Stalker call of Pripyat how to complete the quest dark business!!! Walkthrough of STALKER: Call of Pripyat - Zaton, Jupiter, Pripyat and additional tasks Get the quest from the beard for a compass

The achievement “Authority” (English: Boss) in “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” opens after colluding with the Sultan and capturing Beard’s business on Zaton. The Sultan became the first bandit who managed to establish neutrality with free stalkers. He is trying to turn Skadovsk into a bandit camp, so he clashes with the local bartender, Boroda, who opposes this. You will be able to squeeze out Beard’s business after completing five related tasks: “Assault”, “Deal”, “Tempting Business”, “Compass” and “Dark Business”.

Tasks “Raid” and “Deal” on the side of the bandits:

The meeting with the crime boss takes place at the very beginning of the game at Skadovsk. The Sultan will invite Degtyarev to join the bandits and help deal with the stalkers on the Shevchenko cargo ship. The task “Crash” will appear in the journal. The testing of recruits takes place at night southwest of Skadovsk. If you carry out the Sultan's instructions, Spartak's squad will die. Brass knuckles will reward you with 1900 rubles and the coordinates of the cache. In the second order, the Sultan will ask you to attend a deal to purchase weapons. The task “Deal” will appear in the journal. Kastet with a detachment of bandits will be waiting for a meeting in Lesnichestvo, southeast of Skadovsk. On the switch we kill all the soldiers, take Morgan’s PDA with data about the secret warehouse of “Dolg” (the information can later be sold to Sych -, Loki - or Shulga -), we receive from Kastet 5000 rubles for the work and the coordinates of the cache.

The task “Tempting Business” on the side of the bandits:

We return to Skadovsk to Sych, take on the task “Tempting Business” to search for three Veles detectors for scientists from a bunker in the vicinity of Jupiter. The first “Veles” can be obtained for destruction following a tip from Capercaillie (the task is given by Beard), the second detector lies in the excavator cabin on the Kopachi farmstead not far from the Cooling Tower and the “Ashes” Anomaly, where Degtyarev is brought by Uncle Yar from the “Yanov” station, the third “Veles” sold by Herman in the scientists' bunker after successful completion of the first task with measurements (to increase the protection against psi radiation, a tactical helmet from the Azot task from Yanov is enough). Also, “Veles” detectors appear for sale at Sych after or are found on the bodies of masters from the groups “Duty”, “Freedom”, Loners, Zombified. After delivering the Veles detectors to the scientists, we return to Skadovsk to Sych and report on the completion of the task.

Task “Dark Business” on the side of the bandits:

We leave the stalkers’ base, sleep or wander around Zaton for several hours, after receiving the email, we again come to Sych, who will send us to deal with Beard. We take the “Svarog” detector from the bartender, talk with Sych again about our share of the deal, but do not demand to give the money, but agree to talk with the Sultan. If you take the money, the task will be completed. The godfather will offer to punish Beard and squeeze out a profitable business from him. The task “Dark Business” will appear in the magazine. We talk with Beard about the artifacts, learn about an important order for the Compass, after which the Sultan will send Degtyarev to Noah on an old barge located behind the Port warehouses south of Skadovsk. The hermit will not argue when meeting and will immediately hand over the Compass.

The Sultan will be delighted with the valuable find and as a reward will give 10,000 rubles with the coordinates of the cache, and before parting he will inform you that Beard’s free stalkers have improved detectors, which must be taken possession of at any cost. To find out about the whereabouts of stalkers with prototype detectors, you need to complete a couple of any tasks for Beard to search for and deliver artifacts to customers.

Orders for artifacts appear with Beard only after completing the task “Strange Phenomenon” to deliver a modified steering wheel from the Dredger, located east of Skadovsk. The task is available throughout the game.

When the bartender's trust is earned, the necessary marks will appear on the map. Sledgehammer's squad is located near the "Claw" anomaly, and Crest's squad is often found near the "Pine Oak" anomaly. Both are on Zaton, southwest of Skadovsk. You can take improved detectors from stalkers in different ways: kill; exchange for weapons; intimidate by telling about the sad fate of the first group after the murder of the stalkers; loot the bodies after they stumble upon a group of powerful mutants. Regardless of the choice, we return with two improved detectors to the Sultan, who will send him to Beard to say hello.

Consequences of supporting the Sultan and the bandits at Skadovsk:

As a result of the coup, Beard will refuse to leave Skadovsk, but will agree to work for the Sultan and pay tribute to Degtyarev once a day. The bribe amount varies within 2000 rubles. The frightened owl will also make a small discount on his goods, so as not to cause trouble. After receiving the “Authority” trophy, Degtyarev’s reputation among free stalkers will greatly deteriorate, which will lead to an increase in trading prices, but the bandits will begin to fear and respect him. If you don’t help free stalkers at all, Beard may stop trading. If at the very beginning you refuse the Sultan’s offer and inform Beard about the impending attack, the bartender will make a counter-offer and ask to protect the stalkers on the Shevchenko cargo ship from attack by bandits. This action in the future will allow you to unlock the achievements "" and "".

Ending of the game with the choice of bandits in “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”:

The law of the Sultan was finally established in Skadovsk, and the ship became a base for bandits. Beard, not wanting to pay tribute to the boys, together with a group of stalkers moved to uncharted parts of the Zone. The attempts of the stalkers to restore the previous state of affairs quickly came to naught: the demonstrative discardings did their job.

Description: Working for the Sultan, making Beard pay interest.
The quest gives: Sultan
Terms of issue: The tempting business is completed, with the choice of the desired option.
Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 Svarog detectors
Walkthrough: Let's find out for the Sultan about Beard's latest affairs. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact "Compass". You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. He's completely lost his mind due to the flood and he gives away the artifact just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he reports that we need to start working for Beard and get detectors, which he distributes to his stalkers. We take the task from Beard to obtain an artifact, wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the markings, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it’s up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. All that remains is to make Beard work for the Sultan.
Adviсe: This task spoils your relationship with Beard, so think before you complete it.

An unusual glow was recorded on the dredger and Dyagterev needs to move out and investigate this phenomenon. It turns out that the “changed steering wheel” of the ship is glowing. We need to bring it to Beard... At the exit of Dyagterev, the stalker Vobla will be waiting, who, through literally tears, will ask to give the artifact to him, supposedly for noble intentions. You will have a choice - give him this artifact, after which he will immediately run to sell it to Beard, or you can send him to hell and move on. Soon, as soon as you move away from him, an ambush will await you, which the same stalker will arrange, you can again just give him this little thing, if you refuse, Dyagterev will be killed almost point-blank, there is a chance that you will survive, but he extremely small. Therefore, my advice to you is to shoot this scoundrel after refusal, and all his friends who come running, and then sell him to Beard for 3,000 rubles.


The mechanics in both locations will give you instructions to find tools for them, because... only with their help will they be able to make modifications to armor and weapons.
Here's the list.
A set of tools for heavy work is located in the attic of the sawmill, which is located on Zaton. Be careful, there will be a lot of zombies there!
A set of tools for finer work on Zaton will be discussed separately.

A set of tools for hard work in the vicinity of Jupiter - you will need to go south of Yanov, where you will find a carriage under the bridge, in which there will be an Electra anomaly, carefully select them.
A set of tools for more delicate work in the vicinity of "Jupiter" - will lie in one of the buildings at the Jupiter plant, go up to the attic, but beware, there will be many anomalies "Electra", there you will find it.
You will find a couple more sets of calibration tools in Pripyat. One is in the Department Store in the basement, which will be teeming with jerboas. The second one will be on the second floor of the abandoned KBO. There will be a lot of Electra anomalies and another surprise – a “burer”, which is most convenient to take down with a shotgun or knife.
After completing the task, the technicians will provide a list of special modifications, so Cardan will be able to modify the exoskeleton up to the fourth generation, and you will be able to run as if it were an ordinary suit.


The leader of the bandits, Sultan, will ask for help in one dirty matter. He plans to shoot all the stalkers on the barge not far from Shevchenko; he wants to carry out the attack at night. You have two options - either you help and actually interrupt the stalkers, or you go and tell Beard about all this, who asks you for a counter mission, where you, having wedged yourself into a group of bandits, like your own, will actually help the stalkers fight off in the end attack. There is a third option - run all the way to the barge, notify everyone there, in any outcome you will receive a reward and weapons for completing the task.
And one piece of advice, if you still decide to help the stalkers, then wait until the bandits start moving in a chain, and then throw them at the center of the chain


This task can only be taken at night. Moreover, if you don’t take it right away, then later it will be impossible to get it in any other way - it will automatically be considered failed.
Beard invites you to help the stalkers. The essence of the task is that the bandits decided to buy weapons from someone, and this, of course, will later work out for the stalkers, so your goal is to prevent them from doing this. As night falls, we meet with a group of stalkers near the forestry, where we overhear a conversation between the villains and the stalker dressed in the “Duty” exoskeleton. After the end of their conversation, it is necessary to kill everyone. It will help you and be very effective to use something sniper like “Vintorez”, since you can’t break through the exoskeleton so easily. From the corpse of the "debt" you can get his PDA and at the same time find out that his name is Morgan. For this name Sych will give you 4000 rubles. Finish with the bandits, talk to the leader of the group of stalkers. He will pay you 2,500 rubles and send you to Boroda so that he can give you the main reward. Beard, after he finds out that you have completed the task, will give you 3,500 rubles, saying something like “everyone needs money, keep it.” As you progress through this mission, you will be able to collect a lot of guns. But many of them are completely killed, which will not give you any profit, they will not want to buy them from you, but there will be plenty of cartridges.


Your task is to find the stalker nicknamed Soroka. You will receive the task in Skadovsk, but you won’t be able to complete it straight away. When you arrive in the vicinity of the Jupiter plant, head towards the Quarry, where a dying stalker will lie under a huge saw-like device. After talking with him, you will know that someone betrayed him. After which we leave the fading one alone and return to “Yanov”. After that, everything is simple - you need to talk with a stalker named Flint, who will actually turn out to be Magpie. According to some reports, it is better to do the “Hunting the Chimera” task, because immediately after the end Flint will begin to praise himself and his exploits, rather than completely betray Magpie. Then we head to the head of Freedom, mercilessly hand over Flint to him, then, on the way back to Skadovsk, we report to Gonta about the success of our mission.

Invalid cache

In the Skadovska bar you will meet the stalker Koryaga. He will ask Dyagterev to help him - to deliver him a container with swag. He himself cannot do this, because the container and the car in which he was lying fell into a hole, and around him there is a swarm of snorks, of which he is terrified. Once you are there, go down into the hole, you can easily see the car, we go down the ledges deeper, after which we take the container and, after wandering around the dungeon and shooting all the evil spirits there, we go to the surface.. Not far away, by the way, there will be a very interesting anomaly, where you can find a couple of artifacts.
Deliver the swag to Snag. He offers to split it up, brotherly, there will be a modified "Fora", it is unlikely to be useful to you, a medical kit is a very necessary and practical thing, a modified AKM-74/2U - here you need to look at your machine gun, which you have on hands, the artifact “Soul” - we definitely take it, a helmet - there is no need for it. Snag will give you two things.

Option to receive rewards: Since there won't be enough money at the beginning of the game, you can take all the things from the container. To do this, instead of sharing with Koryaga, we go straight to Cardan, the technician. He asks for 500 rubles for opening the container. and immediately gives you the entire set, which will more than repay your investment.

Disappearance of stalkers

The capercaillie will tell you that people have begun to disappear, and bloodsuckers are kidnapping them. And just like that, just recently the hunter Danila disappeared, his remains were never found, your task is to find out what’s what. Upon arrival at the specified place, the Capercaillie will contact you. He will tell you that he has discovered a lair of bloodsuckers and you need to meet with him. Having met, he will report that he watched a pair of bloodsuckers enter the building of the VNZ "CIRCLE". It is necessary to check what is there, there will be the above-mentioned bloodsuckers that will need to be brought down, preferably separately. And try not to hit your partner, maybe it’s better to take a knife. Next we follow down, where you will find the lair of these creatures. There are plenty of them here, but they are sleeping, so we quietly move past this sleepy kingdom to the exit. Move in a half-squat, otherwise you may end up as food in this rookery. After leaving, Capercaillie sends us to chat with Beard. but this is a completely different task, he himself will ask to meet him in Skadovsk, but a little later. By the time you get to “Skadovsk”, Capercaillie will not be there, therefore, at least from the fact that he “sticks out” to us, we need to turn to Beard, he probably knows. And yes, he knows. He will tell us that Capercaillie left you a message that he will head to the port cranes, so we move there, and again, it’s a shame, he’s not there either, instead you will find Danila’s corpse, but when you go into the booth where he lies, then You will be a little stunned, there is a Capercaillie and Tremor, drinking his blood. The tremor will begin to make excuses, such as his thirst for blood, and will tell you that he hid it for a long time and the like. And after this heartbreaking conversation he will put a bullet in his forehead. We return to Beard, who after your story will give you as much as 10,000 rubles. And you will receive the “Detective” skill, that is, for solving a case, stalkers will definitely put first aid kits and other medicines in your personal box in Skadovsk, which is certainly pleasant and useful.

Lair of bloodsuckers

Option one:
Tell Beard about the found lair of bloodsuckers, he will understand that this is a big threat and will send you in search of poison gas. Go to Sych, he also has information, however, for 2000 rubles. He will tell you that nearby, at the bridge, a military convoy once stopped, transporting gas cylinders, so go to this convoy, find a truck and a gas cylinder located in a locked container. You can open it by looking into the cabin, there will be documents indicating the keys, there are two of them. The first key - key A - lies in the safe of the car lagging behind the column. Go towards the forestry, the car hangs, half fallen off the bridge, but is still holding on.

You will find the second key - key B - in the safe of a car that fell into a bridge break; move towards it in the opposite direction from the forestry.

Once you have both keys, open the container and take the gas cylinder. After which you need to find the ventilation shaft, it will be shown on the map, place the cylinder in it, turn the valve, wait a little, about a minute, for the gas to take effect. During these actions, two bloodsuckers will approach you and everything is at best, or maybe not even one. After which, with a clear conscience, you can go to Beard and talk about completing the task. As a reward we receive 5,000 rubles and a Veles detector.

Option two:
The scheme is simple. First, follow the Capercaillie inside the location "VNZ Circle" and kill a couple of bloodsuckers, then go downstairs. Then you go down into a room where there are many sleeping bloodsuckers, then stop on the steps and wait for the Capercaillie to walk to the end of the room. After that, save, because It may not work the first time. Next, taking out a knife, you touch one of the bloodsuckers and jump into the corner between the steps and the wall. Most of the bloodsuckers will rush at you, but since they will crowd, they will only be able to hit you a couple of times, and you will calmly kill them. You don't have to worry about Capercaillie. Only a couple of bloodsuckers will rush at him and he can fight them off. After you kill all the bloodsuckers, a message will pop up that the task has been completed. After this, all that remains is to return to Beard for the reward. The beard will give you some money and the Veles detector. ( Option three:
We are waiting for the Capercaillie to move away. Next, we simply jump from the steps to the cabinet on the right, and from it to the next one (there are two of them almost together).
All! From this place, let your imagination run wild: you can stupidly kill with a shotgun, you can throw grenades into the corridor (vamps sometimes run there in droves). There is physically no way they can get you there! (


A detachment of mercenaries is located at the substation and does not allow anyone to approach them, but there is an option to obtain permission to enter. The leader of the mercenaries, Tesak, will ask you to bring them food - 6 cans of canned food or sticks of sausage or loaves of bread, it makes no difference. Without any problems we get into the camp of these mercenaries and after we pass through the construction site and go out to the place where the mercenaries rest, there you will find tools for delicate work

Area maps

During the inspection of the Skat-2 helicopter, you can find several maps of the area, which you can “push” to someone for your own benefit, of course. For example, in “Skladsk” the conductor Pilot will need them and he will buy them from you, so we go to him, give him the cards, in return, in gratitude, he will reduce the prices for his services, so that for only 1000 rubles you can go from Yanov to Zaton.

Mercenary camp

Owl will ask you to visit the mercenary camp and find any information there, most of all he is interested in the plans of the mercenaries. The mercenaries are well armed, so take this task seriously, and it is better to arm yourself with something like a sniper, such as the “Priboy”. And after you send all living things in that area to another world, then start searching for information. Don't forget to remove his PDA from Spine's body, you'll obviously need it for sale. Search further and you will find a laptop with plans. Then go to Sych, he will buy a PDA from you for 1000 rubles, and a laptop for 2000.

Three Veles detectors

After clearing the mercenary camp, Sych will give you a mission - to find three Veles detectors and deliver them to the scientists’ base in the area of ​​the Jupiter plant. You will definitely be given one after clearing the bloodsuckers’ lair in Zaton, the second you will find in Kopachi, in an excavator. And you can get one more while completing several tasks for scientists. Once you collect the detectors, deliver them to the scientists, then return back to Zaton, where you and Sych will have some kind of problems, he will not want to share the swag with the stalkers, citing the Sultan. You will have the option to intimidate Owl and help Beard, or we can try to pay tribute to the local authority. In any case, you will be given the next task.


Beard, like the Sultan, needs this rare artifact. Noah has it, who lives on an old barge located north of Skadovsk. If you are in a warm relationship with stalkers, then go to Noah and politely ask him for an artifact, after you give it to Beard or the Sultan, go to Noah again and politely ask for an artifact, this time for yourself, the third time to him It’s better not to meddle, because you won’t get anything other than a bullet in the forehead and a new “extortionist” status.
If you work for the Sultan, then there is an option - just kill Noah right away, and everything will be resolved.

Hunting the Chimera

After Gonta learns about the death of Danila and Capercaillie, he will ask you to help him hunt the chimera. If you agree, then you need to meet him at 3 a.m., and then head to the Emerald, the chimera will still be sleeping, so killing it is not a problem. The chimera is completely sluggish, barely resisting even at the most difficult level, so a couple of bursts from an AK will be enough for it.

Gonta will give you a SPSA-14 shotgun as a reward and send you to St. John's Wort for money, who will give us 2000 rubles.

Three comrades

After two bottles of vodka, Cardan will tell you that he came to Zaton with two comrades, but they quarreled and left, and he will ask you to find them and find out what happened to them. You will find the Barge's corpse by jumping into a hole in the ground halfway between the burnt out farm and "Emerald" and walking through the dungeon. You will find the Joker's corpse, his skeleton, near the Sosnodub anomaly in the bushes. We confiscate both their PDAs and take them to Cardan, but you will not receive a reward for completing the task.


In STALKER: Call of Pripyat, the main character differs from the protagonists of previous parts, as he is an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine. In order to find the crash sites of five Ukrainian army helicopters, Degtyarev works undercover, acting as an ordinary stalker with equipment familiar to the Zone.

Z aton: story missions

From the very beginning, open the map to assess your location. On your PDA, you will find that a map called Zaton has been dropped in the northeast.

Having opened the list of tasks, you can see five priority goals: search for Skat helicopters from numbers 1 to 5. Specifically in Zaton there are three broken helicopters, and each of them is marked on the map with a circle.

If you follow a straight path, bypassing the swamps, you will soon reach a detachment of stalkers. These guys won't attack you first, so don't be afraid of them. After talking with the leader, you will eventually become aware of the location of Skadovsk, a local bar set up in a broken barge.

Once in the Skadovsk bar, you can receive orders from a wide variety of personalities. The orders of both bandits and stalkers will lead you to multiple swag and artifacts, and will confront you with various mutants and anomalies.

Initially, in order to bolster your financial situation, it makes sense to take on quests like Disappearance of Stalkers, Inaccessible Cache and Hit.

To find out about the latest rumors, buy food or sell unnecessary items, contact the bartender, nicknamed Beard. It is better to throw more valuable equipment to Sych, who is located on the top floor of the barge.

Huckster Sych sells guns, armor, gas masks and other useful items. If you have some cash, buy the Bear Detector from him, as it will make it easier for you to find artifacts. Finally, broken equipment can be restored by the mechanic Cardan, who sits not far from Sych.

On the way to the first helicopter, fight off the mutants or go around them so as not to waste ammunition. Soon you will reach the crash site of Skat-5, above and to the left of which there are several buildings, which are united by the common name Sawmill.

There are many opponents there - all kinds of zombies and ordinary bandits - on which you can practice shooting. In Call of Pripyat, the undead, by the way, are sometimes armed with cannons, from which they shoot quite well.

After some time, the Release will begin, about which you will be immediately warned by radio. Whatever business is holding you back now, run for cover as quickly as possible. If you were near Skat-5, then the marker on the map will stop at the nearest pipe near the swamp, where you will have to sit down.


In a place called Swamp, you will find swamps of acid, behind which lies the first of the helicopters you need. Without special equipment, don’t even think about getting into the quagmire - it’s better to just go around it.

After inspecting the fallen car, Degtyarev will find out that all the electronics in it are out of order. From here a new goal will appear - to find out the cause of the electronics failure, but you will begin this task later (located in another location). Now it makes sense to get to Skat-2.

Advice. Look in the area behind the tail of the helicopter to find a couple of supply crates. Here, nearby in the swamps, there is an artifact that moves above the water in the form of a clot of energy. Use a detector whose signal will help you determine the exact location of this jewel and catch it.


You will find the next helicopter at the bottom and left of the Zaton location, in a place called the Iron Forest. Having reached the fence, you will see a power line, as well as a directly fallen car and a poltergeist - an electric flying ghost.

The difficulty in fighting the latter lies in its agility, so you need to find the poltergeist sphere as quickly as possible and fire a burst of weapons at it.

Near the turntable you will find electrical anomalies that you should avoid. There will also definitely be an artifact among them. After finishing the battle, get to the helicopter and examine it. Degtyarev will discover the card, after which you will receive a new task - to sell the card.

You will find the buyer in Skadovsk - he will be a man named Pilot, located in the main hall. As a reward for the card, he will give you a discount on escorting to the Jupiter location (one thousand instead of three).

Stalkers will tell you that this particular pinwheel has fallen onto a plateau that cannot be reached blindly. There is a secret path that only one person can lead you along - Noah.

Stalker Noah is located in his own Stroy barge, which is just below the bar. When you knock on his hut, he will shoot back, so after knocking you should quickly step aside. Further, Noah will not shoot and will agree to a conversation.

After agreeing on an escort, go to the plateau, and then, together with your guide, to the Burnt Farm anomaly. Noah will run along a special path between the anomalies and jump into the portal - repeat his actions exactly, without leaving the distance.

If you forget the path, use the bolts that you need to throw in front of you to find anomalies.

You'll eventually end up on the Southern Plateau and can explore the machine. There will be no corpses inside, so you will have to inspect the likely evacuation points.

Point "B2"

First, get to Skadovsk to find out more information about the military from Boroda. It turns out that there were no warriors here, so this point disappears.

This concludes the story quests in the Zaton location. The next stop is Jupiter, where the Pilot can accompany you.

Z aton: secondary tasks

Disappearance of stalkers

In the Skadovsk bar, talk to Capercaillie to receive this task. The man will ask you to find a missing comrade who was trying to stir up a nest of bloodsuckers. According to Capercaillie, it is these creatures that are to blame for the recent disappearances.

Get to the Sosnodub anomaly, where you will find the corpse of a bloodsucker. After this, the Capercaillie will contact you and ask you to follow him to the north. Near the town of Krug, go into the house in which the mutant flashed.

Inside, you have to go down to the basement, where the previously seen monster awaits you - immediately throw a grenade into the next room so as not to suffer with it.

The first will be followed by the second, and now you will have to fight with it on equal terms. The battle with the bloodsucker will cause you a lot of trouble, since this creature often goes invisible.

Then follow the Capercaillie and use the elevator shaft. You will find yourself in a dungeon full of stalker bodies (examine them). In the next room, tread carefully, as there are sleeping mutants here.

Use stealth movement, otherwise you will wake them up, and then trouble will follow. In another room, go higher, then jump into the hole and overcome the tunnel. The capercaillie failed to find his comrade, and at this stage the task is interrupted.

Disappearance of stalkers (continued)

A day later after the first part of the quest, Capercaillie will contact you, who, despite the failure of your mission, will decide to try his luck again.

At the place in Skadovsk you will not find Capercaillie - Beard will tell you that he has gone to the port. In the south, near the cranes, you will come across a small building, inside which will be the body of both the Capercaillie and his comrade Danila.

Here you will also find a killer - doctor Tremor, who suffers from a kind of vampirism. He will repent of what he has done and kill himself. All you have to do is return to Beard and receive your reward.

Talk to the stalker nicknamed Koryaga, who lives in the Skadovsk bar. He will ask you to find the box he left in Zaporozhets after the earthquake.

Get to the point on the map and kill the snorks. Go around the gas station and go down to the bottom of the crevice where the car is located. Inside the latter you will find the required container, but you won’t be able to get back out the usual way.

Go through the cave, where you will have to fight new snorks and avoid the anomaly. The exact path is this: go left from the car, then left again, then to the white cobblestone, near which there is a building with a window into which you need to climb.

After that, go straight again, up to the cave, again left, right and out. Return to your employer and receive your reward.


A man named Nimble will give you a task. It is located on the third floor of the bar. The merchant will offer you an assignment only after you have purchased the weapon.

According to your assignment, you need to make a certain Snag shut up. Together with the new gun, show up in front of Koryaga, who will immediately say that this weapon is his.

Now return to Shustrom and tell him about the deception, to which he will begin to deny and once again send you to Koryaga, but with more serious intentions. Koryaga himself will hide and go to Yanov station, which is located in the next location.


At Yanov Station, place any item in your own storage box. Wait for a while, and then return to the box - it turns out that all the things are missing.

In search of the missing equipment, talk to the inhabitants of the station. The medic will answer that he saw Snag near your box, which has now gone to the Zulu tower. Get to the last one and question him. Zulu will tell you about the bandits who recently tried to rob him, but he drove them away with shotgun blasts.

Now visit Polustanok, which is in the north. Here you will find some bandit and a defeated Snag. Talk to the first one to maintain neutrality, or kill him. The snag won't just tell you where your swag is hidden.

As a result, you have three options:

1) Find things manually. They are located in the same building, in the hatch where the equipment of Koryagi himself lies.

2) Cure Koryaga, for which he will voluntarily give you all the stolen goods.

3) Kill Koryaga and find out about the coordinates of the cache from his PDA.


Find the mercenary nicknamed Tesak in the town of Tsekh substation. To complete the quest, you will have to distribute food to mercenaries in other workshops. Provisions must be obtained manually.

After exploring the crash site of Skat-2, Degtyarev will find maps. The protagonist will want to sell them, so you have to talk with stalkers and find a buyer. As a result, you will be able to sell the cards to the Pilot.

After completing the first part of the quest The Disappearance of Stalkers, visit Beard and tell him about the nest of bloodsuckers you found. As a result, the bartender will offer to destroy the entire lair using poisonous gas.

The location of the gas is not available to you, so you will have to buy the information from Sych for two thousand. Then you can pick up the cylinders that are located on the Preobrazhensky Bridge.

There you will find a transport with cargo, but the boxes will be closed. Here is an order about the location of the keys - in the trunk of the first vehicle at the beginning of the bridge and in the car at the bottom under the bridge.

Once you have obtained the substance, visit the bloodsuckers' nest again. On the way to the lair, get to the panel on the outside of the building and use the cylinders on it. After this, you have to defeat two mutants. Eventually the nest will be destroyed.


The quest is given out by the Gopnik Sultan, who lives in the bar. He and his comrades decided to go all out and rob other stalkers, in which he will need your help.

During the task you will have three decisions:

1) Get to your destination and take sides at the last moment, attacking either bandits or stalkers. Remember that your choice will affect your relationships with factions.

2) Help the Sultan and kill the stalkers.

3) Tell the intentions of the bandits to Capercaillie or Beard. As a result, there will be no battle at all.

Mercenary camp

Sych is interested in the plans for organizing mercenaries, and therefore he will pay for any information that you can provide him.

In the southwest of the location you will find a garbage recycling station where the gopota has settled. There are about ten people inside, so the battle is going to be hot.

If you can't defeat them in open combat, you can come from behind using stealth. A sniper will also help in this matter, if you have enough money for it.

After defeating the enemies, collect the PDA from the corpses. Directly in the building you will find a computer that contains the main information. All this must be delivered to Sych.

Strange phenomenon

Beard will tell you about a strange anomaly that stalkers began to notice. It is necessary to visit the Dredger and explore the ship.

On the spot you will find a ship full of anomalies, so you will have to go selectively. Get to the helm and take the artifact. When you get outside, a bandit will talk to you, who also needs this jewel (for his sick friend, as he says).

As a result, you can hand over the artifact to a gopnik and be left with nothing, since he will not give you any reward. If you follow him, you will not find any friend.

If you decide to keep the value for yourself, then in this case you will have to fight both the talkative bandit and his minions who will crawl out from behind the bushes.


Bartender Beard will ask you to visit Shevchenko's barge and lend a helping hand to the locals. At the point you will find slackers who are going to ruin the deal between the dealer and the gopniks. The whole point of the task is to kill bandits.


At the bar, Cardan will ask you to find three packs of tools, each of which will allow him to better handle your weapon while upgrading or repairing it.

You will find rough tools at the Sawmill, which is located in the upper left corner of the location. Find the house and go up to the attic.

Thin instruments lie in a place in the Substation Workshop, namely, near the box where the mercenaries are talking. The calibration tools are already in another location - Pripyat. There you must find a store and look into the basement.

Three comrades

When you complete all the Sultan's quests, Cardan will give you a unique task - to apologize for him to the Barge and the Joker.

Cardan's friends became his ex in every sense, since both comrades died. You will find the corpse of the first near the town of Burnt Village, below and to the left.

There, find a hole in the ground and look into the cave, which branches into two paths - at the end of one of them lies the Barge.

The body of the second one is rotting in the town of Sosnodub, a little lower from the zone itself, near the stones.

Tempting Business

In the bar, Sych, when you complete all the Sultan’s orders, will invite you to take a share in one ambitious enterprise. Your contribution is three Veles detectors, which need to be found and brought to researcher Novikov.

You will be given the first detector of this brand for completing the “Lair of Bloodsuckers” task. The second and third are sold by Sych, but they can also be simply found on the corpses of especially tough enemies.

Having received the gift, the scientist will improve all the devices, after which they will be called “Svarog”. You must wait 24 hours, during which the couriers will deliver the goods to Sych.

Next, you must talk with Owl, who does not have the means to pay, since Beard refuses to pay his share, despite the agreement. Now talk to the bartender himself, who will send you to hell, but will give you one detector.

In the end, Owl will want to get even with Beard, for which he will need the help of the Sultan. You can either provide help or ask to give your share and leave. In the first case, you will receive a new task: Dark Deeds.

Dark Deeds

After completing the task Tempting Business and taking the side of Owl, talk with the Sultan. The bandit will decide to teach the bartender a lesson, but to do this you will have to find a couple of skeletons in his closet.

First, you will receive the Compass quest, during which you need to find the artifact of the same name. The whole point of the commission is to visit Noah.

The Sultan will invite you to gain the trust of the bartender, since he only gives out detectors to trusted people. You will have to complete the quest Search for an Artifact.

During this mission, many of Beard's workers will go after the treasure, so you will have to visit each of them and take their detectors (by murder, ransom or contract).

As a result, you will take the Beard into your own hands and start receiving interest. Ten thousand will be given to you immediately, and then you will receive eight hundred per day.

A certain guy nicknamed Soroka abandoned Gonta’s squad, bringing her into the clutches of the chimera. The guys almost died, and now they demand retribution.

The task is issued in the Zaton location, but develops in the next one. You will find Soroka directly in the bar of the Jupiter location, but under a new name - Flint. To bring him to light, you will have to find evidence.

Visit the town of Quarry, where the wounded Sliver is located. The guy will talk about betrayal and give up the ghost. As a result, you must return to Flint and tell everyone that he betrayed Gonta's squad and left Sliver to die. Information can be transferred to the two main factions (Duty and Freedom), as well as Gonta.

Gonta will invite you to go to the chimera and kill the creature. Sleep in the basement of the bar after talking with the customer. At three o'clock in the morning you need to talk with Gonta and get to the town of Izumrudnoye.

You will find the Chimera in an open area, so your group will have an advantage. The battle, despite the fact that the monster is wounded, will be difficult, so be prepared.

Yu Peter: story missions

The main base of stalkers in the Jupiter location is located at the Yanov station. Here you will find a huckster with the characteristic nickname Cass, as well as representatives of the two main factions - Freedom and Debt. Finally, on the lowest floor you will find a document on mutants and your own cache for things.

Point "B205"

The continuation of the main story mission, which begins in the Zaton location, is being developed. You will find the second point below and to the left of the station in a place called the Volkhov air defense system.

On the air defense system you will have to fight with the dead armed with firearms. After the battle, examine the house where you can find information from Sokolov. From his documents it will be clear that he visited this place and then headed to the explorers' base.

Advice. There is a secret in the SAM dungeon. In the hangar, turn into the right tunnel and get to a dead-end door, into the panel of which you must enter a code. You will find the necessary numbers in the military documents.

Step forward until you hit the rocks, then turn right into the shaft. After going around the obstacle of stones, kill the burer (a shotgun or just a knife will help you). Then all you have to do is climb to the top floor, where the swag is located.

Go to the explorers' base. Inside you will find Sokolov, who will easily tell you about himself, but will not give you any useful clues.

The helicopter crash point is located in the south of the location, in a place called Helipads. As you approach, get ready to stumble upon a minefield, which an irreplaceable bolt will help you overcome. By the way, the piece of iron does not activate mines, but bounces off them if you hit them.

Explore the turntable and take the box with information about the crew. It's time to leave, but at this moment a horde of boars will attack you. Some of the wave will kill itself on the minefield, but you will have to deal with the rest personally.

Visit a mechanic named Azoth at the main base of the location and give him the black box to decipher. You'll have to wait three hours and also pay three thousand. From the data received, you will learn that the military decided to land at point “B28”, which is located far in Pripyat.

Talk to Pilot about visiting Pripyat. The guide will refuse to lead you in his usual way, but will still tell you about a secret path that is located under the Plant. Go to the indicated location and collect the necessary information about the location of the hidden path.

In the corner of Jupiter on the lower right you will find the required area, which can only be accessed through the main gate. Inside you will be attacked by a small pack of dogs, so there is nothing to fear. After the battle, visit the central building, on the second floor of which there is information.

Advice. The fourth floor of the above house contains a secret. In one of the rooms you will find information for the secondary quest “Latest Developments”. The “Otboynik” cannon is also located here. When you pick up the documents, you will be attacked by mercenaries.

After receiving the main documents, visit the neighboring building without going outside (inside you will find a tunnel connecting two houses on the second floor). In the new room, pick up a leaf.

The other required document is located in the same area - visit the delivery department and pick up a sheet of information.

Advice. On the territory of the plant there are tanks, under which you can find Strelok’s cache (one of the additional quests).

Now look into the mechanical department. There you will have to use the stairs and go down to another level, since only from the dungeon can you get to the hall. Next, climb up and visit the control unit with the necessary information.

Then leave the room along the second floor to get into the hangar with the crashed Skat-4 helicopter. Inspect the car. Behind the iron barrier you will find a control room, from where flashing red lights can be seen. Here is another document.

Finally, leave the building and look outside for a small section above and to the right of the Factory. There you will find the last clue that will allow you to get an overall picture of the path. It turned out that the Pilot did not lie about the secret path, but in order to go along it, you will first have to open the hatches using a generator.


Hand over all the information found at the plant to mechanic Azot. He will go with you, since you will not be able to deal with the electrical wiring on your own. To protect Azoth, you will need a larger group, as well as special equipment.

First of all, buy yourself SEVA equipment, which costs twenty-five thousand. Next, go in search of a team, with which Zulu will help you (you will find him not far from Yanov).

During the negotiations, the good-natured stalker will give you a drink, after which you will pass out. The next morning Zulu will give his consent, and now you will have to send new people for the expedition to his room.

You can only take three unique warriors with you, since ordinary artifact seekers will not be suitable here. By the way, you can limit yourself to one fighter, but then you will not receive achievements and HP bonuses during the task.

The first candidate is the warrior Sokolov, to whom you have already rendered or can only render a service. In exchange for your help, he will agree to join your ranks, but you will have to buy the suit yourself.

Talk to Ozersky, who, if you complete a number of tasks for him, will give the necessary equipment for Sokolov.

The second candidate is Vano, whom you will meet at the station. Complete two of this stalker's quests to accept him into your team. Having dealt with the bandits who threatened him, you will also have to buy him a suit for five thousand.

Vagabond is another suitable person who has worshiped the Monolith in the past. You will find his group below from the town of the Volkhvov air defense system. In order for him to follow you, you must find a shelter for his “awakened” team.

Talk to the leaders of Freedom or Duty on Yanov and gain their trust so that they can give you the go-ahead to allow former Monoliths through.

"Pripyat-1": Overpass

Now that the group is assembled, go to Zulu. Together you will go to the tunnel. Remember that if you do not lose any team members during the mission, this will affect the ending.

At the beginning of the tunnel, examine the machines with cartridges, and then kill the mutants. Near the locked gate, activate the panel and go inside, where you will have to fight again.

Continue to study the environment using the detector, and then go into another corridor. After examining part of the location, go to a new room. Here, kill the snorks and go to the largest part of the dungeon.

You will not be able to use the door here, since there is no energy - you need to restore its supply. Get to the top platform and use the lever.

In the control room, press the button, and then hide behind the wall, as more Monoliths will start shooting at you. When the job is done, go through the unlocked door. All you have to do is deal with a small group of mutants, after which you can leave the dungeon.

Yu Peter: secondary tasks

On Azoth's quest, find spare parts for him. You must visit the factory on the right and above the location, which will be closed.

You will have to use the water tower ladder to get to the roof and get behind the walls. You will find all the necessary materials on each of the four floors.


Nitrogen requires tools in three copies that are already familiar to you. Find them to complete this task.

You will find crude tools in the middle of Jupiter, specifically: on the railway in a train car where an electrical anomaly flies.

Thin instruments are located near the town of the Jupiter Plant, in the house on the left in the attic. Calibration tools, as in the case of a similar task in Zaton, you will find upon arrival in Pripyat, in a place called Old KBO.


Stalker Mityai ended up in the hands of the Gopniks, and now they are threatening to kill him. To help out a friend, you need to either assemble a raid or pay a ransom.

The first option is proposed by Bear, who believes that it is easier to kill the thieves. Keep in mind that there are a lot of bandits at the base.

The second option, according to Torba, is an exchange.

You must give the bandits the “Goldfish” artifact in exchange for Mitya. If you choose this option, you won't get away with just one gift. If you don’t have the artifact, you can pay fifteen thousand straight into the hands of the lads.

When Mitya is released, you will first have to take him outside from the enemy’s lair. You only paid their leader, so along the way you will be searched by his henchmen.

One of the bandits will ask for a certain percentage of your amount, accordingly, the more money you have in your hands, the more you will have to give.

By responding rudely to the extortionist, you will provoke him to increase the percentage. The second time he will not tolerate such treatment, after which you will have to fight with the entire camp.


Vano will ask you to deal with the thieves with whom he cannot pay for the purchased equipment. He will only give you five thousand, refusing to pay interest.

When meeting with the leader of the bandits, nicknamed Jack, you will have to betray both the above amount and two thousand on top.

In addition, you can intimidate the gopniks, but for this you will need good quality equipment: the price of the armor should not be lower than twenty-five thousand, the gun should be completely repaired and upgraded a couple of times. Only in this case will the gopniks retreat. The last option is to deal with them the old-fashioned way.

Uncle Yar needs help in the fight against mercenaries. Kill them all. In Yarom you will visit the town of Kopachi, full of undead.

The zombies will not touch you if you secretly get to the house, as your partner will advise you to do. After this, mercenaries will suddenly descend on the point and they will have to be dealt with. In this case, you will need a sniper rifle.


A mutant doc nicknamed St. John's Wort will ask you to eliminate the threat in the form of bloodsuckers that were seen in the Plavni zone.

Visit the point and get ready to fight three mutants. Their movement here is easy to control by following their tracks in the water, but to do this you will have to fight only in it.

Hunt No. 2

After St. John's Wort's first task, he will give you a new one - to destroy the unknown mutants that the stalkers encountered higher up from the Plant.

Get to the end of the railway, to the left of which there is a house. Pass a couple of rooms until you find yourself in a large room - a couple of burers will be waiting for you here.

These monsters have a large amount of health and prefer to operate from afar. Try to close the distance and attack them with a shotgun or a knife. They also like to snatch guns out of your hands.

Night Hunt

After the second task, St. John's Wort will give you a quest to eliminate the Chimera. To fight this enemy you will need excellent equipment, powerful weapons and a bit of luck.

Chimera is one of the strongest mutants, so prepare yourself. You will have to fight the monster at night, since she leaves the lair only at this time of day.

Warehouse "Debt"

You can take this task from both the leader of Duty and Freedom. To gain access you will have to complete previous faction quests.

Together with the debtors, get to the cache of the Svobodovites and kill them. To fight on the side of Freedom in this battle, when you find a PDA you need to give it to Loki.

At the researchers' base, talk to Garik, a stalker who wants to finish working with the scientists. To retire, he needs to find two artifacts.

Find the “Kolobok”, which is located in the town of Sosnodub, near the tree. Another treasure can be found in most of the caustic anomalies.

Variable psi radiation

If you managed to find a helmet with resistance to psychic radiation, then you can receive a unique quest from researcher Herman. It is necessary to provide assistance to the Topol group.

Get to your destination, where Topol and his squad are already waiting for you. Explore the tunnel, taking the artifact, and then get ready to fight with the controller. You must identify and kill this mutant as quickly as possible, otherwise he will take over the rest of the fighters, after which they will simply kill each other.

Researcher German, when you help him and Topol, will ask you to pick up the scanners from Novikov, and then take them to the appropriate points.

Having collected the necessary devices, visit all anomalies and install the devices. From now on, you can always contact Novikov with questions about the appearance of new artifacts at these points.

And again, Herman will need your help. You and other stalkers will have to carry out calculations in the anomalies. Visit two stalkers in different places as desired.

In Plavni you will have to fight against waves of mutants, so it makes sense to grab more ammo. In the Ashes, the undead await you. Here and there you need to fight off hordes of enemies for a certain time until your comrades complete the measurements.

Abnormal Activity

If you complete all of Herman's instructions, he will give you this task. During the quest you need to scan the mysterious area for anomalies.

Visit the town of Gradirnya, be sure to take the Svarog detector with you (otherwise you will not find anything).

Soon you will see an anomaly in the form of a bubble, from which the bodies of debtors will begin to fall. To find out what's going on, pick up the PDA from the body and activate the recording.

The data can be transferred both to the debtors themselves and to the Svoboda people or to Sych. Your choice will affect the opening of the cache quest and relations with factions in general.

Latest Developments

German wants to get more information about the town of the Jupiter Plant. You need to go there and get documents.

At the point, look into the topmost building. On the top floor you will find the required information - pick it up to start the battle with the mercenaries.

After the quest to explore the Factory, Herman will again need your support. Find new guards for his base to complete the task.

You can find protection in the form of two groups - Debt or ordinary stalkers. In the first case, visit the group leader at the station, in the second, visit Spartak, who controls a detachment of free fighters in the Zaton location.


A researcher based on scientists with the surname Ozersky will decide to find the mythical Oasis. There is probably an inexhaustible source of clean water in this place, so you should try your luck.

During the task you will not be led by the hand, so you will have to look for the mysterious place on your own. Follow the train down the location until you reach a dead end. Next, go left to a small house, from where you can get into the dungeon with jerboas. Use the ventilation to get to the hall.

Once in a new place with columns, you will discover a strange anomaly. As soon as you step forward a little here, you will immediately be brought back.

Look again at the columns that stand in four rows. Therein lies the trick - you need to go between specific columns, since this is a kind of labyrinth.

When you make the right choice, there will be a clot of light above the opening - it is this that will direct you to the desired columns. First you need to pass the first row, then the third, and then the fourth. The right path in the second will have to be found at random.

After this, you will find yourself in another room, which is shown on the global map as a giant tank to the right of the complex. This is an oasis. All you have to do is pick up the artifact and report to the scientists.

Ozersky wants to test some idea in practice. Go to the point and install the device.

Ozersky needs to inspect the place with anomalies for changed flora. Visit the area below and to the right of the explorers' base.

Go around all the caustic traps and get to the hillock. In the center you will find the necessary anomaly.

Survivor "Monolith"

The tramp, who is located in the lower and left corner of the location, will give you a task. It is necessary to attach the “recovered” Monolith fighters.

Monolith fanatics are no longer influenced by this structure, so they have now regained their sanity. You need to find accommodation for these people who cannot find shelter.

You will find a detachment of former fanatics in the southwest. The Vagabond seeks to place his comrades on the stations, but to do this he needs the approval of one of the factions.

Visit Yanov and talk to the leaders of Duty or Freedom. Only the leader with whose faction you have high relations will accept your proposal.

Find a working drone and deliver it to a mechanic on Yanov or a scientist at their base. When transferring the module to Azot, all the caches will eventually be looted by Gopnik Senka, but you will find his corpse with all the loot at the last cache. After decryption, you will find out the location of all three caches from the Strelka squad.

The first cache is located in the town of Cement Plant. There, go above the zone, to the swamps, and look into the tunnel. The second cache is located below the station inside the excavator. To climb into the cabin of the car, use the tree standing on the rock.

The third cache is located at the Factory. On the territory of the zone, find a building with tanks under which there is a pipe - that’s where your goal lies.

P ripyat: story missions

The military will meet you outside, but you will easily get rid of suspicions, since, if you remember, you yourself are an employee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Follow the group to their headquarters, which will become your temporary shelter in the Pripyat location.

Kowalski will tell you that the turntables were shot down by fanatics using a mysterious cannon - this is what you have to find first.

Unknown weapon

At the hospital, meet a group of warriors and follow them. Shoot the fanatics from the building and go outside to examine the corpses - then another group will attack you. Hide in the building and kill all opponents.

Now you need to get the laser cannon that the fanatic wields. He sits on the roof and has a clear view of the low ground, so you will have to hide among the corners and walls.

There is an option to simply run to the building from which the Monolith is shooting at you, and then take him down from below. After death, the fanatic will fall down, and you can get the cannon. Gauss gun.

Return with your find to the military commander. Kowalski will state that the weapon is damaged, but it can be restored. We'll have to find a technician, but first, deal with the SOS signal.

Get to the marked point where the bodies of the military lie. Here the commander will contact you and inform you of the upcoming Monolith ambush.

On the way to the store, you will come across support in the form of two fighters - together with them you will have to clear the building. There you will find an antenna that controls fanatics - destroy it.

Advice. Visit the shop's basement as this is where the calibration tools are located.

Unknown Weapon: The Solution

Talk to Garik at the base so that he can take you to Zaton. In the first location, visit the bar technician nicknamed Cardan, with whom you are already familiar. Seeing the Gauss Cannon will cause him to lose consciousness.

After half a day, the mechanic will wake up and explain to you that it was he who participated in the creation of this weapon at one time. Now, however, he requires additional information about the development process, which you will find in the town of Iron Forest, in the testing workshop.

Visit the indicated location and enter the building using Cardan's pass. Inside, you will find yourself in a spacious room where a pseudo-giant will attack you.

You'll have to drop a lot of ammunition on this heavyweight, but you can immediately run to the stairs and climb up, since he won't get there.

In the room you will find a large variation of the gauss cannon, as well as the information the mechanic needs. Before you leave, read about the secret X-8 laboratory and grab your pass. All you have to do is return the weapon to Cardan so that he can restore it.

The missing sentry

The commander will need your help in finding the sentry. At the marked point you will find a crazy soldier who will start firing in all directions and then die.

Soon you will meet a controller - kill him. During combat, use cover and look out periodically to reduce the chance of hypnosis.

The desired location will be found in the Yubileiny KBO zone. At the point you will have to restore power to the elevator in order to go down to the underground floor. You will have to conquer each floor up to the sixth, since that is where the generator is located. After that, use the elevator.

Inside you will come across a spacious room, but confusing with small rooms. You need to explore the entire maze and collect six packs of documents. If you find only one, it will affect the ending.

  1. The first information lies in the training room on the left side, where the electrical anomaly lives. Go around it and grab the documents in the room below.
  2. The second information is in the dining room: go up the stairs to the turn and turn right, then go into the side toilet. Here, deal with the burer so as not to interfere, and then return to the dining room and take the docks.
  3. The third information is in the room in front of the dining room. Use the hole in the floor and follow the tunnel to the boilers.
  4. You will find the fourth information in the laboratory. From the center, go into a half-flooded room with a strange apparatus in the middle. Find a table with a computer.
  5. The fifth information is located further than the laboratory. Get to the room with the second elevator shaft (on the bottom floor) and climb inside to then go upstairs and get to the upper floors. Next you have to defeat three burers at once.
  6. You will find the sixth information in the next room - use the bridge and make your way upstairs.

Advice. From the center, visit the laboratory and take the stairs down, which will lead you into a room with a fire escape into a room with a machine gun.

After starting this task, you will no longer be able to go to old locations, as the guide will disappear. All secondary quests must be completed now.

Talk to the military commander, who will tell you that he cannot contact other groups. The cause of the interference must be determined.

At the point you will find two bodies, as well as information about the location of the hostile tower. Next, get to the orphanage and use the bomb you found earlier to break through the door.

In the building, when dealing with mutants, go to the top floor and go to the next department, from where you go down to the first floor again. This is where the Monolith antenna is located, which needs to be destroyed.


The evacuation has been suspended as the military asks you to establish the exact reason for the destruction of the previous helicopters. You need to trace a signal that was detected near the base.

You will not find anything at the intended point, but then you will receive new coordinates. As a result, it will become clear that someone is making his way to the military underground.

Run back to base and wait.

Finally, it will become clear that no attack was planned - the familiar Strelok, who is the protagonist of the previous parts, was moving in the tunnels.

The shooter will tell you that the reasons for the cars falling lie in the anomalies where they ended up during the flight. They used outdated maps, since the traps had moved during that time.

At this stage, you can give Strelok all his documents if you previously found them through an additional quest. This decision will affect the finale.

After the release, Kowalski will finally give the go-ahead for helicopters to land. This is your last mission. You need to get to the northern zone in the location near the cinema. During the journey, cover the Shooter, as he needs to save his life.

When the turntables are in place, you will have a battle with the Monoliths. You need to fight off all the waves of enemies (a gauss cannon or a sniper will come in handy), after which you can finally get into the helicopter.

At this stage, the passage of the main storyline of STALKER: Call of Pripyat ends. If you wish, you can stay to complete the secondary quests.

P ripyat: secondary tasks

One shot

A warrior named Garik will be asked to finish off the head of the mercenaries during the meeting, since only he knows about the location of the laboratory.

In a conversation with the commander, you can decide the fate of the group - whether to kill the entire squad or just their leader. Go to the point and take a position. Here you will be given a sniper rifle, so the task will not be difficult.

If Zulu survived after your expedition, then you can meet him in Pripyat. At some time he will contact you, trapped.

Go to the SOS signal and kill all the snorks. Act quickly, as the mutants can kill the Zulus.

Video: walkthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat

Like if it was useful

Complete information on the topic “where to find a beard in Call of Pripyat stalker” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

stalker stripping walkthrough where to find a beard

In chapter Others to Stalker's question. Call of Pripyat. Who took “Dark Business”? Where to look for stalkers with the Svarog detector? given by the author Jane the best answer is: One Veles is given to us for the quest “Lair of Bloodsuckers”, the other two can be bought from an owl or taken from corpses in Pripyat. After we have taken out three detectors, we take them to Novikov to the scientists’ camp at the Jupiter location and wait for Novikov to transfer the goods to Sych through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that Beard is not paying his share, and sends us to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for the scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they don’t get along with each other, so the information dealer suggests turning to the Sultan to deal with Beard. Here you need to make a choice - demand your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now, we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits, we get the quest “Dark Business”, with the opportunity to ruin Beard’s affairs.

Quest given by: Sultan

Svarog must be earned.

One Veles is given to us for the quest “Lair of Bloodsuckers”, the other two can be bought from an owl or taken from corpses in Pripyat. After we have taken out three detectors, we take them to Novikov to the scientists’ camp at the Jupiter location and wait for Novikov to transfer the goods to Sych through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that Beard is not paying his share, and sends us to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for the scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they don’t get along with each other, so the information dealer suggests turning to the Sultan to deal with Beard. Here you need to make a choice - demand your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now, we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits, we get the quest “Dark Business”, with the opportunity to ruin Beard’s business.

Description: Work for the Sultan, make Beard pay interest.

Quest given by: Sultan

Conditions of issue: A tempting business has been completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10,000, cache coordinates + percentage of the beard (800 per day) + 2 Svarog detectors

Walkthrough: Let's find out for the Sultan about Beard's latest affairs. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact "Compass". You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. He's completely lost his mind due to the flood and he gives away the artifact just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he reports that we need to start working for Beard and get detectors, which he distributes to his stalkers. We take the task from Beard to obtain an artifact, wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the markings, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it’s up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. All that remains is to make Beard work for the Sultan.

Tips: This task spoils your relationship with Beard, so think before you complete it.

Stalker Leaf

Beard A good-natured guy selling food in Skadovsk

Strange phenomenon

This task will become available only if you helped the stalkers from the Shevchenko ship repel the attack of bandits on the mission “Assault” of the Sultan.

Beard will tell you that the bandits have decided to buy a shipment of weapons, and that it is necessary to stop them. Move to the Forestry. At the main gate you will meet a group of free stalkers. Talk to the main one. He will offer to sneak up unnoticed and find out what is happening. Having made your way to the main workshop, you find out that the deal was organized by some merchant selling weapons to the Debt group. After this the shooting will begin. Get rid of everyone. Afterwards, search the body of merchant Morgan and take his PDA, it will still come in handy. Having collected a partial reward from the commander of the freestyle squad Spartak (2500 RU and the coordinates of the cache), return to Beard. He will present another 3500 RU.

Lair of bloodsuckers

This task will begin at the moment of completing the task of the free stalker Capercaillie “Disappearance of the Stalkers”.

So, after examining the Krug VNZ, you discovered a nest of suckers. Something needs to be done about this. This task can be completed in two ways. The first one is more extended, but at the same time interesting and financial. The second one is fast and practical.

Secret documents can be sold to Sych. For a set of x3 copies of “Internal Order No. 423” and one “Order No. 562”, found during a search of a military convoy, the merchant will pay 2400 RU.

Find artifacts

Beard buys rare and very rare artifacts:

Firefly – 24,000 RU

Bubble – 18,000 RU

Goldfish – 24,000 RU

Eye – 18,000 RU

Pacifier – 18,000 RU

Flame – 24,000 RU

Snowflake – 24,000 RU

This task will become available after completing Sych’s task “Tempting Business”.

Beard has an order for the ultra-rare Compass artifact. He directs us to Noah as if he knows something about him. Noah will give up the artifact without even thinking... Exit the “ark” and after about ten meters come back and ask for another copy. Now run to Beard and hand over the resulting artifact. As a reward, you will receive 10,000 RU, two leads to caches and a new achievement “Your Guy” (now Beard will pay 20% more for all artifacts brought).

Stalker. Call of Pripyat. Who took “Dark Business”? Where to look for stalkers with the Svarog detector?

Quest given by: Sultan

Conditions of issue: A tempting business has been completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Tips: This task spoils your relationship with Beard, so think before you complete it.

Quest given by: Sultan

Conditions of issue: A tempting business has been completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10,000, cache coordinates + percentage of the beard (800 per day) + 2 “Svarog” detectors

Walkthrough: Let's find out for the Sultan about Beard's latest affairs. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact “Compass”. You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. He's completely lost his mind due to the flood and he gives away the artifact just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he reports that we need to start working for Beard and get detectors, which he distributes to his stalkers. We take the task from Beard to obtain an artifact, wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the markings, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it’s up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. All that remains is to make Beard work for the Sultan.

Tips: This task spoils your relationship with Beard, so think before you complete it.

Where to find a beard in stalker call of pripyat

The Guiders Mod LA Changes 1.0.3 Lost Alpha localization Patch 1.3003 for STALKER Lost Alpha Clear Sky – Remake Time for Change 3.0 Old Story Cold Blood (mod) Golden Ball. Completion Game of Souls: The Beginning Option “Omega 2” MBT Darkest Time 1.1 Link of times Winter sniper Spatial anomaly (update 4.1) Call of Chernobyl 1.4.22
New files

02.02.2018 | Reviews: 3 | Downloads: 346

Connection of times

01/21/2018 | Reviews: 0 | Downloads: 79

Lost Alpha – Developers Cut

01/19/2018 | Reviews: 9 | Downloads: 266

Winter sniper

01/16/2018 | Reviews: 0 | Downloads: 79

People's Solyanka 2016

12/03/2017 | Reviews: 0 | Downloads: 417

Notes on the wall

Fomi4, the theme of the second part of the Golden Convoy 2 mod is here.

Hello everyone, why can't I download the golden convoy mod 2?

After unpacking and launching it caused an error, but I figured it out: unpacked it, .

Only after unpacking, or editing files and trying to feed it.

Admin, hello! How can I unpack this miracle (you need the actor.ltx file)? U.

Encyclopedia Stalker Call of Pripyat

A good-natured-looking guy selling food at Skadovsk.

After receiving the task, we leave Skadovsk and move east, to the Dredge. We carefully make our way through the anomalies and radiation to the captain's bridge. You can use the indicators of the detector to identify the artifact. We take the strange semi-artifact “Changed Helm” and go to the exit.

Before you leave the ship for air, stop and think.

There are three ways to solve the situation: give it away, not give it away, and using the “gap” in the game scripts - as if to give away the artifact, but not really... So:

You can do it differently - first hand over the artifact, and then, following Vobla a little, shoot him.

This task will become available only if you helped the stalkers from the Shevchenko ship repel the attack of bandits on the mission “Assault” of the Sultan. (doesn't work on patch)

This task will begin at the moment of completing the task of the free stalker Capercaillie “The Disappearance of the Stalkers”.

After examining Zaton in the east, you can find the bridge named after. Preobrazhensky, where this convoy stands. Having examined the cabin of the military ZIL, you can find the secret document “Internal Order No. 423,” which talks about two keys to the box with Perin V3 gas. The keys, according to the document, were supposed to be in vehicles escorting dangerous cargo. This means at the beginning and at the end of the column. Key "A" is in the "goat" at the north end of the bridge, in a box with two more secret documents. Key “B” is also in the “goat”, which fell into a hole at the southern end of the bridge, formed either from an explosion or from the impact of an anomaly. We return to the truck and open the box in the back and take away the gas cylinder. Now you need to find the VNZ “Krug” ventilation system, to which you need to connect this cylinder with nerve gas. It is located just north of the main building. We are guided by the marker on the map.

Having connected the cylinder to the distribution system, turn the valve on the pipe nearby. The timer will start. Two flukes will immediately come running. After their death and the countdown ends, all bloodsuckers in the underground lair will be dead. It’s not worth going down to check - everything underground is now contaminated with feather bed. Return to Beard with a report. The reward will be 5000 RU, a Veles detector and a tip to the cache.

After talking with Beard, or even at the stage of the initial visit to the Circle VNZ, after discovering the lair of the bloodsuckers, shoot the monsters and then return to Beard for the reward. Find artifacts Beard buys rare and very rare artifacts:

Bubble – 18,000 RU

Goldfish – 24,000 RU

Eye – 18,000 RU

Pacifier – 18,000 RU

Flame – 24,000 RU

Snowflake – 24,000 RU Compass This task will become available after completing Sych’s task “Tempting Business”.

Local gangster boss at Skadovsk.

As soon as you get to Skadovsk, to the left of the entrance, a bandit will call you over and offer you a job. A group of stalkers decided to become a gang and rob their own stalkers. We need to decide what to do: take part in the raid, warn the stalkers, or not interfere.

2500 RU and a tip to the cache, which is located in the lower left corner (relative to the location map) of the Iron Forest anomaly.

1.2. Betray the bandits. After starting an attack on neutrals, shoot the bandits in the back. After that, go to the main neutral for your reward.

2500 RU, Antirad x5, Vodka x4, First Aid Kit x2, Bandage x4. 2. Warn stalkers. After receiving the task from the Sultan, we immediately tell Beard everything. He offers to set a trap for the bandits. We wait (sleep) until 23:00. We run to the collection point and give consent to the bandits to attack. After the shooting starts, we hit the Gopniks in the back and then we take the reward from the neutral commander.

2500 RU, Antirad x2, First Aid Kit x2, Bandage x10, Vodka x4 and a tip to the cache in the village of Izumrudnoye. 2.1. Betray the stalkers. After the start of the attack, we still help the bandits to kill all the neutrals ambushed.

2500 RU and a tip to the cache near the perimeter of the Iron Forest anomaly. 3. Don't interfere. After talking with Brass Knuckles, we go to Beard. We refuse Beard’s offer to help free stalkers with the words “No, you’ll do it yourself.”

By the next morning the task will be cancelled. Deal After shooting the free stalkers at Shevchenok, return to the Sultan. He will offer you to work part-time in one small business.

If suddenly it doesn’t turn on, go around all the archanomalies in search of this stalker.

Intimidate him with the death of Sledgehammer, and he himself will give us the detector we need. Now return to the Sultan. He will send him to Beard to inform him that the power on the ship is changing.

You will need to get a new achievement “Authority”.

Alcoholic technician from the ship “Skadovsk”.

At the very first conversation, the colorful “Kulibin” Cardan asks you to bring him tools with which he can carry out a deeper modernization of any weapon or body armor.

1. Tools for rough work are in the attic of a small house in the Sawmill area. Be careful - this area is infested with zombies. Cardan will write 1000 RU for them.

This quest becomes available and can be completed under certain conditions.

Returning to Skadovsk, it is necessary to give Cardan two bottles of vodka to drink so that the technician’s tongue is completely softened for conversation. Now place one (or both) PDAs from the inventory, for example, on the floor (hold LMB and move outside the inventory). Then talk to Cardan again and ask him about his friends - Barge and Joker. Being intoxicated, the technician will tell you that he regrets the quarrel that happened and that, when the opportunity arises, he will definitely apologize to them.

Now offer him your help in providing such a difficult task - to convey an apology to his friends (if you do not get rid of the PDA, this conversation thread will not appear). Pick up the PDA back (or find a second one) and show the equipment. Cardan will be very upset, but will still thank you - now all equipment repairs will be 20% cheaper. The task is completed.

Supplier and supplier of weapons, armor, ammunition, as well as information. The character is gangster.

In addition to the fact that this task can be completed for Beard and Sultan, it can also be completed for Owl.

But still, here are the prices for some of them:

Order No. 562 – 1000 RU

PDA of one of the founders of “Dolg”, General Tachenko – 2500 RU

PDA of one of the Sultan’s men – 1000 RU

PDA of the Sultan's envoy – 500 RU

PDA Noah – 1000 RU

Morgan PDA – 4000 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Intended for the Ghost – 500 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Destined for Fang – 500 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Dedicated to the Strelok – 500 RU

Unmanned reconnaissance vehicle memory module – 500 RU

Monolith fighter’s PDA – 5000 RU

After some time, Sych will offer a job - to find and take three Veles detectors to scientists in the Jupiter location. According to him, they will begin to make a profit.

2. The second one can be taken from the cache in the village of Kopachi. It lies in the cabin of the excavator, location “Jupiter”.

3. The third is given by Herman, a scientist from the Scientists' bunker, for the task of protecting the Topol team during measurements.

4. Also, although very rarely, such detectors are found in dead master stalkers.

Beard will say the opposite: the agreement was that he would pay money for the provided Svarog detectors. He has already given money for two, but for the third he will refuse and give it to us.

Along the way, he will hint at some work: an order has appeared for a very rare artifact “Compass”. The task is not worth taking yet (if you have taken it, see Beard’s tasks). We return to Sych. He is angry and offers to rein in the “bearded goat” and directs us to the Sultan (further see the Sultan’s task “Dark Deeds”).

A free stalker who supplies custom-made unique weapons and standard armor. It can be found on the third floor of the Skadovsk ship.

Gun for 3,500 RU / advance 700 RU / term - 24 hours:

“Steppe Eagle” (variation “Black Hawk”)

“March” (variation of UDP “Compact”)

“Alpine” (variation “SIPt-M200”)

machine. shotgun “Otboynik”

submachine gun “Frazier” (Viper-5 variation)

machine. shotgun “Karabiner” (variation SPSA-14)

storm. rifle “GP37”

storm. rifle “FT-200M”

storm. rifle “Storm” (variation Grom-S14)

“Surf” (variation Vintar-VS)

“SVU2-A” (variation of SVUmk-2)

“Lynx” (variation SVDm-2)

Armor “ChN-3a” + Tactical helmet

This task will become available after you order at least one gun from Shustroy and accidentally stumble upon the novice stalker Koryaga with it at the exit from Skadovsk.

As you approach, bandits will meet you and sweetly offer to give them EVERYTHING. The question arises to give or not to give.

A suspicious novice stalker at the exit from Skadovsk.

The newcomer asks you to bring a container from the “constipation” that has fallen underground.

We are heading towards the “Claw” anomaly (we are guided by the map). You can get to the car in two ways: through a hole in the ground just southwest of the anomaly itself, or through the caves leading from the “Claw” anomaly. Be sure to take good weapons and medicine with you - there will be snorkels and radiation underground. After you pick up the container, return to Skadovsk.

Now there are two possible outcomes: honest and mean. So:

* If you are a noble and honest stalker, and you don’t take anything from what Koryaga offers you, then at the end of the division, he will still give you a reward - Handicap-12+ (fire rate + 10% and weight -0.33 kg).

“Dolgovtsy” accuse “Svobodovtsy”, “Svobodovtsy” accuse “Dolgovtsy”. The merchant Hawaiian believes that “Duty” has strict discipline, and the “Svoboda” people don’t even need our junk, but the medical chiropractor will tell a strange story about some suspicious guy. When asked what his name is, we learn that Koryaga. Get to work. This scoundrel has already tried to set us up on Zaton.

The chiropractor refers us to Zulu, a reclusive debtor who lives nearby in a tower. Perhaps he knows where Snag is going.

Zulu will tell you that there was some kind of gathering under his tower not very long ago. He scared away the punks with a machine gun and they rushed to the Polustanok - most likely, Koryagu was identified by the Sultan’s people.

At Polustanka a performance awaits us - a bandit in a cloak and with a Black Hawk cripples the poor guy Snag. Having noticed us, the “horse” in the raincoat begins to bully. We knock his brains out and take the message to the Sultan on the PDA.

Give Koryag a first aid kit and find out where he put our things. It turns out that he hid everything in the sewer nearby. In the safe we ​​will find the Zarya armored suit, two Steel helmets, the Veles detector, a bunch of medicines and other junk. The task is completed.

Leader of a group of hunters from Skadovsk.

In search of Magpie (part 1)

Having visited the doctor for the first time at Skadovsk, you will definitely meet Gaunt - a free stalker preoccupied with finding a certain Soroka - a bad and sneaky stalker.

Questions from locals about Soroka yield nothing - no one knows him.

Hunting the Chimera

This quest will become available after talking with St. John's wort at the Yanov station. As soon as you return to Zaton, talk to Gonta.

Quietly and carefully move towards the marker on the map. Once you reach the stage you should see a sleeping creature. Wait for Gonta and his sidekick to approach you. On command, begin to bring down the beast. To surprise and disappointment, the chimera turned out to be very fragile (very!).

After the death of the clawed “pseudo-cat”, talk to Gonta. He, for the help provided, will present you with SPSA-14 and advise you to tell St. John's wort about what happened. Let's do so.

We return to the Yanov station in the Jupiter location. Having told the master hunter about the completion of the task, he will thank us with 2000 RU and the task will be completed.

A former cop, and now a free stalker from Skadovsk.

Disappearance of stalkers (part 1)

Strange story. Stalkers are disappearing. They are found dead and completely drained of blood. Apparently the work of bloodsuckers.

Walking a little further you will find yourself in the “rest room” of nasty suckers. On the “tsydli”, without creating unnecessary noise, follow the stalker through the room. A new task will be activated (“Lair of Bloodsuckers”, you need to contact Beard), which can be completed in two different ways – quick and uninteresting and vice versa. If you don’t want to waste time (second method), just shoot the creatures or throw grenades. The task will be updated and all that remains is to collect the reward from Beard.

If you want to get maximum pleasure, leave the tentacle-mouths until the “better” time. After jumping into the pit, you will find yourself in a tunnel that will lead out. The wood grouse will remain dissatisfied with Danila's search and decide to check another place, after which he will contact you. Well, you need to tell the news about the bloodsuckers to Beard. Something needs to be done with them. Disappearance of stalkers (part 2) After wandering around, you can stumble upon a strange building near the Port cranes. Before the first part of this quest began, the door to this shack was closed. Now it is open...

He will tell you that he has a rare disease - hemoglobin dependence, and that the only substance that inhibits the development of the disease is blood. After the conversation, Tremor will shoot off his head.

If you enter the room without investigation or conversation and shoot the vampire Tremor, do not forget to then take his PDA from the unfortunate carcass, in which he admits to what he did. Now the terrible news must be told at Skadovsk.

Beard will sincerely thank you for the investigation and present two leads to hiding places and a 10,000 RU bonus. In addition, you will receive the “Sleuth” status perk.

Stalker-guide from “Skadovsk”.

This task is activated after inspecting the Skat-2 helicopter.

Commander of a group of mercenaries from the Substation Shops.

Having accidentally stumbled upon the Substation Workshop, you will be greeted by a nervous, as it turns out later, hungry mercenary. The game will offer to complete a quest to deliver food to the hungry.

Free stalker from Yanov station.

This task can be taken from a free stalker in an exoskeleton by visiting the Yanov station in the Jupiter location. There is just a small feature - after several in-game days of your presence, the task may no longer be available, so don’t put it off until later.

1. Peaceful. Agree with Torba and resolve everything peacefully.

2. Power. Shoot the bandits, and don’t follow their lead.

3. Hero-spy-power. Quietly and alone “pacify” the gopota.

So, the Bear will warn you that you need to meet with a group of fighters after one in the morning at an appointed place. At the designated place, talk to the free stalker and begin the assault. Having freed Mityai, return to the station. After talking with the Bear you will receive a bunch of thanks, two leads to the cache and a bonus of 5000 RU.

Radio technician from Yanov station.”

When you first arrive at the Yanov station in the Jupiter location, you will be met and greeted by a local technician and radio amateur who also happens to be stalker Azot. He will tell you that he is doing repairs and other similar things.

1. Copper wire coil – x2

2. Jar of rosin – x2

3. Textolite plate – x3

4. Box of transistors – 1

5. Box of capacitors -1

1. Tools for rough work. Exit the station and follow the railroad to the south. After a while you will reach a bridge, under which there will be a train with several passenger cars. A mysterious Tesla anomaly moves inside the carriages. Climb the bridge and jump onto the train. Go to the far end and jump into the open hatch of the carriage. Once inside, watch the movement of the anomaly. You need to go through several cars in the opposite direction, hiding from the electric ball in the niches of the car. As a rule, they are at the beginning and end of each car. Eventually you will reach a dead end. There will be a toolbox on the seat next to it. You can get out through the broken window here. Azot will pay 1000 RU for rough tools.

There are two places: In the Old KBO on the second floor and in the basement of the Department Store. Azot will pay 1500 RU for calibration tools.

Mutant hunter from Yanov station. Stalker-hunter. It is located in the basement of the “Dolgov” wing of the “Yanov” station.

Hunting for bloodsuckers

Having received the task of destroying the lair of swamp bloodsuckers, head to the north of the location to the area of ​​the “Plavni” anomaly. The lair is located a little to the east. Upon completion of the mission, return to St. John's wort for your honestly earned 3000 RU. Hunting the Burers The next task will be hunting the Burers.

The sad free stalker from the Yanov station.

At the Yanov station you will meet a saddened neutral with a southern name. He will tell you a sad story about how some gopnik is extorting money from him, constantly demanding interest on the amount that Vano once lent to buy an armored suit.

There are several options for the next action:

1. Give 7000 RU. The task will be completed and that's it.

If you don’t have a “cool gun,” he will answer that he’s not a snarky guy and will start a fight.

Leader of the “Dolg” group.

4000 RU, Grom-S14, 9x39 SP-6 cartridges and VOG-25 grenades.

Leader of the Svoboda group.

If you completed the quest of Beard or the Sultan called “Deal,” then you should have taken his PDA from the “debt” huckster Morgan. If not, then this task will not be available!

It is not necessary to participate in the subsequent massacre between stalkers of warring factions.

4000 RU, SGI-5k and 300 rounds of 5.56x45.

Having visited the Yanov station several times, you will witness suspicious stories about the heroic exploits of one Svoboda citizen nicknamed Flint.

After a while, you will hear about how he (!) took out an entire den of bloodsuckers on Zaton (this fable will most likely become active after you complete Beard’s task to destroy the nest of suckers under the “Circle” VNZ). Not in order!

Talk to Flint and hint that he is a stray nonsense. He will send you “through the forest” and this task will become active. It is necessary to bring the shit out into the open. To further advance the task, you need to explore the Quarry area, where you will meet a dying stalker nicknamed Sliver.

Bug-eyed "Svobodovets" with SVDm-2.

For aesthetic pleasure, before completing this mission, it is not recommended to visit the village of Kopachi...

When you meet, Uncle Yar will give you food and immediately offer to go somewhere, help...

The bald scientist man from the Scientists' bunker.

Having visited the Scientists' bunker in the Jupiter location, you will meet Professor Ozersky, upon questioning whom it turns out that he needs a little help in discovering one mysterious place - the Oasis. There are rumors that anyone who goes there will be cured of all diseases.

Ozersky believes that any information about this place will help in further research of the Zone.

Ozersky needs to bring some kind of plant specimen from the recently formed anomalous zone on the edge of the Quarry. Following the mark on the map, we find a clearing heavily infested with “Gizirovka” anomalies. In the center you can find an “anomalous flower” - the very plant that the scientist needs. After you destroy this miracle of the Zone, new sources of biochemical damage will appear in the clearing, so go out very carefully. If you have a Svarog detector with you, there should be no problems.

A scientist man with glasses from the Scientists' bunker.

After talking with Herman, you will learn about the existence of variable psi radiation. Agree to help.

Anomaly Investigation (Part 1)

Herman has an assumption about the connection between emissions and the artifacts that appear after them. He will suggest placing several scanners to take readings in various anomalous areas.

Anomaly Research (Part 2)

After completing the first part of the anomaly research, Herman will offer more, but only in an accompanying and protective role. Although if you talk to him again, he may offer to place a couple more scanners in the anomalies as a reward for information about the artifacts appearing in them.

After some time, Prof. Herman will tell you that he continues to detect a strange anomaly north of the bunker. He proposes to study the phenomenon. But a regular detector will not work here, and therefore it is recommended to use the Svarog detector.

Thus, this quest becomes available for completion only if you have completed Sych’s task “Tempting Business”, as a result of which you will receive the above detector.

Another task for the bespectacled scientist. Herman needed technical documentation of the latest developments of the Jupiter plant and accordingly offers to take a walk to the latter’s administrative building.

After completing the task “Latest Developments,” during which it became clear for what purpose Black’s mercenaries guarded the scientists and were subsequently killed, the scientists were left without cover.

Spartak will say that there are a lot of punks around, and there is enough to do here until the task “Deal” (Beard / Sultan) is completed, and then he will gladly agree to guard the camp, which he will be indescribably happy about later.

A mortally wounded free stalker in the Quarry on the Jupiter.

This poor fellow can be found in the Quarry, right next to the huge digger (or whatever his name is?).

Unfortunately, neither a first aid kit nor the help of a doctor will help Shchepka. He will die. We need to find this bastard and take revenge.

Returning to the Yanov station, we hear a story from one of the Svoboda members, nicknamed (what do you think?) Flint, about how he got hold of an artifact in the Quarry! Yeah. Here is this geek who takes credit for other people's achievements. Ask him to tell the story about the artifact in the Quarry again. Then tell him about Sliver, and what we know about his lies. He will deny his status as a Svoboda member and at the same time tell about the story with the chimera on Zaton, like he’s a stalker, like he’s cool! Oops. That's who threw Gont's boys from Zaton. This is Soroka, his mother. After this, three tasks will be updated at once: In Search of Magpie, Other People's Merits and Retribution.

Stalker-guide working for Scientists.

Contract with scientists

When meeting the inhabitants of the Scientists' bunker, you will meet Garik, a free stalker who signed a contract with the scientists and is currently their guide.

If you spent enough time on Zaton looking for artifacts, then you have already found the above jewelry, and most likely more than one copy each. If you don't have them with you, then return to Zaton. If you haven’t met them at all, you’ll have to work hard. These artifacts are found in the Sosnodub and Soda anomalies.

When you find or take them (if you don’t have them with you), take them to Garik. As a reward, you will receive 6000 RU and two leads to caches.

Later, when you meet him in Pripyat, he will thank you again by giving you the “Bubble” artifact.

The commander of a group of surviving “Monoliths”.

You can meet a small group of former members of the Monolith group and their commander Tramp just north of the Container Depot, next to the bridge.

1. This is Morgan's PDA - you can get it by completing either the Sultan's or Beard's mission called “The Deal” (see above).

In the very northwestern part of the Jupiter location, behind the Ashes anomaly, you can find a crashed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. After examining the crash site, you will receive a blocked memory module. I wonder what information is inside?

Novikov, a scientist’s technician, is ready to do it at once for 2000 RU.

Azoth, a technician from the Debt group, has never done anything like this, so he is ready to take on the module for only 1000 RU.

Well, Cardan is no longer in the shape to delve into modern electronics - his hands are shaking...

You can sell Sycha for mere pennies (500 RU each), or you can return them to the true owner Strelok, whom you will definitely meet in the story. For the safety of information and secrets, you will be awarded 20 batteries and two artifacts - “Flame” and “Firefly”, as well as the achievement “Keeper of Secrets” (in the final video, Strelka will have a “happy end”).

Commander of the surviving military.

This task will begin after you have repaired the Gauss Cannon. Returning to Pripyat, talk to Garik. He will tell you that he recently led a group of mercenaries who came to Pripyat in search of the X8 laboratory.

A stern, long-lived loner.

In general, this is not actually a task as such. Having reached Pripyat, Zulu will leave you and go in an unknown direction.

1. You use the site according to the principle 'as is'- 'as it is'!

2. No claims will be accepted!

3. You do all actions performed on the site at your own peril and risk of your own free will.

4. All consequences for actions on the site fall on the shoulders of users.

5. If you are not satisfied with something, please do not use the resources of this site and leave it!

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