Where is Morrowind located? Main plot. Corprus Healing – Morrowind

Walkthrough of the main story.


You will wake up in the hold of a ship in the small coastal settlement of Seyda Neen. After the character generation process, an old man named Socuelus Ergalla will give you the documents. Go outside (not to the ship) and go through the door in front of you. Give the papers to the man named Sellus Gravius.

1. Delivery

As a result of the dialogue, you will be tasked with delivering a package to a certain Caius Cosades, who lives in Balmora. You can get there by Silt Strider or on foot. Caius's house is located in the northeastern part of the city (there is also a tree growing nearby). After delivery, you will be accepted into the Empire's secret spy organization - the Blades. Caius will be your mentor (that is, he will give quests). Will also reward you with 200 Septims.

2. Mysterious object

Talk to your mentor about "orders". Caius needs information from one person from the Warriors Guild. How to get to the guild - from the southwestern entrance to the city (it is located a little west of the Silt Striders port), go straight. Ahead you will see a house (there are three boxes nearby and a staircase to the top). Go around it and continue moving until you come across another house (also three boxes, but the house itself is one-story). If you turn to the right, you will see two two-story houses with stairs. There are signs on them - an eye (Mages Guild) and a shield (Warriors Guild). Come in, go down to the lowest floor and talk to Hasphat Antabolis. For the necessary information, he wants you to get him a mysterious Dwemer Puzzle Box in the ruins of Arkngthand. These ruins are located northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort. A large stone bridge also leads to them, at the end of which stands an evil magician.

In front of the entrance to the ruins, a pipe with a valve sticks out of the ground. Turn the valve and enter. Go down the stones to the very bottom. In front of you you will see the first floor of an artificial wall. Looking up a little, you should see the second floor. Climb up there along the nearby stones and go through the door. Inside, take a small cube on one of the shelves - what you need. Return to Hasfat, he will give you some papers. They should be taken to Caius. By the way, if you then return to Antabolis again, he will give you the key to the lower part of the ruins. Perhaps after this quest you will have a very unusual dream.

3. Search for the skull

The second task from Cosades - you need to talk with the orc (Sharn gra-Muzgb) in the Mages Guild (see above for how to get there). She is standing on the lower floor and wants you to bring her the skull of one Llewle Andrano from the Andrano Ancestral Tomb. If you ask her about that tomb, you will be given an enchanted sword and four scrolls. The place is located in the south of Pelagiad (Pelagiad) - if you go from this city along the road to the south, then before the intersection (the roads leading to Seyda Neen and Vivec) you need to turn right. Once inside, go down the stairs to a room with two skeletons. Go through the door on the other side of the room and follow down, go into the right door and take the skull. Return to the Guild and give the item. Ask the orc about "Nerevarine", then take the received notes to your mentor. You will be promoted to Apprentice in Blades.

4. Visit to Vivec

As always, there are a few things you need to know from someone. You have to go to the large southern city of Vivec and talk to three people: Addhiranir (Khajiite in St. Olms), Huleeya (Argonian in Foreign Quarter) and Mehra Milo (priestess in Temple). Use the Mages Guild to get into the city. You are now in Foreign Quarter. Go outside and go through the door labeled Lower Waistworks (located on the second tier). There, enter the Black Shalk Cornerclub, where the Argonian sits. After talking with him, you will find out that he wants to leave here for a bookstore, but local bandits are stopping him. Talk to one of them, raise his attitude towards you and ask about the "filthy lizard". If he says "they don't care", then everything is fine. Otherwise, kill all the villains. After that, talk to Huleeya again, leave the bar and take him to Jobasha's Rare Books. As soon as you are there, ask him about the “Nerevarine Cult” - you will receive papers that you will need to take to Cosades. Now go to St. Olms. There, enter Waistworks, go down the stairs and into Canal Works. Go down the steps again and climb into the hatch on the floor (Underworks). Addhiranir is located in the northeastern part of the sewer. She will mention some difficulties. Tell her about Census and Excise Agent. Now go back up to Waistworks and find Duvianus and Platorius there. Talk about the Khajiit, lie by selecting the "she went to the mainland" option. Now go back to the sewers and ask Addhiranir about the "Sixth House Cult". The last person you need to talk to is in the Temple in the Hall of Wisdom. Once you get there, go to the Library. Find Mehra Milo. She will suggest going to the back of the library. There, talk to her again and ask about the Nerevarine Cult and the book Progress of Truth. The book can be obtained in the southwestern corner of the library or bought (stolen) from Jobasha's Rare Books. After that, return to Caius and tell him everything. He will promote you to Journeyman.

5. Ashlander

Once again, the Master of Blades asks you to go and talk with an Ashlander named Hassour Zainsubani. Caius will also say that Hassur loves gifts and will give 100 coins. Take Silt Strider to Ald-Ruhn. Ashlander sits at Ald Kkar Inn (northwest square). Once you reach the second floor, go down the stairs on the right. Talk to Hassur and ask about "Gift giving customs", then about "thoughtful gift". He wants a book about poetry. Ask a local seller about Hassur - you will find out the name of the book that you should buy from him. Take the book to the Ashlander and get paper in return. With them, go back to Caius. Remember that message that you brought to him at the very beginning of the game? So, get it back, but already decrypted. The mentor will also say that the emperor himself believes that you may be the one about whom it is written in the prophecies.

6. Cult of the Nerevarine

This time you must go to Urshilaku Camp and find Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa. To get to the camp, you need to go to Ald-Rhun on Strider, and from there also to Maar Gan. From the city, go a little west, and then straight north almost to the coast. At the camp, talk to the locals wandering outside about "Nerevarine Prophecies". Always select the option "you fulfill the prophecies, and wish to speak with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa". They will send you to Zabamund's Yurt. After talking to him, select "pay 200 coins". He will direct you to the neighboring Ashkhan's Yurt. Sul-Matuul stands in the yurt. After talking with him, you will receive a quest to return the family heirloom - Sul-Senipul's Bonebiter Bow from Urshilaku Astral Burial. Crypt

located in the south-southeast of the camp (or exactly northwest of Falasmaryon). To find the bow, go south from the entrance, go through the door and go to a large cave filled with water. There, turn south and continue further into the Laterus Burial Chamber. Follow the stone steps up to the door to the Juno Burial Chamber. There, kill the ghost, searching his remains, you will find the family bow. Return to Sul-Matuul and show the bow - you will be recognized as a Friend of the Ashlander Tribe (Clanfriend), you can keep the bow for yourself. Now you can talk to Nibani (Wise Woman's Yurt). Ask her about the prophecies, then about "pass the test". Nibani says that you are not a Nerevarine, but you could become one. She will also ask you to bring her a book " The Lost Prophecies" will give you two other books, "The Seven Visions" and "The Stranger". Return to Balmora. Caius will promise to ask Mehra Milo about the book.

7. Assault on the Sixth House base

Finally, Caius gives a task where you need to kill someone. Caius will tell you to ask Raesa Pullia in more detail. Find her in Fort Buckmoth (inside). After talking, go to Gnaar Mok. Not far to the north is the Illunibi cave.

Once inside, go forward to the first intersection. There, turn left and go through the Tainted Marrow door. Continue moving to the door of Marowak's Spine, go in and at the intersection go right. Go through the Blackened Heart door, move forward, there will be a fork - to the left, then another one - left again and into the next Souls Rattle door. Here will be the one whose life is for you have come - Dagoth Gares. By killing him, you will become infected with the disease corprus desease (this cannot be avoided). Search the corpse and report to Kius.

8. Treatment of corpus disease

The mentor will say that it is possible to recover from this infection, and the magician Divayth Fyr can help us with this. Caius will give you a Dwemer Artifact, 1000 Septims and some Levitation Potions. You must get to Tel Fyr - from Balmora, using the services of the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall, from there to the southwest. There is only one tower in Tel Fyr. Enter through Onynx Hall, turn right and follow the corridor up to the Hall of Fyr door. Here, walk a couple steps forward and look at the ceiling. There is no ceiling here, but there is a vertical corridor. This is where flight bottles come in handy. Climb up, talk to the magician and offer the Dwemer artifact as a gift. Now ask about "divine desease" and "corprus desease". Next, say: “you may fulfill the prophecy.” He will send you for Dwemer boots to Yagrum from Bagarn in the Corprusarium. You can get to it as follows: as soon as you enter the tower, turn left and go down to the door to the Corprusarium. Victims of the disease for which you are looking for a cure walk around this place. DO NOT attack them (although they will be a bit hostile). Next: when you reach a fork, go left, at the next one go right. Enter Corprusarium Bowles. At the intersection, go left - you will see Dwemer with iron spider legs. He will give back the shoes - take them back to the wizard. He will give you medicine. Return to Balmora to learn that Caius has been recalled to Imperial City. He leaves his house at your disposal.

9. Dissident priests

However, before leaving for good, Cosades will tell you to talk to old friend Mehra Milo in Vivec. Again the Temple area, Hall of Wisdom. When you reach the middle of the room, go much south, then right. Go up the stairs and enter the last door on the right side (it's locked). Read the note on the table. From there, take the bottles with flight. Now you need to stock up on two Divine Intervention scrolls (Mages Guild in Foreign Quarter, Vivec) and boldly go to the Ministry of Truth - a block hovering above the Temple. Use flight to climb to the top. Tell the guard that you came to see someone - he will give a key and tell you where Mehra is, and also that it is better not to kill the guards (I don’t know what will happen otherwise). Inside, go to the fork, then left or right and up. Go through the door directly in front of you. Unlock the southern prison door. Mehra will be inside. Talk and give one scroll. Use the other yourself. You will find yourself in Ebonheart. Follow to the pier and talk to Blatta Hatera there. Say you want to go fishing. Now she can take you to Holamayan. When you get there, talk to Vevrana Aryon on the pier. Wait until 6 or 6 p.m. The door to the monastery will open. Inside you will find Mehra along with Master Barelo. After talking to both of them about "Lost Prophecies", you will receive them, as well as "The Seven Curses" and "Kagrenac's Tools". Return to Nibani at Urshilaku's camp. She will ask you to come back a little later.

10. Third Test

Talk to Nibani and ask her about "her judgment". She will answer that you have already passed the first two Tests, now it’s the turn of the third. Then talk to Sul-Matuul about the test. However, you will have to take his test first. Head to Kogoruhn. It is located southeast of Urshilaku. Enter the door called Dome of Pollock's Eye. Inside, kill Dagoth Girer and take Dagoth cup from the table - one of the three items from the Matuul task. There you will also find Corprus Weepings in the urn (take them too). Go outside and further through the door of the Hall of Phisto. Go left until you see steps leading to the Hall of Maki door. Having entered it, follow straight, open the wooden door and enter the large hall. Go down the left corridor and through the door. Turn north through the next door, go down and continue north to the door to Nabith Waterway. Here, head forward along the left side until you reach a tunnel on the left. Follow it. You must go out into the room with the door in Charma's Breath. At the fork, go right into the Bleading Heart door. At the fork you need to turn right, at the next one right again. Directly in front of you on the stone there will be a Shadow shield that you need to pick up (by the way, in These caves are inhabited by a vampire named Dagoth Uthol. Take the Belt of Heartfire from his dead body. When you're done here, return to Sul-Matuul. He will leave all these items for you (why did he give you the quest then?) and tell you a riddle about the third Trial.

Now we need to get to Cavern of the Incarnate. It lies a little far to the southeast of the camp (in a small gorge). You can recognize this place by its massive iron door with an unusual ornament on it (as well as by its name). Wait until 6 or 18 hours. In the cave, take the ring (Moon and Star) from the palm of the statue. Here they will show you a video. Talk to the spirits. At the end of the conversation, everyone will give you something. Return to the camp to Nibani Maesa. The third Test has been passed.

11. Fourth test

The same Nibani will tell you about him. You must ensure that all three Great Houses declare you a "Hortator". House Redoran: First get to Ald-Rhun. Enter the large building in the north of the city - the Manor District. Here you will find the door to Sarethi Manor. Go down and talk to Athyn Sarethi (he's in a red robe) about the "Redoran Hortator". Tell your story (second answer). Get a task - to save his son. Leave this estate and look for the door to Venim Manor. Inside, take the first right. Enter the Right Wing door and go down, take the note and key on the bench on the right. In the room on the right there is a small corridor with a tapestry at the end. Behind him lurked an insidious door. Open it with the key or just hack it. Talk to the son and take him back to his father. He will thank you and call you who he promised. To get other advisors to call you "Hortator", you just need to ask them about it. Arobar Manor => Guard Bedrooms => Private Bedrooms => Manor Bedrooms - Miner Arobar advisor. Llethri Manor => Manor Bedrooms => first door on the right - Councilor Garisa Llethri. Redoran Council Entrance => Council Hall => Morvayn's Quarters - advisor Barara Morvayn. Ramoran Manor => Private Quarters - advisor Hlaren Ramoran. Last advisor Bolvyn Venim in Venim Manor (Private Quarters). When all advisors call you "Hortator", he will agree to a duel. Come to the area of ​​​​Vivec called the Arena. Go to any door in the Waistworks. Inside is the door to the Arena Pit. Bolvyn will immediately run at you with a Daedric dai-katana. Deal with your opponent, pick up a daikatana and ebony armor (how much money you can get money from the sale!) Return to Athyn and demand to be named. In addition, you will receive a note in which you are exposed as an Imperial spy, another note and a ring of the one who they called you (Ring of the Hartator). Telvanni House: Head to Tel Vos (which is to the west of Vos, which is to the west across the strait from Tel Mora). You need to climb (by levitation) almost to the very top of the magic tower. The door to Master Aryon's room ( Aryon's Chambers) faces south. Find the master inside and ask him the same thing. He will give his consent. Return to Tel Mora. Climb to the top of the main tower and go through the door. Here you need to talk to Misstres Dratha. If your character is female, then you will get consent without any problems, but if your character is male, then raise the level of your relationship with her. Then talk again and choose the first answer. Travel to Tel Arun and climb to the top of the central tower again. Talk to Gothren (he is guarded by two dremora). It doesn't matter what he says. Lower your relationship with him until you are attacked. Kill him and the dremora. Take the boat to Sadrith Mora. Approach Tel Naga tower, again Go upstairs and through the door. Inside you will see Neloth. Raise your ratio to about 70. After this, you must get agreement from Therana. She lives in Tel Branora at the top of the tower east of the local port. Here, go through the door of Therana's Chamber. Talk to the woman. Get consent. Get to Gnisis in any way. Master Baladas lives in the Arvs-Drelen crypt. There, go through the door, left, left again and up the corridor. Having received agreement, return to Aryon. Hlaalu House: Vivec. Hlaalu District local plaza, Curio Manor. Tell your story to Crassius" at Curio. Give the money - get consent. Get to the plaza in St. Olms Canton. In Yngling's Manor, talk to Yngling. Pay 2000 coins to get consent. Go out to the plaza. In Haunted Manor, you should find Dram Bero. Inside you will have to open the locked door. Go outside and follow north from Vivec to Dren Plantation. Enter Dren's own estate. You can tell him that you just want peace (he will attack - kill), or you can increase your attitude and say that you want to protect Morrowind. Two more advisers - Nevera (the estate to the east of the plantation) and Velanda (exit Vivec through the bridge to the east, then south - you will see the estate). It's time to return to Curio. Finally, this tedious quest is completed.

Epic hangover stories, murder investigations, dungeon crawls and Lovecraftian villages. Here are the best quests in Elder Scrolls history.

The Elder Scrolls series has given us many excellent quests, which are deservedly considered the best in the RPG genre. Of course, we love Fallout, Knights of the Old Republic, The Witcher and many other games of the genre, but quests from the Elder Scrolls have their own unique charm.

Many years ago, the creative team at Bethesda decided that it was time to get rid of the tired “go there, find it and come back” formula that RPG quests were usually based on, and start using all the possibilities of the open world for something... new.

Since then, every new Elder Scrolls game has featured at least one quest that is so inventive that it almost feels like the entire game was designed solely for that quest. And this thought didn’t let go until you came across an even more impressive quest.

But which ones can be called the best? Which missions allowed us to immerse ourselves in the open world of an RPG and enjoy a lot of little things in it, while admiring a compelling story?

The best quests in Elder Scrolls history have to be more than just epic, inventive, and memorable. They have to be almost perfect to justify the dozens of hours you've spent on this game universe.

We'll talk about Arena and Daggerfall some other time, but for now we present to your attention the best quests in the history of the Elders Scrolls.

25. Purification – Oblivion

Lucien Lachance, a representative of the Dark Brotherhood, decided to ask you for a favor. As it turned out, members of the Brotherhood suspect that there is a spy among them. And since you joined the faction after the first evidence of a spy appeared, you remain above suspicion. Moreover, you are tasked with eliminating all the assassins to make sure that the spy does not escape alive.

Honestly, this entire list could only consist of Dark Brotherhood quests from Oblivion. However, this particular quest stands out from the rest not only because you get to kill characters you've worked alongside over many missions, but also because there are countless ways to kill them.

Eliminate them with your bare hands, use poisoned apples, summon the creatures of darkness and methodically cross off targets from your list - this quest contains the variety that we love so much about Dark Brotherhood tasks, and a very unexpected twist in this excellent storyline.

24. Behead the Thieves Guild/Kill the Master Thief – Morrowind

Overall, Morrowind's questing isn't the best the Elder Scrolls series has to offer, but there are plenty of hidden gems in this classic RPG. One of them is a quest that begins with a request from the head of the Fighters Guild to kill the leaders of the Thieves Guild.

The task is interesting primarily because you can get it even if you are already a member of the Thieves Guild. In addition, we very rarely see direct faction conflicts in the Elder Scrolls series, and therefore the quest can be confusing at first. However, this is one of those missions that makes the game worlds more compelling and forces the player to make big decisions while getting into the role of their character.

The quest itself, as well as the various ways to complete it depending on your connections and preferences, is simply bound to appear in one form or another in future Elder Scrolls games.

23. Ushnar's Nightmare – Shivering Isles

Ushnar gro-Shadborgob is an orc with a bit of a problem. He is terribly afraid of cats, and it just so happens that a Khajiit named Bisha is following on his heels. Ushnar asks you to make sure Bisha doesn't pursue him anymore. And Bisha... Bisha, it turns out, just really loves the dogs that Ushnar got to scare away the cats.

The Shivering Isles expansion is known for its creative quests, and this simple side mission is a prime example. You can easily "solve" the problem by killing the wandering Khajiit, but if you take the time to dig deeper into the matter, you'll find that there are several ways to help both characters (or help neither) get what they want.

The best sidequests in the Elder Scrolls attract us with their unconventional plots and surprise us with their climaxes. And in this regard, this quest lives up to all expectations.

22. Innocence Lost – Skyrim

A little boy tries to perform a Dark Sacrament to summon members of the Dark Brotherhood and ask them to kill someone. What initially looks like a simple childish misunderstanding of the ritual turns out to be something much more disturbing.

"Innocence Lost" is a fairly simple quest with a familiar turn-based execution system, but its genius lies in the moral side of your actions. After the mission leads you to the rather cruel owner of the orphanage, and you begin to understand what the main conflict of the quest is, you may wonder what role the Dark Brotherhood plays in this world.

Are you truly a righteous ruler of destinies or just an assassin who periodically stumbles upon targets that pose a greater threat than they seem?

21. Shrine of Sheogorath – Oblivion

Present a piece of yarn, lettuce and a small soul stone to the statue of Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, and he will ask you to convince the inhabitants of a small town that the prophecy about the end of the world is about to come true? For what? Yes, because it will be fun, that's why!

Sheogorath has long been one of the best characters in Elder Scrolls mythology, and this quest cements him as the source of some of the funniest quests in franchise history. Here we have to attract rats with the help of a piece of rare cheese, monitor the population of local sheep and ultimately become an unwitting harbinger of a real apocalypse.

And be sure to wait for the explosive finale.

20. An Unexpected Journey – Oblivion

The Floating Inn is an inn ship located in the Port District of the Imperial City. At first it seems that this is an interesting, but far from essential element of decor for the largest location in the game. However, if you decide to spend the night on the ship, the next morning you will find that the tavern has been hijacked by pirates.

The premise itself already looks pretty good, but the mission became famous precisely because of the unexpected depth of development. If you choose to kill the pirates, you'll miss out on their entertaining backstory, which reveals who they are and why they decided to sail the high seas.

By the way, after this quest you will probably begin to look with suspicion at other taverns in the Elder Scrolls world.

19. Diplomatic immunity – Skyrim

After learning that the Thalmor faction may be responsible for the return of dragons to the world of Skyrim, you are tasked with infiltrating the home of the Thalmor ambassador and finding the necessary evidence. Under normal conditions this would be impossible, however, fortunately for you, the ambassador just decided to organize a reception for guests, and therefore you have a chance to slip through unnoticed...

To begin with, it is worth noting the excellent implementation of stealth, as well as a well-staged scene, during which you need to convince one of the guests to distract the owner of the house. Interestingly, depending on your character, the chosen faction and previously made decisions, you can convince almost any guest, if, of course, you thoroughly prepare for the task.

The quest itself is done very well, and the episode with the guests is a brilliant example of how problems can be solved using role-playing elements.

18. Final Peace – Shivering Isles

Hirrus Clutumnus is an incredibly annoying NPS that roams the Crucible area of ​​New Sheoth. If you decide to attack him, he will admit that he has a death wish. However, he wants to die in a rather extraordinary way.

What we have here is perhaps one of the best examples of dark humor in the Elder Scrolls series. The various ways in which Clutumnus' request can be fulfilled are surprising to say the least, but the main star of the quest is Hirrus himself and his dark jokes about how much he wants to die.

It's worth keeping him alive just to listen to all the lines in which he lists the various events that happened during the Shivering Isles storyline and laments that none of them led to his death.

Yes, and the epitaph on Clutumnus’s tombstone will read as follows: “Hirrus Clutumnus could not fit into this world. But now he fits perfectly into the coffin.”

17. Blood on the Snow – Skyrim

The city of Windhelm lives in fear of a serial killer who has managed to evade justice for a long time. After another murder, the city residents ask you to find the maniac and make him answer for all the crimes he has committed.

And although at first this investigation looks more like a plot for the TV series CSI: Tamriel, it ultimately turns out to be one of the longest sidequests in Skyrim. In order to find the killer, you will need to do more than just fulfill a number of pre-specified conditions. It is likely that you will end up calling an innocent resident a murderer.

And the worst thing is that the consequences of a wrong decision in this quest will sooner or later make you regret your mistakes...

16. Dangerous Arts – Oblivion

An artist has disappeared in Cheydinhal, and his wife is in sincere bewilderment. She says that he had no secrets, no secret lovers, and he spent all his time in his room with his paintings. A quick inspection of the paintings shows that one of them looks suspiciously... addictive.

Apparently, the quest "Dangerous Arts" was created only so that Oblivion artists could show their creativity in a hand-drawn world. And it’s very difficult not to admire the beauty of the environment in this quest, simultaneously saving the artist from his own addictions.

On the other hand, many will probably hate this task due to the most difficult enemies in Oblivion: painted trolls.

15. East Imperial Company Colony – Bloodmoon

This is not a completely standard quest, but rather a storyline consisting of a number of small tasks, but we simply could not help but include this amazing adventure in this collection.

In the Bloodmoon expansion for Morrowind, you have the opportunity to help the Eastern Imperial Company build a colony around a resource-rich mine. To do this, you will need to negotiate with suppliers, appease the old man who loves to fight in pubs, choose political factions that will become part of the colony, and ultimately build your own mansion.

Unlike the construction mode from Fallout 4, which did not fit into the general RPG gameplay at all, here in order to build a colony you need to complete a series of exciting quests, and as a reward you will be able to admire the result of your labors.

14. Order of the Virtuous Blood – Oblivion

In the Imperial City we meet a townsman who tells us about a vampire who roams the world of Cyrodiil. We also learn that the headquarters of the vampire hunters' guild is located nearby, and they clearly could use our help. However, after meeting them, it becomes obvious that they are not recruiting the most gifted hunters into this guild. Moreover, the game clearly hints to us that these guys are clearly not hunting vampires.

This quest is full of clever references to the legendary stories about vampires, and the main emphasis here is on the ambiguity of the actions of vampire hunters. As you complete the task, you gradually wonder if the game is even worth the candle.
This, by the way, is also the first quest to warn Oblivion players that they themselves may become vampires.

13. Call of the Moon – Skyrim

Although Falkreath is known as the location with the largest graveyard in Skyrim, a recent death has shaken the hardened inhabitants to the core. A worker named Sinding literally tore a little girl apart, and the grieving father wants to know what motivated the killer. In trying to find the answer to this question, you will discover that there is a second bottom to this story.

Calling the Moon will require Skyrim players to rely less on quest markers and more on their own moral compass. And although the mission will ultimately come down to one decision, choosing the “right” option (if there is one at all) is incredibly difficult.
As a reward for completing the quest, you can receive one of two unique items, each of which can significantly affect further gameplay.

12. Death of an Empire – Skyrim

The missions of the Dark Brotherhood from Skyrim are difficult to compare with the much more creative missions from Oblivion. In the end, the line from Oblivion is perhaps the best that Bethesda has created. However, some Dark Brotherhood quests from Skyrim deserve a mention on our list.

And we should start with the quest “Death of an Empire”, as well as a preparatory task, during which we need to infiltrate the emperor’s castle, pretending to be his cook. What follows is one of the funniest poisoning scenes involving a cook who is ready to add even the most ridiculous ingredients to a dish.

But as fun as it is to watch the poisoned dish being prepared, the best part of the mission is its final twist, during which the true nature of the Dark Brotherhood is revealed.

11. Where the Spirits Are – Oblivion

In Oblivion you can purchase several houses at once, but their prices are clearly inflated. This is why most players will purchase the Benirus mansion, which sells for only 5,000 gold, without any questions asked. But a profitable purchase of a new house will result in you having to live under the same roof with hostile ghosts.

Next, you will try to clear the house of ghosts and a complex exorcism ritual, during which you will find out where these ghosts came from in the first place. Very soon it will become clear that the Benirus mansion has a rather creepy and long history that will naturally make your blood run cold.

Here we have a great ghost story, perfectly woven into the world of Oblivion, which turned out to be both fun and scary.

10. Silent Pilgrimage – Morrowind

Two high-ranking representatives of the Canton Temple in Vivec want you to show your wisdom and patience by making a pilgrimage to the Sanctus Temple. And before that they force you to take a vow of silence. If you talk to anyone during your pilgrimage - including by asking for fast travel, talking to merchants, or any of the characters you encounter - the mission will fail.

And although the quest's design can be destroyed using numerous in-game exploits, those who decide to play the Silent Pilgrimage as intended by the developers will be able to appreciate the genius of the quest's design. By removing the ability to rely on others for help - a crucial part of navigating the world of Morrowind - Bethesda forces players to use completely unfamiliar skills to complete a simple task.

Thus, traveling in complete silence is as satisfying as slaying a dragon or daedric lord.

9. Shadow over Hakdirt – Oblivion

A young Argonian named Dar-Ma has gone missing. The last time she was seen, she was delivering a package to the small town of Hakdirt. Having reached the city, we find that it is on the verge of collapse, and it is inhabited by very unfriendly residents. After talking with some of them, we begin to doubt that Dar-Ma even appeared here.

Even though the quest follows the classic structure of the story “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” by G.F. Lovecraft, to whom the developers pay tribute, it contains enough twists that even those who know the story by heart cannot predict, and therefore the intrigue remains until the last moment.

This is perhaps the best horror quest in Elder Scrolls history.

8. Rogue Conspiracy – Skyrim

A woman is brutally attacked on the streets of Markarth. A little later it turns out that members of the Outcast faction were behind the assassination attempt. No one is particularly surprised by this incident, but the mysterious man at the scene of the attack claims that it is all part of a larger conspiracy.

Investigation quests in the Elder Scrolls series are always particularly exciting, and this particular mission is good because it involves the player in the action with a simple incident, which turns out to be just a thread that actually leads to a large-scale conspiracy.

The resulting simple attack sets off a chain of events that will forever change not only Markarth, but the entire world presented in Skyrim.

7. Healing Corprus – Morrowind

In many Elder Scrolls games, we are faced with terrible diseases that are very difficult to cure, but no quest to find a cure compares to what happens after we become infected with corprus in Morrowind.

Corprus is an incredibly deadly disease, considered incurable, that all Morrowind players will have to face during the main quest. After the diagnosis is announced, you learn about an ancient wizard who, according to rumors, managed to find a cure for the disease. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to get to. And even if you manage to find it, an even more difficult task awaits you.

Interestingly, Cure the Corprus is the only quest in the Elder Scrolls in which you can interact with a living Dwemer. However, the main advantages of the mission are the detailed dungeons, mini-puzzles and the influence of the quest events on the subsequent passage.

6. Paranoia – Oblivion

On the streets of Skingrad, you meet an elf named Glarthir, who asks you to return to the same place at midnight. If you fulfill his request, you will find a monologue from Glarthir, who is sure that he is at the center of a major conspiracy. He asks you to observe the suspects on his personal list. And although Glartir seems like a madman at first, you will soon realize that everything is not so simple.

“Paranoia” can be called a kind of social experiment built into Oblivion. This quest generously rewards players with gold for those who choose to use Glarthir's doubts to their advantage, up to a certain time, without showing them the consequences of their choices. However, players must decide how far they are willing to go for maximum gain.

Unfortunately, even those who ultimately make the right decision will eventually realize how terrible their actions were...

5. Ghosts of Vaitarna – Shivering Isles

Residents of New Sheot speak with horror of a cursed settlement called Vaytarn. Arriving at this village, we find that most of its inhabitants have died due to the attack. Sheogorath doomed them to eternal torment in the form of ghosts due to the fact that they could not protect their settlement, and now the spirits of Vaitarn ask you for help.

This quest could easily become a separate game. The complexity of the tasks and the variety of problem-solving options lead us to an amazing series of puzzles that are inextricably linked with the tragic backstory of the city.
Ghosts of Vaitarn is a prime example of how much impact a good script has on the overall quality of an RPG.

4. Trap in action – Shivering Isles

A dungeon master named Kiliban Nirandil, who has a bad habit of laughing loudly, is concerned that three adventurers are in his dungeon. Nirandil asks you to help decide their fate and temporarily take on the role of dungeon master.

This quest is an inventive throwback to the Dungeons and Dragons era of tabletop role-playing games, only it uses all the mechanics of the Elder Scrolls. And although in each of the presented rooms you are not given many options to choose from, it is extremely interesting to observe the consequences of your decisions, which are reflected in the physical and mental state of the adventurers.

But whatever your decisions, you won't forget this creative torture maze. This is one of those missions where you can launch saves at any time and replay the situation again.

3. An unforgettable night – Skyrim

A guy named Sam challenges you to drink as much alcohol as possible at a local pub. After a few glasses, he declares you the winner and adds that the fun can continue “where the wine flows like a river.” And after a while you lose consciousness and wake up in the temple, completely not understanding how you ended up in it. What happened and where is Sam?

This obvious reference to The Hangover, ironically, turned out to be the most memorable quest in Skyrim. It’s impossible to hold back a smile, gradually reconstructing the picture of the events of last night and being horrified by your wild adventures. And by the time you find out what happened to Sam, you'll probably be laughing out loud.

2. Daring Heist – Oblivion

For your latest mission in the Thieves Guild, the mysterious Gray Fox has prepared a task that seems impossible. He asks you to infiltrate the Imperial Palace and steal one of the Elder Scrolls.

This quest is the culmination of a series of excellent Thieves Guild missions, during which we collected a number of mystical items. All of these items will be useful for completing the final task, during which you will have to use maximum caution and stealth to penetrate the most guarded room in Tamriel.

Not only does this quest show us how great Thief could have been under the guidance of the Elder Scrolls writers, but it also ends on the high note that the Guild storyline deserved.

1. Detective – Oblivion

The Dark Brotherhood gives you the task of visiting the prestigious Summitmist mansion in Skingrad. There you will be met by an accomplice pretending to be a doorman, who will inform you that five members of the Brotherhood have also arrived at the reception. One of the guests is a murderer... and that murderer is you. If you manage to kill all the guests without raising any suspicion, you will receive the most substantial skill bonus in the entire game.

However, even without this incentive, completing the mission is incredibly interesting. The open structure of the quest allows you to endlessly experiment with ways to kill guests, over and over again averting suspicion. You can kill them one by one, like in some slasher movie, you can set up an accident, or you can find out how they feel about each other and force them to do all the dirty work for you, playing on their fears and hatred. The main thing is to promptly eliminate guests who begin to look askance at you.

It is impossible not to note the classic setting for such stories (after the start of the quest, the weather automatically deteriorates, and rain rages outside the window), but this quest is notable for its huge number of action options, which makes it the best in the Elder Scrolls series. An ideal mission for playing the chosen role.

Morrowind / Walkthrough

~Main Quest~

As soon as the game starts, you will find yourself in the hold of an Imperial prisoner transport ship. Talk to your cellmate and tell him your name. Shortly after this, a guard will come to you and tell you to follow him, do everything he says. Another guard will meet you at the pier. After talking with him, you will be asked to choose your character's race, gender, face and hairstyle. Try to make your choices meaningful, this will greatly affect the course of the game. If you have any doubts, consult the manual.

After you confirm your choice, walk along the pier into the building and talk to the man near the desk. He will ask you to fill out papers indicating your class and the sign under which you were born. If you doubt your choice, refer to the manual. After confirming your choice, take the papers from the table and proceed through the door on your left.

Before leaving the building, try to grab as many things as possible, in the future you will be able to sell them, which will greatly facilitate your situation. Finally, go out into the courtyard and approach the neighboring house. Before entering it, rummage through the barrel standing to the left of the building. In it you will find a Healing Ring, which you can then return to its rightful owner. After that, go into the house and talk to Cellus Gravius. He will give you some gold and tell you a lot of interesting information about Morrowind, or at least about Seyda Neen, the small town you are in. In the conversation, the name of Kai Cosades, an agent of the Blades, intelligence of the Empire, will come up. Talk to Cellus about this and receive a package for Kai Cosades, which will need to be delivered to the recipient.

You can find Kai Cosades in Balmora; it’s better to get there on a seal strider, although you can also walk, however, such a path will be much more dangerous. However, before leaving Seyda Neen, talk to its inhabitants and complete several quests. They are simple, but will help you gain gaming experience and rise in level. And the proceeds will allow you to be better equipped.

After all the quests in Seyda Nina are completed, go to Balmora. Kai Cosades's house is located in the northeastern part of the city. The road to it can be shown at the Southern Wall tavern.

House of Kai Cosades Tavern "Southern Wall"

When you talk to Kai Cosades, select the "Report to Kai Cosades" topic, then give him the package. After he examines its contents, he will ask if you are ready to follow his instructions. If you have already mastered the game, answer in the affirmative and get to work.

Your first quest will be to talk to Hasphat Antabolis from the Balmora Fighters Guild. Kai is interested in information about the secret cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. However, Kai immediately warns, most likely, Antabolis will demand that you complete some task for him.

So, go to the Fighters Guild (screen) and talk to Antabolis. He, as Kai predicted, will ask you to do him a small favor. You will need to go to the Dwemer ruins of Arkntand and find the Dwemer puzzle there. The fortress gates are opened by a small lever located nearby. As soon as you have the puzzle, return to Antabolis. However, you can explore the rest of the ruins, this will help you gain experience and get rich.


Puzzle location:

After you return with the Dwemer puzzle to Hasfat, he will give you some information about the Nerevarine and the Sixth House, but will add that it is best to talk about local beliefs and superstitions with Sharn gra-Muzgob at the local Mages Guild. In addition, Antabolis will offer to collect the key to the Lower Levels of Arkntand for you. I can immediately say that this key has no practical significance. All locked doors can be easily opened with a master key. So, if you have already walked around the entire Arkntand, then you can safely throw away the key. With the information received, return to Kai Cosades.

After studying the notes, Kai will give you the next task - talk with Sharn gra-Muzgob about the cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. The Mages Guild is located next to the Fighters Guild.

When you talk to Sharn, she will tell you that she can tell you about the Nerevarine cult, but first you will have to complete her assignment - to find the skull of Llewul Adran in the Ancestral Tomb of Adran. The tomb is located south of Pelagiad, right next to the road. However, before you go there, take care of your weapons, because many spirits are immune to simple weapons. However, Sharn will provide you with the “Blade of Fire”, but if you already have enough funds, look for a better weapon. Better equipped, go on a mission. When you have the skull, return to Sharn gra-Muzgob, and she will give you her notes on the cult of the Nerevarine.

Adrano's ancestral tomb

Once you have the notes, go to Kai Cosades. He will thank you for your notes and give you the title of Beginner. After this, if your character has already reached level four or higher, Kai will give you the next task.

Now that you have the records of Sharn gra-Muzgob and Hasphat Antabolis in your hands, you will need to gather information about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House in Vivec. To do this, you will need to interview three informants: Addhiranirr, a Khajiit from the Thieves Guild, Huleya, an Argonian from the Morag Tong, and then Mehra Milo, a priestess of the Temple. It's best to start with the first two. You can get to Vivec on a Siltstrider.

Once in Vivec, go to St. Olms Parish and go down to the Canals level. Talk to the locals, such as Seviza Teran. She will tell you that Addhiranirr is hiding from an agent of the Imperial Chancellery who appeared here, and that you should look for her in the dungeons. Go down even lower, to the dungeon level. Addhiranirr is indeed here, but she will not speak to you until you get rid of the agent. This agent's name is Duvianus Platorius, he can be found right there in the district of St. Olms, in the Belt. Talk to him about Addhiranirr and tell him that the Khajiit left Vvardenfell and sailed to the mainland. Chancellery agents are so naive that they believe the first stranger they meet. After this, you can return to Addhiranirr for information. As soon as she tells you everything she knows about the Nerevarine and the cult of the Sixth House, you can begin searching for the second informant - Huleya.

You can find him in the Black Shalk tavern, however, when you talk to him, he will say that he will tell you everything he knows, but only if you help him deal with his problem. Namely, at the moment, Huleya is threatened by several racists who dream of dealing with him, because the sight of a free Argonian gets on their nerves. He cannot fight them, because... this would damage the reputation of Morag Tong, and he doesn’t want to expose his friend, the owner of the inn, so you will have to settle his problems. Huleya has three enemies - Etis Savil, Urven Davor and Favel Gobor. You can either kill them or bribe them. In the latter case, you will need to raise the ratio of each of them towards you to 60 or higher. In this case, everything will end peacefully. Otherwise, get ready for a fight. When the problem is resolved one way or another, take Huleya to Jobashi's bookstore. There he will tell you everything he knows about the Nerevarine cult and give you his notes, which should be delivered to Kai Cosades.

You will find the third informant, Mehra Milo, in the Temple District of Vivec, in the library. This informant will be the most accommodating of all. To get information from Milo, you just need to go with her to the far part of the library. There she will tell you everything she knows about the Cult of the Nerevarine and advise you to get the book “Advancement of Truth,” which outlines the worldview of the Apostate Priests. This book is very rare, there are only six copies in all of Vvardenfell. Copies of this book can be found in Jobashi's bookstore, in the Telvanni Tower in Vivec, in the Temple library, in the secret library of the Hall of Justice, and in Tel Uvirite, in the home of Arelas. The easiest way to get it is to buy it from Jobashi.

Once you have collected information from all three informants and obtained the Advancement of Truth, return to Kai Cosades with a report. If you have collected all the required information, Kai will give you the new title “Wanderer”. After this, Kai will invite you to practice your skills and complete tasks from other guilds. Follow his advice, and when you feel that your character has become stronger, come back.

As a result of studying the information collected, it becomes clear that the most information can be found from the Ashlanders. Thus, Kai's next task is to find an informant among this group of Dunmer. Go to Ald'ruhn to the Dunmer named Hassur Zainsubani for information about the Nerevarine cult. You can find him in Ald'rune, in the Ald Scar tavern. However, before he tells everything he knows, you will have to give him a gift. Since Hassur loves poetry most of all, a collection of poems will be just the right gift for him. For these one of three books is suitable for purposes: “Hymns of Ashland” (you can find it from a bookseller in Ald’ruhn or in the Hlaalu archives in Vivec), “Words of the Wind” (you can buy it from a bookseller in Ald’ruhn) or “Five Distant Stars" (bookstore in Ald'rune). However, instead of books, you can do Hassur a favor: find his missing son Hannat, who has gone to explore Mameya, an ancient underground complex located west of Red Mountain. By the way, you don’t have to look for your son himself, you just need to promise that you will find him. When you gain Hassur's trust in one way or another, he will give you his notes. Once you have them, return to Kai Cosades.


So, having received Zainsubani's notes, Kai gives you the next task - to report to the Urshilaku camp and talk there with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Mesa. However, before he sends you on your way, he will tell you some stunning news. It turns out that you are the one who fits the Nerevarine’s prophecy; it is you who may turn out to be the incarnation of the ancient Dunmer hero, Nerevar. That's why you were released from the imperial prison and sent on a secret mission to Morrowind. Well, the Emperor’s desire is quite understandable. In ancient times, Nerevar fought all his life for the independence of Morrowind, his name is sacred to everyone who wants to wrest the province from the rule of the Empire. Therefore, taking into your service the Nerevarine, the incarnation of Nerevar, is a very successful political step. Although, of course, risky. However, let's leave high politics alone and return to the task of Kai Cosades. The Ashlander clan's camp, Urshilaku, is located far to the north, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Ghosts. You can get there either from Maar Gan along the Ban-Dad road, or from Khuul by water (by swimming or using spells). Remember, you cannot kill members of the Urshilaku tribe, otherwise they will refuse to deal with you.

Once in the Urshilaku camp, you will need to talk with Sul-Matuul (the tribe's ashkhan) and Nibani Mesa (the tribe's shaman). However, they will refuse to talk to you until you get permission from Zabamund. Go to him and talk about the prophecies of the Nerevarine. During the conversation you will be offered several answer options:
1. Offer a duel for the right to speak with Sul-Matuul. Your level must be at least 6.
2. Boast about your exploits. Your reputation must be greater than 20 or your eloquence level must be greater than 30.
3. Tell everything you know about the cults of the Sixth House and the Nerevarine. Speech level must be at least 30.
4. Offer 200 gold for the opportunity to speak with Sul-Matuul and Nibani Mesa. The condition is appropriate, 200 septims in your pocket.
Having received permission, as you will be notified by an entry in the journal, go to Sul-Matuul.

This time he will accept you, but will note that in order to talk to you about the Nerevarine, you must become a Friend of the Clan. To do this you must undergo an initiation rite. The quest of Sul-Matuul will become such a ritual for you; you will have to get the bow of the Bone Gnawer of Sul-Senipul, buried in the depths of the burial caves of Urshilaku. You will find these caves in the southeast of the camp, halfway to Red Mountain. Go there and find the bow, the ghost Sul-Senipul will have it. Kill him and take the Bone Gnawer from him. When you have the bow, return to Sul-Matuul, and he will declare you a Friend of the Clan, completing the initiation rite. After this, go to Nibani Mesa so that she can check you for compliance with the Nerevarine prophecies.

Bone Gnawer Bow Location:

First hall Second hall
(the entrance is marked with a green cross, the door to the next room is marked with a red cross)
Third hall Fourth hall
(the entrance is marked with a green cross, the door to the next room is marked with a red cross) (the entrance is marked with a green cross, the location of the Ghost of Sul-Senipul is marked with a red cross)

Now that you have become a Friend of the Clan, Nibani Mesa will tell you everything she knows about the prophecies of the Nerevarine and whether you are truly the embodiment of the ancient hero of Morrowind. The dialogue will be long, try not to miss a single topic. When you have discussed all the issues, the shaman will tell you that you are not yet a Nerevarine, but you can become one. She can help you with this, but first you must obtain the Lost Prophecies, which are in the possession of the renegade priests of the Temple. When you get her these notes, she will help you fulfill what was destined from birth. In addition, Nibani Mesa will give you two books about the Nerevarine prophecies. Having received them, you can return to Kai Cosades.

Yurt Nibani Mesa

When Kai listens to your report, he will say that he needs to think about what he heard and consult with Mehra Milo. He will suggest that you practice your skills and acquire suitable equipment before receiving the next task. I highly recommend taking his advice. If you consider yourself ready for battle, then talk to Kai again, and he will say that you need to arrive at Fort Motley Butterfly to talk with Raesa Pullia there. She knows something about the Sixth House base and is looking for a person for some task. So, your path again lies north, to Ald'ruhn. Your task will be to find the base of the Sixth House and kill Dagoth Gares, the priest of the Sixth House.

Fort Pied Butterfly

When you reach Pied Butterfly Fort, you will find Raesa Pullia in the interior, just opposite the entrance. Talk to her about the Sixth House base and she will tell you that a Legion patrol discovered a Sixth House base near Gnaar Mok, but everyone died. Only one soldier returned with an upset mind, repeating in delirium the name of the cave - Ilunibi. You have to go there and figure out what's going on. Gnaar Mok can tell you about the location of the cave.

When you get to Ilunibi, get ready for some serious battles. Your opponents will be various creatures of the corprus, battles with which will be a serious test. Please note that simple weapons will not take them. However, the most serious opponent will be Dagoth Gares himself, a priest of the Sixth House cult. Before he fights you, he will tell you some startling things. It turns out that the head of the Sixth House, the powerful Dagoth Ur, knows about your arrival and is waiting to meet with you to offer you an alliance. After this, Dagoth Gares will enter into battle with you. However, your victory over him will not be complete. Before his death, he will have time to send a curse on you and infect you with the terrible disease Corprus, which he will call the gift of Dagoth Ur. After you kill the priest, you can return to Kai Cosades. However, before you leave the cave, search it carefully. To the left of Dagoth Gares there is a “trough” filled with all sorts of things, and behind it there are two good gloves, one gives a bonus to strength (+20), the other to agility (+20), both are enchanted for a permanent effect. By the way, on the opposite wall you will find some good glass boots. When you have cleared the entire cave, return to Kai Cosades. I’ll say right away that there is no alternative storyline in the game, so you cannot join the Sixth House and become Dagoth Ur’s assistant.

So, you return to Kai Cosades, with victory and with the corprus eating your body. In the conversation, Kai will say that one of his agents, Fast Eddie, said that only Divayth Fyr knows more about the corprus in Vvardenfell, besides Dagoth Ur. However, if the owner of the Red Mountain is unlikely to share with you a recipe for healing this terrible disease, then Divayt Fyr, who maintains the Corprusarium, may be useful. And to make it easier to persuade him, Kai gives you a Dwemer artifact - as you know, Fir is fond of collecting such things. Now you should go to Tel Fir.

As soon as you meet with Divayth Fir, give him the Dwemer artifact, and then talk about the corprus. Fir will examine you and tell you that you are indeed sick, but he has a potion that can help you, but he will only give it to you after you bring him the Dwemer boots. He gave them to one resident of the Corprusarium, named Yagrum Bagarn, who was supposed to repair them. So, head to the Corprusarium, which serves as the final refuge for those who, like you, have been struck by Corprus. Please note that under no circumstances should you kill the inhabitants of the Corprusarium.

The main attraction of the Corprusarium is Yagrum Bagarn himself, the last living of the extinct race of Dwemer, or Dwarves as they are sometimes called. After talking with the gnome, take the Dwemer Boots of Flight from him and take them to Fir. It's time to recover from corprus.

By the way, if there is a munchkin in your soul, then you can follow the following advice. Every day you have corprus, your strength and speed will increase and your intelligence and willpower will decrease. In this way, many manage to bring their strength values ​​up to 400. One way or another, when you think that you are ready to get rid of corprus, return to Fir, give him the boots, and in exchange he will give you an experimental potion that should cure you of corprus. As soon as you drink it (by the way, Fir will not allow you to take it with you), the old magician will say that the negative symptoms of corprus have disappeared, but some of its manifestations remain. Remember the tip about strength? So, after curing corprus, all your characteristics that were reduced during the course of the disease will return to their original values. However, all characteristics whose value has increased will remain at the same level. That is, if as a result of corprus your strength increased to 200, for example, and your intelligence decreased from 100 to 40, then after healing your intelligence will be restored to its original value, i.e. up to 100, but the strength will remain at 200.

Once cured of corprus, return to Kai Cosades. A surprise awaits you here. It turns out that there is a crisis in Cyrodiil and Kai is urgently called to the capital of the Empire, so he promotes you to the rank of Agent of the Blades, which should save you from dependence on anyone. Cosades's last task will be to go to Vivec again and talk to Mehra Milo to recover the Lost Prophecies.

So, head to Vivec. When you arrive there, you will find that Mehra Milo has been arrested and imprisoned in the dungeons of the Ministry of Truth. However, all is not lost. The priestess managed to develop a plan for her own escape, but she will need your help. Before you start rescuing the priestess, get yourself potions or chameleon/invisibility spells, and any enchanted item with similar capabilities will also work well. Then take the Levitation and Divine Intervention potions that Mehra Milo left for you. It's time to visit the Ministry of Truth, a huge rock hanging in the air above the temple district of Vivec. Drink the levitation potion and take off. When you find yourself at the gates of the Ministry of Truth, talk to guard Alvela Saram. When you tell Mehra Milo that you've come to her, she'll give you the key, but she'll quickly warn you that while the Renegade Priests are popular among some of the residents, no one will be happy if you kill anyone during your escape. So try to keep the sacrifices to a minimum.

Having received instructions, open the door and go inside. Many of the doors of the Ministry of Truth will be locked; you will find the keys to them in the tables and in the guards' rooms. Please note that the corridors of the Ministry are heavily patrolled, so do not catch the eye of the guards. It is best to use invisibility or chameleon. Fortunately, like most Morrowind dungeons, the Ministry's labyrinths are not particularly large or intricate. Therefore, you will find Mehra Milo very soon. In the conversation, she will say that you will find the Lost Prophecies in the Kholamayan Monastery, the monastery of the Apostate Priests. In order to get there, you will need to go to the eastern docks of Ebonheart and talk to Blatta Khateria there, who will take you to Holamayan. Give Mehra Milo one of the Divine Intervention scrolls so she can leave the prison. Now that Mehra Milo is safe, go to the Ebonheart docks and find Blatta Khateria there, tell her that Mehra Milo sent you and that you want to go fishing. After this, Blatta will take you to the Kholamayan docks in his boat.

Once you find yourself at the Kholamayan docks, talk to the nun Vevrana Arion. She will show you the way to the entrance to the monastery. But let me warn you right away that the doors open only at sunset and sunrise, during the hours dedicated to Azura. Translated into ordinary language, this is six o'clock in the morning or six o'clock in the evening. As soon as you get to the monastery, you will need to talk with Mehra Milo and with the abbot of the monastery, Gilvas Barelo. After dialogue with them you will receive the text of the Lost Prophecies. It is time to return to Nibani Mesa to try to bring to life what the prophecies say.

Once in the Ashlander camp, talk to the shaman and give her the prophecies. After this, you can take a walk on the side so that the shaman can carefully study and think about the texts. You will return to the yurt after “the moon has come and gone.” When it's time to return, a corresponding entry will appear in your journal. After this, you can return to Nibani Mesa for her answer.

During the second conversation, Nibani Mesa will say that she was chosen as your guide on the Nerevarine Path. You will need to complete Seven Challenges, the first two of which you have already completed. The first test is the date of birth, the second is healing from corprus. In order to pass the third test, you will need to talk to Sull-Matuul.

In the conversation, Ashkhan will give you the following task: you will need to find the ancient Dunmer stronghold of Kogorun, belonging to the House of Dagoth. In the fortress you will need to find three things: tears of corprus, the Chalice of the House of Dagoth and the Shadow Shield lying in the tomb of Dagoth Morin. Once you have all three items, return to Sull-Matuul. Finding objects, in principle, is not difficult, the main thing is to look carefully around and keep the map of the area turned on. A corprus tear can be found on the corpse of any corprus monster (stalker or cripple), as well as in one of the buildings of Kogorun. The Shadow Shield is located in a cave called the Bleeding Heart (see screenshot), which lies deep beneath Kogorun. The bowl is even easier to find; it is located in a small building, the entrance to which is on the surface.

Kogorun Chalice of the House of Dagoth Shadow Shield

When you pass Sul-Matuul's "Warrior Test", return to the shaman. She will ask you a riddle: you will need to find a place described in an ancient prophecy. After talking with the Ashlanders of the tribe, you can easily find out where this place is. However, if the riddle turns out to be too much for you, then look at the screenshot. When you arrive at the place, you will see a door that opens only at dawn or sunset, the hour of Azura. Just keep in mind that, unlike Kholamayan, this door still needs to be manipulated for it to open. When the door opens, go inside. There Azura should appear to you and hand over the Nerevarine ring “Moon-and-Star”, from that moment you become the Nerevarine. By talking to all the ghosts in turn, you will receive interesting information and a gift from each. After this, return to Nibani Mesa.

After you talk to the shaman, she will tell you the essence of the Fourth and Fifth tests. You must be recognized as a Mentor by the three Great Houses of Vvardenfell (Hlaalu, Redoran and Telvanni), this will be the Fourth Trial. After this, you should be proclaimed Nerevarine by four Ashlander tribes (Urshilaku, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsun).

So, begin to realize the Fourth Trial, become the Mentor of the Three Great Houses of Vvardenfell (Redoran, Hlaalu and Telvanni)

Go to Ald'run and talk to Atin Sareti. If you have not become the head of House Redoran, then you will need to complete the quest - rescue Atin Sareti's son, Varvur, from the Venim estate. Varvur is kept in the right wing of the estate, in the room behind the tapestry. The key from the door can be found in the same wing, on a bench, next to a note. After completing the task, Atin Sareti will say that he will use his influence on other advisers so that they vote for you as the Mentor of House Redoran. Just go around all the advisers (Miner Arobar lives in Arobar Manor, near Scar; Garisa Llethri lives in Lllethri Manor, near Scar; Brara Morvain lives in Morvain Apartments, in the Redoran Council Chamber, near Scar; Hlaren Ramoran lives in Ramoran Manor, near Scar.) Now go to Venim Estate and talk to Bolvin Venim. He will categorically refuse to elect you as a mentor, but if you have the votes of other advisers, then Bolvin will have no choice but to challenge you to the Arena for a duel. Go to Vivec, to the Arena district. Go to the Arena Pit location, Bolvin will be waiting for you there. After killing Bolvin Venim, return to Atin Sarethi and he will officially proclaim you Mentor of House Redoran, and also give you an official notice exposing you as an Imperial agent. Atin will not demand an explanation from you, as he is confident in your sincerity, but will warn that others may not be so understanding. In addition, Atin will give you the Mentor's Ring.

Now your path lies to the city of Vivec, to Crassius Curio. In the conversation, Curio will say that none of the Hlaalu want to see a stranger as a Mentor, but for a modest offering of 1000 gold he will try to persuade them. Pay Crassius the required amount, and he will tell you where to look for the remaining advisers. Yngling Half-Troll lives in the Plaza in St. Olms Parish, Yngling Manor. He will ask for 2000 gold for his vote, however, if you feel sorry for money, you can simply kill him, although such an act does not suit the Nerevarine. Drum Bero lives in the Haunted House in the St. Olms Parish Plaza. Getting his vote won't be a problem. Next, your path lies to the Orvas Drena plantation. It will be difficult to persuade him, but quite possible. There are several ways to do this. The first way is as follows. Go down to the basement of the main building and kill the two assassins. In one of the chests you will find a note in which Dren orders the death of his brother, Duke Vedam Dren. Take the note and in a conversation with Dren, say that you have papers that can compromise him. The second way is to tell Dren that you want to crush Dagoth Ur and free Morrowind from the oppression of the Empire. Please note that in both cases it is advisable to raise his attitude towards you to 70 or higher. After you persuade Dren, go to the remaining two Advisors: Nivena Ulis and Velanda Omani. They are obedient puppets of Orvas Dren and will do whatever he says. You will find both of them on their estates. After you have gone through all the advisors, return to Crassius Curio, and he will proclaim you a Mentor of Hlaalu and give you the Mentor's Belt.

Now you should go to Vos and find the Tel Vos tower of Lord Arion. He'll tell you where to find the rest of House Telvanni's advisors, but he'll warn you that each of them has their own quirks. Mr. Neloth from the Tel Naga Tower in Sadrith Mora has a bad character, Ms. Drata from Tel Mora does not like men, Ms. Terana from Tel Branora is insane, and Archmagister Gothren does not like to speak definitively, so you will have to find your own approach to everyone. So let's start with Neloth. To get his vote, you will need to raise his attitude towards you to 70 or higher, and then he will vote for you. The next advisor will be Mistress Dratha from Tel Mora Tower. If you play as a female character, then you won't have any problems getting her voice. The emancipated person will so like the idea of ​​Nerevar returning in the form of a woman that she will happily give you her vote. If your protégé is a man, then before asking for a vote, raise her attitude towards you to 80 or higher. And, after you speak, choose the first answer among the options: lie at your feet and beg to listen to you. ;) After that, tell Drata about your story and she will give you her vote. Next in line is the crazy Lady Terana from the tower of Tel Branora. You can only get her vote if your eloquence is at least 30. In this case, you will need to make her laugh and quickly ask her to vote for you. Otherwise you will listen to her stupid rants forever. Any attempt to interrupt the respected lady will greatly upset her. As for Archmagister Gothren, you will have to kill him, because you will not be able to get a clear answer from him. However, you can kill the rest of the Advisors instead of getting their votes; this will not prevent you from becoming a Mentor. Having collected all the votes, return to Arion, and he will proclaim you Mentor of House Telvanni, handing you the Mantle of Mentor along the way.

So, the fourth test of the Nerevarine has been passed, the time has come for the Fifth. Now you must be proclaimed Nerevarine by four tribes of Ashlanders - Ahemmuza, Urshilaku, Zainab and Erabenimsun.

Return to Nibani Mesa at Urshilaku Camp and she will inform you that the Fourth Test has been completed. After this, go to Sul-Matuul. After a long conversation, Ashkhan will proclaim you the Nerevarine of Urshilaku and give you the “Teeth of Urshilaku” amulet.

So, your destination is the Zainab camp, which lies south of Vos. There you will have to talk with Ashkhan Kaushad. Before you can start talking about the Nerevarine, you will need to raise Kaushad's attitude towards you to 70 or higher. After that, talk to him about the Nerevarine, and ask him to test you. He will give you a task - to kill the vampire Calvario, whose lair is located in the Ancestral Tomb of Nerano. After killing the vampire, return to Kaushad. He will agree to proclaim you Nerevarine, but only after you give him a gift, according to the customs of the tribe. Ashkhan considers the noble Telvanni bride to be such a gift. The gift, needless to say, is not affordable. But it's not all that complicated. Go to the shaman and consult with her. She will say that none of the noble Telvanni families will marry an Ashlander, but Ashkhan can be deceived. You should go to the slave trader Savil Imain in Tel Arun and buy from her a dark elf slave. After this, you can dress her in expensive clothes and pass her off as a high-born Telvanni woman. So, go to Tel Arun and talk to Savil Imain. She will say that she has a beautiful Dunmer slave, but in order to pass her off as a noble person, you will need to buy an elegant shirt, skirt and shoes. Buy everything you need and come back, by the way, you need to buy in the store that the slave trader herself recommends. After that, she will give you the next task - buy Telvanni bug musk. Having bought the product, come back, pay 1000 gold, and the slave is yours. Open the cage and give the slave the purchased items. After this, return to Zainab’s camp with the slave. The easiest way to do this is to use the Water Walk spell and move straight towards the camp. The slave will cheerfully mince after you along the bottom of the sea. Don't be afraid, she won't drown. When you find yourself in the Ashkhan's yurt, give the slave the beetle musk and introduce her to Kaushad. After this, Ashkhan will proclaim you the Nerevarine of Zainab and give you the Scourge of Zainab to confirm this title.

Camp Zainab

Camp Erabenimsun is located near Tel Uvirith, north of Molag Mar. However, the Ashkhan of the Ulat-Pal tribe will categorically refuse to recognize you as a Nerevarine. Like last time, the tribe’s shaman, Manirai, will give you wise advice. She will say that in order to become a Nerevarine of the tribe, you will need to kill Ulan-Pal and all his Gulahans, except Khan-Ammu. After this, return to the shaman, and she will tell you that now you need to convince Khan-Ammu that he is worthy of being the Ashkhan of the tribe. To do this, you need to give him items that you can remove from your victims, namely the Battle Ax of Ayran-Ammu, the Fiery Heart of Sanit-Kil amulet and the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise. By the way, if you manage to raise his attitude towards you to 90 or higher, then Khan-Ammu will return one of the artifacts, saying that he understood the lesson and will be Ashkhan. After Khan-Ammu proclaims you a Nerevarine, go to the shaman for the enchanted symbol of the Erabenimsun tribe so that everyone knows that you have been chosen as the Nerevarine of this tribe.

Camp Erabenimsun

The Ahemmuza tribe is an unfortunate tribe that does not have an ashkhan. Therefore, you will have to talk with the shaman Sinnammu Mirpal. She will tell you that she can proclaim you the Nerevarine of Ahemmuza, but only if you can secure the Ald Daedroth sanctuary so that the Ahemmuza tribe can exist there peacefully. So, head to Ald Daedroth and find the priestess Shigorath Hlireni Indavel in the entrance of the Sanctuary. To convince her not to touch the Ashlanders, you can either threaten her (in this case, your level or reputation must be greater than 20), or describe to her the terrible fate of the unfortunate tribe (in this case, your Speech level must be at least 50, or you must raise her attitude towards you is up to 90). However, you can try to challenge the witch to a duel. Anyway, when you get her consent, return to Ahemmuza's camp. Tell the shaman everything and take her to Ald Daedroth, to the statue of Shigorath, in the sanctuary. There she will recognize you as a Nerevarine and give you the amulet Stone of Madness of Ahemmuz.

So, the time has come for the Sixth Test. Return to Nibani Mesa, she will tell you that you need to meet with Archcanon Sarioni so that he can organize a meeting for you in Vivecom.

Now you should head to Vivec, to the Temple area, to the High Cathedral and find the healer Danso Indules there to get the key to the archcanon’s personal chambers from her. The Archcanon will give you two keys, to Vivec's palace and to the back entrance to his chambers. So, go meet Vivek. In the conversation, he will tell you a lot of information about Dagoth Ur, Nerevar and a little about the Dwemer. After this, he will say that your main task will be to destroy Lorkhan's heart. However, this can only be done with Kagrenac’s weapons: the Separator hammer and the Cleaver sword. Only those who put on the Phantom Guardian glove, kept by Vivec, can take them in their hands. Swear an oath to Vivec and he will give you the Wraithguard.

The time has come for the Seventh Test. You must find two ancient artifacts, the Divider and the Cutter, hidden in the depths of the citadels of the Sixth House. When you go searching, don’t forget to look into the Phantom Gate along the way; you will meet an interesting interlocutor, whom many suspect is the incarnation of Emperor Tiber Septim. The Hammer Separator is located in the Veminal stronghold, owned by the priest of the Sixth House, Dagoth Ordos. Kill him and remove the key and hammer from his body. After that, head to Odrosal Fortress, in the Tower you will find the Cleaver. When you have the Divider and the Cleaver, go to Dagoth Ur. Your path lies into the very depths of the fortress, into the dungeons containing the heart of the dead god Lorkhan. Just before the door leading to the Heart, you will be met by Dagoth Ur. After a short conversation (remember, do not give him the Wraithguard under any circumstances) you will have to engage in battle. However, the victory will be incomplete. Feeling that you are beginning to gain the upper hand over him, Dagoth Ur will leave the battle. After this, open the door behind which Akulahan’s chambers are hidden. The majestic creation of the head of the Sixth House will appear before your eyes. The twin brother of the legendary Numidium is Akulakhan. You need to destroy the heart of Lorkhan, which gives power to this creature. Hit the heart three times with the Separator hammer and several times with the Cleaver, making sure to also fend off Dagoth Ur's attacks. By the way, you can easily deal with it. Strike him several times with any weapon so that the persistent “deity” is thrown back. He will fall down to the bottom of the abyss filled with lava and will no longer bother you. After this, exercise your heart freely. When it is destroyed, quickly run away from there. After this, head to the exit from the fortress, where Azura will be waiting for you along with the final video.

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Nerevarine Chapter 1. To the East... To Morrowind...

Sine mora

Corde pulsum tangite

Quod per sortem

Sternite fortem

The face of the attendant appeared in the tiny window of the carriage.

Omeini,” he said quietly.

Elemar nodded nervously in response.

Omeini. This means that they are already in Morrowind, in the Stonefalls region, it seems - the Altmer did not remember the geography of the east of the Empire very well. In addition, the events of the last weeks had completely exhausted him, so when the carriage passed through the Septim Gate, separating Morrowind from the central imperial province, the Altmer slept, despite the merciless shaking - the prison carriage had no springs, apparently so that the criminals transported in it would not relax . And when he woke up, he realized that he had no idea where he was, and since then he has been in a state far from peace of mind and contentment with life. And it cannot be said that there were no reasons for this.

It all started with a call to the Stormclaw Temple for a short briefing, the essence of which was to immediately send him to Cyrodiil to receive further instructions. Then there was a double transfer from Wayrest to the capital through Kvatch and the hostile faces of the magicians, which did not clear up even upon presentation of documents signed by the head of the Mages Guild. Perhaps because the signature belonged to the head of a non-Cyrodiilian Guild... And, finally, a short conversation that did not clarify anything with the spymaster upon arrival in the capital: something about the prisoner whose place he, Elemar, was supposed to take... Moreover, these explanations were given on the way to the prison casemates. Right on the go.

By the way, we had to go through winding underground tunnels, stretching, according to the guide, under the entire city - supposedly so that the elf’s face would not be seen by “those who do not need to.” But Elemar himself suspected that the matter was completely different - the heavy air of the collector, saturated with the fetid miasma of sewage, turned out to be almost poisonous for the unusual Altmer. Or was it a matter of an incomprehensible potion that the attendant poured into him when the elf almost lost consciousness from the unbearable stench? It was not for nothing that he had a desperate headache the remaining two days before departure, and his general condition was far from cheerful. And, by the way, how he ended up in the cell was too vaguely remembered. He remembered well the semblance of instructions that he was honored to be given, but everything else... So the prison guards had no trouble with him - Elemar was too sick. In addition, he had the impression that the guards either did not notice the substitution, or were definitely aware of it. At least some. And the conversation he overheard during a shift change in front of the door of his cell did not dissuade him of this:

“Oh, this pointy-eared one is still alive? By the way, why is his head wrapped up?”

“What’s going to happen to him? This idiot banged his head against the wall until he passed out. We had already decided that that’s all, we just treated him a little, just in case... I probably heard it myself.”

"Well, I heard something."

"That's it. We treated him, so we healed him. Again, he wrapped up his broken head... there was blood... we thought he was no longer alive, he wouldn't last until the morning. There's not as much blood in a man as there was dripping from him. And there's no in an elf . Even in the Altmer. But no, he’s sitting there... well, now he’s lying down again, but he was sitting - I saw him. And he’s silent. He screamed, apparently. And, you know, that suits me quite well. True, he doesn’t eat anything ... although this happens with a sore head. But you still don’t forget to give him food, otherwise you never know, you’ll kill him even more.”

"What's all the fuss about him anyway?"

“I don’t know and I don’t want to know. And I don’t advise you to be curious. And if anyone is interested in him, keep quiet about his antics. That way it will be calmer. And this... don’t touch him. Otherwise, what the hell, Pelagia will start having fun again. And we will remain to blame if the Daedra elf does die. Do you need it?"

Elemar then straightened the bandage on his head, which hid his noticeable hair, and turned to the wall. In general, he didn’t hear anything new, but some moments still made him think. The guide did not tell us who the Altmer was supposed to replace - who he was, what age... why he was taken into custody, in the end... only that the deceased prisoner was an orphan, like Elemar himself, but was born under that same Familiar. Two days ago, he suddenly went crazy and smashed his head against the wall, shouting something like “She’s here! The moon is on her brow and the stars are in her eyes!.. No! Don’t, no!!” And at night, after they had calmed him down and treated him, he bit off the veins in his hands with his teeth and bled to death. On the other hand, what difference does it make who that unfortunate person was? Why it might be needed, that’s the point. But Elemar had no ideas on this matter, and the guide did not say anything about it. Not for a show execution, really...

And who this “star-eyed” one was was also unclear. Although there seemed to be something in this word... something...

It's all strange. In any other case, the crazy and dead prisoner would have been forgotten by the next morning. But from the slips of the spymaster, Elemar knew that it was this poor fellow who had somehow attracted the attention of Emperor Uriel himself. Because of this, a replacement was needed.

In general, when they came for him, he was quiet and thoughtful. And this thoughtfulness persisted until one of the guides, at one of the short stops to “rest and recover,” handed him a sheet of paper folded several times. Returning to the carriage, Elemar turned him around and exhaled with relief.


if you are reading this, it means everything was a success, and now you are being taken to Morrowind, to Vvardenfell. This is not what you were prepared for, but circumstances dictate their own rules.

Now about the task. In Morrowind - I don’t know where exactly - they will meet you. There is no information about you, you will fill out the documents yourself, but I would recommend writing your Birth Sign as it is - a lot depends on it. Further: you are included in the list of deportees, like Surotano from Dask, a battle mage - upon arrival you will indicate this. So don’t worry about your “criminal past” - after completing the task, you can return to the mainland under your own name if the need arises. In Morrowind you will find a man named Kai, they will help you with this. Follow his orders unquestioningly. This is all. I can't tell you more. AND."

At the next stop, he returned the letter to the same attendant without objection. There were no fewer questions, but at least there was at least some certainty. The mentor would not have kept silent if he knew something. Or... if Elemar's ignorance were not necessary for some reason. Such a possibility, of course, seemed unlikely to the Altmer, but he was in no hurry to dismiss it. You never know... And even this order to pretend to be a battle mage. No, the training received from the Blades was quite enough for this - but if you pretend to be for the list of deportees. No more. He could copy the behavior, but the Julianos School was not Battlespire; they didn’t teach combat spells or serious combat spells there.

And Morrowind. Indeed, he was not prepared for this. It was assumed that he would move to Valenwood, somewhere on the coast. Closer to Summerset, where even during the Imperial Simulacrum a bad stir began, which did not stop after the end of the Blue Divide War. In Woodhart, located at the southwestern tip of Valenwood, or north of it, in Diss - the large coastal cities - there were enough Altmer, which made it possible to get lost among the population. He had no access to the islands themselves, except with a “guest letter”, which significantly limited movement and organization: the high elves of Summerset did not favor strangers much more than the Dunmer of Morrowind, treating people and representatives of other meretic races with emphasized arrogance. Yes, and to the same Almers, but those born or, like Elemar, raised outside the islands, are no better. If not worse. And trying to forge documents... you can, of course, but, as the mentor explained at the time, it’s easier to recruit someone from the locals. They will not screw up on little things that an agent arriving from the mainland may not even suspect, despite any preparation... And Elemar’s appearance did not correspond to the island “beauty standards” - among the wheat-haired and amber-eyed relatives who are mostly similar to each other, he, with with his reddish-chestnut mane and dark brown, almost black, eyes, he looked like an incomprehensible half-breed.

But half-breed Altmer were not born on the Summerset Isles. Beyond them - perhaps. In the same Valenwood, for example. On the islands themselves, every elf carrying an unclean child - or at least suspected of it - was invariably haunted by evil fate. The unfortunate people were poisoned by self-cooked food, fell down stairs, drowned in bathtubs, became victims of robbers, or fell ill. Typically fatal. Unlike Elemar’s own mother. Otherwise he simply would not have been born...

...The steady clatter of horse hooves on the paving stones began to gradually slow down. So it's coming soon. Soon he will get out of the damned carriage into the fresh air. Where to look for this Kai... don’t ask passers-by.

And then Elemar remembered what was said in the note given to him.

Where in the name of the gods were his eyes? And what was his mind occupied with? He is sent to Vvardenfell, like many others sentenced by the imperial court to exile. To the island, consume it with Oblivion!

No, the Altmer had nothing against being on the island in itself, especially since this particular island was quite large. The problem was how to get there. There were two ways: the first was stationary portals in large cities, like the one he used to get to the capital, the second was by water. And Elemar knew exactly what the Imperials used to deliver exiles to Vvardenfell.

The Altmer did not like the sea. And if the smell of salt from early childhood did not cause him such strong anxiety as to deprive Elemar of the entertainment familiar to most boys who grew up on the coast, then with ships the situation was much worse. The Altmer simply couldn't stand them. The first visit to the port in his adult life ended sadly: barely sensing the characteristic smell of salted wood, Elemar froze like a frightened rabbit, and then rushed away. They didn’t find him right away, so he remembered the next week with a burning pain in his ass - the angry orphanage teacher whipped him, not sparing the rod - and mild, but constant hunger, since in order to better learn the lesson he was transferred to bread and water for several days. And then, when he began to earn extra money by delivering notes to different parts of the city, like many other boys from the orphanage or the Lower Quarters, he tried to avoid the port. The merchants, accustomed to the diligence of the skinny red elf, were surprised and sometimes annoyed, but here he was firm. A couple of forays, during which he almost went crazy with fear, were enough for him to be convinced that he had nothing to do in the port.

Elemar learned the reasons for this hostility much later, having already got to the Temple of the Thunder Claw - the master spy, whose student he became, took care to find out everything he could about the boy’s origins, since he had ways. It turned out that at the very beginning of his life, Elemar had the opportunity to be left alone with the sea for quite a long time. Then he was lucky, like probably no one else - the Wing of Fortune, a merchant ship from Wayrest, heading to Firsthold, discovered an uncontrollable ship from Summerset - the ships of the high elves were significantly different in their design, and therefore were easily recognizable. The sailors did not find a plague flag on the mast of the “Crystal Griffin” - this is the name of the found ship - so they risked sending a small group for reconnaissance. The scouts returned quite quickly and not empty-handed, delivering to the “Wing” a one-year-old Altmer boy, barely alive from hunger, with red fluff on his head like fox fur, and the news that the “Griffin” was attacked by pirates. No one could explain how it happened that they left the elf alive and did not sink the ship, and - according to Elemar, who many years later read extracts from the ship's log of the Wing of Fortune - did not think too much about it, chalking it up to the storm that had passed the day before. Judging by the records, the captain was much more concerned about how to bring both ships to Firsthold: for saving the Crystal Gryphon, which had no irreparable damage, the owner, who is also the captain of the Wing of Fortune, could receive a generous reward.

By the way, he brought the ship. And he received a reward for him... along with the foundling as a makeweight, since the fate of the latter was not of interest to any of his relatives. The Altmer simply pretended that the rescued elf did not exist, and if there was any baby, then he had nothing to do with the inhabitants of Summerset.

Very typical for Altmeri society, by the way. Especially when you consider that the overwhelming majority of “the most cultured of the peoples of Nirn,” as the high elves themselves modestly call themselves, are confident that there is “no life” outside the Summerset Isles. And, it seems, in the most literal sense. Well, yes, well, yes... and the merchant and military ships of the Empire fall straight out of Oblivion, no less... And, apparently, they then return there. With such a worldview, the practice of expelling “undesirables” or those rejected so as “not to violate the purity of blood” is not surprising. It is not known what category Elemar’s parents, who died at the hands of pirates, belonged to, but perhaps it was their reluctance to get rid of their son, whose atypical appearance probably caused gossip among neighbors, if not open accusations against his mother, that forced them to leave the islands. Now it’s impossible to know the truth, although it was nice to think that way. However, the Altmer was sincerely grateful to his island relatives for their persistent indifference and lack of false participation in his fate. Otherwise, his life would have ended a few minutes after being handed over to his “delighted relatives.” The usual fate of "unwanted" children on the Summerset Isles...

Although the captain of the Wing of Fortune, apparently unfamiliar with some of the peculiarities of Altmer society, was deeply outraged by this attitude of the high elves towards the little orphan, which he did not fail to reflect in the ship's log. Elemar could not hold back a grin while reading extracts from there - the most harmless epithets were “yellow-bellied, pointy-eared bastards” and “cross-eyed, pouty faces”: the angry Hammerfellian did not mince words. Despite the fact that Elemar himself was a purebred Altmer, he did not feel any sympathy for the people who abandoned him. Upon returning to Wayrest, the captain placed the foundling in the Royal Orphanage, calling him Elemar. The last entry said that the captain obviously didn’t guess right with the name, but he couldn’t hear exactly what the boy’s name was - when asked “what’s your name?” too small to be able to clearly pronounce his name, the bawling little elf, choking on tears, muttered something that the Hammerfellian recorded as “Ele-ay” and “Elvay”. Elemar then tried for a long time to remember this episode. Including the use of potions that briefly clear consciousness, but have unpleasant side effects and are therefore not recommended for use. He did not achieve his goal, but he provided himself with colorful nightmares involving some red-haired elf cutting off both of his feet with a shrill laugh, and severe headaches for a whole week, and in addition - a reprimand from his mentor at the Julianos School in Wayrest, where lived and studied at that time. Nightmares - more precisely, a single terrible dream with a crazy woman imagining herself as a butcher - he sometimes still had.

Contrary to expectations and - as it sometimes seemed to the Altmer himself - the efforts of his teachers, Elemar survived and survived relatively safely until the day when he was lucky enough to catch the eye of a then young Blades agent named Geoffrey, his future mentor, and move from the “pearl of Iliac Bay” to the Stormclaw Temple. Despite the fact that quite soon - some six months after the end of the Imperial Simulacrum, as the last ten years of the third century were later called - Geoffrey left for Cyrodiil and remained there for many years, the Altmer remained sincerely attached to him and honored him as a teacher and father , despite the age difference that is ridiculous by human standards. The Mentor returned only seventeen years later, arriving briefly after strange events when space and time throughout High Rock began to dance. The Storm Claw Temple, located away from the epicenter of the events, was not damaged, but even its inhabitants noticed some oddities. The students were not told what exactly happened, but according to rumors, full members of the Order of Blades of all ranks spent several months finding out the slightest details of what happened. It was with the help of Geoffrey that Elemar, who accompanied him several times on trips along the coast of Iliac Bay, learned to deal with his fear. The trouble is that the Altmer was never able to finally defeat him - even a short stay on the ship was still akin to torture for him.

And now he had absolutely no idea how he could endure the upcoming voyage across the Inner Sea from Old Ebonheart to Vvardenfell.

Wake up... Why are you shaking? Are you okay?

Wait, where are you going? - Tenacious fingers grabbed his shoulder, keeping him from colliding face-first with the bulkhead.

“Jiub,” recalled Elemar, who had recovered a little from sleep, seeing his unexpected assistant - a tall, wiry, middle-aged Dunmer with a bald skull like a knee and a long, uneven scar covering half his face. The dark elf's right eye was covered with a milky-white veil, but his left eye was narrowed in alarm. Gratefully nodding to his neighbor who was still holding him, the Altmer shook his head and straightened up as far as the low ceiling of the closet allowed - the panic that had thrown him out of the hammock dissipated without a trace, being replaced by slight wariness.

"What the... What the fuck?" - a vague thought flashed.

Well, you’re a sleepyhead,” Jiub grinned, making sure that everything was in order. - Even yesterday’s storm didn’t wake you up!

Storm? Elemar involuntarily shuddered. He didn't remember how he passed out yesterday.

What a storm,” the Dunmer shook his head, either condemning or admiring, “you didn’t wake up, even when you were thrown out of the hammock!”

What? Altmer immediately reached for the back of his head, only now feeling a nagging pain in his head. And I wasn’t too surprised to find a rather large lump at the base of the skull. One should rather be surprised that he did not break his neck in the fall.

And how... however, it’s clear. Did you put me back?

Yeah,” Jiub laughed, “that’s quite a problem: a jock, a hammock dangling with enraged snot, and a well-fed Altmer, who must be shoved into this tattered Daedra cradle. I was exhausted. By the way, you’re very lucky, guy, that I’m not some kind of asshole. People like you, young and sleek, are usually in prison instead of women. Who else in my place would have already snuck in while you were passed out. But this is not for me,” the Dunmer winced with disgust.

Elemar nodded, silently thanking him.

When he and the others were loaded onto a prison sloop, Jiub's presence helped to cope with his fear - talking to him under hoarse swearing from behind thin plank walls was a good way to distract attention from the fear of swimming and did not allow him to relax... especially after the Dunmer's stories about his past . In particular, Jiub openly and with a bit of humor - typically Dunmer, of course - told how he ended up on the same ship: he was caught at the scene of a murder that was not the work of his hands... However, the Dunmer were not a victim of justice: the seasoned killer Jiub This time I just didn’t have time - someone managed it before him. What he immediately admitted to the guards who arrived when called. They, according to him, were so stunned that they did not even beat him before throwing him into prison. To Elemar’s question “why?” The Dunmer just shrugged, “who the hell knows... I just thought - why not?” He also talked about how he would like to give up crime and start a new life, but he doesn’t know how. Jiub, however, did not ask for advice.

But what the Altmer did not remember at all was when he fell asleep. And for some reason he was afraid to remember what he dreamed. Scattered fragments were spinning in my memory: some kind of wasteland, crimson in the rays of the setting sun, with the charred skeletons of long-dead trees... an evil hurricane lashing it, lifting an incalculable amount of ash into the air... a thin sickle of Seconds in the dark night sky... rapidly rushing the moon towards the earth... and the echoes of an insinuating female whisper: “Don’t be afraid, I’m watching you. You have been chosen...”

I remembered the story of the spymaster from the Imperial City about that other Altmer who had gone mad in the dungeons of the imperial prison. Before killing himself, he shouted something about the “star-eyed one”... and although Elemar did not seem to see anyone in this dream, the confidence in his soul grew stronger that this dream was not without reason.

"In Oblivion such dreams!" - the Altmer shivered chillily.

Elemar did not want to be chosen. Attention from the gods, judging by the legends known to him, always promised their chosen one a lot of trouble. In songs and stories, this was, of course, called adventure, but that was the essence. Heroic deeds are great... but only when someone else does them. He, and not you, cuts through countless hordes of enemies, finds himself on the verge of death due to the betrayal of friends, suffers from wounds and curses sent by enemies and is suddenly miraculously healed... In general, he does everything about which songs will later be written about You will listen with pleasure while sitting by a burning fire in a warm tavern with a cup of wine or a mug of beer in your hand.

On the other hand, it could simply be the product of a mind tired of excessive secrecy. Too much around him in recent days was hidden under a veil of secrecy. Elemar winced in irritation - as far as he knew, excessive secrecy was not accepted within the order. All information necessary to complete the task was provided, if possible, in full. But not in his case: all he received was a set of instructions to “show up and obey” first one or another resident and an uninformative note from the mentor, clearly transmitted in secret.

There was only one good thing - apparently, he was already on Vvardenfell.

“We will be released soon,” Jiub said joyfully, “do you hear? The rest are already being driven onto the deck.

And indeed, behind the door one could clearly hear the stomping of several pairs of feet, accompanied by loud, barbed swearing:

Hurry up, rat children! Move your bones, Malacata into your throats!

Boy, are you sure everything is okay? - the Dunmer suddenly looked anxiously at Elemar’s sweat-covered face. -You don't look well...

No,” the Altmer squeezed out a weak smile, although he increasingly wanted to push through that very door and jump out – the fear, which for some reason suddenly disappeared in the first minutes after waking up, returned. - Everything is fine. I just can’t... for a long time... it’s cramped here,” he explained confusedly.

“Ah, I know,” the one-eyed man nodded understandingly. - Happens. I knew a Breton on the mainland. He couldn’t stand the cramped conditions at all - it seemed to him that the walls were falling on him. I couldn't even sleep under the roof. He was a wonderful guy... until he disappeared. Hmmm... So you're still young - you've been holding on for so long.

The bolt clanged and the door to their closet swung open.

You two, get out! And livelier!

The Dunmer immediately hunched over and... didn’t come out - he scurried through the door like a rat, quietly saying at the end:

We better do as he says...

Surprised, Elemar followed him.

Having climbed out of the hold, the Altmer lingered on the deck for a while, trying to catch his breath and motioning to Jiub, who was looking back, not to wait for him. He chose not to pay attention to the dissatisfied demands of the ship’s crew to “move your bones faster” towards the gangway and the statement of one of the guards “the sooner you leave, the sooner we can sail,” he chose to pay no attention, sitting heavily on the ropes rolled into a bay and closing his eyes to wait out the sudden onslaught. dizziness. All the same, judging by the lazy fussing of the ship's crew, there is still a lot of time before departure, so if he sits here for a short time, nothing terrible will happen. However, he did not intend to test the patience of others for too long, and he did not feel the slightest desire to linger on the sloop. Still, he is unlucky - for the second time in his life he travels on a ship and the second time he survives by some miracle. No, returning from Vvardenfell to the mainland will only be a portal...

At the pier, Elemar was met by one of the Legion's junior officers, angrily reminding him that although an Altmer is formally considered free upon arrival in Morrowind, in reality he will only become so after the mandatory registration procedure for new arrivals. And the sooner he passes it, the better for him. Moreover, having apparently decided to personally ensure that the exile did not again get stuck somewhere along the way, the legionnaire escorted him to the very doors of the imperial chancellery building.

An elderly Breton man was waiting for him inside, quietly talking about something with another officer. At the sight of Elemar, he noticeably perked up, took out a form and began filling it out, asking questions from time to time. Some Altmer were puzzled. Questions about pureblood and occupation - he, as recommended in the note, said Surotano, a battle mage - were quite understandable: in the Empire of Tamriel, which united almost all the peoples living on the mainland and around it, sometimes descendants of the most unexpected unions were met.. And although they always inherited their appearance and racial abilities from their mother, they sometimes inherited rather unexpected talents from their fathers. And his own appearance, again, was atypical for the Altmer, which could also be a reason for questions. But why it was necessary to indicate the Birth Sign eluded his understanding. However, remembering the mentor's advice from the same note, the Altmer honestly reported that he was born under the Sign of the Ritual, in the month of the Morning Star. At least, this is what was indicated in his documents when registering for the Royal Orphanage. And... some abilities, which in the official “Astrology” compiled by a certain Ffulke, were shyly mentioned as “different, depending on the position of their Moons and gods,” indicated the correctness of such a definition. At least, the Altmer remembered the cat, raised when he was a shelter teenager, for a long time. A skinny, lopsided corpse with shabby skin, without a lower jaw and with eyes burning with an eerie blue fire, trailed behind him for an hour before crumbling into a handful of gray ash. The fun came much later - when, after one of the classes at the Julianos School, dedicated to the spells of the School of Witchcraft, he told his classmates how he tried to escape from the zombie he himself had raised. And then it was just scary. In addition, it was not customary to talk about this ability - practicing necromancy in most imperial provinces was not encouraged. And in Hammerfell and here in Morrowind, they were generally declared illegal. So, demonstrating the ability, albeit innate, to raise the dead is a sure way to significantly and completely unvoluntarily lighten the wallet in favor of the local Temple and ruin the reputation in the eyes of the locals. And the mood for a long time too.

But the Sign, as he learned much later, also gave the ability to put the undead to rest and the ability to heal the most severe wounds. If you think of calling on this ability in time, of course.

The release certificate issued after filling out the registration forms had to be certified by a certain captain Cellus Gravius. Not a word was said about the man named Kai. But Elemar was surprised to learn that he was entitled to some allowance. The first good news since he left Stormclaw Temple. However, the amount of the benefit turned out to be unknown, and the Altmer could bet that all the money owed to him would not be given to him. It would be good if they were generous with half the amount... As mentor Geoffrey often said, “this is how the Empire works.” True, he meant something else... On the other hand, he repeated this phrase quite often and for various reasons, so that when applied to the corruption flourishing in the provinces, this phrase was no worse.

Scratching the itchy bump on the back of his head, the Altmer headed to Captain Gravius, who, as the explanations showed, was in a nearby building, thinking hard where he should look for this very Kai - in a foreign camp, without money, that is, almost without money, without support...

He was brought out of his thoughts by a quiet tinkling sound under his foot. The elf, who mechanically bent down to pick up the find, discovered that he had tripped over a bunch of master keys that had been dropped by someone. Another unexpected discovery was a narrow ring with an almost unreadable engraving that barely noticeably pricked my fingers as soon as I touched it. Looking closely, the Altmer saw an almost erased symbol of the School of Restoration, indicating the type of enchantment. Not homemade, that means - in the kingdoms of High Rock, master jewelers put such an imprint on rings and pendants, if the order was from the Guild of Mages, the Altmer remembered this from classes devoted to the basics of enchantment.

Thinking that it would be stupid to neglect the gift of fate, he hid the master keys in his belt. The ring after an unsuccessful fitting - the fingers of the former owner were noticeably thinner - too. In addition, looking around, Elemar briefly thought about the possibility of improving his position at the expense of the office... and discarded this thought. Seyda Nin - yes, he asked the legionnaire who met him at the pier about the place of arrival - this is a small fishing village where everyone knows everything about everyone. The only thing that distinguishes it from many others is the Imperial Coast Guard Office. And if some Altmer from the newly arrived “new settlers” brings things from this very office to local merchants... Elemar sighed and decided that he did not want to be caught selling stolen goods. Especially on the first day. Consequently, you will have to rely on the promised “lifting” and urgently look for an opportunity to earn money in a relatively honest way.

No, the Altmer’s skills were just enough to steal something he liked unnoticed: his half-starved orphanage childhood forced him to learn how to secretly enter where he was not expected and quietly take away what did not belong to him, and the training received from the Blades honed these skills and helped him acquire new ones, including in case of more dirty work. For the good of the Empire, of course.

Having familiarized himself with the documents presented, Gravius ​​nodded to something, hummed with satisfaction and opened the cabinet next to the table. A small, quietly clinking bag fell onto the tabletop, darkened with time and not very clean. Next the captain put down a flat sealed bag. A scroll lay on top, unsealed. He closed the closet and motioned for Elemar to sit down.

Altmer was surprised, but sat down on the nearest chair, trying not to cower under the captain’s attentive, hard gaze. And he paused, leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and spoke quietly and measuredly:

So, Mr. Surotano,” the corner of his mouth twitched slightly at the interlocutor’s name, “by leaving through the door behind me, you will become a completely free person.” Well... almost free - you are unlikely to be allowed to return to the mainland. However, everything is solvable and it depends only on you. By the way, you weren't in prison that long, were you? They say that you had problems with your head... and that when you got off the ship, you behaved strangely... But this is true, by the way... My job is to welcome the new “settler” to his new homeland, in Morrowind, give out benefits and then say goodbye.

Altmer briefly wondered whether to take what he heard as an insult... and decided not to pay attention. It helped that at the shelter Elemar heard other things addressed to him. Although this was a very long time ago, he still managed to get out of the habit.

However,” the captain opened his eyes and looked point-blank at Elemar, “from time to time my responsibility is... um... informal conversations with certain people. For example, with you, Mr. Surotano from... Daska, right?

The elf nodded calmly. Until the end of the task, he will have to introduce himself in this way, unless there are special instructions from management. Cellus Gravius ​​chuckled slightly and continued:

In anticipation of your questions... I cannot say why you are here, or why you were released from prison. But your release, as far as I know, was personally sanctioned by Emperor Uriel, as was your delivery here. Mysterious, isn't it? But... that's how the Empire works.

The captain grinned, noticing the rounded eyes of his interlocutor. And he nodded barely noticeably. Elemar relaxed a little. It seems that Captain Gravius ​​is the promised help in finding Kai. And he himself is a mug.

That’s basically all I need to know,” the captain concluded. “But in your case, along with information about your arrival on Vvardenfell, this package was also delivered,” he pointed to the package. “You must take it to Balmora and give it to a man named Kai Cosades.”

How can I find him? - the Altmer approached, hiding the package under his shirt.

He made a mental note to buy a shoulder bag at the first opportunity. His own few belongings remained partly in the Temple of the Stormclaw, partly in the capital, Cyrodiil. Including this bag, in which the elf put the little that was dear to him. Not money or jewelry - where will the orphan from the orphanage, who spent his last years living as a student assistant at the Julianos school, get them? Just a few memorabilia. Where are they now - rotting in the sewers of the imperial capital along with the bag given to the agent accompanying him? Elemar didn’t know, but something told him that yes.

You can get to Balmora by silt,” noticing the blank look of his interlocutor, Gravius ​​explained, “silt strider is the main type of transport on Vvardenfell.” No one will sell you a riding guar anyway - and it’s no use, only the Dunmer know how to handle these creatures - and you won’t find horses here. Unless there are a couple in Ebonheart, brought by the capital's bigwigs from the mainland. And then, if they weren’t quietly brought down and devoured - among the Dunmer, especially here, horse meat is considered a delicacy. However, another year or two on the local grub and I’ll probably think so too... - the captain quietly added.

In general - either legs or silt. Oh, you probably don’t know... Silt strider is a local giant insect. I have never seen a creature larger than it here...

Elemar remembered a huge armored carcass on high jointed legs and nodded. The prospect of traveling on such a monster did not please him, but in the absence of other ways... the Altmer was a realist and soberly assessed his chances of getting to Balmora on foot, without weapons, without any protection, or at least knowledge about the local dangerous creatures. They, these chances, were so small that they can be safely neglected. But you should have found out how to go, just in case. It is unknown how much a ride on this Silt Strider costs...

“In Balmora itself,” the captain continued, with some incomprehensible pleasure describing to the Altmer a detailed route to the city... and as if deliberately mentioning many other names, just as unfamiliar to the elf, as landmarks, “you will find the “Southern Wall” inn. If you ask there how to find Kai Cosades, they will tell you where to look for him. Serve him as you would the emperor himself.

“Follow his orders unquestioningly,” Elemar recalled his mentor’s note.

This,” the bag of coins clinked again, moving closer to the Altmer, “is the required allowance. And this,” Gravius ​​took out another, larger one from the closet, “is a payment in your name,” he said, lowering his voice, handing the bag to the elf. - The sender must be known to you.

Altmer nodded, hiding the money. He guessed who could send them to him - only one person in Tamriel cared about him. At least he wanted to hope so.

“Everything, guy,” the captain stood up, “I said and did.” What happens next depends only on you. So, go ahead, get lost. And... good luck to you.

1) And now,

Without delay

Slow down my heartbeat

Which with the help of my destiny

Destroys my strength

Pay for everything with me

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