How to craft a wooden door. How to craft a door in minecraft? How to make a mechanical door

The door is a necessary attribute of any home. Iron doors differ from wooden doors in that they are stronger and more expensive. It opens with a button or a red stone.

Crafting an iron door

To create a metal door, you need iron ingots. They are made from iron ore that is mined in mines. This material is ubiquitous in mines and there should be no problem finding it. Further, the ore is smelted in a furnace and ingots are obtained. To craft one item, you need six ingots.

In the grid of the workbench, you need to arrange them so that there are two ingots in each row and the first slot remains empty.

If you don't want to bother with the creation yourself, you can remove it from some house or fortress. But you need to be careful, as a very dissatisfied owner may appear from around the corner.

How to install an iron door

For installation, it is necessary to be located on the outside of the house, from the inside it will not work. Also, the part of the house in which it is installed must be made of opaque blocks.

The item is obtained in the height of two blocks, which is equal to the height of the character. At the very beginning, not all players manage to install it exactly, so you need to be careful and place it parallel to the corner side of the block.

There are two ways to break this object: either just hit it until it collapses, or break the blocks on which it stands. In the latter case, the door will fall out like a drop and you can pick it up and take it with you.

How to open the door

The metal door does not open when clicked. For this, a variety of mechanisms are used. The easiest way is to install the lever. To make it, you need one cobblestone and a stick. The components are very easy to find, so there should be no problem making the lever.

It is installed on any block of the opening and is activated by the right mouse button. In order not to be trapped and not walled up your character inside the house, the lever must be installed, both from the outside and from the inside.

If you use red dust, then the lever can be placed anywhere, thereby making a cache or trap.

If you install pressure plates on both sides of the opening, then they will open when the character presses on it. To make one plate, you need two stones. It is not very convenient to use, since the door will open not only when the owner of the house stepped on the plate, but also when pressed by any player or mob.

It can also be opened with a button. It is installed on the opening, but not very easy to use. To create it, you only need one cobblestone.

Double doors

The iron door is always installed from the front side and the hinges are always on the left side. To expand the opening, you just need to install a second door close to the first one. At the same time, they will open in the right directions. That is, one loop will be on the left side, and the second on the right.

The most difficult thing is to make them open at the same time. To do this, on the opening, you need to install two levers or buttons on both sides and connect them with a redstone.

The advantages of an iron door

Metal doors are very durable and very difficult to destroy. It cannot be broken by zombies and sometimes it can remain intact after a creeper explosion. Also, unlike wooden, it cannot be opened with a mouse click.

The entrance can be sealed and no one except the owner will enter it. This is done using the / cprivat command. Or put a password so that several players can use it at once: / cpassword password.

Interesting Facts

  • If you stand in the opening and close the door, then the player will be inside it, while he can freely go to any side or jump up.
  • You can walk on the top of the door. This property allows you to use it as a staircase, though not high and save space.
  • Let the light through.
  • In Alpha and Beta versions of the game, you can put blocks through the windows, destroy them and kill mobs.
  • Water or lava cannot flow into the opening, and a spider cannot pass.

Thanks to the guide, you already know how to build a house or even a palace for yourself, but how are you going to protect your home? And you will have to protect it, unless, of course, you want every oncoming-transverse creeper or skeleton to come to visit you and arrange a funny surprise, which, at best, will turn into a slight fright. Of course, you can simply brick up the entrance to your "citadel of loneliness", but this is somehow unaesthetic - after all, you have not just a house made of mud or a faceless box, but quite a decent house. Let's figure out how you can protect your home.

The easiest way to restrict access to any dark outsiders is, no matter how trite it sounds, DOOR! And here there is one funny moment - not everyone knows how to make a door in Minecraft. Don't worry, after this short guide you will be able to craft as many as six types of doors. Let's go directly to the crafting process. For aesthetes, the best option would be wooden doors, which can be crafted from all types of wood that can be found in the game:

What is the advantage of these doors - a door made of each type of wood looks different and if you want to diversify the appearance of your home, then there are always several options to choose from. The disadvantage is that these doors can be broken down by evil mobs at higher difficulty levels.

For those who prefer reliability to aesthetics, there is a separate option - an iron door. Mobs will not be able to break this door, no matter how hard they try. The crafting recipe is similar to the wooden counterpart:

But the door opening system is already significantly different from wooden ones. If an ordinary door can be opened by right-clicking on it, then in order to open an iron door, you will need to bring a redstone signal to it. Levers and pressure plates will help you with this.

A few words about the installation. To put a door in an opening, you need to face this opening and it is best to be outside the house.

So, armed with the knowledge of how to make a door in Minecraft, you will now be able to secure your house and not be afraid that upon returning from another trip you will be met by an evil mob who accidentally passed by and came to visit!

There are several types of doors in Minecraft: wooden and iron. They can be used to make a regular door or a double one.

How to craft a wooden door?

For the wooden door, we need wood, which we can find in the forest. From two pieces of wood, we get eight planks, but for the door we need six. We insert these boards into the workbench, on the left or right side in a row at the cell. And so we get a wooden door.

How to craft an iron door?

First you need to mine iron ore using a stone pickaxe from the cobblestones. The door requires six ore blocks. We put it in the oven. One block of ore produces one iron ingot. We put six iron ingots in the workbench also on the left or right side in the cells. Thus, you get an iron door.

Crafting an iron door in Minecraft looks like this:

The door is inserted into the house, on the block to which it will be attached, with one click of the right mouse button.

Thus, we get a single door. We can make a double door both wooden and iron. To do this, we need to put two doors side by side, then one of the doors will "mirror" and form an adjacent sash.

It doesn't matter whether in life or in the game, but a house without a door is a little like a house, which means that when playing the game Minecraft, you also need to create it. Actually, in this game there are several options for doors - they can be created from wood, iron, there are regular and double doors. Moving in order, we will be able to describe each of them. To make a wooden door, you need 6 blocks of wood, which are located on the left and right (on the sides). Of course, it is best to have a schematic picture in front of your eyes, on which everything is drawn and shown in detail. By the way, the type of boards used in the manufacture of the door does not matter. For crafting (creating) a metal door, the procedure is about the same, the only difference is the material - iron ingots are needed here. Any gamer, with even a little experience, can easily do this. Now consider the option of crafting (creating) a double door. To do this, you need to make two doors and place them side by side, while one of them will mirrored with the other and this will give the effect of double doors. Honestly, there is not much difference or much sense in their application, but it was worth talking about this possibility.

Instructions on how to make a door in minecraft:

Something else should be added about doors in Minecraft, like useful information. If the player is inside, he has the ability to beat hostile mobs. But from the outside, they cannot be damaged. Water (liquid) and spiders cannot penetrate even through an open door. You can walk on the top of the door. There are two ways to destroy doors:

First simple and primitive: beat the door until it collapses. Second the method is already more original: you can destroy the block on which the door is attached, after which the door turns into an ordinary object, which means that it can be picked up. And of course, don't forget to get started.

Be sure to watch the video:

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