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> Which hero is the strongest in Warcraft 3?

Which hero in Warcraft 3 is the strongest?

The maximum number of heroes per army in WarCraft 3 cannot exceed three, and the cost of the food limit for each heroic personality is five. Such restrictions are completely justified, since the power of a developed hero significantly exceeds the power of almost any unit in the game, or even an entire army. There are many heroes in the game, so the question of choice is more than relevant, so there is a desire to immediately choose a strong and effective hero. The choice of heroes for each race is different, so representatives of each of the four races have four heroes, which can be hired in the corresponding building. In addition, the tavern offers its services to all players; many maps have this neutral building.

By the way, often players choose the hero from the tavern first, for this, however, it is advisable to immediately change the standard construction of buildings at the beginning of the game; the altar of kings or a similar building of other races will be built later in order to prepare for the possibility of hiring a hero in the tavern. As a result, we can say with confidence that The choice of heroes in The Frozen Throne is wide and complex. And their own heroes, the heroes of each race, are also strong, have useful abilities, and can single-handedly hold off an entire army. At the very first levels, the heroes are quite vulnerable, and many of them need to be protected, because their death in an important battle can cost victory. By downloading replays from the website of the best players in the world, we can personally see the importance of literally every hero, so we choose the main one for the entire game.

Let me remind you that you can hire up to three heroes, but to do this you need to go to the next levels of development, which in WarCraft 3 is called a tier, it is determined by the maximum level of development of your main building. So on tier 3 you can keep three heroes alive at the same time, on tier 2 only two, from the start of the game only one. By the way, you can play with one hero, in which case he will receive a bonus to experience, which will also depend on the current tier level. In practice, this will result in a significantly faster growth of the hero’s level, however, this approach is not always justified; in most cases, it makes sense to hire two or even three heroes. Even though their level will ultimately be lower, the total number of skills will make this combination more effective.

However, we have deviated a little from the main idea of ​​​​the article, so Let's get back to finding out the strongest hero in Warcraft III. Let's start with the fact that each hero, like in a real role-playing game, has parameters, although only three: strength, dexterity, intelligence. One of them is the main one and affects a large number of secondary characteristics, such as health reserve, mana reserve, armor indicator, mana and life regeneration rates, and the size of the hero’s damage. All heroes in Warcraft 3 in their normal state have heroic-type armor and attacks; they usually receive less damage and are equally effective against all types of armor with the exception of reinforced ones, which deal only 50% damage.

As a result, if we consider those with the highest strength parameter to be strong heroes, then only strong heroes, DK (death horseman) of the undead, paladin and many others will fall there. If we consider strength as an indicator of a hero’s effectiveness, then it is no longer so important who has which parameter is the main one. Let me remind you that in terms of real strength, attack speed and fighting qualities, agile heroes (the main parameter is agility) can compete with security forces. Mages are traditionally weak in melee combat and have a small amount of health, which makes them a favorite target of the enemy. However It is impossible to take into account the overall strength of the heroes only according to the main and secondary parameters, it is necessary to take into account their abilities

All this ultimately leads to the fact that You can't call any hero in WarCraft 3 the strongest, even if only the force parameter is taken into account. However, this approach is not objective and will not be considered. As for the personal fighting strength of the heroes, here we can highlight demon hunter night (DH or DH) elves and blade masters(BM or BM) orcs. It is these heroes who represent a formidable force as an individual combat unit; the heroes’ abilities are also tailored to battle. The first heroes most often chosen are: the alliance - the archmage, the night elves - the demon hunter, the orcs - the blade master, the undead - the horseman of death. This choice provides enough versatility, however, in general, the choice depends on what tactics the player plans to use. We must not forget about taking into account the race of the opponent, which at the same time affects the tactics used, and that, in turn, the choice of the first hero. The second hero is selected taking into account the current combat situation and can correct the situation or, on the contrary, develop an offensive.

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Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Release date in Russia: 2002 (original) / 2003 (addition)
Age restrictions: 12+
Genre: Real-time strategy
Localization: Full
Network material: Multiplayer present
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS

Game Review

Warcraft 3 is the third part of the famous saga about the confrontation between people, orcs and other inhabitants of the medieval fantasy world of Azeroth. The game received wide recognition and hit status immediately after its release and became the most beloved for many who were fond of computer games in the first half of the 2000s. 15 years after its release, Warcraft III is not only still enjoyed by “newbies,” but also brings together famous and experienced players from all over the world for spectacular tournaments. The mechanics of the game are very original, and the visual style absorbed all the best from films and video games popular at the time about magic, knights and heroes.

According to the plot, Warcraft 3 is divided into two parts connected together - Reign of Chaos (the original game) and a continuation in the form of DLC called The Frozen Throne. Together they consist of 8 large and diverse companies, 2 for each of the races (for the Human Alliance, the Orc Horde, as well as the undead and night elves). It is worth noting that the third part of Warcraft is a direct continuation of the second, but at the same time everyone will be able to understand the essence of the events taking place.

In general, all the chapters of the original and additions can be “passed” in a couple of evenings. but the process of going through it thoughtfully, “with gusto,” will take at least a week. However, this is exactly how this game should be played, because, as in the case of Diablo II or Starcraft, the developers from Blizzard literally poured their soul into it. This attitude is felt literally in everything - from the quality of cinematic videos to “Easter eggs” made with an excellent sense of humor.

At one time, Reign of Chaos, together with The Frozen Throne, were able to surprise gamers with their gameplay. Yes, they did not do without typical RTS elements such as building bases and collecting important resources. They also have a set of troops. But, unlike other strategies, some “role-playing game” components appeared in Warcraft III. Thus, the opportunity to hire unique heroes with their own characteristics, which improve during battles, was implemented.

A characteristic feature of the gameplay was also a strong limitation in the number of soldiers on the warring sides. Each unit consumes quite a lot of food, so it’s impossible to gather a huge army and mindlessly send it to storm an enemy base. You need to think about developing your own technologies and upgrading your heroes. Fortunately, thanks to the clearing of neutral buildings scattered across the map, developing heroes is not difficult and very interesting.

It is worth noting that Warcraft 3 is one of the first Blizzard projects made in 3D graphics. It became possible to rotate the camera and carefully examine all the models inside and out. Before this, the company's games were made exclusively in 2D isometrics and did not have such capabilities. In addition, one cannot help but say about the visual style of this strategy. Despite its “cartoonishness” and even a certain “fabulousness”, it is very pleasant, harmoniously fitting into the atmosphere.

If we talk about the third “Warcraft” as a whole, then this is a bright representative of the RTS genre, where everyone can find something for themselves that they like. From the diverse and exciting world of medieval fantasy to intense and sweaty or simply interesting multiplayer battles that make you forget about everything in the world. If you like real-time strategies, and you are not put off by the combat orientation of Warcraft, then we can safely recommend it for purchase.

Game Features

  • Exciting single player campaign .
    The single-player campaign in Warcraft III has a good variety of tasks and thoughtful gameplay. Players who like to follow the development of history will not remain indifferent. The plot, in keeping with the best traditions of fantasy, tells the story of an epoch-making confrontation between 4 races. Each of them is led into battle by its own heroes with their own past and goals. A great soundtrack will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of what is happening on the screen, some of which can easily migrate to your main playlist.
  • Original, thoughtful gameplay .
    The game was the first strategy into which RPG elements were successfully introduced: leveling up, items, potions, artifacts that combat units can carry and use, spells of different levels. The game took the most interesting things from the best role-playing series of that time - The Elder Scrolls, Diablo or Neverwinter Nights, while retaining all the main features of the real-time strategy. It was here that “heroes” first appeared - units that must lead an army into battle, level up, carry those same items and use them. The results of the fights are very high quality, spectacular and unique. The fact that Warcraft III championships with prize pools are still held to this day, 13 years after the game’s release, speaks volumes.
  • Lots of custom cards and companies .
    It is impossible not to mention that it was thanks to the advanced built-in game editor that many truly excellent, colorful and diverse “maps” were born, on which more than one generation of gamers grew up. Some of them have become so popular that they have grown into independent games, such as Dota 2 or League of Legends. Many of the Warcraft III mapmakers' creations literally reinvented or made entire genres popular, such as MOBA or Tower Defense. These genres have separated, and today independent and full-fledged games are being created in them.

The game Warcraft 3 was released back in 2002, and an addition to it called The Frozen Throne, which made it truly popular, was released in 2003. And until now, in various tops and reviews, Warcraft 3 is called one of the best real-time strategies. This article will give a brief overview of the heroes of this cult game.

At one time, many different sites were created for Warcraft 3, but now, unfortunately, only a few of them have survived to the present day. Now one of the most worthy sites for this game is, in my opinion, the site http://wc3.3dn.ru/, it was he who inspired me to write this article. Well, now we will briefly look at the heroes of this game.

Heroes of the Alliance

Archmage- one of the most powerful magicians in the game, the elementals he summons are the most powerful summoners. It also looks good in tandem with magicians of all stripes because it has an aura that accelerates mana regeneration.

Blood Sorcerer - his most famous spell is a pillar of fire, which destroys both units and buildings equally well. Upon reaching level 6, he turns into a fire-breathing Phoenix, which is extremely difficult to kill.

Mountain King - is widely known for his hammer, which allows him to remotely stun enemies. This technique is actively used to surround and kill enemy heroes.

Paladin- will heal an ally when he needs it. He also has an aura that increases the armor of neighboring units - this skill of his looks especially advantageous in combination with the knights of the alliance, which already boast a solid reserve of armor.

Heroes of the Horde

Farsir- his two calling cards are chain lightning and bloodthirsty wolves. Chain Lightning is one of the most effective AoE spells in the game that affects living creatures. And wolves are notable for the fact that at the last level of pumping they can become invisible.

Blade Master - the owner of the largest sword in Warcraft 3. Moreover, he knows how to wield it masterfully. He also knows how to go invisible and create his own illusions.

Spirit Catcher- known for his imba healing spell, he also knows how to place shooting snakes and turn enemies into sheep.

Tauren- is distinguished by its command aura, which increases the speed of movement and attack of allied troops.

Undead Heroes

Death Knight - the most popular of the undead heroes, he is capable of healing undead warriors with his ray and raising the corpses of warriors fallen on the battlefield.

Cryptlord- a master of summoning bugs that can burrow into the ground and then attack enemies from there. It also has spikes that make attacks from melee enemies painful for them.

Lich- became famous thanks to his Frost Nova spell, he also knows how to curse a section of terrain, thereby causing enormous damage to all living and nonliving things in this area.

Lord of Terror - is essentially a vampire and is able to restore his health through attacks on the enemy. It also has an aura of vampirism.

Night Elf Heroes

Priestess of the Moon- has an aura that increases the attack power of firing units. But her ult called “Starfall” is especially terrible.

Varden- master of daggers and short distance teleportation.

Guardian of the Grove - capable of transforming any part of the forest into ents capable of attacking enemies. At the last level of pumping, he has the mass healing skill.

Demon Hunter - one of the strongest (physically) melee heroes in the game. Capable of turning into a huge demon with a ranged attack and burning mana from enemies.


Each hero has three characteristics, which, as a rule, determine the hero's role in the game. These stats are Intelligence (INT), Dexterity (AGI) and Strength (STR)

Each hero has a "core" stat on which their strength is based. Each point to the hero's main stat adds 1 point to damage. Typically, when a hero's level is higher, the primary attribute receives the largest increase.


1 unit increases the hero's health by 19 units.

1 unit increases the speed of health recovery by 0.03 units. per second.


1 unit increases defense by 0.14 units.

1 unit increases battle speed by 1 unit.


1 unit increases mana by 13 units.

1 unit increases the speed of mana recovery by 0.04 units. per second.

How to improve performance?

Every time a hero levels up, your hero will gain a certain number of attributes (you can check this by hovering your mouse over the hero, then over the ability you are about to select).

Some items (Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, Blade of Alacrity, etc.) also increase the characteristics of heroes (if such items are in the hero's inventory).

Some hero abilities increase characteristics:

Morph (2/4/6/8 AGI and STR)
Flesh Heap (0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8) for any terrain (400 AOE) of a dying enemy hero or a hero killed by Pudge outside of AoE STR
Decay (Temporarily detonates 4 STR from the target)
Great Fortitude (12/24/36 STR)
Marksmanship (15/30/45 AGI)
Last Word (Steals 1 INT from a dying enemy hero)
Astral Imprisonment (2/4/6/8 INT stolen temporarily)

Each hero has a fifth skill (bonus stat), with the exception of the Invoker hero, who increases all stats by 2 points.

The point of the mod is that each player is given the choice of a race or hero that has specific abilities. The chosen hero needs to be pumped up, that is, earned experience.
There are levels, so for example, to get the first level you will need to score 100 ex-pi (xp), the second - 200, the third - 400, the fourth - 800, the fifth 1600 and so on. When you level up, you are given the opportunity to choose a skill to upgrade. The special action (ultimate) can only be obtained after the sixth level.
Experience is awarded for useful actions: killing an enemy, headshot, planting a bomb, and so on. Experience can also be removed for negative actions.
There are two stores in the game that allow you to buy this or that item, regardless of the chosen race. To access the first store, you need to type shopmenu in the console (it is better to bind to a button that is convenient for you - bind "key" "shopmenu"). To access the second store, use the shopmenu2 command.
It should be noted that you cannot buy the entire store in one go.
To use this special feature, you will need to bind any button with the ultimate command. For example, to bind this command to pressing the mouse wheel, you need to write the following in the console: bind "mouse3" "ultimate" and press Enter.

Description of races > Undead Scourge (Scourge of the Dead)

Undead Scourge (Scourge of the Dead)
1. Vampiric Aura (vampire aura): Returns to you a percentage of the damage done to the enemy in the form of health (1st level - 15%, 2nd level - 30%, 3rd level - 45%).
2. Unholy Aura (devil's aura): Increases your movement speed, which will be the same regardless of what weapon you have in your hands.
3. Levitation (hovering above the surface): Gives you the ability to jump higher than usual.
4. Ultimate, Suicide Bomber: When you die, you will become the center of a large explosion that can kill nearby enemies.

Specialization and leveling up: in my opinion, the main advantage of the undead is the high speed of movement and access to difficult places on the map, thanks to the ability to jump high. Because of this, you will be able to get to the intended meeting point faster than the enemy, take an advantageous position and take him by surprise. It follows from this that undead is best used on large maps. That is, up to the 6th level we pump up Unholy Aura and Levitation, after reaching the sixth level we take Ultimate, Suicide Bomber and pump up the remaining skill - Vampiric Aura.

Description of races > Human Alliance

Human Alliance
1. Invisibility: makes you partially invisible, that is, transparent. The higher the level, the harder it is to notice you. Also, you become more transparent if the active weapon is a knife.
2. Devotion Aura (devotion aura): gives you a higher maximum health level (1st level - 115 hp, 2nd level - 130 hp, 3rd level - 145 hp).
3. Bash (tranquilizer): when fired, you have the opportunity to immobilize the enemy for one second (level 1 - 15%, level 2 - 30%, level 3 - 45%).
4. Ultimate, Teleport (Special action, Teleport): takes you to the place where the crosshair is pointing (to avoid bugs, do not teleport to ceilings).

Specialization and leveling up: the person is very good at camping. This includes invisibility, more life, and teleport in case of unforeseen danger. That is, first we download Devotion Aura and Invisibility, increasing the amount of life and the degree of transparency, then we take Teleport and download Bash. Thus, we have a professional camper that performs very well on dark maps, or simply in dark corners.

Description of races > Orcish Horde (Orc Horde)

Orcish Horde (Orc Horde)
1. Critical Strike: gives a chance to inflict more damage from a shot (1st level - 2 times more, 2nd level - 3 times more, 3rd level - 4 times more).
2. Critical Grenade: grenades will always do more damage (level 1 - 2 times more, level 2 - 4 times more, level 3 - 6 times more).
3. Equipment Reincarnation: gives a chance to restore weapons and ammunition after death (1st level - 33%, 2nd level - 66%, 3rd level - 100%).
4. Ultimate, Chain Lightning: Shoots lightning at an enemy, which jumps to nearby enemies. The damage for the first enemy is 50hp, and for subsequent ones it is reduced by 2/3).

Specialization and pumping: all the capabilities of an orc are aimed at inflicting maximum damage to the enemy. A very good skill is Critical Grenade, which is best used in places where the enemy is concentrated, or on small maps, where you can throw a grenade at the enemy base almost from your respawn (cs_mansion). Thus, we alternately level up Critical Grenade and Critical Strike, after the sixth level we take Chain Lightning and level up Equipment Reincarnation, which, in turn, is also a very useful skill - it saves your money very well. That is, having purchased once in full, you will never lose your weapons, you will only need to buy armor occasionally. Therefore, you can save up 16,000, buy Mole in shopmenu2 and end up at the enemy base in full ammunition.

Description of races > Night Elves of Kalimdor (Night Elves of Kalimdor)

Night Elves of Kalimdor (Night Elves of Kalimdor)
1. Evasion: gives a chance to evade each shot (1st level - 10% probability, 2nd level - 20%, 3rd level - 30%).
2. Thorns Aura: causes the enemy a percentage of the damage inflicted on you (1st level - 5%, 2nd level - 10%, 3rd level - 15%).
3. Trueshot Aura (Accuracy Aura): gives an additional percentage of damage to the enemy (level 1 - 13%, level 2 - 27%, level 3 - 40%).
4. Ultimate, Entangle Roots: Prevents your enemy from moving for 10 seconds.

Specialization and leveling up: the night elf is the central figure in battle. He can be surrounded by several enemies and easily get out of such a trap. In his hands there should be a weapon with the highest possible accuracy to increase the chances of causing maximum damage when fired. It seems to me that Trueshot Aura and Evasion should be upgraded first, since their percentage is higher than Thorns Aura. After the sixth level, think about whether you need Entangle Roots or whether it is better to pump up Thorns Aura. In any case, the night elf is a very balanced character.

Description of races > Blood Mage

Blood Mage
1. Phoenix (Phoenix): chance to resurrect the 1st deceased teammate (1st level - 33%, 2nd level - 66%, 3rd level - 100%).
2. Banish: chance of a strong blow (similar to amx_slap) of your enemy (1st level - 5%, 2nd level - 10%, 3rd level - 15%).
3. Sipmon Mana: Every time you hit an enemy, you steal money from him.
4. Ultimate, Flame Strike: You get a flamethrower (5 charges every 5 seconds). When hitting an enemy, it lights up and begins to lose hp.

Specialization and leveling up: an interesting character. He is needed more for team play than for elevating his loved one. It works well when playing for a losing team. Initially, you should download Phoenix and Banish, and take Flame Strike at the first opportunity. It is very useful if you fall into a trap - just burn all the enemies standing around you. It's okay if you die first - they will die after. Also useful on large maps like de_rats, hitting the enemy is a lot of fun watching him fall.

Description of races > Shadow Hunter

Shadow Hunter
1. Healing Wave: heals you and your teammates (level 1 - 1% health over 2 seconds, level 2 - 2%, level 3 - 3%).
2. Hex (Evil Eye): gives a chance to turn the enemy into a frog, that is, make him jump spontaneously.
3. Seprent Ward: you have several lightning bolts (1st level - one, 2nd level - two, 3rd level - three), which hits all enemies who step on the point where it was installed (to activate you need to bind and activate the button with the ability action. For example, bind "f" "ability").
4. Ultimate, Bid Bad Voodoo (Great Sorcerer): Invulnerability for two seconds.

Specialization and leveling up: you should level up Seprent Ward and Healing Wave and, upon reaching level 6, immediately take Bid Bad Voodoo. Seprent Ward is best used in narrow passages when you are sure that the enemy will pass there, for example, narrow corridors on cs_mansion. Invulnerability is good when rushing or when surrounded by enemies.

Description of races > Warden (Jailer)

Warden (Jailer)
1. Fan of Knives: You have a chance to make a Mole, that is, be at the beginning of the round in the enemy’s base in their own form.
2. Blink: ability to block enemy abilities.
3. Shadow Strike: Chance to throw a poisoned dagger.
4. Ultimate, Vengeance (Special action, Revenge): Revival with 50 health.

Specialization and leveling up: you should level up Fan of Knives and Blink. It's very cool to find yourself in the spawn of an unsuspecting enemy. There have been cases when one player killed the entire enemy team in this way. Vengeance is also good and should be taken at the first opportunity, after all, a second life.

Description of races > Crypt Lord (Mummy)

Crypt Lord (Mummy)
1. Impale: when hit, the enemy’s screen begins to shake, which makes it very difficult to aim.
2. Spiked Carapace: Reflects damage to the enemy and steals armor.
3. Carrion Beetles: Chance of beetles attacking your opponent, meaning they have a chance to cause extra damage.
4. Ultimate, Locust Swarm: A large cloud of locusts attacks the enemy.

Specialization and leveling up: Impale and Spiked Carapace are very good. After leveling up these abilities, take Locust Swarm and level up Carrion Beetles. This way you will get balanced character development.

Description of console commands

List of console commands:
"war3menu" - war3 mod menu. From there you can get to the rest of the menu.
"selectskill" or "say /selectskill" - allows you to select a skill before the start of the next round
"changerace" or "say /changerace" - allows you to change race during the game
"playerskills" or "say /playerskills" - shows which skills have been selected by other players
"skillsinfo" or "say /skillsinfo" - shows what each of the skills of your chosen race does
"war3help" - shows a list of all console commands
"shopmenu" - item store
"shopmenu2" - N2 item store
"ultimate" - use of a super skill (bind to a free key, for example bind "v" "ultimate")
"say level" - shows level, race and information on your skills

Description of stores (shopmenu and shopmenu2)

Shop No. 1 (bind "key" "shopmenu")
1. Ankh of Reincarnation: If you die, your weapons and ammunition will be restored in the next round.
2. Boots of Speed: Gives a bonus to speed.
3. Claws of Attack +6: Each time an enemy is hit, their health will be reduced by 6 health.
4. Cloak of Shadows: makes you partially invisible (with a knife the percentage of invisibility is higher).
5. Mask of Death: Gives a health boost for every enemy hit.
6. Necklace of Immunity: Immunity to enemy abilities.
7. Orb of Frost: Slows down your enemy when hit.
8. Periapt of Health: additional health.
9. Tome of Experience: Gain additional experience upon purchase.

Shop No. 2 (bind "key" "shopmenu2")
1. Scroll of Respawning: Resurrects at the base immediately after your death.
2. Mole Protectant (Clairvoyance): protection from Mole in the first 6 seconds of the round.
3. Amulet of the Cat: Your steps become silent.
4. Sock of the Feather: Low gravity (lower than level 3 Levitation).
5. Helm of Excellence: immunity to headshots.
6. Flaming Gloves of Warmth: Gives a grenade every 10 seconds.
7. Ring of Regeneration +1: Gives 1 health every two seconds.
8. Chameleon: Enemy form.
9. Mole (Spy): Teleport to the enemy base at the beginning of the next round and change the skin to the enemy one.

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