Google satellite maps with man. Satellite map of Russia online. Google Maps - high resolution view from space

They say that the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, seeing our planet from space, exclaimed: "The Earth ... what a beauty!" And indeed, enjoying the view of our planet from space, you never stop admiring its beauties, continents and oceans, all that makes up the unforgettable flavor of our globe. The wealth of information at our fingertips, the Internet, provides us with rich opportunities to enjoy the views of our home planet. In this article, I will talk about network resources that offer a real-time view from an online satellite. I will also describe how to use such services.

Network services for viewing satellite maps

A huge variety of sites for viewing maps from space online should not be misleading. The vast majority of such resources draw information from several basic sources - the NASA channel on the streaming site, card services from Google and Yandex. The independent creation of such maps is associated with large material costs, which is available to a limited number of resources, which I have discussed below.

Working with such services is simple, intuitive, and will not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced user. You go to such a resource, switch the display on it from schematic to satellite (satellite), enter the locality you need in the search box. Then, using the mouse wheel, increase or decrease the display scale to the level you need.

Such maps are created with different frequency (usually once every couple of months or even years). To get a real-time satellite view, you need to go to the NASA channel I have already mentioned below. Or gain access to military satellites, which is available only to a small number of military specialists.

The satellite views are truly breathtaking.

Let's take a closer look at network resources for displaying the Earth from a satellite.

Live video stream from NASA

If you want to get a satellite view through your PC, NASA's video stream on is the way to go. In real time, you will receive a picture broadcast from the ISS (International Space Station), which non-stop (with rare exceptions) transmits to Earth an image from the orbit of our globe. You can enjoy beautiful sunsets and sunrises, oceans and seas, all online and in real time. It really is worth it.

At the same time, if after going to the site you see a blue or black screen, or there is no picture at all, then you should not despair - such dysfunctions are of a short-term nature, and very soon the channel will be restored.

Google Maps - High Definition Satellite View

In addition to real-time display from the ISS, there are many network services where you can view online satellite maps of our planet. And without a doubt, the "" service is the most famous of them. Like all products from Google, it has an attractive design and works on most operating systems. With Google Maps, you can easily build the necessary route when traveling by car, public transport or on foot. You can enjoy a schematic map view, or the satellite view we need (switch to it by clicking on "Satellite" at the bottom left), and even a view of many city streets and buildings in 3D. In addition, Google Maps will show you all the main attractions, bars, gas stations and other amenities that you will meet on your way.

Satellite display on Google Maps

Yandex.Maps - satellite map of Russia

A card service called Yandex.Maps is a worthy alternative to Google in the vastness of our country. Domestic specifics Yandex gives opportunities for creating domestic maps with a higher level of detail and update than Google's (domestic maps in Yandex are updated every two weeks). When displaying maps, four display modes are available, among which I will note the usual satellite display and satellite display with inscriptions, as well as the ability to highlight the selected area, city or area, measure distances, plot routes and other useful features.

Map service on Yandex

Yahoo! Maps is an English-language alternative to Google Maps

Yahoo! Maps is one of the best alternatives to Google Maps. The service was launched in 2007, and since then the number of its fans has been constantly growing. Yahoo! Maps gives you similar opportunities to Google, you can search the service for the directions you need, find the location you are looking for, get information about nearby services and business structures. Also here you can get data on traffic (traffic jams), and in accordance with the information received, plan your trip.

To switch the display to real-time satellite view, click on "Satelite" on the top right.

Map service from "Yahoo"

Microsoft Bing - online satellite maps from Microsoft

The Bing Maps service created by Microsoft is also one of the popular alternatives to Google. The service provides users with detailed information about more than 70 cities around the globe. As in other similar resources, you can find here information on how to get to the required place by car or public transport, check local services, enjoy a 3D display of the city, and use other relevant features. The service also offers a unique "bird's eye" mode that allows you to enjoy aerial views from multiple angles.

Bing service from Microsoft

WikiMapia - viewing the Earth from space online from Wikipedia

As its name implies, the "" service belongs to the popular Wikipedia. Its capabilities allow you to work with various types of maps - from the satellite we need to panoramic and hybrid. The service is developed and improved by volunteers, so if you find any inaccuracies on it, you can easily correct them, which will later help tourists when visiting your places. To add data, there is no need to create a separate account, while all your corrections will be reviewed by moderators for errors.

The appearance of the Wikimapia service

Nokia Maps is a mapping service from Nokia

By acquiring Earthimine, a 3D modeling company with Here, Nokia created a free service for other mapping services. Despite the rather limited functionality (a limited number of American and European cities are available for viewing), the resource has useful information in various areas. It also boasts various types of maps, including a rather nice 3D map, the satellite map we need, and others. Participation in this project of the company "Here" allows you to lay routes to places that are really interesting for tourists.

Map product "Nokia" and "Here"


Almost all of the resources listed above make it possible to view the area we need, enjoying the satellite view in almost real time. Among the entire list of resources, the NASA broadcast on the streaming site stands a little aside - the views from the ISS are sometimes truly mesmerizing.

Satellite map of Russia - high resolution images taken from space by orbital stations. The image that the user sees is made up of many individual shots. The high quality of the equipment used at the orbital stations made it possible to achieve the highest quality of shooting. As a result, on the screens of mobile devices, PC monitors, high-precision high-resolution images are available to us, the image on which is very accurate and clear.

Satellite map of Russia in real time displays high-resolution images. You can see almost all Russian cities on them. By zooming in and out of objects, moving the cursor over individual sections of the map, it will be possible to examine streets, buildings, individual structures and squares. The larger the size of the city, the more detailed the section of the satellite map will be for it.

Satellite map online in real time 2016 - exploring the country together

High resolution satellite maps online 2016 - a collection of high-precision images through which you can study settlements of different sizes at a specific point in time. The user, choosing the object and scale he needs, gets his picture at the same time. By choosing the appropriate parameters, instead of the "satellite view" mode, you can display an image:

  • landscape view;
  • a schematic representation of Russia, its individual cities;
  • satellite view - real image.

High-resolution satellite maps online 2015-2016 are the most user-friendly models of interactive map images from the website service. They will allow you to travel across the territory of the entire state, from anywhere in the world. Satellites make it possible to track up-to-date data on the location and condition of certain muddy objects from different settlements of vast Russia.

Google Maps Service (Google Maps) is one of the most powerful mapping services in the world. Its capabilities allow you to enjoy satellite images of the surface of our planet. You can also use the capabilities of an interactive map, easily build a convenient route from point A to point B, get up-to-date information about traffic jams, and much more. At the same time, not all users are fully familiar with the capabilities of this service, which in a certain way prevents its full use. This material is designed to eliminate such "white spots", in which I will talk about Google maps, which are available online in real time and in excellent quality, and explain in detail how to use their capabilities.

We study the functionality of the online service "Google Maps"

Capabilities of the map service Google Maps

"Google Maps" is a web service that provides detailed visual information about geographic regions and places around the world. In addition to displaying a conventional road map, the service also offers aerial and satellite imagery of various locations, and there are images taken from various vehicles.

This is what the Google Maps start screen looks like.

Google Map includes several popular services:

  • The route planner offers the creation of routes for drivers and pedestrians who want to get from point A to point B;
  • The Google Maps API makes it possible to embed maps from Google maps on various sites;
  • Google Street View (Google StreetView) allows users to view the streets of various cities of the world, virtually moving through them;
  • Google Maps for mobile platforms offers the use of GPS navigation of mobile devices to position the user on the map;
  • Auxiliary services offer images of the Moon, Mars, clouds, and so on. for astronomers and just amateurs.

To start working with Google maps in full screen, launch the service You will see a schematic map of the world (depending on the user's location, usually a map of Europe).

Instructions for using the map from Google

The Google Maps service interface looks like this:

Additional options in the Menu item

Also in the Google Maps menu bar, which opens by pressing the menu button at the top left, the following useful options are presented:

  • « Satellite» - Switches to photographic map display mode, created using satellite photos. Pressing this option again switches the map back to schematic mode;
  • « Traffic jams» - shows current traffic jams in major cities. The color gradation from green to red shows the speed of traffic in the specified traffic jams;
  • « Transport» - allows you to display the schematics of public transport in the right place;
  • « Relief» – allows you to display the terrain of the area
  • « Transfer of geodata» - allows people to follow the location of each other using Google Maps;
  • « My places» - allows you to move between the places you added in the Google Maps service;
  • « Your impressions» - allows you to add some textual impression about any of the places on the map (as well as attach a photo of this place).

Activate Google Maps Satellite View

Displaying Google maps using satellite photos is one of the most popular forms of working with the Google Maps service. It allows you to enjoy the view of the desired geographical location, created using satellite images, as well as images from special devices operating at a bird's eye view (from 240 to 460 meters).

The received photographs are regularly updated (their age is no more than 3 years). They enable each user to enjoy the view of the desired places from the satellite, visually pave the most convenient road from one place to another, and so on.

Google Earth - allows you to enjoy high-resolution images

Among the features of the Google Maps service is the Google Earth service. In addition to the technology of the already well-known satellite mapping of the surface of the globe, Google Earth allows you to view 3D images of many colorful places, while photos of some famous tourist sites have the highest resolution.

A feature of this service is also two, in our opinion, the main functions:


The service "Google Maps" (Google Maps) allows you to both view satellite maps in real time for free, and use various forms of navigation to plot a user-friendly route. At the same time, Google Maps competitors - Yandex.Maps, Bing Maps, Apple Maps and other analogues are generally inferior to Google maps both in coverage area and in general functionality. Therefore, we recommend using Google maps to search and visually view the geographical object you need.

The evolution of maps, navigation and orienteering is taking place in our time. Now! The first travelers and pioneers used paper maps, maps drawn on stones, wooden planks, leather and other objects. At present, few people imagine themselves without electronic navigation, satellite maps, cell phones ... New technologies are coming.

Let's try to understand some of the possibilities that technologies in the field of observation and navigation provide us at the present time. Let's look at history.

Creation of the first artificial Earth satellites

The idea to use satellites as repeaters arose long before they were launched into Earth orbit. first satellite.

For the first time, the engineers of fascist Germany tried to bring aircraft into the upper atmosphere, creating a guided missile "weapon of retaliation".

The Nazis did not achieve their goals, but attracted the attention of many specialists to the development of rocket weapons. People began to think about the possibilities of using guided missiles for scientific purposes.

One of the officers of the British army, science fiction writer Arthur Clark, in 1945 published an article in the magazine "Wireless World", where he proposed the principle of satellite communications and the possibility of turning such missiles into "unearthly relays."

On June 26, 1954, Korolev presented a memorandum to the Minister of Defense Industry, Dmitry Ustinov, " About the artificial satellite of the Earth».

Work has begun on the ISZ project.

October 4, 1957 at 22:28 Moscow time, Sputnik-1 was launched into orbit. He began to give the first signals from space immediately after separation from the last stage of the rocket. It was a metal ball half a meter in diameter with a simple radio transmitter.

In 1967, the Russian satellite TV system "ORBITA" began to operate. It allowed one program of Central Television to be transmitted through an artificial satellite of the Earth: Channel One.

Satellite maps in real time
The discovery of space began with interactive maps - photographs of the Earth received from a satellite. This significant event took place on August 17, 1959, thanks to the American artificial satellite "Explorer 6". The era of satellite photography has begun.
Let's focus on services that have open access.

If someone is content with real-time satellite maps, then there were those for whom this seemed not enough. Employees of the studio of interactive systems from the "Georgia Institute of Technology" went further and proposed real-time planetary observation project in 3D view.

Depending on the time of day, you may see either a very high-quality broadcast or a dark screen. If the second option, then you just need to try again later, since everything depends on the location of the satellite at the moment.

Planet earth in real time online

Also, services such as Google Maps have appeared, which remain the most accessible resource for the average layman.

(To move around the map, zoom in, zoom out, change the image angle, use the navigation in the form of arrows and signs + and - at the top of the map. Try also to control the map by holding the right mouse button)

You can view world maps and satellite photos, determine the coordinates of any point on the planet, measure the distances between objects, calculate the area and get directions with the help of new satellite maps.

(The map can be enlarged or reduced)

If Google Maps provides static information, that is, satellite images are not shown in real time, then there are devices that provide such an opportunity.
For example, using the Baikal satellite receiver, you can get photos and satellite maps in real time.

Satellite weather receiver "Baikal" is designed to receive images of the earth's surface from meteorological satellites in low-orbit and geostationary orbits operating in the frequency range of 137-138 MHz with frequency modulation of the signal in APT (NOAA15, NOAA17, NOAA18, NOAA19) and WEFAX (METEOSAT7, GOES). The receiver can be installed both on stationary and mobile objects, for example, on a boat, yacht, sea or river vessel, icebreaker or car. Picture reception is possible even while driving.

Services, services, discoveries…

With the help of Google Maps and other platforms, enthusiasts come up with more and more new services:

Several startups are developing services similar to projects from Google. One of them is the American company SkyBox, which launches satellites into space. The goal is to make real-time Earth observation more accessible. The company demonstrated its vision for the future of the project with a video showing China's Beijing Capital International Airport, filmed by the Skybox satellite.

There is currently one satellite in orbit. A total of 24 satellites are planned to be launched to cover the entire planet. The satellite weighs only 120 kilograms, and its size is 60 * 60 * 90 centimeters. Shooting detail - up to 90 centimeters per pixel.

To develop this system, navigation systems, satellite transponders, web cameras, such services as Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth will be used.

Real-time 3D city maps or virtual walks

To my great surprise, I found that many people are not familiar with such a concept as " Street panoramas» on the maps. I hasten to fill this gap.

For the first time, the ability to travel through the streets of the city without leaving your computer appeared on Google maps, and for obvious reasons remains the most pumped on this service.

In the window below, you can take a virtual tour of the city of Moscow. Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can also change the viewing angle using the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the picture, you can click in the image area. The arrows on the streets of the city show the routes. You can change your position on the city map by dragging the yellow man in the lower right corner of the image with the mouse:

State Tretyakov Gallery

And in this interactive window you can take a virtual online walk through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery! In the upper left corner of the image, you can switch between the floors of the museum, which is very convenient:

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

"Street panoramas" can be compared to the study cities from satellites in real time. After all, driving into the search " Moscow from satellite in real time» users probably want to see the nearest streets or even their house in the best possible way. Unfortunately, this cannot be done from a satellite in real time, unless special equipment is used.

And for ordinary users who do not want to bother with unnecessary problems, “Street Panoramas” will come in handy, they act as a full-fledged replacement for satellite maps, plus they give a complete overview of the place we need.

And if you want to walk around such megacities as New York, Paris, London, Madrid, Rome, Barcelona and Prague without leaving your home, then be sure to check out our articles:

london 3d
New York 3d
paris 3d
Rome 3d
Milan 3d
Prague 3d
Barcelona 3d
madrid 3d

Also you can see " Disneyland Paris on the 3D map».

Well, if you want to do travel with satellites in real time, then you are here.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that so far you can go on a virtual walk in Russia only in Moscow using the Street Panoramas service from Yandex.Maps.

In addition to walking, this service allows you to:

- make a trip around the city and see the sights;

- plan a trip route in an unfamiliar place, looking at interchanges and road signs with your own eyes;

- look around the house when looking for a new place of residence;

- print a photo of the place you need.

Happy travels!

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