Cubes for everyone (kv). Nikitin's game "Cubes for everyone" wooden (Svetovid) What are Nikitin's cubes

Game description

How to make a game

How to play

Game description

Game description

We bought these cubes in a store a long time ago. We adults tried to complete the tasks, but... it didn’t work out that way. With great difficulty, we managed to master only one thing - to fold a cube from all 7 figures. And these cubes were forgotten for many years. The children grew up, we came up with different games and soon discovered that children were much superior to us adults in the ability to solve such problems. The older kids found these forgotten cubes, quickly solved all the problems and began to come up with new ones. The kids immediately joined them. I had to urgently make several more of the same sets of large and small cubes, and the hobby gripped the whole family. The kids preferred to build simpler models from 2-3 figures, the older ones preferred more complex ones, from 4-5 or even all 7.

To put together an interesting model, you had to tinker with the cubes for a long time and persistently. Therefore, everyone rejoiced at each successful model, and in order not to forget it, they sketched it. A difficulty arose: how to distinguish each figure in a complex model? Where, what and how is the figure placed?

I had to paint all 7 figures in different colors. Six were the main ones, and the seventh figure was left white so that when drawing on paper, it would not need to be painted. Now everyone, even the smallest ones, could sketch their model and paint all the figures in it with the appropriate color. The model was thus preserved.

The models turned out to be different - strict geometric shapes in the form of a cube or parallelepiped, and could resemble houses, cars, figures of animals and people, or simply represent interesting symmetrical structures. This is how the idea of ​​making a new game arose. After a few months, several hundred drawings of new models had accumulated, of which we selected 70.

The game teaches you to think in spatial images (three-dimensional figures), the ability to combine them, and is much more complex than games with ordinary cubes. Apparently, this is why schoolchildren are so partial to her.

How to make a game

How to make a game

To make the game you need 27 identical cubes. 7 figures of different shapes are glued together from them: the first figure is from 3, and the rest from 4 cubes each (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45

When gluing, pay attention to the accuracy of the edges. After the glue has dried, sand the planes so that the figures fit snugly against each other when folded, and slightly round the edges with sandpaper (0.5 - 1 mm). Color figure 1 green, 2 blue, 3 yellow, 4 black, 5 red, 6 white and 7 brown.

To store the figures, make a cardboard box with a lid measuring 3x5x2 cubes, i.e. if the edge of the cubes is 30 mm, then the box is 95x155 mm and 60 mm deep. Such a box can fit not 27, but 30 cubes, so it will be easier to stack the figures after the game, since there will also be empty space for 3 cubes.

Carefully review the tasks for the game (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46

Rice. 47

Rice. 48

Rice. 49

Rice. 50

Rice. 51

If your child does not yet know how to read, does not know numbers and cannot focus on a specific drawing, then in this case it is better to draw individual tasks on sheets of thick paper and then these tasks can be grouped into their own series, for example, KV-1, KV- 2. For convenience, each series produced can be folded into a separate envelope or paper bag and the name of the game and the name of the series can be written on it.

The KV-1 series is the simplest, it is needed for the first acquaintance with the game and in order to teach kids to recognize figures by shape and color, and later by numbers. The task numbers from 1 to 7 coincide with the numbering of the figures, only they are placed differently than in Fig. 45. This is done so that parents can make sure that the baby recognizes the figurine and understands how to place it on the table.

It is expected that, looking at the task, the child will build models from the figures - copies of those drawn. At first, of course, the simplest ones, and then, as you grow up and become smarter, more and more complex, until even the KV-7 series is overcome. And the baby will only need drawings and assignments. If he cannot cope with some task, he will put it aside and take on another, a third, or put off the game altogether for a while.

How to play

How to play

The rules of the game “KB” are similar to the rules of the game “Unicub”. Having placed the task drawing in front of him, the child builds from the figures exactly the same model as the one drawn. Having built one, he moves on to the next, more complex one, etc.

In fact, the child here has to solve two problems at the same time: firstly, choose from 7 figures only 2-3 (or more if the model is complex) that are necessary to build the model; secondly, give these figures the position they occupy in the model, that is, connect them and place them in the model.

The first part, therefore, is a mental analysis of the drawing-task - into what figures it can be divided, and the second is a synthesis, first mental, and then objective. By forcing the child to continuously engage in such analytical-synthetic activity, and even at the “ceiling” of his capabilities, that is, to strain himself to the limit, the game quickly develops in him what is usually called intelligence and which in reality is, perhaps, the most important feature every creative mind.

But building models based on drawings and assignments is a relatively simple, preparatory part, laying the foundation for the main, creative work. It begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and put together new models that are not in the book. This is something parents can and should really admire; this should be supported and encouraged in every possible way. Figures for the game have almost inexhaustible possibilities for various combinations and allow you to create a huge number of different models or different versions of the same model. For example, there are several dozen ways to fit all 7 figures into a cube according to task 61.

The child can be asked to first make models from only 2 figures, for example from the 1st and 2nd, 1st and 3rd, from the 1st and 4th, etc. And then set aside the 1st figure and apply all other figures to the 2nd one in turn. Some of these models may seem beautiful, interesting, or reminiscent of something to you or your child; for example, model 39 resembles a sofa, 47 resembles a robot, 64 resembles a giraffe, etc. Such interesting models, of course, need to be preserved and, therefore, sketched.

To do this, you need to give your child a box of colored pencils of 6 pieces and a special notebook in a square, on which you or the child will write: “For new Vanya models...” It would be good if it contains several pages for models of the KV-2 series (from 2 figures), the following - for models of the KV-3 series, etc. for each series. By sketching new interesting models and marking the date, you can observe how the baby is developing. When he begins to fill out the section for the KV-7 series, then we can consider that his development is quite high.

To develop a child’s interest in the game, you must try to follow the rules of the game, which are mentioned at the beginning of the book, and come up with new ones. For example, in this game, which is difficult for adults, a child can get carried away with coming up with new models and then creating tasks for adults.

Let the kid himself sketch the new model, and then only draw its outline. Adults do not need to be embarrassed; let them, as seriously as a child, take the box with the game, put a “new task” in front of them and try to fold the model. And let the child play the role of an elder, teaching and controlling. It’s okay if he puts a watch or stopwatch in front of him and measures who is faster, dad or mom, completed his own task.



I try not to buy fancy interactive toys for my children. There were sad experiences with buying them, but they played with them for a month and a half, then these toys were sent to a dusty corner. I try to buy ordinary high-quality dolls, construction sets, mosaics, in general, things where the child must come up with something himself or build his own storyline for the game. And not on everything ready-made.

One of my latest acquisitions was “Cubes for Everyone” from “Svetovid”. These cubes were developed according to Nikitin's method. The cubes are packed in a plywood box, there are also cardboard packages, but plywood is more durable.

This is a puzzle game consisting of cubes of various shapes and a book with tasks, which offers figures that need to be put together from these cubes. Everything is simple at first glance.

The cubes themselves are a copy of the figures from the familiar Tetris, it really hits home with nostalgia))) They are made of well-processed wood. There is not a single notch or unevenness. There is no foreign smell either. On the contrary, when you open the box you can smell the smell of cut wood.

The book contains tasks “from simple to complex.” If the first pages are not difficult for an adult, then the last figures will make you think.

Beginning of the book

Tasks from the end of the book:

My eldest daughter (4.5 years old) is just mastering the construction of the first figures from this book. It’s a little difficult for her at the moment, but over time, I think, we’ll build everything with her.

Price at the time of purchase: about 400 rubles

The simplest of Nikitin's cubes, “Fold the pattern,” can be practiced from the age of two.

Nikitin's game "Cubes for everyone"(Svetovid) is perhaps the most complex of all those invented by the famous teacher. It teaches the child to work with volume “by touch”, to model it, develops attention, visual memory, combinatorial abilities and three-dimensional thinking.

Using the methodological instructions for Nikitin’s game “Cubes for Everyone”, your child assembles from bright one-color elements (each of which consists of 3-4 cubes) some completely recognizable three-dimensional figure - “airplane”, “dog”, “crib” and etc. This volumetric Tetris teaches you how to work with spatial images. In the process, the baby learns to recognize elements by shape, his imagination works actively, and logical thinking develops.

Nikitin’s game “Cubes for everyone”: how to play

Before starting the game, invite your child to come up with “names” for the parts, show that they can be combined to create new volumes. To begin, select two parts to create a simple shape (for example, a “crib”) and invite your child to combine them in different ways - he must learn to manipulate the volume, obtaining the necessary shape. Your faithful assistant in playing with Nikitin’s cubes will be the “monkey” principle: you build a figure, and the baby repeats it after you (for this you will have to purchase two sets so that everyone has their own). Then learn to find details on diagrams - first in color, then in black and white.

When the simplest forms are mastered, add one detail at a time, gradually complicating the tasks, invite the child to find not one, but several solutions for each option.

The set includes 7 wooden Nikitin cubes (volumetric elements of different shapes) and a brochure with tasks.

Solve interesting and challenging problems in Nikitin’s game “Cubes for Everyone”!

Nikitin's games are educational aids for children of all ages. Their peculiarity is that the tasks become more complex as the necessary skills are mastered. Such manuals allow you to determine for yourself how to apply your abilities. The development of creative and mental potential occurs effectively and systematically. The foundation of knowledge and skills laid from early childhood contributes to the formation of a harmonious personality.

The inventors of the cubes are the Nikitins, Boris and Elena. They are convinced that classes should stimulate spontaneous creative activity.

But for parents who do not have pedagogical education, it is difficult to determine at what age which skills should be developed. The cubes and aids are aimed precisely at stimulating intellectual and creative activity. They contain a general idea, as well as a certain set of features that distinguish Nikitin’s cubes from other developmental activities.

  • Each Nikitin game consists of different objects (circles, bricks, construction set parts). Each of them comes with instructions, which are conveyed in different forms: drawings, three-dimensional or two-dimensional drawings. Such a variety of aids and methods of transmitting information contributes to the development of abilities for analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and logic.
  • All Nikitin's cubes are created according to the principle "from simple to complex." Both children 2-3 years old and children 5-6 years old will be able to study with a manual that corresponds to the level of training. And even adults cannot cope with some tasks! The level of difficulty is chosen so as to stimulate the desire to perform more complex logical operations, and not just to simply copy actions.
  • There are also certain rules for parents. Assist verbally to build a given model. Under no circumstances should you demand results or criticize the actions of a preschooler. If he cannot assemble this or that model, it means that he simply has not yet reached the required age. The preschooler himself must intuitively understand what is required of him. It might be better to wait a while. The only thing an adult is allowed to do is encourage the baby in any of his actions.
  • The instructions themselves describe how to solve the problem. But not in an abstract form, but in a visual form: in the form of a two- or three-dimensional drawing, drawing, or in verbal form. This method makes it possible to check the correctness of your actions.
Nikitin's cubes do not limit creative possibilities. On the contrary, they allow you to come up with your own new designs, that is, to develop creative, creative activity.

The methodology and games are based on the following characteristics:

  • All developmental tasks have their own order. The child performs them by folding shapes, patterns from cubes, squares, bricks, and other details.
  • Depending on their complexity, they are served in different forms. From a visual representation of the finished model or drawing to detailed written instructions. They are presented in an accessible form, introducing the child to various ways of transmitting information.
  • The tasks become more difficult as you complete them: from easy to difficult.
  • The classes will be useful for children of different ages. The easiest tasks can be handled by 2-3 year olds, but the most difficult tasks are sometimes difficult even for adults. Nikitin's games will not lose their relevance as they grow older.
  • The child independently solves increasingly complex tasks from Nikitin’s games and develops self-learning skills. Independent development of creative abilities is much more effective compared to detailed explanations from teachers and educators.
  • The baby must learn to think for himself; he cannot be helped in completing tasks. Thus, he will learn to see the logical connections between description and execution, and will visually learn the principles of design in the construction of models and figures.
  • Don't expect everything to work out the first time. It's normal that some tasks will be too difficult. Perhaps the baby is still too small, in which case you should wait. Sometimes it will take a child a couple of weeks, and sometimes several months, to find the correct solution to a puzzle; the main thing is not to push him. He must figure it all out on his own.
  • All tasks have a practical solution that you can see and touch. It doesn’t matter what is required: build a model, put together a pattern or assemble parts of a construction set - the child will always see a visual result, the correctness of which is easy to check.
  • For almost all of Nikitin's games, you can come up with your own tasks. The assembly of figures, patterns, and structures is not limited to just the given examples “out of the box.” Having completely mastered all the exercises, the child can begin to create his own variations, and this is the purpose of the teaching aids.
  • Games allow you to develop abilities to the maximum level in accordance with age.
  • develop speed and complexity of thought processes;
  • stimulate the development of creative, constructive abilities, offering exercises that may slightly exceed the baby’s abilities, but are quite feasible to perform (which stimulates their active growth);
  • imply absolute freedom of action without coercion.
Nikitin's cubes also play an important role for parents, teaching them to give their children complete freedom when completing projects, and to restrain themselves from criticizing actions and tips. Thanks to all these benefits, training with cubes will help:
  • Unleash your child’s creative potential;
  • develop his mental abilities for creativity, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, anticipation of the result;
  • develop short-term and long-term memory and attention.
Nikitin's educational games are based on the gradual complication of tasks and their independent mastery. By following the play method, the baby not only develops his abilities, but also stimulates the development of new skills. This allows Nikitin’s games to solve several problems simultaneously:
  • development of intelligence from an early age;
  • step-by-step complication of tasks allows you to create conditions for advanced development;
  • the child is not limited by typical tasks for his age group - he can solve the most difficult tasks for himself;
  • a wide variety allows you to choose the most interesting, exciting options: the child will choose himself and without coercion which problem to solve;
  • By playing with the child, parents will learn patience and understanding that he must think and make decisions on his own and will stop trying to do everything for him.
Nikitin's games create conditions for the maximum development of children's creative and mental abilities. Independent development will teach you to think and reach the solution of a problem on your own, which contributes to the comprehensive development of intelligence.
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