Fallout 4 reunion search fort hagen. Quest “Reunion. Opponents at the location

Can't complete the quest Storming the Castle? Here you will find instructions on how to complete the task the first time and what secrets and Easter eggs await you inside. You will find out where the weapons are hidden and how to deal with the Boss.

Fallout 4: assault on Fort Independence, walkthrough

Preston Garvey gives this task, saying that in order to restore the Minutemen’s former strength, they need to rebuild their old base, which is located on the territory of the Castle. To do this, he will invite the hero to meet near the Castle when it is ready, and the Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence task will appear in the Pip-Boy. Until this quest is completed, we will no longer be able to cross paths with Preston.

The main task will be to clean up all kinds of evil spirits in Fallout 4 Fort Independence. The hero learns that the castle was destroyed by an unknown creature that crawled out of the sea and firmly settled there, scattering all the inhabitants. Assault on Fort Independence Fallout 4, the walkthrough will begin when you find a group of Minutemen led by Preston in a destroyed house, not far from the Castle. He will offer to choose one of three plans for clearing the territory. What you choose doesn’t matter much, the result is the same - a serious battle with monsters awaits you. Your opponents will be a whole bunch of swampers, big and small. Advice: take a partner with skill and stock up on heavy weapons.

Part one

Fallout 4 passage of Fort Independence will be a real test of your strength and accuracy. The first task will be to clear the yard. You will be attacked by soft-shelled Swampers, whom you have probably already met and know how to deal with them. Advice: shoot accurately in the head, one or two hits are enough for them to die quickly. A lot of trouble will be caused by nests with swamp eggs from which Cubs will hatch. All these evil spirits will consider you their main enemy, so if possible, immediately shoot as many eggs as possible before any of them hatch yet.

Part two

After the adults are killed, it is necessary to destroy the remaining eggs in the nests in the yard, inside the building and on the walls. Attention: do not rush to destroy them! First of all, check all the nooks and crannies of the castle for weapons and ammunition, as they will be very useful in the final battle with the monster.

By destroying the eggs while completing the Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence quest, you will find that an enemy has appeared that is much more serious than the various small fry - the Uterus of the Swamp. Now we will see with our own eyes who destroyed the Castle.

It would not be difficult to kill her by hiding in the building and shooting from the loopholes and windows. The problem is that she appears before you destroy all the remaining eggs and swamps on the territory of the Fort. Plus, during the battle, she manages to spawn entire flocks of Cubs, which will not have any difficulty getting you even inside the Castle.

During the final battle you will have:
Boss - Swamp Queen, who spits acid;
a bunch of different small fry that you can’t hide from, and that will chase you and constantly annoy you.

The main damage will be done by the Matka, spitting acid rain at you, which even power armor will not protect you from. Caught in acid rain. immediately go into the Pip-Boy and start healing, since the damage from it is not instantaneous, but lingering and you simply won’t notice how you die. The giant is well damaged by the launcher that you will find in the building and the rockets to it. You can deal with small items using a flamethrower and charges for it, you will also find them in the building.

Final part

The next task will be Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence to turn on the radio transmitter. To do this, you will need to build generators with a total capacity of at least 10; if possible, build with 15 at once. Hold down the V key and the construction menu will become available to you. We make generators and connect them to the remote control, after which Preston will be delighted, we talk to him and the quest will be accepted.


The task is completed, but it’s too early to leave, since the Castle is also your settlement and needs to be equipped. From the created generators, draw a wire to an inconspicuous post that stands inside the yard near the hole in the wall. This way, you can electrify the entire Castle, since the wiring and lighting inside are already installed. Also, if there is enough power, the water treatment plant, which is already connected and located behind the castle, will automatically start working. In this simple way you will solve your water problem.

If you are curious, you will find a basement in Fallout 4 Fort Independence. To do this, in construction mode, find a blockage in one of the rooms and dismantle it, this will lead you to a dungeon with chemicals. laboratory and a small warehouse of provisions and weapons, you can also find a nuclear unit below.

Earlier, you and Detective Valentine inspected the apartment of Kellogg, the bandit who kidnapped Sean. If you're ready to move on, just follow Dog, whose canine scent will quickly lead you to him.

In Kellogg's footsteps

Leave the city. First, the shepherd will lead you to the market, then to the outskirts of Diamond City. After a while, you will finally leave the "Jewel of the Wasteland" and enter the open plains.

Soon the dog will bark, notifying you of his find. Go up to her and take a new cigar lying in the ashtray. Then Dogmeat will head towards the railway tracks, and near the animal remains a flock of mole rats will attack you.

Be prepared that throughout the journey you will have to deal with mutant enemies. At the "Survival" level, even a simple battle can quickly end in death, so you should be more careful.

After a couple of fights, Dogmeat will stop again, barking at you about a new find. The action will take place near the shacks, and the dog itself will stand under the door. On the right in the passage you will come across traces of battle, as indicated by numerous blood stains, red bandages and the bodies of raiders.

The bloody bandages hanging on the pipe most likely belong to Kellogg, who grabbed the bullet. Take them and the quest will continue. Next, don’t forget to pick up things from corpses, because a couple of stimulants, ammunition and weapons are never superfluous. After that, go up the steps and wait for the attack of wild dogs. Then click the dog and move forward.

You will come across a fallen tree, next to which lives a scary and huge animal that vaguely resembles a bear. This is a dwarf yao-gai that can take a ton of damage, so be prepared to sweat a lot.

In case of a high level of difficulty, it is best to climb onto a tree trunk and shoot the animal from there. Your strongest weapon and well-aimed head shots will help. First, you should launch a Molotov cocktail at the mutant, which causes significant fire damage.

Why waste the best weapon if you are sitting in a tree in complete safety? But because during the battle with Yao-Gai, baby vipers will appear, spitting poison from afar. Even a tree won’t save you here.

Return to Dogmeat when you're done with the battle. The dog will head towards the station, where four super mutants will attack you. Kill them and go up into the building. Once indoors, first look into the basement and collect valuable items. There are lids, armor and all sorts of rubbish. Then resume your journey.

The dog will lead you north, but will soon deviate towards a small shack on the right side of the path. There is also an orange carriage there, so don't miss it. Enter the shack and go down the stairs on the right. Walk carefully and don't run into the alarm tins. Disarm the trap and continue down the short tunnel. The next checkpoint of the quest will be announced by the barking of Dogmeat.

Go to the animal at the end of the tunnel and pick up the bottle on the table - this is another piece of evidence. After this, the dog will again catch Kellogg's trail and rush to the bridge.

You should move carefully along the bridge if you are afraid of a sudden attack by ghouls. Cross the bridge and turn right, right behind the dog. It will lead you to the wreckage of a robot, spread out exactly on the road.

Not far from them, near a tree, lies a yellow assault gun, full of various rubbish. Next to him is a first aid kit with a stimulant and a box with antiradin and a Molotov cocktail. Return to the wreckage and activate it to listen to a short story.

Resuming the path, after a while you will encounter another super mutant. The monster loves to throw petrol bombs, so close the distance as quickly as possible. Use a shotgun or something with similar firepower so the battle won't drag on.

The further road will pass without changes until the fork. There you'll turn right and continue north until your dog turns west over the hills. A little more wilderness and you'll soon come across a rusty fence. Search for traces of Kellogg and find bloody bandages on the fence.

To get into the building, you will have to walk around it. Get close to the walls of the fort, otherwise the automatic turrets will riddle you. From this moment, until the next path, you should turn on the stealth mode and literally stay glued to the walls if you don’t want to waste extra ammo. When you climb onto the roof of the building, open the black hatch(s) and go down.

Be prepared to be warmly received at the entrance. Synths are armed with laser weapons, whose energy damage penetrates most of the game's armor.

Power armor, or equipment with resistance to electricity (lightning icon), will come in handy here. Fragmentation grenades or cannons with a good rate of fire will help well against the enemies themselves.

Having dealt with your opponents, go to the kitchen. Pick up the “Pistols and Bullets” magazine from the table, which increases critical damage by 5%. As usual, clear out all the clutter in the room, and then look into the bathroom where the medical supplies are.

After doing the same with the remaining rooms, find a room with a hole in the floor. Then go through the door, go down the stairs and open the terminal that activates the Protectoron.

On the next floor you will again have to fight with synths and turrets. Hide behind the columns and shoot everyone one by one, or deactivate the turrets through the terminal in the center of the room, which also opens the secret door to the vault. Keep in mind that to open the terminal you need a very high computer hacking skill. Then call the elevator and go down.

As you move along the corridor, don't miss the door with the blue chain. Remove it, go into the room and wait for Valentine, so that you can continue on your way together. Soon you will come across a trolley with a corpse, next to which a laser trap is activated. Next, you will again have to shoot a lot and collect supplies in the area. You will eventually pass the security gate and see the entrance door to the Fort's command center.

Here, immediately go down the stairs on the right and go along the corridor, simultaneously shooting at the synths. Turn into the first room on the right, which resembles a barracks. Examine all the boxes near the beds here, as each of them contains ammunition, and one contains four nuclear batteries. There is also a terminal with a complex lock.

Return to the corridor and continue on your way. After killing all the interfering synths, go down the stairs into a room with a generator and a full nuclear battery. The corridor again, only now you need to go to the dining room. You will recognize it immediately: tables and chairs are on the balcony, and a skeleton hangs in the external windows.

Here, look into the kitchen, where there is an “Energy Weapon” bobblehead, which increases critical damage with electric weapons by a full quarter. Examine the remaining items, taking the explosives in one of the boxes, and go back.

Again the corridor. At the end you will go down the stairs and turn left, where you will be greeted by another squad of synths. Afterwards there will be a tunnel ending in a doorway. Then turn left, go up the steps and blow up the turrets hanging on the ceiling if they are working.

Before you go any further, check out the wall terminal located right next to the open door. It has a very complex lock and opens a secret room with weapons. Move on. Turning right will take you to the reception area with the last door.

Fight with Kellogg

After going through the door, look around the new room and collect first aid kits with ammo. Next you will find a linear corridor, at the end of which you will find yourself in the final room. Here you will be greeted by Kellogg himself, guarded by synths. Don’t rush to attack headlong; first, it’s worth having a conversation.

When talking to the mercenary, insist that he lead you to Sean. After much antics, Kellogg will tell you that your son is at the Institute. Find out where this organization is located and get ready for battle. It will not be possible to part ways peacefully with Kellogg.

As always, if you play on Survival, it makes sense to resort to cunning. After the end of the conversation, immediately run back and hide around the corner near the stairs. First of all, throw grenades or cocktails into the room with the adversaries, if they are available, and then uncover the trunk.

When all the synths are dead, take on Kellogg. The mercenary is a rather dangerous opponent: he uses invisibility camouflage and attacks with extremely lethal weapons. The situation is such that he is capable of killing you in just a couple of well-aimed shots, but you will have to work hard.

Apply V.A.T.S. is impossible, since it is invisible, so you will have to shoot offhand or look out for a slight shimmer of light in the air. In order to increase damage resistance, you should use several Med-x before the battle. You shouldn't run out from around the corner by the steps, since you're hiding there.

Play defensively and throw grenades at the enemy, and soon he will throw off his camouflage. Once the mercenary heads towards your hideout, it's time to get your best melee weapon. After killing Kellogg, do not forget to loot him and take the password from the terminal.

Go into the room and find the computer on the white table. Pick up the stimulants and the magazine "Fun with Robko", turn on the terminal and open the door. After that, go to Valentine and tell him about what happened.

The detective will advise you to meet with Piper, a Diamond City journalist whom you have already met. Go to the city.

To move quickly you need to go outside. In the same room there are steps leading to the upper floor. At the top, turn left and call the elevator that leads to the roof.

Outside, you will find a huge Brotherhood of Steel airship flying in the sky. Tune into its frequency through the Pip-Boy and then you will receive the quest “Shadow of Steel”.

Returning to Diamond City, the first thing you must do is find the journalist. Her shack lies in the northeast of the city, and the doorway is papered with the inscription Diamond City's Newspaper. Nick will be waiting for you inside, talking to Piper.

Tell Piper that Kellogg is dead and you need her help. Ask about further actions, and then Valentine will advise you to look at the village of Amari, who lives in the city of Good Neighborhood.

Agree to the plan and decide which partner to take on the next mission. One way or another, Valentine will be waiting for you at Amari's clinic. After the conversation ends, you will receive the next quest.

Oh dangerous thoughts

Having dealt with Kellogg, we moved one step further in our search for our son. With a new lead, Detective Valentine suggested that you go to Doctor Amari, who lives in the so-called House of Memories.

When you're ready to begin the mission, use the Pip-Boy to teleport to Park Street Station. There you will find a road crawling from a huge pile of tires.

The marker on the compass will lead you to the desired point. Having dealt with all the dangers on the road, you will soon notice a tall red tower. From there, move right to the sign indicating the direction to the city. At the fork, turn right again and go along the alley, straight to the blue door at the dead end. She is our goal.

Welcome to Good Neighbor

Within the walls of the new city you will be greeted by a bald man who will talk to you from afar on the other side of the road. He will suggest that you take out insurance, but you should refuse this by choosing the “Fuck Off” option, if available. After this, the bald man will grab the feather from the ghoul, who here is the mayor named Hancock.

Finish talking to the mayor and go left along the street until you reach a building with bright red doors. This is the “House of Memories”.

Go inside and follow the corridor, then turn left and you will find yourself in a large room with interesting egg-shaped capsules and Dr. Amari himself. Talk to her, asking for help, and give Valentine the floor. After that, give her Kellogg's brain and listen to her explanation.

To decrypt the chip, it must be connected to someone's memory, and the detective will offer himself. Then synchronization will begin. Unfortunately, the test will fail. To break the protection, the doctor will offer to connect the chip to you and Valentine at the same time. As soon as you sit in the “egg”, synchronization will begin.

The synchronization was successful: you found yourself in a kind of palace of Kellogg’s mind. Head to the first scene and look around at the people and objects around you. After finishing, move on, watch the next scene, and so on until the very end. Episode by episode you will find out what the mercenary was doing.

After seeing the corridor, bar, vault and Vault 111, you will finally reach a scene with Kellogg and your son. After this, you will receive information about the scientist Virgil, who left the Institute. When you're ready to go back, activate the TV.

In a conversation with D. Amari, mention the scientist. The girl will be surprised that Virgil managed to hide so far, namely in the “Hallowed Sea”. To find it, you will have to properly prepare for the trip.

Anti-radiation drugs and a high-quality suit will come in handy (power armor will do, as always). The new quest “The Glowing Sea” is now available to you.

Like if it was useful

And again on the road. The survivor has to pick up the second direction finder, we go to the place marked on the map of our Pip-Boy.

Robobrain and his iron comrades ambush us near the Fort Hagen base gas station location. We send the warm company to the scrapyard and take away the most valuable thing - a slightly dented, but still working direction finder.

Having launched the decryption program, Ada detects another signal from the robotic brain, and oddly enough, this frightened our companion.

The robot brain is located at the satellite dish of the Fort Hagen base, which means that it is in the hands of the “Rusty Devils” - ruthless raiders. It turns out that they use robots to commit their atrocities, and those who cannot be reprogrammed are simply dismantled for parts.

There is nothing left, we continue our dangerous adventures. At the satellite dish, the Survivor is attacked by Rust Devils with combat robots. We deal with them and look for the entrance to the Fort Hagen hangar (the door opens using the terminal located at the top of the buildings).

To the left of the entrance, behind the door (the lock level is difficult) there is power armor. The armor model is random and depends on the character's level.

We are looking for a robotic brain, simultaneously fighting off the attacks of stormtroopers-devils, robotic eyes and other iron evil spirits.

On the second level there is a nuclear unit for power armor, and a Rust Devil terminal with an Automatron mini-game.

We will find the robotic brain (named Jezebel) in a huge hangar room, connected to the main terminal - a sight not for the faint of heart.

After talking with the robotic brain, it turns out that finding the Mechanist only with the help of a direction finder will not be enough, you need to get to his base. Jezebel is ready to help us, but under certain conditions. Firstly, we need to take her head far away, and secondly, find a new body.

Free the robo-eye, he will help the Survivor in the battle with Ahab.

As soon as we take the head, the Survivor is attacked by the creepy robot Ahab. You'll have to work hard, the enemy is very strong, and the support team is not weak.

Take the carbine and unique elements of the T-60 Tesla power armor from the leader of the Rust Devils, Ivy.

Finally, having come out of the evil dungeon, with a terrible head in your bosom, you can catch your breath. Ada doesn’t understand why we need this head, because we have a direction finder, and a robotic brain can only cause trouble. Returning to the settlement, on a workbench for robots we create a new body for Jezebel, which in the end she will not like at all, they say she has become like a junk robot that was welded from garbage by novice welders - laughter and that’s all.

Jezebel will tell you that getting into the Mechanist’s complex will not be easy; to do this, you need to equip one of your robots with a “satellite module”; the robotic brain will download the drawings into our Pip-Boy.

The picky creature Jezebel decides to stay in our settlement for a while, solely for her own entertainment, well, we will respect the guest.

It is to Fort Hagen that the main character comes to find the kidnapper of his son and take revenge on him for the death of his wife.

For convenience, use summary :

Description of the Fort Hagen location

Depending on the level of the main character, the defense of Fort Hagen can be different, this applies to the level of synths that live in the fort, as well as to the number of machine guns on the roof of the main building.

There are two ways to get into the fort: through the roof, or through the underground garage. Of these, the entrance through the underground garage is the most optimal route, which leads the main character bypassing the main cluster of enemies, but when going along this path, remember, you will also bypass the main “fat” loot.

To get to the underground garage, you need to move in a southwest direction from the main entrance. You can get to the roof from the western side of the building; to do this, you need to climb the scaffolding and use the hatch on the eastern side of the roof. In the underground garage itself you can find a place to relax, a chemical laboratory, as well as medicines.

Quests related to the Fort Hagen location

Fort Hagen is a location that is directly related to the passage of the game Falllout 4, the fact is that it is in this location that the main quest “Reunion” takes place, during which the main character kills the villain Kellogg. Also, in addition to this quest, this location is connected with the non-main quest “The Last Voyage of the Constitution.” During this quest, the main character is looking for the parts he needs and one of them is located in Fort Hagen.

This task is noticeably more difficult than the previous ones. Therefore, before starting, I advise you to stock up on stimulants or some other first aid kits and Molotov cocktails or grenades. Beware, spoilers!

1. Follow Dogmeat.
We run after the dog, periodically it will stop at the San Francisco Lights cigars or near the bloody rags.

On the way we will meet several strong creatures: yao-gai on the railway tracks and the legendary wild ghoul hunter on the bridge.

In the forest we will meet two men, one will try to kill the other. Ask him to put his weapon down- Nick will positively evaluate this action of yours. But you still have to kill him.

3. Get to Fort Hagen
Getting into the fort is not difficult - you just need to shoot several turrets standing on the roof.

4. Search Fort Hagen.
But it will be hot in the fort itself. Sometimes several synths and turrets will fire at you at the same time. This is where grenades or Molotov cocktails come in handy. In the room with the turret on the ceiling there will be an ammo room. Ask Valentine to hack the computer, then open the door and take the ammo.

At the end of this room there will be an elevator with white doors - this is where we need to go. We get out of the elevator, go straight along the corridor and run into the door. Be careful - there is a turret right behind the door.

Carefully inspect all the rooms - you need to find the “Fat Man” weapon and one nuclear mini-charge.

Eventually you will find Kellogg, he will say that Sean is at the Institute and calls it his home, and Kellogg himself is just a mercenary tasked with kidnapping the child.

After this dialogue, you will need to kill Kellogg and the guards. They are quite strong, so it’s easier to hit them once with the Fat Man.

After killing Kellogg and the synths guarding him, we talk with Valentine. He will say that he does not know where the Institute is, although it was gathered there. And he will advise you to contact Piper.

5. Talk to Piper.
We rise to the surface of the fort, use the map to teleport to Diamond City and go to the office of the Social Events company where Piper works.

She says there is a place in Goodneighbor called the House of Memories. There you can relive your old memories.

You need to ask local memory specialist Dr. Amari if it is possible to extract memories of where the Institute is from Kellogg’s dead brain.

Now we need to choose with whom we will go to the doctor with Nick or with Piper and this is where the quest ends.

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