What is the name of the game in which you can. What is the name of the game where you need to connect elements? I never

Today we will talk about games where you have a certain drawing and you need to sketch in cells with numbers. Surely you are already tired of looking for a name.

On any user’s phone, you can now find an application of a similar nature, there are just a lot of them now and all you have to do is find out the name and download it.

Games where you can draw by cells

Let's start from the very beginning, where it all came from. The fact is that drawing by cells has become very popular in the normal world, and not in the virtual one.

Now there is a very large selection of paintings, each set of which includes a canvas that has a pattern with numbers, numbered paints and, of course, brushes.

People really liked doing this kind of work, because the main thing here is only patience and you get a real masterpiece.

At the same time, application developers did not sleep and thought that such a thing could be implemented on a smartphone or tablet. Thus, different kinds of games began to appear.

At first there was only one option and it is still the best. Then the clones started pouring out at an incredible pace.

  • Sandbox - Color by number (Android, iOS);
  • UNICORN - Number Coloring Book (iOS);
  • Number Coloring - Sandbox Coloring (Android).

These options are the most popular today. If you search carefully, you can find a bunch of similar options, these are just the most popular.

Where to download games for drawing by numbers?

The location where you can find a particular version of the game differs from the device you want to play on.

  • Android - Play Market;
  • iOS - App Store;
  • Windows - Windows Store.

Other platforms are similar. There are app and game stores everywhere. So come in, write the name and download.

So, not so long ago a game became very popular where you need to control a character using your voice. Quite surprisingly, many people really liked it.

Let's tell you a little about how the popularity of the game began, where you can download it and, of course, a little description of the capabilities, there is no way to do without it.

What is the name of the game where you sing and control a character?

Well, let me start with the fact that the game began to become popular in Asia. It is quite difficult to understand where exactly it was developed, but the most popular options are the countries of China and Japan.

At first glance, the game is nothing special. You play as a small character who just looks like a blob with a face and legs.

Your task is simply to jump over obstacles, but you need to do this with the help of your voice. For example, if you speak (or sing) quietly, then the character walks. As his voice rises, he begins to jump.

The game spread across Asia like a virus and many popular bloggers began making videos of them playing the game. And in fact, everything looks very funny.

Let's briefly go over the features of the toy:

  • voice control, unusual for these days;
  • the game is lightweight and completely free;
  • a large number of levels;
  • simple pixel graphics.

In fact, it's probably even more fun to watch others play than to play yourself. Although it’s definitely worth playing, because you’ll get a lot of new emotions and be able to laugh heartily.

Where to download Don’t stop eighth note?

You already understand the name of the game and now let’s talk about where you can download Don’t stop eighth note and on what devices it can be done.

Today the game is available exclusively for the iOS operating system. The Android version was removed for unknown reasons and whether it will be returned is not clear at all.

In principle, you can find apk files on the Internet, but if anything, quite a lot of clones have been made in the Play Market and some of them are very smart.

Just look at the game’s rating and if it’s more than four, then feel free to download and enjoy the gameplay. Original developer Zhenhua Yuan.

If anything, there are good versions for Android from Appsleon and ZombiesGames. A little different in some ways, but the essence is exactly the same.

How to find a game if you don’t remember the name, tips

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There is so much information on the Internet that sometimes even by the name of something it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. What can we say about searches without a name, when I’m looking for something I don’t know what, it’s not possible to achieve success at all.

But quite often there are situations when you played a game or started watching a movie, and then accidentally closed the tab, and you can’t remember the name of the game or movie. You won’t search by plot description.

Maybe spend a few days looking for a game or movie in catalogs by genre.

So, in order to find a game, movie, or any other information, you need to know the name. If you can't remember it, then you can ask other people who are interested in games.

On the forums where players hang out, ask for help identifying the game. Briefly describe the plot, and ask who has played or seen a similar game. Most likely, they will help you determine the name of the game.

After all, it is unlikely that no one but you has played this game.

Find through history

If you have ever opened a game on your computer or visited a website with a game, you can find it in the settings, on the stories page. It stores information about all the sites you visit.

Search by screenshots

If the first two methods do not bring results, then you will have to search on your own. I think that this method may take you a lot of time, but if this is important to you, then search, because whoever searches will definitely find.

If you remember visually what your game looks like, what the design and characters are, then you can try your luck through an image search. Enter into the search - a game, and briefly the plot, for example: with dragons, or a woman warrior, and so on.

After that, open the pictures using this request. There will be many screenshots from various games according to your request, that is, with dragons or warrior women. There is a high probability that among them you will see a familiar picture. All you have to do is read the description of the picture, where the name of the game should be, or go to the site where the picture is posted.

Search in catalogs

Well, the last, longest-lasting method is to search in game catalogs. If you can determine the genre of the game, that is: shooter, logic, action, adventure, and so on, then go to the catalog by genre and start searching. Each game in the catalog has screenshots and a short description attached.

You'll have to sweat until you find the right game. Your chances will improve if you remember the year of issue or publisher and so on. Any additional information reduces the search significantly.

How to find a game if you don’t remember the name, summary

As you can see, finding a game even if you can’t remember the name is quite possible. You need to be persistent and consistent in your search. Apply all the tips I described in this article one by one, and luck will definitely smile on you.

Helpful information:

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How to find a game if you don't remember the name? This topic interests many gamers. Especially those who have already played with a huge variety of toys. As practice shows, forgetting the name of programs and applications is not so difficult. But finding the necessary product later is very problematic. Therefore, users try to use a variety of methods to help find a game if its name is forgotten. Moreover, the principle of operation is similar for both computer software and phones. But remember - the process is very long. To implement existing secrets, you need to allocate several hours of time. Don't think that bringing your idea to life will be easy. Be patient and take action!


How to find a game if you don't remember the name? According to the description! The most effective scenario. In this case, you may not remember anything at all about the toy - neither the platform for which it was released, nor the approximate year of publication, nor the creators. The main thing is that you know the plot.

Let's say you at least partially remember it. What next? Now ask for help on any forum. Describe the plot and see what games they offer you. Most likely, there will be several of them. As soon as you receive at least some list of games, you need to check the offers. How?


This is where standard search engines come to the rescue. Why? Because they are able to confirm or refute the received hypothetical names of the wanted game. Just use the search and click on “pictures”.

How to find a game if you don't remember the name? List in the search engine one by one all the suggestions received on the forum and look at the screenshots. You must remember them! More precisely, what the game looks like. A few minutes (or hours) of searching - and the job is done! You will be able to find what you are looking for. Especially if there are not many options offered. Not the fastest, but the most accurate detection method.


How to find a game if you don’t remember the name (on Android and not only)? The next course of action that you can imagine is nothing more than searching through game catalogs. There are various sites that present computer (and not only) toys with names, descriptions and pictures. They will help us!

True, for the idea to be successful, you must first remember what genre this or that toy is. At least take a guess. Typically, all games have several genres. This way you can find the products you need in several lists at once.

As soon as you remember the genre, you can go to the corresponding branch of the site. Next, look through all the proposals, studying the plot, as well as the pictures. This will help you in your search. Perhaps not the best approach, but it has its place. The main problem is that the sites cannot accommodate all the games. Therefore, you will have to use many sources. Of course, the search for the necessary product will be delayed due to the fact that you will need to re-read the stories and look at the screenshots for each offer. Not the most effective method to help answer the question of how to find a game if you don’t remember the name. But if you want, you can use it. It is usually possible to successfully detect games for mobile devices this way.


What other ways will help you realize your idea? If you remember the plot at all, try to remember for which platform this or that offer was developed. The point is that this method allows you to reduce the number of applications given to you.

As soon as you remember this point, try to contact either the gaming forums with a description of the plot and an indication of the platform, or go to sites with lists of games to search. It's not as simple as it seems. After all, the search will be difficult. It is much easier to use knowledge of the plot. Platform knowledge makes searching easier when combined with other application knowledge. Otherwise, you will have to really struggle for a long time with studying all the possible toys for a particular platform.


Don't know how to find a game if you don't remember the name? Another small trick is to search by year of publication. Explore all possible options in the list of applications. It would be nice to know the genre of the toy you are looking for. All you need is to study the lists on various sites, based on the plot of the application. This way you can find what you need.

This approach helps answer how to find a game if you don’t remember the name (on a phone or computer - this is not so important). Like all previous methods, this one is far from the best. It takes a lot of time. Especially if you have no other knowledge about the game. Perhaps this approach can “fail”. And make your search endless.


To narrow down the range of applications offered, try to remember the creator of the toy. If you have at least approximate information about the publisher, genre, plot and platform for which this or that application was released, you can hope for success. It would be good to remember the year of release. All that remains is to visit the publisher’s website to see all existing offers.

This is all. As you can see, there are many ways. Only the best description of the plot of the wanted game is considered. If you also provide information about the release date, creator and genre, the result will not be long in coming.

After the film was released in 2009, everyone began to come up with ways to play the mysterious game with cards on the forehead, looking for what it was called and where to buy it. Because explaining “well, that game from Inglorious, when you stick pieces of paper on your forehead and guess the characters” is quite tedious every time. The Mosigra company and the Pyatnitsa TV channel have made a convenient version of this game, it’s called “Friday”:

And here are its rules:

There are popular names for the game and rules like “Who am I” or “Guess who you are”

In general, the meaning of the game remains the same. One of the ways players get cards, pieces of paper, stickers or stickers on their foreheads with the names of popular heroes, real or fictional characters, even just with the names of objects. The methods are:

  • you can ask one person to write notes on their foreheads for everyone, and someone from the team will come up with one for him;
  • someone prefers to rely on the collective mind, so that everyone writes their own character on a piece of paper, and then everyone simply passes notes to their neighbors in a circle;
  • You can write directly on a person’s forehead, that is, first we put a sticker on the forehead, then we write.

The main thing is not to peek, stick a piece of paper on your forehead and start the game.

They often start with the phrase “Am I real?”

- No.

But here you will have to pass the move to your neighbor, because you can continue asking only after positive answers.

- Am I a man?
- Yes.
- Already dead?
- Yes.
- I am Russian?
- Yes.
— Lenin?
- Nooo!

It always turns out very funny, because everyone sees what is written on your sticker, but you don’t. And so they answer in unison, think about whether Moomintroll is an animal or a person, argue about how much Verka Serduchka is a woman - in general, the evening flies by unnoticed.

By the way, those who love the benefits of games will be interested to know that playing with signs on your forehead perfectly develops logical thinking. For example, after a couple of times the question “Am I famous?” they won’t ask anymore - if the character were unknown, would someone remember him? Sometimes guesses come by process of elimination. For example, you think that the description looks like your favorite Korean arthouse actor, but you, for example, doubt that anyone present knows him, so you discard the unnecessary things.

Guess who you are? The answer on the forehead is truly a universal game

  • It is simple - the rules are explained in a couple of phrases,
  • It requires almost nothing: some paper and a pen,
  • Children from the age of seven can play, and grandparents willingly join in,
  • The most convinced even play together, guessing something particularly difficult for each other,
  • It can even bring a group of strangers together,
  • It can relax everyone and make the atmosphere friendly: very useful for team building and team building.

In the film, cards like playing cards were simply slobbered on to be glued to the forehead

You can do this with any paper, it will last for a while, but it’s better to check. Some people glue pieces of paper with tape (the main thing is not to forget to stock it up in advance); in offices it is most convenient to use adhesive stickers. In general, any forehead stickers that you can write on will be suitable for the game.

But someone hacked the system, otherwise the girls complained that when they glued the pieces of paper, the plaster was collapsing

And a ready-made board game with signs on the forehead appeared, called “It’s written on your forehead” or “Friday”. Yes, yes, for good reason: it was packed in a box with convenient mounts for cards by the guys from the TV channel of the same name. They really loved playing it, but they kept losing pieces of paper from their foreheads, and then they got tired of coming up with new items to guess.

By the way, precisely because there are cards like “I am a cat”, “I am a cactus” and “I am a lawnmower”, this version of the word game on the forehead is great for children. So as not to fool them with Genghis Khan and Stephen Hawking, but to include all their imagination and associative thinking.

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