How to get more minion cards. Passage of Minion Rush: codes and secrets. Cards "Minions" Magnet: how to play and what to do with them. Period of the Promotion and the timing of the Prizes

Surely, many people know the popular promotion held in Magnit stores, where when buying goods worth more than 400 rubles, a person receives two cards depicting characters from the Despicable Me 3 cartoon. Basically, the kids are happy with such an acquisition, collecting a funny and bright collection of cards.

You can not only admire the cards, but also play them. Even if the collection is incomplete, you can still have fun. How? Now we'll tell you. There are several games with cards, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their rules.

Rules for playing cards "Silomer"

There may be two or more participants. Everyone should have 6 Despicable Me 3 cards, but if desired, there is an opportunity to discuss a different number.

Players lay out one at a time and begin to compare the strength indicated on them. Here it is worth considering the variety of the hero depicted in the picture, and his strength. It can be fluffy, lodoluch or banana.

The dynamometer can be open or closed. In the first case, you need to keep the cards in a fan, and make your own choice. In the second case, a card is chosen blindly.

In the game, each participant must collect all the power, that is, the power of a banana and an ice beam is added to the power of the fluffy. It is necessary to count the points and decide who is stronger. The one with the most points wins.

You can understand how to play Silomer with Despicable Me 3 cards by watching this video:

How to play Speed ​​with Despicable Me 3 Magnetic Cards

Here, players will need a good memory and incredible speed of reaction. For the game you will need a picture, which is located in the lower left corner.

The first participant must choose a card without looking. He places it on the table so that the image is at the top. After that, the next player takes out a card, but he should not see what is shown on the card before he puts it.

When a card with the same picture as below is on top of the deck, any most observant participant needs to say “Slap” and cover the stack with his hand. He is a winner.

Game "Walk"

We invite the reader to familiarize themselves with the rules of another entertaining card game "Despicable Me 3", which depicts funny characters from the cartoon that everyone has already loved.

Here you need an additional field, it is in the album. It can be purchased at the Magnit store for 169 rubles. The game resembles an ordinary walker, here instead of a cube, the cards received upon purchase will be used. The game is very simple, but exciting and developing.

How to play Jailbreak with magnet cards, watch the video:

We can say with confidence that the children will enjoy the proposed entertainment. The larger the collection, the more interesting the game, when there are a lot of cards, the action is brighter and more exciting.

Unboxing Despicable Me 3 cards

See also a fascinating video of unpacking cards for collection and games:

A funny action was invented in the Magnit retail chain. And if before it there was a rather serious collection of stickers for the purchase of knives at a big discount, now we are engaged in real collecting cards with minions. About why these cards are needed, read the material

We immediately note that in supermarkets"Magnit" give out a bag with two cards for a purchase of 400 rubles, in hypermarkets- a bag with four cards for a purchase of 800 rubles. Attention, tobacco and alcohol do not take part in the promotion.

Now, actually about why we need Despicable Me 3 cards and how to play with them.

Well, first of all, it's kind of collecting. There are 84 cards in total and I want to collect the entire collection, which, by the way, can be stored in a special album. Yes Yes Yes. The magnet went to the trick and offers to buy for storage special album. Its cost is 169 rubles.

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The game "Silomer"

Each participant is given 6 cards. Players lay out one card at a time and compete, whose strength on the card is greater. At the same time, you need to discuss right away what strength the competition is going on, be it “fluffy”, “ice beam” or “banana”.

17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

The game has 3 varieties:
1) open: in this case, the participants turn all their cards towards themselves like a fan and the choice of a card for the competition is conscious.
2) face down: in this case, the player does not see his cards
3) by all means: each player calculates the sum of forces on his card (the power of the fluffy + the power of the ice beam + the power of the banana), whose sum of forces is greater, he wins

17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

Slap game

Here it is important to pay attention to the picture located in the lower left corner of each card. The player who starts the game puts the first card face up..

17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

You can only flip the image up directly above the deck itself, informs When there is a card on top with the same picture as on the bottom (i.e. on the first card), then the participant who manages to be the first to close the entire stack of cards and say “Slap” wins.

17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

Game "Walk"

In this game, you will need a game board that comes as an attachment to the very album that you will need to buy. And the game itself takes place according to the usual rules of rpg games. The exception is that the game does not use a die, instead the cards themselves are used.

Surely, many people know the popular promotion held in Magnit stores, where when buying goods worth more than 400 rubles, a person receives two cards depicting characters from the Despicable Me 3 cartoon. Basically, the kids are happy with such an acquisition, collecting a funny and bright collection of cards.

You can not only admire the cards, but also play them. Even if the collection is incomplete, you can still have fun. How? Now we'll tell you. There are several games with cards, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their rules.

Rules for playing cards "Silomer"

There may be two or more participants. Everyone should have 6 Despicable Me 3 cards, but if desired, there is an opportunity to discuss a different number.

Players lay out one at a time and begin to compare the strength indicated on them. Here it is worth considering the variety of the hero depicted in the picture, and his strength. It can be fluffy, lodoluch or banana.

The dynamometer can be open or closed. In the first case, you need to keep the cards in a fan, and make your own choice. In the second case, a card is chosen blindly.

In the game, each participant must collect all the power, that is, the power of a banana and an ice beam is added to the power of the fluffy. It is necessary to count the points and decide who is stronger. The one with the most points wins.

You can understand how to play Silomer with Despicable Me 3 cards by watching this video:

How to play Speed ​​with Despicable Me 3 Magnetic Cards

Here, players will need a good memory and incredible speed of reaction. For the game you will need a picture, which is located in the lower left corner.

The first participant must choose a card without looking. He places it on the table so that the image is at the top. After that, the next player takes out a card, but he should not see what is shown on the card before he puts it.

When a card with the same picture as below is on top of the deck, any most observant participant needs to say “Slap” and cover the stack with his hand. He is a winner.

Game "Walk"

We invite the reader to familiarize themselves with the rules of another entertaining card game "Despicable Me 3", which depicts funny characters from the cartoon that everyone has already loved.

Here you need an additional field, it is in the album. It can be purchased at the Magnit store for 169 rubles. The game resembles an ordinary walker, here instead of a cube, the cards received upon purchase will be used. The game is very simple, but exciting and developing.

How to play Jailbreak with magnet cards, watch the video:

We can say with confidence that the children will enjoy the proposed entertainment. The larger the collection, the more interesting the game, when there are a lot of cards, the action is brighter and more exciting.

Unboxing Despicable Me 3 cards

See also a fascinating video of unpacking cards for collection and games:

The campaign with the issuance of Despicable Me 3 cards in Magnit stores continues. Children ask their parents to go shopping to this particular retail chain in order to get a few more cards for their collection. And while you are collecting this very collection, do not waste time in vain! Play! And how - we will tell you here on the site

Minion cards contain several fields and images, which allows you to create your own game. Well, the organizers of the action themselves offer 3 main games. We will talk about them.

The game "Silomer"

Each participant receives 6 cards. Participants choose one card at a time and put it on the table. At the same time, they immediately agree on what strength they will measure (the strength of the fluffy, the strength of the ice beam or the strength of the banana). The one with the card turned out to be “stronger” wins, which means he takes all the cards laid out on the table to his piggy bank.

You can play openly when players unfold the cards with the image towards themselves (fan). And you can play closed, when the participants do not see which card they choose.

You can also play Silomer with all your might. To do this, you need to add up absolutely all the forces on the card (the power of the fluffy + the power of the ice beam + the power of the banana) and find out who has the greater sum of the forces on the card.

Slap game

For this game, you will need to look at the picture that is shown in the lower left corner of the card.

The first player places any card face up. The second player places his card on top of this card. But you need to turn the card directly above the deck. As soon as a card with the same picture as below (on the very first, initial card of the game) lies on top, the player who managed to cover the entire stack of cards with his palm and shouted “Slap” wins the game.

Game "Walk"

For this game, you will need an album, which is sold in Magnit for 169 rubles. It has a playing field, according to which you play the game according to the rules of a regular walker. Only the cards themselves are used instead of the dice.

Let's start from the very beginning. This promotion has started June 28, she got the name "Easy to assemble, fun to play!", she will end 12-th of September this year. However, I did not notice the ease of collection at all. Here the Magnet became insolent to the end. They released 84 cards! Shopping at 800 rubles in the hypermarket you get 4 cards(and this is without taking into account tobacco and alcohol!), and in ordinary Magnets you need to buy at 400 rubles and to get 2 cards. The question is, why in hyper you can’t also stock up on 400 rubles and get 2? Or even buy for 200 rubles and get one? I answer, although everyone already knows the answer, such a move is designed just for you to grab unnecessary goods from the shelves in pursuit of these very cardboard boxes. This is how we live, we grab everything in a row and get the treasured bags of cards.

How does this "magnet miracle" look like?) Nothing remarkable, really ordinary cardboard boxes! They are painted with strength, endurance and other crap for games.

But, there are such straight cool cards - shiny. As far as I understand, they are considered the strongest, but I just like them - at least some variety.

Further, you can buy an album to store your cards, which I do not advise you to do. Now it price 169 rubles, but as practice shows, somewhere by August, it will already cost 69 rubles, that is, a hundred less. In addition, it is made of terribly poor quality - the cells where the cards are inserted are quickly torn even by neat children. The only good thing about it is the poster game and the storage box that needs to be assembled. Well, in the album you can paint, play, but do not use it as storage.

How to play Despicable Me 3 Magnet cards?

All games are described in the booklet, which you can grab for free in the store at the checkout.

Games are designed for a different number of people, so you can connect the whole family. Of course, if you still bought the album, then you will get the most exciting rpg game, by the way, a great pastime.

Now about the main thing, my impressions. We started collecting it quite by accident, in Magnit the cat food that we buy usually costs 85 rubles, and here we are so lucky - a discount and its cost per jar is 52 rubles. There are three hypermarkets in the city, I went to all of them and bought canned food. This is how we got our first 12 packs. By the way, yes, in order to collect 84 cards, given that you never get a single repetition, you need to buy for 16800 rubles! And repetitions come across very often, we already have a lot of them, but we are changing, because there are also quite a lot of such crazy collectors. We even already sell them, the starting price was 25 rubles apiece, now it’s already 15 rubles. We will collect a collection and we will sell repetitions ourselves, I will open a business)))

You can also download checks on the official website, accumulate points and receive other prizes. Among the prizes there are toys. puzzles, movie tickets and even a certificate for a trip to Miami. Maybe someone will win!

But what I want to say, the game is absolutely not worth the candle! When there were knives or toys from Star Wars, it was much cooler, and even the stickers in the album were cool! But this is a complete crap, the most uninteresting action, IMHO.

- a game that in a short time captured the hearts of both adults and children. Based on the Despicable Me movie by Gameloft, Minion Rush is free and unique. The main character in the game is the Minion, who will need to run, jump, do dirty tricks and more. As a result, after completing the task, the little “freaky” will be able to get the title of Minion of the Year.

The passage of Minion Rush, although not difficult, sometimes raises a lot of questions that we will try to answer to the maximum.

And so, in order to increase the score in the game, you must complete the task. All grades earned are multiplied, thereby increasing the final score. The list of tasks can be viewed by clicking on the "Goals" icon in the main menu. They can also be seen on the results screen after each level. Achievements can also be viewed by clicking on the “Goals” item and selecting the achievements icon in the menu that opens. Achievements in Minion Rush will be when certain goals of the game are achieved. After opening the achievement, tokens are given as a reward.

In the passage of Minion Rush, you will need costumes that are offered in the store and provide advantages at one time or another. Bonuses in the game will help you set a record! They can be purchased at the store and picked up during the race. With power-ups like Fluffy the Unicorn, Gru's Rocket and Mega Minion, you'll be amazed at the results.

By collecting 3 apples (Bapple) per day during the race, you can get a box with a surprise. Also, a box with a surprise can be purchased at the store. By collecting puzzle pieces, you can open a special costume. Puzzles can be received as a gift for participating 5 days in a row in the Bapple Hunt and can be found in a box with a surprise.

And if you want to know how to find a channel in Telegram, then read

In order for the villain El Macho to appear, it is necessary to complete all the tasks that were set before this. After defeating El Macho, you will be able to focus on the icons and exit his lair. Pincers in the game will take you to the center lane after being revived.

On the way you will meet obstacles that if you are twice as high as you, then you will not be able to jump over them. Through the gap between the obstacle and the ground, you can duck and slip.

Minion Rush Cheats! The passage of the minion game is also possible using some secrets. In the minion rush settings, in a special section, there is a button with the image of a gift (purchase code). When you choose the right combination of minions here, you can get a bonus. But remember that you can enter the code only once.

Minion rush codes on Windows Phone:

  • Kid + fireman + dancer = referee costume
  • Firefighter + Golfer + Dave = Kung Fu Move
  • Dancer + dad + fireman = +5 banana multipliers
  • Golfer + kid + dad = loser trick taunt
  • Maid + dancer + baby = x5 set of points
  • Rayman Fiesta run walkthrough and game secrets Runner Minion Rush for fans of the cartoon Despicable Me!

    A funny action was invented in the Magnit retail chain. And if before it there was a rather serious collection of stickers for the purchase of knives at a big discount, now we are engaged in real collecting cards with minions. About why these cards are needed, read the material

    We immediately note that in supermarkets"Magnit" give out a bag with two cards for a purchase of 400 rubles, in hypermarkets- a bag with four cards for a purchase of 800 rubles. Attention, tobacco and alcohol do not take part in the promotion.

    Now, actually about why we need Despicable Me 3 cards and how to play with them.

    Well, first of all, it's kind of collecting. There are 84 cards in total and I want to collect the entire collection, which, by the way, can be stored in a special album. Yes Yes Yes. The magnet went to the trick and offers to buy for storage special album. Its cost is 169 rubles.

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    The game "Silomer"

    Each participant is given 6 cards. Players lay out one card at a time and compete, whose strength on the card is greater. At the same time, you need to discuss right away what strength the competition is going on, be it “fluffy”, “ice beam” or “banana”.

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    The game has 3 varieties:
    1) open: in this case, the participants turn all their cards towards themselves like a fan and the choice of a card for the competition is conscious.
    2) face down: in this case, the player does not see his cards
    3) by all means: each player calculates the sum of forces on his card (the power of the fluffy + the power of the ice beam + the power of the banana), whose sum of forces is greater, he wins

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    Slap game

    Here it is important to pay attention to the picture located in the lower left corner of each card. The player who starts the game puts the first card face up..

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    You can only flip the image up directly above the deck itself, informs When there is a card on top with the same picture as on the bottom (i.e. on the first card), then the participant who manages to be the first to close the entire stack of cards and say “Slap” wins.

    17:18:07 - - Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; 9002X Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Safari/537..html

    Game "Walk"

    In this game, you will need a game board that comes as an attachment to the very album that you will need to buy. And the game itself takes place according to the usual rules of rpg games. The exception is that the game does not use a die, instead the cards themselves are used.

    Dedicated to all fans of the cult cartoon! Board game Despicable Me 3 - new adventures of a dangerous format! Waiting for you: a game in the style of a "walker", a company of minions, super difficult levels, an attempt to escape from prison, simple rules.

    Gather a company of 8 players (as few as possible) and go towards big wins. On our site you can download the rules of the game and game cards absolutely free of charge and without registration!

    Board Game Despicable Me 3: Download Full Game Rules

    As you can see, there are only two pages! This suggests that the rules of this version are very simple. The game can be played by 2 to 8 players. The task of each participant is to get out of the long tunnel. And it is desirable to do this as soon as possible. If you do not have game chips, you can make your own. Read about how to quickly and easily make your own chips here. If you do not have the time or desire to create with your own hands, just take ordinary coins. They can easily replace chips. So, despicable me 3 download and print the rules of the game in pdf.

    A funny entertainment was invented in the Magnit trading network with the issuance not of stickers, by collecting which you can buy certain goods at a big discount, but with the issuance of cards, which depict minions from the film Despicable Me 3 of the same name.

    Well, this fun took effect, and many buyers began to seek to shop only there in order to get more cards and collect a collection. That's just for what, we understand the material NewsTut

    Why are Despicable Me 3 cards needed?

    In fact, this action is nothing more than just a hobby, a kind of collecting, when a person is overcome by a thirst to collect something completely and completely. That is why the organizers of the action decided to take advantage of this. On the one hand, they captivated people, on the other hand, they attracted customers to their stores.

    Besides albums, which were sold for a separate price (169 rubles), also paid off quite well the expenses of the retail chain for this action.

    You can't turn in a complete collection of Despicable Me 3 cards and get something for it. True, even here there are especially smart and enterprising "collectors" who manage to sell all their 84 cards and thereby earn money.
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