A new faction in Civilization VI is the Unbalanced Nubians. Nubia under the leadership of Amanitore will appear in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Unique leader ability

A new nation. For the first time in the arena - Nubia! Yes, I note that this is only an announcement of the nation and it has not yet appeared in the game. But, remembering past announcements, this will happen any day now. Owners of the Deluxe Edition will receive Nubia for free.

What kind of Amanitore is this?

Queen Kusha(one of the kingdoms in Nubia), which in most cases is mentioned together with the king Natakamani. Like the reigning kings, she also had a throne name, written in Egyptian hieroglyphs: Merkare.

On various monuments she appears depicted next to Natakamani. Based on this, most researchers assume that she was Natakamani’s wife and ruled with him on an equal footing. However, modern Egyptologists question this interpretation. Amanitore is nowhere called "cuore", the Meroitic word meaning "king". Her permanent title is “kdke” (Kandakia). Therefore, she hardly possessed the fullness of royal power.

In general, the developers continue to introduce leaders into the game who had no real power, but had primary female sexual characteristics.

Nubia's unique ability

It's called " Ta-network”and, frankly, very strong. +50% to the creation of shooting units, +50% to the gain of experience by them, mines on strategic resources provide an additional +1 production, and on bonus and luxury resources +2 gold.

Unique unit

Since there are bonuses for shooting units, then we have a unique unit - the archer - pitati. It replaces a regular archer and is significantly stronger than the latter: +2 to defense, +5 to shooting power ( !!! ) and +1 to movement. Yes, these animals can also run three squares. If we take into account that they are built 50% faster, then on contact maps this nation will be on an eternal autobahn.

Unique Improvement

Nubian pyramids- can only be built in a river floodplain, on tiles with a desert or hills in the desert. Requires mastery of masonry. Pyramids give faith points, receive bonuses from neighboring areas, or provide food if they border the city center.

Unique Leader Ability

Amanitore's ability is " Kandakia from Meroe" She receives a +20% increase in production during the construction of all districts. The bonus increases to +40% if there is a Nubian pyramid next to the city center.

Another threat against disruptive players Overwatch. All those who say nasty things in chat, harass other players, spammers, deliberate AFKs and griefers will now receive increased penalties. They will be silenced, temporarily suspended from the game, and even permanently banned. Of course, if violations are confirmed. Decent players are encouraged to write denunciations against hooligans.

* Among the most ancient civilizations on Earth, Nubia plays an important role. Located upstream of Egypt along the Nile, it began to be mentioned in Egyptian chronicles during the Early Kingdom, that is, more than five thousand years ago. It's no surprise that the developers Civilization 6 decided to feature Nubia in our game. It will be the next civilization, although the DLC release date is still unknown. The leader of Nubia will be Queen Amanitore, who lived in the 1st century BC and became famous mainly for the fact that her tomb has reached our times in excellent condition.

* The release of Ryzen processors has had a positive impact on AMD's economics. According to the financial report for the second quarter of this year, the company's revenue jumped to $1.22 billion, which is $190 million more than a year ago and $236 million more than it was in the first quarter. True, it was still not possible to avoid losses - they amounted to $16 million, while a year ago there was a profit of $69 million. But if the popularity of new processors does not decline, then it will not be a matter of profit.

* IN PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Of course, chests with loot will appear. Already in the next patch, which will be released on August 3. Moreover, two chests (Survivor and Wanderer) can be opened freely, and the third, named after Gamescom, can be opened for real money ($2.5 per key). The chests will contain skins created based on the cult movie “Battle Royal”. Which is not surprising, since it was because of the film that the game genre appeared. Surprisingly, however, something else: creative director PUBG Brendan Greene swore back in May that there would be no monetization in the game before release. Looks like he was cheating.

* Fans of asymmetrical online horror Friday the 13th: The Game accused its developers from the Illfonic studio of deciding to abandon support for the game for the sake of their next project, a zombie shooter Dead Alliance. However, development boss Chuck Brungardt took to Reddit to personally reassure players that Illfonic continues to support Friday the 13th. According to him, the project team has grown from 20 people to 30, and they opened a new office specifically for it, so the fears are in vain.

* IN Final Fantasy 15 There will also be its own multiplayer - like in almost any self-respecting blockbuster. Multiplayer DLC release date Comrades is unknown, but from August 3 to August 8, it will undergo closed testing, in which holders of season passes on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be able to take part. Players will have the right to create their own characters and then fight each other and complete quests. And also cook. I'm eating, I mean. Weapons will include a katana, hammer, dagger and shuriken. Meteorite fragments will be given out as rewards for success. Which will be useless in the test, but in the release they will be used to expand the gameplay and unlock new tasks.

In a deserted and difficult area for life between the Nile and Atbara rivers, a forgotten kingdom suddenly blossomed with hardworking people, strong warriors and high culture. There are rumors that the country of Nub is ruled by a woman - a warrior queen, who personally leads soldiers into battle.

Nubian Kandakia (Queen) Amanitore represents the Nubian Empire, the second African nation in history. Amanitore ruled during the 1st century and was one of the last great rulers of Nubia. She devoted her entire reign to construction - she restored ancient temples, built reservoirs and pyramids, and took care of the housing of her people.

"That network"- a unique ability of Nubia that arose from the unprecedented level of construction that unfolded during Amanitore's reign. It gives an increase to the production of all melee units, and they all accumulate combat experience faster. Also, all mines with strategic resources give a bonus to production, and those with rare ones - to gold.

Unique Improvement – Nubian pyramid, of which more than two hundred were built. The pyramids from Nubia differ from their counterparts from Giza; they are smaller in size, and the height is 6-30 meters. The Nubian pyramids are built in the desert, on hills and floodplains, and increase faith. If you build a pyramid near urban areas, they will receive a bonus to production, but building near the city center will provide a lot of food for settlement growth.

To protect Nubian wealth it is worth using archer-pitati, replacing a regular archer. This unit shoots one square further, moves faster and gains experience twice as fast. In the early stages of the game, such archers easily serve as siege structures, posing a serious danger to cities unprotected by walls. In the future, pitati archers can be upgraded to crossbowmen.

Latest innovation – script "Gifts of the Nile", in which the civilization that first erects 7 temples of Amon in 125 moves will win. Egypt will become Nubia's opponent here, and both parties to the conflict will have to fight for control of the floodplains of the Nile River.

The Nubian Empire will hit the world stage very soon, but whether the game will receive other expected innovations, such as a production queue, remains to be seen.

For a couple of months there has been no news from Firaxis Games about . And today it became known that an update was released for the strategy, adding a new one, and according to many players, very imbalanced Nubian race, the leader of which is the kandakia (queen) Amanitore - one of the last great builders of Meroe, who ruled the lands between the Nile and Atbara rivers. The history of ancient times tells us that many Kandakians were warrior queens who personally led their soldiers into battle.

The unique warriors of the Nubian civilization will be the “pitati” - skilled archers. They are stronger and faster than ancient archers. Then they can be upgraded to crossbowmen.

A unique improvement of this civilization will be the Nubian pyramid. Nubian pyramids can be built in the desert, on desert hills and in river floodplains. They produce faith and increase the productivity of neighboring areas, and when adjacent to the city center, increase food production.

To sum it up, Firaxis has given this race one of the best warriors in the game so that they can gain an advantage over their opponents in the early stages of the game. And then she added a structure to this, which will also help you, but during the remaining phases of the game.

A new scenario, “Gifts of the Nile,” has also been added to the game. In it you have to choose Nubia or Egypt and fight for complete control of the Nile. The civilization that is the first to build seven temples of Amun in 125 turns wins.
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