Return to Mysterious Island: Walkthrough. Walkthrough of the game return to the mysterious island Walkthrough of the game desert island

Return to Mysterious Island 2
Return to Mysterious Island 2

Continuation of the famous and beloved game by many. The events in the game take place on the same island that Jules Verne wrote about. The girl Mina, a shipwreck victim, finds herself on an island of riddles and secrets, and tries to survive with the help of available means. It’s good that I found a friend in the face of the monkey Yupa. Together, it’s easier to overcome obstacles and solve riddles.

The game is completely non-linear and this is one of the options. This walkthrough is just a help in solving riddles in order to complete the game to the end. I'm sure you'll find many more different options for combining items to earn more savvy points. Try, combine and you will succeed! I constantly fed the characters, keeping the indicator green. So you can feed them at any time. The inventory is called up with the right mouse button. To feed or use an item - the item on the Mina or Jupe icon.

We watch the video: the game begins with an optimistic beginning - Mina and Yupa are taken from the island by a helicopter:. But the happiness did not last long - the dragonfly in the air is shot down by some adversary, the helicopter catches fire and falls into the sea::

Play as Jupe

We understand that we can’t save the pilot, Mina is alive, but unconscious - we save Mina. We pull the valve of the life jacket on Mina’s neck and unfasten the seat belt. We look to the right, to the right of Mina’s head, and press forward - Yup will break out the window and pull her out onto land.

Oops! It’s as if they never left! Back on your favorite island! It took so long to eat coconuts and bananas to go back to the coconut-banana diet:.. We talk to Mina and she asks us to get her a bandage on her leg. Let's increase Mina's energy a little - first, let's hug her tighter (+10), but it's better not to climb on her neck - she's unlikely to like it: We finish the conversation (a cross in the lower right corner) and go to the right (Jup will definitely not get into the sea, we swam - we know..) At the intersection we find the leaves of a tree by the smell and go forward, take a broken branch, although it looks very much like a log). Let's look around: so, on the left sits some evil leader macaque, with a gun at his side, catching some beetles from the carcass of a porcupine. He doesn’t seem happy to us, and in general is somehow out of sorts: There are pine nuts to our right - we take them. The leader doesn’t like this trick of ours: he makes claims to us, but we refuse to give him the nuts (they’ll come in handy ourselves)). He scares us and we, pretending to be terribly scared, briefly run away to a neighboring location. We return (don’t forget to put the nuts in your inventory), it seems like no one is bothering us:. We go upstairs to the mill, take a dirty rag and a hook from the chest. We go 2 screens back and make our way through the field with ears of corn, there we take an orange, a snake skin and go left to the swamp, so we take a stick and try to get something blue in front. But no, the paws are short and so is the stick. Well, okay. Let's get by for now. We turn around and go back a screen, grabbing eggs on the left and clay on the right. At the next location, pay attention to the tree and climb up. And there is a nest with hornets - remember. We go downstairs and paddle towards Mina.

Mina's disappearance

We take a step forward and the game itself will turn us in the right direction. Let's go in this direction and what is it? Woohoo! Flying robot guard! Hmm, these are clearly not rescuers, we just needed robot guards! Suddenly we hear Mina’s scream, we run to her, and find that she has disappeared: What should we do? Let's try to go explore the situation where the formidable macaque sits. We hear Mina's voice, which warns of danger: a jaguar! By the way, the leader is already gone! Great, apparently he ran away so much that he forgot his gun. That’s not bad either, let’s take the gun, it’ll come in handy. On the right we take Mina’s lost bandage, we’ll need to wash it. In the meantime, we pick a blade of grass near a dead porcupine and, in order to be in the shoes of a formidable leader, we begin to continue his glorious work - that is, we catch ants. We take a blade of grass and start piercing each insect, it’s not difficult, you first need to catch the slowest ones, and then, remembering the path of each ant (each has its own path), string them all onto a blade of grass. Still, this Jup is a sadist! But you have to eat! We gobble up the ants, each ant adds +0.5 energy to Yupa. If desired, the capture of ants can be repeated. That’s why the leader was apparently angry - his dexterity was not the same - he probably didn’t catch anything: We look up, climb the tree, so that we can then get to the mill, where, apparently, Mina is located. Yeah, it seems that she urgently needs an antiseptic for the wound, because she is afraid that she might get an infection - the wound hurts. Okay, we’ll definitely find it, but first we need to drive away the big spotted cat. We remember about the nest with hornets and go to it, roll around in the mud in the neighboring swamp, then take a stick and hook the nest by the very top edge (by the way, you can remove the nest unsuccessfully and the hornets will attack Yupa. In this case, the time will count down and you need to have time to dive into the swamp, where we took the stick), and boldly go straight to the jaguar. The spotted cat runs away, and we pick up the stick and the hornet larva. Now it's time to start looking for an antiseptic.

Search for antiseptic

We go to where we saw the guard robot and take another step towards the volcano. ABOUT! Thyme! It looks like it’s just what the doctor ordered, maybe it’ll work as an antiseptic. Hm: if it weren’t for the snake, of course, we would have torn it off, but apparently it wasn’t fate. We need to think about how to drive away the snake: Okay, let's go one step forward for now, to the volcano. We see another monkey - this is mom: I wonder whose? But clearly not ours:.. She is very worried about something and is showing us something, let’s go and see what exactly. We take another step towards the volcano. Yeah, it’s clear - apparently her little son somehow ended up on a burning beam: .. What to do - we need to save him, but later. Looks like we'll need Mina's help since Jupe can't combine items in his inventory: So, what can we do? After all, you don’t have to kill the snake, but solve it peacefully, especially since we have an ocarina (instrument). Let's play something fun for her! While the snake is in awe of our unearthly music, we quickly grab the thyme and run to Mina. She is glad and remembers that she can be treated by ants that eat meat. Hmm, it seems like we shouldn’t have eaten them, but that’s okay, let’s go catch some more. While we are playing as Jup, we can chew the leaves of the tree and get a good sponge (you can use it to wipe dirty Jup later), but you need to wash it in the river. Let's return to the location where the source with sulfur is, there we will rummage through the roots of the tree and pick off the tinder mushroom. Now we take a step a little to the left (not towards the volcano), now a step to the right. A question mark appears - it means there is something here, let's look for it. We find a short branch - it will come in handy. After chewing it, we get a sharp stick. We go straight to the end and descend just to the seashore. Soooo, what can you profit from here: on the left we take a canister of kerosene, followed by a broken clay bottle, on the right we grab seaweed and wheat with sand. We will need everything now! We turn back - the turtle is crawling. There is no need to do anything with it, just look around. Looks like we've covered everything, now we need to catch the ants and treat Mina. We bring her ants, and she asks us to help her - we take the ant and put it in the wound with a mouse click, and immediately make a second mouse click to tear off the ant’s head; if you don’t have time to click, the ant will run away. I ended up with 5 or 6 ants needed. They had just stitched up the wound when the noise was heard again - we saw a robot through the window and Mina decided to go take a look.

Play as Mina

We run and look for the robot, we find it at the crossroads, if we take one step from the broken wicker bridge where the volcano is. He mistakes us for the captain and looks like he's gone crazy: It’s a pity, we’ll treat it, that is, we need to turn it off and fix the microcircuits. Above the number buttons we see four letters. They may change if you enter the code incorrectly. It can be turned off very simply - we have the inscription and numbers at the top NAUTILUS 1860. We don’t need the word NAUTILUS, but we do need the numbers 1860, we simply number them in order:

1234, all other digits are zero.
That is, from this it follows that what is equal to:
1-1, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-3, 7-0, 8-2, 9-0
If, for example, the code is 5794, then we dial 0000 below, if the code is 7841, then we dial 0201:.

Now, after you have entered the correct code, you need to get to the microcircuits, for this you need a screwdriver or something similar:. We don’t have this, we’ll look:.. We need to explore the shore, maybe we’ll find something useful there. We go down to the shore, the water has risen. Let's look around - on the shore we can take a coil and a sextant lens. Climbing up, we will see that we need to repair the device (just for God’s sake, don’t touch or press anything!!!) which is on the rock on the left. We'll deal with this later. Now we still need to explore the place where the helicopter fell. We go to the very beginning of the path, where Mina was sitting when Jup pulled her out. He will categorically refuse to get into the water, but that’s fine. We leave him on the shore and dive. Attention! Everything must be done quite quickly, because we hold our breath. We quickly swim into the fallen helicopter, take the handle on the seat, grab a plastic envelope, a coil of rope and a pocket knife from the pilot’s pocket.

Walkthrough - Page 1


All controls in the game are done using the mouse. Left mouse button – action. Right button – open inventory.


1 – Temporary storage area. All found items are transferred here first. By clicking on the “Auto” command, you will transfer items to the main inventory cells (see point 9).

2 – Bonus points. Points are awarded for any item found, for combining items, etc.

3 – Place for Jupe. The monkey appears as the game progresses.

4 – Mobile encyclopedia. It allows you to get more complete information about the items stored in your inventory. The encyclopedia will work as the game progresses.

5 – Combination zone. Items are transferred here when they are combined, if this function is available for them. The number of questions before the “=” (equal) sign coincides with the number of items for this combination.

6 – Disassembly area. Some combined items are taken back apart. Just transfer them to this field.

7 – Menu. The first line of “Menu” is to open the main menu, the second line of “Phone” is to open a mobile phone, the third line of “Goals” is to view your goals in the game.

8 – Bookmarks, which serve to go to one or another inventory page.

9 – Inventory slots. The number of cells on one page is limited - 28 pieces.

Part 1

Before starting the walkthrough, I would like to note that the game is not linear. This or that action can be performed earlier or later. Some actions may not be performed at all. But to open all the bonuses, it’s better to do everything listed in this article.

We go to the nearest rock and see an aborigine. We pick it up from the ground Rusty Nail. On the rock itself we directly notice bird's Nest and take the egg from there. We pay attention to another nest higher up, but we can’t reach it yet. We go to the rock on the left, explore it and in a small depression we come across a fireplace. We raise flint and stone located near the fireplace. We go towards the rise one screen and pick it up from the ground metal plate, look a little further from it and raise worm. On the right side we notice a thorny plant. We go up to the very top to the wooden beams and on the left side we lift spear and tear it off chaga mushroom, attached to the beam.

We go down and continue our path along the cliff. We notice something sticking out of the ground wooden beam. On the right side of it we lift from the ground seaweed. We use a stone from our inventory on the beam. We select rusty iron and wooden fragments. We go towards the stone arch and on its left side we find oysters: first, second And third. We notice a fish swimming in the pond. We pass to the other side of the beach, on the right side on the rock we take lichen. On the left side we notice turtle tracks. We dig up the turtle nest and find turtle eggs and a chest. We take the eggs and use a rusty nail to open the chest. We find a telescope and silver coins. We use a stone on the telescope and get a lens. We notice another thing ahead of us turtle nest. We dig it up and take it from the nest turtle eggs.

We go even further and see two crabs eating a dead porcupine. To the left of them we select palm branch And green coconut. We take the lichen and close the inventory. We wait for the moment when the crabs turn away from us, and with the help of lichen we take them one by one. We take the carcass porcupine. We turn back and lift from the ground coconut. Let's go back, it will fall from the palm tree green coconut. Let's pick him up. Having collected all possible items, we begin to use them. Open the inventory and apply the rusty nail one by one to all available eggs. We combine a stone with a metal plate and get a knife blade. Using a blade, open two oysters. We try to open the third oyster, but the blade breaks. It doesn’t matter, we use the stone on the rusty piece of iron and get another knife blade. Opening the third oyster. Apply the blade to the coconut and get purified coke and coconut fiber. Use the blade again on the already peeled coconut. We combine the blade of a knife with a piece of wood from a protruding beam - we get a knife with a wooden handle.

We return to the foot of the cliff and cut thorny acacia branch, but only spikes will be in your inventory. We go up to the wooden beams covering the passage and cut off the hanging on them thin vine. We return to the fire pit. We disassemble the wooden knife and combine the knife blade with the flint. We combine the resulting chair with lichen and a palm branch. We put the fire from the inventory in the fire pit. We use crabs on the fire. We go to the foot of the rock, on which there are two bird's nests. We use a wooden fragment from the beam on the upper nest. We select bird feathers. Now we remember about the fish swimming in the pond, and we come to the conclusion that we need a fishing rod. We use acacia thorns on the fire and get hooks. We open the inventory and combine hooks, worms, a spear and a thin vine, and as a result we get a fishing rod. We go to the arch and use a fishing rod on the pond. We return to the fire and fry the caught fish. We go up and move the beams.

Picking it up from the ground young palm branch. We go forward and find ourselves at a fork in three directions. On the left side we notice yellow smoke, also to the left of the path we see a growing plant called hibiscus. We cut the hibiscus stem using a knife, and also clear the leaves from the young palm branch in the inventory using the same knife. We combine a hibiscus stem and a peeled palm branch to get an onion. First, let's start collecting items. We go in the opposite direction from the smoke and find ourselves at another fork. We go to the right and find ourselves at the foot of the old mill, the stone staircase to which has collapsed. Picking it up from the ground three cones And mold for making bricks. We return to the fork and go straight. We'll come across a hanging scarecrow. We remove his cast-offs and get four dirty rags. We pick it up from the ground two oranges And two lemons. Cutting it off wheat and we get spikelets and straw.

We are attacked by evil monkeys throwing stones. We go back to the fork and go down towards the shore one screen. On the right side we see a maple tree, we make a cut on the trunk using a blade. Maple syrup is released, but we don’t have a container for it yet. We go down to the river. We drink from the pond, and then use four dirty rags on it. We return to the first fork and go towards the yellow smoke. We come across a hot spring. Opposite it we see a tree, at the bottom of which lies snake. We use the spear on the snake. Using a knife blade, cut bush next to the snake, and make an incision on the tree. We take it away rubber from the cut. We free the snake by taking the spear. We go towards the poles with wires and cut off on the left side belladonna bush. In the inventory we combine the spear and rubber. Having prepared ourselves mentally, we go to war with the monkeys. Using a slingshot, we shoot at the monkeys until the scale at the top of the screen is empty.

We pass towards the destroyed buildings. We pick up logs from the ground and go inside a small room. We come across a monkey, which we decide to name Yup. We use a clean rag on the monkey. We take another one from the table on the right side

Some tips:

1) this game is built on finding and correctly using items from your inventory; there are practically no puzzles as such;

2) many results in the game can be obtained in several ways, for example, you can light a fire in 3 ways. For each correct action, points are awarded (no points are given for repetitions);

3) for each item taken, 1 point is given, things such as clay, water, saltpeter can be taken many times and points will be added each time;

4) for combining several objects into one new one, 1 point is given only once. Collected items can be disassembled;

5) because this is not a completely linear quest, the plot may not develop exactly as described in the walkthrough (some events will occur earlier or later);


In general, go for it, and you will succeed!!!



You are the girl Mina, marooned on a desert (or inhabited?) island. First of all, read the current task in your inventory (right mouse button) and then during the game do not forget to look at the tasks, sometimes this helps solve some problems. You really want to eat on uninhabited islands (ask the “last heroes”...). Go to the rock, take the rusty key below, for this you will get 1 point (1 b), take an egg (1 b) from the bird's nest, examine the top of the rock. The egg can be eaten raw or boiled (but for this you need to make a fire), the number of health units will be the same. Use a rusty key on the egg (1 b) = + 2 units. health.



Walk along the rocks, are you shaking? It's only the beginning. Approach the smoky rock, traces of a fire are visible below, take flint (1 b) and a piece of sandstone (1 b) on the right, turn right and take a step towards the foot of the path leading up between the rocks. Look under your feet, pick up a metal plate (1 b) and worms (1 b) from the stone, use sandstone (1 b) = sharp knife on the plate. Use a knife to cut the thorns from the tree on the right (1 b) = acacia thorns. Go up the path all the way until you reach full health, you can’t go any further. On the left of the old tree, take tinder (1 b) and a spear (1 b), cut the vine on top (1 b) with a knife.

Turn around, go down to the remains of the boat; hit the keel sticking out of the sand with a sandstone, it will break, take rusty metal (1 b) and floating wood (1 b), take wet algae (1 b) from the stone to the right of the boat. If you use sandstone on rusty metal, you will get a second knife. Go further to the rocks in the form of an arch, remove 3 pieces of oysters (3 b) from the wet stones, they can also be eaten either raw or boiled. Open the oysters with a knife (1 b) = + 1 unit. healthy It is better not to open more than two oysters with a knife, otherwise it will break. Walk under the arch, take lichen (1 b) from the stone on the right, dig up turtle eggs (1 b) and a chest from the sand on the left.



Open the chest with the rusty key, take the broken telescope (1 b) and silver coins (1 b). Use a knife on the telescope (1 b) = lens. Go to the palm trees, take eggs from the turtle nest on the left (1 b). Enter the shade of the palm trees, take a green coconut (1 b) and palm leaves (1 b) from the ground.



Two crabs can only be taken when they turn towards the porcupine carcass (2 b), after which take the porcupine's corpse (1 b). Cut off the quills from a porcupine with a knife (2 b) = porcupine carcass + porcupine quills. Turn around, take the brown coconut (1 b), go to the arch, another green coconut will fall from above, take that too (1 b). Use a knife on a brown coconut (2 b) = peeled coconut + coconut threads. Pierce a peeled coconut with a knife (1 b) = + 3 units. healthy



Now you have everything to make a fire and eat, go to the smoked rock. A fire can be lit in several ways:

1) flint + rusty metal = igniter (1 b) + tinder + palm tree = fire (1 b);

2) flint + knife = igniter (1 b) + lichen + palm tree = fire (1 b);

3) lens + lichen + palm (or tree) = fire (1 b).

Unfortunately, points are given only once. Make a fire in any way (I recommend saving the wood for now), use it on the fire:

1) oyster = + 1 unit. healthy,

2) egg = + 2 units. healthy,

3) crab = + 5 units. healthy,

4) acacia thorns (1 b) = curved acacia thorns.



Curved thorns can be obtained in another way: use a knife on a floating tree or branch (1 b) = knife with a handle. Use a knife with a handle on the tree on the rock ledge (1 b) one step up from the fire.

Now you can make a fishing rod, there are two ways:

1) spear + vine + curved thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b)

2) floating tree + coconut threads + thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b).

Go to the arch where you collected oysters; use a fishing rod to catch a fish (1 b). Fry fish on a fire = + 5 units. healthy Eat until your health bar is full and the picture in the left corner disappears. Go to the bird's nests, use a branch or floating tree on the top nest, feathers will fall from the nest, take them (1 b).

Go up the path, now there is enough strength to remove the log blocking the passage. Here you are at the top (I am the king of the world, or rather the queen!), but then the whole island shook violently again, get used to it: now it will shake often. Take a young palm tree branch from the path (1 b). Cut the leaves with a knife (1 b) = prepare the onion. Go forward, there is a fork in 3 directions, look to the left, where you can see yellow smoke. At the bottom, cut white hibiscus flowers (1 b) = strong and flexible rope. Connect the onion stock with hibiscus threads (1 b) = onion.

Let's go to the smoke: it turned out to be not a house, but hot sulfur spring No. 1.



Look around, there is a snake resting under the tree, use a spear on it, cut the medicinal plant to the right of the snake (1 b). Make a cut on the tree with a knife (1 b) = rubber. Take the slingshot and connect it with rubber (1 b) = slingshot. Turn around so you can see the volcano and walk forward. Cut the narcotic plant next to the mouse (1 b). Follow the direction of the wires on the poles, there is a fork again - turn left, now straight ahead to the scarecrow on the tree.



Take rags from the scarecrow (1 b) = 4 pieces of dirty cloth. Turn to the ruins of stone buildings, evil monkeys have settled there and will throw sticks and stones, but we are not born with bastards: take a slingshot and answer them in kind. Actually, you can drive out the monkeys in another way, simply by going around them on the other side, but then you won’t get 10 bonus points. Well, we drove away the “wild monkeys”, look around, below under the stuffed animal we take 2 oranges (2 b), under a small tree 2 lemons (2 b), from a large tree we cut off wheat (1 b) = wheat grains + straw. We turn our backs to the ruins and go forward to the water. We take red clay (1 b) from the water, cut off the bark and shoots (1 b) from the stump = 2 bundles of willow twigs and willow bark. We cut small bamboo shoots (1 b), take a large bamboo stick (1 b) = 2 pieces of large bamboo, cut a medium-sized bamboo (1 b) and an elderberry bush (1 b) = elderberry core. Making arrows (1 b) = feathers + willow twig + porcupine quills. We connect arrows with a bow (1 b) = a bow ready for battle.



We go back to the scarecrow, then left, then right to the collapsed stairs: take a mold for making bricks (1 b), use it for clay (1 b) = unfired bricks. From under the tree we take 3 pine cones (3 b). We go to our fire on the shore and burn the bricks (1 b).



We lay the finished bricks on the destroyed stairs (5 b) - the path is open. Climb the stairs, enter the mill, exit. Bang... It hurts! Well, it’s okay, it will heal before the wedding, but now we have a pickaxe (1 b). Take grapes (1 b), wooden slingshot (1 b), strong cloth (1 b), copper coins from the chest (1 b), metal slingshot (1 b). Read the inscription on the chest. Go to the mountain, if you haven’t been able to drive out the monkeys yet, now they will run away. Here we see a broken forge (furnace), take the logs from below (1 b), use the bricks on the hole in the roof of the forge, light a fire from the logs in any way. Try shaking the bellows, they are also broken.



Enter the barn, there is a butchered monkey sitting in the corner, our task is to cure and tame it, then it will become a faithful companion. On the right, take another brick mold (1 b). Go get some clay (1 b), use it on the mold, take the clay again (1 b). Now go straight, right and right again to the red maple tree and further to the water. Drink and bathe, wash 4 pieces of dirty cloth (4 b) = 4 pieces of clean cloth.

Now you can make a simple battery, which was suggested by the inscription on the chest. Battery (1 b) = clean cloth + lemon + medium bamboo + silver coins + copper coins. The mobile phone is charged again and the encyclopedia is available, as well as GPS and the latest news. Break the wall near the water with a pickaxe; you can’t go there yet. Go to the fire and burn the bricks (1 b). Go to the palm trees, shoot down one green coconut with a slingshot or arrows and take it (1 b). Go to the place where you were thrown ashore, there is a dead seal, pick it up (1 b). Cut the seal carcass with a knife (3 b) = 2 pieces of seal fat + skin + tendons. Run to the forge, replace the skin on the furs, the forge is working again. Go to Jep (monkey), bandage his head with a clean cloth = + 10 units. Hello, there is a pottery wheel on the right, use clay on it (1 b) = wet dishes. Fire raw dishes in the oven (1 b) = an endless supply of dishes. Go to the red maple, make a cut in the trunk with a knife, collect maple syrup in bowls (1 b) = 2 bowls of maple syrup. Go to the water and scoop it up in a bowl (1 b), put willow bark there (1 b) = medicinal infusion. Scoop up water in a bowl 2nd time (1 b), put the medicinal plant there = 2nd medicinal infusion. Scoop water into the bowl 3rd time (1 b). For infusions to become useful, they must be brought to a boil (2 b), in principle, this can be done over any fire or sulfur source. Run to Jep and give him ready-made infusions to drink, 2 infusions = + 8 units. healthy Jep is feeling well now, but he needs to eat. Feed him with the collected fruits:

1) Pine cone = + 4 units. healthy

2) Orange = + 4 units. healthy

3) Grapes = + 4 units. healthy

4) Cut coconut = + 6 units. healthy

After sleep, go to the stove and heat maple syrup in it (1 b) = sugar. At the mill, a monkey sitting on a tree prevents the blades from turning.



Give Jep something tasty to eat (orange, coconut, pine cone, etc.) (1 b) and use it on the monkey. Use a strong cloth on the mill blades. Go inside, use the seal oil on Jep (1 b), and then use it on the millstone axle. Grind the wheat grains = flour, take it (1 b). You can make a pie (1 b) = flour + water + egg + sugar (or maple syrup) + any fruit (orange, coconut, lemon, grapes). Go down the restored ladder, give Jep a knife (1 b), use it on the long vines hanging from the tree (1 b) = 2 rope ladders. Go get clay (1 b) and water (1 b). Run down to the fire near the rock, bake a pie on it (1 b).

Go to the bird's nests, give Jep the rope ladder (1 b) and use it on the rock. The path is open, we climb up and look around. Behind we take the egg from the nest (1 b) and read the inscription above the entrance: “Granite House”, on the right we take the diving suit (1 b), the key (1 b) and the notes (1 b).



We go forward, to the right, forward to the left we take boards (1 b), from the shelves we take: metal filings (1 b), a screwdriver (1 b), a hammer (1 b), nails (1 b); below - a coil of wire (1 b). Turn to the window, open the chest on the left, take 2 shirts (1 b) and 3 wicks (1 b), examine the paintings on the walls.



Go to the window, take a cannonball (1 b) and a barrel of gunpowder (1 b), open the cannon bolt and put the cannonball there. From the table on the right we take photographs (1 b), rods and pipes (1 b) and read part of Captain Nemo’s note and the chemist’s diary.

Let's go further: we take 2 boxes of charcoal (1 b) from the shelf and an iron chain (1 b) from the floor. At the window we take a boiler (1 b), a tank (1 b), tinder (1 b), a glass coil (1 b). You can start a fire in the fireplace using one box of charcoal (or a piece of wood). Connect the boiler + glass coil + tank = distiller (1 b), place it on the fireplace.



Use maple syrup in the distiller (1 b) = alcohol. Now let's take care of the burial of Captain Nemo. Build a coffin (1 b) = hammer + nails + boards. Place the captain's body in the coffin, use a tripod with a block (2 b) to lower it. Well, now the captain’s soul should find peace. Wow! He has a gift: follow the ghost to the arch and take the giant oyster (1 b). Open the oyster with a knife = large black pearl (1 b).



Go to the Granite House, the ugly monkey dropped the ladder, take the ladder (1 b) and give it to Jep, try to send him up. Did not work out. Let's go another way. Remember the hole by the lake? If you put a light there, you can go to the Granite House through a passage in the rock.



We go to the mill, grind a keg of gunpowder, take gunpowder suitable for battle (1 b). We burn dry seaweed in the oven (1 b) = soda.

Light for the tunnel can be obtained by making an oil lamp or candle.

Connect the wick with seal oil = oil lamp (1 b).

Combine soda with seal fat (2 b) = soap + 2 bowls of glycerin. Heat the water and add glycerin = candle wax (1 b) + wick = candle (1 b). We go to the stream with a destroyed bridge, use Jep with the ladder to the pillar. We cross to the other side, again the aggressive monkey won’t let us in. It’s a pity that Mina (that is, the game developers) are such animal lovers, then they would have shot this monkey with a bow and all that, but otherwise you’ll have to run around. Or maybe not...

1st method without running around. Throw a large piece of bamboo into sulfur spring No. 2, it will begin to explode with sounds similar to shooting (5 b);

2nd method with running around. Take the broken cage (1 b) on the right and the sulfur on the left (1 b). Repair the cage using willow twigs (1 b). Run to the snake at sulfur spring No. 1, immobilize it with a horn and put it in a cage. Use the cage with the snake on the monkey, it will get scared and run away (5 points).

Take coal (1 b), step forward on the right - iron sulfate (1 b), ash (1 b) at the roots on the left. Go to the tunnel by the lake, get water (1 b), wash Jep with soap (3 b), make a mattress (1 b) = straw + sinew. Use the mattress on Jep (6 b). Use a candle or oil lamp on the dark entrance to the tunnel. Let there be light! Into the tunnel, we go forward until we come across another evil monkey, give it alcohol and it will fall asleep (5 points) or a snake in a cage (5 points) (if you haven’t used it before or you don’t have alcohol). Take the flashlight (1 b) and the gun from behind (1 b). You can load a gun (1 b) = gun + metal filings + gunpowder. Enter the Granite House, go right, take a lantern, sulfur, broken projector, sulfuric acid (4 b) from the shelf. Charge the flashlight from the battery (1 b). Read the inscription on the wall, go down where the water flows.



Below we take a helmet, an air tank and saltpeter from the wall (3 b), try to enter the water. Is it terrible? "Jaws" are resting.



There are 3 ways to get rid of a shark:

1) The lightest. Stuff the porcupine carcass with narcotic grass (1 b) and throw it into the water;

2) Average. Shoot a shark with a gun, one hit is enough;

3) The most difficult. Try to shoot a shark with a bow, you need two hits.

Build a diving suit (1 b) = diving suit + helmet + air tank + burning lantern. Let's go into the water. Here comes the Nautilus: we go up.





What is this red button blinking? Let’s press it, some kind of panel has come out and we press it, killer robots run out of the submarine, well, who would have thought!

We hurry up to the Granite House, go to the cannon, add metal filings to the core (with them it will be much easier to hit the robot) and gunpowder. You need to shoot down the robot (10 points). Read Captain Nemo's note, now we have it complete. Let's go to the fireplace and have a little chemistry.

Heat iron sulfate = sulfuric acid (1 b) in a distiller.

Add saltpeter to sulfuric acid (1 b), use the mixture in a distiller = low concentration nitric acid (1 b).

Nitroglycerin (1 b) = nitric acid + glycerin.

Dynamite (1 b) = nitroglycerin + clay + wick.

Gunpowder (1 b) = saltpeter + sulfur + charcoal.

Pyroxylin (1 b) = elderberry core + nitric acid + sulfuric acid.

Becquerel battery (1 b) = nitric acid + wood ash + clay + rods and pipe.



Let's load the gun, but before leaving we'll look at the photos on the projector = flashlight (lit) + broken projector + lens + photos. Go to the stool and place the assembled projector on it, look at the slides (2 b). Tie the ladder at the entrance, go down, take the engine from the robot (1 b). Keep your gun ready, otherwise you will be killed quickly. Go to the arch, be careful: there is a robot there, try to get into it as quickly as possible (13 b). Under the arch. Take the robot engine and the key from the stones (2 b).



We go to the fire, there lies a fallen robot, turn it off. At the top of the plaque is the inscription "NAUTILUS 1860", this is a hint. Below are 4 letters, which are the code to turn off the robot; each letter has its own number. We break down the word NAUTILUS into numbers:

Any other letter = 0. Turn off the robot (10 b), take the engine and key (2 b). Now robots are flying around the island; you can get to the top in two ways:

1) easy: through a tunnel in the rock;

2) a little more difficult: through the laser guns up the path.



Make a lightning rod (1 b) = metal rod + steel chain, use it on laser beams (6 b). Two ways to disable laser guns:

1) Give Jep dynamite (1 b) and use it on the red sensor on the rock. The path is clear.

2) Give Jep a screwdriver (1 b) and use it on the red sensor on the rock. Now inspect the panel for turning off the guns, turning the rows vertically and horizontally to ensure that all the red lights turn green. Connected circuits are highlighted in white. For this you will receive 5 points.

However, normal heroes always take a detour, so I recommend going through the tunnel, at the exit from the gun we shoot down the robot (13 b), take the engine and key (2 b). We go to the post near the red maple.



It seems like it's starting to rain... Well, it's not rain, it's thunderstorm. How would you use this? Let's make a kite (1 b) = shirt + willow twigs (or bamboo shoots) + coil of wire. We give the kite to Jep (1 b) and send it to the post, another robot kirdyk (10 b). We run to the robot that fell by the stream, take the engine and key (2 b). We go to the mill, shoot (from a gun or bow) not at the robot, but at a rope with a swinging branch above it, then you will get not 3b, but as many as 10. Take the engine and the key from the steps (2b). We return to the Granite House through the laser cannons, go through them with a lightning rod and, with the help of Jep, turn them off using any of the previously indicated methods. You should have 6 engines and 5 damaged keys with one green crystal and one intact key with extinguished crystals.

Using a screwdriver, remove the extinguished crystals from the intact key (1 b) and 4 burning crystals from the damaged keys (1 b). Combine a whole key and 4 green crystals = a repaired key (1 b). We climb onto the Nautilus, gun at the ready, go up, kill another robot (3 b). We insert the repaired key into the panel with the red button. The clue to the code for opening the boat hatch is in Captain Nemo's note and on the panel itself - this is the number 1860. You need to add 1860 to the number in the top row and type the result on the bottom panel = this will be the code for opening the hatch (10 b). Get on the boat, try to send Jep, press the door opener. Did not work out. Then we put it on the motor from the robot (1 b) and forward - on the lever.



The door is open, we enter and use 2 engines on the fallen bridge and move part of some pipeline onto it, now you can approach both the upper and lower doors.

In order to enter the captain's cabin, it is enough to open one of the doors (upper or lower - it does not matter), but for the love of art and to increase bonus points, I recommend opening both: first the upper one, then the lower one. For each open door you get 10 points. On the top door you need to assemble the letter N by replacing the missing squares and rotating them.



After opening the door, do not go forward, otherwise you will fall into the captain's cabin through the hole in the floor, and the lower door will automatically open, and you will lose 10 points.



On the bottom door in the top row you need to type the numbers 1860, and in the bottom row you need to type only those letters that are in the word NAUTILUS.



We enter the cabin, oops - there is also a robot here, but there is no need to destroy it, since only it can turn off the force field surrounding the island. In order for it to obey your orders, you will need to correctly answer the robot's 7 questions. You can only make a mistake once, after the second mistake you will be shot. The robot asks questions in the form of poetry, and the answers are the things in the room. But before you answer, go to the safe and collect the letter N on its panel in the oval in the center (5 b). Press the two levers in the safe, then the organ lid and portholes will open.


Answers to some riddles.

1) Emerging from the water, growing and rising,

Girls handling four wings.


2) If time and distance are measured together,

We will know the place.


3) All his twinkling sisters shine above the waves,

His eyes are fixed on the underwater depths,

Cut off their tentacles and they will grow,

They never miss a meal

His stomach covers the victim and he goes deep into the depths.


4) Of all the creatures in the underwater kingdom,

She is the fastest and has a nose like a sword.


5) It’s not difficult to hit and pound, but when trouble comes,

It can be used if there is a need for it,

You can hit, but carefully so as not to blow off your head,

You can do it cheaply, reliably, and when you don’t have it,

One and there is no cockroach, two and there is no bully!

If you're brave, don't be timid, take her, well... be bold.

(Aboriginal Club)

6) This is an amazing device that tracks with its one eye

Behind the sun is a precious ally,

Lost sailors who want to return home.


7) Where are all my supporters?, but the sun is far away...

Tell me what kind of ship lies at the bottom of the Vigo Strait,

The Spaniards stole me from the distant countries of the holy land,

But their hopes were crushed, the hand of God punished them.

(Aztec scepter)

8) Captain, show me these strange creatures,

Which we didn't eat, but which they always drink.


9) Its silvery surface made us invisible

For winds so terrible.


10) And again they found the precious object after five centuries,

At the bottom of the sea in the depths of the waves, he languishes on a ship,

In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.

(Chinese porcelain vase, Ding. Yuan)

11) Elephant tusks stand towards each other,

How many victims, only God knows!

Show me, captain, this pearl, poison,

The cause of poverty, the cause of pain.

(Shark teeth)

12) Floated in a shell, like in a ship,

The blue ocean enveloped you, in such a peaceful sea,

Captain Nemo, this is your double.

(Argonaut or Nautilus)

13) An animal that saves a life is worthy of praise,

And the sailors favor him, because he is so handsome.


14) Everything that is imprinted on it,

Worth more than its weight in gold.

(Photo on the safe)

There may be other riddles in the game. After 7 correct answers, the robot turns off the force field, and we watch the final video.



If you did everything to the maximum, you should get approximately 330-340 points (or more). If you get less than 300, try going through the game again, maybe you'll discover something new.

Some tips:
1) this game is built on finding and correctly using items from your inventory; there are practically no puzzles as such;
2) many results in the game can be obtained in several ways, for example, you can light a fire in 3 ways. For each correct action, points are awarded (no points are given for repetitions);
3) for each item taken, 1 point is given, things such as clay, water, saltpeter can be taken many times and points will be added each time;
4) for combining several objects into one new one, 1 point is given only once. Collected items can be disassembled;
5) because this is not a completely linear quest, the plot may not develop exactly as described in the walkthrough (some events will occur earlier or later);
In general, go for it, and you will succeed!!!

You are the girl Mina, marooned on a desert (or inhabited?) island. First of all, read the current task in your inventory (right mouse button) and then during the game do not forget to look at the tasks, sometimes this helps solve some problems. You really want to eat on uninhabited islands (ask the “last heroes”...). Go to the rock, take the rusty key below, for this you will get 1 point (1 b), take an egg (1 b) from the bird's nest, examine the top of the rock. The egg can be eaten raw or boiled (but for this you need to make a fire), the number of health units will be the same. Use a rusty key on the egg (1 b) = + 2 units. health. Walk along the rocks, are you shaking? It's only the beginning. Approach the smoky rock, traces of a fire are visible below, take flint (1 b) and a piece of sandstone (1 b) on the right, turn right and take a step towards the foot of the path leading up between the rocks. Look under your feet, pick up a metal plate (1 b) and worms (1 b) from the stone, use sandstone (1 b) = sharp knife on the plate. Use a knife to cut the thorns from the tree on the right (1 b) = acacia thorns. Go up the path all the way until you reach full health, you can’t go any further. On the left of the old tree, take tinder (1 b) and a spear (1 b), cut the vine on top (1 b) with a knife.
Turn around, go down to the remains of the boat; hit the keel sticking out of the sand with a sandstone, it will break, take rusty metal (1 b) and floating wood (1 b), take wet algae (1 b) from the stone to the right of the boat. If you use sandstone on rusty metal, you will get a second knife. Go further to the rocks in the form of an arch, remove 3 pieces of oysters (3 b) from the wet stones, they can also be eaten either raw or boiled. Open the oysters with a knife (1 b) = + 1 unit. healthy It is better not to open more than two oysters with a knife, otherwise it will break. Walk under the arch, take lichen (1 b) from the stone on the right, dig up turtle eggs (1 b) and a chest from the sand on the left. Open the chest with the rusty key, take the broken telescope (1 b) and silver coins (1 b). Use a knife on the telescope (1 b) = lens. Go to the palm trees, take eggs from the turtle nest on the left (1 b). Enter the shade of the palm trees, take a green coconut (1 b) and palm leaves (1 b) from the ground. Two crabs can only be taken when they turn towards the porcupine carcass (2 b), after which take the porcupine's corpse (1 b). Cut off the quills from a porcupine with a knife (2 b) = porcupine carcass + porcupine quills. Turn around, take the brown coconut (1 b), go to the arch, another green coconut will fall from above, take that too (1 b). Use a knife on a brown coconut (2 b) = peeled coconut + coconut threads. Pierce a peeled coconut with a knife (1 b) = + 3 units. healthy
Now you have everything to make a fire and eat, go to the smoked rock. A fire can be lit in several ways:
1) flint + rusty metal = igniter (1 b) + tinder + palm tree = fire (1 b);
2) flint + knife = igniter (1 b) + lichen + palm tree = fire (1 b);
3) lens + lichen + palm (or tree) = fire (1 b).
Unfortunately, points are given only once. Make a fire in any way (I recommend saving the wood for now), use it on the fire:
1) oyster = + 1 unit. healthy,
2) egg = + 2 units. healthy,
3) crab = + 5 units. healthy,
4) acacia thorns (1 b) = curved acacia thorns.
Curved thorns can be obtained in another way: use a knife on a floating tree or branch (1 b) = knife with a handle. Use a knife with a handle on the tree on the rock ledge (1 b) one step up from the fire.
Now you can make a fishing rod, there are two ways:
1) spear + vine + curved thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b)
2) floating tree + coconut threads + thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b).
Go to the arch where you collected oysters; use a fishing rod to catch a fish (1 b). Fry fish on a fire = + 5 units. healthy Eat until your health bar is full and the picture in the left corner disappears. Go to the bird's nests, use a branch or floating tree on the top nest, feathers will fall from the nest, take them (1 b).
Go up the path, now there is enough strength to remove the log blocking the passage. Here you are at the top (I am the king of the world, or rather the queen!), but then the whole island shook violently again, get used to it: now it will shake often. Take a young palm tree branch from the path (1 b). Cut the leaves with a knife (1 b) = prepare the onion. Go forward, there is a fork in 3 directions, look to the left, where you can see yellow smoke. At the bottom, cut white hibiscus flowers (1 b) = strong and flexible rope. Connect the onion stock with hibiscus threads (1 b) = onion.
Let's go to the smoke: it turned out to be not a house, but hot sulfur spring No. 1. Look around, there is a snake resting under the tree, use a spear on it, cut the medicinal plant to the right of the snake (1 b). Make a cut on the tree with a knife (1 b) = rubber. Take the slingshot and connect it with rubber (1 b) = slingshot. Turn around so you can see the volcano and walk forward. Cut the narcotic plant next to the mouse (1 b). Follow the direction of the wires on the poles, there is a fork again - turn left, now straight ahead to the scarecrow on the tree. Take rags from the scarecrow (1 b) = 4 pieces of dirty cloth. Turn to the ruins of stone buildings, evil monkeys have settled there and will throw sticks and stones, but we are not born with bastards: take a slingshot and answer them in kind. Actually, you can drive out the monkeys in another way, simply by going around them on the other side, but then you won’t get 10 bonus points. Well, we drove away the “wild monkeys”, look around, below under the stuffed animal we take 2 oranges (2 b), under a small tree 2 lemons (2 b), from a large tree we cut off wheat (1 b) = wheat grains + straw. We turn our backs to the ruins and go forward to the water. We take red clay (1 b) from the water, cut off the bark and shoots (1 b) from the stump = 2 bundles of willow twigs and willow bark. We cut small bamboo shoots (1 b), take a large bamboo stick (1 b) = 2 pieces of large bamboo, cut a medium-sized bamboo (1 b) and an elderberry bush (1 b) = elderberry core. Making arrows (1 b) = feathers + willow twig + porcupine quills. We connect arrows with a bow (1 b) = a bow ready for battle. We go back to the scarecrow, then left, then right to the collapsed stairs: take a mold for making bricks (1 b), use it for clay (1 b) = unfired bricks. From under the tree we take 3 pine cones (3 b). We go to our fire on the shore and burn the bricks (1 b).
We lay the finished bricks on the destroyed stairs (5 b) - the path is open. Climb the stairs, enter the mill, exit. Bang... It hurts! Well, it’s okay, it will heal before the wedding, but now we have a pickaxe (1 b). Take grapes (1 b), wooden slingshot (1 b), strong cloth (1 b), copper coins from the chest (1 b), metal slingshot (1 b). Read the inscription on the chest. Go to the mountain, if you haven’t been able to drive out the monkeys yet, now they will run away. Here we see a broken forge (furnace), take the logs from below (1 b), use the bricks on the hole in the roof of the forge, light a fire from the logs in any way. Try shaking the bellows, they are also broken. Enter the barn, there is a butchered monkey sitting in the corner, our task is to cure and tame it, then it will become a faithful companion. On the right, take another brick mold (1 b). Go get some clay (1 b), use it on the mold, take the clay again (1 b). Now go straight, right and right again to the red maple tree and further to the water. Drink and bathe, wash 4 pieces of dirty cloth (4 b) = 4 pieces of clean cloth.
Now you can make a simple battery, which was suggested by the inscription on the chest. Battery (1 b) = clean cloth + lemon + medium bamboo + silver coins + copper coins. The mobile phone is charged again and the encyclopedia is available, as well as GPS and the latest news. Break the wall near the water with a pickaxe; you can’t go there yet. Go to the fire and burn the bricks (1 b). Go to the palm trees, shoot down one green coconut with a slingshot or arrows and take it (1 b). Go to the place where you were thrown ashore, there is a dead seal, pick it up (1 b). Cut the seal carcass with a knife (3 b) = 2 pieces of seal fat + skin + tendons. Run to the forge, replace the skin on the furs, the forge is working again. Go to Jep (monkey), bandage his head with a clean cloth = + 10 units. Hello, there is a pottery wheel on the right, use clay on it (1 b) = wet dishes. Fire raw dishes in the oven (1 b) = an endless supply of dishes. Go to the red maple, make a cut in the trunk with a knife, collect maple syrup in bowls (1 b) = 2 bowls of maple syrup. Go to the water and scoop it up in a bowl (1 b), put willow bark there (1 b) = medicinal infusion. Scoop up water in a bowl 2nd time (1 b), put the medicinal plant there = 2nd medicinal infusion. Scoop water into the bowl 3rd time (1 b). For infusions to become useful, they must be brought to a boil (2 b), in principle, this can be done over any fire or sulfur source. Run to Jep and give him ready-made infusions to drink, 2 infusions = + 8 units. healthy Jep is feeling well now, but he needs to eat. Feed him with the collected fruits:
1) Pine cone = + 4 units. healthy
2) Orange = + 4 units. healthy
3) Grapes = + 4 units. healthy
4) Cut coconut = + 6 units. healthy
After sleep, go to the stove and heat maple syrup in it (1 b) = sugar. At the mill, a monkey sitting on a tree prevents the blades from turning. Give Jep something tasty to eat (orange, coconut, pine cone, etc.) (1 b) and use it on the monkey. Use a strong cloth on the mill blades. Go inside, use the seal oil on Jep (1 b), and then use it on the millstone axle. Grind the wheat grains = flour, take it (1 b). You can make a pie (1 b) = flour + water + egg + sugar (or maple syrup) + any fruit (orange, coconut, lemon, grapes). Go down the restored ladder, give Jep a knife (1 b), use it on the long vines hanging from the tree (1 b) = 2 rope ladders. Go get clay (1 b) and water (1 b). Run down to the fire near the rock, bake a pie on it (1 b).
Go to the bird's nests, give Jep the rope ladder (1 b) and use it on the rock. The path is open, we climb up and look around. Behind we take the egg from the nest (1 b) and read the inscription above the entrance: “Granite House”, on the right we take the diving suit (1 b), the key (1 b) and the notes (1 b). We go forward, to the right, forward to the left we take boards (1 b), from the shelves we take: metal filings (1 b), a screwdriver (1 b), a hammer (1 b), nails (1 b); below - a coil of wire (1 b). Turn to the window, open the chest on the left, take 2 shirts (1 b) and 3 wicks (1 b), examine the paintings on the walls. Go to the window, take a cannonball (1 b) and a barrel of gunpowder (1 b), open the cannon bolt and put the cannonball there. From the table on the right we take photographs (1 b), rods and pipes (1 b) and read part of Captain Nemo’s note and the chemist’s diary.

You are the girl Mina, marooned on a desert (or inhabited?) island.
First of all, read the current task in your inventory (right mouse button) and then during the game do not forget to look at the tasks, sometimes this helps solve some problems. You really want to eat on uninhabited islands (ask the “last heroes”...). Go to the rock, take the rusty key below, for this you will get 1 point (1 b), take an egg (1 b) from the bird's nest, examine the top of the rock. The egg can be eaten raw or boiled (but for this you need to make a fire), the number of health units will be the same. Use a rusty key on the egg (1 b) = + 2 units. health. Walk along the rocks, are you shaking? It's only the beginning. Approach the smoky rock, traces of a fire are visible below, take flint (1 b) and a piece of sandstone (1 b) on the right, turn right and take a step towards the foot of the path leading up between the rocks. Look under your feet, pick up a metal plate (1 b) and worms (1 b) from the stone, use sandstone (1 b) = sharp knife on the plate. Use a knife to cut the thorns from the tree on the right (1 b) = acacia thorns. Go up the path all the way until you reach full health, you can’t go any further. On the left of the old tree, take tinder (1 b) and a spear (1 b), cut the vine on top (1 b) with a knife.

Turn around, go down to the remains of the boat; hit the keel sticking out of the sand with a sandstone, it will break, take rusty metal (1 b) and floating wood (1 b), take wet algae (1 b) from the stone to the right of the boat. If you use sandstone on rusty metal, you will get a second knife. Go further to the rocks in the form of an arch, remove 3 pieces of oysters (3 b) from the wet stones, they can also be eaten either raw or boiled. Open the oysters with a knife (1 b) = + 1 unit. healthy It is better not to open more than two oysters with a knife, otherwise it will break. Walk under the arch, take lichen (1 b) from the stone on the right, dig up turtle eggs (1 b) and a chest from the sand on the left. Open the chest with the rusty key, take the broken telescope (1 b) and silver coins (1 b). Use a knife on the telescope (1 b) = lens. Go to the palm trees, take eggs from the turtle nest on the left (1 b). Enter the shade of the palm trees, take a green coconut (1 b) and palm leaves (1 b) from the ground. Two crabs can only be taken when they turn towards the porcupine carcass (2 b), after which take the porcupine's corpse (1 b). Cut off the quills from a porcupine with a knife (2 b) = porcupine carcass + porcupine quills. Turn around, take the brown coconut (1 b), go to the arch, another green coconut will fall from above, take that too (1 b). Use a knife on a brown coconut (2 b) = peeled coconut + coconut threads. Pierce a peeled coconut with a knife (1 b) = + 3 units. healthy

Now you have everything to make a fire and eat, go to the smoked rock. A fire can be lit in several ways:
1) flint + rusty metal = igniter (1 b) + tinder + palm tree = fire (1 b);
2) flint + knife = igniter (1 b) + lichen + palm tree = fire (1 b);
3) lens + lichen + palm (or tree) = fire (1 b).
Unfortunately, points are given only once. Make a fire in any way (I recommend saving the wood for now), use it on the fire:
1) oyster = + 1 unit. healthy,
2) egg = + 2 units. healthy,
3) crab = + 5 units. healthy,
4) acacia thorns (1 b) = curved acacia thorns.

Curved thorns can be obtained in another way: use a knife on a floating tree or branch (1 b) = knife with a handle. Use a knife with a handle on the tree on the rock ledge (1 b) one step up from the fire.
Now you can make a fishing rod, there are two ways:
1) spear + vine + curved thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b)
2) floating tree + coconut threads + thorns + worms = fishing rod (1 b).

Go to the arch where you collected oysters; use a fishing rod to catch a fish (1 b). Fry fish on a fire = + 5 units. healthy Eat until your health bar is full and the picture in the left corner disappears. Go to the bird's nests, use a branch or floating tree on the top nest, feathers will fall from the nest, take them (1 b).

Go up the path, now there is enough strength to remove the log blocking the passage. Here you are at the top (I am the king of the world, or rather the queen!), but then the whole island shook violently again, get used to it: now it will shake often. Take a young palm tree branch from the path (1 b). Cut the leaves with a knife (1 b) = prepare the onion. Go forward, there is a fork in 3 directions, look to the left, where you can see yellow smoke. At the bottom, cut white hibiscus flowers (1 b) = strong and flexible rope. Connect the onion stock with hibiscus threads (1 b) = onion.

Let's go to the smoke: it turned out to be not a house, but hot sulfur spring No. 1. Look around, there is a snake resting under the tree, use a spear on it, cut the medicinal plant to the right of the snake (1 b). Make a cut on the tree with a knife (1 b) = rubber. Take the slingshot and connect it with rubber (1 b) = slingshot. Turn around so you can see the volcano and walk forward. Cut the narcotic plant next to the mouse (1 b). Follow the direction of the wires on the poles, there is a fork again - turn left, now straight ahead to the scarecrow on the tree. Take rags from the scarecrow (1 b) = 4 pieces of dirty cloth. Turn to the ruins of stone buildings, evil monkeys have settled there and will throw sticks and stones, but we are not born with bastards: take a slingshot and answer them in kind. Actually, you can drive out the monkeys in another way, simply by going around them on the other side, but then you won’t get 10 bonus points. Well, we drove away the “wild monkeys”, look around, below under the stuffed animal we take 2 oranges (2 b), under a small tree 2 lemons (2 b), from a large tree we cut off wheat (1 b) = wheat grains + straw. We turn our backs to the ruins and go forward to the water. We take red clay (1 b) from the water, cut off the bark and shoots (1 b) from the stump = 2 bundles of willow twigs and willow bark. We cut small bamboo shoots (1 b), take a large bamboo stick (1 b) = 2 pieces of large bamboo, cut a medium-sized bamboo (1 b) and an elderberry bush (1 b) = elderberry core. Making arrows (1 b) = feathers + willow twig + porcupine quills. We connect arrows with a bow (1 b) = a bow ready for battle. We go back to the scarecrow, then left, then right to the collapsed stairs: take a mold for making bricks (1 b), use it for clay (1 b) = unfired bricks. From under the tree we take 3 pine cones (3 b). We go to our fire on the shore and burn the bricks (1 b).

We lay the finished bricks on the destroyed stairs (5 b) - the path is open. Climb the stairs, enter the mill, exit. Bang... It hurts! Well, it’s okay, it will heal before the wedding, but now we have a pickaxe (1 b). Take grapes (1 b), wooden slingshot (1 b), strong cloth (1 b), copper coins from the chest (1 b), metal slingshot (1 b). Read the inscription on the chest. Go to the mountain, if you haven’t been able to drive out the monkeys yet, now they will run away. Here we see a broken forge (furnace), take the logs from below (1 b), use the bricks on the hole in the roof of the forge, light a fire from the logs in any way. Try shaking the bellows, they are also broken. Enter the barn, there is a butchered monkey sitting in the corner, our task is to cure and tame it, then it will become a faithful companion. On the right, take another brick mold (1 b). Go get some clay (1 b), use it on the mold, take the clay again (1 b). Now go straight, right and right again to the red maple tree and further to the water. Drink and bathe, wash 4 pieces of dirty cloth (4 b) = 4 pieces of clean cloth.

Now you can make a simple battery, which was suggested by the inscription on the chest. Battery (1 b) = clean cloth + lemon + medium bamboo + silver coins + copper coins. The mobile phone is charged again and the encyclopedia is available, as well as GPS and the latest news. Break the wall near the water with a pickaxe; you can’t go there yet. Go to the fire and burn the bricks (1 b). Go to the palm trees, shoot down one green coconut with a slingshot or arrows and take it (1 b). Go to the place where you were thrown ashore, there is a dead seal, pick it up (1 b). Cut the seal carcass with a knife (3 b) = 2 pieces of seal fat + skin + tendons. Run to the forge, replace the skin on the furs, the forge is working again. Go to Jep (monkey), bandage his head with a clean cloth = + 10 units. Hello, there is a pottery wheel on the right, use clay on it (1 b) = wet dishes. Fire raw dishes in the oven (1 b) = an endless supply of dishes. Go to the red maple, make a cut in the trunk with a knife, collect maple syrup in bowls (1 b) = 2 bowls of maple syrup. Go to the water and scoop it up in a bowl (1 b), put willow bark there (1 b) = medicinal infusion. Scoop up water in a bowl 2nd time (1 b), put the medicinal plant there = 2nd medicinal infusion. Scoop water into the bowl 3rd time (1 b). For infusions to become useful, they must be brought to a boil (2 b), in principle, this can be done over any fire or sulfur source.

Run to Jep and give him ready-made infusions to drink, 2 infusions = + 8 units. healthy Jep is feeling well now, but he needs to eat. Feed him with the collected fruits:
1) Pine cone = + 4 units. healthy
2) Orange = + 4 units. healthy
3) Grapes = + 4 units. healthy
4) Cut coconut = + 6 units. healthy

After sleep, go to the stove and heat maple syrup in it (1 b) = sugar. At the mill, a monkey sitting on a tree prevents the blades from turning. Give Jep something tasty to eat (orange, coconut, pine cone, etc.) (1 b) and use it on the monkey. Use a strong cloth on the mill blades. Go inside, use the seal oil on Jep (1 b), and then use it on the millstone axle. Grind the wheat grains = flour, take it (1 b). You can make a pie (1 b) = flour + water + egg + sugar (or maple syrup) + any fruit (orange, coconut, lemon, grapes). Go down the restored ladder, give Jep a knife (1 b), use it on the long vines hanging from the tree (1 b) = 2 rope ladders. Go get clay (1 b) and water (1 b). Run down to the fire near the rock, bake a pie on it (1 b).

Go to the bird's nests, give Jep the rope ladder (1 b) and use it on the rock. The path is open, we climb up and look around. Behind we take the egg from the nest (1 b) and read the inscription above the entrance: “Granite House”, on the right we take the diving suit (1 b), the key (1 b) and the notes (1 b). We go forward, to the right, forward to the left we take boards (1 b), from the shelves we take: metal filings (1 b), a screwdriver (1 b), a hammer (1 b), nails (1 b); below - a coil of wire (1 b). Turn to the window, open the chest on the left, take 2 shirts (1 b) and 3 wicks (1 b), examine the paintings on the walls. Go to the window, take a cannonball (1 b) and a barrel of gunpowder (1 b), open the cannon bolt and put the cannonball there. From the table on the right we take photographs (1 b), rods and pipes (1 b) and read part of Captain Nemo’s note and the chemist’s diary.

Let's go further: we take 2 boxes of charcoal (1 b) from the shelf and an iron chain (1 b) from the floor. At the window we take a boiler (1 b), a tank (1 b), tinder (1 b), a glass coil (1 b). You can start a fire in the fireplace using one box of charcoal (or a piece of wood). Connect the boiler + glass coil + tank = distiller (1 b), place it on the fireplace. Use maple syrup in the distiller (1 b) = alcohol. Now let's take care of the burial of Captain Nemo. Build a coffin (1 b) = hammer + nails + boards. Place the captain's body in the coffin, use a tripod with a block (2 b) to lower it. Well, now the captain’s soul should find peace. Wow! He has a gift: follow the ghost to the arch and take the giant oyster (1 b). Open the oyster with a knife = large black pearl (1 b). Go to the Granite House, the ugly monkey dropped the ladder, take the ladder (1 b) and give it to Jep, try to send him up. Did not work out. Let's go another way. Remember the hole by the lake? If you put a light there, you can go to the Granite House through a passage in the rock. We go to the mill, grind a keg of gunpowder, take gunpowder suitable for battle (1 b). We burn dry seaweed in the oven (1 b) = soda.
Light for the tunnel can be obtained by making an oil lamp or candle.
Connect the wick with seal oil = oil lamp (1 b).
Combine soda with seal fat (2 b) = soap + 2 bowls of glycerin. Heat the water and add glycerin = candle wax (1 b) + wick = candle (1 b). We go to the stream with a destroyed bridge, use Jep with the ladder to the pillar. We cross to the other side, again the aggressive monkey won’t let us in. It’s a pity that Mina (that is, the game developers) are such animal lovers, then they would have shot this monkey with a bow and all that, but otherwise you’ll have to run around. Or maybe not...

1st method without running around. Throw a large piece of bamboo into sulfur spring No. 2, it will begin to explode with sounds similar to shooting (5 b);
2nd method with running around. Take the broken cage (1 b) on the right and the sulfur on the left (1 b). Repair the cage using willow twigs (1 b). Run to the snake at sulfur spring No. 1, immobilize it with a horn and put it in a cage. Use the cage with the snake on the monkey, it will get scared and run away (5 points).

Take coal (1 b), step forward on the right - iron sulfate (1 b), ash (1 b) at the roots on the left. Go to the tunnel by the lake, get water (1 b), wash Jep with soap (3 b), make a mattress (1 b) = straw + sinew. Use the mattress on Jep (6 b). Use a candle or oil lamp on the dark entrance to the tunnel. Let there be light! Into the tunnel, we go forward until we come across another evil monkey, give it alcohol and it will fall asleep (5 points) or a snake in a cage (5 points) (if you haven’t used it before or you don’t have alcohol). Take the flashlight (1 b) and the gun from behind (1 b). You can load a gun (1 b) = gun + metal filings + gunpowder. Enter the Granite House, go right, take a lantern, sulfur, broken projector, sulfuric acid (4 b) from the shelf. Charge the flashlight from the battery (1 b). Read the inscription on the wall, go down where the water flows. Below we take a helmet, an air tank and saltpeter from the wall (3 b), try to enter the water. Is it terrible? "Jaws" are resting.

There are 3 ways to get rid of a shark:
1) The lightest. Stuff the porcupine carcass with narcotic grass (1 b) and throw it into the water;
2) Average. Shoot a shark with a gun, one hit is enough;
3) The most difficult. Try to shoot a shark with a bow, you need two hits.

Build a diving suit (1 b) = diving suit + helmet + air tank + burning lantern. Let's go into the water. Here comes the Nautilus: we go up. What is this red button blinking? Let’s press it, some kind of panel has come out and we press it, killer robots run out of the submarine, well, who would have thought! We hurry up to the Granite House, go to the cannon, add metal filings to the core (with them it will be much easier to hit the robot) and gunpowder. You need to shoot down the robot (10 points). Read Captain Nemo's note, now we have it complete. Let's go to the fireplace and have a little chemistry.
Heat iron sulfate = sulfuric acid (1 b) in a distiller.
Add saltpeter to sulfuric acid (1 b), use the mixture in a distiller = low concentration nitric acid (1 b).
Nitroglycerin (1 b) = nitric acid + glycerin.
Dynamite (1 b) = nitroglycerin + clay + wick.
Gunpowder (1 b) = saltpeter + sulfur + charcoal.
Pyroxylin (1 b) = elderberry core + nitric acid + sulfuric acid.
Becquerel battery (1 b) = nitric acid + wood ash + clay + rods and pipe.

Let's load the gun, but before leaving we'll look at the photos on the projector = flashlight (lit) + broken projector + lens + photos. Go to the stool and place the assembled projector on it, look at the slides (2 b). Tie the ladder at the entrance, go down, take the engine from the robot (1 b). Keep your gun ready, otherwise you will be killed quickly. Go to the arch, be careful: there is a robot there, try to get into it as quickly as possible (13 b). Under the arch. Take the robot engine and the key from the stones (2 b). We go to the fire, there lies a fallen robot, turn it off. At the top of the plaque is the inscription "NAUTILUS 1860", this is a hint. Below are 4 letters, which are the code to turn off the robot; each letter has its own number.
We break down the word NAUTILUS into numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Any other letter = 0. Turn off the robot (10 b), take the engine and key (2 b). Now robots are flying around the island; you can get to the top in two ways:
1) easy: through a tunnel in the rock;
2) a little more difficult: through the laser guns up the path. Make a lightning rod (1 b) = metal rod + steel chain, use it on laser beams (6 b).

Two ways to disable laser guns:
1) Give Jep dynamite (1 b) and use it on the red sensor on the rock. The path is clear.
2) Give Jep a screwdriver (1 b) and use it on the red sensor on the rock.
Now inspect the panel for turning off the guns, turning the rows vertically and horizontally to ensure that all the red lights turn green. Connected circuits are highlighted in white. For this you will receive 5 points.

However, normal heroes always take a detour, so I recommend going through the tunnel, at the exit from the gun we shoot down the robot (13 b), take the engine and key (2 b). We go to the post near the red maple. It seems like it's starting to rain... Well, it's not rain, it's thunderstorm. How would you use this? Let's make a kite (1 b) = shirt + willow twigs (or bamboo shoots) + coil of wire. We give the kite to Jep (1 b) and send it to the post, another robot kirdyk (10 b). We run to the robot that fell by the stream, take the engine and key (2 b). We go to the mill, shoot (from a gun or bow) not at the robot, but at a rope with a swinging branch above it, then you will get not 3b, but as many as 10. Take the engine and the key from the steps (2b). We return to the Granite House through the laser cannons, go through them with a lightning rod and, with the help of Jep, turn them off using any of the previously indicated methods. You should have 6 engines and 5 damaged keys with one green crystal and one intact key with extinguished crystals.

Using a screwdriver, remove the extinguished crystals from the intact key (1 b) and 4 burning crystals from the damaged keys (1 b). Combine a whole key and 4 green crystals = a repaired key (1 b). We climb onto the Nautilus, gun at the ready, go up, kill another robot (3 b). We insert the repaired key into the panel with the red button. The clue to the code for opening the boat hatch is in Captain Nemo's note and on the panel itself - this is the number 1860. You need to add 1860 to the number in the top row and type the result on the bottom panel = this will be the code for opening the hatch (10 b). Get on the boat, try to send Jep, press the door opener. Did not work out. Then we put it on the motor from the robot (1 b) and forward - on the lever. The door is open, we enter and use 2 engines on the fallen bridge and move part of some pipeline onto it, now you can approach both the upper and lower doors.
In order to enter the captain's cabin, it is enough to open one of the doors (upper or lower - it does not matter), but for the love of art and to increase bonus points, I recommend opening both: first the upper one, then the lower one. For each open door you get 10 points. On the top door you need to assemble the letter N by replacing the missing squares and rotating them. After opening the door, do not go forward, otherwise you will fall into the captain's cabin through the hole in the floor, and the lower door will automatically open, and you will lose 10 points. On the bottom door in the top row you need to type the numbers 1860, and in the bottom row you need to type only those letters that are in the word NAUTILUS. We enter the cabin, oops - there is also a robot here, but there is no need to destroy it, since only it can turn off the force field surrounding the island. In order for it to obey your orders, you will need to correctly answer the robot's 7 questions. You can only make a mistake once, after the second mistake you will be shot. The robot asks questions in the form of poetry, and the answers are the things in the room. But before you answer, go to the safe and collect the letter N on its panel in the oval in the center (5 b). Press the two levers in the safe, then the organ lid and portholes will open. Carefully examine the items in the display cases, on the walls and in the safe. Go to the organ, use the sheet music found in the Granite House on the sheet music and press the lever on the organ. The organ will play a rather beautiful melody. Talk to the robot. Save before each answer. After each correct answer too.

Answers to some riddles.

1) Emerging from the water, growing and rising,
Girls handling four wings.

2) If time and distance are measured together,
We will know the place.

3) All his twinkling sisters shine above the waves,
His eyes are fixed on the underwater depths,
Cut off their tentacles and they will grow,
They never miss a meal
His stomach covers the victim and he goes deep into the depths.

4) Of all the creatures in the underwater kingdom,
She is the fastest and has a nose like a sword.

5) It’s not difficult to hit and pound, but when trouble comes,
It can be used if there is a need for it,
You can hit, but carefully so as not to blow off your head,
You can do it cheaply, reliably, and when you don’t have it,
One and there is no cockroach, two and there is no bully!
If you're brave, don't be timid, take her, well... be bold.
(Aboriginal Club)

6) This is an amazing device that tracks with its one eye
Behind the sun is a precious ally,
Lost sailors who want to return home.

7) Where are all my supporters?, but the sun is far away...
Tell me what kind of ship lies at the bottom of the Vigo Strait,
The Spaniards stole me from the distant countries of the holy land,
But their hopes were crushed, the hand of God punished them.
(Aztec scepter)

8) Captain, show me these strange creatures,
Which we didn't eat, but which they always drink.

9) Its silvery surface made us invisible
For winds so terrible.

10) And again they found the precious object after five centuries,
At the bottom of the sea in the depths of the waves, he languishes on a ship,
In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.
(Chinese porcelain vase, Ding. Yuan)

11) Elephant tusks stand towards each other,
How many victims, only God knows!
Show me, captain, this pearl, poison,
The cause of poverty, the cause of pain.
(Shark teeth)

12) Floated in a shell, like in a ship,
The blue ocean enveloped you, in such a peaceful sea,
Captain Nemo, this is your double.
(Argonaut or Nautilus)

13) An animal that saves a life is worthy of praise,
And the sailors favor him, because he is so handsome.

14) Everything that is imprinted on it,
Worth more than its weight in gold.
(Photo on the safe)

There may be other riddles in the game. After 7 correct answers, the robot turns off the force field, and we watch the final video.
If you did everything to the maximum, you should get approximately 330-340 points (or more). If you get less than 300, try going through the game again, maybe you'll discover something new.

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