Installing the crack on GTA San Andreas. How to call a taxi in GTA San Andreas and other secrets of the game Graphics problems

In the Beginning
Employer: CJ
This is not even a mission, but a kind of prologue. After watching the video, take the bike and ride to CJ's house, indicated on the radar. Since your ward still has low skills, try to avoid trouble in the form of accidents and enemy gangs. However, if enemy groups start to run into you in the gateway, press the "N" key, this can help. After you reach your destination, your first mission will begin.
Reward: Access to story missions.

big smoke
Employer: CJ
After watching a rather long cutscene, get on your bike and follow your friends. To break away from the ballas machine, press the "forward" key more often. If you can’t break away, just destroy the enemies (I’m sure that you won’t have problems finding weapons if you use our site map (link at the end of the document)). You don't have to worry if you fall behind your friends, they will be waiting for you. The mission will end after you return to Carl's house. After completing this task, you will be offered to save in CJ's house.
Reward: Respect +, safehouse.

Employer: Rider
Ryder wants to rob a local pizzeria and we need to help him in this. However, first, we need to go to the hairdresser. When you arrive, just follow the prompts. Next, we should visit the local eatery, which Ryder just wants to enclose. First, the script will offer our ward to eat, choose what you like. After a short cutscene, head back to Ryder's house.
Reward: Respect +.

Tagging Up Turf
Employer: Sweet
Sweet decides to paint over a couple of drawings of rival factions. CJ will have to help him with this. Get in the car and go to your destination. After Sweet paints over one graffiti, we have to paint over two more. The problem here is that you can get in trouble from both the cops and the enemy bandits, so look out for both. After you paint over the two indicated graffiti, get into the car and go to the area marked on the radar. There you have to mark 3 more drawings, and in this area you will meet with both bandits and the police with a 100% probability. However, you will not have any serious problems anyway, so after the arrival of the Suite, you can safely return to your area. By the way, there is also a graffiti map on our website, the link will be given later.
Reward: $200, respect+, spray paint in CJ's house.

Cleaning the Hood
Employer: Sweet
"Brotherhood" decides to sour a couple of drug dealers' melons. CJ and Ryder were sent to the case. First, we need to enlist the support of a couple of Carl's old homies. We go to the house marked on the radar. After the video, it becomes clear to us that we will have to manage on our own. We move to the indicated drug dealer and kill him. After that, Ryder decides that he needs to pay a "friendly visit" to the Ballas. Run to the enemy house and unceremoniously go inside. After you beat a couple more enemies, return home and complete the mission.
Reward: Respect +.

Drive Thru
Employer: Sweet
Your friends want to eat. Take them to the marked diner. After the cutscene, start chasing the wheelbarrow of ballas. Ryder and Sweet will shoot at the enemies, while Smoke will fill up while sitting in the car. However, one ballas will shoot back, but this will not decide the outcome of the case, soon the enemies will light up with a blue flame and explode. After that, take the brothers home.
Reward: $200, respect+.

Nines and AK's
Employer: Sweet
CJ and Smoke decide to visit an old friend - Emmett, who in the old days supplied weapons to "families". After you reach your destination, you will see that now, the former partner’s guns are no match for the weapons of rival factions, but it’s still better to have a dead gun than to have nothing. After a short shot at the bottles, shoot the gas tank and blow up the old car. Then, take Smoke home. Right after that, Sweet will call you and criticize your appearance. Go to the specified clothing store and buy what you like.
Reward: Respect +, access to clothing stores, the ability to get weapons from Emmett, access to Smoke's tasks.

Employer: Sweet
Sweet decides to take revenge on the unreasonable ballas for their brazen raid on the territory of our gang. In this mission, we have to deal a punishing blow to four groups of enemies. Three of our brothers will go with us. Your task is to drive the car while they pour lead on the ballas. There are no particular difficulties in this mission, the main thing is to try to make the work of our friends easier by crushing a couple of adversaries. After the end of the punishing strike, we will be given two wanted stars. Drop them in the Pay "n" Spray and head back home.
Reward: $500, respect+, access to Ryder's quests.

Sweet's Girl
Employer: Sweet
Before this mission, it is better to store the car in the garage of CJ's house. Sweet will call Carl and say that he was ambushed. Ignore the offer to pick up weapons and go to the place marked on the map. Try to crush as many enemies as possible, then get out of the car and finish off the survivors. Sweet will call Carl again and ask him to get a four-door car. A clunker standing nearby is quite suitable. Pick up Sweet and his girl and go home. A couple of bandits will follow you, but they will not cause any special problems.
Reward: Respect +.

Cesar Vialpando
Employer: Sweet
Get to the point marked on the radar. There you will be given a car. If you want, you can drive into the nearest garage and put a couple of upgrades on it. After that, go to the low rider championship, which takes place near the station. Next, follow the instructions. The first time you may not be able to defeat your opponent, but do not despair - the second / third time you will definitely succeed.
Reward: Double stake, access to Caesar's mission.

OG Loc
Employer: Big Smoke
In this mission, we will have to travel a lot, so be patient. First you need to go to the prison and pick up Ouji Lowe, then head to the place marked on the radar. After a short video, get on the bike and start chasing the adversary. You will not be able to kill him, the script will not allow, so you will again have to travel a fairly long distance. After the end of the chase, the enemy will get off the motorcycle and start shooting back along with his three buddies. Finish off everyone, then take Lowe to his new place of work.
Reward: Respect+, access to Ouji Lowe's quests.

running dog
Employer: Big Smoke
This is a pretty simple mission. If you need 100 rounds for 9mm, then stop by Emmett, if not, then immediately follow to your destination. After the cutscene, catch up and kill the fleeing vagos.
Reward: Respect +, money from the corpse of a drug dealer.

Wrong Side of the Tracks
Employer: Big Smoke
A very annoying and boring mission. First, take Smoke to the train station. After the video, get on the bike with your friend and chase the train. Mission objective: kill four enemies on the roof of the car. At first glance, this seems like a simple task, but it was not there. Your friend shoots, to put it mildly, sucks, and obstacles constantly appear on the road. At the very beginning of the chase, overtake the train so that Smoke starts shooting at the second, third or first enemy, since the last one will be knocked down by a pillar. In addition, you need to go to the right of the neighboring rails so that your friend does not shoot at the train, but at the enemies. After several attempts, you will succeed.
Reward: Respect +.

Just Business
Employer: Big Smoke
Smoke is going to talk to the Russians and CJ has to insure him. Things don't go smoothly, of course, and Smoke is attacked almost immediately. First, we have to clean the building from our compatriots, and then the outside. Then the most interesting begins. CJ and Smoke will get away from the chase on a bike, and this time we will shoot back from enemies, and not drive. Try to take out enemies with headshots, and your ward will finish this mission safe and sound.
Reward: Respect +.

Home Invasion
Employer: Rider
The gang needs weapons, and Ryder decides he can borrow some from a colonel who lives nearby. Get into the van and head to the indicated point. Once you are inside the house, you will be advised to walk. Ignore this suggestion, crouch and move crouched. After you take the box, you still have to go quietly, but there is enough time allotted for the “case”, so don’t worry. After you take out at least three containers with weapons, drive the van to the marked garage.
Reward: Respect +.

Employer: Rider
Tenpenny informs Ryder of an unscheduled gun train stop. Of course, you should not miss the chance to grab some trunks. Take your friend to the marked place. There is already a firefight going on between "ours" and the vagos. Get rid of the enemies. After that, ballas will arrive on the battlefield, but we don’t need competitors, so deal with them too. Next, get on the train. After that, he will start moving and you will have to throw weapon boxes at Ryder. Ten is enough for him. After that, get into the car and get rid of the third level of police attention. Then return to your home area.
Reward: Respect +.

Robbing Uncle Sam
Employer: Rider
This time we are again dealing with weapons, only this time our ward, together with Ryder, will rob an army warehouse. On the issued van, get to your destination, then get over the fence and eliminate the guards. Next, shoot the warehouse gate control panel. Hook up the weapon crate with the loader, and then open the main gate in a proven way. When Ryder gets the van to the warehouse, start loading crates, six will do. Don't forget to cover your friend, because he shoots badly, and the warriors regenerate endlessly. After Ryder climbs into the van, you can crush the remaining crates with the help of a nearby car. You can get hold of armor, health, a couple of grenades and ammunition. Next, go to Emmet's warehouse. A couple of Humvee warriors will follow you, but their AI is rather weak, so they will fall behind you already on the bridge. However, if it gets hard, honk and Ryder will drop the box on the enemies.
Reward: Respect +.

High Stakes, Low Rider
Employer: Cesar
In order to access this mission, you need to have a low rider. "Blade" near Caesar's house is just right for the race. After that, head to your new friend, he will show you the way to the start of the race. Then it all depends on you, the track, in principle, is not difficult, the main thing is to slow down on turns and not arrange “Karmagedonn”.
Reward: 1000$.

Life's a Beach
Employer: OG Loc
Jeffrey wants to throw a party, and for starters, he needs equipment. Get to the beach party and talk to the DJ at the van (answer all questions "Y"). Next, you will need to score 2500 or more points in dancing, it's pretty easy, just follow the instructions. After that, get into the van and steal it.
Reward: Respect +.

Madd Dogg's Rhymes
Employer: OG Loc
Now Jeffrey will ask CJ to steal the poems of a famous rapper. Head to the marked mansion and get ready for some stealth action. You will be given a knife with which you will need to kill the guards. It makes no sense to describe in detail their location, since the game itself gives hints regarding each adversary. When you have the "book of rhymes" you will be allowed to use a weapon, it's up to you to use a knife or leave noisily. After that, return to the diner and give Jeffrey the "book of rhymes".
Reward: Respect+, access to C.R.A.S.H.

management issues
Employer: OG Loc
Now Jeffrey will ask your ward to eliminate Madd Dogg's manager, as he spreads "false information" about him (according to Jeffrey himself). There is nothing to do, we go to one of the carriers of our goal. We throw it out of the car and drive carefully to the destination. If you scratch your car, you'll have to go to Pay "n" Spray. Next, we select a manager and take him to the pier for a “sea trip”. If his guards see how you threw the car with their owner into the river, then you will have to kill them too.
Reward: Respect +.

house party
Employer: OG Loc
Finally, everything is ready and Jeffrey throws a "cool" (in his opinion) party. CJ decides to go outside and get some fresh air. Unfortunately, the idyll is disturbed by disturbing news: the Ballas are preparing an attack on the area. Everyone starts to fuss and prepare for defense. First, two cars with eight enemies will arrive along the main road. After you destroy them, four more adversaries will appear on the bridge, send them to the forefathers. Next, the enemies will start to climb out of all the holes. Kill them all, while covering the Suite along the way.
Reward: Respect +.

Burning Desire
Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
Now CJ will have to work for corrupt cops, the benefit of the task so far is only for the benefit of the gang. In this mission, you have to set fire to the house of one of the vagos. Get into the police car and head for the Molotovs. After you pick them up, get to the victim's house. To begin with, I recommend that you kill all the enemies outside the building, and only then, throw cocktails at the windows. If you accidentally lose all the Molotovs, you will be shown the location of the spares, so don't worry about that. After arson, it turns out that there is a girl in the house, but our ward needs to save her. Run to the burning house and take a fire extinguisher (by the way, in the house, among other things, you can find $1000). Get to the girl, and then, take her out of the house, putting out the fire along the way. After the end of this mission, you can go on a date with her.
Reward: Girl, access to the Doberman mission.

Gray Imports
Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
Now you will need to "level the chances of the gangs" by eliminating the Russian weapons supplier. Head to the docks. After arriving, start shooting enemies. Next, move through the warehouse, destroying the Russians and Ballas. Shooting at a Russian dealer is useless at first. Run after him until he gets into his car, after that, get on the bike and shoot his transport.
Reward: 0 Russian rubles.

Employer: Sweet
Our gang was thrown by one reptile, however, it is not so easy to get it: it is located on enemy territory. We'll have to start a war. To get started, stop by the gun store and buy ammo for your barrels. Next, head to Glen Park, and shoot some ballas there. After that, destroy all three waves of attackers. Health and armor appearing on the roads will help you clear the territory. When the territory becomes ours, kill the Ballas, who is precisely that traitor.
Reward: Respect +, access to a weapons store, the ability to capture territories, territories begin to generate income for CJ.

Los Sepulcros
Employer: Sweet
At the funeral of a traitor from a previous mission, all influential figures from the Ballas gang come. Even Kane himself honored this ceremony with his attention. Hire two people from your gang and go to the marked place. You will need to get there in four minutes, but there are enough of them, so you can take your time. After you get to the cemetery, climb over the wall, watch the cutscene and attack the ballas. It's best to kill Kane right away as he may try to escape with his car. After that, finish off his guards and head back home with Sweet. If the cops bother you a lot, repaint the car.
Reward: Respect +.

Reuniting the Families
Employer: Sweet
In my opinion: this is the most interesting and dynamic mission in Los Santos. Take the lads to the hotel for negotiations. But, as you know, in the world of GTA, almost no deals go smoothly. The meeting of families is covered by special forces. Ryder and Smoke flee, and CJ goes to rescue his brother. We will get shotgun shells, it is better to use them in order to shoot down a helicopter that is looming over the hotel. Everyone will die: both the special forces and the Groves, but such is the price of victory, there is nothing to do. After that, go to the hotel and start cleaning it from the special forces. Help your people shoot back, after which, go to the Suite. When you leave the hotel, the police helicopter will start pestering you again (probably it flew in while we were cleaning the hotel ...), it must be shot down. After that, go down to the street. Smoke and Ryder will pick you up. If you think that everything is over, then you are mistaken: the main hell is yet to come. We will be given an AK-47, and with its help we will need to shoot back from the cops. After you put down a lot of cops, the Kalash will jam and Smoke will have to turn into a dead end. There we will have an effective ending of the mission.
Reward: Respect +.

Green Sabre
Employer: Sweet
The Groves have grown stronger in recent days, and Sweet decides to deal a devastating blow to the Ballas. However, CJ will have to digress from this attractive event, as Caesar will call him and ask him to urgently come. We get to the car standing in the shade and sit down in it. We watch a video in which Carl finds out that Smoke and Ryder turned out to be traitors. Then we go to the place indicated on the radar. Sweet's lives will decrease quite quickly, so you should hurry. After you reach your destination, shoot back at the ballas until Carl is tied up by the cops. At this point, the missions of the initial stage in Los Santos are over.
Reward: Respect +, loss of the gang and all territories, loss of all weapons, moral humiliation of CJ, a van in the village.


Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
The essence of this task will be explained to you in the final video of the previous mission. Go to your nearest Ammunation store and buy a couple of guns. Then, take the bike and go to the place marked on the mountain. Our target is in a house guarded by the feds. You have two choices: either "surprise" the enemies, break into the house, kill the informer, photograph his body and quickly retreat, or systematically kill all the adversaries and pursue the target that will try to escape by car. It all depends on your style of play, the main thing is not to try to take off the snitch's head - employers will have to identify his corpse in the photo. After that, return back to the van.
Reward: None.

tanker commander
Employer: Catalina
Catalina missions can be completed in any order. But still, it’s better to start in any case with a gas station, since it is closest to the place where the task was received. After the video, in which your accomplice unsuccessfully tries to rob a gas station, get into the truck and hitch a tank of gasoline standing nearby. Before you start driving, it is best to study the route that you have to overcome well, because in the countryside the roads are very confusing, and maneuvering a fuel tanker is quite difficult. After the start of the movement, the owners of the gas station will follow you. They cannot interfere strongly, but still, it is better to get rid of this trouble by destroying their car. After you reach the indicated point, the mission will end.
Reward: $5000, access to cargo missions.

body harvest
Employer: Truth
Your new friend wants to get a harvester for his "garden". Go to the farm indicated on the radar. There you will meet quite a lot of enemies, who are also armed with rifles that take a considerable amount of lives. Try to move carefully through enemy territory. After you steal the harvester, go to the area marked on the radar. If you want to save time: go down the mountain, however, your clumsy vehicle can easily roll over in this case, so it is better to avoid all dangerous sections. Reward: Respect +.
Local Liquor Store
Employer: Catalina
Go to the liquor store (it's better to take a fast motorcycle). After the cutscene, you will have to catch up with your competitors while Catalina will shoot them. After the death of the enemies, collect all the suitcases with money and go to the hideout of your accomplice.
Reward: 1000$.

Against All Odds
Employer: Catalina
This time we have to enclose the bookmaker's office. After you reach the target building, Catalina will give you ten backpack charges. Come inside and watch the video. After that, blow up the door to the vault, and then the safe inside it. Leave the building, get in your car and drop four stars in Pay "n" Spray. To complete the mission, return to Catalina's house.
Reward: $2000.

Small Town Bank
Employer: Catalina
Finally, we have to raise a serious jackpot. Get to the bank and watch the cutscene. Ignore Catalina's order and kill the servants and the guard (you still won't be able to keep them). After that, destroy the ATMs, collect the money and leave through the back door. Unfortunately, the cops have foreseen this, and you and your accomplice will have to break through with a fight. At the end of the gateway, kill the two policemen who arrived on bikes. Next, confiscate the vehicle and follow Catalina. Soon, she will fall into an ambush, and it is up to you to rescue her from the trap. After that, head back to the hideout.
Reward: $10,000.

Wu Zi Mu
Employer: Cesar
For this mission we need a car. The Buffalo at Catalina's house is fine. There is no specific plan for completing this mission. I can only give you two pieces of advice: at the beginning of the race, try not to fall into the water, and at the end, take shortcuts. Enemies in this mission are easy to overtake.
Reward: $5000.

Farewell, My Love…
Employer: Cesar
In this mission, we have to go through the last race in the opposite direction. The difference here is that we will be given a ZR-350. The car, in principle, is not bad, but it is completely unsuitable for off-road driving. You will now and then skid around corners, but if you slow down in time, you can avoid this problem.
Reward: Garage in San Fierro.

Are You Going to San Fierro?
Employer: Truth
After watching the cutscene, run out of the barn and start burning the cannabis growing nearby. Try to avoid fire, CJ takes a lot of damage from it. After you reach the middle of the area, the camera will begin to "stagger". When you're done with the arson, go to the bus and grab the flare gun. Shoot down the police helicopter, get into the van and go to the garage that you won in the last mission.
Reward: Respect +.

San Fierro.

Wear Flowers in Your Hair
Employer: CJ
elemental mission. Just move around the marked places and collect people. You will also be asked to go to the hospital and the police station. After this task, you will be able to buy a toy store and gain access to Zero's missions.
Reward: For such a freebie?

555 We Tip
Employer: CJ (C.R.A.S.H.)
This time, our "cop friend" will ask CJ to frame the district attorney. Drive to the marked hotel. After that, go to the underground garage and kill the footman. Then, change into his clothes, go outside and wait for the prosecutor (his car was shown in the video). When you are inside the target car, quickly get to the garage. There the car will be loaded with grass and repaired. After that, very carefully return to the parking lot: if you damage the car, you will have to go back to the garage. After you park the car, exit the garage and call the cops. Then, watch the video in which the district attorney is tied up by the police.
Reward: Opportunity to work as a lackey.

Employer: CJ
This time you won't have to go far. Go to the construction site near your garage, get into the bulldozer and start destroying the trailers. If the workers bother you a lot, just get rid of them. Then push the toilet with the foreman into the pit (using a bulldozer or crane) and fill it with concrete.
Reward: access to an extreme driving school.

Photo Opportunity
Employer: Triads
A very boring mission. First, Caesar will call us and say that he has spotted the Ballas car. It is located far enough, but there is nothing to do, you have to drag yourself through half a map. After you get to your destination, get into Caesar's car and drive to Angel Pine. If you do not know rural roads - do not risk your nerves and time and go to the highway, from there it is easy to get to the ill-fated village. After that, climb onto the roof of the building, and take a picture of four faces (Ryder, T Bone, and two other men whose names are unknown) that will appear on the screen. After a short cutscene, the mission will end.
Reward: Respect +.

Employer: Loco Syndicate
CJ tries to ingratiate himself with Jizzy in order to get more information about the syndicate. In this mission, we will have to be a kind of "handyman". For starters, drop the girl off at the hotel. I hope you will have no problems with this assignment. Then go Hashberry and kill the insolent pimp. It's best to just run him over. However, try not to hurt the prostitute. Then, Jizzy will inform you that some clients have spread their arms too much and you will need to pacify them. Go to your destination and shoot the enemies. After that, you will be informed that the girl that you threw in the hotel wants to retire. Nobody gave her permission, therefore, the problem needs to be settled. Head to the hotel, and after the cutscene, start chasing the limousine. Shoot down the limousine and the security car to finally complete the mission. As a "bonus", you will be given two wanted stars.
Reward: $3000, respect+, access to Vusi's tasks.

T-Bone Mendez
Employer: Loco Syndicate
Now our ward will get acquainted with the second important person from the syndicate - T-Bone. Our new employers are informed that a merchandise van has been ambushed. CJ is sent to investigate the situation. After you get to the van, start chasing the bikers. Your goal will be to grab all the packages with the stolen drugs. Just catch up with the motorcyclist and grab the goods. In this mission, once again we will be prevented by crazy traffic on the streets of the city, but it is much easier to maneuver on a bike than on a prosecutor's car.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

Mike Toreno
Employer: Loco Syndicate
Mike Toreno, another influential figure in the syndicate, was captured, and we have to rescue him side by side with T-Bone. Time is limited, you have five and a half minutes to find Toreno. To begin with, we will need to visit the construction site and the docks. After that, head to the airport, and then, find the Toreno van on the signal (the closer you are, the stronger the signal). After that, shoot all the enemies. You will be shown a short video, after which the van will have to be destroyed. Leave the airport and reset three stars in Pay'n'Spray. Return to Jizzy's club to complete the mission.
Reward: $7000, respect+.

Mountain Cloud Boys
Employer: Wu Zi Mu
Woozy will ask Carl to take him to the meeting of the triads. We will not refuse our comrade and fulfill his request. After you arrive at the meeting point, follow Woozy to the open gate. After the scripted video, you have to kill a bunch of bandits who have already managed to destroy one clan of triads. You can not count on your friend: he shoots badly, however, like your enemies. The only danger is the sniper who is on the roof of the house. After you finish with the enemies, get into the car. You will be chased by two enemy vehicles. At this stage, skillful driving is required of you, try not to expose yourself to bullets and Wuzi will easily destroy adversaries. After that, drive your friend back to the office.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

Ran Fa Li
Employer: Wu Zi Mu
Our new friend, Ran Fa Li, needs a package that is at the airport, in the underground parking, in the car. Get to your destination and get into the car. After that, the exit will be blocked by enemies. You can try to break through the ambush or try to drive out on free paths (you will have to play around a bit). Either way, after you're outside the parking lot, head to the marked garage. Four bikers will chase after you, but they will not cause you serious problems, as they will quickly get lost in the crazy traffic of San Fierro. Near the garage you will meet a couple more enemies, but to complete the mission, they will no longer interfere with you.
Reward: $6000, respect+.

Employer: Wu Zi Mu
Now, we will need to lure the enemies away from Wuzi's office so that Ran Fa Li can safely leave from there. Get into the issued car and go to Angel Pine. How long, how soon, but you will reach your destination. This is where the main part of the mission begins. You will have to drive through all the checkpoints, simultaneously dropping enemies on bikes from the tail. If the latter fails: just shoot the bikers from the car window, however, do not stop watching the road, because there are many dangerous areas in the forests. After you complete the "forest walk", the mission will end.
Reward: $8000, respect+.

Amphibious Assault
Employer: Wu Zi Mu
Before receiving this mission, you should pump your lungs, otherwise, you simply will not be allowed to start it. Woozy wants you to plant a bug on a Vietnamese ship. Head to the marked area at the docks and jump into the water. After a short swim under the rocks, you will encounter enemy boats. To avoid unnecessary attention, swim underwater and swim to the surface only when you start to run out of air. After you get on the ship, take the knife and use it to make your way to the marked area. Then, leave the ship and swim to the pier, avoiding enemy boats.
Reward: $11,000, respect+.

The Da Nang Thang
Employer: Wu Zi Mu
This time, you will need to fire at the enemy ship from a helicopter with a minigun, however, it is useless to do this, since a rocket shot will shoot down your air transport anyway. After the fall, you will lose all weapons except for the knife, and it is better to kill the first enemy on the ship quietly, since he is armed with a shotgun. After that, ignore the hints and shoot the enemies with salvaged weapons, as they will detect you anyway. Then, you must release the refugees who are in the cargo hold. They will tell you that the captain of the ship betrayed them and ask you to kill him. Go to the captain's bridge and cut the traitor with a katana, which he himself will throw at you. At this stage, a funny glitch can happen: a plane can crash into the wheelhouse, so try to leave it as soon as possible. After you return to the refugees, the mission will end.
Reward: $15,000, respect+.

Employer: Triads (Loco Syndicate)
Jizzy will call Carl and ask him to help him run the syndicate business. Go to the gas station, and then, after watching the video, to the indicated place. Take a rocket launcher, a sniper rifle and get on the bike. You have to eliminate four cordons before the syndicate van gets to them. All of them are easily destroyed with a couple of rockets, so you should not have any difficulties in completing this task. Just try to be fast and accurate. After completing the mission, you will receive three wanted stars.
Reward: $9000, respect+.

Snail Trail
Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
Our ward decided to visit old acquaintances who want him to kill a couple more people (a journalist and an informant). Pick up a sniper rifle and go to the station, get on the bike there and follow the indicated train for a long and tedious time. Then the most difficult part of the task begins: in order not to frighten off the journalist, you will need to be at the optimal distance from him. When the target gets out of the taxi and starts a conversation with the informant, kill both of them with well-aimed shots. Unfortunately, for such an amount of time spent, you won’t even get a pathetic “respect”.
Reward: No, sorry.

Ice Cold Killa
Employer: Triads
Finally, it's time to deal with the syndicate. First on the list is Jizzy. Go to his club and destroy the guards at the entrance (just in case). Then, shoot out all the tires on Jizzy's car and damage it as much as possible (but don't blow it up). After, rise to the roof of the club and enter the open window. Calmly go downstairs and watch the cutscene, after which, Jizzy will start to run away. Kill all his guards and follow him. He will sit in the car, which you have already pretty much had time to ride. Shoot it a couple of times, and then kill Jizzy who jumped out of her. Picking up his phone will complete the mission.
Reward: $12,000, respect+.

Pier 69
Employer: Triads
In this mission, we should deal with T-Bone and Ryder. Climb up to the roof to Caesar and get ready to shoot. After the cutscene, you need to kill the reefers who attacked the triads. When you deal with this problem, another cutscene will play, in which Ryder and T-Bone arrive. Toreno will fly in by helicopter and fly away from the battlefield, as he will notice the corpses on the roof. Head towards the pier, shooting enemies along the way. Near the water, T-Bone will be waiting for his fate. Kill him, and after the next cutscene, chase Ryder. Your former comrade will steal the boat and will try to get away on it. Grab the second ship and chase it. It will not be easy to shoot the enemy boat, because it is quite strong, but after a couple of clips it will still explode, and you will complete the mission.
Reward: $15,000, respect+.

Toreno's Last Flight
Employer: Triads
It remains to destroy the last member of the syndicate - Toreno. Head to the helipad and kill all the enemies there. Then pick up the rocket launcher, get on the bike and go chasing the helicopter. You will definitely get two stars, so the cops will interfere with you in every possible way. After you overtake the helicopter, get off the bike and try to hit it with the flare gun. When the spinner explodes, the mission will end.
Reward: $18,000, respect+.

Employer: Triads
To finally end the syndicate, you need to destroy its chemical plant. For this mission, you will be given a mined car. Go to the factory on it, and crush the guards at the entrance so that the enemies open the gates. Then, drive into the building on the iron sheet and park the car in the marked area. Activate the bomb and run away from the factory, ignoring its guards. After you find yourself on the street, an explosion will thunder. Now - your goal is to get out of the factory. Head to the gate, simultaneously destroying all adversaries. Suddenly they will be closed, and you will have to get out with the help of a car, which the enemies will kindly leave for you. Jump out of the plant on the "flooring" and return to the garage.
Reward: $25,000, respect+.

air raid
Employer: Zero
Berkeley, one of Zero's competitors, sent miniature bombers to the Zero RC store, and CJ's task is to shoot them with a machine gun for three minutes. The mission, in principle, is elementary, the main thing is to monitor the radar and not allow enemy planes to bomb the store from the rear.
Reward: $3000

Supply Lines
Employer: Zero
This time we have to go through a rather difficult mission. And the point here is not the complexity of the latter, but the inconvenient control of a miniature aircraft. Objective: Destroy five Berkeley couriers using the airplane. The supply of fuel is limited, and the messengers are shooting back, so life will not seem like a raspberry to you. In this mission, the main thing is to adapt to uncomfortable controls, but there should be no problems with the rest. If you run out of fuel, lower the airplane to the ground, and move it along it, so the fuel does not run out.
Reward: $5000

New Model Army
Employer: Zero
To finally get rid of Berkeley, you need to win a kind of "toy duel" by covering RC Bandit Zero. In this mission, you will control a toy helicopter. Ignore the hints of the game, pick up the bomb and destroy the enemy tank. Do the same with all enemy vehicles. Next, you have to clear the path of the RC Bandita from the barrels, and throw off the bars in certain places so that Zero can drive through the rivers. If an enemy helicopter interferes strongly with you, then destroy it as well. The time allotted for the mission is enough for you.
Reward: $7000, Zero RC store generates $5000 every day.

Zeroing In
Employer: Cesar
The next four missions will open to you after purchasing the Wang Cars dealership. You will need to steal certain cars for the car dealership. The first one just passes by your garage. On the issued car, overcome the original checkpoints. Soon, you will see the target. Stop it with the P.I.T. maneuver you learned in driving school. It is best to act when the car is on a straight and long road. After you get the desired car, drive it back to the garage.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

test drive
Employer: Cesar
Caesar found out that the two cars we needed were in another car dealership. Go there and steal cars. Caesar decides to check them out, and you have to follow him, dropping the cops along the way (you will receive two stars). Do not pick up a lot of speed - on the roads of San Fierro, she is not your friend. After Caesar gets tired of driving through the hills, go back to the garage.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

Custom Fast Track
Employer: Cesar
The car that the client needs is in one of the containers on board the cargo ship. Head to the docks and get on the crane, then lower the containers to the marked spots. When Caesar finds the right car, the guards will show up. Get off the crane and help your partner shoot back. After the last of the enemies goes to another world, get into the car and go to the garage.
Reward: $10,000 (depending on car damage), Respect+, access to car import/export.

Puncture Wounds
Employer: Cesar
The owner of the last car the dealership needs is driving around the city and you need to stop her. Get into the car with spikes and go to intercept. After you overtake the target, throw the thorns. The hostess will stop the car and run away. CJ will change the tires, after which the car will drive normally again. Take her to the garage.
Reward: $5,000, Respect+, Wang Cars generates $8,000 every day.


Employer: unknown.
"Mr. X" wants CJ to show himself in action. You will be given a jeep with huge wheels, and it is on it that you have to go through a deserted track, consisting of thirty-five checkpoints. The mission, in principle, is not very difficult. To get the maximum reward: Complete the race in less than 4:20 minutes To just complete the mission: Complete the race in less than 6:00 minutes.
Reward: $5000 (1st place), $4000 (2nd place), $3000 (3rd place), $2000 (4th place), $1000 (5th place).

Employer: Mike Toreno
"Mr. X" turned out to be Mike Toreno - the head of the syndicate you tried to kill and part-time government agent. He promises CJ to release Sweet from prison if CJ completes a couple of assignments. The first is to get a truck with a tank of gasoline, which is heading to San Fierro. Caesar will help you in this mission. Get on the bike and go to the main road. As soon as you catch up with the truck, attach yourself on a motorcycle near the left door of the tractor. Hold this position for a while and Caesar will jump onto the truck and start fighting the driver. After the truck is "captured", get into it and head to the garage.
Reward: $7000.

Employer: Mike Toreno
This is a rather difficult mission. You have to cover the helicopter that delivers the contraband needed by Toreno. First of all, go to the place marked on the radar, pick up a bazooka there and get into any of the three vehicles (it is best to take the Bandito). Then, go to the top of the mountain and, after watching the script video, start shooting enemy helicopters (there will be five in total). Next, go down the mountain and go for the cargo, ignoring the two stars from the cops. To complete the mission, deliver the contraband to the marked location.
Reward: $1000

Verdant Meadows
Employer: Mike Toreno
In this mission, we need to buy an abandoned airfield ($80,000) and go through a pilot school. If there are no problems with the first task, then the second one will have to suffer, but I am sure that sooner or later, you will still complete your flight training.
Reward: Pilot's license, access to races (with passing driving school).

Employer: Mike Toreno
And here is the first test of the acquired skills, you need to deliver a certain cargo to the people of Toreno, who are in Angel Pine. Get on the plane and fly to the village. But be careful: you need to fly below the radar to remain undetected, otherwise, a couple of fighters will be sent after you. The most difficult thing to fulfill this requirement will be in rural areas, because there are a lot of trees. Try not to fool around and fly around dangerous areas, since there is more than enough time for this. After you drop the cargo, go back to the airfield and land the plane anywhere on the runway.
Reward: $15,000.

Employer: Mike Toreno
Now Toreno wants CJ to prevent conflict in the Middle East by destroying a plane filled with mines. Get on the bike and drive into the cargo hold of the plane. The problem here is that the plane accelerates very quickly and it is not easy to catch up with it. To speed up the motorcycle, use the up button and follow the plane exactly, not the wings, dodging the barrels. Once you're inside, remove your weapon, as any shot will blow the air transport to pieces along with CJ. Kill all enemies, plant explosives, pick up a parachute from one corpse and jump out of the plane. It will explode without your participation.
Reward: $20,000

Black Project
Employer: Truth
Our old hippie friend wants CJ to steal something for him called the Black Project, which is located in a military base. Despite the fact that all our enemies in this mission are military, you can not be afraid. Their AI is not far from the AI ​​of Los Santos bandits or the syndicate, so you won't have any problems killing them. You can try to complete this mission quietly, however, it will take a lot of time, so it's best to use the old and proven "kill them all" method. After you kill all the soldiers on the surface, shoot off the ventilation grate and go down inside the base. Poke around there a bit, destroying the American troops along the way, and soon you will come out to the mine. Go down to the bottom and pick up the jetpack. Use it to fly back to the surface and head to the marked point on the radar. Give the Black Project to the hippies and complete the mission.
Reward: what to take from the old man?

green goo
Employer: Truth
Now, you will need to steal "something" from the train. Head to the marked points on the radar. As soon as you see the train, start shooting all the soldiers who ride it. After the enemies are finished, shoot three boxes. In one of them you will find a green muck that just needs to be stolen. Pick up the "thing" and return to the abandoned airfield.
Reward: $20,000, airfield generates $10,000 every day, jetpack at the airfield.

Las Venturas.

Fender Ketchup
The Vuzi casino is being troubled by certain mafia groups. Just recently, the “language” was caught, which we have to talk to. Leave the issued car on the highway and move near the oncoming lane. After a while, turn around sharply with the handbrake, this will fill the prisoner's fright scale. Do this operation until the “language” speaks. After, go back to the casino.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

Explosive Situation
Employer: The Four Dragons Casino (Wu Zi Mu)
After Carl and Woozy found out who was behind the raids, they decided to get revenge by robbing a rival casino. For any "case" you need explosives, which we just have to get. Drive to the quarry and go down after the script cutscene. To disable the timer, kill the person on the phone near the office. Then, get into the truck and break the boxes with it, after which, collect the dropped dynamite. The main entrance will be blocked by security, and you will have to get out on your own. Get on the bike and follow the checkpoints. Before dangerous areas, it is best to accelerate so as not to fall to the bottom of the quarry and start all over again. After you get out, pass the dynamite to the Woozie man.
Reward: $7000, respect+, access to career missions.

You"ve Had Your Chips

Employer: The Four Dragons Casino (Wu Zi Mu)
Wuzi's people found counterfeit chips in the casino. It is easy to guess that they are produced at the factory of the Sindacco family. We need to pay a visit there and destroy all the equipment that caused this incident. Once you're there, use your car to climb over the fence and destroy the guards' car at the entrance. Next, eliminate all the enemies inside the factory, one of them is armed with a "combat shotgun", so be careful. When you're done with the enemies, destroy all the machines that produce fake chips with a shotgun. After that, reinforcements will arrive to the enemies. Destroy the adversaries and get into the car in which they arrived. Another enemy is sitting on the containers with a "combat shotgun", so be careful. To complete the mission, return to the Woozy Casino.
Reward: $10,000, respect+.

Don Peyote
Employer: The Four Dragons Casino (Truth)
Before starting this mission, it is better to get a four-door helicopter. Go to the point indicated on the map. After the video, pick up two people (by the way, one of them is Kent Paul, whom we know from GTA: Vice City) and go with them to Snake Farm. Shoot all the enemies there and go to the Caligula casino.
Reward: Respect +.

Intensive care
Now we have to complete a couple of tasks for another acquaintance from Vice City: Rosenberg. Go to the hospital. After the cutscene, get into the Hummer and start chasing the marked ambulances. Ignore the hints of the game and do not ram the targets, it is better to just overtake them and see who is driving. If the transport is controlled by doctors - move on, if the mafia - shoot them in the windshield and sit inside. Then, drive to the factory marked on the radar. A chase will begin for you, but it will not cause serious trouble.
Reward: $5000, respect+.

The Meat Business
Employer: Mafia (Ken Rosenberg)
Now Rosenberg decides to personally visit the head of the Sindacco family in order to enlist the support of this clan. Take our new friend to the meat factory. In the video, the head of the clan will die, at the sight of CJ (apparently he managed to remember him in the Fender Ketchup mission) and all his people will take up arms against us. The mission is banal and I don’t see the point in describing it in detail. Just kill all the enemies and return to the casino.
Reward: $8000, respect+.

Madd Dogg
Employer: Madd Dogg
Madd Dogg, the famous rapper from whom we stole the “book of rhymes” in the mission Madd Dogg's Rhymes, lost all the money in the casino and is preparing to say goodbye to this world by jumping from the roof. CJ decides to save him. Take the van standing nearby (previously after dealing with the worker), and stop at the marked place.Next, you need to catch the mortal body of the rapper by moving the van back and forth.After you catch Madd Dogga, take him to the hospital, but be careful - his health will be decrease with each collision.
Reward: Respect +.

Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
It's time to meet our old cop friends again. This time they want CJ to kill the FBI agent and take the Tenpenny dossier. Go to an abandoned airfield and pick up a jetpack. Then head to the marked abandoned town. On the fly, kill the specified person and everyone who wants to pick up the dropped dossier. If you don't make it in time, you'll have to chase the target halfway across the map in a helicopter, but I hope you don't have to make things so difficult for yourself. Pick up the dossier and complete the mission.
Reward: Nichrome.

free fall
Now we have to complete the tasks of Salvatore Leone, whom we know from GTA 3. Get on the bike, go to the airport and board the marked plane. Then the most difficult thing begins - on your own trough, you have to catch up with jet passenger transport. Fly to the indicated point. As soon as you are above the water - note the time, the plane will appear in about 50-60 seconds. After the specified time, start turning around: if you're lucky, you'll be right over the target, if not, you'll have to slow down and wait for it. In any case, when you find yourself inside an enemy aircraft, kill all enemies and the pilot using covers (using the left, right keys). Land the plane on the Las Venturas airstrip to complete the mission.
Reward: $15,000, respect+.

High Noon
Employer: C.R.A.S.H.
We received the dossier, but forgot to give Tenpenny. He himself will make an appointment for you in one town in the desert. After receiving the dossier, he will drive away, leaving you alone with Pulaski. After the cutscene, take up arms and shoot through the tires of the enemy car, then get into the prepared Bandito and start chasing the cop. Due to tire problems, Pulaski won't get very far, so calmly fire at him from your vehicle. When the enemy car catches fire and the owner jumps out, finish him off.
Reward: One less corrupt cop in the state.

Saint Mark's Bistro
Employer: Mafia (Salvatore Leone)
Now we have to pay a visit to Liberty City. Go back to the airport, get on the marked plane and fly to the point marked on the radar. How long, soon, but you will find yourself in a familiar bistro. Then the banal "meat" begins. Just kill everyone you meet on your way. The danger is only enemies armed with shotguns. When the enemies are finished, return to the Las Venturas airport.
Reward: $20,000, respect+.

Architectural Espionage
Employer: Heist
We have dealt with all external problems, and we can prepare for the robbery. First, we need a plan for a casino owned by the mafia. Go to the city planning department and go inside. After talking with the secretary (answer all questions with the "Y" key), go to the marked place. However, the plans are guarded by a guard, and we need to distract him. Head down and break the old generator with melee weapons. Then, go back upstairs and take pictures of the casino plans. Next, you have to break through the battle through the entire building. Kill everyone who will interfere with you and get out into the street. Most likely, by this time you will already have 4 stars, so catch the car as soon as possible and return to the casino.
Reward: Respect +.

Key to Her Heart
Employer: Heist
Now we need an access card to the office premises of the Caligula casino. Get to the area torn out on the radar, after which, start chasing the croupier. The nerve meter will be back on the scene, so proceed with caution. After a while, the croupier will stop at the sex shop and go inside - follow her. After the cutscene, put on your costume and leave the "shop". Next, chase the target to her house, stand in the marked area and get out of the car. Then, kill the bum, hobbled along the street, and pick up the "thing". Now, head to the croupier's house. After CJ finishes having fun, the mission will end. However, to get the card itself, you will need to bring the relationship with your new girlfriend to at least 35%.
Reward: Respect +, new girl.

Dam and Blast
Employer: Heist
To facilitate the process of robbery - you need to deprive the casino of the mafia of electricity. Now we have to install explosives on the power generators on the dam. Go to the airport, get on the plane and fly to the checkpoint. It will not be possible to get into the "circle" the first time, so circle around. When you reach the right level - jump out of the plane and land in the marked area. Next, pick up the knife from the container and slaughter the two guards. After you find yourself inside the dam, install explosives on the generators, killing all the guards with a knife along the way. Then, go to the indicated door and watch the cutscene, after which the mission will be completed.
Reward: Respect +.

Cop Wheels
Employer: Heist
Now we have to get four cop motorcycles. They will need to be delivered to a carrier that travels around the city. First of all, steal an oriental motorcycle, there will be no problems with it. Then, go to the western bike, which is located near the hospital. When you approach, the cop will hastily sit on it, so hurry up and take the transport from the policeman, crushing him with a car. Next, hijack the northern motorcycle at the police station after taking care of the two guards, and then steal the last motorcycle by knocking its owner to the ground.
Reward: Respect +.

Up, Up and Away!
Employer: Heist
Well, the last thing you need for a successful robbery is an armored van for money. We have to drag him away with the help of the "sky crane", which is located in the military warehouse. Go to an abandoned airfield, take a jetpack, fly to the marked helipad and land on it. Of course, you can make your way through the corpses of the military in the warehouse, but it's better to save time and nerves. When you find yourself near the "sky crane", two military helicopters will be sent for you. Stand behind a minigun (by the way, after that you will lose heavy weapons), and shoot down enemies. Then, get into the helicopter we need and fly to the van. Once you're there, hook the car up with a magnet and take it to the abandoned airfield.
Reward: Respect +.

Breaking the Bank at Caligula's
Employer: Heist
Well, we finally have to enclose the mafia casino. Go to the building and go inside. Go to the marked door and open it with the map. Next, go to the room with the generators and throw a smoke bomb into the ventilation shaft. Then follow to the marked place. Don't forget to put on your night vision goggle when the lights go out. Once you're in the marked area, get into the loader and raise the gate. Through them, a truck with a team will arrive in the room: this is where the main part of the mission will begin. Move forward to the safe, simultaneously shooting the guards and covering your people, then Zero will report that someone is trying to activate additional generators. Pick up the explosives, go up to the room with the devices (while getting rid of the guards), and blow them up. Then return to your buddies and after the cutscene in which the vault door is blown up, go into the safe. From there, cover your "partners" from mafia attacks. When the money is collected, return back to the gate, exterminating the enemies. After the team safely escapes with the money, you will need to divert all the attention to yourself. Get out onto the roof (the guards will resurrect again) and shoot down the police helicopter. Then, pick up the parachute and jump down. If you manage to fly to a helicopter - well, if not, then catch a wheelbarrow. In any case, to complete the mission, you will need to return to the abandoned airfield.
Reward: $100,000, respect+.

A Home in the Hills
Employer: The Four Dragons Casino (CJ)
It's time to remember that while we conquered San Fierro and Las Venturas, things in Los Santos got worse and worse. So Madd Dogg told CJ that his mansion was captured by vagos. This is a great reason to return to the "homeland". Jump out of the plane with a parachute, after a long cutscene, and land on the roof of the mansion with the triads. Shoot the enemies that climb from all the cracks before reinforcements arrive, and then get inside the villa. Next, move along the long corridor, along the way helping the triads clear each room, after which, shoot the surviving adversaries from the balcony. Big Poppa, the local authority of the vagos, will meanly run away from CJ. Chase him, destroying everyone who will interfere with you. When you are outside, the target will get into the car and try to get away in it. Get into the next car, catch up with the enemy and shoot him. After completing the mission, you will receive a mansion, but in no case do not save in it, because after that all basketballs will disappear in the game, and safes may be damaged on pirated versions!
Reward: Respect +, mansion.

Los Santos (part 2).

vertical bird
Employer: CJ (Mike Toreno)
Toreno promises CJ the release of Sweet and asks him for one more favor: steal a fighter from an aircraft carrier and use it to destroy spy ships. Well, there is nothing to do, you have to be a pilot again. Fortunately, Toreno will throw us up to the water, so we won’t have to wind around the countryside. Get into the prepared boat and sail on it to the ship. Then, ignoring the hints of the game, swim inside the aircraft carrier without getting out of the boat. Kill all the military on the ship (fortunately they are marked) and turn off the air defense in the command room. After that, destroy two fighters on the ship and climb into the third one. As soon as you take off and head towards the spy ships, you will be chased by a single fighter. Shoot it down so that it does not flicker, and continue flying towards the targets. Further, you can proceed in two ways. If you cursed planes back in pilot school, then carefully land the fighter on level ground and destroy the spy ships with your weapons. If you do not experience difficulties in controlling aircraft, then shoot targets with missiles. To complete the mission, land the plane at an abandoned airfield and drive it into the hangar.
Reward: $50,000, fighter at the airfield.

home coming
Employer: CJ
Toreno finally made good on his promise and freed Sweet, and we need to get him out of prison. Go to the police station. After the video, it becomes clear that Sweet is not going to fatten at the expense of his brother, but wants to return to his area. Head to Ganton and get ready for a massive firefight. First, kill all the marked drug dealers, and then start a turf war. Once the area is yours again, the mission will end.
Reward: Respect +, the revival of the gang.

Cut Throat Business
Employer: CJ
Madd Dogg wants back his “rhyme book” that OG Loc brazenly stole (our friend doesn’t need to know the whole truth). Go to the point marked on the map. During the scripted video, CJ will sit in an amphibian, and on it you will have to chase your former comrade. After a short chase, Lowe will change into a kart and leave on it. Get into a similar transport and chase the target. The controls of the kart are extremely inconvenient, so try not to drive hard and slow down when cornering. When the chase is over, you will be shown a cutscene in which Lowe will be forced to return the "book of rhymes".
Reward: Respect +.

Beat Down on B-Dup
Employer: Sweet
B-Dup tried to get Sweet on drugs - this fact cannot be ignored. Drive to the drug dealer's house to run into him. The cutscene will tell you that B-Dup has moved to Glen Park. Go there and capture the territory. Then, kill the guards near the house of our "acquaintance" and break inside - the mission will end after the cutscene that follows this.
Reward: Respect +.

Grove 4 Life
Employer: Sweet
Sweet decides to expand his gang's sphere of influence. Go with him to Idlewood, capture two districts there and return home.
Reward: $10,000, respect+.

Employer: CJ
Another "original" mission. An uprising is starting in the city, and you need to drive with Sweet from the mansion to your native area. Avoid exploding cars and other troubles on your ass.
Reward: Uprising in the city.

Los Desperados
Employer: Sweet
Caesar wants to recapture his area, which was captured by the vagos, and you will need to help him with this. Take two brothers with you and go to the meeting place with Caesar's people. After the video, you will need to clear several yards from enemies. Do not expect help from your partners, most likely, they will get stuck somewhere else near the first residential building, so shoot the enemies yourself. Further, there will be a shootout in the alley, in which one of Caesar's men is wounded. Head towards him and kill the adversaries who climb out of all the holes. Finally, you will need to recapture Caesar's dwelling. First of all, kill the enemy armed with the rocket launcher, and then shoot the flamethrower and all the other bandits. To gain access to the last mission, you need to capture more than 35% of the territory in Los Santos.
Reward: Respect +.

end of line
Employer: Sweet
Finally, we have reached the last story mission. In it, we have to finish with Smoke and Tenpenny. This mission is the most difficult and longest, but fortunately the developers divided it into three parts, so if you fail it, you won't have to go through it again.
Stage 1.
Go to the marked point. After the cutscene, kill the two ballas guarding the entrance to the building and get to the shootout between the special forces and the bandits, after which, finish off both of them. Climb into the armored car, return to the marked house and break the wall. Then, move on an armored personnel carrier, along the first floor to the indicated door. Get out and get ready for a long fight. In total, the building has five floors, each of which has a bunch of guards. You have already overcome the first one, the second is the security zone, the third is the laboratory, the fourth is the living room, the fifth is Smoke's room. When you get to the top floor, a scripted cutscene will play. Start shooting at Smoke, dealing with ballas and vagos along the way, which will regenerate endlessly. Soon, Smoke's life will still end, like the first stage of this mission.
Stage 2.
Now you have to get out of the burning building along the same route in 7 minutes. It is better not to use the issued night vision goggles, since the enemies are already clearly visible. If you have completed the mission of the firefighter in advance, then passing this stage will be much easier, since you will not have to put out the fire that blocks many passages. Sooner or later, you will get out, and this is where the fun begins ...
Stage 3.
Instead of chasing Tenpenny in a car, Sweet grabbed hold of the ladder of his fire truck for some reason. In the video, CJ will sit in a car standing nearby and it is on it that you have to pursue the last plot enemy. In principle, this is not difficult to do, since Tenpenny drives slowly, the main thing is not to pay attention to shelling and Molotov cocktails, since your car is invulnerable up to a certain point. When the fire truck starts driving near the beach, try to get as close as possible to it, as one of the cops will try to throw Sweet off. Keep an eye on the "grip" scale, otherwise it may fall to the ground. When you catch Sweet, he will drive, trusting you to shoot enemies. Try to shoot at the windshield, as enemy vehicles are quite durable and it will take a long time to destroy them. After a long chase, Tenpenny loses control of the car, falls off the bridge and dies in the crash, ending the storyline.

gangs- an integral part of the game GTA: SA. They not only fight against opponents (enemy factions and police), but also make the game world look more realistic. Many players know that in this toy you can form your own company, but how exactly to do this remains a mystery to them. So let's take a closer look, how to hire a gang in gta san andreas

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How to replenish a gang in GTA?

The ability to hire bandits appears upon completion of the Los Sepulcros mission. After this task, the player can hire street gangsters outside of missions or during their passage. It is worth saying that only members of the Grove Street Families (wear green clothes) can join Carl Johnson.

To hire a gang in gta san andreas- you need to follow a couple of simple steps:

  1. Find a member of Grove Street and approach him.
  2. Point the camera at the bandit and press RMB (so that a health indicator appears above his head).
  3. Press the G key (default).

In order for a gang member to stop running after Carl, you should approach him and press H(default).

Why do we need a gang in San Andreas?

Hired bandits will move with the player and protect him. That is, you can get into the car with them and go to the enemy area. There, for sure, a strong firefight will start, in which the mercenaries, in fact, will “show themselves”.

In addition, when Carl passes by the enemy group, friends will start firing at them. It is worth saying that the police do not react to this at all. Thus, you can not be afraid of persecution.

Number of bandits

After completing the first mission, instead of a monetary reward, Carl's respect increases. Respect is a kind of rating that affects the size of the gang. That is, the higher this rating, the more bandits you can hire. You can upgrade it like this:
  • Complete missions.
  • Capture enemy territories (+3% respect).
  • Kill members of other gangs (+0.5 for each killed).
  • Take the lives of drug dealers (+0.005%).

Depending on respect, Karl can hire a certain number of bandits:

  • 1-10% - 2 people.
  • 10-20% - 3 bandits.
  • 20-40% - 4.
  • 40-60% -5.
  • 60-80% - 6.
  • More than 80% - 7 (this is the maximum value).
  • Respect can also be increased using a cheat code (OGXSDAG). It sets the maximum authority value. So you can "score" on the passage and just ride with your lads. Although this is not so interesting, and the taste of the game can be lost, and therefore it is best to first of all feel the local atmosphere and only after that start thinking about how to in the virtual universe gta san andreas hire a gang, wandering with which is much more interesting than alone.

    GTA San Andreas is a cult game that many players like to play not only offline but also online. This interest is facilitated by the presence of various mods that allow you to create a full-fledged RPG from a seemingly Action game in which you live and act almost like a real person. So that you can expand the boundaries of your favorite game, this article will show you how to create your own playground in gta san andreas.

    Installing GTA SA and creating a server

    First you need to install the game itself. The installation process is described in detail in the article. After that, you need to find ready-made servers with SAMP mods on the Internet. You can use, for example, this SAMP mod site for GTA SA. Next, in the "San Andreas Multiplayer" section, select the "Gamemodes" category. Download any of the mods you like and proceed to the installation.

    To create a gta san andreas server, follow the instructions:

    1. Download the archive from the specified site and unpack it on your computer (you will need to register to download the distribution);
    2. We go into the folder with the mod and open the file "server.cfg" using the Notepad program;
    3. We change the settings for your server in the opened file, without touching the parameter: lanmode;
    4. Run the "samp-server" shortcut, then "GTA Multiplayer" (you should have it after following the instructions according to the above article);
    5. On the website, you check your address on the Web. For example, he: Copy the value in the port line from the server.cfg file (for example, 2222) and add it to your IP through a colon. You should get something like:;
    6. In Multiplayer, add the server address to the window that appears after clicking the button: Add to Favorites.

    The specified numbers will be the address of your server, which people can access.

    Installing a mod and creating a gang in GTA SA

    For this game, there are more than 1000 different mods and skins that will diversify the gameplay. For most of them, CLEO scripts should be used. Detailed installation instructions can be found in the article.

    To create a gang in the SAMP mod, you need to register the command in the game console: /gang - Create a gang. On some servers, this feature is only available to administrators. You can read more about gangs in GTA SA in the article.

    It often gets boring just to complete missions, kill bandits and drive a car. Therefore, they begin to have fun, as best they can. Moreover, in this exciting game there are all the possibilities for this, it would be a fantasy. This article will tell you how to play GTA San Andreas to make it more fun and interesting.

    About cars

    Here, for example, is useful information for not very careful drivers. If suddenly a car or a motorcycle or any other vehicle caught fire in your GTA San Andreas, you need to immediately type the combination of the Latin letters “HESOYAM” on the keyboard, and the fire will immediately stop.

    And if you do not have a car, but you are near the police garage in Los Santos or Las Venturas, look there - and you will definitely find a vehicle. Moreover, it can be very extreme - like, for example, a boat or an airplane. Many people ask how to call a taxi in GTA San Andreas. It turns out it's very simple. First, stand near the road. Secondly, as soon as you see a checkered car approaching, press the Y key to stop the car, and then again to get the character into a taxi. After that, on the map of the area, select the desired point and put a mark on it. Ready! You are driving to your destination!

    About money

    You can earn money by acting according to the game scenario, or you can simply work as a taxi driver, an ambulance driver, and even a pimp. Indeed, why look for an answer to the question: “How to call a taxi in GTA San Andreas?” If you can be in the place of a taxi driver yourself and get to know the city better. And for fans of extreme ways to earn money, there are other ways.

    1. Shoot at the cash register of any boutique, and money will immediately fall out of it. Do not stand like a pillar: after 5 seconds they will disappear without a trace.
    2. In a strip club, if you stand close to a stripper girl, then the bills that are thrown to her will get to you! The main thing is not to shorten the distance with the dancer too much, otherwise the guards will open fire.
    3. Bet 10,000 on the horse races. In case of loss, download from the last point and repeat again. If you win, save and place your bet again. It is best to bet on horses numbered 4 or 5, they have a very good odds, so your wallet can be enriched by several million.

    And other interesting things

    Perhaps, in no other game there are so many jokes, humor and complete freedom as in GTA San Andreas. Calling a taxi and not paying, stealing someone else's car, earning extra money - these are still flowers. And here are some interesting secrets of the game that you may not have known.

    1. You will walk around the Los Santos cemetery, look into the open grave. There you will see a TV, and next to it is a pizza box.
    2. If you do not touch the controls at all for some time, then soon the camera will begin to live its own life. And she will mainly follow the girls passing by.
    3. In the Downtown area, near the railroad tracks, there is a large round building. If you enter it and climb to the roof, then there you will find a parachute and you can jump off the top of this skyscraper.
    4. In the ocean depths between Los Santos and San Fierro lies a huge chest full of treasures.

    Of course, this is not all the secrets of the GTA San Andreas game. But that makes the process even more interesting! But now you know how to call a taxi in GTA San Andreas, how to get an amount with six zeros for free, and what next game “trick” to show to your friends.

    Codes for weapons

    LXGIWYL is the first set of weapons. Weapon set: baseball bat, 9mm pistol with silencer, shotgun, MP5, AK-47, hammers, spray paint.
    KJKSZPJ is the second set of weapons. Desert Eagle, Sawned-Off, M4, Tec-9, snipe. rifle, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, grenades. UZUMYMW - set of weapons №3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).
    FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - unlimited ammo and no reloading.
    NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - the highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
    OUIQDMW - automatic aiming of weapons when firing from a vehicle.

    Cheats for health, armor and money

    HESOYAM - full health, armor and $250,000.
    BAGUVIX - infinite health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, however, from explosions, falling from a height, hitting a car, you can still suffer or drown by choking on water.
    CVWKXAM - Unlimited underwater breathing.
    AEDUWNV - forever full and never hungry again.
    MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline level.

    Police Attention Codes

    ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - remove the crime rate (all wanted stars disappear).
    LJSPQK, BRINGITON - increase the crime rate to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
    OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
    AEZAKMI - elusive, never caught or arrested.

    Attractiveness codes and statuses

    OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - maximum respect and respect.
    EHIBXQS , HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.
    BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
    KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
    BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular jock.
    VKYPQCF - Max Stamina.
    VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
    BIFBUZZ - gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except for the bandits from the opposing factions, who are firing without respite.
    MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, Ballas in Las Venturas).

    Codes for cars

    AIWPRTON - Rhino tank
    CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
    PDNEJOH-Hotring Racer 73
    VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
    AQTBCODX - Romero
    UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
    RZHSUEW - Golf Cart Caddy
    AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
    JQNTDMH - Rancher

    Aircraft codes

    Codes for the rest of the equipment in San Andreas

    Codes for car characteristics and traffic

    COXEFGU - all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
    CPKTNWT - blow up all cars. All vehicles in the player's field of vision will be blown up.
    XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), except for motorcycles. The cars only have wheels.
    PGGOMOY is the perfect control. Increased sensitivity and sharpness in driving. Out of habit, it is very easy to turn the car over.
    ZEIIVG - traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
    YLTEICZ - aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers start a shootout with the police.
    LLQPFBN , AGRUXVHIQYH - the color of all cars becomes pink. Let the glamor in San Andreas.
    IOWDLAC , AGRUJRYMNOL - the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the State...
    RIPAZHA - flying cars. Once the car accelerates, you can take off. Control like in an airplane.
    FVTMNBZ - all cars and people from the countryside. Rednecks drive through the cities of the state of San Andreas.
    AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because. she's too heavy.
    BGKGTJH - only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
    GUSNHDE - on the streets of SA only expensive fast and sports cars.
    BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off up.
    JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes almost indestructible, and when it collides with it, other vehicles break in.
    CVWKXAM - The result of the code action is undefined.
    VKYPQCF - the result of the code action is not defined.
    BMTPWHR - The result of the code action is undefined.

    Weather codes

    AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.
    ICIKPYH - very sunny weather.
    ALNSFMZO - cloudy weather.
    AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.
    CFVFGMJ - foggy weather.
    MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.
    CWJXUOC - snowstorm (sand storm).

    Time Codes

    YSOHNUL - speed up game time.
    PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).
    LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.
    XJVSNAJ , NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after the return it will be noon - 12:00.
    OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. Also the code will stop the time at 21:00.

    Codes for the gameplay

    AJLOJYQY - People hit each other with golf clubs.
    BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
    FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
    SZCMAWO - Suicide.
    ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
    BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
    CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
    MROEMZH - Gang members everywhere.
    BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
    AFPHULTL - Ninja.
    BEKKNQV - Girls
    JHJOECW Huge Bunny Hop.
    LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
    IAVENJQ - Mega hit.
    AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
    IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
    PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
    OUIQDMW - Full aiming of weapons in the car.
    THGLOJ - Shortened movement.
    SJMAHPE - Recruitment of any (9mm).
    ZSOXFSQ - Recruit anyone (Rockets).
    CRAZYTOWN - everyone becomes crazy.
    NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to the maximum parameters.

    GTA is a game for young people over 16 years old. GTA fans are mostly boys and men, the percentage of girls is small. After all, racing and cars are a man's element. In the update, you can see a lot of weapons, pumped mopeds with big wheels, beautiful girls in the game who walk along the beach half-dressed. Beautiful landscapes on the seashore will not leave themselves unattended. Even a person who is not so involved in the game can admire them. The creators have thought of everything.

    Many do not just have time to complete a particular mission, so we offer codes for GTA: San Andreas, all codes for this game can be found only on our page. In order not to lose in the future, make a bookmark.

    The game can be downloaded for any version of Windows. The developers took into account the wishes of their idols. The action takes place in the 90s. The game itself was released in 2012, with innovations. It presents all the possibilities of the real world. These are trips on various vehicles, including trucks and cars, completing tasks and receiving bonuses for them in the form of money and weapons, clothing, food, equipment stores, robbery from the population, shooting.

    The hero has his own personal home, where at any time you can come to eat and hide from enemies, from the police. In the GTA San Andreas game, you can paint your car in any color, apply a drawing from the proposed options, make tuning, compete with the enemy to win races. All this attracts the attention of fans of adventure and strategies.

    Control, language, video and sound functions can be viewed in the game settings. But in order to complete some tasks, it takes a lot of time and a lot of nerves. There are special codes for this, they help to instantly move to another level of the game. You should not rejoice quickly, after their introduction it is undesirable to save the game. After all, they spoil the save file. But if you still saved the game, you will have to go through everything again, or download the save from the site archive.

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