How to complain to a player after a battle. Complaints about violations. How the system works

In World of Tanks, the creators took care of fair play and created a notification system for player violations. During a battle, a player can report another person if he breaks the rules, insults players or uses prohibited programs. If you are nervous about communication in such a dynamic game as WoT, then you can play calmer ones.

How the system works

To prevent people from abusing notifications, the developers have made restrictions: maximum - no more than 5 complaints per day. If a player uses this system, he is automatically awarded a "helper rating". The rating increases when a player complains about an offender for valid reasons. And, accordingly, it decreases if the complaints are unreliable. Such “helpers” with a negative rating may themselves get banned. The number of complaints increases and decreases depending on the rating. Highly rated assistants receive a number of privileges.

Banning a player in World of Tanks voice chat

The player can also use the blocking of a player who uses voice communication unnecessarily: “spams”, shouts or insults other people. To ban such a “violator”, open the command window, find the nickname of this player and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “disable voice messages.” That's it, now the voice of the intruder will not be heard by you.

The violation notification system is available both in the Hangar and directly during the battle. The system works in such a way that you can choose a ready-made complaint option. In a duel, this interface can be called up by holding down the Ctrl key (the button is the default, in the game options you can set a different key) and calling up the menu on the user icon. The player cannot enter his comments.

Players are given seven complaint options:

  1. Damage to allied players. Deliberately shooting at own players. Random shots are not taken into account by the system.
  2. Insults and incitement of ethnic hatred. Bypassing censorship, insults and threats.
  3. Spam (messages that do not carry any semantic meaning). The player repeats the same phrase in the chat, which has no meaning, meaningless messages, advertising.
  4. Revealing the positions of allied players. Deliberate trolling and description of positions of allied players.
  5. Inaction, bot breeding. Avoiding the game for a long time, using prohibited programs (a bot is a code that itself controls the tank).
  6. Pushing an ally out. Pushing players out of cover, throwing them into cliffs, etc.
  7. Unsportsmanlike behavior of allies or opponents. A series of actions that interfere with the normal process of combat.

Petitions in World of Tanks

There are also petitions in the game that are sent personally to the World of Tanks administration. In them, the player can report a major violation. In addition to messages, you can attach a screenshot or video to the petition, which will show the violation or the use of third-party software. This method is the most effective. And if the administration discovers violations in such videos or screenshots, it immediately bans the player.

If you believe that a player’s actions violate the Game Rules, you can report this directly from the battle using the “Complain” function. Below you can find out:

  1. While in battle, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the intruder's nickname in the list of enemies or allies and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Complain.” Or click “Block for the duration of the battle” to not receive messages from the user, and he will be added to the so-called black list, but only for this battle.
  2. A list of violations that you can complain about will open. Select the one you need.
  3. A notification will appear in the lower left corner of the screen indicating that your complaint has been accepted.
  4. If the violation is confirmed, a restriction will be imposed on the violator’s account in accordance with the Game Rules.

Below is a list of points of the Game Rules, violation of which can only be reported using the “Complain” functionality. The Customer Support Center does not consider requests for such violations. You can file a complaint from battle no more than 10 times a day.

Violations that you can complain about from battle

  • Incorrect behavior in chat: insulting players in game chat, obscene language, threats, etc.; repeated messages; sending messages that do not contain meaning; threat of physical harm or intimidation of an opponent.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct: deliberate blocking of allied equipment; pushing allied equipment under enemy fire, pushing it off cliffs, into water, etc.
  • Prohibited nickname or clan name: nicknames (clause 1.18 of the Game Rules), names, emblems and clan tags that violate the Clan Rules.
  • Idle/bot: the use of third-party software (bot programs, clickers, macros that control the keyboard, mouse, etc.), which allows game actions to be carried out without direct user participation.

How the system works

If you choose to use the "Report" feature, you automatically receive an unspoken "Helper Rating." The rating can:

  • demote - for false complaints;
  • increase - for justified complaints (confirmed as a result of an inspection);
  • remain unchanged - for complaints that were not processed.

The number of complaints that a player can submit during a day and battle is limited and depends on the rating of the assistant. Highly rated players can send up to 10 messages per day. If an assistant's rating decreases, then the number of complaints he can file per day (per battle) can be reduced. Players with low ratings may be completely disabled from the “Report” functionality.

The system of rewards for useful messages and penalties for false ones is limited by the number of complaints that a player can send during the day.

How to file a complaint about a violation in a hangar

If you find any violation in the hangar (personal chat, invitation to a formation, etc.), to file a complaint you need to create a request to the User Support Center.

When creating an application, you must indicate the nickname of the violator and attach the original screenshot with the recorded fact of the violation.

World of Tanks User Support Center

User Help Center- Wargaming support service, which will help solve problems related to the game or help block a player who violates the rules of the game.

How to get there?

How to write there?

Below are instructions in pictures.

3. Press the button "Create a request".

4. Select any of the 8 categories. Let's say we choose World of Tanks.

5. Select one of 8 subcategories. For example, let's choose “Appealing against punishments”.

6. Below you need to write a brief description of the question. Enter and click "Continue".

7. Enter a full description of your question in the input field. For example, this is the case for me. You can enter something completely different, the main thing is not to offend the administration, support service and other players.

8. Click "Continue".

That's it, your application has been created. You can write requests for any problem that you encounter.

Some rules for creating applications.

  • Never insult the administration and support team.
  • If you want to file a complaint against a player, do not forget to take a screenshot of the violation and attach it to the application. Below the input field there is a button “Drag files here or select from your computer”.

Why create requests?

There are different situations in battle: you or someone has been insulted, a player is inactive or deliberately causes damage to allies, behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner, etc. In such cases, it is enough to file a complaint through the complaint functionality directly in battle. But if they write insults to you in the hangar after a battle or offer to buy (exchange, upgrade) an account, you need to take a screenshot and send it to the Control Center in order to punish the offender. There are many different problems regarding World of Tanks and other Wargaming projects. The support team will always support you.

That's all I have. Good luck on the battlefields.

How to report a player who broke the rules

How to complain about a violator

Complain about a player in battle

Let's imagine that you are in an interesting battle. Suddenly, someone present begins to break the rules of the game: use third-party software or sabotage. In this case, you can file a complaint against him.
All you need to do to do this is type the command in the battle chat (general or team):
and press Enter.
For example, if the offender’s nickname SeeTheSun, then you need to write:

If more than 15% of the battle players complain about the violator, the violator’s nickname will turn yellow for the moderators, and the battle he is in will be highlighted in the list of battles, which will be an excellent signal to attract attention. Further actions are up to the moderators.
The administrative assistant who arrives will take some time to understand the situation. It is often very difficult to understand what exactly the problem is. Therefore, any mention of the reason for calling the moderator will help him understand the situation. It should be remembered that a player may be punished with a ban for falsely calling a moderator. After all, a violator is a player who does not follow the rules of the game.
It is important to remember a few points:

  • All you have to do is type the command in the chat /vote NICK OF THE VIOLATOR and press Enter. After that, all that remains is to wait.
  • Report the offender using the command /vote only needed while in battle. This command does not work in lobby chat.
  • Team /vote NICK OF THE VIOLATOR you need to write strictly in this form. Any mismatch (an extra space or a slash \ instead of /) will cause the command to fail.
  • The moderator sees the battle and the events in it only from the moment he enters. It does not have an event log, so it is important to report the offender promptly.
  • The offender's nickname is highlighted only if a sufficient number of people (>15% of the battle participants) have complained about him. Don't think that one or two complaints will be enough.
  • The complaint is valid as long as the offender and everyone who complained are in the battle. If someone leaves, the complaint is dropped.
  • Complain about moderators using the command /vote it is forbidden. This can only be done in a PM to any of the chat administrators available in your locale.
  • You should not send complaints to players if they do not break the rules. All complaints are logged, and moderators check everything carefully. If you make a false complaint, you risk being punished.
  • The offender's nickname can be copied from the battle event log in the upper right corner of the interface, as well as from the battle statistics ( Tab) or from battle chat.
    To do this, you need to left-click on it and click on the “Copy name” button:

Complaint on the channel “Violations”

While outside the battle (in the lobby chat), you can report the violator in the battle in the channel " Violations».

Send a message to the chat containing a link to the battle and the nickname of the offender. The moderators on duty in the channel will respond to your complaint.

Complain about a player on the forum

Game Breakers

If it so happens that the moderator did not get to your battle, then you can leave evidence of the violation on the forum. By creating a topic and filling it with the necessary evidence, you can also notify the moderators of the violation.

2. You need to collect evidence.

  • Videos taken exclusively in battle are accepted as evidence, because video “outside”, i.e. from the general chat, does not allow you to see what the player did in battle.
  • Videos made no more than 15 days ago will be accepted for consideration.
  • The quality of the videos and screenshots should allow you to easily read the nicknames and see the ranks of the battle participants. Videos/screenshots should not be edited.
  • When creating a video to identify sabotage, the player does not have the right to violate the rules of the game himself. All complaints about sabotage will be considered taking into account ALL participants in the battle, without exception for the video creator.
  • Instructions on how to record a video
  • Instructions on how to take a screenshot


Requirements for the provided videos:

  • Actions or inactions aimed at interfering with the team for which the User is fighting: the total length of the video (regardless of the number of videos) must be from 5 to 15 minutes. The video should clearly show what the player was doing, the picture of the battle should be as complete as possible (for example, he often pauses, deliberately ignores opponents who are taking away the flag, does not help deliver the enemy flag, shoots at his own people, pushes him over, turns him over, purposefully unfreezes his opponent with a flamethrower with the flag, not responding to requests to move away from it, etc., etc.). Also don't forget to show the battle statistics (Tab key).
  • Collusion with players from the opposing team: the length of the video should be from 5 to 15 minutes. It is necessary to show collusion, not a single case, but several points (for example: does not hit an opponent, stands on the opponent’s base with their flag, etc.). Battle statistics also play an important role. When creating a topic, do not forget to indicate the nicknames of all the players who were in cahoots. This will speed up the analysis of your topic. Thank you!

Using third party software

The video provided must clearly show that the player is using the n her software. The offender's nickname should also be visible. The length of the video should not exceed 15 minutes. You also need to copy the link to the battle in which you met the cheater. The screenshots should clearly show that the player is using third-party software. Please remember that game chat is indirect evidence and we will not be able to make a decision based on game chat alone.

Requirements for provided screenshots


  • Intentional inaction: you must provide 4 to 7 screenshots with battle statistics and a time difference of 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Interfering with your team: you need to provide a series of screenshots that clearly show that the player is systematically creating interference in the game, the recommended number of them is from 5 to 7.

3. Create a new topic in the “Game Violators” section of the forum.

  • Remember, the speed of its parsing directly depends on the quality of the design of the theme being created.
  • The author of the screenshots or videos must be the same as the author of the topic.
  • The title of the topic must include the player's nickname and the nature of the violation. For example, “karp - sabotage” or “wolf - cheater”.
  • In the body of the topic you created, you also need to indicate the player’s nickname, attach evidence (screenshots or videos) and provide important details and details.
  • You should not try to describe everything that happened in the light that is most favorable to you. Such moments are very alarming and can only lead to a delay in making a decision on the topic under consideration. You are only required to provide evidence and important details.
  • Instructions for publishing videos on Youtube and Instructions for publishing videos from Youtube on the forum.
  • Instructions on how to upload a screenshot to your hosting and Instructions on publishing screenshots on the forum.

: The “Game Violators” section operates in pre-moderation mode. This means that the topic will be approved in the form in which you created it only if there is no violating information in the attached evidence. If the video or screenshots contain messages that violate the rules of our project, then this evidence of violation will be attached to the violator’s karma and will be removed from the topic.

  • As soon as the moderator considers that there is enough evidence of the player’s guilt, the player will be punished (with the assistance of developers or technical support specialists).
  • The nature of the punishment will be determined by the project administration.
  • Punishment may include a warning, a fine in experience points, rating positions or crystals, blocking access to the forum or chat, or completely blocking access to the game.
  • Remember that you should not expect an instant decision on topics. Have patience. Violators will be punished in any case.

how to file a complaint against a player?

SETTES_PRO #1 Posted 07 Apr 2017 — 18:24

OLEGDRUK #2 Posted 07 Apr 2017 — 18:26

KPbIM_2014 #3 Posted 07 Apr 2017 — 18:26

Satisfying someone's interests, charming or disappointing is not in my interests. Any opinions about me here are absolutely indifferent to me. I’m not interested in ratings of my comments; I don’t care about the presence of “pluses” for comments. I do not exchange personal information.

SETTES_PRO #4 Posted 07 Apr 2017 — 18:27

Like, write to the CPP if you know something like this

Like, explain how to write there.

janekste #5 Posted 07 Apr 2017 — 18:28

Write to the TsPP, attach evidence to the letter - the player will definitely be checked. At the same time, you too.

At the top of the site there is a SUPPORT button - click there and submit a request.

“Whoever says that the main thing is to enjoy the game, and not to win at it, understands nothing about games or pleasure.”

Art in the game is like a boss at work: you always think that he doesn’t do anything, that you are smarter than him, and that he is to blame for all the troubles. But as soon as you get into trouble, you immediately run to him and say: “I need help,” “Help, I can’t handle it myself.”

Complaint against the violator

Chat Violators

In the battle chat there are often players who do not monitor their communication or deliberately violate the Rules of the Game. What should you do in such cases?

  1. First of all, the screenshot must show the fact of violation of the Game Rules.
  2. You need to collect evidence. The best evidence in this section may be screenshots. The quality of the screenshots should allow you to easily read the nicknames and ranks of the battle participants.
    • Provide a full, uncropped screenshot without processing;
    • The screenshot should clearly show the fully open chat (if the offender’s nickname is not completely visible, sign additionally in the message);
  3. You need to create a new post in the topic “Game Rule Violators (in Chat)”.
    • In the body of the post you created, you need to indicate the player’s nickname (you can copy the nickname from the chat lobby using the button combination: left Shift + left mouse button) and attach evidence (link to screenshots).
    • It is also advisable to indicate the nature of the violation (For example: Player1 - mate, Player2 - cheater).

Game Breakers

If there is a violator in your battle, then you can leave evidence of violations on the forum by creating a post and filling it with the necessary evidence.
First you need to be completely sure that the player is breaking the rules. Therefore, it is better to re-read the Rules of the Game once again.

Cheater found! What to do?

Sabotage and fixed fights

Sabotage is deliberate inaction or actions aimed at hindering one's team and helping the enemy.

  1. You need to record a video game. The following requirements must be taken into account:
    • Actions or inactions aimed at interfering with the team for which the User is fighting: the length of the video should be from 5 to 10 minutes. Also don't forget to show the battle statistics (Tab key).
    • Collusion with players from the opposing team: the length of the video should be from 5 to 10 minutes. It is necessary to show collusion, not an isolated case, but several moments (for example, he does not hit an opponent, stands on the opponent’s base with their flag, etc.). Battle statistics also play an important role. When creating a post, do not forget to indicate the nicknames of all the players who were in cahoots. This will speed up the parsing of your publication.
    • When creating a video to identify sabotage, the player does not have the right to violate the rules of the game himself. All complaints about sabotage will be considered taking into account all participants in the battle, without excluding the creator of the video.
    • You should not describe everything that happened in the light that is most favorable to you. Such moments are very alarming and can only lead to a delay in making a decision on the topic under consideration. Evidence and important details are required from you.
  2. Then post the recorded video on YouTube. Instructions for publishing videos on YouTube
  3. Create a new post in the topic “sabotage / cartoons / fixed fights.”
    • In the subject of the post you created, you need to attach evidence (link to video) Instructions for publishing videos from YouTube on the forum

Violators in the VK group

It is worth noting that the group fully complies with the Game Rules and the License Agreement described on the official website.
All messages that violate the rules of the group and the game are deleted. The violator may be temporarily or permanently placed on the community blacklist.
For gaming questions, you can contact existing consultants-moderators, a list of which is in the “Contacts” section on the group page.
Appeals against decisions of consultant-moderators in the group are accepted only for periods of a week or more; complaints are accepted by Tanki X community manager Daria Stal.

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How to file a complaint?

plandish228 Mar 07, 2018

___AHTuCTATuK___ March 07, 2018

And I always send applications to the CPP. Naturally according to time and desire.

This takes no more than 5 minutes. And even less. Taking into account the fact that I also need to lower the quality of the screenshots. I use regular VK. Uploaded/downloaded. iOS.

_Darth__Bane_ March 07, 2018

So if he is insulted, limiting the chat is more than logical. And again, the TC did not indicate what kind of offense it was. And if there is ***, extortion, fraud? There the permach at least shines on the account and such people obviously need to be sent to the TsPP. Therefore, the waste of time here is relative.

P.S. Hmm, the extremists didn’t cover it with stars ((But the very concept of s-zm covered it with stars.

4akraf Mar 07, 2018

ZJIyKa 07 Mar 2018

If you notice a violation of the game rules, please contact the User Support Center - User Help Center or (menu->support. In the game itself). Log in. Create an application.. Also attach a screenshot of the violation and in the application indicate the nickname of the offender (preserving the spelling of the nickname)

Violations on the forum

If you encounter a violation of the Forum Rules on the official World of Tanks forum, you can file a complaint against the violator. There is a special functionality for this. The method for filing a complaint depends on the type of violation.

How to report a message

If you find a message on the forum with profanity or other violation of the rules, file a complaint:

    Click on the button Complaint in the lower left corner of the message.

How to report a private message

If you receive an offensive private message that violates the rules, please contact us:

How to complain about a nickname, avatar, signature

If you notice that a user's nickname, avatar or signature is contrary to the rules, file a complaint directly from the offender's profile:

Click on the button Report a user in the lower right corner of his profile.

How to report a user's status

If you notice that someone's status violates the rules (for example, contains profanity), please report this violation to us:

Click the button Complaint right below the user's current status.

Complaints are considered exclusively by forum moderators. If a violation of the Forum Rules is confirmed, a restriction is imposed on the violator’s account on the forum in accordance with the Rules.

Write a complaint to wot

Internet complaint book - file a complaint against scammers!

Submission of complaints, claims and reviews. Don't become a victim of crooks and scammers!
Make a complaint to the Internet complaint book! Say NO to scammers!

Deceived? Divorced? Nasty? Insulted? Stop putting up with injustice and deception, bring the scammers to clean water!


World Of Tanks claims to developers and administration

A strange system in the online project World of Tanks...

The project developed and received feedback on the Russian and Ukrainian markets. Entered the record book for the number of simultaneously online players. I opened a server in Moscow with donation money, supposedly to improve the service. As a result, the project (WoT) simply drove over the hump of Russia and Ukraine into Europe and the USA. To date, the project has consumed a lot of money from people and there has been no service. Today, with 220k+ online, there is only one server, which crashed during the guts of a gaming promotion for the second weekend in a row. Moreover, according to the Wargaming rules (which are signed upon registration), none of them is to blame...
That is, in a year of official release and huge donations, people received raw materials. At the same time, a market was opened for us in the USA and Europe. It is very shameful to behave this way towards those who throughout the year voted for the project on Euroresources and invested money in them.
And yes, holding exhibitions, as for example is now expected at Igro Mir 2011, is also done at the expense of donations. Just shake, excuse me, the udder for the Europeans and Amer. In general, my opinion is that Wargaming is an ordinary bobble collector who, from Belarus, wants to take greens from Amer......

Agree(458) Disagree(46)

To the post “World Of Tanks claims against developers and administration” 1,182 comments

[scammers] answer me how long the chaos in the game will continue. Isn’t it really a pang in your heart? How can you be like this [scammers] and continue to extort money from people? Pay up! play! If you haven't paid, you won't play! I wish you with all my heart [scammers] to die all at once Pankov, you’re in charge [scammers]

Agree(0) Disagree(0)

What did they do with this game? It's just a waste, it's become impossible to pump the tank, it's terrible, it's time to remove it. Complete bullshit***.

Agree(1) Disagree(0)

AdWords: questions, complaints and suggestions

Your feedback helps us improve AdWords.

Questions about AdWords accounts

Suggestions for improving AdWords

If you have ideas on how AdWords can be improved, fill out this form.

Subject of the complaint. Google ads that allegedly violate our advertising policies.

Method of communication. Fill out this form with your link ID. To get it, right-click on the ad and copy the URL. This will allow us to quickly and accurately find the necessary materials.

Google Actions. We will review the complaint and take action if necessary.

Google is not responsible for the actions of third parties, but we take responsibility for our work and expect AdWords advertisers to do the same.

If you are unsatisfied with the quality of products or services advertised on AdWords, we recommend contacting your local consumer protection organization. Its representatives will be able to help, acting on your behalf.

Subject of the complaint. Account problems, such as the following:

  • AdWords feature crash;
  • AdWords payment function crashed;
  • Google Analytics function failed.
  • Method of communication. To report such an incident, please fill out this form.

    Google Actions. We will review the information provided and pass it on to AdWords specialists. It will help them improve the service.

    Subject of the complaint. Problems when contacting support, such as the following:

  • Difficulty accessing support;
  • employee reaction takes too long;
  • erroneous or inappropriate answers;
  • inappropriate behavior of specialists;
  • general impression.
  • Method of communication. Complete this form and provide additional information if possible.

    Google Actions. Our employees use the data collected to evaluate and improve the quality of technical support services.

    Method of communication. To report trademark misuse, please complete this form.

    Google Actions. We will review whether the advertisements in the complaint are in fact violating our trademark guidelines and will take action if necessary.

    Subject of the complaint. Violation of Google policies by the external partner who manages your account.

    Method of communication. To report such violation, please fill out this form.

    Google Actions. Our employees will contact the external partner and solve the problem. Accountability is a key tenet of AdWords. We are confident that external partners must first take into account the interests of advertisers.

    Note: We may send the partner a copy of the complaint, but we will not include your contact information without your permission.

    Complaint against the violator

    Complain about a player in battle

    Let's imagine that you are in an interesting battle. Suddenly, someone present begins to violate the Rules of the Game: use third-party software or sabotage. In this case, you can file a complaint against him.

    All you need to do to do this is type the command in the battle chat (general or team):

    For example, if the offender’s nickname SeeTheSun, then you need to write:

    If more than 15% of the players in the battle (all participants in the battle, including players from the opposite team) complain about the violator, then for the moderators the violator’s nickname will turn yellow, and the battle in which he is located will be highlighted in the list of battles, which will be an excellent signal to attract attention. Further actions are up to the moderators.

    The moderator who arrives in time will take some time to understand the situation. It must be remembered that a player may be punished with a ban for falsely calling a moderator. After all, a violator is a player who does not comply with the Rules of the Game.

    It is important to remember a few points:

    Complaint in the channel “Violations”

    While outside the battle (in the lobby chat), you can report the violator in the battle in the channel " Violations».

    Send a message to the chat containing a link to the battle and the nickname of the offender. The moderators on duty in the channel will respond to your complaint.

    Complain about a player on the forum

    Game Breakers

    If it so happens that the moderator did not get to your battle, then you can leave evidence of violations on the forum by creating a topic and filling it with the necessary evidence.

  • Forum section where you can complain about game violators
  • Rules for the “Game Violators” section ( Necessarily
  • Chat Violators

    Screenshots with violations of the rules of conduct in the chat (swearing, insults, links to malware/third-party software, phishing, etc.) must be published in a special section on the forum. There your complaint will be sorted out by moderators and violators will be punished.

  • Forum section where you can complain about chat violators
  • Rules for the “Chat Violators” section ( Necessarily read before creating a complaint)
  • IMPORTANT: For a detected and proven attempt at slander, forgery or falsification of material, the “author” bears full responsibility and will be punished with a one-month ban. For a relapse of this nature - an eternal ban.

    • My applications
    • My bans
    1. While in battle, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the intruder's nickname in the list of enemies or allies and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Complain.” Or click “Block for the duration of the battle” so as not to receive messages from the user, and he will be added to the so-called black list, but only for this battle.
    2. A list of violations that you can complain about will open. Select the one you need.
    3. A notification will appear in the lower left corner of the screen indicating that your complaint has been accepted.
    4. If the violation is confirmed, a restriction will be imposed on the violator’s account in accordance with the Game Rules.

    Below is a list of points of the Game Rules, violation of which can only be reported using the “Complain” functionality. The Customer Support Center does not consider requests for such violations. You can file a complaint from battle no more than 10 times a day.

    Violations that you can complain about from battle

    • Incorrect behavior in chat: insulting players in game chat, obscene language, threats, etc.; repeated messages; sending messages that do not contain meaning; threat of physical harm or intimidation of an opponent.
    • Idle/bot: the use of third-party software (bot programs, clickers, macros that control the keyboard, mouse, etc.), which allows game actions to be carried out without direct user participation.

    How the system works

    If you choose to use the "Report" feature, you automatically receive an unspoken "Helper Rating." The rating can:

    • demote - for false complaints;
    • increase - for justified complaints (confirmed as a result of an inspection);
    • remain unchanged - for complaints that were not processed.

    The number of complaints that a player can submit during a day and battle is limited and depends on the rating of the assistant. Highly rated players can send up to ten messages per day. If an assistant's rating decreases, the number of complaints he can file per day (per battle) may decrease. Players with low ratings may be completely disabled from the “Report” functionality.

    The system of rewards for useful messages and penalties for false ones is limited by the number of complaints that a player can send during the day.

    How to file a complaint about a violation in the Hangar

    If you find any violation in the Hangar (personal chat, invitation to a formation, etc.), please file a complaint with the User Support Center.

    In the application, be sure to indicate the nickname of the violator and attach to it the original screenshot with the recorded fact of the violation.

    Sometimes we encounter violations of the rules in the game that interfere with the gameplay, distract from it and reduce the chances of winning.

    Anyone faced with a similar problem may ask the question: “How to deal with such hooligans, what to do in this case?”

    First of all, in no case should you be like a violator and respond in kind - since you will also be considered a violator. Please remember that we are using every possible means of investigation to eliminate violations, but this will take some time. That is why every player who notices a violation can personally influence the future of the offender and help punish him.

    To facilitate communication and timely notification of the Support Center about violations, an in-game complaint system was created - “Complain”. The system is very convenient and easy to use: during the battle you can provide information about violations, and we can take timely measures. As a result, we process more complaints and punish dishonest players in accordance with the Rules of the Game.

    You can complain about the following violations:

    • inappropriate behavior in chat;
    • unsportsmanlike conduct;
    • prohibited nickname or clan;
    • inaction and bots.

    Such a system is an effective and convenient tool for combating violators.

    Operating principles of the system

    The violation notification system allows you to report a player directly in battle. If you believe that a player's actions violate the Game Rules, always report it.

    To exclude numerous unfounded complaints, a limit was introduced on their number - no more than 10 per day. “Unused” complaints are not carried over to the next day.

    Principles for handling complaints

    Processing of complaints from players and subsequent punishment of violators is carried out in semi-automatic mode. All complaints are checked to eliminate the possibility of blocking an innocent person.

    The initial processing of information takes place on the basis of received complaints, and then a detailed analysis of the situation is carried out: statistical data, message history, etc. are analyzed. Based on the results of the check, a decision is made to block the violators. The degree of punishment and the period of limitation are determined by the current Rules of the Game.

    Why is it important to use the system?

    As mentioned earlier, the Center conducts independent inspections, but thanks to incoming complaints, it is possible to find the violator much faster.

    Thus, with the direct participation of players, the gaming atmosphere improves. Users who send complaints help others avoid similar problems, and help those who are at fault to realize that they were wrong and in the future treat others more respectfully. Only through joint efforts can we make our game comfortable.

    Statistics are collected on all incoming complaints, which helps to develop the system and make decisions about its updates and additions, as well as maintain a complete history of violations of each player.

    Thank you for not remaining on the sidelines and helping to make the game even better.

    Questions and answers

    Why is the number of complaints not increasing?

    The number of complaints has already been increased from 5 to 10, but we are still considering a plan to further increase them. We regularly analyze current statistics and, based on them, decide whether to increase the number of complaints and by how much.

    How are the developers going to deal with players who, after the expiration of the restriction, will break the rules again?

    Users who are caught committing systematic violations will receive longer penalties, up to and including permanent account blocking.

    How is the fact of a violation confirmed?

    All complaints that were submitted using the “Complain” system are processed by the Support Center. We cannot disclose our algorithm in more detail so as not to give violators the opportunity to bypass it.

    What to do if the existing complaints are not enough?

    Try to complain only about the worst offenders. If you are playing in a platoon, you can agree on who will send the complaint, and you can also ask other players on your team to do this.

    Will there be an option in the game to file a complaint against the entire team?

    There are currently no plans to add such a feature. But if you have a suspicion that you have witnessed a fixed fight, feel free to send an application to the CPP.

    What happens if I receive unfounded complaints? Is there any protection against this?

    All complaints received are thoroughly checked. Restrictions are not issued for unfounded complaints. If you have received a block but do not know the reason, contact the Support Center.

    How can I complain about a player who pesters me with invitations to join a platoon/company? What about the one who annoyingly writes me private messages?

    At the moment, it is not possible to send a complaint from the Hangar. If you do not want to receive messages from a certain player, add him to your ignore list. In addition, in the settings there is an option “Accept invitations only from friends.”

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