Imperial battle tactics with cheats. Basic tactics for playing as the Imperial Guard. Battle tactics. Adviсe

Hello readers!

The daily division of zones of influence in the world of Forge of Empire affects not only economic investments, but also military actions.

Without bothering, most gamers continue to play the old fashioned way.

And the game differs from similar ones in a large number of secrets and tactics, without which it will be very, very difficult to survive in it.

Game "Forge of Empire". Units

Cavalry, arrows, and various siege weapons have been added to the game world. Elite units stand separately. Their damage and defense are 10% more than standard.

Each mercenary has a different set of characteristics. Each has its own parameters of attack, defense, and range of mobility. They vary depending on the type of fighter.

There are also similar parameters that are the same for everyone. Unit:

  • makes only one move per round;
  • has health of ten units.

The Attack parameter increases the enemy's damage, and the Defense blocks the damage received. Radius extends the range of your attacks.

In order to start the battle and the round first, there is such a parameter as Mobility.

Each type of warrior has its own bonuses and limitations in battles. Heavy infantry take a lot of damage from skirmishers and siege troops.

But, at the same time, heavy infantry deals excellent damage to light units. Light units fight well against cavalry.

Cavalry deals more damage to infantry troops. Depending on the era, the player receives different bonuses.

Battle tactics. Adviсe

We continue to share simple and useful tips. You can take part in battles either against your neighbors or by attacking provinces.

This part of the guide will tell you how to do it better.

Advice one. Constantly monitor the local landscape.

Using just one mounted fighter, you will quickly find an opportunity to attack again, but already knowing the surrounding territory.

Tip two. When planning to attack a province, pay attention to its security. Security is always open for viewing.

Tip three. Before attacking players, study the future battlefield. Otherwise you will lose. After studying it, proceed as follows.

Attack only with units that have a damage bonus to specific troops. But if you are higher than the enemy in the development era, then take siege weapons.

The following three tips are for defending players and those whose army is weaker than the enemy's.

Advice one. When the enemy's era is older than yours, place warriors stronger than his. And when the opposite happens, use shooters and siege weapons. Note: if you pit shooters and siege weapons against each other, their mutual damage will be the highest.

Tip two. Place five units of light infantry and three units of archers against cavalry, and eight siege units against skirmishers and siege engines.

Tip three. Take at least two siege weapons to war, or fight without them at all.

Artificial intelligence. Secrets and tricks

All battles are controlled by artificial intelligence (AI), so we’ll share the secrets of how to fight with it more profitably.

The computer's fighting style is defensive. His movement speed is slow.

When fighting against the computer, be prepared for a long battle. He fights until his last unit falls.

The computer's priority is your siege weapons and troops that have received damage. He also attacks shooters.

Using tricks, you can easily fool the computer.

To sum it up.

Constantly watch your opponent. As one book character said: “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” Learn to be a commander.

Only in this case will you enjoy the fights. Play the Forge of Empire game every day and you will soon become a master.

IN Total War tactics- this is the basis of the basics. Regardless of which faction you play for, to successfully complete the levels you should understand in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the faction you have chosen, and skillfully use its strengths.

There are five races to choose from in Total War:

  • Empire;
  • Gnomes;
  • Chaos is indivisible;
  • Vampire Counties.

The tactics of conducting Total War battles for each of them are significantly different.

Total War: tactics for the Empire

The Empire's army is versatile, with access to infantry, riflemen, artillery and cavalry units. The faction's heroes are represented by powerful melee warriors, witch hunters and magicians who have access to fire, heaven and light spells. This gives you access to a huge number of other spells.

The Empire's steam tanks pack devastating firepower

The most powerful unit of the Imperial infantry - Great Swords. They are designed for close combat. Halberdiers- the main squad for fighting cavalry and monsters. Arrows- not the best side of the army, but imperial musketeers are quite suitable for protecting defensive formations. The strong point is imperial cavalry. She poses a serious threat on the battlefield. Pistoliers- fast, but weak. And finally, the imperial troops have a very powerful artillery, which has terrifying combat vehicles:

  • Mortars - created for all cases with their large circle of fire;
  • The guns are suitable against armored vehicles;
  • The rocket launcher deals area damage;
  • Salvo cannon - against armored enemies;
  • Deadly rays of magical light - against monsters;
  • The steam tank has enormous firepower.

In the Total War game, the Imperial Army has units for any combat situation, but it has the disadvantage of not having flying units.

Tactics against different races:

  • In battles against Greenskins, Vampires and Chaos, you should take care of a large number of halberdiers.
  • In the battle against Dwarves, it is better to use cavalry.


When starting to play for the Empire, you can choose one of two legendary lords:

  • Karl Franz - provides a bonus to the radius of movement on the campaign map for all characters and reduces the holding time of knights and Greatswords by 10 percent.
  • Balthasar Geld is a powerful metalbender who can turn enemies into lifeless statues. When you choose it, you get the opportunity to reduce the cost of maintaining battle mages and hiring another mage.

Total War: tactics for vampires

The vampire troops in the game are represented by creatures revived after death thanks to black magic: all kinds of undead, ghouls, bats. They are commanded by vampire counts, necromancers and dark magicians from the other world. Thanks to their ability to resurrect from the dead, the army of vampires is composed of troops of creatures raised from the graves: skeletons, zombies, ghouls, etc.

Vampire troops are represented by undead and ghouls

Strelkov vampires do not - and this is the weak point of this faction. But there is very strong magic, with the help of which the living dead terrify enemies, cause damage, and so on. Naturally, the most important element of an undead army is the necromancer warlord. If he dies, his charges crumble into dust.

Vampire armies have a strong side - flying units and numerous, relatively cheap forces. Squads of the dead can be hired in any quantity.

Vampires have additional strength as agents who can be sent into enemy territories to spread corruption. Territories affected by corruption are easier to capture, and it is much more convenient for vampire armies to operate there.

Main units:

  • Zombies and skeletons - weak and slow, but numerous infantry, a “human shield” for more effective units;
  • Bats are large bats, not very strong, but they can bring chaos and confusion into the ranks of the enemy, circling over his troops;
  • Dark Knights and Hex Spirits are strong cavalry units;
  • Grave Guard - heavy melee infantry;
  • Crypt Horrors are strong and fast melee monsters;
  • Vargulfs are huge and extremely powerful monsters;
  • Vargists - a flying mutant vampire with mountains of muscles and incredible anger, moves through the air, but fights on the ground;
  • Terrorgeist is a terrible bone dragon, designed to hunt large enemy units and their heroes.

At the beginning of the game there are also two available to choose from faction leader: Heinrich Kemmler and Mannfred von Carstein.

Winning tactics for vampires in Total War are built around the following elements:

  • Resurrection of your dead units after the battle;
  • The use of flying units to stun and pursue enemy units;
  • Using magic to defeat the enemy army with various curses;
  • Using cavalry and fast monsters for lightning-fast flank attacks and getting closer to enemy artillery;
  • Damaging enemy territories.

Tactics for the Dwarves

Dwarves are a race that is best suited for defense. They are powerful, have effective and accurate weapons.

Tactics for the dwarves in Total War involve ranged combat. They have everything for this: good weapons, the presence of mountains and hills, the ability to conduct long-range fire, a large selection of elite units (Fire Lizards, Trolley Torpedoes, Hammermen, etc.)

The disadvantages of gnomes are their slowness and the complete lack of units capable of pursuing fleeing enemies. As a result, having regrouped and gathered their courage, the scattered enemy units get a chance to re-enter the battle.

Tactics for the Greenskins in Total War

They do not have a clear organization and unite into an army only to rob and kill. They listen to military leaders who are able to gather them and unite them for a campaign. However, riots and unrest often occur in the army.

Greenskins are strong and fierce, but do not like discipline

The greenskin armies consist of orcs, goblins, trolls, giant spiders and giants. However, they do not have full-fledged artillery, except for catapults. Cavalry is also absent due to poor management and lack of discipline.

The faction receives gold only from battles.

Total War tactics for Chaos

Creatures that came from the wastelands of the Old World. They are maimed physically and mentally by the forces of Chaos. Servants of Chaos are similar to the Horde and the undead: they can attack and burn nearby villages and spread corruption to the surrounding lands.

Warriors of Chaos - natives of the wastelands of the Old World

Chaos doesn't have many weapons, but it has the Hell Cannon - the best tool against the Empire and the Greenskins. This weapon is capable of killing enemies in huge numbers.

Disadvantage: very slow population growth. At the same time, you can get overpopulation only by constantly updating your Camp, and also by unlocking the population growth skill on the skill tree.

Chaos Warriors need constant replenishment of resources and pumping up the Main Lord - therefore, they constantly need to participate in raids.

The Chaos faction can only choose Vampires as allies.

There is a small bug in the game. To implement it, it is enough to have an army of 1 detachment. If we promote a detachment to the rank of general 7-8 times, then each subsequent general will have better characteristics (more stars). We disband the rest, and leave this one.
Playing as Russia in Komi, build a military governor's camp. The fact is that only in Komi can you hire a special detachment of Russian riflemen - the “Siberian Jaegers”. A squad of decent strength, you shouldn’t ignore it.

I advise you to colonize all of India and impose inflated taxes there, you will receive huge profits to the treasury, which can be used to hire or maintain your troops (if there are frequent riots in the colonies, try to destroy all educational buildings there or, as a last resort, hire the cheapest guards) .

I offer two universal compositions of troops to fight against AI when completing a Total War campaign or in an online battle on a Steam server. Each player, naturally, will change and modify these compositions to suit himself, and their strength will be revealed only in battle. But as a basic configuration they are quite suitable.

Using rifle cavalry:
- 9 main infantry detachments;
- 3-4 special infantry detachments;
- 2 units of heavy cavalry;
- 4-5 detachments of rifle and light cavalry;
- 2-4 detachment of mortars, howitzers or cannons;

Without rifle cavalry:
9-10 main infantry detachments;
2-3 special infantry;
3-4 units of heavy cavalry (one of them can be a general);
2-4 light cavalry units;
1-2 squads of guns;
1-2 squads of mortars or howitzers;

Great victories to you!

Some tips on countries.

England has two advantages compared to all other countries. Firstly, the sea-ocean, and secondly, the player is first given a task on which you must concentrate immediately. That is, to conquer 3 territories necessary for the peaceful annexation of 13 colonies. When you do this (that is, you will be at war with at least France) move some of your troops to India and begin to conquer new territories. Leave Gibraltar and Egypt for last, as Spain and the Ottoman Empire will not be happy.
Like England, France can conquer most of North America by completing the mission that will be offered to you. The English colonies should not be difficult opponents. Then, it’s better if you take care of the Central and
South America, and then Egypt.
Austria must necessarily conquer a certain minimum of territory for the Campaign. Of course, the Ottoman Empire will be the easiest prey, but allowing Prussia and France to expand their territories (especially in the south and north) will be a mistake that will lead to bad consequences.
United Provinces
Difficult for the future Holland. Be based on trade. Take out the pirates in South America. The main enemy will be Spain, so do not hesitate to destroy their colonies overseas as soon as they declare war on you. If someone hangs around the capital and is not an ally of Prussia or Austria.
With Spain in America we follow the script, and in Europe you can start with Italy. Also don't forget about Portugal and North Africa. In principle, it’s fashionable to start with them.
If you like to fight, then this is just for you. You start with two small territories and must conquer 25, also desired by Russia, Poland and Austria. The best tactic is to quickly develop military equipment and then attack, for example, Poland (if it does not have powerful allies). Trade will not be the most important aspect, concentrate on the army.
Something like Prussia, but there is not yet one side covered by the sea. It’s better to take out Prussia and Austria right away.
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire is large and this is a minus, from the beginning you are unlikely to be able to resist your opponents, there will not be enough resources. So abandon Europe (except for the capital) and concentrate on enemies from your category - Persia and India. Having sorted it out there, you can move on to Vienna. It will be difficult, but if you figure it out, you can get to Paris without any problems. But don’t forget to develop military technologies, you need to bring them to the same level as Europe.
And we have to start with divided provinces, which will be very difficult to defend in the beginning. The advantage is that we are big and the enemy will have to walk for a long time. Our main target is Austria, but pay attention to Prussia and Sweden.
A real challenge. Sweden is among three powerful powers and has no aces up its sleeve. First you will probably have to fight with Denmark and Russia. If you see that Russia is already under attack from Austria or Prussia, join the aggressors immediately. It would be nice to form an alliance with the Ottomans or Austria. And pay attention to trading.
Maratha Confederation
Like Prussia, you will start with two divided sections. It is necessary to unite them in order to endure any European presence on the continent. Then close the Himalayas and move towards Afghanistan.
Actually, that seems to be all. The material was based on my own experience, forums that often helped me, but there are too many of them. Also, a small part of the advice was translated from the GMC magazine.
If the article is successful, I will write a guide on how to complete the campaign in general.

Like 7

I would like to add something. There is either a bug in the game or it is a secret trick, maybe even many people know it. If you are starting a company with a favorable location in the territory, you can do this. Offer any leading power in the world the right of passage through the territory for an indefinite period and in exchange ask for from 500 to 2000, they agree, and then you cancel this right, and then do the same again if they ultimately refuse, it means they have no money offer a smaller amount. And this way you can earn a very substantial amount without cheats in one move. And this process can be repeated as long as other countries have money. Good game...

I'll give you a couple of tips when playing for Russia. A very difficult situation, one of the most unfavorable starting conditions. A war in two directions is inevitable, while at first there is no strength even for one. Therefore, be sure to support Poland and do not break the alliance with it - it will cover you from the west. Take St. Petersburg and go to the borders with Courland, conclude a trade agreement with the latter and, preferably, an alliance (but this is fraught with war with Prussia - it will inevitably attack Courland). If possible, take Finland, this will cover you from the north. In the south - until you take Moldavia, the Ottomans will be very sluggish. Therefore, you must take Crimea (a trade port can be built, but trading by sea is not worth it until there is a strong fleet - otherwise the Ottomans will immediately block the port with ships). It is also necessary to solve the headache in the form of the Caucasus as soon as possible. But the capture of Dagestan entails war with Persia. No options, sooner or later. This is all a minimum program for basic survival. Next, see for yourself. It is advisable to destroy Sweden, otherwise later it will swing into such a monster that there is no way to bend it at all. It is also necessary to destroy the Ottoman Empire. The easiest way to do this is through the Caucasus - then through Anatolia and Baghdad and Syria to reach Egypt. The second corps will work in the Balkans, and advance there if possible. Also, never leave the capital and St. Petersburg, Karelia and Arkhangelsk without garrisons and fortress walls - bots are monitoring your actions and as soon as you leave these regions without cover, a whole stack of troops from Sweden, England, France, Prussia will immediately follow...
I would recommend this line of play: take the Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova, Finland. Strengthen the territory, build churches on new lands, study technology, do not increase the army, but update it qualitatively as you study technology. Build fortresses where necessary, economic buildings. Play like this almost until the middle of the game. The fleet at this stage will be redundant, alas. If Maratha by this time crushes Persia and goes to the Caucasus, it is imperative to have an alliance with it, otherwise it will destroy you, the Hindus are just a steamroller that is impossible to stop. Having rocked the country, you can finish off Sweden, the Europeans, and definitely England (because it will be crap).

My save for Poland and Lithuania burned out on moves 19-20, how can I restore it? Can it be restored at all? It was when I saved it in one file that the lights went out and everything burned down, the file was erased, and I had already beaten Austria and took the Belgrade and Zagreb regions from the Turks, and the Riga region from the Swedes, and this MOD was “Pirates First”, so my capitals Warsaw and Vilnius rebelled every three turns, I crushed the rebel armies in these areas, not allowing them to multiply in order to displace My Constitution. The monarchy, also in Galicia, was crushed by its garrison. Rebellious Separatists, also after 3 turns, constantly trying to change the system there, SO IT’S A shame to START THE GAME AGAIN FROM SCRATCH

Our name is Legion.
Our blood is the Ocean.
We are not titans or heroes. We are soldiers.
We're not dying - we're going to hell to regroup
Commissioner Yarrick - inscription on the grave

General provisions for playing for the Imperial Guard (IG)

The main misconception, which for some reason is very firmly entrenched in the heads of those playing Winter Assault, is that the Islamic State takes its toll over other races with the number of troops and their cheapness, building infantry in dozens of squads in a bunch of buildings and sending them to battle in the hope that the soldier will be more than, figuratively speaking, the enemy has cartridges. Now, this statement is completely false. Perhaps the IS is a race that is more sensitive to its infantry than anyone else: the need for good equipment and a commander in a detachment is more acute among the IS than among any other race. Let the orcs send hundreds of slugga boys to certain death, IS does not allow this. Why? Yes, because a simple detachment, even with the maximum number of soldiers in it, is not much stronger in power than some cultists, but when brought to full strength, it becomes stronger than ordinary (not brought to full strength) Space Marines and almost all Eldar infantry (except, perhaps, Seer Council) in all its power.
The main weakness of IS is in anti-tank defense. There really is a shortage of means of mobile destruction of equipment, and stationary ones are not very effective. So if the enemy is leaning on dreadnoughts or their analogues, it makes sense to go on the defensive and develop into tanks. We'll sort out the small details as we go. Further tactics are divided into three stages, corresponding to the three stages of stronghold development. (Can I do it this way, the old fashioned way?) In general terms, this tactic is universal and can be applied against almost any enemy. After this comes advice and methods of fighting in general.

1. Primordial stronghold

As soon as the game begins, we already have a Tech-Priest selected. We press “B”, wait for a second (the computer is still slow after loading), and then “I” and then click on the place where the Infantry Center should be located (further - the barracks). After that, select stronghold, press “G” three times (let’s call the units A, B, C, and so on for brevity) and “E” once. In general, you may not know the keyboard commands by heart, but at the very beginning of the game they can give you precious seconds of gained time. I will not mention them further.
When the first detachment, A, appears, we send it to capture the closest strategic position (SP), and give it one person in addition. We strengthen Detachment B to the maximum possible and send it to capture the farthest joint venture (which lies on the potential border with the enemy, but not on its territory - such a post is easy to determine, most of the maps are symmetrical). When B is completed, the barracks will be completed. We send a builder to build a generator, and order a general in the barracks. We add two members to squad B, and together with A we send them to capture the nearest joint venture. We send the second builder to build posts on the joint venture, and the first builder should do the same after completing the generator. In parallel with this, we bring all the detachments to the maximum number and order detachment G (we do not touch the general for now). When all the points are filled and at least two or three generators have been built, we build the Thermal Generator (if possible), and after it - the Tactical Headquarters. At the same time, we are ordering a commissioner. As soon as he is ready, we attach him to B and, together with G, C and the general, we send him to reconnaissance in force (at the first opportunity we add a priest to the general). As a rule, these forces are enough to test the enemy’s defenses, and if you’re lucky, break through them. But as soon as you smell something fried, immediately withdraw your troops to the nearest post, climb into it and shoot back. The enemy will not pester you for long (he cannot break his post) and will leave.
With the completion of the construction of the Tactical Headquarters, we arm at least two squads with officers and grenade launchers, after which we accumulate resources and build the first stronghold improvement. In detachments we deliver short blows to the enemy’s weak points, help our allies if necessary, but we consistently run away from a big battle. If there are enough resources, then we make one improvement in the Tactical Headquarters. Please note that improving morality does not make much sense (yet) and can be postponed to the second stage. The best option is to improve your armor.

2. First stronghold improvement

First of all, we order one improvement for resource extraction, depending on what is missing, energy or influence. Then, if we have not already done so, we order all the first level improvements from the Tactical Headquarters. After this, without stopping hostilities, we build a stationary machine gun at each joint venture on the front line, and it is very desirable that most of them be upgraded to a rocket launcher - it is possible that the enemy can attack with equipment.
We build a Machine Center on the base (hereinafter referred to as the plant), after completion we make it possible to build Hell Hounds (AG) and Guardians (S) on it. Depending on the circumstances, we build an AG (if the enemy is pressing with infantry) or a S. (if he already has equipment; in this case, the S. should be at least two or three for effective resistance.) We build second barracks and, as far as possible, hire new soldiers - how As soon as the detachment reaches full strength, we send it to the front line through the tunnels. We build a second factory (not before we hire two more commissars and build an improvement in the stronghold for hiring Priests; we attach them, as far as possible, to the new infantry) and make it possible to hire Basilisks. We build one or two Basilisks, drive them closer to the front line (otherwise, if you give them the order to attack, they will fire from the maximum distance with minimal accuracy) and arrange artillery support. Basilisks work best against infantry (especially those holed up in cover) and enemy fortifications. You cannot build more than three of them. We carry out two or three improvements (last of all, improving weapons skills, this is moderately useless) in the Tactical Headquarters. If everything has not been done yet, then we bring the number of the general’s detachment to four people. At first, the option with three priests and a commissar will work well, but then it is better to use a psyker instead of one priest. We accumulate resources and build a stronghold improvement. At the same time, I advise you to build third barracks.
At this phase of the game, as a rule, two-thirds of the games end. Now we don’t run away from skirmishes, we turn them into major battles. At any opportunity, we drive the enemy to his home base. It is better not to concentrate forces in one battle, but, on the contrary, try to attack from several sides at the same time. The main thing is to continue to ensure that the infantrymen are armed, sergeant and commander. By the way, if you are playing against a person, you can launch a psychological attack by forcing the Basilisks to shoot blindly at his base. There is little sense (but more than if Whirlwinds, Defilers or Carts were shooting), but it sometimes forces the enemy to take very rash actions.

3. Second stronghold upgrade

In terms of construction, everything is easy here: in the factory where the Basilisks were built, we order an expensive, long-time improvement for the “Full-Scale War”. Then we build Kaskrin barracks in some barracks, and Ogrinov barracks in another, and hire one or the other depending on the situation. We are building a third plant and targeting it according to the situation. We are putting new improvements in the Tactical Headquarters on the back burner (but if you have the resources, please order). At this stage we begin full-scale offensives, i.e. We throw all our strength at one point.
As soon as the "Full-scale war" is over, we build one or two "Leman Russ" (LR), stop producing S. and build the Martian Command Center, where we build one and only supertank "Baneblade". In principle, with his appearance, victory is guaranteed (unless, of course, the enemy plays some cunning trick and manages to destroy him). The main striking force is the same fully equipped guardsmen with the support of Ogryns and Kaskrins.

General fighting methods

The main thing when attacking with infantry is not to attack in crowds of four or five units at the same time. Such a crowd is an ideal target for artillery and orbital strikes, and is also easily surrounded. It is best to place detachments with commissars in front, two or three, depending on the length of the front, and keep detachments with other commanders in reserve. As soon as the detachment on the front line becomes very weak, we take it back, “heal” it, and send another in its place. With such “steps” we support the attacking line. When trying to be encircled by the enemy, we place reserve units perpendicular to the direction of attack, i.e. letter "G". Depending on the number of people around, it makes sense to start a retreat. Ogryns and Kaskrins, despite their usefulness, are quite small in number; they are best protected and sent to where the battle is worst. We especially rely on Kaskrin grenades - they are very useful against crowds of the enemy.
We try to set the general against enemy heroes. But if his squad is not brought to full strength, then it is better not to do this.
A.G. We place it in the front line of attack, S. - behind the infantry. Although S. have very light armor and are easy to destroy, in large numbers (3-4 pieces) they are very useful against any vehicle, even Land Raiders and Squigots. When "Leman Races" become available, the role of S. fades into the background.
As for transport workers, their role is quite insignificant. Their use is justified only on very large maps (6x6 players or more). In principle, they can be used for a high-speed retreat (soldiers can shoot back from them) or quickly transfer troops if there is no building with a tunnel nearby, but in practice this is quite rare.
Defense is the domain of IS. We drive all the units into buildings, those that are badly battered, we send them to the rear, where we unload them and treat them, and then send them back to the front line. Similarly, we are sending new soldiers to the front line. Turrets are the only effective means of combating enemy equipment, but, alas, if it is artillery, you will have to sacrifice S. to get to it. It’s sad, but in defense there’s no other way to get rid of it.
We fire basilisks at crowds of the enemy (in particular, orcs) and at fortifications. A.G. good not only against infantry, but also against buildings - keep this in mind when storming bases.
In addition to construction purposes, Tech-Priests can be driven into buildings, from where they can effectively fire back. In principle, they can already defend themselves in long-range combat.

Tips against specific races

Against Space Marines

The strength of the paratroopers lies in their infantry, but they also have good anti-tank protection. So we arm the soldiers with plasma guns and try not to get into trouble. Their Heroes and Dreadnoughts will be a big headache - the main thing is to focus all your fire on them if they appear. Even if you bring the Basilisks close, they are useless against the Dreadnoughts, so we put a barrier of soldiers between the S. and shoot the S. Dreadnoughts. As an assassin, we destroy enemy soldiers with rocket launchers - the main threat to equipment and try to destroy the heroes from an ambush or from a safe place (say, from a height). The main emphasis is on quickly reaching the tanks.

Against the Eldar

We boldly send troops into battle with the support of A.G. We fence off S. from the Banshees and Dark Reapers, and attack with our entire mass, taking advantage of the Eldar’s lack of sensible artillery. We use basilisks to demolish their defenses from posts on the joint venture and stationary guns. Eldar are the weakest opponents if the computer plays for them.

Against Orcs

We are building many, many A.G. and a maximum of Basilisks, which we fire at the center of the attacking waves. This is the best remedy against hordes of orcs. We try to attack from cover with infantry, if possible.

Against Chaos

Chaos is a very difficult opponent if you let him develop enough in the early stages, so from the beginning of the game we don’t stop teasing him with attacks and repelling (albeit temporarily) the SP. The worst thing is when a crowd of infantrymen, raptors and berserkers gathers - in this case you must immediately retreat, no A.G. won't help. You should also be prepared for the early appearance of two or three S Predator tanks.

Against the Imperial Guard

It's hard to play against the same race you're commanding. It all depends on the skill and skill of each party, so no specific advice can be given. You just need to be faster, smarter and stronger than your opponent. Although it never hurts.

What I cannot crush with the power of words, I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard.
Solar Macharius

Today we’ll talk about the fun toy EMPIRES and PUZZLES and tell you what tricks, codes and secrets it contains. The information will be especially useful to newcomers to the gaming world of Empires. For those who are not familiar with Empire and Puzzles, it is a modification of the match-3 game that combines battles, puzzles, the creation of a majestic citadel and colorful PVP duels! Thanks to such a spectacular combination of different genres, the toy is becoming very popular on the Play Market among players around the world.

  • Battles: Send armies into battle with mind-blowing combinations.
  • Construction: build an impregnable fortress.
  • Armies: Summon indestructible heroes and troops.
  • PVP: there is an opportunity to fight in PVP with players around the world!
  • Leveling up: increase the levels of heroes, their abilities and improve buildings.
  • Allies: Defeat the Titans together with Alliance players.

The game features detailed and colorful depictions of heroes, troops, monsters and all animated visual effects in a large virtual world.

When your citadel reaches level 10, the ability to transform buildings of level 5 and higher will open. Any building can be turned into a barracks and, depending on its level, you get the opportunity to upgrade warriors. Here you do everything as with heroes. Upgrade troops with three or more stars. A level 1 barracks will provide the opportunity to upgrade units to level 4.

Heroes show themselves to be the best and also the most effective in battle. which attack one target. Let's take a closer look at this statement.

  • Heroes who attack multiple enemies are effective at the beginning of the battle, but often the power of their attacks is less. When it is necessary to destroy a strong monster, a hero with maximum damage and attack is useful.
  • Against Titans and bosses when we focus on single targets.
  • Strengthening, defensive and healing heroes can buff the entire squad, but when a couple of characters are left alive, their effectiveness drops.
  • When looking at the rating of the best players, it turned out that more than 95% take the recommended characters, the list is given below. The more stars, the stronger the character.

Empires & Puzzles how to upgrade heroes

Here is a list of tips that will help with leveling up characters in Empires and Puzzles.

  • It is most effective to pump up all 10 points of characters at once, rather than one point ten times. The price increases with subsequent improvements, so by increasing 10 points you will immediately notice a noticeable saving in food.
  • In the training camp, create characters “for fodder” (camp levels 4 and 11)
  • If the food supply is large, produce it in one of the camps of “Unusual” heroes (second level of the camp).
  • Use Persians of the same color to level up, in this case the increase in experience is higher.
  • Do not download first-level heroes and characters that you do not use - this is a huge waste of time and resources.
  • Leave experienced fighters with 5,4 and 3 stars, they are useful in monthly competitions, as well as 4,3,2 units (troops).

Empires & Puzzles - upgrading the castle and buildings

Along with leveling up characters in “Empire and Puzzles,” you will have to level up buildings and citadels. If we gave some good advice above with the Persians, then what about the buildings?

  • To begin with, we pump the mills to the maximum, you always need a lot of food, and it runs out quickly.
  • In second place are mines. Iron is a secondary resource after feeding.
  • Maximize the level of the watchtower.
  • In training camps and forges, do not explore cells that you do not intend to use immediately.
  • Raise the level of the citadel (castle) only after pumping all farms and mines to the highest possible level.
  • The citadel takes a long time to upgrade; before starting the improvement, make sure that there is a lot of free space for iron in the warehouses, otherwise it will begin to disappear when the warehouses are full.
  • If the warehouse space is already full, just don’t collect food and iron from farms and mines.

Empires & Puzzles - completing missions

After successfully completing tasks in the "Puzzle Empire" you are given rewards, hero summon tokens, gems, instructors, energy flasks and other useful things.

Here are some tips when completing tasks.

  • To quickly complete tasks to kill monsters, look for locations on the map with a maximum density of creatures (15 and above) that require 3 energy to fight. After 8 playthroughs you will receive the coveted chest. This is what the scheme looks like relative to provinces and stages: 3(province)-2(stage), 5-6, 4-1, 6-2, 6-4, 6-8, 7-4. At level 7, 15 monsters await you. After spending 21 energy points on 7 battles, you will complete the test and receive a chest.
  • Missions resume after 12 hours, save up energy while you can.
  • If you lose a battle against enemy heroes, 2 points are also awarded, destroy 40 heroes to successfully complete the stage.
  • Many beginners begin a ruthless hunt for cups. An important point: the more cups, the stronger the heroes you come across in PVP fights, which means defeating 40 heroes will become much more difficult. To quickly remove unnecessary cups, we leave one weak unit on defense and run away from the battlefield. Cups will be useful for players who are looking for a strong alliance to join.

To make it easier to complete a task where you need to defeat certain colors (factions), use the following scheme:

  • Fire (red): 4.1, 6.2, 6.8, 11.6, 12.6, 12.8, 19.4, 19.6, 20.4, 20.7, Quest: “Collect food”, “Get Iron”, “Gain experience”.
  • Nature (green): 6.3, 6.6, 7.5, 17.5, 18.5, Quests: “Find the first and second part.”
  • Ice (blue): 8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 9.1, 9.3, 9.5, 9.9, 13.5, 13.8, 14.5.
  • Dark (purple): 3.4, 4.5, 5.5, 7.4, 8.4, 10.4, 11.4, 11.7, 12.5.
  • Light (yellow): 9.4, 9.7, 10.6, 12.3, 12.9.;

Answers to frequently asked questions about EMPIRES and PUZZLES

Below is a list of the most common questions about the game.

  • Can a building be removed? No. As the game progresses, all buildings and subsequent updates are necessary. Upgrading the fortress will provide space for new buildings.
  • When can I join the alliance? The player can join the alliance after reaching level 4 of the game.
  • Why join an alliance? There are several advantages - communication with players in the chat, competition for development up the leaderboard, joint fight with the Titans for a reward.
  • How can I find an alliance? On the main screen at the bottom, click "Alliances". - Search (with an empty search bar) will open a list of alliances with free space.
  • What to do with all the extra troops? Starting from version 1.4, troops can now be upgraded like heroes. Troops are trained in barracks.
  • How to start the game again? Open Game Center (IOS) or Google Play (Android) to save your game progress. If you want to remove it completely, delete the game from all accounts.
  • How to remove heroes? Heroes cannot be deleted, but you can “feed” them to other heroes to level them up.
  • What are special missions? Missions are chests located in the upper left corner of the main screen. There is a chest for killing monsters in map battles, one for killing heroes in raids, and one for defeating titans. When a chest is full, it glows green and the player can click on it to open it and receive a reward.
  • What happens if you resurrect heroes with precious stones? All heroes return to full health, and they regain any mana they had when they died.
  • Does everyone get Bane at the beginning? Yes, Bane is always given to every newcomer to the gaming world.

Who is better to take on titanium?
The heroes Brienne and Kailani are best suited against the Titan; together they deal good damage.

What are instructors for?
Instructors level up heroes much faster. Feed them by color and you will see a noticeable difference in the experience gain.
It pumps up the heroes faster, feed them preferably by color so that it matches, you’ll see the difference for yourself.

After a few days of playing, remove the coach from the team - they are fodder for the heroes.

If you need support to defeat Titan, there is a specially created channel in the telegram for finding Mercenaries players - help with Titan.


In this article, we have only scratched the surface of the tips and tricks for beginners in the game EMPIRES & PUZZLES. Share your tactics and tips for upgrading your citadel, heroes and armies in the comments and we will definitely add to our article.

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