What mobs are in minecraft. Mobs in minecraft

Hello everyone! Today we will consider a wide variety of mobs. For starters, who are the mobs? These are living moving entities that run around the minecraft world. Mobs are very similar to players, only they have no brains and act according to their instincts. They, like a simple player, can also take damage from fire, falling, drowning and other types of damage. When a player kills a mob, different loot will be dropped from it. We must not forget about the experience that also falls out of them. With the help of experience, you can enchant yourself with some things in the enchantment table. Mobs can appear in a variety of ways. When you are in a dark room with no light, then they will definitely appear. You can also spawn mobs on your own using special spawn eggs. Mobs are dangerous creatures that can kill you. They spot the player 16 blocks away, so you need to be careful. But there is also an exception. For example, a ghast can spot a player at a distance of 100 blocks, and an enderman at a distance of 64 blocks. So you have to be careful. Neutral mobs can simply disappear if the player does not notice them and is far away.

Let's start with screenshots of the types of mobs.


Friendly mobs. Such mobs do not attack players, even if he attacked you.

Neutral mobs. They only attack when you attack first.

These mobs can be tamed.

Creatures hell in minecraft differ from those we are used to seeing in the ordinary world, although some of them come across both in the ordinary and in the lower world.

We have prepared for you a small excursion to hell in Minecraft and will tell you about what kind of mobs you can meet there.

Zombie Pigman is neutral to the player. When they meet, they just look without showing signs of aggression. In hell in minecraft it is found in small groups, while if you show aggression towards at least one individual of the group, then you will have to deal with all at once. Some time later, if they are not provoked, they will go their own way. In the ordinary world, zombie pigmen are extremely rare. Mostly at the entrances to the portal and when lightning strikes a pig or piglet. Behavior, when in the upper or lower world, does not change for the zombie bastards. They can drop Rotten Flesh, Gold Nuggets, or Gold Ingots as a drop. It is also highly unlikely that golden swords can fall out of them.

The skeleton, unlike the zombie pigmen, is hostile to the player. In the nether world, it is most often found in a hellish fortress. Armed with a bow and brings quite a bit of anxiety in both the ordinary and the underworld.

Edge Wanderer

Starting with version 16w20a, the Endwalker was added to the nether.

Gast is a huge flying cube, 4 blocks in size with tentacles at the bottom. Even with their impressive size, it is not immediately possible to detect them, since they mainly fly at the very top, where players often do not look. Gastov can be recognized by their strong moans. When approaching the player, they attack him with balls, which, exploding, cause great destruction and set fire to hellish stones. The best way to kill a ghast is with a bow from a distance. As a drop, they drop gunpowder and a ghast tear (an ingredient in the regeneration potion). If you have certain skills, you can first pull up a ghast with a fishing rod, and then kill it.

Efreet is also very common in the nether world. They mostly appear in hellish fortresses. A rather dangerous enemy, since he shoots a fireball three times, setting the player on fire when it hits. In the fight against them, iron golems help well. The snow golems will not be of any use, since due to the high temperature it will immediately die. Snowballs help well in the fight against the golem. One snowball, when hit by an ifrit, removes 3 health points and at the same time it is faster than a bow. Rods fall out of efreet - the main component of the cooking rack.

Lava cubes

Lava cubes look like slugs from the ordinary world. Large cubes, like slugs, first disintegrate into small ones, and small cubes drop out in the form of lava cream (a component of the fire resistance potion).

Wither skeleton

The wither skeleton looks like a regular skeleton, but black and with a sword. On hit, applies a drain effect (taking half heart damage every 2 seconds). A wither skeleton skull (a fragment needed to create a wither) can drop as a drop.


The chicken as a mob in the lower world is found only together with the rider, so eggs do not appear from it, and when the rider dies, it disappears. However, by killing a chicken, you can get raw chicken.

That's all. Anyone who still does not know how to go to hell, read our article how to do

In general, it is fair to call all mobs monsters, and many (in particular, Wikipedia and video reviewers) do so. But it is difficult for us to see a monster in a chicken or a cow, so we will only call unfriendly creatures that way. Nevertheless, it will be correct to say which classes the mobs are divided into in Minecraft:

  • Friendly... There are 13 of them in Minecraft.
  • Neutral... These mobs have nothing against you, but if you attack them, beware.
  • Created... You can do these yourself. There are only two of them - snow and Iron golems.
  • Hostile... But this, like the bosses, is the real monsters. About them and the bosses (next category) below.
  • Bosses... There are also only two of them - the Ender dragon and the wither, but they are the coolest in Minecraft.

There are currently 36 mobs in Minecraft. If you count the mobs from all categories, you get a little more. This is due to the change, under certain conditions, of the nature of the creature. For example, a neutral wolf can become an aggressor (and even make your life shorter), or, if tamed, a gray cutie. Well, then, in fact, the monsters.

The most "monstrous" monsters

There are twenty "pieces" in Minecraft of outright crafting enemies, those who have not been noticed at all in kindness. All these monsters on the video do not give rise to pleasant emotions, and even during the game, when they seek to do some dirty trick, and even more so. But we will list them all - you need to know the enemies by name.

  • Ancient Guardian... The monster of an underwater fortress.
  • Zombie... A mob that has the size and shape of a crafter.
  • Guardian... Light version of the ancient guard. Attacks with a beam.
  • Zombie villager... An unfortunate villager infected with a zombie.
  • Witch... Babaezhka is a Minecraft potion specialist.
  • Skeleton... Fast and accurate archers - a kind of "Robin Hood" Minecraft.
  • Ifrit... An incorporeal, with only a head, a mob from hell.
  • Wither skeleton... Also a hellish mob, a lover of neighbors with efreet.
  • Skeleton Rider... In one case out of a hundred, a spider appears in Minecraft with a skeleton on its back.
  • Spider... This monster has aggression at night.
  • Cave spider... Kindred of the previous one, spawns in mines.
  • Zombie rider... A rare monster representing a baby zombie villager on a chicken.
  • Creeper... One of the most popular mobs, the hero of numerous pictures and videos. Suicidal tendencies.
  • Ender Silverfish... Its spawn depends on the behavior of the Enderman.
  • Slug... The "supplier" of mucus.
  • Gast... Medusa, shooting fireballs at crafters.
  • Silverfish... The smallest monster.
  • Lava cube... The lava version of the slugs.
  • Wither... A monster that looks like the Serpent Gorynych.
  • Ender Dragon... Big boss of Minecraft.

In fact, these are not all monsters in Minecraft. Some mods, such as the "OreSpawn Mod", allow others to be "made" as well. For example, such as in the video game screenshots.

This article is the second part of the tutorial on tactics of fighting neutral and hostile mobs. Next, techniques and tricks for dealing with unusual Minecraft mobs will be described: with, with a skeleton rider and with a slug.

Let's start.

Creeper is a kamikaze mob that, with its green color, disguises itself, quietly sneaks up and explodes! If you notice him in time, then it will become much easier to defeat him, otherwise he can seriously harm both you and your home (well, if, of course, you met him near the house). In addition, the creeper does not lose its activity during the day and does not burn out in the sun.

The easiest way to destroy it is with a bow. Just keep your distance and try not to get stuck.

In close combat, defeating a creeper is somewhat more difficult. The main thing is to keep your distance. If you hear a strange sound followed by a hiss, then the mob is about to explode. Then run to a safe distance. There was no explosion - you can continue the attack.

For both melee and ranged combat, it is worth luring the creeper into the water - there is less explosion, and the speed of the mob is low. When dealing with a large number of enemies, it is worth making an explosion so that it touches the opponents around you.

Creeper drop: 0-2 gunpowder.

The rider skeleton is a skeleton sitting on top of a spider. He combines the properties of both. He knows how to move quickly, jump and crawl along walls like a spider, as well as shoot an archery (if you want to quickly kill any mob - use it), like a skeleton. After the death of one of its "components", the other will remain and will continue the battle as it should be alone (see the previous article), therefore, initially you need to destroy one of the mobs, and only then the other.

Who to destroy first depends on the choice of weapon. First, it is advisable to kill a spider with a sword, and a skeleton with a bow. I warn you that it is almost impossible not to take damage!

But the drop should please you: 0-2 threads from the spider, 0-2 bones and 0-2 arrows from the skeleton.

By the way, if the spider climbs up the wall, the skeleton will begin to suffocate. As the sun rises, the "rider" will burn out, and the "horse" will become neutral.

A slug is a cube ranging in size from 2x2x2 to one block or even smaller. Damage is minimal, and some (the smallest) do not do at all, only push.
You can meet slugs at great depths: in a mine or in a cave. They move slowly.

You can attack with any weapon, but if you beat a slug without a weapon, then after death it will disintegrate into smaller ones.

You don't need to use any special tactics (it's better to keep an eye on other enemies).

Drop: 0-2 slime.

In the next final article of this manual, I will write about fighting mobs.
And in the comments to the entry "Minecraft mobs" you can supplement my manual, from this everyone will only be grateful to you!

Minecraft is a popular computer game. It was developed by Swedish programmer Mark Person. The game consists of four blocks. Game blocks: mobs, objects, landscapes, player. There are 4 game modes:

  • hardcore
  • creative
  • survival
  • adventure

Minecraft: how to make mobs

Mobs in the computer game Minecraft are playable moving creatures in the exciting world of Minecraft. They are shaped like animals. When mobs die, food drops out of them. The player can call a mob at any time. From a distance of 16 blocks, mobs can spot the player.

There are currently 4 types of mobs in the game. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Friendly. These mobs lead a calm lifestyle and do not attack when attacked. Friendly mobs are:
    • cow
    • pig
    • octopus
    • hen
    • tamed wolf
    • country people
    • mushroom cow
    • cat
    • bat
    • ocelot
  • Neutral. They can attack another mob or the player himself in the event that they attack them first. Neutral mobs:
    • zombie - pigman
    • wanderer of the edge.
  • Hostile. Spot a player within a sixteen block radius and attack first. Hostile mobs are:
    • zombie - dweller
    • zombie
    • skeleton wither
    • skeleton
    • spider in the dark
    • skeleton - rider
    • cave spider
    • slug
    • creeper
    • silverfish
    • lava cube
    • witch
    • ifrit
  • Created. You can create these mobs yourself. Created mobs:
    • iron Golem
    • snow golem

How to make a mob spawner

There are two types of mobs that can be made in Minecraft: A mob spawner is a block (transparent) with a blue grid. Mobs then appear from it. So, in Minecraft you can create a Snow and Iron Golem.

Snow golem (snowman) is a mob that you can create yourself. The snowman is always player friendly. At hostile mobs, he can throw snowballs. The Snow Golem has the ability to attract enemies. For this, he makes special traps. If the player stands in the place where the Snow Golem stood, then he can see his real face. A Snow Golem can be crafted using Snow Blocks and Pumpkins.

So, to create a Snow Golem you need:

  • put 2 snow blocks on top of each other
  • put a pumpkin on the blocks. It must be installed last. Instead of a pumpkin, you can still use Jack's Lantern.

Iron Golem is a crafted neutral mob. This is the strongest and largest mob. In the game, in terms of health, he is the third after the Ender Dragon and The Wither. Its dimensions are 2.9 blocks high and 1.4 blocks wide. Outwardly, this mob is very similar to a villager. The Iron Golem can also supply iron. When creating a golem, particles of iron blocks will fly off. The main purpose of the Iron Golem is to protect villagers and players from hostile mobs. When creating an Iron Golem, place the pumpkin last.

To make an Iron Golem you need:

  • with the Russian letter "T" set 4 iron blocks
  • put a pumpkin on top

Now you will know what Minecraft is, how to make a mob in Minecraf, what mobs there are and what mobs you can create yourself. Have a great time!

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