Tactics Halion 25 vol. Ruby Sanctuary. End of phase: Killing Saviana

1). Saviana Firechasm:

Saviana is the first mini-boss of the Ruby Sanctum; in order to gain access to Zaritrian and Halion, you must kill her and Baltar.

Periodically flies into the air and releases 2 debuffs (disorients and deals fire damage). They look like red spheres flying towards the raid. They cause AoE damage, you need to stand spread out.

Has an enrage that increases attack speed by 150%.

2). Tactics for passing the bosses of the Ruby Sanctuary (RS) 10-25 Baltar Born of Battle:

At 50% HP, the boss splits and an Add appears, strengthening the boss if he is close. After killing the boss, the add disappears.

It is necessary for the second tank to move the add away from the boss.

3). General Zaritrian:

The boss sometimes uses AoE fire, it is very good to have shamans with awe totems.

It is tanked in two tanks, because the tank is affected by the debuff - Armor Cutting (Weaken the enemy's armor by 20% for 30 seconds. The effect stacks up to 5 times).

Periodically summons mobs that cause AoE damage to the raid. They need to be caught by a free tank and it is advisable to knock down the castes.

4). Tactics for passing the bosses of the Ruby Sanctuary (RS) 10-25 Halion, Twilight Destroyer:

The tank shoots the boss and keeps him in the center of the area.

The entire raid is located under one side, within a mile radius, the Khanty are located far from the boss.

As soon as a Flaming Fire dot hits a player, he must immediately run back to the wall, where the debuff should be removed from him.

When a meteor falls, the entire raid must run to the other side of the boss.

When 75% HP remains, the second phase begins.

The boss goes into the twilight reality, you need to poke the portal that appears immediately after the boss leaves in order to follow him.

Here the Soul Wither dota, similar to Burning Fire, flies at the players.

In the second phase, two dark balls are spinning clockwise around the boss area, opposite each other. Once every 20 seconds, they have a beam that causes significant damage, so it’s better not to hit them.

The tank must enter the portal first in order to aggro the boss.

The arrangement in the second phase is the same as in the first.

When the boss has 50% HP left, the third phase will begin.

Tactics for passing the bosses of the Ruby Sanctuary (RS) 10-25 Phase 3:

Portals appear that connect ordinary and twilight reality. The clone of the boss in normal reality returns to the battle.

It is necessary to divide the raid into 2 groups: 1 tank, 1 healer and half of the damage dealers go through the portal to normal reality, and everyone remaining in the twilight reality begins to beat the boss. After one minute, the clone in normal reality will have a buff (+100% damage dealt, +200% damage received). At this moment, everyone must come out of the twilight reality and, under heroism, kill the boss in the ordinary reality.

Saviana is the first mini-boss of the Ruby Sanctum; in order to gain access to Zaritrian and Halion, you must kill her and Baltar.

Periodically flies into the air and releases 2 debuffs (disorients and deals fire damage). They look like red spheres flying towards the raid. They cause AoE damage, you need to stand spread out.

Has an enrage that increases attack speed by 150%.

2) Baltar Battleborn:

At 50% HP, the boss splits and an Add appears, strengthening the boss if he is close. After killing the boss, the add disappears.

It is necessary for the second tank to move the add away from the boss.

3) General Zaritrian:

The boss sometimes uses AoE fire, it is very good to have shamans with awe totems.

It is tanked in two tanks, because the tank is affected by the debuff – Armor Cutting (Weaken the enemy’s armor by 20% for 30 seconds. The effect stacks up to 5 times).

Periodically summons mobs that cause AoE damage to the raid. They need to be caught by a free tank and it is advisable to knock down the castes.

4) Halion, Twilight Destroyer:

Phase 1:

The tank shoots the boss and keeps him in the center of the area.

The entire raid is located under one side, within a mile radius, the Khanty are located far from the boss.

As soon as a Flaming Fire dot hits a player, he must immediately run back to the wall, where the debuff should be removed from him.

When a meteor falls, the entire raid must run to the other side of the boss.

When 75% HP remains, the second phase begins.

Phase 2:

The boss goes into the twilight reality, you need to poke the portal that appears immediately after the boss leaves in order to follow him.

Here the Soul Wither dota, similar to Burning Fire, flies at the players.

In the second phase, two dark balls are spinning clockwise around the boss area, opposite each other. Once every 20 seconds, they have a beam that causes significant damage, so it’s better not to hit them.

The tank must enter the portal first in order to aggro the boss.

The arrangement in the second phase is the same as in the first.

When the boss has 50% HP left, the third phase will begin.

Phase 3:

Portals appear that connect ordinary and twilight reality. The clone of the boss in normal reality returns to the battle.

Deals 17500 - 22500 damage. Fire damage to enemies in the cone of fire in front of the caster.

Deals 17500 - 22500 damage. damage from dark magic to enemies in the cone of destruction in front of the caster.

The entire battle is divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1 - Physical World

Phase 2 - immaterial world

Along the edges of the battle circle, opposite each other, two shadow spheres will fly, which, every 30 seconds, will connect with each other with a large energy shadow beam, from which, of course, everyone will have to run away.

Regarding tactics at this stage: The tank takes the boss and keeps him in the center. While the beams are not active, the raid stands still and fries at the boss, as soon as the boss begins to announce that a beam will appear, the tank begins to spin the boss so that one ball that emits the beam is behind his back, but slightly ahead of him , and the second one was slightly ahead of the boss’s tail. The entire raid is on one side, perpendicular to the boss’s body and moves with the tank in the same rhythm.

As soon as the beam disappears, the entire raid stops and hits the boss. A new beam will appear again in the position in which it disappeared.

Halion's abilities:

All phases:

Deals 18750 - 21250 damage. fire damage to all enemies within a 12 m radius.

Deals 26250 - 33750 damage. Fire damage to enemies in the cone of fire in front of the caster.
The flames engulf the enemy, dealing 4000 damage. fire damage every 2 sec. Each time the target is damaged by Burning Fire, the target will receive one Mark of Burning Fire. When the effect expires or the effect dissipates, a fiery spot is formed, the size of which is directly proportional to the number of marks the target has received. This effect can be dispelled using remove curse or dispel magic spells.
Deals 7000 - 9000 damage. fire damage. Also deals 2k fire damage to targets within a 6 yard radius.
An aura of twilight energy surrounds the caster. Nearby enemies receive 3000 damage. Shadow damage every 2 sec.
Creates a beam of concentrated energy, upon contact with which the target receives very powerful shadow damage. The beam is created by two spheres that rotate in a circle and are located opposite each other. The beam is called every 30 seconds and is active for 10 seconds.
Deals 26250 - 33750 damage. damage from dark magic to enemies in the cone of destruction in front of the caster.
Surrounds the target with a dark aura that ticks 4000 every 2 seconds. Each time the spell deals damage, it generates Devour Marks. When the spell wears off or is dispelled, an explosion occurs that deals damage proportional to the number of stacks.
Deals 8750 - 11250 damage. Shadow damage within 6 yards.

The entire battle is divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1 - Physical World

lasts from 100% of life to 75% in the “physical world”, where Halion uses fire attacks. Simply put, this is a large ball of fire that falls from the sky and creates a fiery puddle from which you need to run away, because a meteorite falls there and at the site of the fall, fiery jets spread out in four directions, which burn for a certain time.

Players are also given a ticking debuff. If you dispel it, then in the place where the player was standing, a void zone is formed from which you need to immediately run out.

Bos also shoots a large stream of fire from his mouth in front of him.

The tank keeps the boss at the edge of the combat zone. The entire raid stands dispersed and runs out of the resulting void zones. In the place of one of the players, a pulsating void zone is formed from which everyone runs away en masse, since a meteorite will fall into it and fire will spread out in a cross. Everyone stands up so as not to fall into this fire. If someone is at the site of the meteorite falling, they will be thrown aside.

Phase 2 - immaterial world

starts at 75% and lasts up to 50% of the boss's life.

As soon as you bring the boss to 75%, he disappears and in his place a portal appears, which everyone must click on and get into the “Twilight Zone”, here all the damage will be shadow type. Exactly the same meteorites will fall from the sky, but will leave shadow puddles.

Along the edges of the battle circle, opposite each other, four shadow spheres will fly, which, every 30 seconds, will connect with each other with a large energy shadow beam, from which, of course, everyone will have to run away.

There will also be a shadow debuff, which, if dispelled, will leave a shadow puddle from which you need to run out.

Also, similar to Sindragosa, the dragon will have a shadow aura that will cause damage.

As in the first phase, Halion breathes in front of him, only now with a shadow breeze.

Regarding tactics at this stage: The tank takes the boss and keeps him in the center. While the rays are not active, the raid stands still and fries at the boss, as soon as the boss begins to announce that the rays will appear, the tank begins to spin the boss so that one ball that emits the beam is behind him, but slightly ahead of him , and the second one was slightly ahead of the boss’s tail. The entire raid is on one side, perpendicular to the boss’s body and moves with the tank in the same rhythm.

As soon as the beams disappear, the entire raid stops and hits the boss. A new beam will appear again in the position in which it disappeared.

Phase 3 – separation into two worlds

starts at 50% until the boss dies. The battle takes place in two dimensions.

When the boss reaches 50%, 2 portals appear that lead to the “Physical Dimension”. The raid is divided into 2 even parts. One goes into the portals, and the second remains in the “Twilight Dimension”.

Halyon becomes 50% material and this % fluctuates up or down depending on how much more damage he takes in one of the dimensions. If you deal more damage in the physical world, he will take less damage in the intangible and vice versa.

The goal of the raid is to maintain the balance of DPS in both worlds so that this% of materiality ranges from 40% to 60%.

Tactics: Ruby Sanctuary

Brief description of the raid dungeon:
Title: Ruby Sanctuary
Location: Northrend, Dragonblight, 60.54
Average completion time: 45 minutes
Dungeon map:

10 people: 2 tanks, 2-3 healers, 5-6 DD (equipment level 232+)
25 people: 2-3 tanks, 5-7 healers, 15-18 DD (equipment level 245+)

Boss tactics:
Tactics: Saviana Firechasm
Tactics: Baltar Born of Battle
Tactics: General Zaritrian
Tactics: Halion Twilight Destroyer

Tactics: Ruby Sanctum, Saviana Firechasm
Name: Saviana Firechasm (dragon)
Level: ??
Health: 4,183,000 (10n) / 13,945,000 (25n)

Short description: DPS race.

Boss Abilities:
Ignition is a DoT on a specific target.

Role tactics:

General: This is an easy fight with simple tactics. Saviana periodically enters enrage and begins to deal AoE damage to the raid. In addition, she can fly up, select 2 (10) or 5 (25) players and cast Ignite on them.

MT: Tanks the boss sideways towards the raid.
FROM: Maintains aggro by backing up the MT. During takeoff, the boss runs away from the MT to the side.
Khila: Keeps tanks healthy while the boss is on the ground. They work on the raid after the boss takes off.
Miles DD, RDD: Focus on dealing damage. Players with the Ignition mark run away from the raid to avoid causing AoE damage to the raid. Robbers and hunters remove enrage from the boss.

End of phase: Killing Saviana.

Tips and Notes:
Players with the Ignite mark must run away from the raid as quickly as possible.
Tactics: Ruby Sanctum, Baltar the Battleborn

Name: Baltar Battleborn (Draconid)
Level: ??
Health: 3,486,000 (10n) / 11,156,000 (25n)

The battle consists of a single phase.

Short description: DPS race.

Boss Abilities:
Weakening cauterization.
Reflective wave.
Cleaving blow.
Storm of Blades.
Summon Clone - used 1 (10) / 3 (25) times per battle.

Role tactics:
General provisions: During the battle, Baltar will periodically summon two clones: once (at 50% health) in a 10-man raid and three times (at 75%, 50% and 25% health) in a 25-man raid. It is recommended to mark the "real" Baltar with a skull so as not to confuse him with clones. In addition, during the battle Baltar will periodically cast Blade Storm, from which you need to run away.

MT: Tanks the boss.
FROM: Catch spawning copies of Baltar and tank them until the end of the battle.
Khila: They carefully monitor the health of MT and OT, intensively using raid healing when the boss casts AoE abilities.
Miles DD, RDD:
Focus damage on the boss, ignoring spawning copies.

End of phase: Killing Baltar.

Tips and Notes:
Don't pay attention to the clones, they will die along with the boss. They are dealt with only by OTs.
When casting the “spinner”, run away from the boss.

Tactics: Ruby Sanctum, General Zaritrian

Name: General Zaritrian (draconid)
Level: ??
Health: ?? (10n) / ?? (25n)

The battle consists of a single phase.

Short description: DPS race.

Boss Abilities:
Cutting through armor.
A terrifying roar.

Role tactics:

General provisions: This is a simple battle, during which Zaritrian will periodically cast mass fear (knocked down by shaman totems), as well as summon adds, which must be killed as quickly as possible by a selected group of players. Adds use AoE attacks, the castes of which can be disrupted.

MT: Tanks the boss, whenever possible using abilities that remove fear. Changes from OT to 2-3 stacks of Armor Cleave.
FROM: Tanks adds, also using abilities that remove fear when possible. Changes from MT to 2-3 stacks of Armor Cleave.
Khila: They focus on healing the MT, and at the moment the adds appear, they enhance the healing of the raid.
Miles DD, RDD:
Focus damage on the boss. When adds appear, they switch to them, knocking down their AoE casts and causing damage.

End of phase: Killing General Zaritrian.

Tips and Notes:
The boss quite often casts fear on the raid, so the task of the priests is to buff the defense against fear on the MT, and the task of the shamans is to install a totem of awe.
Knock down castes from adds. Kill them as quickly as possible.

Tactics: Ruby Sanctuary, Halion the Twilight Destroyer
Name: Halion Twilight Destroyer (draconid)
Level: ??
Health: ?? (10n) / 45,300,000 (25n)

The battle consists of three phases.

Phase 1

Short description: Normal attack on the boss.

Boss Abilities:

Fire Breath (10n) / Fire Breath (25n).
Meteor falling.
Blazing Fire - Applies to a random player.
Cleaving blow.
Tail strike.

Role tactics:

General provisions: Almost immediately after the start of the battle, Halion casts a wall of fire, which does not allow you to go to the boss, or run out from the area where the battle is taking place. In the first phase of the battle, Halion places a fire debuff on a random player, which, when its effect ends or dissipates, forms a void zone under the player, the size of which depends on how long the debuff hung on the player. Players standing close to the void zone are thrown to the sides, so players with the debuff need to run out of the raid as quickly as possible. On Heroic difficulty, fireballs falling from the sky create fire elementals. The big ones become targets for OT, the small ones are quickly killed and are not tanked.
MT: Like other dragons, Halion has a cleave, magical breath and a tail strike, so tanking occurs according to the standard - sideways to the raid.
FROM: In normal difficulty mode it stands together with melee damage and deals damage. In heroic mode, he tanks large elementals that appear after meteors fall.
Khila: Located together with the RDD. An additional task is to dispel the Burning Fire debuff in a timely manner to reduce possible damage to the raid.
Miles DD, RDD: At the beginning of the battle they stand on the side of the boss. From time to time, Halion calls down a rain of fire from the sky, after which void zones remain on the ground, from which players need to quickly run out. In addition, 4 fire paths diverge from the resulting void zone (as on Rebrada in the Central Leningrad Complex). The location where the fireball will land is very visible, so it should not be difficult for players to leave it early.

End of the phase: The transition to the second phase of the battle begins when Halion's HP decreases to 75%.

Phase 2

Short description: Fight in the shadow dimension.

Boss Abilities:

Twilight Accuracy is a buff that increases the boss's chance to hit by 5% and reduces the target's chance to dodge by 20%.
Dark breath.
Veil of Twilight - AoE-DoT to nearby players.
Devour Soul is a debuff similar to Burning Fire.

Role tactics:

General: At the beginning of the second phase of the fight, Halion is transported to the shadow dimension and at the same time a portal opens for the players to enter. Instead of the fire debuff that was applied to players in the first phase of the battle, there will be a debuff that deals damage from dark magic. It also differs from the fire debuff in that it does not scatter, but attracts players to each other. Also, 2 balls fly around the battlefield (4 in heroic difficulty mode), between which a beam periodically appears, dividing the area in half. If there is a player between the balls when the beam appears, he will die.
MT: Runs into the portal first and places the boss in the middle of the battlefield. The tank must carefully monitor the balls moving around the battlefield and turn the boss in the direction of their movement (clockwise) so as not to get hit by the periodically appearing beam.
FROM: Deals damage while near the MT and maintains angro in case the MT dies to intercept the boss. In case of receiving a debuff, the OT runs away from the raid.
Khila: They stand on the right hand of the tank and move clockwise synchronously with the rotation of the MT, so as not to get hit by the beam. By analogy with the first phase, they track and dispel the Soul Devour debuff to reduce possible damage to the raid.
Miles DD, RDD: Stand on the right hand of the tank and move clockwise in synchronization with the rotation of the MT, so as not to get hit by the beam. When receiving the Devour Souls debuff, DDs should run away from the raid.

End of the phase: The transition to the third phase of the battle begins when Halion's HP decreases to 50%.

Phase 3

Short description: Fight in two dimensions.

Boss Abilities:

Twilight Accuracy is a buff that increases the boss's chance to hit by 5% and reduces the target's chance to dodge by 20%.

Role tactics:

General provisions: Halion appears simultaneously in the shadow dimension and the real one. The raid will have to split into 2 groups with approximately equal DPS. The boss receives the Materiality buff, the numerical value of which is displayed at the top of the screen. In accordance with this indicator, Halion will receive and deal more damage in one dimension and less in another. If in one dimension the boss stops taking damage, in the other dimension he begins to quickly regenerate health, so the DPS of both groups should be synchronous. Raid damage in the shadow dimension is higher.
MT: Stays with the first group of players and continues to tank the boss.
FROM: Goes to the real dimension with a group of DDs and tanks the boss there.
Khila: They are divided into two groups, half remain in the shadow dimension, the other goes beyond the OT into the real one. They continue to closely monitor the dispersal of debuffs.
Mor DD: Remains in the shadow dimension and continues to deal damage similar to the second phase.
RDD: They follow the OT into the real dimension, since it will be easier for them to avoid falling fireballs without significant loss DPS.

End of phase: Killing Halion.

Tips and Notes:

Take a position to the side of the boss to avoid getting hit by the tail or the cleave.
Don't stand in the way of the beam.
Run away from the raid with the debuff. Heels should take it down as soon as possible.
If one of the players is killed during the second phase, he will be thrown into the real change, and the druid will not be able to raise him with BR.
Balance your DPS in the third phase.

Halion is the main boss of the new encounter Ruby Sanctum. Halion received the nickname Twilight Destroyer for his cruelty and desire to destroy all living things. He is Deathwing's loyal servant. The attack on the Ruby Sanctuary foreshadows the imminent awakening of the great Black Dragon and his return to this world.

Halion has three lieutenants: , . Halion will drop equipment of the same level as items that drop from the Lich King. In addition, Halion has a challenging mode that provides a real challenge for skilled players

  • Meteor Strike – deals 11,310-12,690 fire damage
  • Combustion Mark – places an absorption mark on the target. When the fire subsides from the target or is dispelled, an explosion occurs and a fire zone is formed on the ground, the size of which depends on the number of fire stacks
  • Combustion – deals 7,000-9,000 fire damage
  • Meteor Strike – deals 75,000-85,000 fire damage to the enemy and causes an add.
  • Dark Breath – deals 39.375-50.625 damage in a cone in front of the caster
  • Absorption Mark – deals 4,000 damage every 2 seconds. Each time the ability deals damage, it places an Absorption Mark on the target. When the absorption dispels or subsides, an explosion of dark energy occurs proportional to the number of stacks.
  • Absorption – deals 8,750-11,250 damage
  • Dust Cloud – An aura of dark energy envelops the caster, dealing 6,000 damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds
  • Materiality.

The battle with Halion takes place in 3 phases, during which the raid will have to visit the real and shadow dimensions.

Phase 1
Some time after the pull, Halion summons a wall of fire that surrounds him and prevents him from getting to the boss. AFK are not allowed =) Halion has a fire breath, as well as a cut and a tail strike - what can a regular dragon do. We tank sideways, hit the back leg, don’t overaggro. Periodically, Halion summons balls of fire that rain down from the sky and cause great damage in a certain radius. There remains a fire on the ground from which you need to get out. In addition, 4 branches of flame scatter from the fire. The place where the ball of fire falls is clearly visible, so you need to leave the area of ​​the unplanned landing of the ball in advance. Halion places the Mark of Fire on a random player. After the debuff ends or when it dissipates, a zone of flame also appears under the player’s feet. Players within reach are thrown back. The longer it took to dissipate, the larger the zone size. Phase 1 is 75% complete

Phase 2
Halion travels to the shadow dimension and summons a portal that players can enter. In the shadow dimension, Halion retains his breath. Combustion Mark is replaced by Absorption Mark, which deals dark damage. Also, players are not thrown back, but attracted. Two dark balls fly around the boss fight area, periodically a Death Ray appears between them, which kills anyone caught under it. Players need to move to avoid death. Phase 2 ends at 50%

Phase 3
Halion exists in both dimensions, the raid must be divided into two parts. The first one fights in the real world. It is advisable that these are casters, since it is easier for them to escape from the Death Ray without stopping the DPS. The second is in the shadow. Players fighting in the shadow world should be predominantly melee. This will allow them to better navigate in space and not get hit by fireballs. Halion receives the Materiality buff. The numerical value of the buff is displayed at the top of the screen and starts counting from 50%. Depending on its value, Halion will receive and deal more damage in one dimension and proportionately less in the other. By damaging Halion in the material world, we will drive him deeper into the shadow world and vice versa. This process is accompanied by an alert. If Halion does not take damage in at least one dimension, he will begin to quickly regenerate health.

Table of influence of the Materiality buff

Materiality Interest
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Real Dimension Damage taken -100% -80% -50% -30% -15% 0% +20% +50% +100% +200% +400%
Damage dealt -70% -50% -30% -20% -10% 0% +15% +30% +60% +100% +200%
Shadow Dimension Damage taken +400% +200% +100% +50% +20% 0% -15% -30% -50% -80% -100%
Damage dealt +200% +100% +60% +30% +15% 0% -10% -20% -30% -50% -70%

Thus, it is extremely important to maintain a balance of DPS without stopping it for a second. Excessive DPS in one dimension will lead to the fact that players in the second may simply not cope.

Heroic Mode
Phase 1
Fireballs create fire elementals, large ones are enough for off-tank, small ones are nukes, they are not tankable
Phase 2
Instead of 2 balls there will be 4

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