Works micro SD memory card. How to restore files on a damaged memory card? Data Recovery and SD Card Formatting

Hello everyone! Does your phone sees a memory card? There were important data on the flash drive? In this material I will tell you for what reasons the memory card may not be visible on the phone, I will also share my ways to restore the flash drive.

At the same time, I will say right away that the accessory could simply break, but in 50% of cases, everything is a software failure, which can be corrected independently, without referring to a specialized service for repairing cell phones.

The instructions and tips described below are suitable for all phones, including old models that cannot be attributed to the "Smartphones" category. This topic is especially relevant for those users who have important data on the phone. Sometimes it is impossible to restore the working capacity of the flash drive in the phone itself, but it is possible to transfer data to a computer using a cartride.

After examining today's article, the user will find out:

1. Why flash workers stop working.

2. How to check the status of the memory card.

3. How to form a flash drive formatting on your computer.

4. Formatting a memory card using phone functions.

5. Memory card faults and their causes

Important! If you put a flash drive for the first time, then the reason for the lack of its work can be in the amount of this drive. This applies to the old models of phones that are not designed for a large amount of memory cards.

Phone does not see the memory card

And now learn the main faults and possible ways to solve them:

- the file system is damaged - the memory card can be restored using formatting (common fault itself);

- The drive has deployed the drive in the flash reader - you must insert a flash drive tightly and restart the phone;

- Flash reader came out, respectively, the phone does not see the memory card - repair will help here in the service center;

- The flash drive burned down - it is no longer subject to restoration. Although you can try to restore the data yet, you can, here you have one of my articles in which I told how to restore the data from the burnt flash drive.

So let's continue. Now it is necessary to check what happened to the memory card. First of all, restart the phone, sometimes such an elementary action is enough to eliminate the error in the file system of the drive. Did not help? Remove the battery (if the flash reader is behind the battery, and not on the side) and check whether the flash drive is tightly adjacent to the contacts.

The next step is to check the flash drive on another device. The easiest way can this be done using the RIDER card: just place the USB flash drive and connect it to the computer. If there is no reader, then insert the USB flash drive into another phone.

If a memory card is read on another device, the problem lies in your device. To find out the details, it is necessary to attribute it to repair. Sometimes it is just a software error, and sometimes - breakdowns of contacts. If the memory card is not visible on other devices, it is either burned or its file system is broken. In the second case, formatting will help. Also in some cases, it is possible to fix the memory card using simple commands that told in this article:

ATTENTION! During formatting from the flash drive, all data will be deleted. If you are not sure that the reason has become a program crash, then it is better to immediately take a card on the inspection card. For those who want to try to "reanimate" a USB flash drive, I prepared two simple instructions. If your phone still does not see the memory card, then read on.

Formatting flash drive on a computer: Step by step instructions

Formatting a flash drive on the computer you can with the card reader. If it is not, then proceed to the second instruction. And now on the topic:

1. It is necessary to place a flash drive in the card reader, and then insert into the appropriate connector in the computer or laptop.

2. Now we are waiting for automatic launch of a flash drive on a computer. If this did not happen, then go to "My Computer" - there you will see a new device (if the flash drive has not burned).

3. Press the right mouse button on the mouse icon and select "Format" in the context menu.

4. After that, the formatting menu will appear. You need to select a file system of the flash drive system: "NTFS" or "FAT". By default, the FAT format is selected for all cards, but if such formatting did not bring results, try to select "NTFS".

Check that everything looks like on this screenshot:

Now click on the "Start" button and wait for the completion of the process.

Now the USB flash drive can be inserted into the smartphone and check if it earned or not. If the problem remains, then you should try the second instruction. Sometimes the card is not read after formatting on the phone due to sections that Windows creates when formatting.

Format a flash drive in the phone

The phone sees a memory card, but it still can't open it? Then format it right here. Insert the drive, check the contacts and go to the memory settings. In Android phones, you will find this option in the memory parameters. In this section, you must click on the "Disable Map" or "Extract" button, as shown in the screenshot:

Now press the "Clear Memory Card" button. The process will take no more than a minute. After that, you must select the item in the "Connect SD card" menu. In addition, I recommend you to see the following video:

It is worth considering what, depending on the version of the Android firmware, the path to this function may differ. Formatting flash drives in gadgets with another operating system The process passes in the same way - you need to find the "Memory Settings" section.

So, summing up today's article - "The phone does not see the memory card" It will be necessary to add that if formatting does not help, you can immediately carry a memory card into a service center or buy a new drive. Hope my article helped you restore the flash drive. Especially good if you could do it without formatting.

Greetings, dear reader! Remember where we store your favorite and expensive heart photos and videos? Right! On small assistants, microSD. All in them is good and price, and volumes. The only bad thing. Often, the computer pops up an error message when formatting. Then the question arises very sharply: "The memory card is not formatted, what to do?" Let us understand because it is still necessary to know. After all, we use microscopes in smartphones, cameras, registrars, readers.

Formatting a memory card deletes all old files from it, detects damage and eliminates them. Before formatting, it is necessary to make a backup on a computer of important files.

Standard formatting

The first method of formatting a memory card that any user uses is formatting on a PC.

  • In the "My Computer" menu, select a memory card, become right with right mouse button.
  • In the resulting context menu, select "Formatting"
  • Select the appropriate file system type
  • Click on the item "Start"
  • Wait for the end of the process

Attention! By default, the FAT32 file system is selected on the computer. It works correctly with a micro SD format in 32 GB. The larger amount of 64GB is formatted in another File System EXFAT.

Here and may arise the first difficulties when the computer writes

windows cannot complete formatting.

What to do in this case?

Take advantage of other ways flashing cards.

Formatting through the command line

Work in this way begins through the "Start" menu. Select "execute". With the console fell to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Enter the DiskPart command, activate ENTER
  2. Enter the List Disk command, activate enter and select a disk, focusing on the size of our flash drive
  3. Enter SELECT DISK and disk number, activate ENTER
  4. Enter Attributes Disk Clear Readonly and Enter. At this stage, the drive will be unlocked
  5. Enter Clean and Enter. So the carrier will be completely cleaned
  6. Enter Create Partition Primary, activate ENTER. New section appear on the map
  7. Then Select Partition 1, press ENTER
  8. active, ENTER. The section is activated
  9. format FS \u003d FAT32 Quick. A message about successful formatting
  10. Assign and Enter. Flash drive will get a new name
  11. To check, create a new folder

This is one of the best formatting methods for a flash drive, which allows you to use third-party utilities.

If the formatting error is saved and you cannot work with files on a memory card, try using the optional program.

Formatting with utilities

Willovs can format the memory card and that's it! Then we appeal to an almighty Internet and download the assistant programs.

Working with third-party software, it is worth being very attentive. Be sure to choose the correct name of the micro SD, otherwise you can cause serious damage to the computer. Selecting the type of file system also matters. Remember that for 32 GB memory cards use FAT32. For more mastic colleagues - EXFAT. Additional programs always make the drive completely, creating a backup of the data, in which case, be sure to.

I will give the most common of them:

  • Autoformat Tool. Quite easy to use. Working with it does not take much time. I recommend to run on behalf of the administrator.
  • HDD Low Level Format Tool. A solid program that makes low-level formatting. Remember, recover files after its use will not succeed.
  • The utility requires installation on a computer. Intuitively understandable and easy to use.

Correct problems with micro SD

Sometimes it happens that files from the card on the phone are not deleted. You erase them, but nothing happens, they return again, irritating more and more. Then you need to try all actions in the complex:

  1. Reload the phone
  2. Remove and paste the map back
  3. Download utility for phone
  4. Make formatting
  5. If nothing helps, commemorated with the inevitable - the memory card "died"

Record protection

When you try to format, you can exit the message "Disk is protected from recording." This occurs in several cases:

  • if the recording protection button is switched on the SD card to be returned to another position. (More on blocking / unlocking memory card);
  • if the computer picked up the virus that blocks the record on solid media. It is necessary to carry out antivirus diagnostics.

Hidden files

In the case when the card is read, but cannot be formatted, it is worth checking it for hidden files such as Autorun.

Autorun.inf is a hidden autoload file that prompts the system how to run the disc correctly. It displays the colorful menu with the algorithm for further action on the screen, replaces the icon on the desktop. Such properties really liked the developers of viruses and they fully use the file for their purposes. The usual hidden text contains the code for running the program, here is the viruses on it and fall into the computer.

At the same time, viruses that hit the removable medium are trying to protect themselves in every way. Including and not allowing the ability to format the micro CD card. Remove such a virus is very easy.

Let's try together if none of the above methods helped get to the micro-drive:

  1. Open the command line (you already know how)
  2. We find our flash drive
  3. Change the parameters of the ATTRIB -A -S -S -H -r autorun.inf file
  4. We destroy the virus on the card del autorun.inf
  5. We try to productively work.

Sometimes to identify and remove the virus help Anti Autorun, Autorun Guard, USB_TOOL.

In order to protect the micro SD from re-infection, you can enter one interesting way. The essence in the following, the file with the file named autorun.inf is created on the media. The newly arrived viruses will no longer settle on the drive, where there is a folder with the same name as they have. Why does it work? Because Windows does not allow creating folders with the same name. That's all!


For a long time, only a memory card of a proven manufacturer is capable of listening to your owner. With a careful circulation, the console will remain in place for a long time. In no case do not twink and do not remove the card from the slot while working with the files.

Remember! The recommended operating load on the card is no more than 20% per day. This means that with a 32 GB memory card, you cannot withdraw and write files per day, more than 6 GB. This will significantly extend the life of the card consoles and will help avoid problems with formatting in the future.

If all of the above ways to solve the problem did not help, withdraw important files from the card will help in specialized service items.

It is always better to buy two Micro SDs by 32 GB than one by 64 GB. It will simplify work for a simple user, will save important information and make formatting simple and affordable.

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So far!

Thank you for attention! To new meetings on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

For the average smartphone user, the data stored on the phone and memory card than the device itself have greater importance. Therefore, in case of damage to the MicroSD drive, people are more afraid of data safety than the working capacity of the flash drive. So, consider how to fix the damage of the SD card on Android and restore the data.

Causes of damage

Nothing is eternal. This statement is true for removable media. Perhaps your card has exhausted its resource and moved into the world another. But there is still a number of reasons due to which a similar problem arises:

  1. Error in the OS smartphone. Invisible Android processes or any other mobile operating system more often or less place to errors that impose a certain print on the performance of flash memory.
  2. Outdated file system. If your SD card uses Fat, it can lead to errors, because Some modern applications no longer work with this standard and incorrectly interact with the device.
  3. Emergency disabling data transfer. If you turn off the USB cable during copying files with PCs to the flash memory of the phone, with a probability of more than 50% damage to SD cards irreversible.

    Attention! Never turn off the device until the data transfer process is completed. If necessary, cancel the operation!

  4. Incorrect removal of the drive. When removing a flash drive without prior disconnection, there is a risk of damage to the data and the performance of the SD card.

How to restore an SD card

To restore data and treat flash drive, follow these steps:

But there are situations where the memory card does not open on the computer. This is a bad feature and, in this case, contact third-party utilities for data recovery.

For this you need:

  1. Repeat items 1-3 from the previous instructions.
  2. Download the Recuva app.
  3. After starting the program, a master will appear, which will help you. Press "Next".

  4. Select the type of files you want to restore (images, documents) and click Next.

  5. In a new window, click on the option "in the specified location" and select the SD card. Click "Next".

  6. Wait until the end of the operation.

  7. After the "return" of the long-awaited content, repeat the paragraph 5-8 of the previous instruction.

The above actions will help to return part of the valuable information.

Tip! To prevent such situations, it is recommended to regularly create backup copies of important files!

If the removable media is not defined by the computer, independently access data without certain skills and resources will not work. Therefore, if necessary, contact the service center for the repair of removable media. Now you know how to fix the damage to the SD card on Android.


Today, one of the most popular types of media is a flash drive. And whoever did not say, and the century CD / DVD discs coming to an end. Moreover, the price of one flash drive is only 3-4 more than the price of a DVD disk! True there is one small "but" - the disk "break" is much more complicated than the flash drive ...

Although not often, but with flash drives sometimes there is one unpleasant situation: take the MicroSD flash card from the phone or photo apparatus, insert into a computer or laptop, and it does not see it. There can be a lot of reasons for this: viruses, program errors, failure of the flash drive, etc. In this article, I would like to stop on the most popular causes of invisibility, As well as bring some advice and recommendations, what to do in such cases.

Types of flash cards. Is the SD card supported by your card reader?

Here I would like to stop in more detail. Many users often confuse some types of memory cards with others. The fact is that SD flash cards There are three types: MicroSD, Minisd, SD.

Why did the manufacturers made?

There are simply different devices: for example, a small audio player (or a small mobile phone) and, for example, a camera or a photo apparatus. Those. Devices are completely different in size with different requirements for the speed of flash cards and the amount of information. For this, there are several types of flash drives. Now in more detail about each of them.

1. MicroSd.

Size: 11mm x 15mm.

MicroSD flash cards are very popular thanks to portable devices: players, phones, tablets. Using MicroSD, the memory of the listed devices can be very rapidly increased by an order!

Usually, when buying, a small adapter is included in the kit, in order for this USB flash drive to connect instead of an SD card (about them below). By the way, for example, to connect this USB flash drive to a laptop, you need to: insert a MICSROSD to the adapter, and then adapter insert into the SD connector on the front / side panel of the laptop.

2. Minisd.

Size: 21.5mm x 20mm.

The once popular cards used in portable technique. To date, it is still less common, mainly due to the popularity of MicroSD format.

3. SD.

Size: 32mm x 24mm.

Flash cards: SDHC and SDXC.

These cards are used in the most part in the devices where a large amount of memory is needed + high speed. For example, a video camera, a video recorder in the machine, a camera, etc. devices. SD cards are divided into several generations:

  1. SD 1 - measuring from 8 MB to 2 GB;
  2. SD 1.1 - up to 4 GB;
  3. SDHC - up to 32 GB;
  4. SDXC - up to 2 TB.

About the pen important moments when working with SD cards!

1) In addition to the amount of memory, the SD cards indicate the speed (more precisely). For example, in screenshots above the Card class "10" - this means that the exchange rate with such a card is at least 10 MB / s (in more detail about the classes: It is important to pay attention to what the speed class flash card is required for your device!

2) MicroSD with special specials. Adapters (they are usually written on them (see Screenshots above)) can be used instead of conventional SD cards. True, it is always and everywhere - it is not recommended (just because of the speed of information sharing).

3) Devices for reading SD cards have backward compatibility: i.e. If you take the device reading SDHC, then it will read the SD card 1 and 1.1 generations, but will not be able to read the SDXC. That is why it is important to pay attention to which cards can read your device.

By the way, in many "relatively old" laptops are built-in card readers who are unable to read new types of SDHC flash cards. The solution in this case is pretty simple: buy a card reader connected to the usual USB port, it by the way is more like a conventional USB flash drive. Question price: several hundred rubles.

Cardrider SDXC. Connects to USB 3.0 port.

The same disk letter is the reason for the invisibility of flash drives, hard drives, memory cards!

The fact is that if your hard disk is the letter of the disk F: (for example) and your inserted flash card, too, F: - then the flash card will not be displayed in the conductor. Those. You will go to "My Computer" - and the USB flash drive there will not see!

To fix it, you need to go to the "Disk Management" panel. How to do it?

In Windows 8: Press the combination of Win + X, select "Disk Management".

In Windows 7/8: Press the combination of Win + R, enter the "diskmgmt.msc" command.

Next, you should see the window in which all connected discs, flash drives, etc. devices will be displayed. Moreover, even those devices that are not formatted and which are not visible in "My Computer" will be shown. If your memory card is in this list, you need to do two things:

1. Change it the letter of the disk to the unique (for this it is enough just to right-click on the flash drive and select the change in the letter in the context menu, see below the screenshot);

2. Format a flash card (if you have a new one, or there is no necessary data on it. ATTENTION, Formatting operation will destroy all data on a flash card).

Change the letter of the disk. Windows 8.

No drivers - a popular reason because of which the computer does not see the SD card!

Even if you have a computer / laptop completely new and only yesterday you brought them from the store - it does not guarantee anything with a smooth account. The fact is that sellers in the store (or their experts who prepare the goods for sale) could simply forget to install the necessary drivers, or just be lazy. Most likely, you were given discs (or copied to the hard disk) all drivers and you only need to install them.

In general, there are special programs that can scan your computer (more precisely all its devices) and find the newest drivers for each device. I have already written about such utilities in previous posts. Here I will give only 2 links:

  1. Programs for updating drivers :;
  2. Search and update drivers:

Connecting an SD card via USB with a device

If the computer does not see the SD card itself, then why you can not try to insert an SD card into any device (for example, a telephone, camera, camera, etc.) and already connect it to a PC? To be honest, I generally rarely take a flash card from devices, preferring photos and video from them, connecting them to a laptop via a USB cable.

Do special programs need to connect the phone to PC?

New OS, such as Windows 7, 8 are capable of working with many devices without installing additional software. Installing drivers and configuration of the device occurs in automatic mode when the device is first connected to the USB port.

For each brand of the phone / camera, there are recommended by the manufacturer of the utility (see the manufacturer's website) ...

1. Try to connect a map to another computer and check, recognizes and whether it will see it;

2. Check the computer for viruses (). Rarely, but some types of viruses come across that block access to disks (including flash drives).

On this today, everyone, good luck!

Support for external memory cards for many Android users is an important criterion when choosing a new device. Fortunately, most of them still support such an option. However, faults may occur here - for example, a SD card damage message. Today you will learn why this error occurs and how to cope with it.

The message "SD card does not work" or "Empty SD card: Formatting requires" may appear in such cases:

Cause 1: Random Single Failure

Alas, the nature of the Android is that it is impossible to test his work on all devices, therefore, there are errors and failures. You may have moved the applications to the USB flash drive, it for some reason is emergency completed, and as a result of this, the OS has not defined an external carrier. In fact, such reasons may be many, however, almost all random failures are corrected by rebooting the device.

Cause 2: Bad Contact Slots and Memory Cards

A portable device like a phone or tablet during operation is subject to loads, even being in your pocket or bag. As a consequence, the movable elements to which the memory card belongs can be moved in their grooves. Therefore, having met with an error about the damage to the flash drive, which is not fixed by the reboot, it is worth removing the card from the device and inspect it; Also possible contamination of contacts with dust, which in any case penetrates the inside of the device. Contacts, by the way, you can wipe with alcohol napkins.

If the contacts on the memory card itself are visually clean, you can simply wait for a while and insert it again - perhaps the device or the flash drive itself just heated. After some time, insert the SD card back, and make sure that it is planted to the end (but do not overdo it!). If the problem was in bad contact, after these manipulations it will disappear. If the problem remains - read on.

Cause 3: Availability of erroneous sectors in the map file table

The problem with which lovers are most often encountered to connect the device to the PC and instead of safe extraction just pull the cord. However, no one is insured against such: this can cause an OS failure (for example, shutdown when the battery or an emergency reboot) or even a banal file transfer (copy or ctrl + x) by means of the phone itself. In the risk zone, card holders with FAT32 file system are also.

As a rule, the erroneous recognition message of the SD card is preceded by other unpleasant symptoms: files from such a flash drive are read with errors, the files disappear at all or the digital ghosts themselves appear. Naturally, no reboot, nor an attempt to pull-insert a flash drive. It follows this situation in such a situation:

Cause 4: Physical Card Damage

The worst version of the development of events - the flash drive turned out to be damaged mechanically either when in contact with water, fire. In this case, we are powerless - most likely, the data from such a card will not be able to restore it, and you don't have anything left, how to throw an old SD card and purchase a new one.

An error accompanied by a memory card damage is one of the most unpleasant that can occur with devices managed by Android. Fortunately, in most cases it is just a single failure.

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