Master class on making a didactic game “Match leaves from trees. Interactive game "Which tree is the leaf from" presentation of a lesson for an interactive board on the world around us (senior group) on the topic Game Whose Leaf Is

Trees, leaves and fruits - educational game for children from 4 years old
The educational game for children “Trees, Leaves and Fruits” introduces children to the trees of central Russia. You can play it alone or in a small group. The game is very educational, it is good to use it for activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world in kindergarten or at home. In elementary school, the game will be useful when holding local history or environmental competitions.
Although the lotto “Trees Leaves and Fruits” gives children a good idea of ​​the types of trees, no educational game can replace children’s live communication with nature. While walking, draw your children’s attention to what trees surround you on the street, in the park, in the forest. Collect and examine fruits and leaves. If you don’t want to take them home, then “digitize”, photograph and create your own “Atlas” or “Photo-herbarium” of plants in your region.

How to play the educational game for children “Trees, Leaves and Fruits”

We play individually or with two children.

It is better to get acquainted with the educational game individually. Look at the cards with your child and talk about what trees he knows. Invite your child to try to match leaves, trees, fruits and put matching small pictures in the empty “windows” on large cards. You can immediately help arrange them correctly or see what the child can do and then correct the mistakes. It is not necessary to give all the cards at once - two or three will be enough. When the child becomes familiar with the game, tasks can be given temporarily. If you play with two children, then it will turn out to be a whole competition - who will collect the most “correct” cards in one minute. It's better if everyone has their own set of games. Or at least make a duplicate set of small cards. Otherwise, a situation may arise when the child cannot correctly assemble the picture, not because he does not know, but because the neighbor has the necessary card.

We play the educational game “Trees, Leaves and Fruits” with a group of children

With a group of children, this educational game can be played like lotto. In this case, there can be as many players as you have large cards plus one more. Each child receives a large card. For children over five years old, you can give each player two cards at once. All small cards are mixed and given to the driver. He pulls out any one at random, shows it to the children and asks “Whose?” the one to whom the card matches takes it for himself and places it next to his tree. If no one confesses, the card is put aside. The player who is the first to close all the “windows” wins and can become the next driver. Another option is to play “until the last”. In this case, the driver becomes the one who closed his fields last.

Using the educational game “Trees, Leaves and Fruits” for competitions.

The educational game “Trees, Leaves and Fruits” can be a wonderful competition at an event dedicated to the forest, trees, and native nature, both in older groups of kindergarten and in elementary school. To hold such a competition, you need to stock up on two (or more, depending on the number of teams) sets of the game. Each team is asked to collect as many cards as possible within a certain time (one to two minutes). The result is checked. Only completely and correctly collected cards are counted.

How to make an educational game for children “Trees, Leaves and Fruits”

In order to play, you need to prepare game cards. Each type of tree corresponds to one large (tree in summer) and three small pictures (tree in winter, leaves and fruits of this tree). Print out the pictures and stick them on Whatman paper or cardboard. The size of the large picture will be 19X15, and the small ones 5X5 cm.
You can stick it on the same cardboard, or you can make a hint - stick pictures of each tree on a base of its own color. For greater strength, cards can be “laminated” - sealed with tape.
In order to avoid size distortions when printing, we advise you to do this. Click on the picture to enlarge it. Copy the large picture and transfer it into Microsoft Word. Set the image size to height 19 cm, width will be almost 15 cm. Then copy three small pictures (they will be copied all three together) and place them on the same page. Set the image size of the pictures to a height of 5 cm and a width of 15 cm. Cut out the pictures along the black line.

Lyubov Suvorova

In order for children with special needs to engage in learning with interest, I made a selection with my own hands didactic and educational games. Nowadays the printing industry produces a great variety of interesting, educational games. But often they do not correspond to the goal set in the lesson, they are not entirely methodologically developed and, to be honest, they require significant investment. And let’s talk about purchasing enough games for a subgroup of children (so that everyone completes the task independently) and don't have to dream. This is what made me make a selection of games for each lexical topic. These games They are easy to make, but allow you to conduct a frontal lesson in an interesting, entertaining, and most importantly, individual approach.

I continue to introduce you to the selection didactic and educational games on lexical topics.

Breathing exercise. I give the most tasks different:-the one who blows on the red leaf comes in, who blows strongly 3 times, who blows slowly for a count of 10.

Didactic game“What’s extra?” (for each child) for younger and older (at the bottom) subgroups

Memorizing a verse using a table (mnemonics). Parts diagram tree.

“The wind tore the leaves” (for each child)

“What first, what then?”. Target: develop ability to make inferences, develop coherent speech.

“Cards for combining a numeral and a noun (f., m. and middle childbirth)».

Didactic game"Family of Words". Target: learn to form related words to a noun - leaf. I use the principle of mnemonics. The symbols are clues for children. Star is the main word (sheet); big mountain – superlative (leaf); little mountain – diminutive degree (leaf, leaflet, red ribbon – adjective (leaf lettuce, three rectangles – plural (leaves); hand - action (leaf fall).Empty pockets for other words that can be formed.

Didactic game"Domino". Target - development visual attention, memory, continue to learn how to change nouns and adjectives by case.

"Help Dunno" Two options. The goal is to teach everyone to find tree leaves and fruits. Develop coherent speech.

Didactic game"Guess what's missing?"

"Memorina" rules: You need to open two cards at the same time. If they are the same, the player takes it for himself, he wins who will collect the most?

In my notebooks for homework, in addition to Teremkova’s notebooks, I paste in assignments for development of coherent speech, logic, SMR development, etc..

“Tall tales”, “What did the artist mix up?”

All games fit in this box

That's all for now. I hope my homemade products are useful to someone.




(game for children 3-4 years old)

Game action: children running with certain pieces of paper.

Rule: only those who have in their hands the same piece of paper that the teacher showed can run (“fly”) on command.

Progress of the game: during a walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and asks them to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared by shape, and how they are similar and how they differ is noted. The teacher leaves each person a leaf from different trees (poplar, oak, birch, etc.). Then the teacher picks up, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. These leaves flew off. Show me how they flew." The children, holding maple leaves in their hands, spin around and stop at the teacher’s command.

The game is repeated with different leaves.


(game for children 3-4 years old)

Didactic task: find an object by similarity.

Game action: search for a similar object.

Rule: pick up the piece of paper after the teacher names and shows it.

Equipment: select identical bouquets of 3 - 4 different leaves. The game is played while walking.

Progress of the game: the teacher distributes bouquets to the children and keeps the same one for himself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example a maple one, and suggests: “One, two, three - show me this leaf!” Children raise their hand with a maple leaf.

The game is repeated several times with the remaining leaves of the bouquet.

Option 2.

The child (leader) describes a leaf from a bouquet based on external features, the children find the same leaf in their bouquet.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Didactic task: find objects by similarity.

Game action: run up to the teacher at his signal.

Rule: you can run to the teacher only at a signal and only with the same piece of paper as the teacher’s in your hand.

Equipment: select leaves of maple, rowan, birch (or other trees common in the area) that have sharply different shapes.

Progress of the game: the teacher picks up, for example, a rowan leaf and says: “Whoever has the same leaf - come to me!”

Children look at the leaves received from the teacher; those who have the same ones in their hands run to the teacher. If the child makes a mistake, the teacher gives him his sheet for comparison.

Option 2.

The child (leader) names a tree or bush, the children find a leaf and run to the leader.


(game for children 5-6 years old)

Didactic task: find a part from the whole.

Game actions: searching for an object.

Rule: you can look for a leaf on the ground after the words of the teacher.

Progress of the game: the teacher asks the children to carefully examine the leaves on a low tree. “Now try to find the same ones on earth,” says the teacher. - One, two, three - look! Whoever found it, come to me quickly.” Children with leaves run to the teacher.


(game for children 5-6 years old)

Didactic task: find a tree by name.

Game action: running to the named one (competition “Who can find the tree faster”).

Rule: you can run to the named tree only with the command “Run!”

Progress of the game: the teacher names a tree that is well known to the children, which has bright distinctive features, and asks them to find it, for example: “Who will find the birch faster? One, two, three – run to the birch!” Children must find a tree and run up to any birch tree growing in the area where the game is being played.

Option 2.

Didactic task: find an object by description.

Game action: guessing plants by description.

Rule: you can look for a tree only after the teacher tells you.

Progress of the game: the teacher describes trees familiar to the children, choosing from them those that have subtle distinctive features (for example, spruce and pine, rowan and acacia).

Children must find what the teacher is talking about.

To make it interesting for the children to search by description, you can hide something near the tree (or on the tree) that they are talking about.


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. To develop children’s ability to imagine the silhouettes of trees and shrubs using specially prepared parts. Correctly position the branches according to size and width.

Material. Didactic picture, cut parts of trees and bushes, cut out green leaves.

1. Make a tree or shrub.

2. Find three signs by which you can distinguish a tree from a shrub. (A tree is usually distinguished from a shrub by three characteristics:

a) in height;

b) by trunk thickness;

c) by the number of trunks extending from the root system (a tree has one trunk, and a shrub has several).

3. Choose the most important distinguishing feature.

1. The number of players is 6-7 people.

2. The winner is the one who was able to quickly and correctly compose the tree.

and shrubs and answer the questions posed.


1. The teacher sets a game task:

Today you and I have to plant a forest. In the picture (in advance

prepared) for each of your trees and shrubs there is

place. The parts necessary for this are on the table. Your task

is to select the right parts of trees and shrubs and complete the task.

2. The teacher introduces the rules of the game and the task.

3. Children begin to perform play actions.

4. The winner is revealed.



(game for children 6-7 years old)

Didactic task: to create a whole from parts.

Game actions: searching for your mate.

Rule: you can look for your “top” or “spine” only when given a signal. You cannot be paired with the same child all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Progress of the game: during a walk after harvesting in the garden, the teacher divides the children into two groups. He gives roots to one of them (onions, turnips, carrots, potatoes, etc.), to the other - tops - tops. All the “tops” and “roots” are mixed up. One, two, three – find your match!” Based on this signal, all children choose a mate for themselves.

Second option.

The “tops” (or “roots”) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The teacher gives the command: “Roots,” find your “tops”!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

The correctness of the task can be checked by the “magic gate” (the teacher and one of the children), through which all pairs pass. To ensure that interest in the game does not fade and children gain knowledge about different plants, they should be invited to exchange tops and roots several times.


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Didactic task: determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

Game action: searching for a pair

Rule: you can look for ripe or unripe food only at the teacher’s signal.

Equipment: first you need to select vegetables and fruits with clear signs of ripeness, expressed in color. For example, tomatoes, plums, apricots, etc. When repeating the game, you can offer fruits (vegetables) with less noticeable signs of ripeness. For example, apple, pear, etc.

Progress of the game: the game can be played as an outdoor game. The teacher distributes ripe vegetables and fruits to half the group of children, and unripe ones to the rest. At a signal, children look for their mate, i.e. a comrade who has the same object in his hands, but of a different degree of maturity.

During the game, children exchange vegetables and fruits several times in order to better learn the signs of ripe and unripe vegetables and fruits.


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Knowledge content: remind children that vegetables are grown for food. For some, the above-ground part – the tops – is used for food; for others, the underground part – the roots. The day before, read the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear” to the children, and then invite the children to remember its content: the man and the bear decided to plow and sow together, and divide the harvest in half. The cunning man always chose the edible part (tops or roots) depending on which vegetable was sown, and gave the rest to the bear.

Didactic task: choose plants used in food.

Rule: you cannot name fruits and berries, since they are sown for more than one year, and it will be easy for the bear to find out which part is edible. A man should choose such vegetables for sowing that he gets the edible part.

Equipment: on the table there are vegetables and fruits with edible roots (carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, onions, etc.) and with edible tops (cabbage, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, etc.).

Progress of the game: the teacher calls two children. One of them will play the role of a man, the other - a bear. The man offers such vegetables for sowing that he gets the fruit, and the bear gets the tops or roots that are not eaten. For example, he says: “We will sow radishes. In the fall I’ll take some roots for myself.” The bear chooses another part of the plant that is not used for food: “I already took the roots before, they are not tasty (last time we “sowed”, for example, cabbage). I’ll take the tops now.”

When the game is repeated, new children are chosen for the same roles.


(game for children 5-6 years old)

Didactic task: determine the degree of ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

Game actions: search for your group.

Rule: you can look for your place among your comrades only by signal.

Equipment: vegetables and fruits (4 – 5 names) of varying degrees of ripeness. For example, a green tomato begins to turn red - brown and red.

Progress of the game: the teacher distributes vegetables and fruits to the children and invites them to “mix them up.” At the signal: “Find your vegetable!” - children, holding vegetables and fruits of the same name, gather in groups. Moreover, within each group they must position themselves in such a way that it is clear what comes first, what comes next, that is, follow the sequence of ripening - from unripe to ripe. The link that assembles quickly and stands in the correct sequence wins.

During the game, children change objects several times.


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Goal: to develop in children the ability to organize objects by property, understand the conventions of notation, analyze, and compare objects.

Material: “Screen” with three “slot windows” into which tapes with symbols of properties are inserted. Ribbons - strips depicting objects with different degrees of expression of properties (for example, a large, medium and small apple),

Rules and course of the game: the teacher or one of the children inserts an image of an object in the first “window”. He suggests choosing a “family” - building an ordered row.

For example: large circle, then medium, small; dark spot – light, very light, etc.

At the beginning of mastering the game, the content is specially designed: a property is selected, pictures with a clear manifestation of this property are selected. In the future, you can use images with multiple properties. For example, in the first “window” there is a red apple, in the second and third “windows” there are apples of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Children discuss how to build a series, which property to choose.




(game for children 5-7 years old)

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, and find the right flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color and make beautiful bouquets.

Visual material: pictures of vegetables.

The teacher says: “One day a tomato decided to gather an army from vegetables.” They came to her with peas, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, and turnips. (The teacher puts pictures of these vegetables on the stand one by one) And the tomato told them: “There were a lot of people willing, so I set the following condition: first of all, only those vegetables will go to my army whose names have the same sounds as mine.” tomato.” - What do you think, children, what vegetables responded to his call?

Children name, highlighting the necessary sounds with their voices: peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips, cucumber, and explain that these words contain the sounds p, p, as in the word tomato. The teacher moves pictures depicting the named vegetables on the stand closer to the tomato. Tomato conducts various training sessions with peas, carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Good for them! And the rest of the vegetables were saddened: the sounds that make up their names in no way fit the sounds of the tomato, and they decided to ask the tomato to change the condition. Tomato agreed: “Have it your way!” Come now, those whose names have as many parts as mine.” - What do you think, children, who responded now? Together we find out how many parts there are in the word tomato and in the name of the remaining vegetables. Each answer explains in detail that the words tomato and, for example, cabbage have the same number of syllables. Pictures depicting these plants also move towards the tomato. - But the onions and beets were even more saddened. Why do you think, children? Children explain that the number of parts in the name is not the same as that of a tomato, and the sounds do not match. - How to help them. Guys? What new condition could a tomato offer them so that these vegetables would join his army? The teacher should lead the children to formulate the following conditions themselves: “Let those vegetables come whose names have an emphasis in the first part” or “We accept into the army those whose names contain the same sounds (onions, beets).” To do this, he can invite the children to listen and compare where the emphasis is in the remaining words - the names of vegetables, compare their sound composition. - All vegetables became warriors, and there were no more griefs! - concludes the teacher.

Progress of the game: Children come to a store where there is a large selection of flowers.

Option 1. On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of different shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals in both color and shape.

Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what kind of flower he is talking about.

Option 3. Children independently make three bouquets of flowers: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.

Fairy tale game “Fruits and vegetables”


(game for children 5 - 6 years old)

Didactic task: find a plant according to its description.

Game action: search for a plant based on the description of its distinctive features.

Rule: you can name a plant only after describing it.

Equipment: 5-6 plants, of which there are several names of the same family, but of different species, for example: fragrant and zonal pelargonium, variegated and royal begonia, zebra-shaped and green tradescantia, etc.

Progress of the game: the teacher arranges the plants so that the children can clearly see the characteristics of each of them. Then he describes the general characteristics of plants of the same name (say, Tradescantia), after which he names the distinctive characteristic of each plant.

Children listen carefully to the teacher's story. Then he invites one of the guys to show the plant and name it. The child becomes the leader.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Didactic task: remember the location of objects, find changes in their location.

Game activities: searching for changes in the arrangement of plants.

Rule: you cannot watch what the teacher cleans up.

Equipment: for the first game you need 4-5 plants, for subsequent ones - up to 7-8.

Progress of the game: indoor plants are placed on the table in one row. The teacher asks all children sitting in a semicircle to take a good look and remember the plants and their location, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher changes places of the plants (first two plants, and then two - three). “Now open your eyes and tell me what has changed,” he suggests. – Which plants have been rearranged? Show me where they stood before." (Children show.)

Option 2.

One plant can be removed and the rest moved so that it is not visible which plant is missing. Children must name the hidden plant.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of a plant, its parts and their significance for plant life.

Material. A large picture of a lawn (without flowers, grass, etc.) and slots for plants, cut parts of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit).

1. Remember what the structure of the plant is.

2. Select from the proposed material something that may be part of the plant.

3. Collect parts of a whole plant, name it and plant it on the lawn.

1. The number of players is from 4 to 6 people.

2. The one who quickly and correctly collected his plant wins

and planted him on the lawn.


1. Teacher:

Guys, beautiful flowers once grew in this clearing. But one day a terrible hurricane swept through here. After him, this is what was left... (The teacher shows the children an empty yellow-brown lawn under a blue sky.)

Do you like this lawn? Can you call it that? (No.)

How to make her beautiful? (We need to plant plants.)

Let's bring this lawn to life. Let's plant flowers and make it beautiful. Flowers will grow on it, elegant butterflies, dragonflies, and bees will fly in. It will be the same as before, and even better. It will delight not only us, but also all people with its beauty.

2. Children are provided with sets of not only cut parts of plants, but also unnecessary items.

3. Children choose what they want and then make a plant, name it and plant it on the lawn.

4. In the process of general work, a colorful picture is obtained depicting a beautiful lawn.

5. Children who distinguish themselves in completing the task are given the opportunity to place the “arriving” butterflies, dragonflies and bees

on the flowers of the lawn.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the appearance of a flower, its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit). Introduce the needs of the plant in certain conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air, heat) for normal growth and development. Introduce the stages of development of a living being, the properties, and qualities of a living being. Form generally accepted aesthetic standards. Develop thinking, imagination, speech. Instill a love of nature, the need to care for living beings (in this case, a plant).

Material. A didactic picture divided into two halves: one half depicts a layer of soil and air, the other - cards depicting favorable conditions for the growth and development of a plant, stages of a plant’s life, which can be inserted into the first half of the didactic picture in a certain sequence, thereby illustrating plant life cycle.

1 . Select only those cards that depict the conditions for the successful development of the plant, and insert them into the first half of the picture.

2. Carefully consider the stages of a plant’s life, sequentially talk about them and arrange them in a didactic picture.

1. The number of players is no more than 5 people.

2. Play in turns.

3. The one who completed the task correctly is considered an expert.


1 . The teacher conducts a short conversation with the children, setting them up for the future game.

We all love flowers - both adults and children. Why do we love them? (For beauty.)

It's good when there are a lot of flowers. They decorate our home and lift our spirits. Do you think the flowers are alive, do they feel anything? It turns out that flowers, like any living creature, require care, love, and certain living conditions. Do you have flowers at home? How do you take care of them? What do they need every day?

2. The teacher invites the children to look at the visual material and guess what the game will be about.

3. The teacher introduces the rules of the game and the task.


(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the favorite habitat of various plants (sunny meadow or shaded edge of the forest, next to water or in water). Introduce scientific terminology that characterizes plants according to their living conditions (moisture-loving, drought-tolerant, light-loving, shade-tolerant). Talk about ways a plant can adapt to an abundance or lack of moisture, identify the connection between the plants’ habitat and their appearance. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of plants, the variety of appearance, the structural features of roots, leaves, etc.

Material. A didactic picture depicting a forest area in which there is a pond, a forest clearing; carved images of flowers of forests, fields, ponds.

1. Choose one of the plants that you liked more than the others and name it. Tell why you liked it, write a story about its appearance.

2. Think and say where in the beautiful picture you would like to plant a flower.

3. “Plant” a flower and explain why you chose this particular place for the flower.

1. The game can be played by 2 to 5 people.

2. The one who correctly copes with the game task wins,

will be able to coherently explain his actions.


1. The teacher tells children about the diversity of plants and their needs in certain conditions. Invites you to remember which plants children encountered in the forest, in the field, and which ones in ponds or close to water. In what places does dandelion like to grow - in a sunny meadow or on a shaded edge of the forest? Where would yellow marigold like to grow - near water or in water?

2. The teacher introduces the children to the game task and the rules of the game.

3. At the end of the game the result is summed up


(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to medicinal herbs, consolidate knowledge about the structure of plants. To develop the ability to use useful herbs correctly (to know which part of the plant should be taken from which to prepare medicine and at what time of year to do this so as not to cause damage to nature). Draw children's attention to the fact that from nature we receive not only beauty, but also benefits. To develop goodwill and a sensitive attitude towards the world around us.

Material. Herbariums of medicinal plants, cards with images of medicinal plants, cut cards used to complete tasks such as: collect a plant, find the necessary parts of the plant to prepare medicine; “ware” for decoctions and infusions.

1. Choose medicinal plants that will help get rid of colds, or cough, or stomach pain, or toothache, etc.

2. Select the necessary parts of the plant for preparing medicine (decoction or infusion).

3. Select “dishes” (a teapot for brewing St. John’s wort tea,

mint, linden, etc.; bowl for jam from raspberries, blueberries, etc.) for

preparing medicine.

4. Talk about your medicine.

1. Play in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each).

2. The child who correctly prepares the medicine, tells what his medicine is for, and explains the technology wins.



1. The teacher says:

Guys, let's look at herbariums of medicinal plants. Name plants you know and tell us about their medicinal properties. (Some children talk, others listen, the teacher clarifies the children’s statements.)

2. The teacher explains the rules of the game and the task.

Today you will act as pharmacists. These are people who work in pharmacies and prepare medicines.


(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of trees and shrubs. To develop the ability to guess the names of trees and shrubs by their trunks, directions of branches, and fruits left over from the fall. To develop the ability to correctly select leaves for trees and shrubs.

Material. A large painting depicting a forest in the middle of spring, sets of various spring leaves cut out of paper for the trees and shrubs that are in the painting.

1. Determine which tree or shrub you want to dress up in spring.

2. Select spring leaves that match the given tree or shrub.

3. Dress up the trees and shrubs in our forest in spring attire.

1. Number of players: 5-6 people; if the game is played by teams, then 3 teams of 2-3 people.

2. The winners are those children who quickly, correctly

and completed the task carefully.


1. The teacher sets up the children for the game.

Before you is a forest that has awakened in the spring. The sun woke him up with its warm rays, melted the snow, cheerful streams ran and watered the earth. The forest begins to come to life. How do you think you can know that trees and shrubs have woken up? (They develop buds that begin to slowly grow and swell.)

Who hid in these kidneys, in these houses?

2. The teacher explains to the children the rules of the game and the task.

Let's choose appropriate clothing for each tree and shrub. Who would you like to dress up?

3. Children speak up and begin to decorate the trees and shrubs they have chosen.

Note. There are landmarks in the picture that allow children to correctly recognize the names of trees and shrubs (children will identify a birch by its white trunk; an oak - by its powerful, heroic structure; linden, maple - by the fruits left over from the fall, etc.).

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.




(game for children 3-4 years old)

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about animals, teach them to imitate their voices.

Progress of the game: Children depict familiar animals sitting in houses. The teacher goes around the houses in turn, knocks on each one and says: “Knock-knock-knock, who lives in this house?” Children answer: “Mu-mu-mu!”, “Be-e-e”, “Meow-meow!” etc. The teacher guesses who lives in the house.

Option 2.

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic features of wild and domestic animals.

Progress of the game: the presenter (teacher or child) describes the animal (its appearance, habits, habitat...), children must guess who they are talking about and depict this animal in their voice.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.

Progress of the game: Children are presented with objects: an egg, a chicken, a model of a chicken; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to place these items in the correct order.


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the life characteristics of various wild animals, their housing, and the building materials they use. To develop the ability to select the right material for building a house for any of the animals.

Material. A large didactic picture, cards with images of animal houses (anthill, beehive, bird's nest, etc.), the structure of materials (twigs, blades of grass, fluff, leaves, etc.), the animals themselves.

1. Choose from the proposed animals those you want to help,

2. Choose from the proposed building materials only what is needed for your animal.

3. Choose a house for the animal.

4. Talk about your choice.

1. The game is played in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each),

2. Who completed the task quickly and correctly and was able to explain

your choice, won.


1. The teacher announces to the children that he has sent a telegram to the kindergarten.

The animals of the green forest sent us a telegram asking us for help to build them housing. Let's help build houses for animals

Choose the animals you would like to help and name them

by name. In order for us to succeed, we need to know how

do it right.

Children are divided into teams and begin to play together.

3. At the end of the game, the result is summed up.


(game for children 5-6 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the variety of types of bird nesting sites. To consolidate children's knowledge about the building materials used by birds to build nests, the process of birds building nests, and the natural adaptations of building birds. Develop the ability to correlate the size of the nest with the size of the birds, the types of natural materials with the builder bird, and the characteristics of the bird’s lifestyle depending on the place where it builds its nest.

Material. Two canvases with bird nests, cards with images of birds - the builders of these nests, sets of building materials for various types of nests.

Exercise. Place birds in nests according to their preferences

(near the water, high above the ground, etc.).

1. The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

2. When choosing birds, you should be careful with visual material (cards and sets).

3. When correlating the bird and its nest, the proposed building material, you must be guided by your knowledge.

4. The winner is the one who can talk about his choice and his conclusions himself, without outside help.


1. At the beginning of the game, the teacher introduces the children to the birds participating in the game and briefly talks about the characteristics of each bird.

2. The teacher invites the children to choose one bird each and examine it carefully.

3. At the end of the game, the result is summed up.


(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest and their way of life. To develop children’s ability to correctly differentiate the food of animals. Teach the actions of analysis and synthesis, the ability to isolate parts of a whole, and form a whole from parts.

Material. Images of forest animals, various food products and forest gifts, cut-out pictures depicting products and gifts.

1. Think about where you can arrange a food warehouse for the winter (some animals have a warehouse in a hole, others in a hollow, others bury it under dry leaves, tree roots, etc.).

2. Choose from the food offered only what the animal likes.

3. Place food supplies for the winter with your animal.

Rule: "

1. The game is played by 4 to 6 people.

2. Each child chooses an animal that he would like to help prepare supplies for the winter.

3. The child who quickly and correctly helped his animal and was able to collect the most cards wins.


1. The teacher says:

Nature in autumn is very kind: it gives gifts not only to people but also to all living creatures - in forests, fields, in all corners. But the animals know that after a generous autumn, a harsh winter will come, bringing frosts and snow that will cover the earth. The animals are preparing for the coming of winter. They not only insulate their houses, but also store food to survive the long, cold winter. Let's help them get ready for winter, guys. Which forest dwellers do you know? Which one of them is stocking up for the winter? Which one would you like to help? (Children speak out)

2. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game and the task.

3. Children help their animals prepare supplies for the winter.

4. Anyone who has helped their animal well has the right to do another good deed. A good deed is that a child is given the opportunity to help his friend or another animal

5. For each good deed completed, the child receives a card.

6. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Note: the teacher invites the children to change the rules (for example, choose food and treat those animals that eat this food, comment on their decision).


(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and the way of life in the winter forest. Introduce the concept of “traces”, find out how traces appear in winter and why they are not visible in summer. To introduce the types of tracks of wild animals, to develop the ability to correlate the animal with the tracks it left in the winter forest. Develop logical thinking, imagination, coherent speech.

Material. Didactic picture of a winter forest, pictures of wild animals, a variety of traces in the picture.

1. Carefully consider the didactic picture of the winter forest.|

2.One after another, express your thoughts and wishes about which of the animals should be placed where.

3. Determine the owner of the tracks (select the desired one from the animals and place it next to its tracks).

1. The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

2. The child who correctly places the animals in the winter forest wins.


1. The teacher says:

Quiet in the winter forest, the snow sparkles in the sun with colorful colors. Everyone is asleep. It seems there is no one. But the winter forest is fraught with many mysteries. Only the most attentive will he tell what is happening here, who is hiding from us today and watching us.

Look at our winter forest. Don't you notice anything? Were any of the animals here before we arrived? (Children notice many traces.)

Whose are they? Why are they not visible in the summer? It turns out that all living beings always leave their traces. It’s just that we can only see them on the snow - in winter or on wet sand - at other times of the year. Traces cannot be seen on grass or asphalt. Let's try to look at the footprints and guess who they belong to.

2. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game and the task.

3. Children start playing.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.


(game for children 4-5 years old)

Target. Provide initial information about the process of building a house (choosing a location, preparing for construction, procuring building materials, etc.). Develop the ability to plan your activities and work together. Develop the ability to listen to a friend, take into account his opinion, and help.

Material. S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, cards depicting the heroes of the fairy tale, a large picture of a forest, “building materials” (stones, straw, branches drawn and cut out of paper), outlines of houses on which the “building materials” will be glued, glue stick.

Exercise. Build a house for each pig and tell about the construction process.

1. 3-6 people can take part in the game.

2. Work together in teams; those who interfere with the productive activities of the team bring their team a negative score.

3. If the team independently, without reminding the teacher, decorated its building and the area around it, then it is given additional points.

4. The winner is the team that has no negative points and that completed the task (built the house neatly and beautifully and was able to talk about the construction process).


1. Children are divided into three teams of 2-3 people.

2. Each team chooses one of three piglets: Nif - Nifa, Nuf - Nufa or Naf - Nafa. Someone they would like to help build a house.

3. Children in teams consult on where it is best to locate their hero’s house and plan joint activities.

4. The construction process takes place.

5. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Didactic game “Autumn Signs”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation skills,attention, memory.

Attributes: cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces) and other seasons (5-6 pieces), a playing field divided into 8 cells.

Progress of the game: children (2 people) take turns taking a picture, calling what is drawn on it and determining when it happens. If it’s autumn, they put the picture on the playing field. Ifat other times of the year, they are removed to the side. Next, for each picture, make upsentence using the keyword "autumn".

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Objectives: improve the ability to identify a fruit or vegetable by touch, correctly name its color, develop attention, memory, oral speech

Attributes: bag, dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game: the teacher shows the bag and says:

I am a wonderful bag

I am a friend to all the guys.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

Children put dummies of vegetables and fruits into a bag. Then, one by one, they take an object from the bag, determine by touch what it is, name it, and then take it out.After this, the children gather in groups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Didactic game “Whole and Part”

Objectives: to develop the ability to select pairs of pictures depicting a whole fruit and its part, to develop oral speech, attention, memory.
Attributes: pictures of whole fruits and their parts.

Progress of the game: 2 children play. One has pictures of a whole fruit, the other has pictures of a part of it. One player posts his picture,names what is depicted on it, and the other must choose the appropriate one.

Didactic game “Two Baskets”

Objectives: improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use generalizing words in speech, develop oral speech, memory, attention.
Attributes: two baskets, subject pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Progress of the game: children take turns taking a picture, name what is depicted on it, determine whatwhich group it belongs to and put in the appropriate basket..

Didactic game “Stocks of animals”

Objectives: improve the ability to select appropriate food for animals, develop attention, memory, and observation skills.
Attributes: pictures of animals, pictures of plants and mushrooms.

Progress of the game: 2 children play. Take turns taking a card with pictures of plants ormushrooms, they say what they are and put them next to the picture of a certain animal.

Outdoor game “Vegetables and fruits”

Objectives: learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance, develop attention and observation.

Attributes: subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

How to play: in the center of the circle are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children walk in a circle saying: “One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any item and organizegroups “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.

Outdoor game “Tops and Roots”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, memory.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables or natural vegetables.
Progress of the game: Option 1: an adult shows a vegetable (models or natural), children name it and show with movements where it grows; if on the ground, they stretch out their handsupward; if underground, they crouch. Can act as an adulta child showing vegetables himself.Option 2: the adult only says the name of the vegetable, and the children showmovements where it grows.

Didactic game “What juice?” (“What jam?”)

Objectives: improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, pictures of fruits

Progress of the game: children take turns taking a picture from the basket, calling the pictured fruit and saying what the juice (or jam) from this fruit will be called. For example:“This apple is apple juice.”

Outdoor game “Find a pair”

Objectives: learn to make pairs of leaves according to one characteristic indicated by an adult, consolidate knowledge about shape, color and size, develop auditory and visual senses perception.

Attributes: autumn leaves of different sizes, colors and shapes.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, in the center there are leaves (their number is according to the number of children and the leaves are selected so that pairs of leaves can be made). The children are comingin a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take the sheet quickly!” Everyone takes a piece of paper.The teacher says: “Find yourself a pair - a leaf of the same color.” (Othertasks: make a pair of leaves from the same tree, or leaves that are differentsize: large and small, or leaves of the same size from one tree..)

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” »

Objectives: to improve the ability to differentiate trees by their trunks and leaves,develop attention, observation, memory, imagination.

Attributes: trunks of three different trees drawn on separate sheets, autumn leaves of these trees.

Progress of the game: leaves lie scattered around the drawings of tree trunks. Children should place the leaves on their tree

Didactic game “Which sheet?”

Objectives: improve knowledge of distinguishing the leaves of three trees, teach to form adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, autumn leaves.

Progress of the game: children sit in a circle and pass the basket to each other. Take turns taking out a leaf, saying what tree it comes from and forming an adjective. For example: this is a leaf frombirch - birch leaf.

Outdoor game “Squirrel reserves”

Objectives: improve the ability to act on a signal from an adult, develop attention, memory, and oral speech.

Attributes: squirrel mask, fake mushrooms, nuts, berries, pine cones.

Progress of the game: a child is chosen - a squirrel, he is put on a squirrel mask. In the center of the circle there are objects - dummies of nuts, berries, mushrooms, pine cones. Children walk in a circle saying:“One, two, three - quickly take the item!” They take different items. Children withidentical objects are collected into a group. Child - squirrel walks and choosesthe group with the most children and says: “Today I will eat nuts(mushrooms, berries, pine cones). A new child is chosen from this group - a squirrel.

Outdoor game “Rowan and Birds”

Children are divided into two teams: one team is “rowan berries”, and the other team is “birds”.

Children - “rowan berries” hold a red cardboard circle in their hands, or a rope is attached to the red cardboard circle, and the circle with the rope is hung around the neck like a medal.

Teams of children line up in two lines and stand opposite each other in different parts of the room or play area.

The bird team says these words:

“The wind suddenly blew stronger,

I blew the berries off the rowan tree.

The wind blows the berries

It's like he's playing with a ball. »

The rowan berries team answers:

“These berries are flying,

They don’t want to touch the birds’ beaks.

Berries quickly, quickly,

The birds will have more fun. »

After these words, a team of birds catches a team of rowan berries. “Rowan berries” try to run away from the “birds” and reach the place where the “birds” were. In this place, the “rowan berries” are safe and the “birds” cannot catch them.

Catching “rowan berries” lasts for a period of time, for example, 1 or 2 minutes, and then the whole game is repeated again.

Outdoor game “Acorn in hands”

Purpose of the game: organizing children's leisure time.
For this game you will need a small acorn or nut. Players stand in a row at a short distance from each other. They hold their arms outstretched behind their backs, palms open. The leader walks behind them with an acorn in his hands. He takes turns touching the palms of each participant, while pretending that he wants to put the acorn in his hands. At the same time, players should not look back. Finally, the presenter drops the acorn into someone's hands. The presenter says the words: “Acorn, show yourself acorn! Acorn, acorn, come to us!” The player in whose hands the acorn should rush forward, and all the other participants on the right and left try to grab it and prevent it from running out. If he is caught, then he becomes the leader, if not, then the game continues with the previous leader.

Lyanguzova Olga Zhanovna

Job title: teacher speech therapist

Place of work: MKDOU No. 18, Miass, Chelyabinsk region

Purpose of the material: The game can be used by specialists in working with preschool children aged 4 - 7 years, including children with disabilities.

Equipment: 1 playing field, 9 pictures of leaves, 9 pictures of trees.

Target: development of observation, visual attention and memory

1. Activate children’s knowledge on the topic: “Autumn. Trees in autumn"

2. Develop the ability to form relative adjectives, develop basic mental processes.

3. Develop the ability to obey the rules of the game and play in a group of peers.

Form of organization: individual or subgroup (2-3 people)

Preliminary work: familiarization with the image of leaves and trees.

Progress of the game:

1 option

In front of the children there is a playing field of 9 sectors. Each sector contains 3 pictures depicting autumn leaves (chestnut leaf, oak leaf, willow leaf, aspen leaf, linden leaf, poplar leaf, rowan leaf, maple leaf, birch leaf).

The first move is determined by the counting rhyme:

"One two three four five.

We will collect leaves.

If you find a leaf,

I went first and played.”

If 3 children are playing, then each is given 3 pictures depicting single leaves.

The first player examines his leaves and the first sector on the playing field, if he finds among his leaves a similar one on the field, then he closes the sector with it and correctly names the leaf (chestnut leaf). Then considers the next sector. If the required sheet is not available, then the turn passes to the next player.

If there are 2 children playing, then we distribute 3 pictures to each and put 3 next to each other in a pile (with their shirts up) - “on the path.” The game is similar, but if the required sheet is not available, then it must be taken from the path. Only after this the turn passes to the other player.

The players' task is to get rid of their cards as quickly as possible.

The adult monitors the correct completion of the task and the formation of relative adjectives, correcting if necessary. If the child does not form the word correctly, he must stop and repeat the adjective correctly 3 to 5 times (maple, maple, maple)

Option 2

The game is played similarly to the previous one, with the only difference, instead of leaves, children are offered with images of trees. Thus, the task becomes more difficult, since children need to determine which tree the leaf comes from. In this version of the game, the child points to a leaf and introduces a relative adjective into the sentence: “A willow leaf from a willow tree.”

Making the game:


The picture material is taken from the Internet (links from sources are located below).

In the search engine we type the word CLIPART (picture on a transparent background) and the name of the picture. Select the required image, copy and paste it into the document. To remove the background, perform the following steps: WORK WITH THE DRAWING - REPAINT - SET A TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND.

So that the picture can easily move on the sheet, you need to click on the right mouse button, select OBJECT FORMAT - TEXT FLOW - BEFORE TEXT.

The entire material can be downloaded from the "Download" link.

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