Fallout 4 task to get into Fort Hagen. Reunion. Encounter with Kellogg and his murder

"You decided to use the help of the dog and now your multi-feathered company, consisting of a human, a robot and an animal, are all together trying to find the suspect in the kidnapping of Sean. We are taking the next step in the Fallout 4 storyline.

Follow the dog. After some time, she will lead you out of the city into the vast wasteland. There the dog will pick up the trail and lead you further. Every time the dog stops, pay attention to objects nearby, they have the scent of the criminal on them, which will help the dog to continue to pick up the scent. Along the way you will meet a variety of enemies from mole rats to super mutants, be careful, act quickly and decisively.

Don't forget about useful items that you will come across throughout your journey. In particular, you can get hold of new weapons and armor, ammunition and stimulants, as well as caps. Something will be lying right under your feet, something on the corpses of enemies, and some things can be found in the buildings you pass by.

Along the way, on the side of the road you will come across a dilapidated assault gun. Listen to his story and continue to follow the dog. Some time after this episode, you will meet a super mutant with a dog. You can destroy it with weapons with a high degree of damage.

At the next junction, turn right and go north. Soon your dog will turn off the road and eventually lead you to Fort Hagen. There are two ways to enter this room: through the basement or from the roof. To enter the basement, go around the building on the left, and to climb onto the roof, turn right. Try to stay as close to the outer wall of the building as possible, otherwise the automatic turrets may not notice you at all. If this happens, destroy them and go upstairs. There you will find a large hatch through which you can enter the building.

From the inside, Fort Hagen is guarded by synths who use laser weapons. To protect against energy damage, wear armor with the lightning symbol. To destroy robots, take out a barrel with a high rate of fire from your arsenal. Very soon you will be able to improve your weapon, increasing the damage on a critical hit by 5%. This bonus is given by the magazine "Pistols and Bullets", which is in the kitchen near the entrance to the fort.

Don't forget about useful items, of which there are a lot scattered around Fort Hagen. Among the dangers lurking are automatic turrets. To destroy them, you can use the protectron, which can be activated in one of the rooms with the terminal. Also, one of the terminals allows you to deactivate the turrets and gives access to the arsenal with cartridges and medicines. To hack this computer you will need a well-developed skill.

Having collected everything valuable on the current level, take the elevator to the lower floors. There you will find yourself very close to meeting Kellogg (you will hear his voice over the speakerphone), but to do this you will have to deal with a very large number of synths. Almost at the very beginning of exploring the lower level, near the trolley with the corpse, be careful: there is a laser trap installed there.

Intermediate points on the way to Kellogg will be a command center, a rest room, a room with a generator and a dining room. In the rest room, collect cartridges from the nightstands and nuclear blocks for power armor, and also try to hack the terminal. If you succeed, a fence will open in the room nearby. In the room with the generator you will find another nuclear block for armor, and in the dining room there is a baby doll with a 25% bonus to critical damage from energy weapons.

Following the corridors of the fort, very soon you will find yourself in front of a door to a lighted room, where you will meet with Kellogg. He is guarded by several synths. Don't try to kill them at first, just talk to Kellogg. He will tell you about the Institute where your son Sean is supposedly located, but you won’t be able to get any more useful information from him. Now you can start destroying Kellogg. The smartest thing to do would be to do this from the corridor from where you entered the room, taking cover from enemy fire around the corner. Of course, you'll have to deal with the robots first.

Destroying Kellogg will not be so easy due to his ability to become invisible. This causes a lot of inconvenience and prevents you from using V.A.T.S. To at least somewhat protect yourself from damage, use med-x. Whenever necessary, replenish your health with stimulants. Use grenades and Molotov cocktails to beat up the enemy. After the murder, take available things from the corpse, including an implant and a password for the terminal.

Find a white table with a computer in the neighboring rooms, collect all the valuable items from it, including the magazine “Fun with Robko” and the game Pip-Fall. Enter the password you received, read the information and open the door. Next, you should consult detective Nick Valentine about further actions. He will offer to return to Diamond City and meet with Piper.

As you leave Fort Hagen for fresh air, you will see the Brotherhood of Steel airship and be able to access the Shadow of Steel quest. Don't get distracted by this task for now and head to Diamond City using fast travel. In the city, look for the local newspaper editorial office building, where you will have to discuss further actions with Nick and Piper. Tell us about Kellogg's murder and the fact that you took his implant. Useful information may be stored there. Your further plan will be to find Dr. Amari in the House of Memories, which is located in Goodneighbor. At this point, the "Reunion" quest will be closed and a new task "" will appear.

Complete walkthrough of Fallout 4


Quest "Reunion"

Quest "Reunion"—another story quest in a post-apocalyptic game Fallout 4. Quest "Reunion" begins immediately after completing all the tasks of the previous story quest “Revelation”. Unlike the previous quest, this story quest is quite long in time, contains difficult tasks, but at the same time allows you to collect a lot of useful loot, as well as improve your skills with a bobblehead and a magazine.

Passage of the quest “Reunion”

We finished the previous quest by commanding Dogmeat to follow Kellogg's trail, which (the trail) Dogmeat was supposed to take from the cigar.

Exercise 1. Follow Dogmeat.

The dog has successfully taken the trail, so the Main Character needs to follow her. Most likely, you took Nick Valentine as your companion in the last quest, so he also follows Dog with you. Dogmeat will take you through the Daimon City Market, through the city and beyond. Keep up with the dog.

The path along Kellogg's tracks will be long and dangerous, just follow the dog, checking the map. Along the way, you will have to face serious opponents, such as a dwarf Yao-Gai and several super mutants. Also, in places where Dogmeat will find traces of the kidnapper, it will be possible to find useful loot, Molotov cocktails, stimulants and other things. As a result, Dogmeat will lead you to the building Fort Hagen.

Task 2. Check on Dogmeat.

The Dog will climb onto the porch at the entrance to Fort Hagen and will bark there at the locked door, go up to the Dog and talk to it. Now you will have the next task.

Task 3. Find the entrance to Fort Hagen.

There are automatic turrets located along the entire perimeter of the Fort roof, so you need to look for the entrance to the Fort carefully, trying not to fall into their range of action. There are two ways to get into Fort Hagen, either through the sunroof, or through the underground parking. It's easier to use the first method. Having reached the hatch, sneaking past the turrets, or destroying them on our way, we open the hatch and find ourselves inside the fort.

Task 4. Search Fort Hagen.

During a search of the building, the Main Character will be attacked by synths, there will be a lot of them, so you will have to shoot a fair amount. During the search and clearing of the building, pay attention to 2 rooms, these are the kitchen and the dining room, in the dining room you can find the “Energy Weapons” doll, and in the kitchen the “Pistols and Bullets” magazine. When you search you will collect a lot of ammunition, some weapons, 4 nuclear blocks for power armor and other useful loot. Consulting the marker on the map and clearing room after room, the Main Character reaches his goal - he finds Kellogg.

Task 5. Talk to Kellogg.

Entering the next room, the Main Character sees a kidnapper who is guarded by synths; you shouldn’t shoot right away, you need to enter into dialogue with him. During the conversation, the Main Character insists that Kellogg tell him where Sean is and take him to him; from the conversation it becomes clear that Sean is at the Institute. You can ask the kidnapper how to get there and continue the conversation. The ending of the conversation, under no circumstances, can be reduced to a peaceful solution; in any case, you will have to kill Kellogg and his guards.

Task 6. Kill Kellogg.

It is quite difficult to kill Kellogg and his guards in a swoop; you can use the following tactics. Immediately after the end of the dialogue, we turn around and hide from shots in the corridor from which we came and immediately begin to throw all the grenades and Molotov cocktails you have into the room with the enemies. This will allow you to destroy the synths; Kellogg himself uses armor that makes him invisible, so the VATS mode becomes unavailable.

Task 7. Get more information.

Kellogg is a strong opponent, but in the end the Main Character will defeat him; you need to collect all the loot from the defeated enemy and use his terminal in order to familiarize yourself with his records and open the door.

After you receive additional information from the kidnapper’s computer, you need to talk to Nick Valentine, after listening to you, he will offer to involve Piper, a journalist from Diamond City, in the investigation. We agree with this proposal.

Task 9. Get to Piper's office.

After this, we leave the building, not forgetting to disable the security turrets along the way. Leaving Fort Hagen, you will see a Brotherhood of Steel airship in the sky, and the quest “Shadow of Steel” will appear in the quest log. But we have no time for that now, so we use fast travel to Diamond City.

Task 10. Talk to Piper.

Once in Diamond City, we go to the newspaper editorial office, where you can usually find Piper, the editorial office is located almost at the very beginning of the village. When the Main Character goes inside, he will see that Piper is already talking with Nick Valentine, after they finish the conversation, he needs to ask Piper for advice. To this, Valentine will offer to go to Goodneighbor and use the services of Dr. Amari in the “House of Memories.” We agree with this plan and at the same time say that we have pieces of Kellogg’s brain for Dr. Amari.

After this, you will only have to decide which of them to take as a companion, but in fact, nothing depends on this choice, even if you do not take a detective as a companion, he will still be waiting for you in the “House of Memories”.

On this quest "Reunion" will be completed and the next quest “Dangerous Thoughts” will begin.

It is to Fort Hagen that the main character comes to find the kidnapper of his son and take revenge on him for the death of his wife.

For convenience, use summary :

Description of the Fort Hagen location

Depending on the level of the main character, the defense of Fort Hagen can be different, this applies to the level of synths that live in the fort, as well as to the number of machine guns on the roof of the main building.

There are two ways to get into the fort: through the roof, or through the underground garage. Of these, the entrance through the underground garage is the most optimal route, which leads the main character bypassing the main cluster of enemies, but when going along this path, remember, you will also bypass the main “fat” loot.

To get to the underground garage, you need to move in a southwest direction from the main entrance. You can get to the roof from the western side of the building; to do this, you need to climb the scaffolding and use the hatch on the eastern side of the roof. In the underground garage itself you can find a place to relax, a chemical laboratory, as well as medicines.

Quests related to the Fort Hagen location

Fort Hagen is a location that is directly related to the passage of the game Falllout 4, the fact is that it is in this location that the main quest “Reunion” takes place, during which the main character kills the villain Kellogg. Also, in addition to this quest, this location is connected with the non-main quest “The Last Voyage of the Constitution.” During this quest, the main character is looking for the parts he needs and one of them is located in Fort Hagen.

In Fallout 4, Fort Hagen is not just a location to explore, but also a story location where the player will spend a lot of time. Fort Hagen is located in the very center of the west of the Commonwealth, and Dogmeat, the faithful companion of the protagonist, will help you get there.

In order to find the Fort Hagen base in Fallout 4, the satellite dish will serve as an excellent reference point. Such a structure will be clearly visible from afar, so there will be no problems finding the Fort.

Since the central entrance, upon careful examination, turns out to be littered with concrete and sandbags, there are only two ways to get to Fort Hagen in Fallout 4.

The first method is based on entering the building by using a hatch located on the roof. You can get to it if you go around the building on the right and climb onto the roof.

The second method of entering the building is to use the underground parking lot. The parking lot is located on the left side of the main entrance.

Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 is a rather poor location, since there is not much to profit from there.

In the rooms of the Fort you can find medicines, weapons, caps, Nuka Cola and magazines with bonuses. If you make your way into the Fort through the hatch on the roof, then by turning to the kitchen you can find the "Pistols and Bullets" magazine, which gives a 5% bonus to firearms for critical damage.

There is a terminal on the ground floor that gives access to the supply closet. Don't forget about the large green boxes in which various ammunition is stored.

Also during the exploration you can find a “Fat Man” with a mini-nuclear charge in the arsenal, an “Energy Weapon” doll in the dining room kitchen and several magazines in different rooms. Searching Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 will be interesting.

After searching Fort Hagen in Fallout 4, you can begin completing tasks associated with this place.

The main task to be completed upon arriving at the Fort is “Reunion”, where the main character will have to find the kidnapper of his child and avenge the death of his spouse.

Thanks to Dogmeat, who is on Kellogg's trail, the protagonist will find many clues and clues that will ultimately lead the protagonist to Fort Hagen.

After overcoming traps and enemy attacks, the main character will meet with the one who brought chaos to the protagonist’s life. After talking with Kellogg, you can understand that there will be no peaceful resolution of the situation, so you should prepare for a fight. After his death, you can pick up a Kellogg pistol from the corpse - a unique revolver with good accuracy. And next to the Kellogg terminal is the RobCo - Fun magazine.

The second quest associated with Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 is "The Last Voyage of Costition". To complete this task you will need bearings, which are located in the Fort. After finding the desired object, the turbopump on the ship, which is necessary during the task, will come into working condition.

Opponents at the location

First, the main character will have to face turrets that are configured to defend the facility from the outside. Turrets are not particularly accurate, so there are two ways to disarm them. The first way is to simply shoot them from afar, and the second way is to use the terminal and deactivate the turrets.

Electrical traps that are located on the ceiling and walls inside the building will cause some trouble, so it is worth disarming them.

The player will also have to deal with the offspring of the Institute - combat synths. The level of humanoid machines will be the same as the player's level. That is, if a player comes to a location at level 40, even legendary opponents may appear. You can pick up advanced Institute weapons and ammunition from fallen synths.

Protectron will help in the fight against synthetic machines if you activate it through the terminal and turn on the security mode.

And again on the road. The survivor has to pick up the second direction finder, we go to the place marked on the map of our Pip-Boy.

Robobrain and his iron comrades ambush us near the Fort Hagen base gas station location. We send the warm company to the scrapyard and take away the most valuable thing - a slightly dented, but still working direction finder.

Having launched the decryption program, Ada detects another signal from the robotic brain, and oddly enough, this frightened our companion.

The robot brain is located at the satellite dish of the Fort Hagen base, which means that it is in the hands of the “Rusty Devils” - ruthless raiders. It turns out that they use robots to commit their atrocities, and those who cannot be reprogrammed are simply dismantled for parts.

There is nothing left, we continue our dangerous adventures. At the satellite dish, the Survivor is attacked by Rust Devils with combat robots. We deal with them and look for the entrance to the Fort Hagen hangar (the door opens using the terminal located at the top of the buildings).

To the left of the entrance, behind the door (the lock level is difficult) there is power armor. The armor model is random and depends on the character's level.

We are looking for a robotic brain, simultaneously fighting off the attacks of stormtroopers-devils, robotic eyes and other iron evil spirits.

On the second level there is a nuclear unit for power armor, and a Rust Devil terminal with an Automatron mini-game.

We will find the robotic brain (named Jezebel) in a huge hangar room, connected to the main terminal - a sight not for the faint of heart.

After talking with the robotic brain, it turns out that finding the Mechanist only with the help of a direction finder will not be enough, you need to get to his base. Jezebel is ready to help us, but under certain conditions. Firstly, we need to take her head far away, and secondly, find a new body.

Free the robo-eye, he will help the Survivor in the battle with Ahab.

As soon as we take the head, the Survivor is attacked by the creepy robot Ahab. You'll have to work hard, the enemy is very strong, and the support team is not weak.

Take the carbine and unique elements of the T-60 Tesla power armor from the leader of the Rust Devils, Ivy.

Finally, having come out of the evil dungeon, with a terrible head in your bosom, you can catch your breath. Ada doesn’t understand why we need this head, because we have a direction finder, and a robotic brain can only cause trouble. Returning to the settlement, on a workbench for robots we create a new body for Jezebel, which in the end she will not like at all, they say she has become like a junk robot that was welded from garbage by novice welders - laughter and that’s all.

Jezebel will tell you that getting into the Mechanist’s complex will not be easy; to do this, you need to equip one of your robots with a “satellite module”; the robotic brain will download the drawings into our Pip-Boy.

The picky creature Jezebel decides to stay in our settlement for a while, solely for her own entertainment, well, we will respect the guest.

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