Games on the theme of character development. ATLAS How to properly upgrade and develop your character. Epic client games with offline character leveling

Character leveling games for every taste: 3 online client games with character leveling + 3 browser games + 3 epic offline client games.

Playing an exciting computer role-playing game for a couple of hours is a good way to pass the time. Commercial projects provide a huge selection of various genres with original plots.

Upgrading a game character from “0” is what has always fascinated the user. Today we will figure out what character leveling games showed their best in this regard, and which ones became simply iconic.

The best character leveling games online

If earlier the Internet was a luxury, now it has become an everyday thing and is present in every home.

It has become very easy to come after work and play your favorite game for a couple of minutes before dinner. If you don’t want to clog up your personal computer and install third-party applications, there is an alternative -.

1) Browser + Internet

The data is loaded into the cache, and upon subsequent launches the game simply flies. You don't need to have super-fast internet, which makes them an even more attractive option.

We have selected the games most worthy of your attention. High ratings and positive user reviews are proof of this.

Top 3 online browser games with character leveling:

1.Dragon Knight

For fans of games with a fantasy plot. The eternal struggle of heroes and dragons is revealed in battles and drawing features. High-quality music and a good picture, just like for a browser.

Game world: Does not stand out with an intricate storyline. Simple quests for a pleasant pastime. Fighting demons and land robbers - saving the world is always held in high esteem.

Main character: To level up your character in the game, you need to choose from 2 races - warrior or mage. Skills are not particularly expressed and fade into the background. Much attention is paid to equipment with weapons.

The attack process in the game consists of close and long-range attacks: dash, poisonous and cleaving blows, magical attacks, spells to reduce the enemy’s strength.

In addition to the main character, the game has the opportunity to upgrade a team of up to 5 characters. Lots of consumables to upgrade your character and team.

Combat system: Simple and understandable for everyone. Gain 100 rage points, then spend them on a series of attacks. Each uses a fixed amount of resource.

Peculiarities: Taming pets + leveling them up, holding wedding ceremonies between players, group raids on bosses. Some game locations can be completed on autopilot.

2. Demon Slayer

A unique combat system, a lot of mystical creatures trying to destroy you. A new game where you can fight without donating. Dozens of quests, tasks, bonus every day.

Game world: There are both open locations and closed dungeons with fantastic creatures. You can move around on foot or on pets. The picture of the game is pleasant, it pleases with a lot of animation effects.

Main character: You can develop a hero in one of 3 directions - archer, mage or warrior. You need to upgrade not only the main character, who is at the head of the army. Your city, and even troops in the game require a constant increase in combat strength and pumping.

As you progress in the game, one of the talent branches develops. Equipment is improved, enhanced weapons are purchased.

Combat system: Step-by-step. You have to fight with an army. Change positions after each step. You produce the optimal formation and spells to defeat the enemy.

The combo system in the game will allow you to create great combinations and improve the skills of your own combat system. Particularly effective against opponents of superior strength.

Peculiarities: Detailed tutorial - understanding the game will not be difficult in 1-2 hours of process. The combat system will appeal to people with a passion for strategy.

3.Hero Rage

The developers managed to fit all the top characters from other projects into one game. The goal is to upgrade a powerful team and smash enemy forces to dust.

Game world: Nice graphics with many effects. Automatic advancement opens after the hero reaches a certain level. A large number of small details + monsters for every taste.

Main character: Class development occurs as the game progresses. Initially, the choice of character leveling falls on an archer, mage or fighter. Depending on the character, there will be a different set of characteristics and skills.

Skills differ in the type of effect on the enemy - mass destruction or a single target. Parameters increase as you level up your character's equipment and combat rating.

Combat system: Initially, you set up a formation of 9 characters. 3 battle lines: the 1st takes the attack, the remaining 2 carry out the main combat operations.

For VIP accounts, the battle system is automated. The battles are colorful and filled with interesting combat elements. In pvp, the character with the highest level of pumping wins, but randomness in the game can make exceptions.

Peculiarities: High level of graphics and animation. Characters from the worlds of WarCraft, which will appeal to fans of these projects.

Leveling up your character in these games will provide a lot of fun. Turn-based combat system and many interesting features. And most importantly, you don’t need to install anything on your computer. An ideal option when you want to play in your free time at work.

2) Client + Internet

Install the game in 20 minutes and go. Clients provide high performance in graphics and voice acting. Compared to browser-based ones, they cost an order of magnitude higher.

We will look at the masterpieces of our time. They will make you plunge for a long time into the mystical world of the struggle between good and evil. Which side to take is up to you to choose!

3 best online client games for leveling up your character:

1. Aion

The Asian market has established itself as a leader in the production of MMORPG games worldwide. The released creation can be called the successor of the legendary “line”. The developers have extensive experience working on similar projects, so they have created a truly worthwhile product.

Gameplay Note: Installation on a computer requires 30 GB of free space. Saturation and detail - 10 out of 10. After launch, register and choose a race to level up: demons or angels. There are 6 fractions available. The player designs the hero's appearance himself.

Game world: A large number of characters. Open world with few restrictions. All locations are radically different - different factions and colorful clans.

The quest component of the game consists of tasks, orders and missions. The main storyline and additional tasks allow you to level up your character to the maximum.

Pumping process: Each level in the game gives a new ability or skill. It is possible to create a series of combo attacks.

You can upgrade your character by increasing your rank - similar to military ranks. From level 10, the characteristic – ether – will appear. The higher his score, the longer the character can stay in the air.

Equipment in the game for every taste. Collection takes place directly in the open world - after battles, or as a drop from quests. Items can be upgraded by tailors, alchemists and blacksmiths.

Combat system: Select an enemy, and then press keys in time to carry out a series of attacks and collect combos. The duels in the air are especially pleasing - the entertainment is at the highest level. Basically, the character will fight with other players, since there are not so many monsters in the game.


Who hasn't dreamed of having a superpower? Comics gave us characters, and the developers, together with DC, made our dreams come true. In this world, you will need to level up your character, and most importantly, become a superhero, from scratch.

Gameplay: The costume is the main component of the hero of the game. Selecting a faction and creating a character can take up to 3-4 hours. The number of accessories and little things is simply disconcerting at first.

Weapons and abilities, in the process of pumping, will delight you with new properties. There are 3 modes of movement: running, without the influence of gravity, flying.

Moving around the world, going through storylines, a sea of ​​new locations will open up. Each one is amazingly detailed.

Game world: The beginning of the journey is the city of Gotham. Missions are related to Batman and his sidekicks. Large open game world. 3 branches of talents will show themselves enchantingly in combat operations on the city streets.

Pumping process: Story missions replenish the piggy bank and increase the character’s experience. Combat skills, abilities and passives are talents that develop throughout the game.

There is no classical understanding of a character’s “class”. Fulfill the conditions and get a new skill or skill. The character has 2 types of abilities: some aimed at attack, others at defense.

Combat system: Feature of the game. The battles are very dynamic and intense. A couple of buttons can control the entire process, and combos only add entertainment.

After completing story missions in the game, the possibility of pvp opens up. If you wish, you can cooperate and defeat enemy bosses together. There are many battle modes in the arena: both duels and mass battles are available.


New in the world of client fantasy games. Created according to all the canons of the genre: castle sieges, trade, leveling up characters and crafts. Original combat system + excellent voice acting and translation.

Gameplay: The gaming area is not crammed with unnecessary icons and sensors. Everything is minimalistic and neat. The camera operates 360 degrees. There is a 1st person mode.

The character can be created in your own likeness. There is everything: from the proportions of the brushes to the freckles. There are 10 game classes to choose from.

Skills are divided into active and passive, which are upgraded throughout the game. The maximum pumping level is 50.

Game world: Harmonic, without teleports and other sudden changes in locations. The desert smoothly flows into the savannah, and there are dozens of such examples.

Depending on the zone of residence, the character will be affected by characteristic climatic factors. In the desert - to suffer from thirst, on a cold night - to overcome frost, and so on.

The surrounding world is so carefully designed that there is nothing to complain about. The buzzing of small insects and the swaying of grass in the wind is proof of this.

Pumping process: Completing the main and side storylines gives you experience and currency to acquire the necessary resources. It is possible to rent and purchase premises.

Trading is an important part of the game. You can sell and buy both in your own built hut and from third-party traders.

The principle: the cooler the monster, the cooler the drop, which suits this game perfectly. Two levels of clothing: 1st layer for protection, 2nd for beauty.

Combat system: The process of destroying the enemy is very vivid. The combat system is not particularly unique - standard skills + combos. The difference in strength can be compensated by looking for weaknesses in the enemy.

From level 30, pvp mode is available. Robbery, murder, attacks anywhere - a feature of the game's combat operations. You can only feel safe in cities and towns.

If you want to enjoy high-quality graphics and all the delights of character leveling games, online client games are for you. Huge open worlds with 1000 players online will diversify your leisure time.

3) Epic client games with offline character leveling

What to do if you want to play for fun, but don’t have high-speed Internet? The oldies of the market come to the rescue - games on PC where you don’t need .

The main thing is that the iron does not let us down. High requirements + juicy picture. The main feature is an interesting and confusing plot with alternative endings.

Favorites among character leveling games on PC:

1. The Elder Scrolls series of games

Truly one of the best of its kind. You can travel for hours through a huge open world and enjoy a fascinating story while completing hundreds of tasks.

For many years, leveling up a character in the Elder Scrolls was at the discretion of the player. You are not tied hand and foot. The open world allows you to go anywhere and do anything.

Character leveling is extensive and changes depending on the tasks performed. The latest part to date, Skyrim, has gotten rid of all the gameplay shortcomings. The level of graphics has skyrocketed, and today a huge number of users have fully appreciated this brainchild.

2. Grand Theft Auto

GTA is a game that you can talk about a lot, but it’s better to see it once with your own eyes. A large open world where your character is the main bandit of the whole party.

In the V series of the game there are 3 characters to choose from with their own stories and characteristics. The character's appearance is customized down to the smallest detail.

The plot contains more than 62 missions. You will have to spend more than one hour on each one - there will be something to do. Leveling up also occurs through side quests.

An open world shooter - what could be more interesting? The developers tried to bring the atmosphere closer to reality. Lawlessness is sometimes even frightening. Therefore, it is not advisable to introduce young children to this toy.

3. The Witcher series

Consists of 3 parts. The game is based on the novel about the monster killer – the Herald of Rivia. You will become his guide in the world of hatred and bloody murders.

An interesting plot, detailed character development, skills that are revealed as you progress through the game - this is not the whole list of advantages. Drops from high-level monsters will make the hero stronger, and story quests will increase the level of the character’s skills.

The atmosphere of the game is constantly tense. The twists and turns of the plot + unexpected endings are the strong point of the project. Alternative endings allow you to play through the game more than once, being surprised by new monsters and character skills.

Upgrading the main character and learning all the secrets of the intricate plot is what users of such game projects strive for. Unprecedented detail and color have always attracted attention, and in these 3 masterpieces this is more than enough.

Top five computer game characters,

which are definitely worth leveling up for gamers:

We showed you the most interesting and colorful character leveling games. Depending on your capabilities and time, choose the game that suits you. You can while away a couple of minutes in a browser. Real pleasure from the process can only be gained by immersing yourself in a full-fledged RGP.

Find out about the best games where you can create your own character. We have compiled a list of games with a character editor for you.

Our task today is to find games on PC that will have not only a good character editor, but also clear gameplay. The top will be based as much as possible on the variability of hero creation. Although, frankly speaking, in almost any game from the list you can create a character very similar to Geralt from Rivia, the Joker and Sylvester Stallone. For some reason, according to the players, other characters simply do not exist. Well, while someone is looking for Stallone from Fallout 4, we'll look at 14 great character creation games on PC.

A game in the style of Survival from the Funcom studio. In this game, it is the character editor, which, when choosing a woman, offers you to choose the size of the breasts, hips and buttocks. There is nothing strange about this, almost every second MMO offers the same settings, something else is more interesting. When choosing a male character, a scale in the measurement of the genital organ is offered, that is, the player himself can choose the length of his dignity. The game is an open world in which there are several different races available to play, and several religions to master. As a result, we get a testosterone game in which size is the main thing.

An excellent shooter from Raven Software (a minion of Activision), which tells us about the events after episode 6 of Star Wars. The player was given a choice of 5 races: humans, Rodians, Kel Dors, Twi'leks and Zabraks, as well as a choice of gender: humans, Rodians and Kel Dors as a male character; Humans, Zabraks, and Twi'leks as a female character. At the same time, we can choose different clothes for our character, their color and style, and also change the appearance in general. The lightsaber also has customization and we can choose the color of the sword and the handle. Yes, it may seem that this is somehow not enough for an editor, but if you consider that the game was from 2003 and at that time many games did not even approximately have such editor properties. Overall, Star Wars Jedi Knight is a good shooter with a clear plot, its own features, and several endings.

MMORPG from Team Bloodlust, in an ordinary fantasy world. The game at one time earned 5 million people online, a separate e-sports niche among all games, as well as a separate anime based on the game (12 episodes in total). Overall, the game is good for fans of the genre, and also has one of the best character editors compared to other MMORPGs. The player has four races to choose from: Shen, Won, Lin and Feng. And all these races can be customized to suit your taste and style. But no matter how hard you try, the only thing you will see at the end of the day is hunky guys with tight clothes and shiny skin, or pumped-up men in martial arts costumes. Apparently all this was done to adhere to the same style of the entire game universe. And although the editor itself is quite versatile, you will still feel that you are not controlling a living person, but a cute, but still, doll.

11. XCOM 2

A turn-based tactical game with an admixture of role-playing components from Fixaris Games. The plot of the game throws us into difficult times, when the Earth is controlled by an alien race, and true freedom is something like a legend of the past. The player has five main classes to choose from, not counting recruits and Iskra: grenadier, ranger, specialist, psi agent and sniper. In addition to class selection, a character editor is also available, where you can select gender, nationality, name, as well as the soldier’s biography, and, well, appearance too. In addition, there is the opportunity to create your own class, your own campaign, and even new types of enemies. The editor itself, unfortunately, is not so rich in frills and variety of settings, but it is worth remembering that this XCOM 2 is about something completely different.

A wonderful game about flight, space and the destruction of all enemy factions from the CCP Games studio. And if battles can pull you tightly into the cycle of events, then the editor is unlikely to succeed. And the whole point is that although the editor is essentially quite good, in fact he is a dummy. How often will you see your character's face in the game? At most a couple of times, walking through the cabin of his ship. The rest of the time you see the spacecraft itself, and not yourself. And at the moment, fans of the series need the editor just like Fallout 76. And the whole point is that the developers wanted to make it possible to move around space stations and huge ships, where our beautiful face created in the editor would come in handy. Well, perhaps the time will come and players will see this feature, but for now they have to look at themselves through a small avatar icon. In general, character creation, although quite interesting in EVE Online, is still quite pointless, unless of course you sit for days in your cabin considering how beautiful and powerful you are.

An excellent shooter with RPG elements, or an RPG with shooter elements from Bethesda, which also has a pretty good character editor, which later migrated to the unfortunate Fallout 76. But we won’t touch 76, only the laziest haven’t kicked it . Fallout 4 has, in fact, a compilation of all Bethesda character editors that have ever existed. And it’s worth saying that the assembly turned out to be quite good and realistic, if not for the soapiness of individual elements of the “decor” of the face. Customization options allow you to create virtually any face that will look like actors, stars, and even politicians. But once we put on power armor, no one will see our radiant face again. How to kill super mutants without a slicked hairstyle!? Character creation in Fallout 4 can become an art for those eager to create the most stylish and fashionable subject in the post-apocalyptic Commonwealth.

The well-known and beloved Elder Scrolls from Bethesda. And rightfully, the 5th part of the series has the best character editor when compared with the previous series of the game. The point here is not even in the graphics, for example, in the same Morrowind there was a more or less intelligible editor, the point is in the implementation of the engine’s capabilities for face customization. Many remember the 4th part of the Oblivion series with its crooked editor and the ugliness of the faces created by the player; after spending even several hours creating a character, some faces turned out “inside out”. Therefore, thanks to Skyrim for an adequate system for creating the appearance of a character of all races. Even the orcs and night elves turn out quite cute. It’s a pity that when we put a helmet on our heroic head, we hide our brutally stern face. They also say that only beautiful heroes are accepted into the Mages Guild. As a result, we have excellent character customization, especially those who like to get stuck when detailing the face and body. Well, really, why do you need dragons and Dovahkiin when you get such a beautiful orc here!?

MMORPG from South Korean studio PearlAbyss. This game was once “sucked up” by all the major gaming publications and channels. Some said that it was the best MMORPG, some repeated the same thing like a mantra: “Worst game, hype piece...”, etc. But both of them can agree that Black Desert has an excellent character editor. You can create absolutely anything and in any wrapper. It’s a pity that they create mostly only cute girls and half-naked beasts, because the customization possibilities allow you to create a wide variety of heroes with the appearance of Statham, Michael Jackson or the Witcher. The creators of the game have such an excellent character editor that they decided to publish a separate application in which you can create stranger and stranger faces, each time perverted in a new way. And about 38 zones in the face editor, each of which has 9 more sliders, only play into your imagination. Therefore, BD is worth playing not only for the gameplay itself, but also for the excellent character editor.

Simulator from Maxis and publisher Electronic Arts. Surely, on the list of games with the best character customization, you'd expect The Sims. And so it is, without any mistakes, the Sims series could be considered the best in terms of character creation. Since this is a game in which you live your life as characters you create, it makes sense that there is an opportunity to create appearances for people. The player can create and control up to 8 personally created characters, giving them various tasks: eat, drink, go to work, take up a hobby, play The Sims while playing The Sims. The game also has many official additions and not-so-official modifications that allow you to expand the editor’s capabilities for creating Sims, sometimes allowing you to create an absolutely awkward and strange creature instead of the usual macho or chan. As a result, we have excellent customization within a game that doesn’t even have a plot or a clear ending (unless, of course, you manage to kill all the characters). Among other things, you can also design an endless number of houses and interiors.

5. Spore

Another simulator about the company Maxis and the same publisher EA. In fact, Spore is a whole bunch of genres and there are elements of both role-playing games and real-time strategy. The player is given the opportunity to control various creatures, making various changes, including appearance. The character editor allows you to create absolutely any cutie alien, the main thing is that you have enough imagination and time for all this. In general, in the game, in addition to the character editor, there are others: an equipment editor; building editor; technology editor and flora editor. That is, you can change not only yourself and your civilization, but also your environment. Edit, multiply and repeat until the bitter end. The game gives us the opportunity to create a huge and powerful race, going from a single cell to a full-fledged creature. Overall, the game has fun gameplay and an excellent editor for creating characters.

A game from Volition in the Action-adventure genre with a touch of the free world. Although many people call this game a copy of GTA 5, SR 4 still has its own characteristics and a certain pleasant charm. The plot is connected by one chain of events, where we control the leader of the 3rd Street Saints. In the new part, we generally become the President of the United States, and our henchmen successfully occupy positions in the presidential administration. The editor in the game is quite detailed and if you really want to, you can make Arnold Schwarzenegger the main character (not in life, but at least in the game he will be the President of the United States). Character customization is a lot like SW3, with all its pros and cons. For example, you can’t normally choose the height of your character, but someone would really like to play as a dwarf president or, conversely, as a two-meter black basketball player from the ghetto. Despite all the freedom of action in the game, some aspects are still not fully developed, so there is still no complete freedom in terms of creating and customizing a character. In general, we can say that the game is very pleasant and somewhat unusual, mainly due to the main events of the plot. And the customization is quite detailed and worked out, but still not without its drawbacks.

An Action RPG game from the Canadian company BioWare. A game that not only has an excellent combat system and story, but also an excellent character editor. As in previous parts of the series, the player controls a male or female character with the last name Shepard, where the player can unleash his imagination by creating the most awkward or cool heroes. The game also has a class system, and in total there are 6 professions available to master: Soldier, Scout, Engineer, Stormtrooper, Guardian and Adept. And if you don’t count ME: Andromeda with its crooked editor, which, although it has been corrected, it is the 3rd part of the game that is considered the best in terms of character creation. The editor itself is quite simple and easy to learn, but sometimes creation takes too much time due to the lack of the necessary facial outlines. Therefore, anyone who wants to explore the universe with a clear face of the hero should try to work on the appearance and proportions. In general, the customization of Mass Effect 3 is quite good, although it resembles other games (from the same BioWare, for example), the main thing in the plot is the gameplay.

A game from Rockstar, which is currently one of the most popular games, sales of GTA V are second only to Shaftcraft and Tetris. In addition to an excellent plot of three characters at once and a huge free world with a lot of possibilities, the main game has an online multiplayer mode. But it already has a very interesting character editor. At first we can't do much, actually choose basic facial features, skin color and gender. But as the game progresses, with the help of a huge pile of hairdressers and shops, you can customize the character as you wish. You can put on a character a bandana, a cap, or a mask with a monkey’s face. Among other things, the game has a lot of entertainment and mini-games inside the client. Therefore, besides choosing a character, there will be something to do. As a result, we have an excellent game with a huge amount of content and a fairly casual character editor.

The sixth part of the fighting game from Bandai Namco. The game was released in October 2018 and literally in a few days gave birth to a huge number of the wildest and most diverse characters. Well, where else can you create a naturalistic Pikachu with a powerful batsuha or a Mickey Mouse who can give you a good deal of cabbage soup!? And that's not to mention the many different Harley Quinns, Thanos and Masks. The character editor is so cool that you don't even know if it's good or bad. Here you can really create absolutely any character from games, movies/cartoons and historical ones. Everything is so detailed and colorful, it may even seem as if this Pikachu on steroids will burst out of the screen and destroy everything around like some kind of Hulk. You really need to try this game yourself, and not read reviews. In addition to a cool editor, the game is also a pretty good fighting game, which combines only the best from the previous parts of the series. For everyone who really wants to create something great and crazy, limited only by the editor himself and the imagination of his mind.

All games are unique and interesting in their own way, and each of them has its own editor for creating characters. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with each one. This is where the TOP of games ends, but the available games on our website do not end. You can download and install all these games, as well as many others, from our website.

What do you mean by RPG games? For me, this is a world where you can imagine yourself in the role of a legendary warrior, a powerful wizard or a silent assassin and do whatever you want. Among such main elements as the atmosphere, a large game world and the plot in an RPG, one can note the leveling of the character and weapons, for which many people stay in the game for a long time.

But stupid and monotonous leveling, based on killing a pack of mobs, will most likely disappoint you. Among the abundance of RPGs of the same type, there are projects that implement a unique character and weapon leveling system. It arouses interest, and players get really carried away, trying to improve their next skill. We present to your attention a list of the best RPGs with character leveling. The material is presented in the form of a brief description of the series or a separate game, indicating its advantages.

Selection of games:

Genre: Action RPG

One of the most popular RPGs in the world. The history of The Elder Scrolls begins in 1994, when the first part of the game was released, which, however, did not seem anything outstanding. The series gained popularity after the release of the third part – TES: Morrowind, which marked the beginning of the cult series of open-world games.

  • TES: Morowind

    The first part of the cult series of games, amazing with its graphics (for that time), open world and many exciting quests. The main problem of the game is the rather poor engine, which, however, does not really spoil the experience of the game.

    You play the role of an unknown prisoner who is destined to become the Nerevarine - the reincarnation of the legendary hero of the Dunmer (dark elves) and defeat the evil deity Dagoth Ur.

  • TES: Oblivion

    A continuation of the series of ancient scrolls, which also has an open world, many interesting storylines and twists. In this part of the game the engine is much better, so the combat looks fresher, especially with mods.

    The player acts as an unknown prisoner (Oh no, again!), who is destined to save Cyrodiil from the attack of one of the Daedric princes - Mehrunes Dagon.

  • TES: Skyrim

    The third popular (!) part of the game with excellent graphics, a high-quality engine and quite adequate combat, however, the side storylines have become somewhat weaker compared to previous parts, but due to the gameplay and a lot of content, random events, plot flaws are almost invisible.

    You will play the role of an unknown prisoner (What, again?), who turns out to be the last dragonborn - a creature that can absorb the souls of dragons. Your task is to destroy the ancient dragon Alduin, who poses a threat to the world.

There is also an online character leveling game in the series called TES: Online, but it is not popular among users.

Genre: Action-RPG

The Witcher is a game based on the popular novel of the same name, which tells about the adventures of the monster killer - Geralt of Rivia. You have to act as Geralt, determine his path and the fate of the world.

  • The Witcher 1

    The main fortress of the witchers of the Wolf School was attacked and the secrets of the witchers were stolen. Your task is to find the culprits and unravel the tangle of secret conspiracies that can lead to death or a complete transformation of the world.

  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    Geralt finds himself embroiled in the bloody history of the Assassins of Kings, a group involved in the case of the same name. The main problem is that the Assassins of Kings are witchers, so Geralt, as the most famous among the witchers, was under suspicion. You need to find the Kingslayers and clear your name of false accusations.

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    In the final part of the trilogy, Geralt goes in search of his named daughter Cirrila, to save her from the ghost of the Wild Hunt that haunts her and from the fate destined for her. On his journey, Geralt will be entangled in many intricacies of the plot, which will form the final ending.

  • The third part of The Witcher can rightfully be called the best RPG on PC with leveling, due to which the project received a huge number of awards and high marks from critics and the public.

Fallout series

Genre: Action RPG

World War III. The world burned in a nuclear fire, but few people were able to survive in shelters scattered throughout the United States of America. The player plays the role of a survivor who has left the shelter to resolve the issue of his survival.

The cult Fallout series gained its recognition due to the fact that in the first parts of the game you could “do whatever you want.” Rob a prostitute and then plant a cocked grenade in her pocket? Easily! It is precisely such game twists that have formed a huge army of fans of the series.

  • Fallout 1

    You are a refugee whose task is to find a water chip that will help save your society from water shortages. Your task is to find information about the chip by completing various tasks and getting to know the world around you and the characters in it.

  • Fallout 2

    The village founded by a person from the shelter falls into decay. The village elder decides to send the Chosen One into the wasteland in search of the pre-war miracle of engineering GECK (Generator of Edenic Bush Components). Can you find the GECK and save your village from extinction? Who knows.

  • Fallout 3

    By chance, you found yourself on the surface in search of your father, who, seemingly for no reason, left the shelter. As you search for your father's trail, you will be embroiled in multiple intrigues and dangers of the radioactive wasteland and uncover the secrets of the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel.

  • Fallout 3: New Vegas

    You are an unknown courier who was given the task of delivering a platinum chip to New Vegas, however, along the way you were shot in the head. How did you survive? It remains a mystery, however, what is absolutely certain is that you do not remember anything. Your only clue is the pursuit of a platinum chip, which will make you a key person in the fight for the Hoover Dam - the largest power plant in the wasteland.

    Many players claim that among the modern sequels, Fallout New Vegas is the best RPG due to the atmosphere of the old world embodied in the revived Vegas.

  • Fallout 4

    As a result of a nuclear war, you and your family were frozen in a cryo chamber. Waking up from cryo sleep, you found that you were left alone. Your only goal is to find your son, who disappeared much earlier than you. Coming out of the shelter, your gaze rushed into the endless distance of the world burned in the fire. Now this world is yours, and you are part of it.

Genre: Action RPG

Dark Souls is one of the few RPG games where only your personal gaming skill matters. The first part of the game was called “the most difficult RPG” immediately after its release, which served as a challenge for many players who began to complete the game without dying, without leveling up, without items, etc., which also serves as proof that Dark Souls is really interesting.

At the moment there are three games in the series, however, there is no obvious plot in them and, if you don’t really look for it, there won’t be one. Dark Souls is interesting primarily for its gameplay: dynamic battles with bosses, the danger emanating from every enemy (even with maximum pumping, the most ordinary skeleton can kill you). Due to this atypical approach to game complexity, the game was awarded many awards and was named one of the best games on PC.


Genre: Real-time RPG with turn-based combat and active pause

You will play the role of a recruit to the Order of the Gray Wardens - an ancient organization designed to serve humanity and act as a fighting front in the war against the Blight - an influx of terrible creatures of darkness, driven only by a thirst for hunger and blood. Your task is to unite all of Ferelden in the fight against the Blight and personally destroy the archdemon, leading the hordes of darkness.

The first part of Dragon Age deservedly received many awards and was awarded the title of the best computer game of 2009 among all genres. The main advantage of the game is the plot component, formed with the help of wonderful, “live” companions and NPCs who really make you believe in their reality.

Genre: Isometric RPG

You take on the role of a team from the "Source Hunters" order, similar to an Inquisition squad, searching for adherents of the "Source" - a forbidden form of magic. On your journey you will discover ancient secrets and find the “Keepers of the Source” - opponents of your order.

One of the RPGs in the Divinity universe, filled with many ancient secrets, mystical creatures and other things, quite standard content for a fantasy world. The game stands out because it can be fully played by two people. And when playing together, the game doesn’t look like “clumsy multiplayer,” but like a completely complete playthrough, without many bugs and connection problems.

Divinity: Original Sin stands out not only for its excellent multiplayer, but also for its good leveling system, which allows you to develop and customize characters across a variety of skill groups.

Genre: Action RPG, third person shooter

You have been entrusted with the task of picking up and delivering a randomly found unknown artifact of the Protheans, an ancient civilization, but while completing the task, the colony in which the artifact was found is attacked. You have to find out who is to blame for the attack and uncover the insidious plans of one of the agents of the Citadel Council, who planned to revive the ancient Mechanoid race, which threatens the entire world.

From the gameplay side, the game is interesting in that you can create an almost unique fighter by choosing his favorite weapon, combat class, which will prescribe his battle tactics and create the need for partners in certain roles.

Note that the main character was awarded the title of “Hero of the Generation” (according to “Gaming Mania”) - Shepard. An intricate plot, an interesting leveling and combat system - what else is needed for a good game?

Genre: RPG

A role-playing game based on the iconic Star Wars, where you are one of the few surviving Jedi who does not remember his past. Your difficult fate will be the revival of the Jedi Order to destroy the rebels of the Verses, who have subjugated the entire civilized world and outlawed the Jedi. Will you be able to gather all the surviving masters of the order to revive it, or will you decide to join the Sith and put an end to the Jedi? The choice is yours.

The game stands out for its quite intriguing plot and entertaining battles involving force skills and Jedi swords!

Genre: RPG

A legendary game that tells the story of the adventures of a nameless hero, doomed to an inglorious life as a prisoner in the Valley of Mines, closed by a magical barrier. No one could have imagined that a person who had just arrived in the Valley would become one of its key people and influence the lives of not only those prisoners behind the barrier, but also everyone who is outside it. You have to decide the fate of all the inhabitants of the Valley of Mines and destroy the ancient evil deity, who plans to subjugate all prisoners to his will.

Gothic itself is a classic of RPG games, which was one of the first to demonstrate what a role-playing game in 3D should look like in order not only to amaze with beautiful graphics, but also to demonstrate a non-standard leveling system that required interaction with the world not only at the “killed a mob” level. gained experience”, but also with the need to find teachers for each skill. Gothic is one of the best PC RPGs of all time.

Genre: Action RPG

The world of the night belongs to damned souls - vampires. An ancient mystery called the Masquerade has hidden vampires from sharp stakes and burning torches for many years, but the veil of secrecy has been lifted for you, a random convert. Now you have to learn the world of night hunters from the inside.

The game is notable for the fact that it demonstrates the world of vampires in its diversity, captivating more and more players into the world of vampires, discovering new, unusual clans and stories of night hunters. An excellent plot, a good role-playing component allows you to immerse yourself in this world and feel like a part of it.

Do you like games with leveling up your character and weapons, searching for rare items and fighting hordes of monsters? We have prepared for you a selection of the best RPGs where you need to develop your hero and his equipment. We also recommend taking a look at the section where you can find the best representatives of the genre.

Gothic game series

The Gothic game series is definitely one of the most popular in the RPG genre. Its game world consists of the main mainland and islands. The main locations on the mainland are Mirgana (forested plain), Nordmara (rocky terrain) and Varanta (desert).

Gothic is a real standard that is worth emulating. It amazes not only with its magnificent graphics, but also with a deep leveling system that requires interaction with the outside world. So, to learn new skills, you need to look for teachers who specialize in this.

Here you will find a non-linear plot, freedom of action, excellent voice acting of characters and a fantasy world with an area of ​​25 square kilometers. It is worth noting the artificial intelligence of the game characters, which is also one of the most successful in the genre. It creates a great atmosphere of realism and complete immersion in the game.

Fallout game series

Fallout is about a world after a nuclear war. Here the player is given complete freedom of action. The game world here is quite dark and full of dangers. You will meet merchants, slave owners, mutants, explore small human settlements, abandoned catacombs, shelters, metro stations and much more.

It is your actions and decisions that will determine the outcome of the game. You can help the slave trader in finding slaves to receive a reward, or simply kill him. You can be very good or very bad. If you want to save a city of people from an atomic bomb explosion, save it and become a hero. Do you want to blow it up? No question - everything is in your hands.

The first part of the series was released back in 1997. It has gained a whole army of fans, and although many say that the new parts are not the same, Fallout is still one of the best RPG games.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls is a very popular series of RPG games. Its history begins in 1994. The most popular game in the series is Skyrm, which was released in 2011.

The player moves freely throughout the vast world, explores new locations, completes numerous quests and receives rewards for them. The plot revolves around the appearance of the terrifying dragon Alduin. The main task of the hero is to destroy Alduin and prevent the return of the dragons.

The province of Skyrim has 9 largest cities and a large number of small settlements. Vast expanses of undeveloped land stretch between settlements. In the city you can start farming, mine ore, master blacksmithing or cooking.

In 2011, Skyrim received the title of best role-playing game. She collected a large number of awards and positive reviews.

Dark Souls

The first part of the series was released in 2011 and immediately received the title of the most hardcore RPG. Unlike many modern role-playing games, where you are constantly led by the hand and pointed to where you need to go with dots on the map, things are different in Dark Souls.

No one here explains where to go or what to do. If you are playing for the first time, then be prepared for the fact that your character will constantly die. For every mistake you will be severely punished. You need to learn from these very mistakes in order to beat the game.

Get ready for deadly traps, battles with hordes of bloodthirsty monsters, demons, golems, dragons and other delights of this dark fantasy world. The Dark Souls gaming universe consists of beautiful cities, dark dungeons and illusory worlds. The game received a lot of flattering reviews for its dark atmosphere and real hardcore.

The Witcher game series

The Witcher is one of the most expensive gaming projects in Eastern Europe. The plot of the game is based on the novel of the same name by a Polish writer and tells about the monster killer – Geralt of Rivia.

The game's universe is unique in that there is no clear division between good and evil. Here, a terrible monster can turn out to be much more humane and kinder than a knight in armor, for whom his own selfish interests are more important than human life.

During the game, you will constantly face a choice on which the further development of events depends. In some cases you need to take one side or the other, and sometimes it is better to remain neutral. The consequences of your actions will be periodically shown in the form of small stories.

Torchlight 2

Torchlight 2 can be called the spiritual successor to Diablo thanks to the participation in the development of Max Schafer and his brother Eric, as well as composer Matt Ullman - the same guys who once worked at Blizzard North.

The plot of the game is quite simple - you need to destroy the Alchemist, who is looking for a cure for his illness and stops at nothing, while destroying the guardians of the world and resurrecting all evil spirits.

There are a lot of different locations, random quests and events. Bosses, unlike Diablo 3, cannot be killed with a few hits. The battle can take dozens of minutes, so in Torchlight you need to think very seriously about the development of your hero.

Dragon Age

The Dragon Age series of games from Canadian developers Bioware takes us to a fantasy world on the continent of Thedas, located in the southern hemisphere. The world is divided into physical and spiritual. The physical is inhabited by humans, Qunari, gnomes and elves, while the spiritual is inhabited by demons.

Dragon Age has a huge world and a rich story. Moreover, the player creates the story independently, making certain decisions during the game. It's up to you to do good deeds or not.

You will face battles against giant creatures, bosses and more than a hundred types of skills. The first part of the series received many awards and flattering reviews, and also became the best computer game in 2009.


Neverwinter is a majestic city, the Pearl of the North, striking in its splendor and beauty. The forces of evil are trying to wipe it off the face of the earth and your task is to prevent a catastrophe. The main character can be a race of humans, elves, half-elves, gnomes, halflings, or tieflings.

The game has a non-target system, a huge number of quests and the ability to create your own dungeons. In addition to character development, the crafting system is very well implemented here.

You can hire workers to collect resources, and use the services of artisans to make weapons or armor. It’s difficult to remain idle in this game: take part in PvP, PvE, improve your equipment, look for rare items. Everyone will find something to their liking.


Bioshock may seem like an ordinary shooter at first glance, but that's not the case at all. Not only does the game have a great atmosphere, it is not limited to stupidly shooting your enemies and offers to improve the skills and weapons of the main character.

The plot tells about the underwater city of Rapchur, which was inhabited by the best minds of humanity. Its creator had lofty goals, but as a result the project failed, and people in the city simply went crazy and degenerated terribly.

The cause of degradation was the substance Adam, which opened up unprecedented opportunities for humans. It can heal all diseases and rejuvenate a person. But abuse of this substance has led to dire consequences.

Despite the linear plot, the game has several endings and a large number of options for character development, making it replayable.

Kings Bounty

The Kings Bounty series of games is a fusion of RPG and strategy. It is somewhat reminiscent of Heroes 3, but here your hero is not tied to cities. He travels through the fairy-tale world performing various tasks, destroying monsters and grabbing everything that is bad.

The hero has a small army, which is limited to five slots. Each slot holds a unit. As you complete quests and destroy all evil spirits, you will be able to improve your characteristics and learn new spells.

Kings Bounty cannot boast of super modern graphics, but it can addictive for dozens of hours.

There are already several colorful reviews and guides on the Internet.
on creating a superhero in the world of the game (I advise you to read it).
Having conducted practical tests of the methods from my own experience, I propose
the most, from my point of view, optimal way to achieve the goal.
Making Superman the honest way will still not be easy, but it will be faster.

Yes, before I start, I’ll make a reservation and warn you that playing with a created “monster”
you will be less interested even at the maximum difficulty level and even without
taking “doping” in the form of potions.
topical Alduin- and he will fall on his face from a couple of power attacks.
Therefore, I will describe the maximalist path to character improvement, and you choose
Find a middle ground from this, based on your tastes.

A little about the game mechanics.
Everything is very similar to TES Oblivion, but with many improvements and, importantly,
for the better. Let me keep silent about the pumping system as a whole - everything is clear there.
What is important is that the number of ability points is limited by level (yes, no other way
there is no provision for obtaining them in the game). Therefore, they must be distributed thoughtfully!
I think it is important to talk about the possible weaknesses of the hero depending on the “class”.

The warrior will suffer from powerful magical attacks, and to a lesser extent from poisoning, i.e.
will basically die from meeting a high-level magician(s) in the absence of protective
potions - it takes 5 seconds. The warrior also does not cope well with distant archers and dragons in flight.

It’s easier for an archer to start an attack first, it’s easier to shoot down dragons, but it’s important not to bring the battle to the close one, and this is not easy.

The magician takes out everyone well from the first levels, but is formally devoid of armor (there are magic shields,

enormously consuming mana) and is extremely weak against the main enemies - dragons, because... they have a strong
resistance to magic (most vulnerable to electricity, as I understand it).
And a purebred magician cannot be a superhero! Those. it should be considered as a subclass in our case.

The thief, as a master of stealth, is in the most advantageous position of all, because... Maybe
sneak past any enemy unnoticed, or stab him in the back. But in other way,
Constant use of stealth mode (squatting) makes the gameplay sticky and annoying. A little
What helps in this situation is the ability to move quickly when blocking with a shield in a branch
development of defense, but this again eats up several valuable ability points.

Of course, there is no strict division by class in the game and you can equip it at the right time
in the shoes of anyone, but I want to return you to the axiom about the limited ability points.
The game thus binds you to the selected class if you want to achieve maximum
benefits. The exception is temporary effects from potions and magic.

Aspiring superhero.

Magic resistance is useful to anyone, so we choose a Breton (a race for those who don’t know),
because they have 25% protection natively (+don’t forget about the “Dragon Skin” talent - +50%).
We go through the first scripted quest. As always, money is tight at first, here to the rescue
comes to, not the ability of eloquence and trade, but alchemy! Let me explain. Ingredients
there are a lot of potions in the game world, and they cost next to nothing, and the potions created can be extremely expensive
with a fixed bottle weight = 0.5 (i.e. more can be carried). Moreover, this is one of the 3
basic skills for developing a superhero. How opportune.

From now on you should start collecting alchemical ingredients (also animal skins),
being especially partial to the blue mountain flower and blue butterfly, salt and poisonous bell,
as well as to the orange butterfly (monarch) and dragon tongue.
It is advisable to collect the first 4 in hundreds. These ingredients will initially
bring basic income and increase alchemy.

On the way to Riverwood with a companion (despite the fact that he talks about the need for separation,
follow him) you meet 3 class guardian stones (+20% experience).
Select the thief's stone (which also accelerates the growth of the alchemy skill). We reach Riverwood,
we make new acquaintances, receive a quest to visit Whiterun and the civil war quest*.
We take an abandoned cleaver lying around behind the sawmill (it will come in handy a little later). Not bad at this stage
get a temporary companion. He will distract the enemy at the right moment and help him carry things.
Having completed the love quest in Riverwood in favor Fandela, we ask him to join.
This character, by the way, will later help you upgrade your shooting skill to
50 (when there is enough money, as paradoxical as it sounds).

*It is important . Delay joining one of the warring parties (Stormcloaks or Imperials) until the end
games. The civil war quest introduces a lot of glitches into the rest.
Let's run to Whiterun, but let's not rush into Dragon's Reach.
We chop some firewood (20-30) at a chopping block in the city, take it to the tavern Highlander mare,
we receive rewards. This is the traveler's starting capital. The cleaver can be thrown away.
If you are too lazy to do this, then, in principle, you can collect enough loot along the way and sell it
in stores, or simply steal*. By the way, in the same tavern you can compete in fistfights.
fight with a warrior Utgert, earning a little more money and getting a female companion
(to whom Fandel not to my liking).

* The note . Don't get carried away with stealing items at the beginning of the game. Firstly, there will simply be them
nowhere to sell (Like in Oblivion). Secondly, you can run into quests and have to carry them
"the whole game." And thirdly, you will be suddenly taken by surprise by a gang of 3 mercenaries...
It makes sense to steal money and ingredients. Some other types of food -
more on that later.

So, let's run to the stables Whiterun and order a carriage to any other city. We collect on site
ingredients, we return to the wagon, we rush further around Skyrim. In some cities
the cart is not provided - we return from there using fast movement on the world map (key "M"),
maybe at the same time Whiterun.

Ingredients . We collect butterflies in the fields near Whiterun. Draconic language grows in Solitude
and there is a lot of it in the valley to the south Windhelm*. Blue Mountain Flower grows in the area around Riverwood.

The poisonous bell densely inhabits the swamp to the south Solitude. Salt can be found everywhere.

* I also advise you to search there at the same time Atronach stone- it will be useful at the final stage.

Helpful advice . When visiting Winterhold join the college of magicians. She will be additional
and a valuable source of ingredients that also respawn more often than usual. Also on the board
Most NPCs sell soul stones, which will be needed later.
We are greeted at the entrance Faralda and offers to take the exam.
I advise you to save on the way to it and try out different dialogue options. In some cases
you will have to use an expensive spell to pass the exam, and this requires
increasing the overall level of magic in one way or another.

Also, do not forget about the two-week respawn of ingredients in cities.

The pumping begins.
While you run around cities, trade, and complete short quests, you will be able to accumulate
about 1-3 thousand septims. To get better prices you can pray at the altar Zenithara
(for example, in the temple of the gods in Solitude, the effect is temporary) and periodically give change to the poor.
It will be very lucky if along the way you come across items with enchantments for alchemy and trade.
But you can cope without them.
Get enough sleep 1-8 hours (+5-10% * to increased experience). We go to the "Arcadia Cauldron" in Whiterun.
We learn alchemy from the saleswoman. If the hero's level has increased before, then invest experience points in
branch of alchemy abilities, primarily “Alchemist”, “Healer” and “Pharmacist”.
We go to the alchemical “laboratory” there and mix the blue mountain flower with the wings of a blue butterfly
or salt with poisonous bell. We get a relatively expensive potion ** .
We do it until the level increases. We combine the Wings of the Monarch with the Dragon Tongue - we get a potion of trade.
We drink a potion of trade, sell potions of damage, magic regeneration and slowdown
(this way we return the money spent on training).
Again we pay for training and so on until level 50 in alchemy,!not forgetting!
invest in alchemical abilities and increase your strength reserves
(since soon the inventory will be heavy) when raising the hero’s level.

* The hero receives the “good rest” bonus (+10%) after sleeping for 8 hours “in his own bed.” Reliably
given when sleeping for 8 hours or more in a bed paid for in a tavern.

** It is possible to create more expensive potions from other raw materials, but at the initial levels of the game the ones described
ingredients are most readily available. The most expensive potions use the "giant's finger". Also expensive
potions of Invisibility and Paralysis (for obvious reasons).

At skill level 50, the cost of training increases sharply, so it is easier to upgrade it further
on one's own. This requires more ingredients. So, let's "teleport" quickly
moving to cities in Skyrim. In the alchemy shops we drink a trade potion, buy the ingredients and
We sell expensive potions, producing them on site. It is worth noting that the more expensive the potions produced,
the faster the skill grows.

It makes sense to take inexpensive ingredients, costing up to 50 septims. From dear ones, no matter how
strangely, there was no more profit. I advise you to exclude Daedric salts, moon sugar,
as well as those ingredients that you have collected in abundance (>100).
To speed up the collection of money supply and the sale of excess potions, the latter can be sold
flea dealers who sell a little of everything (including skins!) and are present in every city
(V Riften there are even three of them).

When there are enough varieties of ingredients, you can explore their properties,
trying different combinations * . This will also increase alchemy. The first property of each ingredient
You can find out by applying it to yourself in your inventory (eating it). Skyrim is also full of potion recipes,
which will simplify the search (a few can be bought for pennies from alchemists in shops).

* Here you can cheat in order to save ingredients. To do this, after each successfully created
potions with the discovery of new properties of the ingredient must be exited from the alchemy menu and saved. Further
experiment as much as you like. then load the previous save, and repeat the results
combination of ingredients will be preserved again.

Taking into account all the advice, we download alchemy to...98). IN Arcadia's bowler hat go to one of the rooms on the first floor
and read the alchemy manual (+1). In the forest, which is near the river to the west Riverwood are looking for hut Anis
and read another book there (+1). There are still many books and ways to freely raise this skill in particular,
but at the beginning of the game they are difficult to reach.

In such a miraculous way, Alchemy is raised to 100, and most likely by this moment the abilities of Alchemist (5/5),
Healer and Provisioner received.

Great blacksmith.
With decent capital accumulated at the previous stage (most likely it will be >20,000), raise
blacksmithing will be easy.
First of all, we remember the dozens of previously collected/purchased animal skins, which, by the way, can be stored in a barrel near any forge - don’t be afraid, they won’t go anywhere. We take them, go to the tanning machine and make leather and strips of leather out of them. If the end result is less than 1000 of each, then we return the skin with stripes to the barrel and buy them from blacksmiths in cities, and skins from flea dealers, selling expensive potions in return. Having collected the required amount of leather, we go to the 3rd class stones (the ones we met at the beginning of the game) and select the warrior sign (+20% acceleration of blacksmithing growth). *

* To speed up the process and save on leather, you can complete one side quest.
To do this, we buy better armor and one-handed weapons. We brew potions of healing and improving the one-handed weapon skill (also don’t forget to invest a couple of ability points in the branch of this skill to feel more comfortable). Let's go to the port Riften, we find her peacefully walking along the piers From the very depths(this is the name - no comment), she hands us some kind of “dictionary” and asks us to take it to Avanchzel. The latter appears on the map to the west Riften. Let's go there. Set the game difficulty to minimum. We pass through a rather interesting tomb and, having defeated the centurion at the end, we install the dictionary in its rightful place. As a result, we get the “Ancient Knowledge” bonus, which gives +15% to the growth of the blacksmithing skill. The difficulty of the game can be returned to its original state.

We return to the city. Let's get enough sleep. We go to the forge and begin to produce hundreds of rawhide leather bracers,
by upgrading your skill to 99. To speed up the process, even after raising the level, you can contact Yorlandu gray
V Whiterun, who is able to teach blacksmithing up to the level of a master. We get the last level of skill by reading a book located in the heavenly forge, where he works Yorland. Total 100.
The bracers you receive can be sold, leaving 100 pieces for upgrading your enchanting skill.
We go to the hero development menu, invest ability points in heavy armor from steel to dragon
inclusive * (counterclock-wise!). The "Blacksmith Wizard" ability will not be needed yet,
More precisely, you can do without it altogether, unless you want to improve quest enchanted items.

* Some clarification is needed here. The most powerful weapons in the game are Daedric weapons, and the most effective armor are dragon ones. The latter can be created in both light and heavy versions, but we are interested in light ones due to important advantages...

Preparing to meet Skyrim.
To reduce the nausea reflex from the previous monotonous gameplay, you can then walk a little along the main storyline in order to provoke the appearance of dragons throughout Skyrim. In this way we will even combine business with pleasure, because... To produce dragon armor, you need bones and scales that are not sold in shops. Depending on the level of difficulty, going out into the world requires different levels of preparation. If you like hardcore at the maximum difficulty level, then it is advisable for the hero to spend more time in the cities and strengthen himself into a superhero.

How? - see below.
We buy 3 Daedra hearts in alchemy shops or from Entir in the college of magicians (much more expensive, but always available),
We buy ebonite ingots from blacksmiths. We produce 2 Daedric swords and a Daedric bow in the forge.
We purchase elven or glass armor. *

* Elven armor can also be removed from the corpses of Thalmor convoys that often roam Skyrim. Of course, you will have to tinker, but a hero armed with the right potions is afraid of few people;).

We produce 2-3 potions to increase the blacksmithing skill. Remembering to stock up on suitable materials and 3 ebony ingots, we go to the forge, drink the potion, improve the armor on the workbench, drink the potion again, improve the Daedric swords on the sharpening machine. Let's dress ourselves in this beauty.
We produce several potions of invisibility, increasing the skill of one-handed weapons, resistance to cold, fire,
electricity, health restoration, stamina regeneration, increased stamina, increased magic,
increasing carrying weight, paralysis, healing diseases, to be prepared for the unexpected.

Helpful advice . One of the dishes, Elsweyr fondue, has very good properties for increasing and regenerating magic. To prepare it, you need to activate any cauldron, having a whole one in your inventory

A circle of Eidar cheese, ale and moon sugar (one per serving).

If by this point you have accumulated a decent amount of ability points, then you can invest a few more in the skill
one-handed weapons, remembering that to develop the enchantment branch we will need 8 of them.
If you find a summoned weapon spell or buy it, that will also come in handy, because... Daedric is summoned.
With subsequent level increases, I advise you to invest more often in your health level, bringing it at least to 250 and higher. It’s also a good idea to complete the goddess quests at this stage Mary to get the required +15 bonus to magic resistance. To activate the first quest you need to talk to the priestess in Temple of Mary Riften.

Enchantment is our everything.
To develop enchantment, we will need a hundred or two filled soul stones, one item each with a unique
enchantment, a lot of unenchanted items and, as a summation of the previous ones, a lot of septims.
Painfully known from Oblivion, a good help in this matter will be Azura's star(indestructible soul stone, with your permission) and maskClavicus Vile. Using only a star will delay the process of leveling up the enchantment until the end of the game. Therefore, we cannot do without buying, collecting and filling soul stones. But let's proceed in order...

A good place to start would be to go to Sergius Turrian V College of Winterhold and raise your enchanting skill a little (+5), because... The sooner we start training, the more often we will be able to use it at high character levels, and we should have already approached 30. Everything here is like in Oblivion at one level, you can train
use no more than 5 times, and the growth of each subsequent level slows down in arithmetic progression.

Now you can start mining Azura's star.
Let's go to Azura's Shrine in the mountains to the south Winterhold(By this point, the inactive shrine icon will usually already be present on the map to the east.) We speak with the priestess. We activate the quest in the menu. We return to Winterhold, go to the tavern, chat with Nelasar. He directs us to a fortress in the surrounding area Riverwood(west).
We return from the fortress with the broken star to Nelasar (! not to the priestess). Having stocked up on potions of resistance to various types of magic, we set out to smoke out the spirit of the evil magician from the star. As a result we get Black Star of Azura. (You no longer need to go to the goddess’s temple).

We pass the Daedra quest Clavicus Vile to get another unique artifact.
The quest is activated when moving to the gate Falkreatha, when the guard asks you about the lost dog. *
Next we go to the blacksmith, and then back to that guard and walk a little along the road from the city - we meet with Barbas...
Upon completion of a relatively difficult adventure, we receive a mask named after Vile himself, which
significantly improves trading and speaking skills. Also, don’t forget about increasing your potion trading skill.

* Most likely it was activated earlier - check the quest log.

We find and buy an inexpensive item with enchantments (in order of priority) for alchemy,
Smithing, Soul Capture (Weapon), One-Handed Weapon Damage, Stamina Regen, Magic Resistance
and if you are very lucky, you will get “paralysis”.
We study enchantments on the pentagram of souls.
We buy a filled great soul stone. We enchant one Daedric sword to capture souls. *
We collect/buy a couple of hundred stones. If there is a lot of money, then we take the filled ones. It's best to buy stones
from flea dealers, because It will be possible to return blood septims by selling potions. Usually a lot of stones
souls can be found in tombs and ruins.

* This is much more convenient than using a similar spell. It is advisable to first improve the sword in the forge.

We use the enchanted sword to fill empty stones and Black Star, killing "generous" creatures).
We go to the 3rd stones, select the sign of the magician. As always, we get enough sleep. We take those stored up during the development of the blacksmith
bracers affairs. We enchant them with the most “expensive” charms* so that we can sell them more profitably later.

* The game always kindly provides the cost of the created item.

At each hero level we turn to Turrianu at the board to speed up the process. With sufficient quantity
source skill rises to 100 quite easily.
At the same time, we invest ability points in the Enchantment branch along the middle line. We are interested in abilities
Enchanter (5/5), Enchant Skills, Enchant Life, and Double Effect.
There's only a small matter left...

That's what it was all for.
Here I will omit the details so as not to confuse. The method of legal cheating is quite simple.
But it’s not easy to figure it out. It will be especially easy for fans of the 4th part of the game, because... principles are not
have undergone major changes.
We stock up on stones with a Great Soul level in one way or another. We create enchantment potions.
By drinking these potions, we create a set of clothes to increase the alchemy skill. *
We put on the received set and create such potions again. We repeat the cycle. The task is to get the kit
clothes (+29%x4), giving the ability to create potions +32% to enchanting skill and +130% to blacksmithing.
Let's make more potions like this. After drinking the enchantment potion, we enchant a set of clothes with the blacksmithing skill.
(should be +29% for each item of clothing).

* The alchemy set consists of a headdress, a necklace, gloves, and a ring.
The blacksmith kit does not include a hat, but does include an apron. When enchanting, only Great Souls should be used!
I advise you to enchant light items and use double enchantment to lighten your inventory.
For example, gloves can be enchanted for both skills (alchemy and blacksmithing).

We create 1 new Daedric sword to replace the enchanted one. We put on the blacksmith's kit.
We drink a potion to improve blacksmithing. We improve our armor, swords and bows by drinking potions.
If you have collected enough dragon scales (14), then create a set of light dragon armor
and improve in the same way. If we haven’t collected it, then we improve what we have.
After drinking an enchantment potion and having great souls:
We enchant one of the swords to capture souls for 2s and paralyze for 1s (no more is needed).
We enchant the second sword for paralysis for 1s and cold damage.
We enchant the bow at our discretion.
We enchant the ring, necklace and gloves to increase the skill of one-handed weapons and shooting
(if you don’t like onions, then the second enchantment is at your discretion).
We enchant boots to increase the skill of one-handed weapons and regenerate stamina.
We reserve the armor to regenerate the reserve of strength and increase health.
We enchant the helmet for shooting and water breathing (or increase magic).
If you prefer a shield, then you should enchant it to increase your blocking skill and health.

We invest points in the ability to fight with two swords (maximalist path).
Let's go to Atronach stone(see above), activate it, making the hero spellproof
(also increases disease resistance).
Set the game difficulty to Master.
Enjoy the game ;-).

When developing, do not forget about the guardian stones (those in the vicinity Riverwood), giving
increase in skill growth rate. You should also not hesitate to use the services of skills teachers,
Moreover, over time, your chickens will not peck at your septims.
A complete list of teachers can be found on fan sites.
At high levels I have already given up enchanting swords for paralysis,
because The duration of any ground duel did not exceed 3s. Preferred theft of health.
Capturing souls will also become useless, because... You will constantly come across filled soul stones.

Of course, it’s impossible to retell all the intricacies of the game in one article; on the other hand, I don’t want to deprive the reader

the pleasure of making your own “useful” discoveries during the game.

If someone urgently needs pictures with visualization of manipulations, etc. - write.

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