Didactic games with Lego constructor. methodological development on the topic. Card index of educational games using LEGO constructors. card index on design, manual labor on the topic The purpose of the Lego game

Junior group

According to the method in the younger group, the role of the leader is always taken by an adult, since children are not yet able to distribute their roles in the game. For children in the younger group, the teacher chooses the simplest games. The goal of the games is to fix the color of the Lego parts and shape.

"Sort by color"

Material: Lego bricks of all colors 2 x 2, 4 boxes.

Target: Fix the color of the Lego parts.

Rule: Children, at the leader’s command, place Lego bricks into boxes.

Pass the Lego brick.

Material: 1 large Lego brick.

Target: development of movement coordination.

Rule: the presenter closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle at the command of the leader: “Pass.” Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop." He opens his eyes; which of the children has a brick, he becomes the leader.

Middle group

Children already know the color of the parts and shape. Therefore, the games become a little more complicated. Children learn to work using cards where the image is in color. The goal of the games is to learn how to use cards and remember the names of some Lego parts. We develop attention, speed, coordination of movements, thinking.

"Find the building"

Material: cards, buildings, box

Target: develop attention, observation, and the ability to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, looking at it carefully, calling what is shown and looking for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.

"Who is faster"

Material: 4 boxes, Lego parts 2x2, 2x4, 2 for each player.

Target: develop speed, attention, coordination of movement.

Rule: players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own part. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster wins.

"Lego on the head"

Material: Lego brick.

Target: development of dexterity and movement coordination.

Rule: a child puts a Lego brick on his head. The other children give him tasks. For example: Walk two steps, sit down, raise one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If a child completes three tasks and a brick does not fall off his head, then he has won and receives a prize.

Senior group

Children are more independent in games. Children take on the role of leader. In games we develop collectivism, memory, thinking, and learn to study with cards. In the senior group we work with the Lego "Dacta" constructor.

Material: Lego "Duplo" construction set, example of construction.

Target: We learn to build as a team, to help each other. Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills.

Rule: Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building. For example: house, car with the same number of parts. Each child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, selecting the required part and attaching it to the building. The team that builds the building the fastest wins.

Material: cards, details of the Lego "Duplo" constructor, board.

Target: fix the names of the parts of the Lego "Duplo" constructor.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a Lego Duplo part. And they find the same part and attach it to the board. At the end of the game, the children come up with what happened.

"Mystery bag"

Material: Lego constructive set, bag.

Target: learn to guess the details of the designer by touch.

Rule: The presenter holds a bag with Lego parts. Children take turns taking one detail and guessing. Then they take it out of the bag and show it to everyone.

"Put the parts in their place"

Material: boxes, Lego parts 2x2, 2x4, 2x6, beak, paw, oval, semicircle.

Target: fix the names of the Lego constructor.

Rules: Children are given boxes and a construction set, two parts are distributed for each child. Children must assemble the entire construction set in a short time. Whoever collects everything without mistakes wins.

Preparatory group

In the preparatory group, children are already doing well using cards and building more complex buildings. The purpose of the games is to develop speech, the ability to work in a team, to help a friend, to develop thinking and memory.

"Name and Build"

Material: Lego "Dakta" construction set

Target: Fix the names of the Lego "Dakta" constructor, learn to work in a team.

Rules: The leader gives each child in turn a construction piece. The child names it and keeps it. When each child has two parts. The presenter gives the task to build one building from all the parts and come up with what they built. When they built it, one child tells what they built.

"Lego gifts"

Material: playing field, men for the number of players, dice, Lego gifts.

Target: develop interest in the game, develop attention.

Rule: children distribute the little men among themselves. They are placed on the playing field. They take turns throwing the dice and moving clockwise. When the first person completes the entire circle. Then he wins and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts are taken away.

Cube: one side with the number one, the second with the number two, the third with the number three, the fourth with a cross and skip the move.

"Remember the location"

Material: Lego "Dacta" construction set, boards for all players.

Target: development of attention and memory.

Rules: The presenter builds some kind of building with no more than eight parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the building is closed, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it correctly wins and becomes the leader.

“Build without opening your eyes”

Material: board, construction kit.

Target: We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills and endurance.

Rule: in front of the children the board and the designer. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Those who have more interesting construction are encouraged.



Didactic games with Lego constructor.

Junior group

According to the method in the younger group, the role of the leader is always taken by an adult, since children are not yet able to distribute their roles in the game. For children in the younger group, the teacher chooses the simplest games. The goal of the games is to fix the color of the Lego parts and shape.

"Sort by color"

Material: Lego bricks of all colors 2 x 2, 4 boxes.

Target: Fix the color of the Lego parts.

Rule: Children, at the leader’s command, place Lego bricks into boxes.

Pass the Lego brick.

Material: 1 large Lego brick.

Target : development of movement coordination.

Rule: the presenter closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle at the command of the leader: “Pass.” Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop." He opens his eyes; which of the children has a brick, he becomes the leader.

Middle group

Children already know the color of the parts and shape. Therefore, the games become a little more complicated. Children learn to work using cards where the image is in color. The goal of the games is to learn how to use cards and remember the names of some Lego parts. We develop attention, speed, coordination of movements, thinking.

"Find the building"

Material: cards, buildings, box

Target: develop attention, observation, and the ability to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, looking at it carefully, calling what is shown and looking for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.

"Who is faster"

Material: 4 boxes, Lego parts 2x2, 2x4, 2 for each player.

Target: develop speed, attention, coordination of movement.

Rule: players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own part. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster wins.

"Lego on the head"

Material: Lego brick.

Target: development of dexterity and movement coordination.

Rule: a child puts a Lego brick on his head. The other children give him tasks. For example: Walk two steps, sit down, raise one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If a child completes three tasks and a brick does not fall off his head, then he has won and receives a prize.

Senior group

Children are more independent in games. Children take on the role of leader. In games we develop collectivism, memory, thinking, and learn to study with cards. In the senior group we work with the Lego "Dacta" constructor.

“Whose team will build faster”

Material: Lego "Duplo" construction set, example of construction.

Target: We learn to build as a team, to help each other. Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills.

Rule : Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building. For example: house, car with the same number of parts. Each child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, selecting the required part and attaching it to the building. The team that builds the building the fastest wins.

“Find the part the same as on the card”

Material: cards, details of the Lego "Duplo" constructor, board.

Target : fix the names of the parts of the Lego "Duplo" constructor.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a Lego Duplo part. And they find the same part and attach it to the board. At the end of the game, the children come up with what happened.

"Mystery bag"

Material: Lego constructive set, bag.

Target: learn to guess the details of the designer by touch.

Rule : The presenter holds a bag with Lego parts. Children take turns taking one detail and guessing. Then they take it out of the bag and show it to everyone.

"Put the parts in their place"

Material: boxes, Lego parts 2x2, 2x4, 2x6, beak, paw, oval, semicircle.

Target: fix the names of the Lego constructor.

Rules: Children are given boxes and a construction set, two parts are distributed for each child. Children must assemble the entire construction set in a short time. Whoever collects everything without mistakes wins.

Preparatory group

In the preparatory group, children are already doing well using cards and building more complex buildings. The purpose of the games is to develop speech, the ability to work in a team, to help a friend, to develop thinking and memory.

"Name and Build"

Material : Lego "Dakta" construction set

Target : Fix the names of the Lego "Dakta" constructor, learn to work in a team.

Rules : The leader gives each child in turn a construction piece. The child names it and keeps it. When each child has two parts. The presenter gives the task to build one building from all the parts and come up with what they built. When they built it, one child tells what they built.

"Lego gifts"

Material : playing field, men for the number of players, dice, Lego gifts.

Target: develop interest in the game, develop attention.

Rule: children distribute the little men among themselves. They are placed on the playing field. They take turns throwing the dice and moving clockwise. When the first person completes the entire circle. Then he wins and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts are taken away.

Cube: one side with the number one, the second with the number two, the third with the number three, the fourth with a cross and skip the move.

"Remember the location"

Material: Lego "Dacta" construction set, boards for all players.

Target: development of attention and memory.

Rules: The presenter builds some kind of building with no more than eight parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the building is closed, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it correctly wins and becomes the leader.

“Build without opening your eyes”

Material : board, construction kit.

Target: We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills and endurance.

Rule: in front of the children the board and the designer. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Those who have more interesting construction are encouraged.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 128" combined type

city ​​of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Game exercises and didactic games

using constructors like Lego.



Manzharova Alena Nikolaevna



Games that develop logical thinking.


- "Wonderful bag."The bag contains several Lego pieces. a) The teacher shows the part that needs to be found. b) The teacher only names the required detail. c) The child needs to determine by touch what parts the model is made of.

- "Assemble the model." Children assemble a model under the dictation of the teacher. When determining the relative position of parts, the adverbs “top”, “in the middle”, “left”, “right”, “across” are used.

2.Attention and memory.

-"What changed?".The teacher shows the children a model of 5-7 parts for some time. Then he closes the model and changes the position of 1-2 parts in it or replaces 1-2 parts with others. After which he shows the model again and asks to tell what has changed.

- "Assemble the model from memory."The teacher shows the children a model of 3-4 parts for a few seconds, and then removes it. Children assemble the model from memory and compare it with the sample.

- “Remember and lay out the row.”A number of details are displayed in compliance with some pattern. The teacher emphasizes that for better memorization, you need to understand the pattern with which the details are placed in the sample. Children look at the sample for a few seconds and then perform the same from memory.

3.Spatial orientation.

- "Assemble the model using landmarks."The teacher dictates to the children where to place a part of a certain shape and color. The following position references are used: "top left corner", "bottom left corner", "top right corner", "bottom right corner", "middle of the left side", "middle of the right side", "above", "under", " to the left of", "to the right of".

- “Make a layout of the study, group and reception rooms.”For the relative position of objects in the room, a reference point is used that does not coincide with the child’s position.


- “Lay out the second half of the pattern.”The teacher lays out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, observing symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.

- “Make a pattern.” Children create symmetrical patterns on their own - you can depict butterflies, flowers, etc.

5.Logical patterns.

- "What's extra?" The teacher shows the children a number of parts and asks them to identify the extra element (each element consists of two parts of the construction set).

Row continuation exercises. The teacher shows a sequence of elements consisting of construction parts, and the child must continue it.

First stage - each element of the series consists of one design part; two features are used to create patterns.

Second phase - each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer; one feature is used to create patterns.

Third stage - each element of the series consists of two parts of the designer, and two features are used to form patterns.

- "Search for the missing figure."The teacher presents a problem consisting of three horizontal and three vertical rows of figures from construction set parts. The child is given a task with one missing piece, which must be picked up. The cycle of exercises begins with the simplest tasks, when the figures consist of one part and differ in one way. Then the tasks gradually become more difficult.


-"Traffic light". The teacher gives the children bricks of three colors and invites them to compete - who can make the most different traffic lights, that is, it is required that the yellow, red and green bricks be in a different order. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system by which they had to be compiled so as not to miss a single option.

- "Make flags." The teacher gives the children bricks of two colors and asks them to make all possible flags from one red brick and two blue, from one red and three blue, or from two red and two blue.

7. Sets.

-"Select similar ones"- classification according to one property. The teacher shows the children a set of parts and uses a thread to mark a closed area. Then he sets a rule according to which the parts should be placed: for example, so that only red parts or only bricks are inside the selected area.

Games that develop the perception of shape.

“Guess it.”

Target: teach children to recognize familiar construction set parts (cube, folder, triangle, cylinder, arch, tablet, beam) by touch.

Game description: One of the children is blindfolded and asked to guess the shape of the module by touch.

Rules of the game:

  1. Do not give hints or give away a shared secret.
  2. Do not interfere with the guesser, solve the shapes of the parts yourself.
  3. The guesser must conscientiously close his eyes and not remove the blindfolds until he names the detail.
  4. Everyone wait patiently for their turn. Only someone who does not disturb the order and does not interfere with the children playing together is chosen to guess the shape of the parts.

“Make no mistake Parsley!”


Game description: As soon as Petrushka puts on her cap, you need to go up to the modules, select any of them, raise it higher and ask: “Parsley, Petrushka, what’s in my hands?” If Petrushka says that he doesn’t see, go up to him and put the part directly in his hands, and say along with everyone: “Parsley, touch what you have in your hands and guess what module we gave you. Make no mistake, Petrushka!”

Rules of the game:

  1. Maintain complete silence so that Petrushka does not make a mistake and can guess what is in his hands.
  2. You can’t name the module and tell Petrushka.
  3. Closely monitor Parsley's actions. Those who are distracted and break the rules are not chosen by Parsley.

“Do you have it or not?”

Target: Teach children to recognize familiar construction parts by touch.

Game description: The first child is blindfolded and asked to determine the shape of the part by touch. The second child will have to find exactly the same part in shape.

Rules of the game:

  1. Examine the part by touch, with both hands, turning from all sides.
  2. You can untie your eyes only after you have named the part.
  3. You need to select a part and ask if your partner has it one by one, which is established using a counting rhyme:

To have fun playing
We need to count everyone.
One, two, three, first - you!

“Bring it and show it”

Target: Teach children to use techniques for visual inspection of shapes.

Game description: The teacher shows a sample of the part and hides it, and the children must find the same one on their own.

Rules of the game:

  1. Only those children called by the teacher carry out the assignment.
  2. Before looking for a part, you need to take a good look at the sample and mentally imagine what you need to find.
  3. Before showing the children the selected part, you need to check yourself.


  1. Dybina, O. V. We create, we change, we transform / O. V. Dybina. – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2002.
  2. Komarova, L. G. Building from Lego / L. G. Komarova. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 120 p.
  3. Kutsakova, L. V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten / L. V. Kutsakova. – M.: Creative Center “Sfera”, 2005.

Korneva Olga Leonidovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU d/s "Teremok"
Locality: Tazovsky village
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Educational games with LEGO construction kits for preschool children
Publication date: 03.02.2016
Chapter: preschool education




Educational games with

LEGO constructor for

preschool children
Educator: Korneva O.L.
Tazovsky village, 2015. Lego constructors are today indispensable materials for classes in preschool institutions. Children love to play in free activities. Games with Lego constructors are a way for a child to explore and orientate himself in the real world. Children learn from the moment they are born. They touch objects, pick them up, move them - and thus explore the world around them. For children aged three to six years, the basis of learning should be play - in the process, children begin to imitate adults, try their hand, fantasize, and experiment. Play provides children with enormous opportunities for physical, aesthetic and social development. This brochure contains a small selection of game exercises for preschool children that contribute to the implementation of various educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.
Educational area

"Cognitive Development"

"Let's get acquainted"
Goal: get to know the children. Equipment: LEGO brick - “Duplo”. The teacher gives the children a brick one by one and asks: “What is your name?” The child answers and gives the brick back.
“Find a brick like mine”
Purpose: to fix the color, shape (square, rectangle). Equipment: LEGO bricks - “Hollow”, red, blue, green, yellow (2x2, 2x4 cm). The box contains LEGO bricks. The teacher takes out one brick at a time and asks to name the color and shape and find the same part among the proposed three or four parts lying in front of the child.

"Sort by color"
Purpose: to consolidate the names of colors. Equipment: LEGO bricks of all colors (2x2 cm), 4 boxes. Children, at the teacher’s command, put the parts into boxes.
"Find the extra detail"
Purpose: to fix color and shape. Equipment: LEGO bricks in four colors. Since children at this age are able to take into account only one feature when analyzing details - either color or shape, we take several bricks (no more than 6) and ask them to find the extra detail. For example, we take 4 red bricks and one green or 4 square bricks and one rectangular.
"Magic Path"
Purpose: to fix color and shape. Equipment: LEGO bricks. Children sit in a circle (around a table), each child has a construction set. Children move in a circle. The first one lays any brick, and the subsequent ones lay a brick of the same color or the same shape.
"Split into parts"
Purpose: to fix color and shape. Equipment: LEGO bricks. At this age, the child is able to take into account two features when grouping objects (shape and color). We will need bricks of four colors (2x2 and 2x4 cm). We invite the child to divide the bricks into 4 parts.
The number of bricks can be increased to 8.
“Wonderful bag”, “Find the same one!”, “Find and name!”
Goal: To develop visual and auditory attention, visual and tactile memory; introduce the concepts of “element”, “detail”; develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, act according to a given pattern and verbal instructions.
Equipment: LEGO bricks. The bag contains several Lego pieces. a) The child needs to determine by touch what parts the model is made of. b) The teacher shows the part that needs to be found. c) The teacher only names the required detail.
Goal: Develop visual attention, spatial orientation; continue to form ideas about the color and shape of objects; the ability to express one's actions in words. Equipment: LEGO bricks The teacher shows the children a model of 5-7 parts for some time. Then he closes the model and changes the position of 1-2 parts in it or replaces 1-2 parts with others. After which he shows the model again and asks to tell him what has changed.
"Find the building"
Goal: to develop attention, observation, to learn to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings. Equipment: LEGO bricks, cards with images of buildings. Children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, looking at it carefully, calling what is depicted on it and looking for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.
"Traffic light"
Purpose: to fix color and shape. Equipment: LEGO bricks The teacher gives the children bricks of three colors and invites them to compete - who can make the most different traffic lights, that is, it is required that yellow, red and green bricks be in different orders. After identifying the winner, the teacher demonstrates six combinations of traffic lights and explains the system by which they had to be compiled so as not to miss a single option.
"Fish, Beast, Bird"

Purpose: to consolidate the names of fish, birds, animals; develop memory and attention. Equipment: Lego brick. The teacher is holding a Lego brick in his hands. Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, gives all the children a brick in turn and says: “fish.” The child must say the name of any fish, then gives it to another and says: “bird” or “beast.” Whoever makes a mistake or repeats it is eliminated from the game.
Educational area

"Social and communicative development"

"For mushrooms, for berries"
Goal: to establish which mushrooms are edible and which are not; fix the colors Equipment: LEGO bricks. Let's go into the forest with the guys, we'll find mushrooms and berries. They hid from us, we'll find them now. We explain to the children the conditions of the game. Let, for example, green bricks be edible mushrooms, red bricks be fly agaric mushrooms. You only need to collect edible mushrooms. Or yellow bricks are mushrooms, red bricks are berries. Some children pick mushrooms, while others pick berries.
"Traffic light"
Equipment: LEGO constructor
Goal: Continue to introduce the rules for safe crossing of the roadway; develop spatial orientation and color perception.
"On road"
Goal: To consolidate ideas about the rules of the road; encourage the creation of thematic buildings and play them out in joint activities with adults and peers. Equipment: LEGO constructor
"When there's a stranger at the door"
Purpose: To introduce the rules of safe behavior in a situation when a child is alone at home and a stranger rings the doorbell; develop active speech; instill reasonable caution in behavior.
"Traffic light"
Goal: - to reinforce the meaning of traffic lights - to develop attention and memory Equipment: LEGO bricks Option 1: Teacher – “traffic light”, children – “cars”. The teacher shows a red brick, the “cars” stop, yellow – they get ready, green – they drive. Option 2: At a red light, children squat, at a yellow light they raise their hands up, at a green light they jump in place.
“What autumn gave us”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn; develop the ability to correctly classify vegetables and fruits; introduce a new profession - fruit and vegetable picker; cultivate friendly relationships in joint activities. Equipment: Lego set

The teacher invites one of the children to harvest apples from the Lego tree. And put it in Lego boxes for storage. And for other children to collect the potato harvest from the Lego beds into bags. And take the harvested crop to the grocery store. Children are divided into
apple pickers, potato pickers, drivers and store clerks.
"In the animal world"
Goal: to consolidate the knowledge of preschool children about wild and domestic animals.

Equipment: Lego set

The teacher examines didactic pictures on the topic: “Wild and domestic animals.” Emphasizes where each animal lives and what its home is correctly called. Children look at figurines of wild and domestic animals prepared by the teacher in advance: horse, dog, duck, giraffe, fox, etc. Next, it is proposed to play a role-playing game: “Builders” and build a house from Lego for one of the animals.
"The New Year is knocking on our doors"
Goal: To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the customs and traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country. Equipment: Lego set The teacher asks the children questions: “What is New Year?”, “Where does Santa Claus live?” Conducts a conversation with children: “How do people congratulate each other on New Year’s Day?” And he offers to go to the creative workshop of Santa Claus. Children, together with their teacher, board a magic carpet and hit the road. In the creative workshop, the teacher tells the children that there is very little time left before the New Year, but there are a lot of applications from the children. He offers to help grandfather (assemble toys from Lego and send them to the children) and play a role-playing game: “Santa Claus’s Helpers.”
Educational area

"Speech development"

“Practicing prepositions”
Goal: practicing prepositions FOR/NA Equipment: LEGO bricks In the junior preschool group, children with a speech therapist learn prepositions FOR/NA. You can build a small tower (up to 6 bricks) and use it to practice these prepositions. Ask, for example, what
brick ON red? We ask the child to give a detailed answer - “There is a green brick on the red brick.” The same thing with the preposition FOR.
“Lay out the diagram of the word”
Equipment: LEGO bricks Purpose: To develop the ability to carry out sound analysis of words consisting of three to six sounds; continue to learn how to lay out a word diagram, indicating vowel sounds in red, hard consonants in blue, soft consonants in green; consolidate ideas about the concepts of “word”, “sound”, “letter”.
"Tell me a story"
Equipment: LEGO constructor Goal: Develop coherent speech, develop the ability to compose a plot story in a logical sequence, using three structural parts (beginning, development of action, ending); develop children's imagination and verbal creativity.
Educational area

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Constructive modeling activities

“Build a long (short) path!”
Goal: To develop the ability to identify spatial characteristics of objects (height, length, width) and perform simple tasks. Involving the reduction or enlargement of buildings in two ways: by adding small parts to larger ones and by building on parts; develop active speech through the use of definitions (long, short, straight, winding).
"Wide and Narrow Paths"
Goal: Continue to form ideas about the width of objects; learn to compare objects by width; develop the ability to analyze a subject or graphic pattern and correlate your actions with it.
“Lay out the second half of the pattern”
Goal: to teach how to maintain symmetry in construction and laying out patterns.
Lego constructor The teacher lays out the first half of the pattern, and the children must, observing symmetry, lay out the second half of the pattern.
"Who has it higher"
Equipment: Lego constructor, multi-colored cube. Everyone takes a plate, throws a cube, and takes a piece of the corresponding color. You need to build a tower of the same color, higher than your opponent. That is, if different colors fall out all the time, you won’t get a high tower.
"Ornament by dictation"
Invite your child to make a pattern on the panel, arranging the parts in a certain way according to your dictation: “Put a blue brick in the upper right corner, a red cube in the center, etc. Place a blue stripe with four dots anywhere, to the right of it is a red brick, below it is another blue one, and so on. Place four cubes so that the one on the far left is red, and the one on the right is only red.” Come up with similar tasks yourself, with gaps, with laying out figures diagonally from each other, etc. Let this task be during the game of robots or astronauts.
Educational area

"Physical development"

"Pass the LEGO brick"
Goal: to develop coordination of movements. Equipment: large LEGO brick. The teacher closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle; on the command “Pass,” they quickly pass the brick to each other. When the teacher says “Stop” and opens his eyes, the child who has the brick becomes the leader.
"Assemble LEGO bricks"

Purpose: to consolidate the names of colors; develop attentiveness and speed of movement. Equipment: LEGO bricks in four colors. We divide the children into groups of four, scatter bricks on the carpet, put boxes, and distribute who will collect what color. At the command “Start!” children collect bricks. The one who collects the fastest wins.
"My house"
Purpose: to consolidate the names of colors; develop attentiveness and speed of movement Equipment: LEGO bricks There are hoops of different colors on the floor, with bricks of the corresponding color in them. We give the children a brick of any color in their hand; to the music, the children run around the hoops; as soon as the music stops, each child must take his own hoop (the same color as the brick in his hand).
"Who is faster"
Goal: develop speed, attention, coordination of movements Equipment: LEGO bricks Players are divided into two teams. Each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own part. For example, 2x2 cm bricks are red, 2x4 cm are blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster wins. "
Lego on the head"
Goal: improve spatial orientation; to develop the ability to act according to verbal instructions Equipment: LEGO bricks The child places a LEGO brick on his head. The rest of the children give him tasks, for example, walk two steps, sit down, raise one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If a child completes three tasks and a brick does not fall off his head, then he has won and receives a prize.

Card index of educational games using LEGO constructors.

1. Where is Matryoshka?

Target: consolidate the use of prepositions (on, for, in, under)

Visual material:buildings made from LEGO (house, bed, car), toy matryoshka.

Progress of the game: The teacher moves the Matryoshka in the building: puts it on the roof, puts it on the bed, hides it behind the house, behind the car.

Children explain where Matryoshka is - Matryoshka is on the roof, etc.

2. “I am a builder”

Target: consolidate the ability to build a building by securing two bricks with one brick, consolidate colors, develop coherent speech, pronouncing your actions.

Progress of the game : In front of the child is a diagram of how to build an object. The child builds a building, pronouncing his actions (I take a 2*6 green brick, next to it I put exactly the same green 2*6 brick, I secure these two bricks with blue 2*4 bricks, on the right I put a yellow 2*2 brick ,on the left I place a yellow cube 2*2, etc.)

3. Fourth wheel

Target: develop attention, intelligence, coherent speech.

Progress of the game : Look and tell me which detail is unnecessary.

4. “Describe the detail”

Target: develop attention, intelligence, coherent speech

Progress of the game: In front of the child there are several pieces of a LEGO constructor. The teacher shows a detail, the child must describe this detail. (what is it? what color? what shape? what does it look like?)

5. "Colorful details"

Target : consolidate children's knowledge of primary colors, develop fine motor skills.

Move : Children are offered a construction set of different colors (red, yellow, green, blue) and baskets; they need to place the construction set of the same color in baskets.

6. “Multi-colored chest”

Target : teach children to focus on the ending of the word when agreeing neuter (feminine) nouns with pronouns.

Material: box, subject pictures according to the number of children.



I put the pictures

In a multi-colored chest.

Come on, Ira, take a look,

Take out the picture and name it.

Children take out a picture and name the building that is depicted on it.

7. “What has changed?”

Target : develop attention, coherent speech, the ability to describe an object.

Progress of the game : LEGO objects are located on the table in a certain sequence.

Educator: look carefully at the objects, remember how they are located. Then, when you look away, I'll change something. When you turn back, you must carefully look at how the objects are lying and tell me what has changed?


Describe an object that is missing

tell about the place where he stood

what sound does the name of this item begin with?

What other objects have this sound in their names?

8. “Tell me which one?”

Target : Teach children to identify the characteristics of an object.


The teacher (or child) takes objects out of the box, names them, and the children point out some feature of this object.

If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he like?

9. "Assemble bricks - LEGO"

Target: Reinforce your knowledge of primary colors.

Equipment: LEGO bricks in 4 colors.

Progress of the game : Four children are playing. The teacher scatters Lego bricks on the carpet, places the boxes, distributes what color bricks should be put in the box. Children choose the color they will collect. At the command "Start!" children collect bricks. The one who collects the fastest wins.

10. “Assemble the model from memory”

Target : develop attention, memory.

Progress of the game : The teacher shows the children a model of 3-4 parts for a few seconds, and then removes it. Children assemble the model from memory and compare it with the sample.

11. Didactic game “Count and name”

Target: keep the score within 5.

Progress of the game:- Let's play a game. For example: I have one cube - how many cubes do you have?

I have one Christmas tree, how many Christmas trees do you have?

How many Christmas trees does Katya have?(4)

Katya give one Christmas tree to Lisa. How many Christmas trees does Lisa have?

Count how many Christmas trees you have in total?

12. Didactic game “Tower”

Target : consolidate children’s knowledge of primary colors, consolidate the use of prepositions (on, under, between).

Progress of the game : You have bricks of different colors on your table,

1.place bricks on bricks, build a turret (ON)

2.there was red at the bottom and yellow at the top (preposition under)

3. Place the brick so that the blue brick is between the red and green bricks.

Now we will tell you about your design: there is a yellow brick on the table, continue.

Under the red one lies a yellow brick.

Between red and green there is a blue brick, etc.

13. Didactic game “Mosaic”

Target : promotes the development of sensory standards, namely the fixation of size, shape and color.

Progress of the game: Build a snake from green and yellow LEGO pieces.

Build a tower, one bigger than the other

When assembling a snake, what kind of snake can you make? (winding, straight, long, short)

Tell me about your tower, what is it like? What geometric shapes are they made of?

What colors are present in your tower?

How many cubes are used to build a high tower and a low one?

14. “Remember and collect” (team work)

Target: promote the development of memory and attention.

Progress of the game : Look carefully at my figure, remember and build the same one.

What color is your first row?

What geometric shape does your piece resemble?

How many windows does the house have?

What geometric shape is the roof of the house?

It would seem, why talk about games with Lego? Take the cubes and start building whatever comes into your head.

Useful, who cares, but not at all for creative thinking.

TRIZ games with Lego

In my experience, the simplest games of this type are already good after 3.5 years. Their main goal is interest and show that you can come up with buildings from cubes yourself (believe me, there are children who do not understand how to play with a construction set).

You can select several types of games aimed at awakening one or another facet of creative thinking ()

Games for developing imaginative thinking

Option 1

The first player constructs some abstract figure and passes it to the second player. He completes the figure into a recognizable image of an object.

For example, a similar “slide” of cubes can be turned into a Christmas tree, a dog or a person.

Option 2

You will need many cubes of the same size and shape.

Take 1 cube. What might it look like? We offer options: on a box, on a button, on a stool, etc. Take 2 cubes connect the way we want. What does it look like now? Next we take 3, 4, 5... cubes, we connect arbitrarily and fantasize, complement the images!

Games for the development of functional and resource thinking

There are two questions to ask here:

  • What could Lego be combined with to create new buildings, new gaming capabilities?

Connecting Lego and paper(if you pierce it with a hole punch, the holes will be ideal for joining with cubes) - we get figures that are difficult to build only from cubes.

You can organize theatrical performances!

Let's combine classes designing and photographing– it turns out Lego cartoons and Lego comics.

  • How else can you use the constructor besides games?

What properties do Lego buildings have? How can these properties be used for useful purposes?

For example, we can say that the parts of the construction set are firmly attached to each other; they can also hold other objects. If a lot of parts have accumulated, then, using the Robinson Crusoe method, you can make useful functional objects.

Here's what Stas says about the advantages of Lego chess:

“Lego chess is very convenient for traveling: firstly, they are small, secondly, the fastening of the figures to the board is both light and stable, which allows them to be used in shaking conditions, thirdly, they can always be disassembled and something can be created from the parts. something new."

Games for developing dialectical thinking

  • Yes-no game with Lego ().

One player needs to build something unusual (which cannot be immediately guessed), and then, using the game’s questions, the other players guess what kind of object was built.

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