Extracurricular activity "local history game". Local history. Quizzes, intellectual games Local history quiz about our land we will learn everything

(There is a map on the board in an enlarged view, along which the children will travel during the quiz. The circles represent the points that they receive as they move from station to station)

(Two teams are traveling.)


Guys, are you familiar with the term “patriot”? What does this mean?

This is a person who loves his homeland. But just love is not enough, you need to know the history of your small homeland, that is Murman. And we have already begun to study it.

Quiz rules:

Each team has special traffic lights; whoever picks them up faster is the one who answers;

For each correct answer - 1 point.

Objectives: to repeat, generalize and expand the previously obtained knowledge of local history in the Murmansk region.

Educational: the formation of a system of knowledge among schoolchildren about the history of the development of the region, the material, spiritual culture of the northerners.

Developing: the development of skills and abilities necessary for active, creative life in modern conditions for the successful socialization of youth.

Educational: fostering a sense of belonging to the events and processes taking place in the region, country.

Lesson equipment: a map of the Murmansk region; a schematic map of the city of Murmansk.

Handout: tests.

Questions and tasks

1 station. Geographic, schematic location of Murman.

(Working with a historical map of the city of Murmansk.)

Show on the map of the Kola Peninsula the Murmansk coast, the Kola Bay, the city of Murmansk, other cities of the Kola Peninsula that you know;<Рисунок 1>

Try to sketch with your eyes closed the Kola Bay, the Murmansk coast => designate the districts of the city of Murmansk (how many) - Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky.<Рисунок 2>

2 station. City streets.

(Work with cards on which the names of city streets are written.)

Place the city streets in the areas where they are located

Leninsky: Lobova, Khlobystova, Gagarin, Bredova, Sverdlova, Askoldovtsev;

Oktyabrsky: Lenin Avenue, Captain Egorov, Gvardeyskaya, Pryvokzalnaya Square, Polyarnye Zori, Chelyuskintsev;

Pervomaisky: Orlikova, Kolsky Avenue, Bering, Kopytova, Krupskaya, Morskaya.

3 station. Memorable places.

(Working with photographs of memorable places and architectural structures of the city)

Relate the place or monument to the area of ​​location (place a picture in the area where it is located):

Leninsky: a monument to the unknown soldier, the palace of creativity “Laplandia”;

Oktyabrsky: Bredova, Kirov, Kirov, Arctic, Basin, Station; Pervomaisky: nature conservation, Valley of comfort, "Atlantic" cinema.

4 historical station. "Blitz-survey" (question-answer)

2. How old is our city? - 89 years old;

3. What is a brew? - A device for the extraction (cooking) of salt from sea water;

4. What is Gukor? - Fishing and cargo two-masted vessel of Russian pomors;

5. Who are the Pomors? - Russian population living off the coast of the White and Barents Seas;

6. Who is a scribe? - A person who was engaged in correspondence or compilation of manuscripts and handwritten books in Ancient Rus;

7. What is a scribe book? - It contains detailed information about the settlements, the number of inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula at the beginning of the 17th century;

8. In which district is school # 50 located? - Pervomaisky;

9. Where is the Murmansk region located? - On the Kola Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle.

10. What mountains are there on the Kola Peninsula? - Khibiny, Lovozersky;

11. What is the name of the indigenous people of Lovozero? - Sami;

12. What are the hills covered with? - lichen, moss;

13. How is Monche-tundra translated? - Beautiful tundra;

14. What seas is our land washed by? - White, Barents.

5 station. Informational.

The children had prepared a report about Murman in advance. Each performance brings a point to its team.

Examples of messages:

About the birth of the city of Murmansk;

About the seaport;

About the fauna of the Kola Peninsula;

Sister cities of the city of Murmansk;

Heraldry of the sister cities of Murmansk.

6 station. Working with tests: "Development of education in Murman in the 30-40s of the XX century."

Work with a slave. sheets by command<Приложение 1 >

Each correct answer = 1 point.

7 station. "Build a monument."

Teams are given envelopes with an image of a cultural monument cut into small pieces (a monument to the Unknown Soldier, a monument to A. Bredov). It is necessary as soon as possible to collect the cut picture with the image of the monument. The quality and speed of the assignment is taken into account.

While the jury is summing up the results - a fan contest.

2. What is the name of the glow in the winter sky of Murmansk? - (Northern Lights)

3. Murmansk is located on the coast - (Kola Bay)

4. Continue the phrase: In winter, the polar night, and in the summer? - (Polar day)

5. Northern winds bring thaws in winter, and southern ones? - (Cold snap)

Jury word, results

The best knowledge was shown by the team “……”, it is dedicated to local lore and gets excellent badges. And the team “” gets encouraging prizes.

Final word

Today we are once again convinced of how rich in interesting events the history of our region is, what cultural heritage we have left from our ancestors. And 2 teams “……” and “…….” Helped to make a trip to Murman. Thank you so much for your participation, see you soon!

Quiz "The birth of a city"

Izmodenova Lyudmila Petrovna, teacher of the MAOU Lyceum No. 100, Yekaterinburg.
Relevance: living in the city, children often do not remember the history of the birth of their native city, the names of memorable places, the names of the founders of the city, the names of the Patron saints of Yekaterinburg.
Purpose: the material can be useful for teachers for lessons in geography, history, can be used in local history classes, in classroom hours.
- study of the history of the origin of the city of Yekaterinburg.
- motivate students to study the history of their hometown
- develop imaginative and logical thinking of children
- foster a sense of patriotism and love for the hometown
Quiz questions given with suggested answers.
Question number 1.
In honor of whom is the name of our city awarded?

Supposed answer:
More than three hundred years have passed since the foundation of a fortress with a factory on the Iset River. "For memory in eternal years and for the eternal glory of Her Majesty Empress Catherine I the fortress was named Yekaterinburg." General Wilhelm de Genin.
Question number 2.
What is the date of the birth of the city? Who is depicted in the "Birth of the City" bas-relief?

Supposed answer:
7 (November 18) 1723. The date corresponds to the opening of the ironworks. The bas-relief "The Birth of the City" depicts the figures of the city fathers in camisoles, cocked hats, as well as the first builders, blacksmiths and carpenters.
Question number 3.
Where is this monument located? Who is it dedicated to?

Supposed answer:
The monument to Vasily Tatishchev and Wilhelm de Genin is located on Labor Square.
For the 275th anniversary of Yekaterinburg, the monument was cast from bronze at the Uralmash plant. The inscription at the foot reads: "To the glorious sons of Russia NV Tatishchev and VI de Genin. Yekaterinburg is grateful. 1998."
Question number 4.
What was called the "heart" of an iron factory in the old days?

Supposed answer:
In the old days, people called the dam the "heart" of the ironworks. The dam caused the water of the river to provide energy for the operation of the entire plant. Workshops - "manufactories" were built here. The plant had more than 30 shops: smelting, hammering, tinning. Since then, this place has been called Plotinka.
Question number 5.
What is on the territory of the former factory today?

Supposed answer:
In 1808, the plant was closed, and the Historical Square remained in memory of those times.
Question number 6.
What do you know about the history of the Cathedral of St. Catherine the Great Martyr?

Supposed answer:
The Orthodox Church was founded in 1723, in honor of its foundation, on the left bank of the Iset River.
De Genin turned to Empress Catherine I for help - there was much that was lacking in the church. Immediately from St. Petersburg, by order of the Empress, they sent the necessary church "attire", and from Moscow delivered
liturgical books and silver utensils. In 1726, the church was consecrated in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, the patroness of the teachings and success of mining.
Question number 7.
For what exploits was Catherine canonized?

Supposed answer:
Dorothea was born in 294 in Alexandria. She graduated from a pagan school, where she studied many disciplines.
Upon learning about Christianity, she was baptized and received the name Catherine. During the time of the persecution of Christians, she
publicly declared her faith in Jesus Christ. Catherine was executed, and her body disappeared, and the angels carried him to the highest mountain of Sinai. Obeying a vision, three hundred years later, the monks placed the relics of St. Catherine in a golden shrine. Since then, the monastery of St. Catherine the Great Martyr has been attracting many pilgrims. The patronal holiday - St. Catherine's Day in Yekaterinburg was one of the main holidays until the revolution. And on that day, the townspeople did not work.
Question number 8.
When was the church of St. Catherine blown up?

Supposed answer:
In 1920, there was a seizure of church valuables from the temple - 165.6 kilograms of silver and a lot of church utensils decorated with Ural precious stones. On Epiphany in 1930, there was the last procession to the pond. Soon the building was blown up, and in the Holy Place there is now the Stone Flower fountain.
Question number 9.
When was the chapel dedicated to St. Catherine restored?

Supposed answer:
In 1991, a wooden cross was erected on the site of the altar, and in 1998 a chapel was built.
Question number 10.
Name a house that has no architecture similar to it in the entire Urals.

Supposed answer:
Home ownership in the history of the Urals is called the "House of Sevastyanov".
A corner rotunda with a belvedere stands out in the composition of the building. In 1880 the house was sold to the Treasury. In 1917, revolutionary soldiers destroyed the inside of the mansion. In Soviet times, it was the "House of Trade Unions", and now it is the residence of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Question number 11.
Where is the Time Capsule located?

Supposed answer:
The time capsule is located opposite the "Birth of the City" bas-relief in the Historical Square.
It is placed in a deep well and contains an appeal from the citizens of Sverdlovsk in 1973 to the citizens of 2023.
The capsule contains a plan of the city of Sverdlovsk, the best films and books about people of those times.
Question number 12.
What is the meaning of "Time Capsules" for you personally?

Game - quiz on local history "Corner of Russia"

Purpose of the quiz game: Formation of a feeling of love for your small homeland, the village in which you grew up and live.


  • Formation of students' interest in the history and nature of their village, its traditions and customs;

  • Cohesion of the children's student team;

  • Fostering a respectful attitude towards each other, developing communication skills for joint activities of students when working in groups.

  • Formation of the aesthetic qualities of students - admiration for the beauty of their native village, its nature, monuments, people and their deeds.

  • Exhibition of photographs of the native village;

  • Exhibition of books and newspaper clippings dedicated to the village;

Technical support of the quiz: multimedia presentation "My village"

Game participants: pupils of 6-8 grades (the game can be conducted among students of each of the educational parallel or national teams, 6th, 7th, 8th grades).

Quiz Game Jury: members of the school administration, counselor, school librarian, senior students (3-5 people).

The course of the game.

1 presenter.

There are cities in the world

Where they probably haven't even heard

About a village called Horde

In the gray snow-covered Urals ...

2 leading.

Orda village, Ordinka river,

Not wide, not deep

As for whom, but for the Ordinians

There are no miles or more beautiful edge yet ...

1 presenter.

Our game is dedicated to the most beloved corner of Russia, the village in which we live.

2 presenter

Orda is an old village. The date of its foundation is 1601. For comparison: the city of Kungur was founded in 1663, and Perm in 1723.

1 presenter.

There are several versions (at least 10) explaining the origin of the name of the village. Various researchers believe that the village got its name.

In honor of the deity of the Sun, who was named Arda.

2 presenter

Or in honor of the totem animal of one of the tribes that lived in this territory - the chipmunk.

1 presenter.

One of the popular versions is associated with our rivers. It is believed that Ord-din can be translated as a valley, a river mouth or an ice-free river.

2 leading.

Unfortunately, none of these versions has precise evidence. But this in no way prevents us from loving our native village.

1 presenter

The more I love, the more I know

The more I know, the more I love!

2 presenter

1 presenter

So the game begins! Introducing our members (introducing members or teams)

2 presenter

Introducing our jury (jury presentation)

Competition "Erudite"

Exercise: make up as many words as possible from the word "Local history" in 3 minutes.

Contest "Nature of the Native Land"

On the table are mixed cards with the names of animals, birds, plants.

The children need to choose only those cards that depict animals and birds that are found and grow in the Orda region.

Competition "Where is this street, where is this house"

1) Questions

What is the longest street?

Describe the location: schools, bus stations, cheese factory

Which streets are named after famous people?

Do we have streets with names of parts of the world? Which?

Name what enterprises, institutions, organizations there are in the village.

2) Assignment for the audience

How many streets are there in our village? Who can give you a more accurate figure?

Write the names of the streets of the village on a piece of paper. Who is bigger? (2 minutes)

Contest "Know the object".

    1. This building was built in 1876 at the expense of the Orda rural society, on the proceeds of the bazaar, fair collection. The builder was a peasant, a resident of the village of Kirgishan - Kharlampy Pavlovich Samoilovskikh. The lower floor was occupied by the departments of the zemstvo council, and the second floor was built for a two-class school with a six-year term of study.
(now the building of the museum and art school)

    1. This building was one of the most beautiful in the area. In 1932, they tried to destroy this building due to the closure of the organization, but they could not. There was a house of culture, a cinema, a library and shops. In 1988, the building was handed over again (to believers, the Prophet-Ilyinsky temple)
3) The building is one of the tallest and largest in the village, built in 1987, the largest number of people gather here every day (school)

4) Along Sovetskaya Street there is the estate of the richest merchants of the village, merchants of the 2nd guild - the Rudakovs. One of the brothers - Michael - lived with his family in the building on the left, the second brother - Philip - lived in the building on the right. The houses are connected by an arch. What is in these buildings now? (museum, shop, education department).

5) In this building there was a convent, a hospital in-patient department. The building is now abandoned. What street is it located on? (Soviet).

6) Now in this building, located on May 1 street, there is a school of arts and crafts and a center for children's creativity. What is the purpose of the building according to the project? (boarding school)

7) In 1997, in the center of the village, the collective farm "Pravda" opened a store to sell its products. What is it called? ("Energetic")

Contest "Compliance"

1) Match the old name to the modern name

Kirgishan, Ostrozhka, Kosoturovka, Kazakovo, Zapovarnya, Belyaevo

Verkh-Belyaevo, st. Truda, st. Pugacheva, st. Kolkhoznaya, st. Gagarin,

st. Zarechnaya

  1. Match name and object

Competition "Symbols of our village"

What do you consider the distinguishing mark of our village, without which it cannot be imagined? (this task can be offered as a home task).

Competition - "Pages of Horde History".

Teams that receive a Horde history question sheet, for the proposed 5 minutes, participants must give as many correct answers as possible. (Application)


1 presenter

Let it start with a good song

This day, this year, this life.

Let it sound like a wonderful anthem

The place where we friends were born.

2 presenter

Let it begin with winged hope

The path that leads through the years.

From the first line and from the first date,

When fate is written.

The melody of the song about the Horde performed by O. Krokhin is played, slides of the presentation are shown

Announcement of the results

Annex 1

Questions for the "Pages of Horde History" competition

  1. In what year was the village of Orda founded (1601)

  2. On the banks of which rivers is the village located? (Ordinka, Kungur)

  3. How many three-story buildings are there in the village? List them (school, hospital, residential building on Proletarskaya street)

  4. What hero of the civil war stayed in the Horde during his campaign (V.K.Blyukher)

  5. What is the name of the village temple (Prophet-Ilyinsky)

  6. During the Great Patriotic War, a hospital worked in the Horde. What building was it located in? (old school)

  7. The highest place in the vicinity of the Horde (Kazakovskaya Gora)

  8. What kind of fuel do boiler-houses in villages use to heat public buildings and residential buildings? (gas)

  9. There is a memorial plaque on the school building. Whose memory did she immortalize? (Kobelev A.A.)

  10. What is the population of the Horde? (about 5 thousand people)

  11. On which street is the village park (Sovetskaya)

  12. How many kindergartens in the Horde (5)

Appendix 2

Cards for the competition "The Nature of the Native Land"

Bird cherry





Feather grass


Reindeer moss



Mouse peas

Camelthorn plant




Lily of the valley

Rose hip







Brown bear

Polar bear



Guseva Natalia Nikolaevna

MBOU "Baklushinskaya secondary school"

Teacher of the first qualification category.

Lesson - local history quiz on the topic "My beloved Perm Territory"

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children:

1. About symbols, cities, minerals, famous people and places, about plants and animals, about the history of the Perm region.

2. To cultivate patriotism, a sense of pride in their land.

3. Ability to work collectively, tolerant attitude towards comrades, a sense of responsibility for their actions.

During the classes.

Hello children! We are conducting a lesson - a quiz for connoisseurs of the Perm Territory. I wish everyone today a great mood and joy from victories. The participants of the game gathered at the round table - they are experts of the Perm region. They must show erudition, wit, ingenuity and ingenuity, as well as be very attentive and friendly in order to come to victory.

Icontest. Representation of commands.

Greetings to all team members and wish them to win. So are the players ready? Listen carefully to the rules of the game.

The game consists of 9 rounds. Each round corresponds to the name of the sector indicated by the arrow on the playing field.

Each sector contains envelopes with assignments on topics: history, symbols and cities, minerals, reservoirs, natural monuments, famous people, flora, fauna, museums of the Perm Territory.

The team is given time to think over and discuss the task when the players can communicate with each other.

After discussing the questions, either the captain or the player who is confident in the correctness of his answer has the right to answer.

A competent jury will sum up the final results of the game and analyze your answers.

The captains rotate the drum in turn.

The envelope contains questions. The team takes 1 question, 2 minutes are given for preparation (hourglass), the discussion is with all teams, the right to answer the first team spinning the drum. (Top with arrow)

Round 1. Attention, dear players! You got sector number 1 "History of the Perm Territory"

1. Along the Siberian tract, passed and "the highest persons", in

with. B. Sosnova there is a chapel built in honor of the passage of this king. (Alexander I)

2. The name of the city of Perm in 1940-1957. (Molotov)

3. In the middle of the 16th century (1558), these eminent people were awarded a diploma of the Sovereign of Moscow and All Russia Ivan IV and received the control of the land of Perm the Great - most of the Western Urals. (Stroganovs)

4. This city is called the mother of the cities of the Kama region. It was founded in 1535, when the first wooden Kremlin-fortress in the Urals was erected on the high right bank of the Kolva River. (Cherdyn)

5. In 1580 the Sosnovsky prison appeared, built to protect the industries of the merchant-industrialist Stroganov. Explain its name. Why is it called that?

Attention, dear players! Sector number 2 dropped out to you

"Cities of the Perm Territory"

1.Which Russian city was Usolye compared to in the 19th century? (Usolye - grad - brother of St. Petersburg)

2. In the world, only three cities stand on seven hills Rome, Moscow and this ancient capital of Perm the Great. (Cherdyn)

3. What city of the Perm Territory was called "Ural stoker"? (Kizel)

4. This city in 1737 became the capital of the Perm region. (Kungur)

5. The city, whose name comes from the name of a special fishing net with large cells. (Okhansk, okhan-network)

Attention, dear players! Sector number 3 dropped out to you

"Mineral resources of the Perm region"

1. The name of this stone comes from the Greek word "selenium" - the moon, as it shines with moonlight. (selenite)

2. What was the name of table salt produced in our region before? (permyanka)

3. What mineral was the reason for the construction of the Yegoshikhinsky plant? (copper)

4. What mineral is called "black gold?" (oil)

5. From this salt mined in the Upper Kama region, it is possible to obtain fertilizers valuable for agriculture, it is also called "fertility salt". (potassium salt)

Attention, dear players! Sector number 4 dropped out to you

"Water edge"

1. Why is Perm called the port of the five seas? Which ones? (Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, White)

2. What city is named for the river on which it stands, and the name of the river is translated as "bear's corner"? (Ocher)

4. Where does the Kama River begin (source)? (In Udmurtia, village Karpushata)

5. On which river is Plakun waterfall located? (on the river Sylva in the Suksun region)

Attention, dear players! You got sector number 5

"Famous people of the Kama region"

1. Companion of Peter I, scientist, founder of the city of Perm. (V.N. Tatishchev)

2. In 1558, Ivan IV granted him huge estates along the Kama and Chusovaya rivers. In their possessions, this man, and later his descendants, developed: agriculture, salt production, fish, hunting and ore industries, built cities, fortresses. Who are we talking about? (A.F. Stroganov)

3. What is the name of the Perm children's writer, author of the tale "Captain Coco and the Green Glass" (Lev Kuzmin)

4. Our fellow countryman is the inventor of the wireless telegraph. (A.S. Popov)

5. This man conquered the Siberian Khanate and annexed Siberia to Russia; there is a monument to him in Orel-Gorodok. (Ermak)

Attention, dear players! You got sector number 6

"Vegetable world"

1. Whose slipper can be found in the forests of the Perm Territory? (Orchid - Lady's slipper)

2. In one fairy tale, an evil stepmother sends a girl to the forest for berries in winter, and you can get fresh berries out of the snow in winter not only in a fairy tale, but in fact. What are these berries? (Cranberry)

3. What wood is a piano made of? (from spruce)

4. Why does a hare gnaw an aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (aspen bark contains 10% fat)

5. In Latin, this tree is called pinus, which means "rock". And what is this plant called in Russian?

Attention, dear players! You got sector number 7

"Animal world"

1. There is a bird in the Perm Territory, a lover of ice baths "bird-walrus". (Common deer)

2. A black guest from Africa, a very rare bird, listed in the Red Book. (Black stork)

3. Scientists call this rare amazing animal a "living fossil", is listed in the Red Book, lives in water bodies, builds holes in the banks. (Muskrat)

4. This animal is a typical inhabitant of our forests. It is also called "elk". (Elk)

5. By the presence of this fish, you can determine the purity of the river, it is listed in the Red Book of Russia. (scaffold)

Attention, dear players! You got sector number 8

« Natural monuments "

1. In 1982, in order to protect undisturbed areas of the indigenous mountain taiga of the Cis-Urals and the Urals, a nature reserve was founded in the Middle Urals, in the highest part of its western slope, there is a picturesque mountain range. The very name of which in the Uralic dialect means "beautiful, wonderful." (Reserve Basegi)

2. In this reserve of the Perm Territory, you can study three natural zones at once: mountains, forest, steppe. (pre-Ural reserve, in the Kungur region)

3. This picturesque waterfall of 4-5 steps, each 10 -15 m high, is located on the Uls River, a tributary of the Vishera. (Zhigalan waterfall)

4. It is a very ancient geological natural monument. The cave was formed more than 10 thousand years ago. In 1709, by the Decree of Peter I, the first plan of the cave was drawn up. (Kungur ice cave)

5. On the Vishera River there is a natural wonder - a stone that responds to any sound with multiple echoes. (stone Talkative)

Attention, dear players! You got sector number 9

Museums, festivals of the Perm region.

1. What is one of the most popular museums in Solikamsk dedicated to? (salt)

2. What subject is the only Russian museum dedicated to in Nytva? (spoon)

3. To which hero of Russian history is the museum dedicated to the ethnographic park of the history of the Chusovaya River? (To Ermak)

4. Architectural and ethnographic open-air museum. (Khokhlovka)

5. What is the name of the aeronautics festival in Kungur? (Heavenly Fair)

6. In which city of the Perm Territory is the helmet museum located? (Lysva, because during the Second World War there was a factory that produced soldiers' helmets)



Used Books:

Chernykh A.V., T.V. Pohozhaeva Your Prikamye. Take care of your home - Perm: "Pushka", 2002.

Gorbatsevich N.P., Shatrova N.V. Prikamye: pages of distant and close times. - Perm: "Book World", 2003.

Knyazeva. Small Perm. (1,2,3,4 cells) - Perm: "Book World", 2007

Agafonova N.N., Belavin A.M., Krylasova N.B. Pages of the history of the Perm land: Prikamye from ancient times to the beginning of the 18th century. - Perm: "Book World", 1996.

L.A. Borovskaya, N.S. Zhestkova, O.D. Tsvetova Our Perm Territory -Perm PSPU, 2012

A. Gin, I. Andrzhevskaya. 150 creative tasks about our surroundings. Moscow: Vita Press 2012.

Specially protected natural areas of the Perm region. - "Book World" Perm. 2002

Andrey Zelenin. Perm and Perm Territory: entertaining local history. - PKOO "Perm writer", 2013.

The area in which we live. A set of postcards. T. Luzina, L. Istomina. -

B-Sosnova, 2011.

Bolshesosnovskiy district - continuation of history. MBUK "Bolshesosnovskaya intersettlement central library": comp. T.V. Luzina - B-Sosnova, 2014.



Goal and tasks :

1 . To develop interest in the history of the native land, region;

2. To cultivate a sense of respect for the history of the region, region;

3. To develop the cognitive activity of students.

Equipment: screen with sectors, handouts.

Educational technology: developmental training.

Content :

1 .Business cards kamand.

2. Questions of the grandfather-ethnographer.

3. Make up proverbs.

4. Mosaic.

5.Warm-up for captains.

6. D \ W poems about the native land.

7. Summing up

Ved. Keeping the traditions of age,

Our land is great and silent.

Rich in nature and people,

Do not forget his stories.

1 . SECTOR: "VISIT CARDS for teams."

Team presentation: name and motto.

II. Sector: "Questions of a grandfather - a local historian."

Leader asks questions, students raise answer cards

1. Find the superfluous! Growing in our land :

A) birch forests

B)olive groves

C) aspen forests

2 the biggest beast of our place :

A) wolf

B) polar bear


H. Find the excess! In our rivers and lakes are found :

A) bream

B) sturgeon

C) carps

4. Find the superfluous! Among the birds you can find :

A) bustard

B) heron

C) hummingbird

5. Find the extra! Medicinal plants of our region:

A) viburnum

B) raspberries

C) walnut

6. What lake is located near Buzuluk?

A) Ice

B) Transparent


III. Sector: “Make a proverb! ".

The presenter calls part of the proverb, the team members of several cards with proverbs, raise the second part of the proverb.

It's hard for him who remembers evil

The one who boasted fell off the mountain.

It is easier to work with your hands than with your head.

It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest.

If you want, there are rolls, so don't sit on the stove!

Whoever knows a lot, so much is asked.

Whoever knows more, sleeps less.

Dunno lies, but know it runs far.

IV. Sector: "Mosaic".

Children are offered sets of mosaics (cut postcards of animals and plants included in the Red Book of the Volgograd Region) - who will assemble it faster!

V. Sector: “Warm-up for captains”.

Leader asks questions, team captains raise cards with answers

1. What was the name of Volgograd during the Great Patriotic War?

A) Stalingrad

B) Tsaritsyn

2.Stanitsa Preobrazhenskaya was founded as:

A) fortress


H. We live on:

A) the lower Volga region

B) middle Volga region

4.What districts does Kikvidzensky border with?

A) with Elansky

B) with Nooaninsky

5.Our land is rich:

A) black soil

B) oil

6.Our region is famous for:

A) Cossacks


7. What is the largest river in our area?

A) Buzuluk

B) Hopper

VI. Sector: "Legends of our land"

(D / W) Poems about the Native Land.

VII.Sector:"No riddle without a solution"

The presenter reads riddles about minerals that are mined in the Leninsk - Kuznetsk region. It is necessary to guess the riddle and show the conventional sign of this mineral. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

    If you meet on the road

That will bog down strongly legs.

And to make a bowl or a vase -

You will need it right away. (Clay)

    The kids really need him,

He is on the paths in the yard,

He is both at the construction site and on the beach

And it is even melted in glass. (Sand)

    Cover their roads

Streets in the village

And it is also in the cement.

He himself is a fertilizer. (Limestone)

VIII.Sector: "A dark horse"

Each team needs to define the animals along the contour and make inscriptions under the drawings. The winner is the team that does everything correctly and accurately.


Each team needs to solve puzzles and name the birds that live in our area.








X.Sector:My small homeland.

Each team is offered an envelope containing a cut illustration of the sight of the Kikvidzensky district. Teams must compose this image and name the landmark and in which village it is located. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and correctly.

At the end of the game: summing up, rewarding teams.

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