How does the observer work in Minecraft 1.11. Who are election observers? What types of observers are there?

Observer- a block that gives a signal for the duration of 1 tick of the red stone (2 game ticks) when an adjacent block changes on the front side of the block.

What kind of miracle is this?

Minecraft Observer monitors the condition of the block adjacent to the side with the sensor. The side opposite the sensor is designed to output the redstone signal.

It can be used as a visible block change detector.

For example, a sensor for opening doors, hatches and gates, plant growth, eating cakes, starting and extinguishing a fire, turning a player on and off, and the like.

If you place two observers with sensors facing each other, you will get a compact pulsed signal source.

How to get Minecraft observer


The observer has 2 holes at opposite ends. The small hole is for the red stone signal, and the large one is for monitoring the state of the block (in the PC version, this function is performed by the same part of the block, but in the shape of a face).

The observer is also placed as a piston, with a small hole facing the player, and watches the block opposite him.

First step. Preparing for observation

It is necessary to prepare for observation in advance, as for any independent work. Preparation must begin with studying the regulatory framework - federal laws, laws of the Ryazan region and acts of election commissions.

Be sure to read the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” and the law on the elections you are observing, as well as the Working Notebook of the precinct election commission. All of the listed regulatory legal acts can be found on the official website of the Observer Corps “For Clean Elections” ().

The powers of the observer must be certified in writing issued by the registered candidate, the electoral association that nominated the registered candidate, registered candidates, the electoral association that registered the list of candidates, or the public association.

Indication of any additional information about the observer, and in the case of the observer being sent by the candidate, his authorized representative, and affixing a seal are not required. This document is valid upon presentation of a passport or a document replacing a citizen’s passport. Advance notice to send an observer is not required.

Also required for monitoring:

Passport or equivalent document,

Pen and blank sheets of paper,

Mobile phone or other means of communication

A device that can be used to take photos and/or videos is desirable.

Be sure to check the operational telephone numbers of your manager, the higher election commission, and the police department.

Take care of your nutrition during observation, because you will stay at the polling station for more than 12 hours, and some commissions will work without a break for 14-18 hours.

Observers have the right to be present at the polling station from the moment the precinct election commission begins work on voting day, as well as on days of early voting and until the receipt of a message about the adoption by the higher election commission of the protocol on the voting results, as well as during the recount of votes (clause 3 of Article 30 of the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

The referral can be presented at any time from the moment the precinct election commission begins work on voting day and until it receives a message that the higher election commission has accepted the protocol on the voting results, as well as during the recount of votes (clause 8 of Article 30 of the Federal Law).

Second step. Start of observation

Meet the chairman and secretary of the PEC, present them with your appointment documents.

Voters included in the list;

Ballots received by the precinct commission;

Portable boxes.

Availability of an information stand containing information about the candidates, a sample of a completed ballot and an enlarged form of the protocol on the voting results;

Availability of booths or other equipped places for secret voting with writing materials (except for pencils);

Absence of campaign materials in the voting room, building and commission premises and at a distance of less than 50 meters from the entrance to it;

Availability of web cameras (some polling stations will be equipped with two web cameras with Internet broadcasting).

At 8.00, the PEC chairman must present empty stationary and portable voting boxes for inspection and seal them with the PEC seal (the number of portable boxes is determined by the decision of the TEC).

OBSERVERS HAVE THE RIGHT (clause 9 of article 30 of the Federal Law):

- get acquainted with the voter lists, the register of issuing absentee certificates, absentee certificates, the register of applications (appeals) for voting outside the voting premises;

- be in the voting premises on voting day at any time during the period from the start of work of the precinct election commission on voting day until receiving a notification that the higher election commission has accepted the protocol on the voting results, as well as during the recount of votes and on early voting days;

- oversee the distribution of ballots to voters;

- be present when voters vote outside the voting premises;

- monitor the counting of the number of citizens included in the voter lists, ballots issued to voters, and canceled ballots;

- observe the counting of votes of voters at a polling station from a distance and in conditions that provide them with visibility of the voters' marks contained in the ballots;

- get acquainted with any completed or blank ballot during the counting of votes;

- oversee the commission’s drawing up of the protocol on voting results and other documents;

- contact the chairman of the precinct commission with suggestions and comments on the organization of voting;

- get acquainted with the protocols of the precinct commission on the voting results, receive certified copies of the said protocols and documents from the precinct commission, or make copies of the said protocols and documents;

- appeal the actions (inaction) of the commission to a higher commission or to the court.

After the ballot boxes are sealed, the voting procedure begins, which is described in detail in Art. 64 Federal Law “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” and in Chapter 9 Law .

When voting, it is necessary to pay attention to all attempts to implement illegal technologies: organizing “CARUSEL”, attempts to stuff ballots, direct and indirect campaigning, voting for other persons, etc. It is also necessary to pay attention to attempts by individuals to carry out provocations aimed at destabilizing the situation, and clearly separate them from actual violations of the law.

Each voter votes in person upon presentation of a passport or a substitute document, voting for other voters, incl. close relatives are not allowed (assistance can be provided to persons with disabilities at their request and only by voters);

The voter signs for the receipt of the ballot in the voter list;

If a voter is not registered in the precinct, he can receive a ballot upon presentation of an absentee certificate (a tear-off coupon, and in case of repeated voting, the absentee certificate is confiscated from the voter);

The ballot is filled out by the voter secretly in a booth or other specially equipped place;

If a voter believes that he made a mistake when filling out a ballot, he has the right to contact the member of the commission who issued the ballot with a request to issue him a ballot to replace the damaged one; in this case, the spoiled ballot is canceled, about which a report is drawn up.


- check all factual circumstances for violations of the requirements of current legislation (if necessary, consult your headquarters);

- inform the chairman of the commission about this fact, demand elimination of the violation (if necessary, in writing - submit an application),

- in case of detection of a violation that cannot be eliminated, draw up a report with the involvement of witnesses, submit one copy to the PEC, receive a mark of acceptance;

- immediately report the violation to headquarters.

Voters who, for health reasons, are unable to come to the voting premises have the right to contact the precinct election commission until 14.00 local time with a request to vote outside the voting premises.

When voting takes place outside the premises, PEC members with advisory voting rights and observers have the right to be present. The PEC chairman is obliged to announce the holding of voting outside the premises at least 30 minutes before the upcoming departure and provide the opportunity for at least two observers appointed by different candidates, electoral associations, and public associations to arrive at the voting place.

The PEC has the right to recognize the reason specified in the application as disrespectful and refuse the voter to vote outside the premises, and immediately notify him of this.

When organizing voting outside the voting premises, it is necessary to monitor the execution by members of the election commission of the procedures established by law in order to eliminate the possibility of distorting the will of voters voting outside the premises.

Voting outside the voting premises is carried out by at least two voting members of the PEC, who must have with them a sealed portable voting box, the required number of ballots and an extract from the register.

Voting can be carried out by one member of the PEC with a casting vote if at least two PEC members with advisory voting rights or observers are present. When voting outside the voting premises, PEC members may issue a ballot only to those voters whose statements or oral appeals are registered in the register.

At the end of voting using each portable voting box, the PEC draws up a report indicating the number of ballots issued to PEC members, the number of written statements from voters, the number of ballots issued to voters and returned (unused, damaged) ballots, as well as information about PEC members with voting rights and advisory vote, observers present during voting outside the voting premises.

THE OBSERVER IS NOT RIGHT(clause 10 of article 30 of the Federal Law):

- issue ballots to voters;

- sign for the voter, including at his request, for receipt of ballots;

- fill out ballots for the voter, including at his request;

- take actions that violate the secrecy of voting;

- take direct part in the counting of ballots carried out by voting members of the commission;

- take actions that impede the work of the commission;

- conduct campaigning among voters;

- participate in decision-making by the relevant commission.

An observer who violates the election law is removed from the voting premises on the basis of a reasoned decision of the PEC or a higher commission in writing, a copy of which must be provided to him (Clause 12 of Article 64 of the Federal Law).

Step five. Observation of the vote count and receipt of a copy of the final protocol

This is the most responsible and important stage in the work of an observer.

The procedure for carrying out electoral procedures after the end of voting is strictly regulated by law (Article 68 of the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” and Chapter 9Law) . Strict adherence to the established procedure ensures accurate and correct counting of votes.

At 20.00, the PEC chairman is obliged to announce the end of voting (voters in the voting premises are given the opportunity to vote). All actions during the counting of votes are carried out only by members of the PEC with voting rights. Direct counting of votes is carried out in places equipped in such a way as to ensure access to them by PEC members with the right of casting and advisory vote. Observers must be provided with a full overview of the actions of PEC members. PEC members, except for the chairman (deputy) and secretary, are prohibited from using writing materials during the actual counting of votes.

Election commissions must carry out the vote counting procedure openly and publicly in the following order:

1. Counting and cancellation of unused ballots.

2. Calculation of final data on the voter list.

3. Opening of portable and stationary voting boxes.

4. Sorting of ballot papers.

5. Counting of ballot papers.

6. Checking control ratios.

7. Packing of documents.

8. Conducting the final meeting of the election commission and drawing up a protocol on the voting results.

Detailed regulation of all these actions is prescribed in the laws mentioned at the beginning of the section. When carrying out the above procedures, you should pay attention to the following points:

The law guarantees the observer the right to a full review of the actions of members of the election commission during the counting of votes;

All counting data must be recorded in an enlarged protocol form;

When sorting for ballots in batches, simultaneous announcement of the contents of two or more ballots is not allowed;

The counting of ballots in batches must be carried out sequentially.

After signing the protocol on the voting results, observers are given certified copies of the protocol. The fact of issue is noted in the register, where the observer must sign.

You must remain in the PEC premises until you receive a message that the PEC protocol has been accepted by a higher commission. In case of non-acceptance (due to incorrect drafting or execution of the protocol, presence of errors, failure to comply with control ratios, etc.), the observer must observe the recount of votes and receive a repeat protocol.

Upon completion of observation at the polling station, you must submit a copy of the protocol to your supervisor.

Ballots that do not contain voter marks or contain more than one mark are recognized as invalid (if doubt arises, the issue of the validity of the ballot is resolved by a commission by voting).

Certification of copies protocols and other documents of commissions are made by the chairman, or deputy chairman, or secretary of the relevant commission. At the same time, in the document being certified, the indicated persons make an entry: “Correct” or “Copy is correct,” sign, indicate their last name and initials, the date and time of certification and affix the seal of the relevant commission (Clause 12 of Article 31 of the Federal Law).

What should the observer do?

Unfortunately, at present there is a practice of violation of the election legislation by some members of election commissions, as well as connivance on their part in the event of violation of the election legislation by some voters. In this case, as practice shows, an attempt to suppress a violation on the part of an observer can lead to the removal of such an observer from the site. In this regard, it is worth quoting the words of Andrei Buzin, chairman of the Interregional Association of Voters and expert of the Golos association: “Most serious violations can only be recorded and then made public. In the conditions of modern Russian elections, this is the main task of public control.”

What exactly should the observer do?

Monitor everything that happens at the site, record all possible violations, including through photo and video recording (according to the Instruction of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation dated August 17, 2011 No. 26/254-6, observers have the right to photograph and video record the voting process, counting procedures votes, without allowing violations of the secrecy of voting and without interfering with the work of the election commission), as well as drawing up various statements and complaints, and then, if serious violations are discovered, filing complaints with higher election commissions and the court.

The main means of combating violations of the law that the observer has is publicity and awareness. Therefore, if possible, the observer should write a report on how voting took place at his polling station and post the report on social networks. Social networks are read by millions, but records of court decisions are read by only a few.

What exactly does an observer have the right to do?

According to the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendums of Citizens of the Russian Federation” No. 67-FZ dated June 12, 2002, observers have the right to:

a) get acquainted with the lists of voters, referendum participants, the register of issuing absentee certificates, the absentee certificates held by the commission, the register of applications (appeals) for voting outside the voting premises;

b.1) observe the distribution of ballots to voters and referendum participants;

d) monitor the counting of the number of citizens included in the lists of voters, referendum participants, ballots issued to voters, referendum participants, canceled ballots; observe the counting of votes of voters, referendum participants at a polling station, referendum site at a distance and in conditions that ensure their visibility of the marks of voters, referendum participants contained in the ballots; get acquainted with any completed or blank ballot when counting votes of voters, referendum participants; oversee the commission’s drawing up of the protocol on voting results and other documents during the period specified in paragraph 3 of this article;

e) contact the chairman of the precinct commission, and in his absence, the person replacing him, with suggestions and comments on issues of organizing voting;

f) get acquainted with the protocols of the relevant commission, lower commissions on the voting results, the results of elections, referendums and the documents attached to them, receive certified copies of these protocols from the relevant commission;

g) wear a badge indicating his status and indicating his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the registered candidate or the name of the electoral association, public association that sent the observer to the commission. The law may provide that the form of the badge is established by the commission organizing the elections, referendum;

h) appeal, in the manner established by Article 75 of this Federal Law, the actions (inaction) of the commission to a higher commission, the election commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation or to the court;

i) be present during the recount of votes of voters and referendum participants in the relevant commissions.

Representatives of the media, taking part in information coverage of the preparation and conduct of elections, referendums, have the right to:

a) attend meetings of commissions;

b) get acquainted with the protocol of the precinct commission on the voting results, as well as with the protocols of other commissions on the voting results, the results of elections, referendums, including those drawn up repeatedly, and receive from the relevant commission copies of these protocols and documents attached to them;

c) attend campaign events and cover them;

The observer has no right:

a) issue ballots to voters and referendum participants;

b) sign for the voter, referendum participant, including at his request, for the receipt of ballots;

c) fill out ballots for a voter, referendum participant, including at his request;

d) take actions that violate the secrecy of voting;

e) take direct part in the counting of ballots carried out by voting members of the commission;

f) take actions that interfere with the work of the commission;

g) conduct campaigning among voters and referendum participants;

h) participate in decision-making by the relevant commission.

At the same moment in time, in the same area there can only beone observer from one candidate or party. This does not apply to PEC members fromthe same candidate or party.

There will be many people at the polling station on election day, each with their own job. Members of the election commission conduct all voting procedures, police officers monitor public order, observers monitor the legality of elections, journalists transmit information to the public. Who are these observers?

Who are the observers?

Observers are representatives of parties, candidates or public organizations (only at the regional level; there will be no observers from public activists during elections to the State Duma), who monitor the legality of the elections. They can be at the polling station both during voting (from 8:00 to 20:00) and during the counting of votes and drawing up protocols.

Several different observers can be present at the same polling station at the same time, but no more than two (alternatingly at the same polling station) from one party, candidate or organization.

One observer can only be present at one polling station.

By the way, it is now possible to remove an observer from the site only by a court decision, the hearing of which will be held on the same day.

How to become an observer?

You can contact the party whose interests you would like to represent, or personally the candidate. You can also contact the organization that will carry out monitoring. For example, the movement to protect voters' rights "Voice", "Citizen Observer", "For Clean Elections", "Civil Control".

Who can't become an observer?

Member of the election commission, deputy, judge, prosecutor, as well as a person holding the highest elected positions or being directly subordinate to such officials.

A representative of a public organization (at the federal level, but those registered in the region can send observers to regional elections), in addition to a number of international organizations. Who exactly this year is still unknown.

A person under 18 years of age.

Those recognized by the court as incompetent or held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict.

Education doesn't matter.

What can observers do at a polling station?

Be at the polling station at any time before the adoption of the final vote count protocols.

Get acquainted with the list of voters.

Take photos and videos from the spot without violating the secrecy of voting and without revealing personal data (you cannot photograph voter lists, the ballot box, if marks on the ballots are visible, or take photographs inside the voting booth).

Observer. Simply put, the observer allows a signal to be received on one side, and through the other, transmits it with a short signal and returns it.

Ask - “What is it about it and what is its benefit?” I can answer that this block is perfect for mechanisms with auto-trusses, but here is a simple and clear example for now.

I decided to make and show you a simple mechanism first so that you understand the essence of the work observer. And so, we place the observer itself and where the side with the square hole is located, we place a door next to it, as in the screenshot below.

Now let's put some arrows in the dispenser. I decided to put arrows with the regeneration effect and re-entered survival mode so that the effect of the arrow would work on me.

Having opened the door, an arrow immediately flew out at me and cast an effect on me.

Here is such a simple but quite useful mechanism that will be useful on servers. That is, if another player starts to open the door, an arrow will immediately fly at him. The dispenser can be filled with TNT, poison arrows, and monster eggs. I think this will definitely drive an unknown player away from your home.

And the diagram below will automatically open and close the door without stopping.

Observers can be placed so that their front and back sides are the bottom and top sides, which is again useful.

In the screenshot below, the door will also open and close in much the same way as the diagram above.

Here is a more complex diagram for you, but much more useful - the reed diagram. It works quite simply. As soon as the reed grows to 3 blocks high, the observer's signal is triggered, then he activates the pistons and they, in turn, break the reed.

The diagram of this mechanism is quite simple and you can make your own mechanism with an observer based on it =)

There must be a funnel near the chest.
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