bandit (option 1). Subsequently, Heodan will survive, but your character will lose his main weapon.

Alternative solution. If your hero has a perception of at least 15 points and a long-range weapon, it becomes possible to behave in a different way (option 2). You can save Heodan and not lose anything.

Note. The above decision is not particularly important. Even if you keep Heodan alive, he won't stay in the group for long.

Ruins of Silant Liis

The starting point is in the southwestern part of the ruins, and your goal is to exit them in the northeast. There are two main ways to do this.

You can take one of them along the eastern road. There you will meet a xaurip and a baby skuldra. Xaurip is not hostile at first: you can avoid contact with him, kill him, or bribe him with previously obtained skuldr meat. In the last two cases you will receive his spear. Then you will reach the exit at the final part of the corridor, but do not miss a weak wall along the way, which would not hurt to explore.

It is possible to break it with a hammer and chisel - they are located in a small camp next to the entrance. But it is not necessary to use them: ask Kaliska to help (she is strong enough for this). Destroying the wall opens an eastern passage to the far side of the ruins.

Another route option involves crossing the central area. You will come across a corridor with pressure plates. Each of them is connected to a trap - their activation will lead to severe injuries. Open the door to the left to exit into a hall with six columns. Approach each pillar in turn and set them on fire using a torch (in Kaliski's inventory).

Alternative solution. If you're a Fire Godlike, you won't need a torch.

When all six pillars light up, return to the main corridor. Activate reconnaissance mode: detecting traps is one of its functions. A safe path will open before you. It is important not to step on burning plates. Try to guide team members through one at a time, rather than all at once.

Both routes will lead to the exit. Kill the spiders and get to the surface.

Visions and whispers

You become a witness to the ritual. Collect Kaliska and Heodan's things and head to the southern edge of the location - this is the path to the Gilded Valley.

Old keeper

You need to get to the Kaed Nua fortress. Take the southern exit from the village and go through Magranovo Crossroads or the eastern exit through Easternwood. Both paths will lead to the Black Meadow. Next, move east. Get ready for fights with various monsters along the way (wisps and shadows, among others).

Enter the fortress. In the large hall, talk with the Manager about Mervald's whereabouts. Go down the northern stairs into the dungeon. Watch out for the spiders (don't attack them all at once) and go to the first floor of the Endless Paths.

Mervald is sitting in the nearest cell. If you have the appropriate skill/lockpicks, just open it. Otherwise, go south and find the Xaurips. Search their bodies to get the key.

Next you will have a long conversation with the character. Regardless of the answers, Merwald will eventually try to attack. Keep an eye out for area attacks and move away from highlighted danger zones as needed. Try to use stagger and knockdown to prevent the mage from restoring health.

At the end you need to make a decision:

  • Leave his soul in the fortress (as a result of this choice, Kaed Nua's security rating will increase).
  • Allow Mervald to rest (will increase the prestige rating of the fortress).
  • Absorb the important knowledge of the sorcerer (the opportunity to explore the secret chamber on the thirteenth floor will be the best choice).

Always near the Queen

Return upstairs to the Manager. Now you have become the full owner of the fortress and can schedule the first restoration work. First, select the Eastern Barbican from the list. The restoration will happen immediately. Thanks to it, you will gain access to the southeastern exit and additional points of prestige and protection.

The next task is to reach Defiance Bay, the largest city on the world map. Exit the fortress along the unlocked passage, then turn west. You will reach Edelwan Bridge. If you wish, you can ask the justiciars about the location of the temple: you will find out that it is located in the First Lights area. Enter the city. When you get to Copperlane, follow the clue you receive. In the desired area, after talking with the ghost, it turns out that the Voedika temple is temporarily closed. As a result, you will need an alternative route through the catacombs. The entrance to them is located in the southwestern part of Copperlane.

When you reach the catacombs, head southwest and prepare to clear out small groups of monsters along the way. You need to reach the stairs between the main level and the temple. See the vision and turn west. The path will be blocked by Khafmadg. You can get past by bribing the guards (350 gold), killing, using at least level 13 courage/intelligence, or wearing Voedika's cloak and hood. They are located in the eastern part of the catacombs on the body of a killed novice. After going around the guards, look into the New Initiate's room. He also has a cloak. You can get it if you agree to listen to the rehearsal and your strength or courage level is above 14 points.

The next goal is the central hall of the Voediki temple. Before entering, put on a hood (from a corpse or from a novice). Go to the door and confirm that you want to enter the hall alone. Have a long conversation with the woman (always choose the first answer on the list).

Alternative solution. You can just kill everyone. Do not wear a hood and enter the central hall with a group. A battle with the sectarians will begin (deal with the magicians first). After winning, approach any soul and talk to it.

Act 2

Through the Gates of Death

Exit the temple and leave Defiance Bay. Continue towards the village of Dirford. Cross the bridge and the plains again. From there, go east to Stormwall Gorge and complete the journey to the village (exit in the east).

In Dyrford, enter the Temple of Beras and speak with Harbinger Bayodmar. He will tell you about the ruins of Kliaban Rilag. Head northeast and reach Dyrford's Ferry. The northern path will lead you to the ruins. There are two passages in them:

  • basic. Guarded by Slefhota, a Glanfathan fighter.
  • over the old bridge. Marauders can attack here, but they are easy to defeat. It is risky to cross the bridge itself: heroes with low athleticism will be injured and end up in ruins with incomplete health.

Exploration of Kliaban Rilagh will begin from the eastern section. There is no need to search all the ruins, it is preferable to look only for the stairs. You can quickly go through the bottom, but there will be traps waiting for you. On the way to the descent, continue to destroy monsters and try not to attack too many at once. First of all, kill delempugr and druids who have magic, as well as animats with their dangerous spells. In the last chamber, try to immediately deal with the sporozoans without touching the traps.

The main task on the next level is to find the main hall. If your hero knows mechanics (at least 6 points), break open the nearest door. Otherwise, look for Engwithan Key on the north side. Don't forget about traps and monsters. A powerful shadow will be waiting for you in the room you are looking for. Kill her, examine the fountain and take out the key.

Use it on the door to the great hall. Eliminate the rain blights and get to the descent. You will reach a previously inaccessible part of the ruins. Approach the huge Engwithan machine and pay attention to the nearby statue.

Now leave Kliaban Rilag. You can return the same way or use the nearby stream of water, which will take you to the western side of the ruins. It is especially recommended if there is a character on the team with at least 16 physique points. This way you can get to the end of the tunnel and get an expensive treasure.

Imperishable covenant

Destination – Treasured Hill. It is possible to get there from the direction of the First Lights or Ondra's Gift. If you try to enter the area, you will be stopped by the Justicar. To get inside, you need a lot of strength (18 points or more) or just mention Vila. This option is only available after completing the Lost Guardians side quest.

In Treasured Hill, head west. Along the way, fight the undead and try not to attack everyone at once. In addition, keep an eye out for skeleton mages and kill them as quickly as possible. You need to reach the entrance to the tower. You will start from the bottom level, and you have to climb to the very top. Get ready to deal with hordes of monsters. Once you get on the roof, go to Aldhelm and talk to him about the car.

Go back down and leave the tower. Move north of Treasure Hill to Ikanta's house. Discuss with her about the mechanism so that she can teach the main character the Engwithan language. Do not rush to leave your home: it is recommended to explore the entire building. You will encounter a locked door that can be opened with 4 lockpicks and 3 mechanics points or 4 mechanics points. A group of people are being held prisoner there. If you save them and send them to the tower, there will be a chance to complete this quest in an alternative way (details below).

Now go back to the top of the tower. Immediately approach the Engwithan machine and do not talk to Aldhelm, otherwise he will attack. You will have the choice of turning off the machine or increasing its power, which will cause an overload.

Alternative way. If you saved the prisoners, Aldhelm will consume them. Then there will be an opportunity to talk with him. He will offer to end everything in a different way: by consuming the energy of the Engwithan machine. End the conversation, go to the mechanism and select the new third option.


Ask any justiciar about the “place of suffering and madness” from the vision in the temple of Voedika. You will be pointed to the hospital in Brackenbury. Go there and talk to Chief Ethelmoer about the members of the Lead Key. Also ask Olmer about this in one of the adjacent rooms. Then take the stairs down to the lower level.

Once you reach the animancer's laboratory, meet three NPCs in the nearby rooms: Bellasedge, Moidred and Ripley. In the latter's room, open the chest (you will need 5 mechanics points) and take four patient cards. Next, in the drawer, take out Azo's note. When you have obtained all the necessary information, return to the caretaker. During the dialogue you will gain access to the patients' room. Go down to the previously locked passage.

Enter the main hall of the chamber and talk to Freyol. She will tell you about the whereabouts of Kadman Azo. You will find a man in a laboratory nearby. From him you will receive the key to the door in the north wing. In the room opened with a key, communicate with Graham's soul. Next, go to the end of the corridor and talk to Uskgrim.

Go back upstairs. Several enemies will be waiting for you. First of all, beware of the animated constructs and Graham and the rest of the patients who will run out of their cells. Once you reach the top floor, contact Ethelmoer again.

Hermit from the House of Hadret

After leaving the hospital, head to the Hadret house. Along the way, you will meet a courier and give you a rare pistol. In the house, talk to Lady Webb and tell him about what happened. You will learn from her that you need an invitation to the animancers meeting.

For this purpose, you will need to achieve the respect of any capital faction: House Domenel (small mansion in Brackenbury), Knights of the Horn (fortress in the First Fires) or the Dozen (Admet's Refuge of the Copperlane district). When you get the necessary reputation points (choose any faction - this will not affect the further plot), meet with its leader at the headquarters and ask for an invitation.

Attention! Complete additional quests and explore the capital before continuing. After completing the quest, the opportunity to return to the Bay will temporarily disappear.

With the invitation received, return to Lady Webb. Next, go to the First Lights area and enter the palace. Do not use the main door - it is locked. Instead, find a path to the balcony. Wait for the hearing to begin, presided over by Duke Eivar. It doesn’t matter which answer options you choose during the meeting: regardless of your actions, the Duke will be killed in the end.

Once the vision is complete, exit the Duke's Palace. We need to return to Lady Webb in Brackenbury. The city is on fire and you won't be able to use the main roads due to the unrest, so take the southern exit from the First Fires. Infiltrate the Hadret house and rush to the top floor. Touch the lady's soul. You will automatically leave the city and advance further in the story.

Act 3

A killer is on the loose

Cross the Edelwan Bridge and head east into Stormwall Ravine. As soon as you go down, you will be stopped by members of the Lead Key. You can try to avoid the fight, but it will not be so easy: intimidate your opponents and make them believe that you will not touch them if they retreat. If an agreement cannot be reached, you will enter into an intense battle. After the battle begins, attack the sorcerers and robbers first, and only then the warriors. Go to the passage to Elmshore. Cross it (talk to Thaos on the bridge) and head southeast. You will be taken to Hartsong - the beginning of the Twin Elms.

Engage in conversation with the warrior at the stockade and with the concerned villager a little further. You can now enter the Passage of Six. There you need to have a conversation with Anamenfat Besvil, the head of the Council.

Exit the building and head to Elmrich. Talk to Shidha and Rienwyn. Two new quests will appear.

This task involves receiving divine favor in Tair-Evron. In its eastern part, find an altar with luminescent hadr shards. Take one piece and take it to the center of the hall. This will open several lecterns, allowing you to pray to a specific deity.

Select at least one (it is acceptable to show interest in all available ones). A scene will start during which you must give the correct ritual answer. Use the books found near Tair Evron or the cheat sheet below. If everything is done correctly, the task of this deity will begin. If you make a mistake, you will be attacked by enemies.

  • Hylia - 4 answers.
  • Galawain - 3 answer.
  • Beras - 2nd answer.
  • Rimrgand – 7 answer.

When you complete the tasks of the chosen patron, return to the altar and pray. In the dialogue, choose the top answers so as not to reject the deity and his favor. One divine favor is enough for the plot, but you can get everything.

Court of Sinners

Reach the Prison Ruins on Burial Isle. To do this, go to Oldsong. There is a crossing in the east. Chat with Dorval and confirm that you are going to the island.

When you get to the point, approach the hole and go down. Important! Before making the jump, the patronage of any god is necessary (see the previous quest).

Once you descend, you won't come back. Make sure you have done everything necessary and are ready to finish the game.

Act 4

Memories of the Ancients

The main task is to find and defeat Taos.

Enter the room with the Hadron Column, kill the enemies and talk to Iovara. You will learn interesting facts about your past. Go to the second level of the ruins. It's too dark here, so move forward to light the way. The road is absolutely straight, so just walk without turning. Sometimes parts of the map will be highlighted, after which you will have to engage in battles with enemies. In the last room, find the passage to the next floor of Breit Eaman.

This level is a large podium with round platforms. Go to the main one. There will be an important conversation with Taos, but the battle after it is inevitable. Nearby two large statues will come to life.

We need to throw all our strength at Taos. When the enemy's health drops to halfway, he will hand over his soul to either the judge or the punisher. This is the statue you should now focus your attacks on. Before killing her, deal with the other one who did not receive the soul. This way you will save yourself from problems during the further battle. After destroying the desired statue, the soul will return to its native body and restore health. Switch entirely to Taos. Watch out for area shots. The best tactic is to spread your team around the arena.

After victory, you will be left to decide what to do with his soul. The choice has only plot significance. Approach the car and decide what to do with the souls collected by Taos. This will affect the ending.

Congratulations! You have completed Pillars of Eternity. Unfortunately, after watching the ending you will not be able to continue the gameplay.

« Pillars of Eternity" - isometric role-playing game from the American studio " Obsidian Entertainment", published by the Swedish company " Paradox Interactive" The project was announced 14/09/2012 , the game was called " Project Eternity", at the same time, fundraising for implementation was started on the Kickstarter service. The studio fulfilled all the promises made to the players during the fundraising campaign in full, to the delight of all true fans of classic computer games.

Act 2

Project "Pillars of Eternity" focuses on the variability of solving various problems, which is why this series of articles should be treated as notes from a researcher of the world of Eora, but not as an exact guide for action. Experiment and explore the game world, good luck!

Always near the Queen

Objective: go to the temple of Voedika

Merwald mentioned that members Lead key worship Voediki, while the manager reported about the Voediki temple in Bay of Defiance. Let's go to the area First lights and in the south of the location we discover the ruins of an abandoned temple, over the years the staircase has fallen into disrepair, but the ghost of a servant reports another entrance to the underground sanctuary (in the catacombs). Let's go to the area Copperlane

and go down into the catacombs, the entrance to the temple will be located in the west of the location (in the area of ​​the necromancer’s lair).

Objective: Investigate the activities of the Lead Key We move west and meet mercenaries. The Guardian can destroy the guards of the sanctuary, or pass by for a small fee. In one of the rooms you can find newly initiated
, from whom the Guardian will receive a mask (similar ones are worn by everyone who attends meetings in the Temple of Voediki).

Imperishable covenant

Having passed by all the security posts, we go to the central hall in the northwest. Next, using the mask of the newly initiated and information about the correct answers, we go through the Acolyte ritual and complete the story task. In one of the Acolyte's visions, a tower appears in a wealthy area near a cemetery, an area of ​​Defiance Bay called.

Treasured Hill

Objective: enter the tower in the Treasure Hill To obtain a legal pass to a closed area (the Hill area was fenced off by the Knights of the Forge due to the invasion of the undead), you must take an order from Vile from the Fortress of the Forge (Quest Missing Guardians

). The entrance to the tower is located in the west of the location; before entering, the squad will have to defeat an impressive group of undead.

Objective: climb to the top of the tower in Treasure Hill

While exploring several levels of the unusual tower, the main characters will encounter resistance from the undead. In addition, you can find the diaries of the animancers who were involved in the work.

Objective: find out how the machine works in Treasure Hill On the roof of the Guardian tower we find a mechanism similar to the one that was used during Awakenings (Ruins of Silant Liis). Near the Hadrian pillar, the main character meets Aldhelma

(the animator was studying the mysterious machine).

Objective: find Ikanta Aldhelm reports that to use the mechanism it is necessary to study the ancient language, which in turn knows Ikanta from the Treasured Hill. Ikanta's house is located in the west of the area, the NPC will describe the mysterious machine in great detail ( Teir-Naunes

). According to Ikanta, its main task is to keep souls outside the world cycle and move them to other similar mechanisms.

In a conversation with Ikanta, it is necessary to recall that all research on ancient runes will be lost after death. The Guardian will gain knowledge of the dead Engwithan language and will be able to control Thur Naunes. The main character has to make a decision - to destroy the machine and with it all the souls of the inhabitants of the Treasured Hill, or to return the souls to the world cycle by turning off from the Treasured Hill. Ikanta's house is located in the west of the area, the NPC will describe the mysterious machine in great detail (.

One of the Acolyte's visions features an agent ("Voluntary Prisoner") who is in a "place of suffering and madness" in one of the rich areas of the city.

The Brackenbury hospital fits a similar description; inside the building we talk with caretaker Ethelmoer to organize a search for the agent Lead Key in the hospital.

Objective: question animancers about suspicious activity

Warden Ethelmoer asks the Keeper to talk to all animancers in the hospital regarding suspicious behavior of patients. Animancer Kadmana Azo will be absent from the site, his assistant Ripley reports that her supervisor is in the patient department, which can only be accessed by Cadman and Ethelmoer.

Objective: Explore the patient ward

After the caretaker learns about Cadman's experiments, the Guardian receives free access to the closed sector of the hospital, the entrance to which is located on the lower floor of the building.

Objective: Question Graham in the northern branch

Patient Freyol mentioned a man on whom Azo often performed various experiments. Only Cadman can give access to the northern branch; you can find him in the laboratory in the south of the location. After talking with Cadman, we go to the northern branch and study the soul Graham(third door on the north side).

Objective: talk to the patient at the end of the corridor

Examination of Graham's soul reveals highly unusual behavior from a patient in a cell at the end of the corridor. Taos of Arcannon takes control of the teenager's body and comes into contact with the Guardian, the Master of the Lead Key deliberately used the asylum's patients to influence research Kadmana Azo. Taos leaves the patient’s body and takes control of the hospital’s security. The main characters will have to fight their way to the exit; in addition, the Guardian must decide the fate of Azo and his research.

Through the gates of death

In one of the visions, the Acolyte shows the Guardian ruins on the outskirts of the village of Dyrford. For unknown reasons, Lead Key is searching for these ruins, the village is located to the east of the Rural Plains.

Objective: get to Kliaban Rilag

In the temple of Beras we talk with Beyodmar, who reports the location of the ancient ruins (we also learn that members of the Lead Key have already visited the temple). There are two ways to penetrate the ruins - attack the Glanfatan tribe and use the central entrance, or bypass the guards and use the destroyed bridge (there will also be a skirmish with marauders).

Objective: Find traces of the Lead Key in Kliaban Rilag

Having reached the ruins, the Guardian will have to find information about the activities of the Lead Key. While exploring the first level of the ruins, we move east to the destroyed bridge, then turn south and in a large room with sporozoans we find a descent to the next level.

On the second level of the ruins Kliaban Rilag in the small bathhouse in the north it is worth paying attention to the Engwithan key, which will allow you to unlock the door in the central hall.
Further, the Guardian and his squad again find themselves on the first level of the ruins, but find themselves on the other side of the abyss. The main character discovers another copy of the car from the Treasured Hill. Ikanta's house is located in the west of the area, the NPC will describe the mysterious machine in great detail ( and the soul of the Lead Key member who participated in its activation. The thoughts of one of the cult members indicated that all newborns in the area would be born without a soul according to the cult's plan.

Hermit of the House of Hadret

Objective: Talk to Lady Webb in Hadret's House

After completing the task Imperishable covenant The Guardian is asked to appear at Hadret's house (Brackenbury area). Lady Webb reveals the identity of the masked man who is involved in the awakening of the main character - Taos of Arcannon, Grand Master of the Lead Key. Taos is very unusual; according to available information, the Master of the House of Hardreth was repeatedly reborn, retaining the knowledge and experience of previous lives. There are also cases where Taos took control of other people's souls by manipulating consciousness. To complete the quest, you must complete other story quests ( Imperishable covenant, Awaiting, Through the gates of death ) and inform Lady Webb about the activities of the Lead Key in the Brackenbury Asylum, in the Tower of Treasure Hill and in the ruins of Kliaban Rilag. The Lead Key used ancient Engwithan technology to create Vaidwen's Legacies

, in order to blame animancy for the epidemic in the future, thereby preventing it from developing.

Task: get an invitation to one of the delegations for a hearing A hearing on the case of animancy is taking place in the Duke's palace. The Guardian must enlist the support of one of three factions ( House Domenel, Knights of the Horn, Dozens

Objective: attend hearings at the Ducal Palace

Near First lights we go to the Duke's palace, the balance of power is as follows - House Domenel advocates the continued development of animation, Dozens took a diametrically opposite position. Knights of the Horn They also doubt the possibilities of animancy, however, as is known, the Order of Knights is in conflict with the Dozens. As a result of the discussions, the Guardian reveals the plot of the Lead Key and makes suggestions regarding the verdict.

Objective: return to Brackenbury and tell Lady Webb what happened

Just as the animator Ramir is trying to make his last speech, Taos of Arcannon and takes control of the speaker's body. The Master of the Lead Key kills the Duke in front of everyone with the hands of an animancer. On the streets of Defiance Bay, people are rioting, the Guardian must go to Lady Webb and tell about what happened. In Dunryd Row, the protagonist discovers the body of Lady Webb, who was killed by Thaos. Before her death, the NPC managed to find out exactly where the Master of the Lead Key went and now the Guardian should go in pursuit.

Keywords: pillars of eternity, guardian, souls, world of eora, description, empty-born, open world, always near the queen, temple of the warrior, bay of defiance, first fires, copperlane, catacombs, newly initiated, cult of the lead key, acolyte, imperishable covenant, cherished hill, tower, aldhelm, animancy, ikanta, tair-naunes, waiting, beaver prisoner, place of suffering and madness, Brackenbury hospital, ethelmoer, cadmana azo, graham, agent, through the gates of death, Cliaban Rilag, Dyrford, Thur-naunes, Hermit Houses of Hadret, Lady Webb, Court, Duke, Master of the Lead Key

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