Dragon Age maximum character level. Dragon Age Inquisition: review. Brief training on using Cheat Engine

The stories of Captain Shepard, the BioWare studio put itself in an awkward position, because fans of the genre reminded the creators of all their atrocities of the last three years: simplification of game mechanics, lack of fresh ideas, a gradual move away from large open spaces to narrow streets and labyrinths.

The release of “Inquisition” had to decide a lot: either the developers would completely ruin karma by releasing the third controversial project in a row, or they would return the trust of the players by releasing the game for all time. In our review of Dragon Age: Inquisition you will find all the answers and understand why there is no third option.

- Come out! Unless, of course, you're a dragon. Then you can stay there.
Dragon Age II (2011)


Game of Thrones

“Entrance by invitation only” - such a sign would suit the Inquisition if it were a prestigious nightclub. An indestructible protection system and an inflated price weeded out crowds of onlookers and ill-wishers, so the portal to the world of Thedas opened only to those who clearly understood what awaited them on the other side.

The phenomenon of Dragon Age is that each game in the series is not like the other - this is not Ubisoft, where every year they stage the same play, changing only the scenery. Here, already at the title stage, intrigue appeared - the ending of the second part, although open, was not cut off mid-sentence.

The highest degree of self-irony. Varric wrote a series of books about the events of Dragon Age II, calling it his worst work.

First of all, it’s worth getting rid of obsessive associations with bonfires and witches - the Inquisition from Dragon Age has nothing in common with the medieval scourge of heretics. It is rather a rescue service designed to restore balance in the world: the conflict between magicians and templars in Kirkwall has escalated into a full-scale war, and none of the states is able to stop it.

Only the Church could reconcile the parties, but at the conclave, where the “top” of the warring factions gathered, a disaster occurred. An explosion went off, ripping a hole in the skies, and tears began to appear throughout Thedas. None of those present at the meeting survived. Except one. Or alone.

Lady Inquisitor. In your universe, this may not be an elf, but a human, a dwarf, or a qunari. Or a man.

The newly minted protagonist is found by the seeker Cassandra - the same lady to whom Varric recounted the events of Dragon Age II, and an examination of the survivor by a doctor reveals in him the symptoms of the Chosen One - a strange mark on his hand and partial memory loss.

The protagonist is accused of murdering the high priestess, but the seekers change their anger to mercy when they learn that only he is capable of closing the gaps in the Veil, from which demons are constantly creeping out. Thus begins the journey of a nameless hero, whom all of Thedas will remember as the messenger of Andraste or the Inquisitor.

This is the future that awaits this universe if the Inquisition falls. What’s even more interesting is that you won’t see this mission if you choose templars over mages in your choice of allies.

The simple premise may be misleading, but this is a first-class political thriller with court intrigue, revelations and plenty of unexpected twists. BioWare scriptwriters have learned not only to surprise, nullifying all assumptions and conjectures, but also to present scenes and events beautifully. In Dragon Age, the result is not so much important as the process, observing everything that happens.

The story is also good because it doesn’t “bend” the hero to suit someone else. The Inquisition does not obey anyone, acts in its own interests, and we ourselves decide who to support, prevent a coup d'etat or allow the revolution to take place, execute or pardon a prisoner.

His Majesty, King of Ferelden. Do you recognize?

Traditionally for BioWare, the party members became a kind of “cherry on the cake”. Who will not stand under the banner of the saviors of the world: a court sorceress, a Qunari mercenary spy, a gray guard, a Tevinter mage, and even a spirit in a human body! Everyone has enough skeletons in their closet that will lead to side quests with sometimes difficult moral choices, and companions are always happy to have a heart-to-heart talk.


There was also the usual connection with previous games in the series. We will hear echoes of our actions in texts and dialogues, and we will see some of the familiar characters in person. To customize the game universe for yourself, just use the wonderful service DragonAgeKeep.

In the mosaic on the DragonAgeKeep website, you can replay all the events of previous games in the series, from the smallest to the most important. Or create a state of the world from scratch.

The world of Dragon Age has changed. But it was not the Pestilence or natural disasters that changed it, but the third-person view and the expansion of gaming spaces. Fifty shades of burgundy have sunk into oblivion - the renewed Thedas welcomes travelers with bright colors and dizzying landscapes. No matter what the skeptics say, the game looks great on Frostbite 3.0 - it just lacks detail in places.

Management has also been rethought. The heroes now move using the keyboard rather than the mouse, but the layout is reminiscent not of Skyrim or Mass Effect, but of World of Warcraft: the same camera rotation with RMB held down, jumping, automatic shooting. Even the animation of the movements is largely similar.


We won't be allowed to climb steep rocks, but sometimes we manage to run unnaturally high.

Location designers were also inspired by Blizzard's immortal hit. The first sandbox zone probably takes up more than all the corridors from the first and second parts put together. Mountains and forests, swamps and plains, deserts and dungeons, ruins and cities - there are enough picturesque places in Orlais and Ferelden, and everywhere we will have a reason to take a walk.

The territories are filled with side quests, groups of bandits and wild animals, abandoned buildings where you can find a valuable sketch, artifact or collectible trinket. I won’t create illusions about the “living world,” but the game copes with the minimum task: magicians and templars do not stand rooted to the spot, but wander around the surrounding area, getting involved in battle with predators or demons.

Exploring the game world on horseback is not so convenient. The speed of movement is not much higher, and being distracted by collecting herbs in this position is not an option.

Secondary assignments do not indulge in ingenuity. Bring the lamb, find the lost records, destroy the robbers - not exactly what you expect from a heroic epic, but this is the price of freedom, and clearing the area is not imposed, because experience, money and resources are not in such short supply.


A different approach in the main story missions, where freedom recedes in favor of effects and drama. Storming a fortress, time travel, a foray into the Shadow - each level is memorable both for its decorations and for its entertaining setting of tasks. The ball in the Orlesian palace was especially successful, where the Inquisitor not only needs to conduct an investigation, but also please the nobility, maintaining his reputation.

“Are you sure you didn’t see where my cloning machine went?”

Between forays we rest in our personal headquarters: first it is a small refuge on the outskirts of the world, then an impregnable castle high in the mountains. At the base, you can communicate with companions, craft and buy equipment, improve potions, and simply relax while listening to minstrel songs.

The heart of the headquarters is the command headquarters, from where we plan operations: we scout the lands and carry out “oral” quests. Problems with a brief description appear on the world map, and we think about how to solve them: diplomacy, espionage or war. After confirming the choice, you just have to wait (sometimes several hours in real time; the counter is ticking even outside the game session) until the adviser returns with a report and rewards: gold, resources, and sometimes even artifacts and sketches.

The protagonists of Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition once met...


Any success in general in everything brings influence points, and of two types at once. Some are spent on opening new territories and story missions, others are exchanged for passive improvements: from additional inventory slots or potion slots to new dialogue options.

Another measure of reputation is relationships with party members. When making various decisions, you can get approval or condemnation of actions, full or partial, and now the reaction of the entire team is taken into account, and not just the active group. It is easier to seduce like-minded people, but the attitude of subordinates to their boss does not affect personal quests.

The characters from the old days have changed greatly. Both in appearance and in character.

Acceptable Losses

The change in perspective, control and level construction was also reflected in the combat system. Formally, the rules remain the same: heroes and enemies exchange blows in real time, use skills, tricks and spells, and damage is calculated taking into account the position, defense and resistance of the target.


The changes occurred in small things, but they seriously influenced the tactics of combat. Shooters received a bonus to attack from elevated positions if certain skills were upgraded. Combat sequences in the style of Mass Effect appeared. Mages can no longer heal: they have been replaced by a fixed set of health potions, replenished for free in field camps or supply boxes.

The heroes inherited Tommy Vercetti's Achilles heel: as soon as they go into knee-deep water, they are immediately thrown back onto the shore.

The battles have become noticeably faster, and this is another reason for a languid glance towards World of Warcraft. The battlefield is covered with fireworks of fireballs, lightning, halos from magical barriers and auras, so only a pause helps to navigate this turmoil, where you can slowly give orders to the entire group.

But the vaunted tactical camera turned out to be useless due to its impractical angle and controls. It is wildly inconvenient to fight in this position, so if the innovation is used, it is only to determine the characteristics of enemies, as well as their weaknesses and strengths.

There must be at least one “tank” in the group: it will help in battle, taking the blow on itself, and making a hole in the flimsy wall, allowing us to get to the treasures.


The role-playing system accounted for the least number of reforms. The same active and passive skills in several groups (as in the second part) are learned one per level. Characteristics such as strength and agility are distributed automatically: now they can be adjusted to suit you only through equipment.

At first, it seems as if all this has greatly simplified the game: you can push ahead, rake, heal and constantly return to the camp for potions, but ingenuity is rewarded. Once I managed to destroy a group of templars with literally one shot: the robber used her most powerful skill on a hill from the flank - one enemy was torn apart by the shot, and the others died from this explosion.

If only the auto-targeting of enemies would be corrected, otherwise you sneak up on the enemy at the required distance, load a shot... and kill the fox that appeared right in the line of fire.

Who knows, but maybe this is exactly what d’Artagnan would have looked like if Dumas had been born and raised in Holland.

Yes, as in any project of this scale, “Inquisition” has bugs and shortcomings. Objects in the environment sometimes load with a delay, the character may freeze for a moment in a strange position while running, companions sometimes get stuck in bottlenecks and then simply teleport to the hero.


It feels like the game was made with soul, but carelessly, as if they didn’t have time or didn’t want to smooth out the rough edges. Clothes do not get wet in water or during rain, grass and bushes do not react in any way if you walk through them. Particularly embarrassing was the incident at the ball when, during the dance, the hem of the dress simply passed through the floor. It’s not that such oversights are a big hindrance, but they do contribute to the perception of the game.

To be or not to be? And if there is, then why?

Reports from the front line

The success of the cooperative mode of Mass Effect 3 sealed the fate of the network part of the newly minted Dragon Age: the developers took the same basis as almost three years ago, adapting it to the local mechanics, but this was where the mistake happened: the gameplay based on the exchange of blows turned out to be not very exciting.

Captain Shepard's allies defeated enemies through accuracy, reflexes, skillful use of cover and combinations of skills. Of all this, only combat skills remained in Inquisition, and even those are almost not used in local realities - partners are not accustomed to teamwork.

Multiplayer heroes can be unlocked in the campaign if you find a special design and make armor based on it. This is where the connection between this mode and the single-player game ends.

Online battles are no longer reduced to reflecting waves. Instead, we are offered a short run through one of three gut-shaped levels with the extermination of groups of templars and simultaneously solving familiar problems - escort, search, etc. In the process, the heroes search for hiding places with chests and collect handfuls of gold hidden in vases. It all ends with a boss fight.

If in Mass Effect it was still supposed to be a single player, then here it doesn’t work at all. The character will hardly survive the first skirmish: you can’t really dodge blows, there are very few healing potions, and we are not trained in regeneration. Class restrictions also hinder you: you simply won’t get to all the caches of wealth alone, since only a magician can open one cache, and a warrior can open another.

Dungeons in Dragon Age are darker than night. Without a torch, sometimes you can’t see anything at all.

With leveling up to the maximum level of twenty and a full set of skills, life becomes more fun, but there’s a catch here too. The developers are pushing to reset levels for the sake of prestige points: they promoted a robber through the career ladder - they received an increase in cunning for all heroes, raised a warrior - they improved their physique. The cycle is endless, and it seems unreasonably painful.

For gold you can buy familiar chests with equipment and potions, but if in Mass Effect the set of weapons was fixed and sooner or later you would open the entire arsenal, then here the equipment is like in Diablo III, that is, it is generated randomly and is not so good. Unnecessary trash can be melted down and then forged into something useful according to sketches, but such an activity also seems like a waste of time to me.

The game will end early if the entire group falls. Fortunately, at least the collected gold is not lost in case of defeat.

So far, the network mode looks like some kind of misunderstanding. Trying to repeat their success, BioWare offered a gameplay that was not very interesting in itself, where the development of heroes and the search for decent equipment takes so much time that the feasibility of this activity is called into question.

There are cumulative challenges that open up all sorts of decor to customize your profile icon and background, and the developers promise weekly events like in Mass Effect, but this is hardly a good enough reason to stick around for long. For a free app, this mode is not bad, but it completely pales in comparison to the amazing campaign.

A unique shield in the shape of a huge piece of cheese. Yes, this is really Dragon Age, and not Fable, for example.

The facts speak

Telling everything about “Inquisition” is like embracing the immensity. But I wanted to pay attention to some things, seemingly small things. Not for criticism, just an FYI.

  • The outcome of assignments at command headquarters depends on the choice of adviser. You cannot fail such quests, but the rewards for completing them may vary.
  • If you recruit an agent (they are found during quests and simply in the open world), the time it takes to complete the missions of one of the advisers will be reduced. It is useful when strategic operations last about twenty hours.

  • Loading screens show random pages from the codex.
  • The companions' portraits on the squad selection panel change depending on the outcome of their personal quests.
  • Any clothing is now available to party members. Armor sets have disappeared, but bracers and leggings can be added to armor as upgrades. Equipment can also be enchanted, and runes can also be inserted into weapons.
  • There are three types of artifacts: common, rare and unique. The most valuable ones drop from bosses and are found in caches. Many of them have a special property, for example, the effect of the Grunsmann bow is mentioned above in the text - when killed, the target explodes.

  • Some valuables dropped by the enemy can be given for research: magicians will examine the find, and you will receive a bonus to damage against this type of enemy.
  • There are some sort of telescopes on the maps that offer a mini-game where you need to draw lines between the stars in the correct order.
  • In the first large area you can meet a real dragon, but you will only be able to defeat it towards the middle or end of the game.
  • Outside of story missions, enemies respawn. Resources and gold can be mined in unlimited quantities, both at locations and at command headquarters (some tasks are endless).

  • Flirting is available with almost all companions, but if romance is impossible, at some stage the partner will say so and even explain the reasons. There are no sex scenes, at least they won't be shown.
  • Varric does not use any other weapon except his Bianca crossbow. It can be upgraded with unique modifiers to increase its damage output.
  • The Skyhold fortress can be improved: build a tower, plant a garden, change the coat of arms or curtains. The castle even has a throne on which the inquisitor holds court over the prisoners.
  • The game's music was composed by Trevor Morris. These are lyrical and inspiring orchestral compositions in the spirit of “heroic fantasy”, which can be called the Dragon Age series. A soundtrack of 39 tunes is included in the collector's and exclusive digital edition.

BioWare has managed to release several exclusive (and not so exclusive) sets of items:

  • Red Lyrium Reapers Weapons Pack is given to everyone who completes a simple quest on a special website. The set includes a unique sword, staff and dagger.
  • AMD Radeon In-Game Gift Pack can be purchased on the Raptr website for special points. The reward from the “red” will be a rare amulet, a mount and a chest for multiplayer.
  • Collector's Edition Prima Official Game Guide In-Game Content - a gift to buyers of the collector's edition of the official guide. The package is similar to the previous one: a ring, another animal for the stable and a chest.

Write in the comments how you like this format for presenting information and whether this section should be made permanent.


You won't get bored as an inquisitor. Throw cookies at passers-by, take part in the Great Game at a social reception, and recruit an Avvar who attacks your castle with the help of a goat. It's not about saving the world, loud speeches about duty and destiny - this is in every game. True masterpieces are made up of little things. They are what are memorable, and Dragon Age: Inquisition has something to show for it.

This is not the ideal role-playing game, of course, but if someone is destined to be on the pedestal, BioWare's new creation will take this place completely deservedly. There were those who made worlds better. There were also those who cared more about novelty. Today we celebrate the third installment of Dragon Age as a game with a compelling story: interestingly written and skillfully directed. Challenge accepted, eh, The Witcher?

Verdict: Some games change like the seasons. “Inquisition” is an example of what will happen if spring comes in the world of dark fantasy.

Rating: 9.6 (“Masterpiece”).

Vitaly Krasnovid aka Disintegration

  • Dragon Age Inquisition: Performance Testing
    Summary testing of thirty-four video cards and sixty-four processors in a couple of resolutions and two operating modes.

  • Discussion of the game at the conference site.

Level up

When you reach the next experience level, enter the character menu.

Level up in Dragon Age: Inquisition very similar to that in other role-playing games. When you reach the required number of experience points, your character will automatically level up. This means, first of all, that the basic parameters of your character increase and your health reserve increases. In addition, you receive ability points. We recommend distributing these points every time you level up.

note that each of your heroes has their own experience counter. This means that they increase levels independently of each other, not always at the same time.

Also note to our tips on how to gain experience faster (in development).


Current statistics can be viewed in the character window

Every playable character DragonAge:Inquisition characterized by many attributes. As mentioned above, increasing attributes occurs automatically, i.e. certain ones rise when you level up. This does not mean, however, that you should not pay attention to them, since they can be changed, for example, by using things with certain properties.

Basic character attributes:

  • Strength, as usual, is the main attribute for every warrior, as it affects the effectiveness of attacks. In addition, this parameter determines the amount of the bonus that you receive when breaking through the enemy's Guard.
  • Dexterity is the main attribute for thieves, as it affects the effectiveness of their attacks. In addition, this parameter determines the critical strike bonus.
  • Magic is the main attribute of magicians; it affects the effectiveness of their attacks. In addition, it determines the bonus when breaking through the magic barrier of opponents.
  • Cunning – affects the chance of a critical hit and protection from ranged attacks.
  • Willpower – affects the amount of damage you deal, regardless of class. In addition, it increases resistance to magical attacks.
  • Constitution is an important attribute that determines a character’s health reserve. In addition, it affects defense in close combat.

Other important attributes:

  • Armor Penetration - Determines how much of the enemy's armor you ignore when attacking. The higher this indicator, the higher the chance of causing damage to the enemy.
  • Critical hit chance - of course, affects the chance of landing a critical hit.
  • Flanking Bonus – Determines how much additional damage you deal when attacking from the sides or from behind.
  • Resistances – All attributes in this group allow you to take less damage based on different elements.
  • Protection (Guard) – this attribute represents additional protection for the character. The attacker must first break through this defense, and only then can he deal damage to the character.
  • Armor Rating – This attribute shows you the class of your armor. The higher the value, the better you take damage.
  • Health - you need to make sure that you have as much of it as possible. Losing health does not mean your character's death, he only falls unconscious and can be healed by another party member. However, the loss of health by all squad members means defeat.
  • Focus is an important attribute that is charged by the attacks your party members deal. Once you have enough Focus Points, you will be able to use an additional attack.
  • Mana/Stamina - Both of these attributes are required to use the abilities specific to each member of your squad.

Leveling up is very important to progress through the game. Characters who are underdeveloped will have trouble fighting stronger monsters or completing certain quests. In the case of storyline tasks, the game sometimes gives you additional hints, for example, showing you at what level you should take on a given task. For example, the screenshot above shows that the recommended level for the quest is from 8 to 11. This means that if your squad levels are below 8, then you will have serious problems completing this quest. On the other hand, a group with levels above 11 may not have any problems completing it at all.


Example of the points distribution window

IN DragonAge:Inquisition There are many abilities available that can be learned. The list of available abilities depends, of course, on the character class you chose at the beginning of the games. They are presented in the form of trees, divided into different categories (for example, "Sword and Shield" and "Two-Handed Weapons" in the case of the Warrior). Because abilities are grouped into trees, some will only be available to you when you unlock one or more of the previous ones.

As mentioned above, abilities are unlocked using development points. You get one point every time you level up. There are three categories of abilities:

  • Active– after you have opened them, they can be placed on the quick access panel and used in battle (by pressing the corresponding button).
  • Active Ability Improvements– affect the effect of the active ability to which they are attached. For example, they can increase the duration of the original ability.
  • Passive– once you learn them, they work automatically and you don't have to do anything to use them

In the early stages of the game, it makes sense to learn at least 3-4 active abilities in order to have room to maneuver depending on the situation on the battlefield (for example, if you encounter a strong enemy or a group of weak enemies). It's also a good idea to learn a few "strong" passive abilities. But it’s best to leave improvements for later, when you’ve learned all the passive abilities you need.

note, that if you don't want to spend time reviewing abilities, you can leave it to the game itself. In this case, you just need to go into the character window and click the "Level up automatically" button. We do not recommend doing this, since the game may choose abilities that you will not be comfortable playing with (for example, unlocking a defensive ability when you would like to play an attacking character).


Exemplary coach

As in previous games in the series DragonAge, you can specialize in a certain area (other squad members receive specializations automatically). This will increase the character's combat abilities (such as strength or constitution). The specialization will initially be unavailable, and you will be able to choose it as you progress through the game. To do this, you need to wait until the mark associated with the task appears on your map at the invitation of the teacher. After completing the task, the teacher will appear in Skyhold.

You need to complete all tasks assigned by the teacher.

note, that it is more profitable to first complete all the tests of all teachers, and only then choose in which area you want to become a master.


Get rid of things you don't need because your backpack has limited capacity.

Interaction with the outside world in DragonAge:Inquisition is not something complicated, but there are a few nuances to remember. The game has a color coding system, so weapons and armor of different quality are indicated by different colors. Of course, this helps determine which item is better. It is important to remember that the default backpack capacity is 60 slots. This is quite a bit, so you need to often visit merchants and sell them unnecessary things. You can learn the Inquisitor skills Antivan Tailoring and Imperial Court Tailoring, which can expand your backpack to 90 slots.

note that when counting occupied backpack slots, the game does not count items needed for crafting (i.e. herbs, materials, or schematics). You can keep as many of these things as you want in your backpack.

The backpack is divided into nine categories to make it easier to navigate:

  • Weapons - there are several subcategories related to different weapons, and a separate tab for shields (since warriors can also deal damage with them).
  • Armor
  • Accessories – This category includes rings, belts, amulets and more.
  • Improvements
  • Craft materials
  • Valuables - the only purpose of these things is to be sold for as much as possible
  • Weapon drawings
  • Armor drawings
  • Recipes

If you don't like collecting everything you find and then visiting the merchant often, take only the most expensive things. These are legendary items and all kinds of valuables. The cheapest items are upgrades, so if you don't intend to use them (for example, you already have an upgrade of the same type but of a higher quality), get rid of them first. All merchants have the same prices, so you can buy the things you need from the first merchant you come across.

Inquisitor Skills

You should consider which Inquisitor skills to learn

In many respects, the inquisitor's skills are the same as passive abilities. From the moment they are received, they provide permanent bonuses, which can be very different: for example, they increase the speed of gaining experience, reduce prices from merchants, make it easier for thieves to pick locks or obtain rare materials. Each skill affects all group members.

Skills can be unlocked using special glasses. They are given as a reward for new levels of influence, which is associated with Inquisition tasks. A detailed list of Inquisitor skills is presented in the chapter Leadership of the Inquisition. In the same chapter, you will learn how to gain influence and unlock new skills. It also contains advice on which skills are useful in which case.

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite clearly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of its new project, sometimes the developers do it at the wrong time. We decided in advance to arm you with the most important information so that there are no problems with conquering Dragon Age: Inquisition.

First visit Dragon Age Keep

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the Gray Guardian from the original DA survived, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2 and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh your memory of the main events of the previous parts.

Choose your batch composition carefully

The personnel issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will travel around the game world in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the batch is balanced. There must be a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a robber: the first can support allies or temporarily disable enemies, and the second deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the tank warrior Cassandra, the mage Solas and the robber Varric. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement those of their allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You shouldn’t develop them according to the same template - say, invest all your skill points in pyromancy. Let every wizard be a master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors and robbers. Choose your party members and their abilities so as not to repeat yourself. There is strength in variability.

Keep three different staves for magicians

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers using staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fire (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staves with different elements in your inventory.

Level up the Skillful Hands perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase its level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to level up “Deft Hands” (Fine Tools) in the “Secrets” category. This ability allows all robbers to pick difficult locks, behind which valuable loot is usually hidden.

Take advantage of tactical pauses in difficult battles

With the right party and the appropriate level, most battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using a tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can change the course of the entire battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When things get tough, switch to a tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to your subordinates - and so on until the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We advise you to start exploring a new location with one important thing - visit the places where you can set up camp. You won't regret your time. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will be useful when completing side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can rest and replenish your supply of health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing vials.

Talk to everything that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should take this rule into account too. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Communication with them will help you better understand the world of Dragon Age, learn about the relationships between the characters, and also receive many quests. This is especially true for your allies - they can tell you a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big mission you communicate with all your party members: this way you won’t miss the chance to increase (or decrease) your ally’s reputation, receive a task from him or see interesting situations - for example, how Cassandra beats Varrick in a rage.

Collect useful resources

You will constantly come across mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don’t be lazy to spend time collecting them: in Inquisition this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are enormous. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, sets of resources are needed to level up the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you're slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are chilling in the fortress. To get the most out of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to keep them busy regularly. Return to base often and give instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, obtain equipment for the party, and much more. Each advisor takes a certain amount of time to complete a task - from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter runs in real time, so we recommend doing the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the advisor will be ready to report.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review the game received a .

Not much different from leveling up in various other RPG games. Almost all actions will bring you some kind of experience. This number includes the so-called “Breaks”, completing various tasks and, of course, the classic killing of enemies.

Each time your hero gains a new level, his standard attributes increase. In addition, you also receive skill points, which you can spend on acquiring new abilities/skills/abilities.

Having received a new level, you will be able to complete a task that you could not complete before or was inaccessible, since there are stronger opponents there. Before you begin the task, first look at what level is required (minimum), then decide for yourself.

The most important thing in the game is leveling up your heroes. Of course, this is not a very fast process, even if you do everything listed below.

Shadow Rifts are something you encounter early in the game and fight through afterwards. You, as an Inquisitor, can close/seal these Rifts! You can find these “holes” absolutely all over the world! During the training you will be taught how to do this. In return for closing the "hole" you will receive experience. The experience you gain depends on what area of ​​the game you are in, that is, each area gives a different amount of experience.

You can get to the area where enemies are higher than you and try to kill them. Killing such enemies will give you much more experience than if you killed a regular enemy. But you just need to be prepared for the most difficult situations and have the appropriate equipment. In the bad case, you will simply commit suicide.

There are ten Dragons in total - they are the most dangerous in the entire game! Once you kill the dragon, you will receive a simply magnificent reward along with tons of experience.

Usually such places are guarded by high-level enemies, so this is another way to gain more experience! If you are not too confident in your combat potential, then try to refrain from what you have started, otherwise the result will be sad.

Sometimes, simply exploring the world will allow you to gain experience much faster. Even the most insignificant tasks, such as setting up a camp, hunting game, searching for herbs, can bring much more experience. And considering that the game can be said to be “crowded” with various documents, secrets, treasure maps and other items/details, collecting experience will not be a problem.

In addition, you can get to know the world around you much better with the help of the Inquisition perk, which is taken from Josephine. You will be able to gain much more experience for various finds. Therefore, it is best to postpone reading documents until later until you have learned this skill.

Naturally, the most accessible and obvious point in pumping is. Sometimes you won't be able to progress further in the story because your level is too low, so it's best to focus on the side quests and Inner Circle quests.

Although BioWare is still looking for an opportunity, there are various tweaks for games on it, and Dragon Age: Inquisition is proof of this. Most mods for it are characters and saves created by others, but among them there are also truly worthy crafts that simplify the gameplay and make it more varied. Our today's top is dedicated to such fashions.

It is, of course, worth giving BioWare its due - in the time since its release, the studio has added a lot of features to the game, including free mouse viewing, walking, hotkeys, and already in May it is going to please honest people with a Black Shop a la Dragon Age 2, where players will be able to change the appearance of their heroes and do much more (we rely on the imagination of the developers).

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6

There are several programs for modifying the game, the most popular of which is . Alas, the latest patch released by BioWare (the official sixth one) introduced some confusion into the operation of the program, as a result of which it became impossible to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Patch 6, however, can be tricked - the error lies in incorrectly reading information from the Patch.daimod file.

To help the program and install the mod on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download and place it in any folder. Next, download the mods you are interested in and place the files with the .daimod extension in any other folder. (Important! The path to both folders should not contain Cyrillic, i.e. Russian characters.)
  2. Go to the directory with the installed game, then to Update and make a copy of the Patch folder (rename the copy somehow).
  3. Launch DAI ModManager, specifying the path to the game's .exe file and the path to the folder where you put the mod files. (If DAI ModManager stops working, the paths can be pre-specified in the daimodmanager.ini file that comes with the program.)
  4. Select any mod you are interested in (the patch will be selected by default) and make sure that the “Force Rescan of Patch” option is not selected! Click Merge and specify the path to any empty folder where the modified files created by the program will be placed. In the future, they can be safely removed.
  5. After completing all operations, close the program, go to the folder with DAIModManager and replace the Patch.daimod file that appears there with ().
  6. Launch DAIModManager again, select all the mods you need (the patch will be selected by default) and click Merge.
  7. Copy the subsequently created modified files (package.mft and Data) to the Patch folder, a copy of which we made, completely replacing the existing ones.
  8. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 7

will double the number of research items dropped by specific creatures. Version 0.2 includes a user-configurable interface in DAI ModManager.

7. Infinite Uses Respec Amulet

Everything flows, everything changes, and the world Inquisition is proof of this. Often, skill points thoughtlessly spent at the beginning are needed for later stages of the game, and constantly buying a Tactical Upgrade for 345 coins turns out to be expensive. The Infinite Uses Respec Amulet mod is designed to eliminate this difficulty.

It makes it possible to use a Tactical Update purchased once an unlimited number of times. After each use, the amulet should be put into inventory - otherwise, when you exit the customization menu, it may disappear, and the character’s skills will be reset constantly.

8. Accelerated acquisition of levels and perks of the Inquisition / NewExperienceTable + NewInfluenceTable

Like More Inquisition Levels, these two mods change the experience table the player receives, allowing you to speed up your progress (for those who want to eradicate its MMO component from the game) or slow it down (for those who want to take longer and harder). It is advisable to install mods as early as possible, preferably before level seven. Also, mods do not affect skill points, so if after installing a new table your character upgrades several levels higher, he will not be given points for these levels. As a bonus, NewExperienceTable significantly increases the chance of hearing companions talking to each other.

comes in three variations: speeds up leveling by about 30% and allows you to quickly reach the maximum level 27 and, accordingly, get better equipment;
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