Quick installation of the game clash of clans on your computer. Clash Of Clans on computer (Even a child can handle it) Where to download flash on computer

Today we will talk about how to download and install the Russian version of the game Clash of Clans on your computer or laptop for free. Yes, initially the application is created only for Android gadgets (you won’t be able to install it without an emulator), but thanks to our instructions, you can easily play Clash of Clans on a PC. So let's get down to business.

How to install Clash of Clans on your computer

In order to download and install games on a PC, we will use a special emulator program, namely BlueStacks 3. Working with it is very simple and as soon as the application is on your computer, it will acquire its own Play Store, from which we can install any game or program with Android.

Video instruction

  1. Download the emulator. It also describes in detail how to install the program and configure it for the first time. When this is done, launch the software, go to the My Applications tab and enter the name of the game in the search field. Then click the search icon.

Attention: as you already understand, we duplicate all points of our step-by-step instructions with screenshots that display all the actions.

  1. The program will redirect us to Google Play Market. Here you just need to click the usual button labeled Install.
  1. Next, wait for Clash of Clans to download to your computer. Depending on the quality of your network connection, this will take a long or short time.
  1. Once the toy is installed on your PC, you can launch it directly from the store. There is a button for this, which we marked with a red arrow.
  1. The program shortcut will also appear on the home screen of the BlueStacks emulator. To see it, go to the My Applications tab.

A Clash of Clans launch icon with public and private servers will also appear on the Windows desktop.

Yes, that’s right - with this Android emulator you can install any games or programs from your phone to a computer or laptop running Windows. By the way, if you are looking for other interesting toys, take a look.

Clash of Clans review

Clash of Clans is a tactical strategy game. Now you can play it on your computer. This is much more convenient than fighting opponents on a phone or even a tablet.

Some will say - but you can connect a joystick to your smartphone and play like that. But no, the screen is smaller and the battery runs out. It is much more convenient to fight in Clash of Clans from a PC or laptop.

No matter what you play, touch controls won't be as convenient as a traditional keyboard and mouse.

Clash of Clans is a game in which you have to create your own clan. Moreover, all his soldiers will need to be clothed, fed and armed. Only then will you be able to do the most important thing - win.

In the workshop of defensive structures there is a huge number of different machines, with the help of which you can not only push the enemy away from your borders, but also capture part of their territory. But all the guns will not become available immediately; they will have to be discovered during the game.

The battle itself is built in real time. You land troops with simple mouse clicks, and the soldiers, in turn, destroy everything that comes their way. How effectively they will be able to do this depends on the weapons you give your soldiers.

All buildings in the game Clash of Clans for the computer are divided into municipal, military and industrial. The first will take care of order in your society, the second will provide everyone with provisions and consumer goods, and the third will do everything necessary for defense and attack.

In addition, Clash of Clans for Windows has a battle map that helps you understand where to head. Since most fights take place with real opponents, playing, especially on a computer, becomes even more interesting.

At first, the game may seem too simple, but this is far from the case. Try to get involved in the battles that are raging in the open spaces here and you won’t be able to tear yourself away!

Advantages and disadvantages

Since users form an opinion about any product precisely when they find positive and negative features, we will also look at the strengths and weaknesses of Clash of Clans for PC.


  • online game mode;
  • beautiful graphics with many maps and game units;
  • entirely in Russian;
  • exciting real-time battle mode;
  • a long storyline that never ends.


  • slightly primitive graphics (as for 2018 – 2019);
  • high system requirements (does not apply to Clash of Clans installed on a computer).

As you can see, the toy has practically no shortcomings. So you can easily install it on your Windows PC.

You're lucky, after the BlueStacks Android emulator was installed on your computer, you got access to the full Google Play Market for Microsoft Windows!


In this article, we told you how to download and install the Clash of Clans game on your computer or laptop. If you still have questions after reading, we recommend that you also watch the video instructions above. If it doesn’t help, ask questions in the comments or in our Telegram group

Clash of Clans is a game that appeared quite recently, but it has managed to be loved by millions of players who play it. A strategy game from the SuperCell company for smartphones on Android iOS, iPhone, iPad. The growth of its popularity was facilitated by the fact that since its release it was free and the game itself is addictive to strategy lovers. After completing registration in the game, the game menu opens, and an advisor immediately appears and explains what needs to be done. And you should start by developing your own settlement and turning it into a large city, as well as creating your own clan, or you can join it. The main activity in the game, as already mentioned, is the development of the settlement. You will have to extract resources, improve buildings and hired units, enter into alliances, carry out raids, in short, a game for a real strategist! The game has several races, many types of buildings, and the number of units to create is also impressive. Units will be needed throughout the entire time; they must be trained simultaneously with the start of development.

We recommend downloading Clash of Clans to your computer for those who love strategy games. We would like to warn you right away that this offer attracts absolutely everyone who decides to play it. Its advantage is worth noting that there is a minimum of advertising, and the game itself is absolutely free. You don't have to pay anything for installation or for the game itself.

In this simultaneous strategy, you will have to heavily calculate any of your actions. You will defend your settlement so that it is not captured by other users. Also, you will need to attack them, increase the boundaries of your possessions. At the same time, you will be able to participate in tournaments and go through various single-player campaigns. In order to get at least into the top ten, it is necessary to carry out active combat operations with other participants.

Of course, there are players who do not like to attack their opponents. But the army will still have to be developed. After all, no one is safe from the fact that they will try to take your village away. The single-player campaign will bring you many expensive trophies and resources, without which completing the game will become impossible. There you will have to fight goblins and destroy their settlements. The rest of the plot is left to your discretion. You can act freely as you wish.

If we consider the clan system, you can join an existing union or create your own. Naturally, if your acquaintances or friends play the application, we recommend that you join their alliance. But, it all depends on your desire.

The only thing you may not like is the process of upgrading a warrior into other units. It is really very long and tedious. Moreover, it is also complicated by the fact that your settlement needs elements of its own base. To do this, you need to use many resources and upgrade various buildings, as well as new ones. Also, if enemies attack you and destroy any buildings, even if they are completely improved, you will have to spend a lot of money and resources to restore them. Basically, you can't go wrong by installing Clash of Clans on PC.

Video review

Gameplay and features of the game on PC

Those who decide to download Clash of Clans on a laptop are presented with a luxurious gaming base, which is not complicated even by various campaigns and attacks in the village. Remember that if your hero joins a clan, he will have a certain reputation. For example, up to level 10, various privileges are added. From 11 to 50, reputation just drips.

The currency in the game is gold, two types of elixir and crystals. The latter are a premium currency that is quite difficult to obtain. They are intended to acquire builders, fill your storage with gold and elixirs, and purchase various things for several days, depending on how many crystals you are willing to give for it. A regular elixir will allow you to improve military buildings, warriors and spells. It will also help create various mines. You can get it after you attack an enemy base or win a clan war. Black Elixir is quite rare. It is available to players from level 7. And then only if you build a storage facility. With its help you can improve heroes and special units. Gold will help improve buildings.

When purchasing warriors, pay attention to their characteristics. After all, each of the units has its own purpose in battle. For example, if you select giants, they will not attack anything other than defense. Archers, in turn, break through buildings even through the most fortified walls. This significantly reduces the time you need to fight. Healers will be able to heal your troops, so we recommend that you stock up on them in full. In general, every warrior in this game is thought out very carefully. At the same time, you can change it in the laboratory, making it even stronger and adding points of strength and health to it.

Then you can very quickly figure it out on your own or ask your clan members. If you already know where you want to join, look in the top for the reputation and additional privileges that membership in this union will give you. Otherwise, you can try your luck through the online chat, which is visible to all players without exception.

Game controls

Understanding the controls in the game, you will not encounter any particular difficulties. If you play on a tablet or any other gadget with a touch screen, you will be able to build a village and move units without using keys. This also applies to a computer whose screen has a sensor. Otherwise, you can use the mouse with the keys you choose. The emulator will give you several combinations, from which you can determine the most optimal one for yourself.

How to install Clash of Clans on your computer

In order to install Clash of Clans on your computer, you do not have to perform any complex manipulations. There are several ways to enjoy your favorite game on PC. The first, and more difficult one, is installation. It must be downloaded and activated via Google mail. When the job is done, find the game by name in the search and download it.

The second method is faster and more effective. You don't have to search for any files or programs. All you need to do is download the archive from our website. It will contain everything you need to start the gameplay. We are talking about an emulator, a file with an application in .apk format and detailed instructions for installing everything described above.

Let's sum it up

Downloading Clash of Clans to your computer is a must for those who love and appreciate this application. You will spend many an interesting evening installing it. For those who have not yet figured out the controls, it is worth noting that everything is done extremely simply and quickly. All you need to do is install the game and start your strategy. Then everything is done as usual. Be sure that you will like it.

Clash of Clans is one of the best strategies in the mobile world.

Every day this game is downloaded by more than 40,000 thousand people, just imagine that in 2013 this game brought its developers more than a billion dollars in income. And it’s not surprising that people want to play not only from their tablets or smartphones, but also from computers. Supercell says that this game will never move from the mobile world to the computer world, so people began to look for how to bypass all this and still play their favorite game on their PC.

Not long ago, this game turned 3 years old (08/03/2015 writing the article), the developers gave us a week of speeding up the mines, and we decided to write this review and collected the 3 best ways to download, install and play Clash of Clans on a computer.

Clash of Clans on computer - method 1

This method is written on almost all sites; it is actually the simplest and does not require special knowledge. But you must have a computer that is not entirely antediluvian.

Bluestacks is not just a program, it is an entire company that tries to do everything to make it as comfortable and easy for us to play our mobile games on our PC as possible.

Essentially, this is an Android emulator of which there are 1000s on the network. However, it is specially designed for games; after installing it, we can very easily enable COC on the computer in just a few minutes.

Installation takes place in just a few steps:

1. Go to the website http://www.bluestacks.com/
2. Click on “download from pc” (download will start in a few seconds)

3. Next, install the program (everything is simple, but the installation itself will take a little time)
4. That's it! Imagine that this screen that opens for you is your tablet, log in using your gmail account and download Clash of Clans from Google Play.

By the way, there used to be a COC there right from the start of the program, so look, maybe you still have it.

You can zoom in and out by holding the Ctrl key and turning the wheel on the mouse.

Clash of Clans on computer - method 2

This method is not much different from the first, only now we will recommend the Bluestacks place to Andy.

Andy is considered the best alternative to Bluestacks, so if your computer freezes a lot after the first method, uninstall Bluestacks and download Andy.

The installation is almost the same, and by the way, the developers made a video on how to install Clash of Clans on PC using Andy.

You can download the application on the official website http://www.andyroid.net/

Once clicked, the application will begin loading in a few seconds. By the way, if you don’t want to give them your email, just close the pop-up window, the download will still start.

Clash of Clans on computer - method 3

This method has not been tested by the site administration; it was sent to us by our subscriber.

1. The first thing we need is to download VirtualBox, I advise you to download it at the office. The program website virtualbox.org, everything is there in a couple of clicks, you’ll figure it out.

2. Download the MAC OS image. It’s here http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4075680 I personally haven’t checked this, but you can search Google and it will give you the answers.

3. We need XCode 4.2 iOS 5 SDK for Snow Leopard, download from the office. Website (we found the website but we did not check https://imzdl.com/)

  1. Installing VirtualBox
  2. Installing Mac OS
  3. Installing XCode on Mac os
  4. We launch the game in the simulator.

OK it's all over Now. The first two methods were personally checked by the administration, but the third method is at your own peril and risk. In any case, we hope you will be able to play Clash of Clans on your computer.

Here is a military strategy set in the atmosphere of the magical Middle Ages with the appropriate level of available weapons, tactics and strategy. According to the plot, the hero will have to create the greatest clan, defeat competitors and, through strategy and politics, seize as many resources as possible, turning his clan into a real empire. For speedy development, it is interesting that the newcomer has a kind of “newbie shield”: for the first three days in the game, your hero will have an advantage in defense and strength, which will allow you to fight an enemy who is initially stronger and more experienced. And this is worth considering if you have launched Clash of Clans on your computer. Your clan will be the greatest!

An interesting feature of the game is the fact that the development of your army is limited only by your imagination and the search for the necessary resources.

Plot and gameplay

The application has ready-made missions, the completion of which will bring you additional bonuses and glory, but in most cases you are completely free in the direction of your development. Moreover, each of your warriors has a number of features that can be enhanced in any way you like.

There is no general pattern for upgrading weapons or armor that you must complete. Each unit can become a unique fighter.

By developing individual qualities and characteristics, you can get warriors that are actually created for specific tasks. This will allow it to perform more complex missions at lower military costs.

At the very beginning, it is recommended to strengthen your settlement, understand all the available functions and develop your hero as much as possible by fighting systemic opponents, since if you lose with a real player, you can lose more resources.

An important advantage will be an extensive system of assistance to beginners. In addition to the three-day shield when you first start the game, you will receive a number of advantages when joining clans and throughout the first ten levels. This system of indirect assistance to beginners is very beneficial, and with competent leadership of troops and the use of resources, it will allow you to very quickly become a worthy opponent to a more experienced player. Download Clash of Clans to your computer and start playing.

The application has several types of units that have specific abilities. They will be able to defeat even a small number of opponents who are superior in number if you use their capabilities correctly.

Three types of game currencies have different degrees of prevalence, importance and are used for development in different directions. That is why the most important thing in the game is your strategic talent and proper distribution of resources.

When you first enter the game, the character will be provided with some “starting capital”, which will be enough to begin the development and construction of the necessary infrastructure. However, you should manage your resources very wisely and try to save them for the future, since more capable units and buildings will open at subsequent levels and cost more.

The game itself is initially installed and launched in English, but the Russian version of the interface is available in the settings.

System requirements for installation

To comfortably play Clash of Clans on a PC, it is enough that your PC meets the minimum system requirements: 2 GB of RAM, a processor with visualization technology, updated graphics drivers, and at least 900 MB of hard drive space. You will need an Android device emulator, Windows OS version 7 or higher.

system requirements
system requirements
OS: Windows XP, 7, Vista
Windows 10, 8 (64 bit)
Processor frequency: with virtualization support,
AMD Phenom II X4 80, AMD Athlon, Intel i3 Dual-Core, from 1.8 GHz
with virtualization support,
Intel i3 Dual-Core, from 2 GHz
RAM: from 2 GBfrom 4 GB
Hard disk space: from 1 GBfrom 2 GB
Video card: Direct X 9 Vulkan API support, memory from 1 GBDirect X 12 support, Vulkan API, memory from 1 GB
Net: broadband internet access

How to install Clash of Clans on a computer and laptop

Installing the game on a PC does not require special knowledge. The main thing you need is a pre-installed Android space emulator. Perfect for quick and comfortable installation of the application on Windows OS. Authorization in the emulator occurs using Google account data.

After authorization, you need to enter the name of the application in the search bar, and the emulation program will offer you suitable options. Having opened the page with the desired application, you must click on the “Install” button, and then “Accept”.

Setting additional parameters during the installation process is not required. In a couple of minutes, Clash of Clans will be on your computer.

Control setup

Controls in Clash of Clans are intuitive. All necessary functions can be controlled using a computer mouse and a regular keyboard. If you are used to controlling using other keys, you can configure all the necessary functions in a special tab of the Android device emulator.

The controls and features of the passage can be mastered while completing the first tasks, which will help you accumulate the necessary resources and understand possible strategies and tactics. The game guide will not only tell you where to click to use this or that function, but will also recommend using existing resources to develop a skill.

Multi-colored bars in the interface show the level of basic resources. The yellow bar displays the available level of gold, the purple bar shows elixirs, and the green bar shows crystals. Different types of resources are used when executing different resources. They differ in value and degree of prevalence. As in other similar games, the rarer a resource is, the more valuable it is for successful completion.

All the main functions are located at the top of the screen. Be sure to study them in detail at the beginning of the game. Among the icons presented, there is also a special icon for entering battle, where you can select an opponent from those available at the moment.

There is also a chat window available where you can discuss military campaigns or just chat with friends.

  • Clash of Clans league of shadows. This is perhaps the closest analogue to the game described in the article. The peculiarity of the application is that the development of each unit has become even more individual, and the settings have become wider. Thanks to this, from an ordinary mechanism you can create a full-fledged siege weapon or a powerful defensive structure to repel any attack. In addition to the units from the previous version, new characters have appeared, including real wizards and heroes with the ability to fly. Joining an alliance now provides a number of important benefits, including access to resources and protection for the entire clan.
  • Total Conquest. Military strategy. The events take place during the Roman Empire, which the main character will lead. At the same time, all aspects of development are important: how
  • military power, and the development of the infrastructure of the city, which should become the center of a new developing empire.
  • Castle Clash. At first glance, it is the same military strategy as many others, with the development of urban settlements, the development of territories, and the extraction of resources. However, there are a number of features that will appeal to those who prefer to defend themselves rather than attack. The game has a very wide range of different defense mechanisms and structures that can be developed almost endlessly. A large number of game characters with wide possibilities for individual development will allow you to demonstrate all your strategic talents and tactical thinking.
  • Jungle Heat. This strategy differs from most classic ones in that the events take the hero to the modern jungle, and the whole atmosphere is very reminiscent of classic action films with the participation of stars of this genre. While playing through this game, the gamer will periodically have the feeling that Rambo or someone no less recognizable to action movie fans is about to come out from behind the bushes.

Why should you install it?

You just have to download the game Clash of Clans to your computer to get spacious territories for the unlimited development of your city and in the future the greatest clan of the era!

Bright graphics, elaborate details, ideal musical accompaniment - all this will give you a lot of impressions and opportunities to demonstrate all your military and leadership qualities!

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