DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS. Map of the Land Assembly Hall. Dragon age origins: walkthrough “Gathering of Lands General information - Gathering of Lands

So I decided to post some tips to make it easier to get through the Assembly of Lands and its consequences.

General information - Land Assembly

Very important political issues are usually decided at the Land Assembly. Nobles from all over Ferelden gather there. The more noble and wealthy a person is, the more important and valuable his voice is. In Dragon Age Origins, at the Gathering of Lands, we will have to face the traitor Teyrn Logain MacTeer and decide his fate. In most cases, fewer people vote for the Gray Guardians, so there are usually fights and duels there. In these tips I will try to convey how to solve the problem that arose at the Assembly of Lands peacefully.

The Land Assembly is a kind of voting. The importance of the voice depends on wealth and nobility. To defeat Loghain you will need as many votes as possible from as wealthy gentlemen as possible. Some quests accompany obtaining these votes.

Additional quests accompanying your victory at the Landsmeet

Nobleman under torture

You receive this quest when you free the son of Bann Dragon Peak in the dungeons of Earl Howe's estate. Before the Landsmeeting, you will not be able to tell Bann Sieghard that you slept under the rack of his son, but if at the Landsmeet you publicly tell that Earl Howe tortured many innocent people, then Ban Sieghard will confirm this and you will receive the vote of a very wealthy aristocrat .

Earl in captivity

After you deal with Howe, you can go to the upper prison and free Vogan, son of Earl Denerim Urien, who died at Ostagar. Having made Vaughan promise that he will speak for you at the Assembly of Lands, you can let him go. Of course, he himself will not appear there, but he will persuade a couple of aristocrats to speak out for the supposed “liberator of the Earl of Denerim.”

King or Queen

At the Landsmeet, you will have to choose who to enthron the king or queen or both at once, but it is best to choose in advance. After you meet the queen in Earl Eamon’s office, he offers to place Alistair on the throne; naturally, Anora is against it. So, if you leave everything as it is, then at the Assembly of the Lands the queen will speak out against you. Anora's voice is the most important and even if the majority of aristocrats support Loghain, her voice can change everything. I offer the best solution. Talk to Anora in her room. She will ask you to support her at the land meeting, and in return she will give you her vote. Here are several options for getting out of this situation:

Tips for the Land Assembly

Tips for the Land Assembly

1) You can lie to Anora that you will support her at the land meeting, and then choose Alistair.

2) You can offer Anora a marriage with Alistair and she will not mind, but one way or another you will need to talk with Alistair about this and if the Persuasion skill is sufficiently pumped up, then Alistair will agree to marry Anora. (If you let Alistair kill Loghain, then Anora will not marry him)

3) If you are a male character with the background of a noble person, then Anora herself will hint to you that you are also not a bad candidate for the throne and you can even rule with her. So, if you have leveled up your Persuasion skill, you can persuade Anora to marry you and become her consort. (If you kill Loghain, Anora will not marry you)

4) And of course, you can simply offer Anora your support and fulfill your promise.

Each of these dialogue options with Anora will lead to your victory over Loghain and you will be able to do without fights and your reputation will increase significantly.

Landsmeeting in Dragon Age: Origins is a story quest and one of the most important events in the game. The political issues of Ferelden are not resolved. According to the quest, the player needs to try to enlist the support of the nobility and choose the ruler of the country. Most often, the meeting is not complete without fights and duels. How to gain the support of the nobles and avoid unnecessary battles?

Additional tasks

After collecting all allies, story quests will lead the Gray Warden to Denerim, where the Landsmeet will take place. To successfully complete the quest and get maximum votes at the Landsmeet in Dragon Age: Origins, you must first complete the following quests.

  • "Save the Queen" - main quest. During the quest, the Guardian must rescue Queen Anora from the house of the Earl of Denerim. Upon completion of the quest, you will be able to talk to the queen about the upcoming meeting.
  • "In captivity!" - the quest will begin if you give up or lose to Sir Courten in the previous task. According to the plot, the Guardian ends up in Fort Drakkon (either himself or together with Alistair), where he must await execution. You can escape from captivity on your own or by waiting for help from your allies.
  • “Nobleman Under Torture” is a side quest that can be obtained by going down into the dungeon during the “Save the Queen” quest. After freeing Oswin, talk to his father, Bann Seagard. Bunn will present the Guardian with an award and vote for him at the Gathering.
  • “The Lost Templar” is a secondary quest that begins in the dungeon of the Earl of Denerim’s estate. According to the quest, the templar Irminrik will ask the hero to take the ring to his sister Alfstanna. If the quest is completed, she will vote for the Guardian at the Landsmeet in Dragon Age: Origins.
  • “Unrest in the Elfinage” is a story quest in which you need to figure out what is happening in the Elfinage. During the investigation, the Guardian will find out that the elves are being taken into slavery, and will be able to tell about this at the Meeting.
  • "Trial of the Crows" is a series of quests that can be obtained in different ways. In addition to the reward, after completing them the hero will receive an additional vote at the Meeting.

Before the start of the Meeting, you need to complete all the tasks, since you won’t be able to go back, and be sure to talk with Anora, since her voice is extremely important.

Meeting with Sir Cauthren

Before you enter the palace for the Landsmeet quest in Dragon Age: Origins, Sir Courten will block your path (assuming she survived the Save the Queen quest). You can fight her or persuade her to let you through. This time, fighting Courten is easier than in the earl's estate, and if you win, you will receive a good sword. If the issue is resolved peacefully, the player will receive 250 experience points.


The Landsmeet in Dragon Age: Origins is a kind of voting. The wealthier and more distinguished the nobleman at this event, the more important his vote. For a relatively “peaceful” passage of the “Landsmeet” in Dragon Age: Origins, you need to get as many votes as possible. Otherwise, you will have to not only fight Loghain, but also fight off his guards.

  • don't mention that Loghain left Cailan to die, since there is no way to prove it;
  • try to convince Loghain that the real enemy is Pestilence, not Orleans;
  • if you saved Oswin during the quest, then tell us about Howe’s dungeons;
  • tell the Assembly about the slave trade in the Elfinage;
  • complete the quest “The Lost Templar”, give your sister Irminrik’s ring, and you can mention the assassination attempt on Earl Eamon;
  • freeing Vaughan will give you an extra vote;
  • another nobleman will support you if all the Ravens' tasks have been completed;
  • promise Anora support for her power, and she will come to your side.

If you tell Anora that you support Alistair or that Loghain must answer for what he has done, then at the Meeting she will betray you. Also, Anora will not support Starge unless you talk to her at all.

  • if you lose the vote, a battle with Loghain and his guards will begin. In the midst of the battle, the priestess will intervene and offer to resolve the dispute through a duel;
  • if you win the Gathering, Loghain will immediately demand a duel.


Before the duel begins, you can choose which of the nearby allies will fight. If you have a dog with you, you won’t be able to choose it. It is also important to know that Alistair will not spare Loghain in the duel and will deprive you of some plot options.

The easiest way to deal with Loghain is a character in heavy armor with a shield. The shield makes the player virtually invulnerable to being knocked over, and the heavy armor allows him to survive heavy enemy damage.

It's also quite easy to win a duel with a magician. He can easily freeze Loghain and deal damage with any spell in his arsenal.

For other classes, the battle is a little more difficult, but everything will depend on the selected abilities, equipment and difficulty level.

Choice of ruler

After the duel is completed, you will have to decide what to do with Loghain (if Alistair does not kill him) and choose who will rule the country. This decision will be the end of the quest. The Landsmeet options available in Dragon Age: Origins are as follows.

  • You can spare Loghain and offer him to become a Gray Warden. In this case, Alistair will be very angry, but he can be convinced to become king if he toughens up. There is also the option that he will begin to rule together with Anora, if you resolved this issue before the Assembly of Lands. In any case, Alistair will leave the squad and, if he does not accept the crown, he will leave Ferelden or be executed by Anora.
  • If Loghain is killed, Anora will not want to marry Alistair or Cousland the man.
  • If you choose Anora as queen, she will immediately demand that Alistair renounce his claims to the throne, which he will only be happy about.
  • After marrying Anora, Alistair will go with you to fight the Archdemon.
  • If Alistair becomes king, then until the Blight is defeated he will remain with the Guardian, and Earl Eamon will be appointed as his regent. Anora will be locked in the tower because she will not want to recognize Alistair as king.
  • A female Cousland can be made queen even without a romantic relationship with Alistair, but the level of persuasion and friendship must be high.


The decision you make will affect not only the further plot of Dragon Age: Origins, but also some events in the following parts. So, in Dragon Age 2 you can meet Alistair drinking in a tavern if he leaves the Gray Warden and leaves Ferelden. If Alistair marries Anora, then the hero of the second part of the game will be able to receive the quest “King Alistair” and meet the king.

After the coronation

If the Guardian did not sacrifice himself, he will return to the land meeting hall, where Alistair and/or Anora (depending on your choice at the land meeting) will give a speech and thank the Guardian, and then ask what he/she is going to do. Your decision will affect the epilogue (and possibly Awakening if you choose to import your character). Then the monarch will say that the people are waiting for their hero.

Before you walk out the door, you can talk to your friends and companions one last time (there is a bug on the console version that prevents Sheila from appearing in this location). In addition, Earl Eamon will be at the celebration if you crowned Alistair (with or without Anora). One character from your background will also appear at the festivities:

  • Background of the noble man: Fergus Cousland(Brother of GG. It turns out that his squad was ambushed, and the wounded Fergus was saved by the Chasinds. He was ill for a long time and reached Denerim only after defeating the Archdemon.)
  • Mage Background: First Sorcerer Irving(unless you sided with the templars in the quest Broken Circle and Irving survived the fight with Uldred)
  • City Elf Background: Cirion Tabris (GG's Father. If the Guardian sacrificed himself, then Anora or Alistair (depending on who ended up on the throne) will make him the first bann of Elvenage.)
  • Dalish Elf Background: Ashalle(Guardian GG)
  • Background of the noble gnome: We're on fire(Friend and temporary companion of the GG. Yesoi Guardian is going to be made Perfect, he will be his right hand)
  • Dwarf Commoner Background: Rick Broska(GG's sister. If the Gray Warden, a dwarf commoner, sacrifices himself in the final battle, Rika will come to the funeral with her mother. If the hero survives, she will attend the coronation. If Belen has become the king of Orzammar, then Rika will report that the Guardian is now a member of the warrior caste: moreover, he can be proclaimed Perfect. If Harrowmont becomes king, then Rika will win in any case: she will not be pushed around by a man, but at the same time her son will remain a member of the house of Educan.)

Gray Guardian

The consequences not only depend on the decisions the Guardian makes during the game, but also on the approval rating of the companions at the end of the game (for example, it affects Sheila).

  • Earl Eamon remains an advisor to Alistair if he becomes king. Eamon suddenly renounces Erling Redcliffe in favor of Bann Tegan, which the townspeople approve of. If the Guardian also gave Caitlin enough coins for her grandfather's sword, she will meet Bann Tegan and they will marry.
  • Earl Eamon returns to Redcliffe and restores it to its former greatness unless Alistair becomes king or the Warden becomes Alistair's chancellor. This also happens if a hardened Alistair marries Anora and Loghain sacrifices himself by destroying the Archdemon.
  • If the Guardian leaves Redcliffe during the quest Attack at Twilight, Earl Eamon renounces Erling in favor of Bann Tegan and returns to Redcliffe. However, it cannot be restored to its former grandeur due to rumors that the town is cursed.
  • If the Warden rescues Bevin, Caitlin's brother in Redcliffe, uses his grandfather's sword and brings him back, he becomes a famous traveler and tells stories that when he was little, he met a Gray Warden who used his grandfather's sword to save Redcliffe, and then returned it.
  • If the Guardian paid Caitlyn enough for the sword to allow her to leave for Denerim, she will use that small fortune to open a foundry. She becomes rich, respected and accidentally meets Banna Tegan at the royal court. A few months after this they get married. This can only happen if the Guardian paid her before starting the quest Attack at Twilight, and not after.
  • If the Guardian gives Bella (from the Redcliffe Tavern) enough money to leave Redcliffe, she makes it safely to Denerim and opens her brewery there. Soon she meets Banna Tegan and marries him.
    - If you help both Caitlin and Bella leave Redcliffe and open their own business, then Bann Tegan will marry both girls.
  • If the Warden gave power of attorney to the tavern during the first Battle of Redcliffe to Bella, she will rename the inn "Gray Wanderer's Rest" and will tell stories of your adventures years later, although no one will believe them.
  • If the Guardian made a deal with the desire demon, in which the demon promises to capture Connor later, and prevented his mother, Lady Isolde, from sacrificing herself, the epilogue will say that Connor has completed his Torment and has become a full-fledged Circle mage, pursuing a formal study of the Shadow.
  • If the Guardian made a deal with the demon of desire, and Lady Isolde died during the ritual, then after some time they will decide to send Connor to the Circle of Mages. However, before the journey, Connor suddenly falls ill and then disappears. A long search will lead to nothing, and this disappearance will remain a mystery.
  • If Connor is saved and the demon of desire is killed or intimidated, the boy may be sent to the Circle of Mages. After he completed his Torment and became a full-fledged magician of the Circle. At his father's urging, he accepted a position in Tevinter, where he began studying the Shadow. This will happen if you allow his mother, Lady Isolde, to sacrifice herself to perform Jovan's blood ritual.
  • If Connor is saved and the desire demon is killed or intimidated, Earl Eamon will simply note that Connor was acting strange. This will happen if his mother, Lady Isolde, also survives the quest in Redcliffe. This can also happen if both parents are alive (at least with the ending where a hardened Alistair marries Anora and Loghain sacrifices himself).
  • If Connor is killed, Eamon and Isolde will have another child, a daughter, named Rowan. Isolde will die during childbirth. Like Connor, the girl turns out to be a magician and is sent to the Circle for formal training.

Queen Anora

  • If Alistair is not toughened up, Anora will marry Alistair; Remaining an experienced ruler, she takes charge of all matters related to government and laws, while Alistair personally appears before the commoners, which is why they admire him endlessly.
  • If Alistair is tightened, Anora marries Alistair, and they rule together both in matters relating to government and laws, and in public appearances together, overseeing the restoration process and meeting with the warm approval of the people, who are of the view that the chaos of civil war and the assembly of lands - a small price to pay for the appearance of such beautiful monarchs.
  • Anora marries the Guardian; they enter into many trade contracts with neighboring countries and, together with the Guardian, begin what could be a new golden age for Ferelden if they do not fight for power.
  • Anora marries the Guardian, who later makes the ultimate sacrifice by destroying the Archdemon: she becomes an accomplished ruler, but never marries again due to her exceptional standards for suitors, comparing them to her father rather than the Guardian.
  • Anora does not marry anyone and rules alone. She becomes an accomplished ruler, but never marries again due to her exceptional standards in choosing a groom.
  • If Alistair becomes king, and Anora did not want to abdicate the throne in his favor, she is imprisoned in the tower to avoid a rebellion (at Alistair's request, since he does not want to execute her in case he does not survive the Blight - despite this measure of mercy, Anora admits that she wouldn’t mind switching places with him).

Urn of Sacred Ashes

  • If the Guardian allowed Brother Genitivi to assemble an expedition to the Urn, but did not kill the high dragon, the Urn will disappear without a trace and become a myth again.
  • If the Guardian allowed Brother Genitivi to assemble an expedition to the Urn and killed the high dragon, the temple will become a place of worship for pilgrims.
  • If the Guardian killed Genitivi's brother and the high dragon, the Church will deny all rumors that the Urn has been found.
  • If the Guardian killed Genitivi's brother but did not kill the high dragon, the Church will announce the discovery of the ashes, but the dragon will one day tire of the pilgrims and go on a rampage, destroying the temple and possibly the ashes as they are not found. The dragon will fly away in search of a new shelter.
  • If the Guardian desecrated the sacred ashes for Kolgrim, Brother Genitivi will announce the discovery of the ashes, causing great excitement among the scientists. Expeditions into the ruins would find nothing, and years later his work would be declared a hoax. He will commit suicide. In winter, the dragon begins to rampage in the surrounding area. There will be rumors that sectarians worship him as the new Andraste. Attempts to find his lair or ashes will not be successful, because the cultists will quickly gain new fans.
  • If the Guardian desecrates the sacred ashes for Kolgrim, then kills him, but leaves the dragon alive, rumors will circulate about the sacred ashes being involved in the healing of Earl Eamon. People will send expeditions to search for the Urn. After countless attempts to kill the high dragon that was found in place of the Urn, it will be decided that it is too dangerous to continue the expedition. The dragon will suddenly fly to the west in search of a new refuge, but not before going on a rampage, leaving only ruins of the temple. Subsequent expeditions and excavations in the ruins will yield nothing. Some people believe that the Urn is still under the ruins, others say that it was destroyed, and others doubt its existence at all, which is why the Urn soon becomes a legend again.
  • If the Guardian did not allow Genitivi's brother to enter the ruins where the cult lives, the Urn will disappear even if you kill the high dragon.

Circle of Mages

  • If the Guardian saved the mages during the Broken Circle quest, then the epilogue will say that in the following months after the incident, the Circle tower was finally cleared of the last spirits that penetrated the Veil. No new Possessed appeared, and First Sorcerer Irving was pleased to announce that the Circle had been saved. Everything that could be saved was saved.
  • A Guardian Mage can ask the ruler for independence for the Circle of Ferelden as a reward. Although King Alistair or Queen Anora agreed to this request, the Church ignored it. Alternatively, if the Guardian Mage makes the ultimate sacrifice, the new ruler will announce that the tower will be rebuilt elsewhere by order of Alistair/Anora, and the templars' oversight will be relaxed. If this happens, a huge statue of the Guardian will be erected in front of the entrance to the new tower.
  • Cullen may go mad after Uldred's attempt to take over the Circle and kill several mages before escaping the tower. He becomes a wandering madman, hunting every magician he sees. Alternatively, he can replace Gregor as Knight Commander, controlling the Circle through intimidation (this option is granted if the Guardian decides to side with the Templars during the main quest).

Spawn of Darkness

  • The creatures of darkness retreat to the Deep Roads, where they recapture the Dwarven kingdoms, but do not return to the surface for some time.
  • Depending on your choices, Sheila may or may not return to the Deep Roads to help the Dwarves fight against the darkspawn.
  • Even though the horde of darkspawn scattered after the defeat of the Archdemon, the strongest of them gathered their roaming troops and began to attack the nearby lands and other troops. Some even made it to Orlais before being defeated (albeit with great difficulty). Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. This epilogue begins the plot of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
    • Loghain can be killed at the Landsmeet at the hands of Alistair or the Guardian.
    • Loghain can sacrifice himself by killing the Archdemon.
    • If Loghain is drafted into the Wardens but survives the final battle, he becomes the order's chief recruiter in Ferelden until the arrival of the Orlesian Gray Wardens from Montsimmar at the request of Weishaupt Fortress itself.
    • If Anora becomes queen and Loghain is dead, she erects a statue in front of the Orlesian embassy in Denerim. If he dies at a land meeting, only Anora attends. If he dies by killing the Archdemon, the statue becomes a famous landmark and the people remember his heroism more than his mistakes.
    • If Harrowmont becomes king and Anvil was destroyed, he has to get involved in a long struggle with the Belen uprising, which does not allow him to achieve the stability he needs in the city. The Clan Lords rejected many of his laws in the Council, and only his attempts to increase the Dwarves' isolation from the surface met with success. During this time, Harrowmont's health begins to deteriorate. Some claim he was poisoned, others said it was due to a weak spirit. In any case, after a long illness, the king finally dies. Almost immediately, disputes begin in the Council about the king's successor.
    • If Harrowmont becomes the new king and Anvil preserved, he quickly suppresses the uprising of Belen's supporters and issues several laws that are well received by the lords. Unfortunately, this increasingly isolates the gnomes from the surface. Caste restrictions and the rights of the nobility increase, and trade with human lands ceases. After the law prohibiting those deprived of caste from entering the city, it seems that the uprising is completely suppressed. Although disturbances still occur, the Council still holds on to King Harrowmont.
    • If the Guardian destroys Anvil of the Void, a group of dwarves will try to restore it. The first golem they created would be brought to life with the help of a spirit from the Shadow. He will go on a rampage, kill many, and soon the research will stop. However, interest in Caridin's discovery does not fade. This is the beginning of the expansion's story Golems of Amgarrak.
    • Also if Harrowmont will become king and Anvil will be maintained, the initial success will soon decline. Harrowmont will cut off trade with the surface, leading to isolation. Also, Harrowmont refuses Branke in new volunteers for the Anvil. She begins raiding the surface to get the necessary ingredients. The people on the surface decide to take revenge, which leads to a short war with Ferelden. The Gates of Orzammar will be besieged and sealed, isolating Orzammar more than ever. This will happen even if the Dwarven Guardian asks Queen Anora or King Alistair for help in the battles against the darkspawn in the Deep Roads.
    • Support Henbane regardless of the Anvil's status, it will bring him fame as a reformer. Trade with the surface is improved, and caste restrictions are reduced. Those deprived of caste will be allowed to take up arms and fight the creatures of darkness in exchange for new freedoms. After some time, some tags will be returned. Bhelen's reforms would quickly find enemies in the noble and warrior castes, but after several attempts on the king's life, the Council would be dissolved. The king begins to rule alone - some will talk about him as a tyrant, others will talk about the foresight of the new king, which will lead Orzammar into a new era.
    • Support Henbane and conservation Anvils will lead to Branca mastering the Caridin technique, learning how to use the Anvil of the Void to create new golems - the first in centuries. The Dwarven people will welcome this news with support, although few will know the cost. At first, King Belen is happy to work with Branka, bringing her new people - voluntarily or not - so with the help of golems, the creatures of darkness are pushed further into the Deep Paths. However, this did not last long. Branca soon refuses to create golems just for the king, who later bans the use of the Anvil. His men attack Branka's fortress in the Deep Roads, forcing her to lock herself inside. Years later, Belen is forced to retreat. The fortress, guarded by Branka's golems, remains impregnable.
    • If the Dwarven Guardian asks for military assistance from Ferelden, and Belem becomes king, the latter will welcome help with open arms. Within a few months, the darkspawn would be driven further into the Deep Roads, and the first Dwarf warriors to return with the relic they had recaptured at the gates of Bonnamara would be cheered by the jubilant crowds.
    • If the Guardian helped his brother Berkelu, the new church in Orzammar will attract a surprisingly large number of novices among the dwarves. They would quickly draw the ire of their more conservative compatriots, and the Council would soon restrict the rights of the Andrastians. Brother Burkel would resist and die while attempting to be arrested during a peaceful demonstration in the Commons. The Council will claim that it was just an accident, but news from Orzammar will reach the Church on the surface, where the High Priestess will decide that it is time to organize a new Holy Crusade.
    • If the Guardian helps Dagne join the Circle of Mages, she would later become the author of a complex theory about how lyrium vapors affect susceptibility to magic. This will attract attention and inspire mages from other parts of Thedas to found a new Circle in Orzammar in order to gain access to the Dwarven lyrium and escape from the control of the Church. Orzammar's desire to harbor renegades will become so outrageous that the High Priestess will consider the possibility of a new holy crusade. The guardian mage who asked for freedom for the tower mages and helped Dagna will not be the last straw. It's worth noting that this can only happen if you didn't help Brother Berkel.
    • If the Guardian sides with the templars in the quest Broken Circle and tells Dagna about the destruction of the Circle, she will immediately begin to help restore the tower.
    • If the Guardian Dwarf Noble sacrifices himself, Alistair or Anora (depending on who becomes ruler) will tell Gorim that the Guardian's body must be returned to Orzammar to be returned to the Stone next to King Endrin Aeducan with all rights restored. Alistair/Anora will also send soldiers to help the dwarves in their battles against the creatures of darkness.
  • Werewolves can be cured by the Guardian and return to human civilization. They all adopted the surname "Wolf" to remember their past. Soon their fame spread in Thedas as the best animal tamers and trainers. Every year they light candles in memory of their beloved Mistress of the Forest.
  • Werewolves could also be healed by the Guardian and then killed by him when they became human.

Dalish elves

  • The Dalish could be killed by werewolves and the Guardian.
  • If the Guardian has recruited the Dalish, they will become respected due to their participation in the fight against the Blight. Their relationships with people improve significantly, but suddenly tension increases. If Lanaya replaced Zathrian as Guardian, she would help bring peace between humans and the Dalish.
  • The Dalish will officially receive their own lands near Ostagar if their army served Ferelden against the Blight.
  • If the Guardian is a Dalish, he can ask for land for his people (the Dalish will only be given interior lands at the request of the Guardian; a bug causes this slide to appear in the epilogue if Lanaya becomes the new Guardian).
  • If Zathrian remains the guardian of the clan, he will continue to lead the Dalish long enough for disputes with humans to begin. When he suddenly disappears, his clan will search for him, but will find nothing except confirmation that he left of his own free will.

How do you still marry Alistair and the princess in Dragon Age: Origins? The answer cannot be simple - I will describe my version of the passage.

  1. It is not necessary, but it is probably desirable that the relationship with Alistair be close to 100%.
  2. We take on the quest to save the princess.
  3. During the rush, we immediately surrender... and leave the fortress alone.
  4. Points 1-3 most likely have nothing to do with the quest itself, but they happened in my playthrough.
  5. We talk with the princess and agree to support her in the elections if she gets married.
  6. In the elections we put pressure on the regent - I did this with the conviction that Pestilence is more important than the Orlesians, it is bad to sell slaves and it is necessary to support the offspring, and not be at enmity.
  7. Then we inform him that we are talking about his problems, not ours (although here, judging by the further conversation, nothing changes).
  8. After the vote, we invite the regent to admit defeat.
  9. We offer a duel - we go to the duel ourselves.
  10. After the duel, we immediately offer death.
  11. We ask the Gray Guardian why he actually wants to turn the regent into an ally
  12. We support Alistair and kill the regent ourselves.
  13. In the chaos, we announce that we want to talk with both applicants.
  14. We talk with the princess about everything we can, then with Alistair.
  15. We announce our choice - we will marry them to each other.
  16. Curtain and option - “by the way, we can congratulate you on your engagement!” results in a -1 ratio.

They say that if you kill Loghain with a main character other than Alistair, Anora can marry him. If there was an agreement about this in advance. I'll have to test this method in a new game.

They won't get married if Alistair kills Loghain, so he has to do it himself. It is necessary to conclude an engagement before the assembly of lands if there is no persuasion skill. And further.
Why did this Anora give up? Alistair can be “toughened up” during a personal quest with his sister, if you don’t wipe his snot, but say that “every man for himself.” And, most importantly, do not go back on your words later in the camp. Then Alistair will come to his senses and willingly become king. And, by the way, excellent. He will learn from Eamon and cope with his responsibilities one hundred percent. If he doesn’t have an affair with the GG, he won’t mind reigning at all, he won’t even let you say a word - he’ll go straight for the crown! If there is a romance, it will break a little, but Anora will not want to give up the throne. The toughened Alistair will not break off relations with the GG after the meeting of the lands. But those who want to become queens must clamp it themselves during the Assembly, because... He is in no hurry to put his phrase that no one will stop him from marrying for love into practice. Perhaps the developers simply did not foresee such cunningness of the main character.

Cauthrien x1 Warrior Rank 4 The battle is possible if Cauthren was not killed in the estate of Earl Denerim.
x6 Warrior Rank 2
Loghain x1 Knight Rank 3, 4 In a general battle - rank 4, in a duel - rank 3.
Loghain's Guard x33 Warrior Rank 1
Royal Guard x5 Warrior Rank 1
Mage x2 Spiritual healer Rank 3
Bann Alfstanna x1 Warrior Rank 3
Archer of the Waking Sea
(Waking Sea Archer)
x6 Warrior Rank 1

The quest appears immediately after arriving in Denerim with Earl Eamon. We need to prepare for the Land Assembly. In other words, you need to complete quests Save the Queen And Riots in Elfinage.

Additional preparation can be considered completing quests Trial of the Ravens, The Lost Templar, Nobleman under torture and the release of Vaughan in the estate of the Earl of Denerim (if Vaughan was not killed in the prologue as a city elf).

Then you need to go to the Hall of the Assembly of Lands (Mark Royal Palace on the city map) and try to convince the Assembly. In case of victory, a one-on-one fight with Loghain is possible; in case of defeat, there will also be a preliminary general battle (and Loghain will be much stronger). If you make Loghain a Gray Warden after the battle, he will replace Alistair in the squad.

1500 XP for winning the Land Assembly;
2500 XP for completing the quest.

To win the Land Assembly you need to have a majority of 4 votes.

2. The Reverend Mother's voice counts as two. She will support if you bring up the topic of the maleficar poisoner sent to Eamon. But this must be confirmed by Bann Alfstanna ("...heard from my brother..."), that is, the quest must be completed The Lost Templar. Otherwise, the reverend mother does not participate in the voting (0 votes).

Example. Anora is promised nothing, Vaughan is killed in the prologue as a city elf. To win you need to complete all three quests - The Lost Templar, Nobleman under torture, Trial of the Ravens. Then, at the Meeting, select remarks:

The real threat is not Orlais, but Pestilence!...

You allowed Rendon Howe to imprison and torture innocent people...

How's that? Why did you then send a blood mage to poison Earl Eamon?...

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