Tricks with cards disappearing. Card guessing trick How to explain the card guessing trick

Disappearance tricks are always the most exciting and interesting, and everyone wants to know their secret. However, not all of them are terribly difficult. So, for example, the trick with the disappearance of the card is always very simple. And all that is needed to complete it is a little skill, the ability to distract the viewer and a deck of the most ordinary cards.

What does the trick look like?

Six different cards of any denomination are laid out face down on the table in front of the spectator. He is asked to choose a card, look at it, remember it and put it in its place. Then the cards are collected, carefully shuffled and the shower, having drawn out one of these six cards, claims that he removed exactly the one that the spectator wished for. After this, the cards are shuffled again and the remaining 5 cards are laid out on the table. Then they are revealed one by one and the spectator discovers that his card has indeed disappeared.

The Secret of Focus

In order for this trick to work, you need to prepare a little. Namely, collect two packs - of five and of six cards. In this case, the cards in the packs must be similar in appearance. For example, if the main pack of six cards contains a jack of clubs, a six of clubs, a jack of hearts, seven of diamonds and spades, and an eight of spades, then you can replace them with a jack of spades, eight of clubs, jack of diamonds and two nines - diamonds and spades . One way or another, even if you are asked to show all the cards, they will be identical in appearance.

Once both packets are ready, the magician must hide the assembly of five cards and work with a deck of six. At the same time, he must lay them out on the table so that the viewer can freely choose any one. After this comes the most difficult part - while the shower is demonstratively removing one random card, he needs to quietly change decks. This can be done, for example, behind your back or in your pocket.

So, as soon as the pack of 6 cards is changed, we simply open the replacement pack of 5 cards - although it will be similar to the original one, in no case will there be a hidden card in it, since not one card will disappear, but all of them at once.

  • Attract not just one viewer to the focus, but all of them at once. Let them help remove the deck, shuffle the cards, open them - your main occupation will be to distract the attention of the main viewer, who chose and riddled the card;
  • Use only new playing cards that bend and slide well. Classic cards for Bicycle tricks with a special coating are perfect, which you can profitably

Each of us has seen magicians at least once in our lives. I bet we were all amazed at what they do with cards, strings, balls, coins and other things. How they make a cut rope become whole again, how a knot disappears, how a handkerchief of one color turns into another and how they perform their tricks with cards. Always showing the one you remember? I think many of us would like to learn these miracles in order to surprise our relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Now I want to lift the veil of secrecy and tell dear readers a few secrets of performing fairly simple card tricks that even beginners can do.

And the first thing I’ll start with is miracles with cards. Namely, from one of the famous tricks, “guess which card.” This is of course one of many options. To make it easier to understand the essence, I present to your attention a plan for the phased implementation of the trick.

Focus guess the card

The essence of this card trick is that you ask the audience to choose a card from a pile offered by you, and then show it. Everything is very familiar

The secret of the trick:

  • Take several cards from the main deck, preferably 10-15 of course. Place them face down on the table. Be sure to pay attention to how many cards you offered and the very first one in the layout.
  • Then ask the audience to choose a card and remember its serial number, i.e. what number it lies on the table from the first card. After this, collect all the cards, observing the following conditions: you need to collect them face down, starting from the end. Place each card on top of the previous one.
  • Next, ask someone to place cards from the remaining deck on the top and bottom of the pile in your hands, their number may vary. Let them at least lay out the whole deck, the most important thing is not to mix the cards!
  • The next step is that you will look for the card hidden by the spectator. To do this, ask him to tell you the serial number of the card. Shift the stack until you come across a card that you yourself remember (this is the beginning of the deck) and then start counting up to the number that the person told you. That is, you start counting from the first card, and since you knew the entire quantity, it’s easy to find the one you need.

Second version of the “guess the card” trick

The essence is the same.

  • The trick is prepared in advance, without the presence of spectators. Take a deck, arrange all the cards by suit and in ascending or descending order. Those. ace, king, queen, jack, 10,9,8,7,6 and all hearts. Do the same with the other three suits. Then stack these stacks on top of each other.
  • Offer to choose a card, remember it and put it back in the deck anywhere.
  • After that, start looking, believe me, you will find it right away, because... it will either be of a different suit than the others, or the order of the layout will be disrupted.

Focus four ladies

The bottom line: From the entire deck, you will somehow miraculously choose all four queens.

  • Take a deck, lay out the first twenty cards so that the queens are ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. Place these cards on top of the entire deck (of course, it’s better to do this in advance).
  • Ask those around you to name a number from 10 to 20. Count off the same number of cards from above. For example, if you were told the number 15, then you count out 15 cards.
  • Then count the sum of the digits of this number (i.e. 15 is 1+5=6). And out of these 15, now you count six from the top too.
  • Set the topmost card aside. Place the remaining nine and five cards on top of the deck, first five, then nine. Repeat all these steps three more times.
  • At the end you should have four queens left on the table.

This trick can be done with other cards of the same value.

Focus Reversed Card

The essence of the trick: You fan out the deck, ask the spectator to choose, remember a card and insert it back. And then, shifting the cards, you find only one inverted card, and it turns out to be the one that the spectator wished for.

  • In advance, turn the very last card in the fan over to face you.
  • In front of people, unfold the deck like a fan, face down, so that the last card is not visible.
  • While the spectator memorizes the card, you collect the remaining ones in your deck and, unnoticed by others, turn it over, i.e. the top of the deck is now at the bottom, and the bottom is at the top. The spectator then inserts the card back.
  • Quickly behind your back, place the top card face up, so you have all the cards face down except one.

Focus Find the card in the spectator's pocket

The gist: The spectator chooses a card, and then it ends up in his pocket.

The secret of the trick:

  • You ask the spectator to shuffle the deck, choose any card, remember it and put it on the top of the deck.
  • After this, with your palm already moistened in advance, you place your hands on the deck and press on it. You remove your hands and the top card sticks to you. Be careful, the viewer should not notice what you have in your hand.
  • Then ask the person to also press the deck down just as you did, and quietly place the card in his pocket.

Well, that's all the secrets for today. I hope my knowledge will help you. You will learn this simple task and will entertain all your friends.

They belong to the category of the simplest, but in order to brighten up the break between games, they are quite suitable. Their main advantage, of course, is that they do not require any manual dexterity or props, and training does not take much time. However, there is also a minus - it is not at all difficult to solve these tricks, and many can remember their secrets from childhood. One of the simplest tricks is guessing cards chosen from a deck.

The first version of the "Guess the card" trick from 12 cards

This option is the simplest and at the same time one of the fastest. The trick is shown very simply: the person showing it lays out 12 cards in front of the viewer and asks them to take one of the ones they like to choose from. The viewer must pick it up, look at it, remember it and give it to the magician. After which the pile is collected, shuffled and laid out again on the table. Next, the shower simply opens the cards and, as soon as the desired one is shown, he returns it to the viewer.

The solution to the trick

The secret is extremely simple. You will need to do 2 things during the preparation stage:

Everything else is simple. Lay out the cards in front of the spectator and let him take one. As soon as he decides and returns it to you, turn over the spectator's card at the moment when the card is returned to the deck. After this, you can shuffle the cards as much as you like - as soon as you put them back on the table, just choose the only one turned upside down - it will be the hidden one.

Advice: Remember that focus is not only about effect, but also about your movements, gestures and communication with the viewer. Try to structure your speech so that the search for the right card does not simply turn into memorized actions. For example, say that the spectator's gaze will give away the card, and you will feel this when you move your hand over the laid out cards. Play with the audience! After all, your task is not just to surprise with knowledge of the secret, but also to give, albeit small, faith in a miracle.

The second version of the "Guess the card" trick with an unlimited number of cards

Another, simpler option that requires a little manual dexterity. The good thing about it is that it can be performed with absolutely any deck, including absolutely any number of cards. The trick looks like this to the viewer in the following way: the magician gives him one card, which he remembers, and at this time the showman lays out the cards in front of him into piles. After this, the card is placed on one of the piles, they are all put back together, shuffled, after which the magician looks through all the cards and gives out the right one.

The solution to the trick

This trick is so simple that you can perform it without preparation. It is distinguished not only by its effectiveness, but also by the fact that the magician can show his artistry when performing the trick. While the spectator is remembering the card he has chosen, the showman quickly separates the cards into piles. At the same time, he remembers the bottom card of one of the piles, which should be called “main”. In this case, it is worth remembering two different cards for two different piles, since if the spectator returns the card to the only main pile, you will have to somehow get out.

So, after the spectator returns the card to one of the piles, we first cover the pile with the hidden card with the main one, and then with all the others. Next, we carefully shuffle, trying not to separate the hidden card and the one that ends the main pile. After that, we simply open the deck one card at a time. The one that appears under the card that you remember will be the card chosen by the viewer.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

Our article today is called “Cool card trick “2 stacks”. Card guessing trick - secret and training" and in it we will look at one very cool and simple trick!

This trick is called “2 stacks”, as you already guessed :) Insanely simple, easy, with a clear effect. I love tricks like this. There are absolutely no techniques in them; they can be done with any deck. Even with “satin” ones. Even with a spectator deck. That is, with any deck at all, and this is a huge plus in the eyes of the viewer. And it wouldn’t be superfluous to have such a trick in your arsenal. And if you want more simple tricks, then I advise you to study these other ones: “” and ““.

Well, with that we move on to the main dish - our trick! We will need two spectators. Before the magic performance, we will, of course, shuffle the deck and divide it into two equal piles. We give each spectator a stack and ask them to choose one card. Once they do this, they must put their cards into another spectator's pile! And after that they can shuffle the deck themselves as much as they like! We can also interfere, with their permission, of course :)

After that we say that we can easily find their map. They, of course, will start laughing and saying that this is impossible, because they themselves have been mixing the cards for a long time and persistently! Meanwhile, we take one pile and pull out one card from it, and do the same with the other pile. And voila! These are indeed spectator cards!

Stormy reactions and applause are definitely guaranteed for you! This trick is perfect if you have two spectators! It deserves a place in your arsenal.

Demonstration and training

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, was in touch with you. That's all for me!

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