Changes in patch 9 20 what to expect

Game version 9.20 for World of Tanks went to the Supertest. In this material, we are ready to tell you what awaits players in the upcoming update. Let's start with the HD models.

HD models

Wargaming is slowing down the production of HD models of equipment. Remember when almost 20 units of cars used to come out? In update 9.20, according to preliminary data, only 12 units of military equipment of improved quality are expected.

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t

Churchill III





Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)

VK 30.01 (D)


Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D

Matilda Black Prince

M5A1 Stuart

New form of fighting

Do you still remember the May testing of battles, where 60 players played at once - 30 people for each team? At 9.20, a unique battle format for Tier X vehicles will be added to the “Random Battle” mode, where 60 players will fight - “General Battle”.

The battles will take place on a new map, which was created specifically for this battle format - “Nebelburg”. The map size is 1.4 x 1.4 km, which is larger than any currently existing map in World of Tanks.

The rules of combat are the same as in other battles of the “Random Battle” mode: destroy all enemy equipment or capture the map. The number of self-propelled guns is limited to four units per team. The “General Battle” battle format can be turned on and off in the settings.

New branch of tanks

For a long time, Wargaming has been saying that the branch of Chinese tank destroyers will be exclusive to the Chinese server, but in update 9.20 this branch will no longer be exclusive there.

Yes, yes, you didn’t think so. Nine units of new Chinese cars will appear on all game servers. You can see what the branch will consist of.

Self-propelled gun changes

After the release of update 9.18, when self-propelled guns were significantly redesigned, Wargaming collected statistics and player feedback to decide which direction to move next. A few months later, WG improved the mechanics for calculating damage and stun, adding a number of additional parameters when shooting through obstacles:

  • You won’t have to worry about artillery fire if the structure (destructible or non-destructible) that is used for shelter is 2 m or more thick, and your vehicle is completely hidden behind it. There you will be safe: your car will not receive damage and will not be stunned.
  • A vehicle standing behind a fence or small building less than 2 m thick will receive damage and be stunned, as happens in open areas.
  • Third scenario: the structure is strong (2 m or more), but the car is not completely hidden behind it (for example, the stun occurred at the moment of driving behind cover). In this case, the duration of the stun and damage will depend on which part of the vehicle was fired upon. Depending on the area under fire, the vehicle will receive:
    1. 25% of total damage and stun time;
    2. 50% of total damage and stun time;
    3. 75% of total damage and stun time;
    4. 100% total damage and stun time.

Changes will also be made to the post-battle message interface: in order to fully reflect the player’s combat effectiveness, information about the total time of the stun inflicted will be shown in the battle results.

Technique rebalance

In update 9.20, many vehicles from the four nations that we have in the game will be rebalanced. These will be Soviet medium and heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers; French medium and heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers; German heavy tanks and tank destroyers; American medium tanks.

Here I would like to separately add that Wargaming abandoned the idea of ​​​​rebalancing Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. During testing of new versions, no sufficient arguments were found to rebalance this iconic machine.

Also in the French tree there will be changes in the tank destroyer branch at level X. Wargaming has decided to make the AMX 50 Foch (155) a promotional vehicle, and replace it with the new AMX 50 Foch B tank destroyer. If you have an AMX 50 Foch (155) in your hangar at the time of the release of update 9.20, then it will become promotional, and the AMX 50 Foch B will be added to replace it for free. Another small quest has arrived for players who want another promotional car. Let us remind you that update 9.20 comes out at the end of August.

That, in fact, is all that is currently known about the upcoming update 9.20. Download French tank destroyers and be happy!

Update 9.20 is entering general testing. You will find battles in the “30 vs 30” format, Chinese tank destroyers and vehicle rebalancing - about it, and soon you will find other materials about the changes in version 9.20.

In the meantime, here’s all the latest and most interesting things regarding ranked battles. Read and don’t forget to share your opinions in a special topic on the forum. This will help us configure the update in more detail.

Ranked battles

The first beta season of ranked battles recently ended. We have analyzed all your feedback and want to make changes that should improve the gameplay in the second beta season. These are the ones we will test as part of the general test of update 9.20.

Changes to basic mechanics

One of the most discussed topics on the forum concerned the simplicity of the mode. The basic mechanics of matching players of equal skill worked, but reaching rank five was not a real challenge for experienced tankers.

We tried to fix this by changing the mechanics of obtaining chevrons and ranks. The number of ranks will remain the same, but the number of chevrons required to achieve ranks will change. The distance between ranks will be as follows: 1-3-5-7-9 chevrons. To achieve the first rank you will need only one chevron, and as many as nine will be needed to move from the fourth to the fifth rank.

In addition, the mechanics of vehicle ranks will change. In the second beta season, any rank will cost 5 chevrons.

The mechanics of obtaining chevrons will also change. The 10 best players in terms of experience earn a chevron on the winning team. The remaining 5 winning players, as well as the top 5 players of the losing team, do not earn a chevron. Finally, the remaining 10 players of the losing team lose their chevron.

In this way, we want to push players to interact: despite personal results in ranked battles, victory remains a team achievement. That is why we have expanded the list of players who do not lose their chevron if the team loses. This means that even if the battle goes poorly and the enemy is pushing in all directions, you should not give up. You must continue to help your allies - your efforts will be rewarded.

Balancer improvements

We found several critical issues related to balance. And here's how we're going to solve them:

  • Let's improve the balance between teams in terms of the number of medium and heavy tanks.
  • Let's limit the number of self-propelled guns per team to two units.
  • We will add more maps and significantly improve their rotation. Thanks to this, the chances of ending up on the same card all the time will decrease.


We will also review the mechanics of receiving rewards. From now on, you will no longer have to wait until the end of the season to receive the bulk of the bonds you earn. The value of the rewards will also increase.

Testing stages

Testing of the second beta season of ranked battles will take place during the general test of update 9.20. Join us - the next stage will last until August 9.

Your feedback on changes to the game is very important to us. Leave comments on the forum and share your opinions about ranked battles.

How to get to the general test

Improvements to ranked battles

Improvements in the client

  • Added the ability to receive weapon marks and class badges not only in random battles, but also in the “Ranked Battle” mode.
  • The influence of Pre-Combat Instructions on the performance characteristics of vehicles is now displayed in information windows and simplified performance characteristics.
  • In the vehicle comparison interface, the ability to set Pre-Combat Instructions has been added to take into account their impact.
  • Added the ability to enable auto-replenishment of Pre-Battle Instructions in the purchase window.
  • Improved equipment can now only be removed using bonds.
  • Added display of vehicle rank on the vehicle panel (in the “carousel”), indicating a specific value for each vehicle when selecting the “Rank Battle” mode.
  • The interface for displaying the reward received in the past stage has been improved. Information about the reward received is also displayed in the tooltip when hovering over the rank.
  • The calendar interface in the mode has been redesigned. Information about prime times on each server for the selected day is now displayed in the calendar window (instead of in a tooltip as before).
  • The list of maps for playing in the mode has been changed. Now battles take place on the following maps:
    1. "Mines".
    2. "Prokhorovka".
    3. "Monastery".
    4. "El Halluf".
    5. "Aerodrome".
    6. "Robin".
    7. "Himmelsdorf".
    8. "Murovanka".
    9. "Paris".
    10. "Karelia".
    11. "Lasville".
    12. "Siegfried Line"
    13. "Sandy River"
    14. "Erlenberg".
    15. "Polar Region".
    16. "Tundra".
    17. "Ensk".
    18. "Swamp."
    19. "Westfield".
    20. "Fisherman's Bay"
    21. "Highway."
    22. "Quiet Shore"
    23. "Windstorm".
    24. "Fjords".
    25. "Industrial zone".
  • Changes have been made to the work of the balancer:
  1. The maximum number of self-propelled guns in battle has been reduced to two.
  2. The balance system for vehicle types has been improved (the balancer will try to select the most similar team compositions).
  3. The system for forming teams by rank has been improved.
  • The screen interface when entering the mode has been revised: information on the servers available for the game has been added; The display of information about prime times has been redesigned.
  • Special tips have been added to the Ranked Battle loading screen, explaining the main mechanics and features of the mode. A separate option has also been added to allow you to customize the loading screen specifically for this mode. You can choose one of three options for displaying the loading screen in the Ranked Battle mode (works the same as in random battles, but only applies to ranked battles):
    • text only;
    • with illustration;
    • minimap.

Season leader display improvements

  • An event archive has been added - you can view player statistics for the past season.
  • Added filters: clanmates and friends. You can see where your friends or clanmates stand on the season leaderboard.

Improvements to crew stun mechanics

  • The duration of the inflicted stun has been added to post-battle statistics.
  • The mechanics of dealing damage and stunning through obstacles have been improved. Now the self-propelled gun will not deal damage through obstacles more than 2 meters thick if the target is completely hidden behind them. In this case, the blast wave may slightly bend around the corners of obstacles. To do this, the distance from the point of impact to the edge of the obstacle must be less than 2 meters, however, the damage from the explosion will be reduced.
  • Reload time for 12.8 cm Kw.K gun. 44 L/55 increased from 12 to 13.3 s.
  • Durability decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The spread of the gun due to rotation of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The turning speed of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been increased from 22 to 26 deg/s.


A full branch of tank destroyers has been added (from levels II to X, respectively):

  • T-26G FT;
  • M3G FT;
  • SU-76G FT;
  • 60G FT;
  • WZ-131G FT;
  • T-34-2G FT;
  • WZ-111-1G FT;
  • WZ-111G FT;
  • WZ-113G FT.


Added machine for testing by supertesters:

  • T-44 lightweight.

Added car:

  • STG "Guardsman".

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-54 chassis, the first sample, was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-54 chassis, the first sample, was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, first sample, has been reduced from 2.4 to 2.2 s.
  • The viewing range has been increased from 360 to 380 m.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from −6 to −7 degrees.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 15%.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.

T-103 (Tier VIII tank destroyer)

  • The displayed power of the MH-1 engine has been reduced from 1000 to 900 hp. s., which corresponds to the actual engine power.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun has been reduced from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 14%.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from 0.35 to 0.39 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun has been reduced from 0.39 to 0.33 m.
  • Reloading time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 7.8 to 7.4 s.
  • Reloading time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 8.2 to 8.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 mod turret. 1949 increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 mod turret. 1949 reduced from 2.9 to 2 s.
  • The armor of the towers and hull has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from −5 to −6 degrees.
  • Added M-50TI engine (1200 hp).
  • The M-50T engine (1050 hp) has been removed.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the IS-7 chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the IS-7 chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the 130 mm S-70 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun for the IS-7 turret has been reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Durability increased from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The 122 mm A-19 gun has been removed. 1937
  • The 122 mm D-25S gun has been removed. 1944
  • The 152 mm BL-10 gun has been removed.
  • The UBR-471 shell has been removed.
  • The BR-471D shell has been removed.
  • The UOF-471 projectile has been removed.
  • The 53-OF-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551P shell has been removed.
  • Durability increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units. experience.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 704,” has been increased from 176,500 to 192,500 units. experience.
  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 268,” has been reduced from 301,000 to 239,000 units. experience.
  • Horizontal aiming angles have been increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The speed of the UBR551M projectile for the 152 mm M-64 gun has been increased by 25% (from 760 to 950 m/s).
  • The armor of the tower roof has been strengthened.


Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The armor of the towers has been strengthened.
  • The 90 mm Gun M41 gun has been removed.
  • The 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 gun has been removed.
  • Removed AP M77 projectile.
  • Removed HE M71 shell.
  • Removed HVAP M304 projectile.
  • Removed AP T32M2 projectile.
  • The APCR T29E3M2 projectile has been removed.
  • Removed HE M11A2 shell.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.


Added a replacement vehicle for the AMX 50 Foch (155):

  • AMX 50 Foch B.

Replacing AMX 50 Foch (155) with AMX 50 Foch B

If AMX 50 Foch (155) is researched:

  • The Saurer F155 engine, the SCR 619 F155 radio and the AMX 50 Foch B will be automatically examined.
  • The crew will be retrained from AMX 50 Foch (155) to AMX 50 Foch B (including demobilized crew available for reinstatement).
  • Unallocated experience on the AMX 50 Foch (155) will be transferred to the AMX 50 Foch B.
  • Camouflage, inscriptions, emblems will be transferred from AMX 50 Foch (155) to AMX 50 Foch B with the same validity periods.

If the AMX 50 Foch (155) is in the Hangar:

  • Additional equipment will be unloaded to the Warehouse, the crew will be disembarked at the Barracks, the Saurer engine will be replaced with a Saurer F155 engine, the SCR 619 radio will be replaced with the SCR 619 F155 radio.
  • The AMX 50 Foch B vehicle will be added to the Hangar along with a slot.

Statistics remain on the AMX 50 Foch (155), marks are not transferred to the gun.

Adding a magazine loading system to the AMX 50 Foch

Adding a magazine loading system to the AMX AC mle. 48

  • Additional equipment will be unloaded to the Warehouse.

Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The ammunition capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun has been increased from 42 to 44 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from 30 to 42 units.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 30 1er prototype chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 30 A pré-série chassis has been reduced by 12%.
  • Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 30 1er prototype chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 30 A pré-série chassis has been reduced by 12%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série tower has been increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 1er prototype turret has been increased from 0.34 to 0.38 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the AMX 30 A pré-série turret is reduced by 40%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the turret of the AMX 30 1er prototype is reduced by 30%.
  • Reload time for 105 mm mle gun. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série turret reduced from 9.9 to 8.7 s.
  • Reload time for 105 mm mle gun. F1 for the AMX 30 1er prototype turret reduced from 10.2 to 9 s.
  • The armor of the towers has been strengthened.
  • Armor penetration of the OFL-105-F1 projectile for the 105 mm mle gun. F1 reduced from 260 to 248 mm.
  • Armor penetration of the OCC-105-F1 projectile for the 105 mm mle gun. F1 reduced from 320 to 300 mm.

The rebalance of medium tanks should assign them the role of active tanks with a strong turret. This will allow Soviet STs to play “from the tower”, while the hull will have to be securely hidden behind cover.

T-44, T-54arr. 1and T-44-100 (P)

Top tank turret VIII

T-44 received 200 mm of reduced armor in the front part (where previously there was 120–140 mm) and up to 300 mm on the sides. Now the tank will not need to avoid duels against classmates and even vehicles of higher levels. VIIIT-54 first sample And VIIIT-44-100 (R) received a similar improvement.

Moreover, the T-44's choice of guns did not provide variety in the gameplay. Therefore, we changed the parameters of the 100 mm LB-1 and 122 mm D-25-44 guns. The 122 mm gun received an increase in its rate of fire and became a good alternative with decent one-time damage. The 100 mm gun will provide effective shooting both on the move and from a stationary state thanks to improved stabilization and aiming. The gun will be an excellent choice for shooting at medium distances. And lastly: LB-1 armor-piercing shells will be able to penetrate 190 mm of armor, which will significantly increase the efficiency of shooting at classmates.


IXT-54 could literally single-handedly “disassemble” any medium tank. However, his turret has lost its former effectiveness over time, and now he does not feel as confident in mid- and long-range battles as he once did. We have strengthened the turret armor of this vehicle (the area behind the gun mantlet) to restore its former confidence.

The parameters of the top guns have also been revised to emphasize the difference when studying the T-62A and the Object 140. The T-62A, which has higher accuracy and better stabilization, is studied through the 100 mm D-54 gun, more suitable for medium and long range shooting. “Object 140” is more suitable for medium and close combat and is studied through the D-10T2S gun. Taking advantage of the opportunity, we also strengthened the armor of the tank's turret to the appropriate level.

"Object 140"

The combination of high speed, excellent guns and decent armor allows XObject 140 to be a “universal soldier” - he can effectively do everything: “shine” and perform flanking maneuvers. However, the thin armor of the turret roof was a weak point. To correct this, we have improved the turret roof armor to match the level of the T-62A tank. However, vulnerable turrets will remain. Be careful when going into battle with the updated Object 140: these turrets can still cause a rapid loss of strength.



Revision of tank parameters XIS-7 will set the direction of rebalance for the entire branch of heavy tanks of the USSR. Poor stabilization and accuracy of the gun do not allow targeted fire, especially on the move. Thus, players get the feeling that any other Tier X heavy tank is much better. To give the vehicle the long-awaited “up”, we have reduced the aiming time and the dispersion when moving and turning the turret. This should allow the vehicle to fully realize its firepower, and 2400 points of durability will increase survivability in battle. The combination of these changes emphasizes the role of the IS-7 as a breakthrough tank, always at the forefront of attack.

Let's get ahead of ourselves: in the future we plan to significantly differentiate the roles of the IS and HF branches. Our goal is to make the entire KV branch consistent and consistent with the role of well-armored vehicles with high firepower.

Although there are two branches of Soviet tank destroyers in the game, most players prefer the one that leads to the “Object 268”, and within the branch itself, many stop at the ISU-152 or study the “Object 268”, but never play it. We realized that there needed to be an incentive that would allow players to explore and play Object 268. To do this, we needed to change the characteristics of the ISU-152, and such things are usually difficult to do. We decided to leave the self-propelled gun with high one-time damage, but reduce armor penetration, compensating for this by increasing mobility and durability. Then it was possible to begin improving the “Object 704” and “Object 268”.


VIIIISU-152- this is a real “destroyer” of tanks, “Object 704” is in many ways similar to ISU-152, but stronger, but “Object 268” is slightly out of this three. Consistency was needed on the way to Object 268, and we started by replacing the top BL-10 gun with the 152 mm D-4S. It is similar to the BL-10 in many respects, with the exception of slightly reduced armor penetration (260 mm). This weapon allows the ISU-152 to remain a tank destroyer, but gives us a little freedom to improve the vehicle’s armor, increase its strength and mobility. In addition, some 122 mm guns were eliminated in order to speed up the upgrade of the vehicle to the top configuration.

If you have not researched the top gun and are using the 122mm BL-9S, you will receive a new top gun with the release of update 9.20.

"Object 704"

Fearful IXObject 704 will receive an alternative 152 mm D-4S gun in addition to the mighty BL-10 as a top gun to add variety to the gameplay of this self-propelled gun.

"Object 268"

To do XObject 268 As a worthy reward for the entire journey, we increased the projectile’s flight speed from 760 to 950 m/s, and also increased the declination angle of the gun to the level of the “Object 704”. All this should increase efficiency when shooting from a distance and at moving targets.

USSR technology, specific numbers

T-54 first sample

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, first sample, has been changed from 2.4 s to 2.2 s.
  • The tower's viewing range has been increased from 360 m to 380 m.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from −6 to −7 degrees.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 15%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun has been reduced from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 14%.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun has been reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun has been reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from 0.35 m to 0.39 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun has been reduced from 0.39 m to 0.33 m.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been reduced from 7.8 s to 7.4 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm D-54 gun has been increased from 8.2 s to 8.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from 2.3 s to 2.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-54 gun has been reduced from 2.9 s to 2 s.
  • The armor of the towers and hull has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from −5 to −6 degrees.

"Object 140"

  • The armor of the tower roof has been strengthened.
  • Added M-50TI engine.
  • The M-50T engine has been removed.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the 130 mm S-70 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun has been reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Durability increased from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The 122 mm A-19 gun has been removed. 1937
  • The 122 mm D-25S gun has been removed. 1944
  • The 152 mm BL-10 gun has been removed.
  • The UBR-471 shell has been removed.
  • The BR-471D shell has been removed.
  • The UOF-471 projectile has been removed.
  • The 53-OF-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551P shell has been removed.
  • Durability increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 experience units.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 704,” has been increased from 176,500 to 192,500 experience units.

"Object 704"

  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 268,” has been reduced from 301,000 to 239,000 experience units.

"Object 268"

  • Horizontal aiming angles have been increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The flight speed of the 152 mm UBR-551M projectile for the 152 mm M64 gun has been increased from 760 to 950 m/s.

France Research Tree

Now the vehicles of France are just a shadow of what they used to be: tank destroyers have become so weakened that few people want to explore them, and the AMX 30 and AMX 30 B simply duplicate the role of the German Leopard Prototyp A and Leopard 1. In update 9.20 we tried to return their role on the battlefield:

  • We have revised the characteristics of Tier IX and X medium tanks to make them precise mid-range support vehicles, providing players with a unique gameplay experience.
  • So that French tank destroyers could shine on the battlefield again, we gave them a magazine loading system. We also worked on mobility, armor and vulnerable areas.


AMX 30 and AMX 30 B

Survival IXAMX 30 1er prototype And XAMX 30 B will increase due to a significant increase in the armor of the tower and the game “from the terrain”. However, do not forget that the hull will remain very vulnerable to enemy shells. These tanks will also receive good stabilization, which, combined with decent speed and maneuverability, will allow them to quickly change positions and end up exactly where the situation requires. As for guns, the AMX 30 and AMX 30 B will have the highest DPM of any medium tank. They will be able to roll out, cause significant damage, and then drive back into cover. To ensure that these tanks play at medium range, we will slightly reduce their accuracy and penetration of armor-piercing shells.


AMX 50 100

VIIIAMX 50 100 has excellent mobility combined with impressive firepower. However, these strengths are often difficult for him to utilize in combat due to his high profile and extremely weak hull armor. In update 9.20, the tank will receive an increase in gun depression angles. Now he will be able to fire, hiding his large and “soft” body from the enemy in the folds of the terrain.

We wanted to make the magazine loading system the calling card of French Tier VIII–X tank destroyers, so we are giving a “drum” to the AMX AC mle self-propelled guns. 48 and AMX 50 Foch.

AMX AC mle. 48 and AMX 50 Foch

IXAMX 50 Foch received a 120 mm gun with a magazine loading system for 4 shells and average damage of 400 units per shot.

VIIIAMX AC mle. 48 received a 120 mm gun with a magazine loading system for 3 shells and average damage of 400 units per shot. Moreover, both self-propelled guns now have sufficient side armor to ricochet enemy shells. AMX AC mle. 48 will receive a slight increase in mobility, but the AMX 50 Foch will lose it a little.

AMX 50 Foch (155)

XAMX 50 Foch (155)- a real old-timer of World of Tanks. Although in recent years the weaknesses of the vehicle have become obvious, and it is significantly inferior in comparison with other tier ten tank destroyers, it can still be periodically noticed in battle. But we changed the technical characteristics of Tier VIII and IX vehicles, so it became necessary to also change the characteristics of the AMX 50 Foch (155) so that this tank destroyer would correspond to the general concept of the branch and at the same time retain all the distinctive features for which players love it so much.

In update 9.20, the Foch (155) will become a promotional vehicle, and a new tank destroyer will be added to the tenth level AMX 50 Foch B. This vehicle is, in fact, a modified version of the AMX 50 Foch (155) self-propelled gun, which replaces the 155 mm gun with a 120 mm gun equipped with a six-round magazine. Each of them is capable of inflicting 400 units of damage. In addition, the new vehicle will have enhanced armor on the sides and front of the hull. Due to its design features, the AMX 50 Foch (155) had poor elevation angles, which negatively affected its combat effectiveness. We've improved these options to give players the ability to take advantage of terrain folds when playing this vehicle.

AMX 50 Foch B

Some technical aspects of the AMX 50 Foch (155) translation:

What will happen to the combat characteristics of the AMX 50 Foch (155)?

We have improved the vehicle's parameters in accordance with the characteristics of the new Tier X tank destroyer (with the exception of weapons - the vehicle is still equipped with a 155-mm gun with a magazine loading system): the armor of the sides and front of the hull, as well as the vertical aiming angles, have been improved.

How can I get AMX 50 Foch B and AMX 50 Foch (155)?

If you previously researched and purchased the AMX 50 Foch (155), the car will remain in the Hangar, but it will become a promotional item. In addition, you will be awarded a new tank destroyer AMX 50 Foch B.

If you have already researched the car, but have not yet purchased it, hurry up and do so before the release of update 9.20.

If you have not yet explored this tank destroyer, you should hurry, as the AMX 50 Foch (155) will be discontinued after the update is released.

What does the AMX 50 Foch (155) leave for players?

Players retain the current combat statistics for the vehicle, experience earned, achievements, medals and distinctive markings.

What is carried over to the new AMX 50 Foch B tank destroyer?

All appearance elements (camouflage, emblems and inscriptions) are transferred to the AMX 50 Foch B, taking into account the period for which this or that element was purchased. The crew of the AMX 50 Foch (155) is automatically retrained for the AMX 50 Foch B. Since the AMX 50 Foch (155) is a promotional vehicle, you can transfer the crew from any other French tank destroyer to it.

What will happen to the existing ammunition and installed equipment?

Existing ammunition will be written off, and the full cost in credits will be credited to your account as a refund. The equipment will be dismantled and sent to the Warehouse. You can install it on any other machine.

French technology, specific numbers

  • The ammunition capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun has been increased from 42 to 44 units.

Bat.-Chât. 25 t

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 30 B chassis has been reduced by 25%.
  • The spread of the gun due to rotation of the AMX 30 B chassis has been reduced by 25%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 increased from 0.3 m to 0.36 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the turret has been reduced by 33%.
  • Reload time for 105 mm mle gun. F1 for the AMX 30 B turret has been reduced from 8.9 to 7.8 s.
  • Aiming time for the 105 mm mle gun. F1 for AMX 30 B turret reduced from 2.1 to 2 s.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • The dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun when rotating the barrel has been reduced by 42%.
  • A magazine loading system has been added to the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX AC mle turret. 48.
  • Aiming time for the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX AC mle turret. 48 reduced from 2.9 to 2.7 s.
  • The hull armor has been strengthened.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been increased from 64 to 66 units.
  • Added radio station SCR 619F.
  • Added Saurer 1000F engine.
  • Radio station SCR 619 has been removed.
  • Removed Saurer engine.
  • The hull armor has been strengthened.
  • The elevation angle of the 155 mm AC SA58 gun has been changed from +12 to +18 degrees.
  • The declination angle of the 155 mm AC SA58 gun has been increased from −5 to −6 degrees.
  • The car has been transferred from research to promotional.

Bat.-Ch. 25t AP

  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from 30 to 42 units.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 30 1er prototype chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 30 A pré-série chassis has been reduced by 12%.
  • Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 30 1er prototype chassis has been reduced by 11%.
  • Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 30 A pré-série chassis has been reduced by 12%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série tower has been increased from 0.33 to 0.37 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 for the AMX 30 1er prototype turret has been increased from 0.34 to 0.38 m.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the AMX 30 A pré-série turret is reduced by 40%.
  • Gun dispersion 105 mm mle. F1 when turning the turret of the AMX 30 1er prototype is reduced by 30%.
  • Reload time for 105 mm mle gun. F1 for the AMX 30 A pré-série turret reduced from 9.9 to 8.7 s.
  • Reload time for 105 mm mle gun. F1 for the AMX 30 1er prototype turret reduced from 10.2 to 9 s.
  • The armor of the towers has been strengthened.
  • Armor penetration of the OFL-105-F1 projectile for the 105 mm mle gun. F1 reduced from 260 to 248 mm.
  • Armor penetration of the OCC-105-F1 projectile for the 105 mm mle gun. F1 reduced from 320 to 300 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 90 mm DCA 45 gun has been increased from −6 to −9 degrees.
  • The declination angle of the 90 mm F3 gun has been increased from −6 to −9 degrees.
  • The depression angle of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from −6 to −9 degrees.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 50 Foch chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 50 Foch bis chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 50 Foch chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The spread of the gun due to rotation of the AMX 50 Foch bis chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been increased from 0.33 to 0.35 m.
  • The dispersion of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun when rotating the barrel has been reduced by 30%.
  • A magazine loading system has been added to the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX 50 Foch turret.
  • The aiming time of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX 50 Foch turret has been increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • The hull armor has been strengthened.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun has been increased from 64 to 68 units.
  • Added to replace AMX 50 Foch (155).

We know how reverently many of you treat Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We analyzed the test results and did not find sufficient arguments for rebalancing this iconic machine. Bat.-Châtillon 25 t will remain unchanged.

Germany Research Tree



IXMäuschen practically did not need any changes, except for one thing: in the basic configuration the tank was frankly weak, so we improved its mobility to make it more attractive to players. The change should also make it easier for players to progress through this branch of German heavy tanks.


As a result of recent changes, the Maus has once again become an indestructible fortress, capable of blocking a huge amount of damage, but in our quest to improve this tank we went a little overboard. Especially in increasing its fire performance. In Update 9.20, we want to maintain its signature features, in particular its outstanding booking performance. At the same time, it is important to emphasize its difference from another German heavy tank, the E 100. We have reduced the Maus's HP and also increased the gun reload time. This way, your damage per minute will decrease, but your playstyle will remain the same. Maus will continue to serve as a mobile fortress.

8.8cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

Rate of fire and accuracy VIII8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger was offset by its poor mobility, which prevented the full potential of this machine from being fully realized. Her speed did not allow her to quickly change flank and help her allies if necessary. We have improved the mobility of this tank destroyer so that it can join the battle when needed. This way, players can decide when to engage instead of waiting until the enemy gets close enough.

German technology, specific numbers

  • Improved cross-country ability of the stock chassis on all types of soil.
  • Reload time for 12.8 cm Kw.K gun. 44 L/55 increased from 12 s to 13.3 s.
  • Durability decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The chassis turning speed has been increased from 22 to 26 degrees/s.

American medium tanks

M48A1 Patton and M46 Patton

IXM46 Patton And


General battle


  • 60 players on the map, 30 on each team.
  • Only Tier X vehicles participate.
  • Battle time: 15 minutes.
  • Victory conditions: capture the enemy's base or destroy all of its equipment.

Formation of teams

  • The general battle is formed from the general queue of the “Random Battle” mode.
  • Getting into a general battle occurs randomly, by analogy with other types of battle: assault and oncoming battle.
  • The general battle will be disabled by default for players with insufficiently powerful computers. However, they will be able to enable it manually in the game settings: Settings > Game > Random Battle Types > Grand Battle.
  • Each team is conditionally divided into 3 subgroups, 10 people in each.
  • The player cannot choose a subgroup; membership in a specific subgroup is determined by the balancer.
  • The composition of teams in the general battle is regulated by the general rules of balance 2.0.
  • The composition of each subgroup by type of equipment will be as similar as possible to the composition of a similar subgroup from the opposing team.
  • Each team can have no more than 4 self-propelled guns.
  • The difference in the number of platoons between teams is no more than 2 platoon players.
  • If at least one player in a platoon has the “General Battle” battle type enabled, then such a platoon can get into this type of battle, regardless of whether the rest of the platoon members have it enabled.


  • The general battle takes place on the Nebelburg map measuring 1.4 x 1.4 kilometers.
  • The appearance of players on the map is regulated by their subgroup.
  • Each subgroup has its own starting position (“initial rep”).
  • Two bases: one for each team (as in a standard battle).


  • The loading screen, statistics screen (via Tab), post-battle statistics screen, as well as the team composition panel are adapted for 60 players.
  • The entire team is divided into 3 subgroups.
  • The composition of each subgroup can be viewed in detail by clicking on the corresponding subgroup.
  • The top element of the user interface has been changed. In addition to the total number of vehicles destroyed by a team, this element also displays the percentage of each team's total hit points.

Awards, achievements and statistics

  • In each general battle, players will be able to receive bonds. Players will also be able to receive bonds in regular random battles, where only Tier X vehicles are involved (the so-called “twelfth level” of battles). Bonuses are awarded to players who have earned more than 400 units of pure experience as a result of a battle.
  • The number of bonds received as a reward depends on the experience earned in battle.
  • The player will be able to complete combat missions, personal combat missions, and also receive all the rewards available in random battles.
  • In the general battle, players will be able to receive badges of class (as in random battles).
  • Battles of the “General Battle” type are not taken into account in the summary of the player’s achievements and do not affect the statistics of random battles.
  • Statistics for this type of battle will be displayed separately: “Achievements” > “Statistics” >
  • Statistics on the success of a specific vehicle in the “General Battle” battle type will be displayed separately: “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “General Battle” battle type.

The conditions for receiving some medals have been adapted


Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 6 or more in standard combat/assault/meeting combat.
  • 8 or more in a pitched battle.
Radley-Walters Medal

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 8–9 in standard combat/assault/meeting combat.
  • 10–12 in a pitched battle.
Poole Medal

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 10–13 in standard combat/assault/meeting combat.
  • 13–20 in a pitched battle.
Medal of Heroes Raseinaya

Destroy enemy vehicles:

  • 14+ in standard combat/assault/meeting combat.
  • 21+ in a general battle.

Ranked battles

  • Added the ability to receive badges of class not only in random battles, but also in the “Ranked Battle” mode.
  • Added display of vehicle rank on the vehicle panel (in the carousel) indicating a specific value for each vehicle when selecting the “Ranked Battle” mode.
  • The interface for displaying the reward received in the past stage has been improved. Information about the reward received is also displayed in a tooltip when hovering over a rank.
  • The calendar interface in the mode has been redesigned. Information about prime times on each server for the selected day is now displayed in the calendar window (instead of in a tooltip as before).
  • The list of maps for playing in the mode has been changed. Now battles take place on the following maps:
  • Changes have been made to the work of the balancer:
    • The maximum number of self-propelled guns in battle has been reduced to two.
    • The balance system for vehicle types has been improved (the balancer will try to select the most similar team compositions).
    • The system for forming teams by rank has been improved.
  • The screen interface when entering the mode has been revised: information about the servers available for the game has been added; The display of information about prime times has been redesigned.
  • Special tips have been added to the Ranked Battle loading screen, explaining the main mechanics and features of the mode. A separate setting has also been added that allows you to customize the loading screen specifically for the mode and gives the player the opportunity to choose one of three options for displaying the loading screen (similar to the setting for random battles, but only applies to the “Ranked Battle” mode):
    • Text only.
    • Text with illustration.
    • Minimap.

Displaying season leaders in ranked battles

  • An event archive has been added: you can view player statistics for the past season.
  • Added “Clan Members” and “Friends” filters. You can see where your friends or clanmates stand on the season leaderboard.

Advanced Equipment

  • You can now remove Advanced Equipment only using bonds.
  • Now the equipment “Extended set of spare parts” also becomes complex, the cost of its dismantling is indicated in booms.
  • After the release of Update 9.20, Advanced Equipment will be automatically removed from all players for free, so you can reinstall it if you wish.

Crew stun mechanics

  • The time of the inflicted stun has been added to post-battle statistics.
  • The mechanics of dealing damage and stunning through obstacles have been improved. Now the self-propelled gun will not deal damage through obstacles more than two meters thick if the target is completely hidden behind them. In this case, the blast wave may slightly bend around the corners of obstacles. To do this, there must be less than two meters from the point of impact to the edge of the obstacle. However, this will reduce the damage from the explosion.

Pre-battle instructions

  • Now the influence of Pre-Combat Instructions on the performance characteristics of vehicles is displayed in information windows and simplified performance characteristics.
  • The ability to view the impact of Pre-Combat Instructions on performance characteristics has also been added to the vehicle comparison interface.
  • Added the ability to enable auto-replenishment of Pre-Battle Instructions when purchasing them.
  • The bonus from Pre-Combat Instructions, which affects the level of proficiency in skills, is now displayed in the personal file of crew members.


  • Fixed an issue where the camera was tied not to the model of a destroyed tank, but to the location of its destruction.
  • We fixed an issue where full screen mode settings were not saved in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug in displaying vehicle ranks.
  • An error in the armor of the Maus tank's hull bottom has been fixed. Reservation has been reduced from 250 to 50 mm.
  • In the “Equipment” window, a bug in displaying the maximum number of shells for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where vehicles that are not suitable for LBZ were displayed as available.
  • Fixed a bug where a non-burnable rank was displayed as a combustible rank.


  • Improved placement of notes in the contacts window.
  • Added information about the earned rank of a vehicle when viewing player achievements.
  • Added range filter in team battles.

Known issues (will be fixed later)

  • For the destruction of a vehicle by a coup after 30 seconds, the player who performed the coup does not receive credit for the destruction.
  • The invisibility of vehicles with a unique camouflage in the Garage is indicated without the camouflage bonus, but in fact the camouflage effect works.
  • The recruiter’s “Recruitment Point” does not display the recruits and reservists he invited if the account was restored to the state on a date earlier than the recruits accepted the invitation.
  • In some cases, when the cursor is quickly rotated around the car, the camera may suddenly change position when viewed from the trajectory.
  • In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of damage received on the damage panel is disrupted.
  • Technical text may be displayed in the post-battle statistics window when destroying an enemy with a coup.
  • An event feed in a battle about capturing a base appears before the specified number of capture points is accumulated.


The ability to enter hard-to-reach places on the following maps has been eliminated:

New game models in HD quality

  • USSR: Churchill III, T-44-85, SU-5, SU-14-1;
  • Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f), Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D, VK 30.01 (D); Bat.-Châtillon 25 t;
  • UK: Matilda Black Prince;
  • China: M5A1 Stuart.

Technique changes


  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-54 chassis, the first sample, was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-54 chassis, the first sample, was reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun for the T-54 turret, first sample, has been reduced from 2.4 to 2.2 s.
  • The viewing range has been increased from 360 to 380 m.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from −6 to −7 degrees.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun has been increased from 34 to 56 units.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 15%.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 (R) turret has been reduced from 2.2 to 2 s.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 9%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 10%.
  • The dispersion of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun has been reduced from 0.43 to 0.42 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm LB-1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 14%.
  • The reload time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 19.2 to 15.2 s.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 8.1 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 122 mm D-25-44 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 3.4 to 3.2 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been reduced from 2.3 to 2.1 s.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from 0.35 to 0.39 m.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54 gun has been reduced from 0.39 to 0.33 m.
  • Reloading time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 reduced from 7.8 to 7.4 s.
  • Reloading time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 turret mod. 1949 increased from 8.2 to 8.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-10T2S gun for the T-54 mod turret. 1949 increased from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Aiming time for the 100 mm D-54 gun for the T-54 mod turret. 1949 reduced from 2.9 to 2 s.
  • The armor of the towers and hull has been strengthened.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412P projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 235 to 247 mm.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412 projectile for the 100 mm LB-1 gun has been increased from 183 to 190 mm.
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-10T2S gun has been increased from −5 to −6 degrees.
  • Added M-50TI engine (1200 hp).
  • The M-50T engine (1050 hp) has been removed.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the IS-7 chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the IS-7 chassis has been reduced by 16%.
  • The dispersion of the 130 mm S-70 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70 gun for the IS-7 turret has been reduced from 3.1 to 2.9 s.
  • Durability increased from 2150 to 2400 units.
  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The 122 mm A-19 gun has been removed. 1937
  • The 122 mm D-25S gun has been removed. 1944
  • The 152 mm BL-10 gun has been removed.
  • The UBR-471 shell has been removed.
  • The BR-471D shell has been removed.
  • The UOF-471 projectile has been removed.
  • The 53-OF-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551 shell has been removed.
  • The UBR-551P shell has been removed.
  • Durability increased from 1010 to 1200 units.
  • The cost of researching the BL-9S gun has been reduced from 44,000 to 24,000 units. experience.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 704,” has been increased from 176,500 to 192,500 units. experience.
  • Added 152 mm D-4S gun.
  • The cost of researching the next vehicle in the branch, “Object 268,” has been reduced from 301,000 to 239,000 units. experience.
  • Horizontal aiming angles have been increased to 11 degrees in each direction.
  • The speed of the UBR551M projectile for the 152 mm M-64 gun has been increased by 25% (from 760 to 950 m/s).
  • The armor of the tower roof has been strengthened.

Added machine for testing by supertesters:

Changing the parameters of military equipment:

  • Reload time for 12.8 cm Kw.K gun. 44 L/55 increased from 12 to 13.3 s.
  • Durability decreased from 3200 to 3000 units.
  • The spread of the gun due to the movement of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The spread of the gun due to rotation of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been reduced by 6%.
  • The turning speed of the Jagdtiger 8.8 chassis has been increased from 22 to 26 deg/s.


Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The armor of the towers has been strengthened.
  • The 90 mm Gun M41 gun has been removed.
  • The 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 gun has been removed.
  • Removed AP M77 projectile.
  • Removed HE M71 shell.
  • Removed HVAP M304 projectile.
  • Removed AP T32M2 projectile.
  • The APCR T29E3M2 projectile has been removed.
  • Removed HE M11A2 shell.
  • The tower's armor has been strengthened.

  • Additional equipment will be unloaded to the Warehouse.

Changing the parameters of military equipment

  • The ammunition capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun has been increased from 42 to 44 units.
  • The ammunition capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun has been increased from 30 to 42 units.

Update 9.20.1 WOT is released on the RU cluster officially on October 17, or rather on the night from Monday to Tuesday (October 16-17). The time before replacing the FV215b is getting shorter and shorter. Many people expect differently every game update.

Update 9.20.1 overview

What will change in World of Tanks in the October update?

1. Replacement of FV215b in update World of Tanks and transfer to promotional equipment!

2. New Personal rating and Hall

3. Changing vehicle reservations:

  • AP of the T-34-3 tank in update 9.20.1
  • Change of reservation Bat.-Chatillon 155 55, Bat.-Chatillon 155 58, Churchill I, M6 at 9.20.1
  • Change of reservation for Valentine, Valentine II, KV-4 at 9.20.1
  • Change of reservation for T-44-122, T-150, STB-1 at 9.20.1

4. Changes to LBZ in 9.20.1 WoT

In the new patch we have reworked the LBZ. And these are not only changes in conditions, with adjustments to difficulty or changed “random” conditions - we made a new, convenient interface and revised the mechanics of completing task chains.

A little about the interface: the entry point to personal combat missions will be changed, now it will be in the hangar header, a new “Campaign” tab will appear between “Tasks” and “Achievements” (the name is not final and may change).
- In the hangar, the LBZ is placed in a separate button.
- The main menu of LBZ has also been redesigned. The interface now displays the required order of execution of Operations and Combat Missions.
- New interface for selecting an operation, where you can see the progress of execution. The progress of tasks can now be monitored on a specially created tactical map. This screenshot shows the completion of all 15 KBs with honors.

// New mechanics for completing combat missions: there are no more reward sheets. Now for completing the final mission from the branch you will receive a tank module, and for completing it with honors you will also receive an order form.

“Modules” are needed to receive a reward tank - completed all five chains of combat tasks and received the tank. But the “Order Form” is more interesting, because... it allows you to skip completing any combat mission. That's right - if you get stuck on a task, you can now skip it if you previously managed to complete any final KB with honors and receive the main reward for it. Including the final combat mission, but to skip it you will need as many as 4 order forms. A little more difficult, but worth it. By the way, you can then re-fulfill the task and get the “Order Form” back, it is reusable. Also, “Order Forms” are accumulated and transferred to the next operation, i.e. over time, as you accumulate, you will be able to skip the execution of not one chain of knowledge bases, but several. If the “Order Forms” are enough, .

The progress of completing the LBZ, of course, is carried out and after the update is released, you will receive “Order Forms” for all completed final KB with honors - provided that you did not miss the final Combat missions. And a reward for fulfilling the main conditions of the missed final Combat missions. For example, if you completed Operation StugIV and Operation T-28 HTC, skipping the SPG chains, we will give you a reward for the main conditions. But these are two additional tankers, by the way.

The conditions of combat missions have been revised: a video will be added later.
- Other changes: But that’s not all. We've added a lot of new things: new rewards, revised the mechanics of recruiting tank girls (now you don't have to get it to start performing the following operations), and so on.

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