Rules of the game monopoly with bank cards. Detailed rules of the game. Same number on both dice

Board games have always been in high demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they were somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to a computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to gather all your friends together and have fun, say, at Monopoly. This is a pretty old game. She is over a hundred years old, but this has not affected her popularity in any way. In this article, you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First meeting

The goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt player. The playing field consists of squares along which the participants move, depending on the number rolled on the die. In any sector there is a plot that can be bought from the bank for development. But here, as in real life, you will have to pay taxes and mortgage real estate. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically "savvy".


First you need to place all the objects (houses, hotels) on the sectors of the playing field in accordance with the diagram. Then shuffle the "Chances" cards and put them back on the corresponding cell. Then each player chooses a chip and puts it on the inscription "Go". The team chooses a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 banknotes in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles - 4 things.;
  • 50 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 20 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 10 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 1 thousand rubles - 5 pieces.

The bank remains documents on real estate. Salaries, bonuses and loans are issued with other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, on a regular sheet of paper, you can write out The game for "Android" "Monopoly" is deprived of the ability to "issue" paper money.

Each participant in turn rolls the die and moves the chip around the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. There can be several chips on one cell. It also contains instructions on how to proceed: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, get paid or go to jail.

How to play Monopoly: rules

The "Forward" item can be passed by the player several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles in case of a repeated stop in this sector.

The position "Construction site" gives the player the opportunity to be the first to redeem the documents for the property, if no one has done this before. In this case, the card must be placed face up on the field. In case of refusal to purchase, the site is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the latest offered. The Banker manages the process.

"Property Ownership" allows you to collect rent from "tenants". If the possessions are painted in one color, then which allows you to build houses.

"Do not leave someone else's property": the owner can demand from you, but only until the next player rolls the dice. The amount of payment is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings built. Rent is charged each time you stop at a property of the same color group and doubles if the player is on a built-up lot, provided the building is not mortgaged. For the "Station" field, the rules are similar.

In the sector, the same conditions apply as with real estate. There is only one but: the rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that fell on the dice. The amount increases by 4 times if the owner has one enterprise, and by 10 if both. If the player entered the field on the "Chances" card, then you need to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If the participant enters the "Community Treasury" field, then he needs to take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of prison for free. After the conditions are met, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": the specified amount should be paid to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can just stay on the field and do nothing.

They get into the "Prison" if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice fell out three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can save rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy from another player the "Get out of prison for free" card. Then the game continues. "Monopoly" for two in this regard has advantages. If there is not enough money in the account, you can stay in prison and continue to roll the dice. If you get a double - make a move. But you still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only then can the game continue. If the player got into the prison sector not on the map, but as a result of a move, then the fine will not have to be paid.

Details about the property

Having plots of the same color group, you can buy houses and charge rent to players who are in your possession. The transaction should be made in between moves. The plot is built up evenly: it is allowed to build a second house on a sector of the same color only after there is one building on the rest. The maximum number of buildings in one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After construction, you can buy a hotel. The unit price is 4 houses plus the amount shown on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough own buildings, then you will have to wait until the other participants part with their possessions. If there are many people who want to buy real estate, an auction is arranged.


The game has another advantage. You can sell plots, railway stations and utilities to other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first you need to sell from it - evenly - all the property, and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half of the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold at the same time.

You can get money from the bank by mortgaging real estate. A title deed turned face down is proof of a deposit. The bank can only sell such property to other players. The amount to be redeemed is the value of the buildings plus 10%. The participant of the game can independently implement the building.

If a player owes the bank more money than he can pay after the sale of all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes away his property and auctions it off. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play Monopoly, we turn to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you do not have money, then it is worth pawning the existing property to the bank. When participating in auctions, pay special attention to railways and land plots. It is better not to buy plumbing and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 player stops on this field.

Prison is your friend

At the stage of accumulation of prison sites, it is better to avoid, but if you do end up behind bars, you need to take all measures to get out as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

buy railroads

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning, they bring a lot of profit, in the middle they will not be superfluous, and at the end of the gameplay it is better to get rid of them.


According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable plots are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses on a sector of the same color. The only time you should buy an inn is if all your lots are the same color.

Use your home wisely

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and at the very beginning you cannot buy hotels. Experienced participants build their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their sites with buildings and never buy hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players easily trade or sell what they think are "useless" solo lots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

"Monopoly" for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One of the winning strategies works well with a large number of players. It consists in quickly and at any price redeeming three cards of any color (starting with blue). In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. For this, you can even donate the railway. After that, you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which option is better?

The game "Monopoly" on the computer is installed quite quickly. But it is better to give preference to the desktop version. By gathering friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with credit cards

This option is more suitable for the money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can write out any number of banknotes on plain paper at any time. They should be used when the process becomes especially tedious, and "issue" banknotes of 1 thousand rubles. This will force other participants to take a break from thinking about the tactics of the game and start counting money.


Monopoly is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.

Who doesn't know the board game Monopoly? Probably, everyone in childhood at least once, but it was possible to take part in this economic competition. There is no need to talk about the popularity of this series.

People loved this game; its various variations become frequent guests at meetings with friends. "Monopoly" with bank cards is something new, different from the usual version with the introduction of cashless payments. The meaning of the game has not changed: it is still the same good old economic strategy that has brought up more than one generation of fans of the genre.

History of Monopoly

This board game first appeared about a hundred years ago and immediately conquered the market. Until now, it is the most popular and recognizable in the world. Everyone wants to take part in the real estate economic competition. And "Monopoly" with bank cards gives this opportunity.

Players need to build houses and hotels, as well as receive money from their rivals if they are in someone else's territory. Here people can show their negotiation and sales skills. Make the most profitable deal and become a monopolist - the goal of this game. Ways must be found to bankrupt competitors and avoid jail cells and taxes.

Economic strategy attracts with ease and at the same time with a chance to show its best qualities.

About the features of the game

"Monopoly" with bank cards has its own feature that distinguishes it from other versions. Here, for the first time, a cashless payment system was used. Instead of money, there is a special ATM in the game set, through which the purchase and construction of the site is carried out, as well as other currency transactions.

The game "Monopoly" with bank cards looks more modern than other variations. In addition, the gameplay has become much faster: you do not need to count bills to purchase a plot. Simply enter the amount into the ATM, and the system will automatically calculate the balance.

Rules of the game

In principle, this version of "Monopoly" in terms of conditions does not differ from others. The playing field is a square divided into sectors of different colors. The objects of trade are the following: streets, public utilities and railways. When a player enters a free sector, he has the right to buy it. When standing on the purchased plot, the player must pay the rent.

As already noted, the Monopoly board game of this type has bank cards available. With their help, all financial transactions are carried out. Payment of rent is as follows: two bank cards are inserted into a special device, then money is transferred from one to another. If a player owns all lots of the same color, he can build houses, and then hotels. This version is characterized by the fact that the houses are stacked on top of each other, forming a skyscraper. It looks quite interesting and unusual.

The description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of Monopoly. If you do not know the rules of the game, or do not remember well, we advise you to start with the classic version for convenience and ease of understanding. Other versions of the game are played according to the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards may be different from those described in the rules.

Brief description of the game

Monopoly is a classic game where you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, the participants put their chips on the “Forward” field, then move them around the playing field, depending on the number of points rolled on the dice.

If you find yourself on a Real Estate Plot that is not yet owned by anyone, then you can buy this Real Estate from the Bank. If you choose not to buy it, it may be auctioned off to another player with the highest bid for it. Players who own Real Estate may charge rent to players who enter their Lot. When building Houses and Hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should build on as many Lots as possible.

If you need money, you can mortgage your Property.

During the game, you should always follow the instructions written on the cards "Community Treasury" and "Chance". But do not relax - in some cases, you can be sent to Prison.


Be the only non-bankrupt player.

Beginning of the game

The chips of all players line up on the “Forward” field, after which, in turn, each player makes his move.

Game progress

When it's your turn, roll the dice. Your chip will move forward on the board in a clockwise direction. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are in, you will have to:

    buy land for construction or other real estate

    pay rent if you are in real estate owned by other players

    pay taxes

    draw a card of "Chances" or "Public Treasury"

    be in jail

    relax in the "Free Parking"

    receive a salary of $200,000

Same number on both dice

If you rolled the dice and both rolled the same number of points (double), your pawn will move as normal and you will act according to the requirements of the space you are on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. In the event that you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to jail.

Passing the field "Forward"

Whenever you stop or pass the Forward space moving clockwise, the Bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be received twice in the same move if, for example, you land on the Chance or " Public treasury" immediately after the "Forward" field and pulled out a card with the inscription "Move to the field forward."

Buying a property

If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (that is, a building lot not occupied by any player), you will have the first buyer right to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the Bank money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange, you will receive ownership of this property (the playing field will be colored in the color of your chip).

If you choose not to buy a Property, it will immediately be put up for auction. In this case, it is acquired by the player who offers the highest price for it. A player who refuses to purchase Real Estate does not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Property, then it remains free.

Property ownership

Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay on the field that indicates it. It is very profitable to own real estate of the entire color group - in other words, to own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any Real Estate lot of that color.

Stop on someone else's property

If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be charged rent for that stop. The amount of real estate rent may vary depending on the houses and hotels built on the field of this real estate. If all Properties of the same color group are owned by the same player, the rent charged to you for stopping at any lot in that group is doubled, provided that there are no buildings on the lots in the group. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double the rent. If Homes and Hotels have been built on the Real Estate plots, the rent from these plots is increased. No rent will be charged for stopping at the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility company field

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if it hasn't already been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other real estate, in this case you will have to pay the amount indicated in this field to the Bank.

If you decide not to buy this Property, the Utility is put up for auction and sold to the player with the highest bid for it. You cannot participate in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Utility Company, then it remains free.

If this Utility is already purchased by another player, they may charge you rent. The rent of such an enterprise will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice (you roll the dice again to determine the amount of the rent). If the player owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled.

Stop at the station

If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. If you do not want to purchase the Station, it goes to auction and is sold to the player who offered the highest amount for it. You cannot participate in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Station, then it remains free.

If the Station already has an owner, the one who finds himself on it must pay the rent. This fee depends on the number of stations the player owns the station where you are staying. The more stations the owner has, the higher the fee.

Stop at the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" field

Stopping on such a field means that you get one of the cards of the corresponding group. These cards may require you to:

    moved your chip

    paid money, such as taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from jail for free

You must immediately follow the instructions written on the card. If you pick up a card that says "get out of jail free," you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a bargain price.

Note: The card may say that you must move the chip to another field. If you cross the Forward field clockwise while moving, you will receive $200,000. If you are sent to Prison, then you do not cross the "Forward" field.

Stop at the tax field

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the bank.

Free parking

If you stop on such a field, then just rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties.


You are sent to Jail if:

    You landed on the "Go to Jail" field, or

    You took a "Chance" or "Public Treasury" card that says "Go to Jail", or

    You rolled the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to the Prison. If you go to Jail on a card, you will not be paid the $200,000 salary, no matter where you were before.

To get out of the Prison you need:

    pay a $50,000 fine and continue playing, or

    buy a "Break Out of Jail for Free" card from another player and use it to get out of prison, or

    use the card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your turns, but each time it's your turn to roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice on one of those moves, you can get out of prison and go through the number of spaces that fell on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in the Prison, you must exit the Prison and pay $50,000 before you can move your token to the number of spaces rolled on the dice.

While in Prison, you have the right to collect rent on your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not sent to the Prison, but simply stopped on the Prison space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you "just visited" it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.


Once you have collected all the Properties of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place them on any of the lots you have. This increases the rent you can charge to tenants staying at your Property. You may purchase houses during your turn before rolling the die. The value of the house varies depending on the line to which the property color groups belong. In one turn, you can build no more than one house on the fields belonging to the same color group.

The maximum number of houses on one lot is four.

Also, if necessary, you can sell houses back to the bank. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for which you purchased it.

You cannot build houses if at least one lot of the given color group is mortgaged.


Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the lot where you want to build a hotel. Hotels are bought in the same way as houses, at the same price. When the hotel is erected, four houses from this site are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each lot.

Property For Sale

You can sell undeveloped lots, train stations, and utilities to any player in a private deal, for an amount agreed between you. If there are houses or hotels on the plots you are selling, then you cannot sell such real estate. First you need to sell the bank houses and hotels located on all sites of this color group, and only after that offer a deal to another player.

In the transaction, both sides of the exchange can be offered as Real Estate plots, as well as money, and cards for release from prison. Exchange combinations can be very diverse at the discretion of the players. If the player is not interested in the proposed deal, he can refuse it.

Neither houses nor hotels can be sold to other players. They can only be sold to the bank. Making deals with other players is possible only in the first stage of your turn, i.e. before you roll the dice.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, hotels can be replaced by houses again. To do this, you need to sell the hotel to the bank and get four houses in return, plus the cost of the hotel itself.


If you don't have any money left, but debts may arise, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate or selling houses or hotels. In order to mortgage real estate, you must first sell all the houses and hotels built on the plots of the mortgaged color group. With a pledge, you receive from the bank an amount equal to half the cost of the mortgaged plot. If you want to redeem the mortgaged Property later on, you will have to pay the bank the full value of the Property plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No player has the right to redeem it instead of you from the bank.

The mortgaged Property cannot be rented, although you may still be charged rent for other Properties of the same color group.

You may not sell mortgaged Property to other players.

The opportunity to build on the plots of the house appears only after the purchase of all, without exception, plots of the same color group.


If you owe the bank or other players more money than you can get from your gaming assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game.

If you owe the bank, the bank gets all your money and all your real estate. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. Also, release cards from prison are returned to the bank.

If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, all your property goes to the bank. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. And the Bank pays your debtor the amount of the debt.

You can also become bankrupt if you do not have time to complete any game action in the allotted time.

Game Notes

Money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.

No player may borrow money from another player or lend money to another player.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

Be the only non-bankrupt

Game progress

Roll both dice, whoever has the most points on the dice starts. Play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, roll the dice and move your pawn clockwise the number of spaces rolled around the perimeter of the game board. Two or more pieces can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are in, either:
  • Buy real estate (if it does not belong to another player).
  • Let the banker auction the property (if you don't want to buy it).
  • Pay rent (if the property belongs to another player).
  • Pay your taxes
  • Take the card "Chance" or "Public Treasury".
  • You go to jail.
  • If you own the entire color group, build houses or hotels on those lots. If you run out of money, mortgage or sell the property to pay off your creditors. If you can't get enough money to pay your rent, taxes, or pay your bill, you'll be declared bankrupt and out of the game. No player is allowed to lend or lend money. However, another player may take any of your property instead of the money you owe them. If you roll a double, go as normal and roll again. If you roll three doubles in a row, you go to jail! The game continues until there is only one player left in the game. This player is the winner!

    Beginning of the game

    Press any key or insert a card. The initial balance of each player is 15m. rub. When a card is inserted into the bank, the card number is displayed on the screen, along with the current balance of this player.

    Opportunities to receive money:

  • Passing the field "Forward"
  • Rent
  • Sale of houses and hotels
  • Pledge
  • bankrupt player
  • You receive money from a banker if:

  • If so indicated on the cards "Chance" and "Community Treasury"
  • Passing the field "Forward"
  • Sales of houses and hotels
  • secured loan
  • Exclusive Russian version of the world famous children's board game "Monopoly" using bank credit cards instead of money!

    Game progress

    With the help of a dice roll, players move their chips around the playing field and, falling on a particular sector, perform certain actions. This may be buying property, participating in an auction, paying rent or paying taxes. In addition, the game has "Chance" and "Community Treasury" cards that create new game situations.

    Buying a property

    If you land on a real estate field that is not owned by any player, you have the right to purchase it. There are three types of real estate: plots, stations and utilities. Property ownership gives you the right to charge rent to players who land on your property.

    The magic of Monopoly lies in the ability to completely ruin your best friend without causing him real harm. »

    Edward P. Parker

    If you own a plot of one color group, then you become a monopolist. In this case, you get the opportunity to build houses and hotels. The more properties on your site, the more rent you will receive.


    If a player lands on a vacant property and refuses to buy, that property is put up for auction.

    "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

    Hitting these sectors of the board creates unforeseen game situations. For example, a player can immediately go to jail or suddenly receive 2 million rubles.

    Purpose of the game

    By acquiring real estate and expanding their monopoly, players seek to bankrupt their rivals. The last paying participant wins the game!


    "Monopoly with bank cards" has a number of unique differences from the classic version.

    • the main difference is the introduction of a cashless settlement system between players using plastic cards and a bank terminal;
    • you buy and sell Russian cities;
    • photographic images of Russian cities are applied to the cells of the playing field.

    Who is this game for?

    "Monopoly with Bank Cards" is executed at the highest level. This set will serve as an excellent gift for children, colleagues, business people or just friends. Monopoly has been and remains the most popular board game that is fun to play with the whole family.

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