What is the best artifact in Stalker? Quest Contract with scientists - where to find a piece of meat and a bun? Stalker Call of Pripyat types of artifacts

I’ll write down everything about artifacts, which are vital and which are not so much. And so, having only one cell in the suit, you will not be able to install anything other than (jellyfish -2, twist -3, bubble -4) - artifacts from radiation, otherwise you will be irradiated if you install something else, keep in mind in anomalies “ radiation” the suit will not deteriorate. Having two or more cells, you can already use other artifacts together with those that neutralize radiation.

Specifically about useful artifacts, so as not to carry around unnecessary and unnecessary ones, the most useful ones are (crystal +3, fireball +6) - which have thermal protection, namely, the usefulness lies in the fact that, even without stepping into the “frying” anomaly, you you still end up in the “heat” anomaly, while your health quickly decreases and your suit deteriorates greatly, two fireballs almost completely neutralize the effects of temperature and you can climb in this anomaly as much as you like without even ruining your suit. Artifacts are no less important (blood of stone +3, hunk of meat +6) - they have chemical protection, like the “heat” anomaly in an anomaly with a chemical hazard, even if you don’t step into the “jelly”, you are still in the “acid cloud” all the time and you constantly get poisoned and ruin your suit, so using two slices of meat will also almost completely neutralize the effects of evaporation. And finally (stone flower +3 and moonlight +6) - artifacts with psi protection are also very important in anomalies with psi influence, since without any protection life in such an anomaly will be taken away very quickly, in principle, one will be enough moonlight, if the suit has at least some protection from psionic influence, in this anomaly the suit is not destroyed, therefore, there is no need to protect one hundred percent from this. Now about useless artifacts, namely (sparkler +3, flash +6) artifacts that have electrical protection, there is no such thing as an electric field in the game, you will receive damage from electricity only if you step into the electra, so if you carefully bypass the electra using bolts or Svarog, then there is no point in using these artifacts, it also does not make sense to upgrade the suit in the direction of electrical protection, these anomalies have a strong radioactive background, so protection from radiation is important here, and not from electricity.
Specific and contradictory artifacts (soul, bun and firefly) that restore life, of course, who wouldn’t want life to be restored faster, but the recovery rate is very low, for example, in a hot shootout, if more than half of your life has been blown away, you don’t think that using even two The firefly's life will be restored in a couple of seconds, these artifacts are more likely to be needed when it's all over, when you've dealt with the monster or crawled out of the anomaly slightly dented, and don't rush anywhere, you can wait until your life is restored so as not to waste the first aid kit. Useless artifacts (mother's beads +2, eye +4, flame +6) artifacts that heal wounds and stop bleeding seems like a good description, but in practice everything is not as cool as in the description, bleeding is not so dangerous, and if it is not severe, then it will stop on its own soon, and if you have at least one weakest artifact that restores health, or your suit is upgraded to restore health, then you have nothing to worry about, the bleeding in this case will stop on its own. And the latter (battery +2, dummy +4, snowflake +6 and night star +4, gravels +8, goldfish +12) the first have restoration of strength, the second increase the carried weight, in fact, in some situations they are interchangeable, the effect of them the same thing for example - you are in an exoskeleton and can carry 90 kg, you now have 70 kg, you can put two gravity and increase the load capacity and due to this the recovery of strength will be faster, or you can put two snowflakes which will increase the recovery of strength and fatigue, which in in the first situation, that in the second it will be the same, I would recommend wearing both and using them depending on the situation, but artifacts that increase the carried weight are naturally more important since this is the key to getting rich, namely selling what you managed to collect, don’t ever think whether to take the artifact or not, even the night star, with its weight of half a kilo, will give +4 kg if used, which means that you will be able to lift a couple of extra trunks, not to mention stronger artifacts that increase the carrying capacity.

And most importantly, do not forget to actively change and use all available artifacts, at the moment when you are exploring the area, use it to restore strength so that you can always escape in a difficult situation, if you understand that you cannot cope, if you are slightly crumpled, restore your health with the help of the appropriate artifact, if you want to get into the anomaly, first select the necessary artifacts against these anomalies, having collected good things means you increase the carrying capacity with the help of artifacts that increase the carried weight. (Information for those who have never played

Perhaps, “Call of Pripyat” does not know a more amazing, unusual and mysterious artifact than the “Heart of the Oasis”. This is truly a legendary item. Every person in the Zone has heard about him. Some people believe in its existence, others don't. But there is no one who does not want to have it. So, let's tell you more about it.

How to find an artifact

After visiting the scientists and talking with Ozersky, Major Degtyarev can take on the task of searching for the legendary artifact “Heart of the Oasis.” Finding it will not be easy, but it will be worth it!

After leaving the Yanov station, go along the railway to the buildings in the northwest. Here you can find a descent into the dungeon. Be careful - jerboas live here and can cause a lot of trouble. To destroy them, a pistol or machine gun is best suited. Further, having passed through the labyrinth of pipes, the stalker will find himself in a spacious room with columns. This is where the main difficulties begin. However, if you know how to proceed further, then not the slightest problem will arise.

Look around and see that one of the arches is sparkling. Go through it and move on. The teleport will throw you back. Go forward through the arch again. Sometimes they will change, and sometimes they will remain the same. Another thing is important - when Major Degtyarev passes under the necessary arches, the teleport will stop throwing him back, and he will find himself right in the room with the desired artifact - a green ball hanging on a tree. Yes, the stalker has finally found the “Heart of the Oasis”!

If the hero doesn’t feel well and doesn’t want to waste the first aid kit, then you can simply stand in a puddle under the artifact - its life-giving power is so great that it spreads over a radius of several meters. At the same time, hunger will pass.

But be careful - as soon as the artifact is removed from the tree, a pseudo-dog will immediately appear in the room. You can shoot him or immediately retreat to the stairs and climb up - you won’t have to go through the room with portals on the way back.

What properties does it have?

The artifact truly has outstanding properties. It adds +2 to health, +2 to stamina, -2 to bleeding, +1 to saturation. That is, now you can run around the Zone without carrying around foods that are quite heavy. And you will have to spend bandages and first aid kits much less often.

Alas, "Heart of the Oasis" has a serious minus. It is highly phonic - radiation +4. You'll have to constantly swallow antirads, but it's better to find the "Bubble" artifact. It just perfectly fights -4 radiation, so it will be able to balance the negative properties of a valuable find.

The influence of the artifact on the ending

Of course, such an artifact as the “Heart of the Oasis” could not but have an impact on the ending. And, as practice shows, it is better to keep it for yourself. In this case, the new slide will not appear in the final presentation.

But if you give the artifact to scientists, it turns out that rumors about it quickly spread throughout the Zone. And the bandits brazenly take advantage of this - having promised the newcomer to show the way to a valuable find, they simply take them to a safe place and rob them. So, you can keep the artifact for yourself and not suffer from remorse.

Artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat- these are mysterious formations with unique properties that randomly appear in anomalies after radioactive emissions. Anomalies, found in abundance in the Zone, pose a direct danger to life. Despite this, they have become the main source of enrichment for stalkers, as they generate various artifacts. Artifacts have a mixed effect on the human body - some of the effects they cause are beneficial, but the flip side of this in most cases is the danger of radiation exposure. Artifacts should be selected in such a way that the resulting negative effect is neutralized and does not cause damage to health.

The game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” presents a scattering of artifacts of 25 pieces. They are all unique. Most of them are mined in anomalies. To search for artifacts. The number of anomalies studied and the power of the detector determine which artifacts will appear more often on the path of the main character. At first, you shouldn’t count on rare artifacts, but over time the chances will increase. After collecting all types of artifacts, the achievement "Seeker", which will increase respect for the main character from stalkers and bandits.

Artifacts and places of probable appearance in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat:

  • Backwater. Dredger: jellyfish, night star, twist, gold fish.
  • Backwater. Burnt out farm: crystal, mom's beads, fire ball, eye.
  • Backwater. Caves under the burnt out farm: twist, fire ball, piece of meat, bubble, stone Flower.
  • Backwater. Old barge. Noah: compass.
  • Backwater. Marsh: blood stone, soul, bun, piece of meat, firefly.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Cauldron": mom's beads, eye.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Sosnodub": soul, bun, blood stone, piece of meat.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Iron Forest": sparkler, battery, Moonlight, snowflake.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Circus": mom's beads, fire ball, eye, flame.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Claw": jellyfish, night star, stone Flower, gold fish, twist.
  • Backwater. Anomaly "Scar": flash, battery.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Cement factory: mom's beads.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Parking: Moonlight, dummy.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Career: bubble, soul.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Ventilation complex: .
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Anomaly "Plavni": blood stone, firefly.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Anomaly "Concrete bath": soul.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Anomaly "Bitumen": gravity, fire ball.
  • Neighborhoods of Jupiter. Anomaly "Ashes": eye, fire ball.
  • Jupiter. Utility yard (): battery.
  • Pripyat. Department store (): bubble, piece of meat, soul.
  • Pripyat. Roof of the Yubileiny KBO: snowflake, flash.
  • Pripyat. Old KBO: dummy, flash.
  • Pripyat. In the courtyard of the building between the department store and the hostel, where the Strelok signal appears: firefly.
  • Pripyat. School: jellyfish, gold fish.
  • Pripyat. Anomaly "Vulcan": flame, crystal.
  • Pripyat. Anomaly "Vine": firefly, soul.
Beard periodically issues orders to search for rare artifacts, paying a substantial premium for completion and timely delivery: eye, bubble, goldfish, snowflake, flame, gravel, dummy, bun, firefly. If he hesitates, he may cancel the order. Nothing bad will happen in this case. After some time, requests will be repeated, even for those artifacts that were not delivered on time. If possible, you should keep one copy for yourself. The stalker will definitely thank you in the future.

Description and characteristics of artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat:

  1. Battery(power recovery +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): it is known that this artifact contains electrostatic elements, but science does not yet know under what conditions it is formed. It is valued for its ability to have a tonic effect on the human body. If exposed for too long, it depletes the body.
  2. Sparkler(electrical protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): a representative of electrostatic artifacts, named for its brightness. It has the ability to smooth out differences in electric field strength.
  3. Flash(electrical protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of an electrostatic nature. Demonstrates an amazing ability to absorb electrical charges and subsequently dissipate them. Able to protect the human body from the effects of high-power and high-voltage electric currents.
  4. Inversion(radiation -3, cost 6400+ RU): a strangely shaped artifact that appears in places of increased gravitational activity. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. To varying degrees, it successfully protects its wearer both from the effects of induced radiation and from radioactive particles that have already entered the body.
  5. Eye(wound healing +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): the artifact actually resembles the organ of vision in appearance; in case of injury, it accelerates the metabolic process, which promotes rapid healing of wounds. In addition, among experienced stalkers there is a belief that the “Eye” can bring good luck.
  6. Gravity(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): an artifact is formed during prolonged gravitational exposure to metal-containing substances. Capable of maintaining a small anti-gravity field around himself. Many stalkers use it to significantly reduce the weight of their backpack.
  7. Soul(health recovery +2, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): organic artifact with unique properties. In a yet unknown way, it increases the overall speed of recovery of the body after injuries of any nature, without accelerating the accumulation of toxins. Due to its pleasant appearance, it is of particular interest to collectors.
  8. gold fish(maximum weight +12 kg, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): the artifact forms in places of multiple interactions of gravitational fields. Generates a sphere of directed gravitational field around itself. It reduces the weight of the contents of the wearer’s backpack much more effectively than other artifacts of this kind, and therefore is in great demand among stalkers.
  9. Stone Flower(psi protection +3, radiation +1, cost 2400+ RU): the artifact is a stone similar in its characteristics to granites. Occurs within gravitational fields of enormous intensity. Capable of fully or partially protecting the owner’s mind from psionic influence.
  10. Kolobok(health recovery +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): a rather rare artifact that forms in areas of heavy chemical pollution. It is highly valued for its ability to “stimulate” the body so that it recovers in a matter of minutes from injuries of any severity. Scientists disseminate information about the artifact's effect on the owner's genetic material; however, there is no confirmation of this yet.
  11. (thermal protection, chemical protection, psi protection, electrical protection +3, strength restoration +2, radiation +4): a rare artifact that has the ability to show breaks in anomalous fields. They say that with its help you can pass by the most complex anomalies without the slightest risk, but few people know how to handle it.
  12. Crystal(thermal protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): the artifact appears in anomalous zones under the influence of high temperatures. Actively absorbs excess heat from the space around it, while remaining cool to the touch.
  13. Blood of Stone(chemical protection +3, radiation +1, cost 1600+ RU): is a reddish formation of compressed and petrified remains of animals. It has the ability to partially neutralize chemicals harmful to humans.
  14. Hunk of meat(chemical protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of organic nature. Consists of deformed tissues of animal origin. When it enters an area of ​​chemical contamination, it begins to “pull” chemicals from the air, converting them into a thick viscous mass.
  15. Moonlight(psi defense +6, radiation +2, cost 4800+ RU): This artifact of an electrostatic nature demonstrates the ability to resonate when exposed to psi waves. Over time, stalkers learned to adjust the “Moonlight” in such a way that it resonated in phase with the main source of radiation, thereby completely or significantly neutralizing the psi influence.
  16. Mom's beads(wound healing +2, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): Much about this artifact remains a mystery. However, it has been reliably established that the radiation generated by the pulsation of the thickenings of “Mom’s Beads” causes the blood in open wounds to clot very quickly.
  17. Jellyfish(radiation -2, cost 3200+ RU): an artifact of gravitational nature that has the ability to actively attract and absorb radioactive particles, thereby reducing the body’s exposure to radiation. Widely distributed in the Zone; outside its borders it is widely, although unofficially, used in the treatment of acute radiation sickness.
  18. Night star(maximum weight +4 kg, radiation +1, cost 4800+ RU): a luminous artifact capable of generating a gravitational field around itself, which locally reduces the impact of gravity. Widely used by stalkers to reduce the weight of cargo carried in a backpack.
  19. Fire ball(thermal protection +6, radiation +2, cost 3200+ RU): despite the name, which reflects the nature of this artifact, the “Fireball” can easily be held in your hands without fear of burns. It is valued for its ability to maintain a constant temperature of about +24 degrees Celsius in a small radius around itself, regardless of environmental conditions.
  20. Flame(wound healing +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): the artifact is formed in areas of thermal activity. It is characterized by intense infrared radiation, under the influence of which the process of blood clotting in open wounds is accelerated. Due to the great rarity of this artifact, its cost is extremely high.
  21. Bubble(radiation -4, cost 9600+ RU): the artifact is several hollow formations of an organic nature connected to each other. Releases a gaseous substance that can neutralize radioactive particles in the human body; No harmful effects of this substance have been identified. Due to its high efficiency, it is in great demand.
  22. Dummy(recovery +4, radiation +2, cost 9600+ RU): previously considered junk, devoid of any useful properties. However, some time ago it turned out that with constant contact with the human body, this artifact has a positive stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  23. Firefly(health restoration +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): a rare artifact works with fields inaccessible to science, accelerating the regeneration of tissues and organs of living beings, as well as normalizing metabolic processes. Capable of literally putting a seriously wounded person back on his feet before his eyes.
  24. (recovery of health and strength, healing of wounds +2, saturation +1, radiation +4): an artifact from the center of the legendary Oasis. Apparently, it is a crystallized plant that has adopted the properties inherent in Oasis to have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Extremely radioactive, unlike the Oasis itself.
  25. Snowflake(power recovery +6, radiation +3, cost 14400+ RU): externally, the artifact is similar to the “Kolobok”; There is an opinion that this is the “Kolobok”, caught in a powerful electric field. Capable of dramatically increasing the muscle tone of the wearer.

It is known that artifacts in the game "Stalker" are mainly collected for sale, they are expensive, so the best way to save money for a good gun or armor is to collect artifacts. But you shouldn’t always sell artifacts; many of them have useful properties for our hero, making it easier to complete the game. We will try to identify the best artifact using the example of the game “Stalker - Call of Pripyat”.

Let's start right away with two unique artifacts in the game - the “Heart of the Oasis” and the “Compass”. We can find the first one at the Yanov location using the instructions. The second one is given to us by Noah on Beard’s quest. These two artifacts have a whole bunch of useful properties, as can be seen from the pictures. But there is a minus, “Heart of Oasis” and “Compass” are very radioactive (+4 to radiation) and their beneficial properties are not very strong, although there are many such properties. To compensate for the radiation of these artifacts, we will need at least two “Bubbles”, and they are not so easy to find. Therefore, we boldly turn in these two unique artifacts for quests, get money for them and don’t worry!

Another good and rare artifact: “Golden Fish”. It gives +12 kg to the carried weight with +3 units of radiation - not a bad option! “Golden Fish” can be found in gravitational anomalies, and can also be obtained for the quest to free the hostage on Yanov, if we ourselves wish to deal with the bandits alone.

Also a very good artifact in terms of useful properties is the “Snowflake”, it gives +6 stamina with +3 units of radiation. These artifacts live in electrical anomalies. If you put two such artifacts, then with a small backpack you can run without getting tired.

But still, in our opinion: the best artifact in the game is the “Bubble”, it removes radiation and gives -4 units to radiation. There are other anti-radiation artifacts in the game, such as “Medusa” and “Twist”, respectively, they give -2 and -3 units to radiation. The “bubble” can simply be worn by itself, then you can forget about any radioactive contamination, the radiation disappears instantly! If you really want, then in addition to the “Bubble” you can add some kind of artifact to increase your carrying weight or endurance.

All other artifacts in the game are of little use; they are farmed in anomalies simply for subsequent sale. Do not forget that it is more profitable to sell rare artifacts to Beard under a contract to search for artifacts, then for each such artifact you can get up to 24 thousand rubles, instead of 3-5 thousand.

And to top it all off, there’s a video about how and where to look for “Bubble” artifacts:

As you play Stalker Call of Pripyat, you can receive a small side quest called " Contract with scientists" In this mission you must find artifacts “hunk of meat” and “kolobok” for a free stalker named Garik. For knowledgeable people, completing this mission is not difficult, but some beginners are wondering where to find a piece of meat and a bun in Stalker Call of Pripyat. This article will provide all the information on the “Contract with Scientists” mission, starting from receiving it and ending with the reward for completion.

How to get the quest Contract with Scientists?

To receive the quest, you must go to the Jupiter location and find a free stalker named Garik there. According to history, Garik came to Jupiter immediately after the Brain Burner was turned off in the previous part. Having concluded a contract with scientists, Garik undertook to look for various artifacts for them. During the conversation with you, Garik will tell you that having signed the contract, he cannot leave the territory of Jupiter until he finds the last two artifacts, Hunk of Meat and Kolobok, which are only available outside this location. By agreeing to find two artifacts, you will officially receive a quest and information on the possible location of the artifacts.

Search for artifacts

First of all, find the bun; to do this, go to the Zaton location. Having reached the location, you need to find a huge tree somewhat similar to a dome, which is called Pine Oak. Kolobok is located on one of the trees in Sosnodub on the side of the Joker's corpse. Also, for more information, take any detector, it will show you where the bun is located. Climbing onto the “dome” along one of the trees, find a small ball glowing green - this will be Kolobok. Note: The space under Sosnodub is extremely dangerous; any living creature trapped under the dome automatically dies, dissolving as if from acid.

The piece of meat is located in the Zaton location. To do this, find the corpse of Barge, who died from an anomaly near the caves under the burnt out farm. There will be a Chunk of Meat right next to the Barge.

If you don’t want to look for these artifacts yourself, you can go in a more cunning way. The fact is that anyone who receives the achievement “Friend of Stalkers” can buy both artifacts from Beard for a relatively small price.

Reward for completing the quest

Now you know where to find a piece of meat and a bun in Stalker Call of Pripyat. After this, take both artifacts to Garik, and he will be completely free from the contract. As a reward you will receive:
  • Location of two caches of supplies and weapons.
  • Six thousand rubles.
  • Garik will take you to Yanov for free after you and your group leave Pripyat.
  • Artifact Bubble, which you will receive in Pripyat before going to Yanov. The bubble is a rare artifact that significantly reduces radiation.
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