Interesting tasks in social studies. Team game in social science “Tournament of experts in law. The main difference from other types of activity

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 26"

Lesson - game on the topic:

"Social sphere"

Grade 11

History and social studies teacher

Artemyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna

Lesson of generalizing repetition on the topic "Social sphere".

Grade 11

Three teams of arbitrary size take part in the game, which, using the scheme below, choose the topic of the question and its cost.

The right to answer belongs to the first team to raise a sign with its name. In case of a correct answer, the team receives the number of points corresponding to the cost of the question, and the team gets the right to choose the next question. If the team gave an incorrect answer, then the number of points corresponding to the cost of the question is deducted from its account, and the right to answer this question passes to other teams.

The game has the following sub-rounds:

- "Cat in a bag". Questions from this sub-round must be passed to any other team.

- "My own game". The cost of the question of this sub-round can be increased within the total amount of points that the team currently has. Opponents can buy the right to answer this question by wagering more points. The right to answer this question belongs only to the winning team. If one of the teams goes all-in, that is, puts the entire amount of points on the account, other participants can outbid the issue only with their all-in if the amount of points they have in their account is greater. In the case of an all-in game, with an incorrect answer, zero points remain on the team's account, with a correct answer, the amount of points on the team's account doubles.




Social norms, social control

all sorts of things


5 What is social mobility? (People move from one social group to another)

10 "Pig in a Poke" Name the concept: the development by the individual of social norms and cultural values ​​of society. (Socialization)

15 Horizontal mobility is ... (Movement from group to group without changing social status)

20 After graduating from a technical college, the young man got a job as a consultant in a computer manufacturing company. Some time later, he enrolled in advanced training courses. Changes also occurred in his personal life: he married the daughter of a co-owner of the company. Completion of studies at the courses coincided with his appointment as the chief manager of the enterprise. What kind of social process can this plot serve as an illustration of? (Upward vertical mobility)

25 Give examples of social elevators. (Education, military service, marriage, property acquisition)

30 How is a closed society different from an open society? (In a closed society, young people inherited belonging to a certain social stratum, the corresponding rights and privileges, the occupations of their parents; it was forbidden to move from one social group to another)


5 Is the family a social institution or a social group? (Both a social institution and a small social group)

10 Continue the series: reproductive, educational, recreational (leisure) ... (... economic, economic, primary social control, social status, emotional - family functions)

15 "Own game" What family is called a nuclear family? (husband and wife or parents and children)

20 What is polygyny? (A family in which a man is married to several women)

25 Describe the family. “Mom left us when I was 8 years old, and my little sister was only a year old. We stayed with dad, grandma and grandpa. We live together. My brother and sister go to kindergarten, and I go to school. The main thing in our family is the father, everyone obeys him, even the grandfather ”(Incomplete, multigenerational, large, patriarchal)

30 "My own game" Explain the concepts: brother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, matchmaker. (The brother-in-law is the husband’s brother. The brother-in-law is the wife’s brother. The sister-in-law is the husband’s sister. The sister-in-law is the wife’s sister. The matchmaker is the wife’s mother for the husband’s mother)


5 What is social status? (The place occupied by the individual in the social structure of society)

10 "Pig in a Poke" What status of a person are we talking about: a boy, a prince, a Frenchman. (Prescribed status - status obtained on the basis of belonging to a social group and determined by social position inherited from parents)

15 What is the name of the status acquired by an individual due to his own efforts and requiring from him certain individual abilities, knowledge, work. (Achieved status: mother, wife doctor, deputy, president)

20 Translate into Russian "marginal". (Located on the edge)

25 Continue the series: income, education, age, place of residence ... (Criteria of social stratification: power, prestige, gender, nationality, religion, occupation)

30 The essence of social equality in modern society. (Equality before the law, equality of rights and opportunities)

Social norms, social control.

5 Name the concept: means of encouragement or punishment that encourage people to comply with social norms. (Sanctions)

10 List the types of social norms. (Customs and traditions, legal norms, moral norms, aesthetic norms, political norms, religious norms, rules of etiquette)

15 What type of sanctions include: awarding an order, presenting a diploma, punishment by a court verdict, community service. (Formal sanctions)

20 Define the concept of social control. (A set of means aimed at preventing deviant behavior)

25 "Pig in a Poke" What can a person lead to a complex of symptoms that F. Pataky distinguishes in his classification:

    affective type of behavior;

    family conflicts;

    aggressive type of behavior;

    early antisocial behaviors;

    negative attitude towards learning;

    low level of intelligence.

(to deviant behavior)

30 Peter the Great, once sitting in the Senate and having heard many cases about recently committed thefts and bribery, was inflamed with anger and ordered Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky to immediately draw up a decree that if a rope could be bought with the stolen money, then the thief should immediately be hanged without the slightest investigation. Yaguzhinsky took up his pen and then put it aside. “Write what I ordered you,” the king repeated. Then Yaguzhinsky said to Peter. What did Yaguzhinsky say to the emperor? (Most merciful sovereign! Do you really want to remain an emperor without subjects? We all steal, with the only difference that one is more noticeable than the other. The king, immersed in his thoughts, laughed and fell silent)

All sorts of things.

5 Find a generalizing concept in the list: clan, tribe, ethnic group, nationality, nation. (Ethnos)

10 Genocide and Holocaust - are the words synonyms or not? (Genocide - actions committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, religious or other historically established cultural and ethnic group as such. The Holocaust is the persecution and mass destruction of Jews living in Germany, on its territory Allies and territories occupied by them during World War II)

15 Name the concept: an obsessive, artificial fear of people of a different nationality, fabrications about their depravity, inferiority. (Xenophobia)

20 What is the essence of the policy of multiculturalism? (Recognizing the rights of incoming migrants to maintain their national identity)

25 "Pig in a Poke" Does depopulation depend on migration? (No. Depopulation is a population decline in which the birth rate is insufficient to compensate for even a very low death rate. Migration is the movement of a population)

30 "My own game" Women trying to make a career sometimes face the phenomenon of "glass ceiling". What does this metaphor mean? (This metaphor reflects the fact that in some organizations there is an invisible ceiling above which women cannot move.)

At the end of the game, the results are summed up. Competitors receive grades based on the team's opinions on each participant's contribution to the game.

Intellectual game for high school students "Basic law of our state"

Author: Posazhennikova Elena Valerievna
Educational institution: Tomsk region, Verkhneketsky district, r.p. Bely Yar, municipal autonomous educational institution "Beloyarsk secondary school No. 2"
r.p. Bely Yar, 2013

Purpose: updating knowledge about the Constitution of the Russian Federation

1. contribute to the meaningful assimilation of constitutional principles that reflect the foundations of the constitutional order of our country;
2. to promote understanding of human rights, the formation of respect for the rights of other people;
3. to form a legal culture, legal awareness of students, their respect for the Basic Law of our life;
4. develop the ability to work with regulatory documents, highlight the main thing, prove, generalize, analyze;
5. to develop a sense of pride in Russia among schoolchildren;
6. contribute to the formation of an active life position of schoolchildren, their civic self-determination;
7. to develop communication skills and the ability to work in a group.
Brief description of the game.
The game is held among students in grades 10-11
The game includes 3 stages:
I - "Preparatory" (correspondence)
II - "Qualifying" (full-time)
III - "Final" (full-time)
Stage I "Preparatory" (correspondence)
Two weeks before the final stage, high school students receive assignments.
Task number 1. Fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation
Read articles 1,2,3,5,6,10,11,15,32,60,81 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and give a description:
the constitutional status of the state of the Russian Federation;
the essence of democracy and the forms of its implementation.
Task number 2. The Federal Assembly is the parliament of the Russian Federation.

constitutional status of a deputy of federal authorities;
competencies and regulations of the Russian parliament;
grounds and regulations for the dissolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Task number 3. President of the Russian Federation.
Read the relevant chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and answer the questions:
conditions for the election of the President of the Russian Federation and his constitutional status;
competence and responsibility of the President of the Russian Federation;
procedure for terminating the powers of the President of the Russian Federation.
Task number 4. Government of the Russian Federation.
Read the relevant chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and answer the questions:
the procedure for the formation and composition of the Government of the Russian Federation;
competence and responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation;
resignation and resignation
Prime Minister: appointment procedure and legal status.*( *Begeneeva T.P. Pourochnye developments in social science. M.: VAKO, 2010, p. 33-35)
Task number 5. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
Read the relevant chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and simulate situations of violation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.
Stage II "Qualifying"
All students in grades 10-11 are offered a quiz on the topic "The Constitution of the Russian Federation." The quiz is held face-to-face.
Quiz questions:
1. How many sections are there in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
2. How many articles are in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
3. For how long is the President of the Russian Federation elected?
4. At what age can one become the President of the Russian Federation?
5. How many chambers does the Federal Assembly consist of?
6. What power does the Government of the Russian Federation exercise?
7. At what age can a citizen of the Russian Federation become a judge?
8. At what age can a citizen of the Russian Federation become a deputy of the State Duma?
9. Who is the only source of power and the bearer of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation?
10. Who exercises state power in the Russian Federation?
11. What law has the highest legal force?
12. From what age can a citizen of the Russian Federation independently exercise their rights and obligations?
13. What is the highest value according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
14. How many subjects are in the Russian Federation?
15. Can the boundaries of the subjects of the Russian Federation be changed?
16. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?
17. When was the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?
18. How many deputies are in the State Duma?
19. What state authority makes federal laws?
20. How many chapters are there in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
Based on the results of the quiz, three teams are formed to conduct the face-to-face stage of the intellectual game.
Stage III "Final" (full-time)
Time: 1.5 hours
Equipment: computer, projector, screen, computer presentation, task cards for teams.
There are tables for three teams in the hall. Students of grades 9-11, teachers, parents are invited as spectators. Jury tables are placed in front of the audience and.

Game progress.
On the slide of computer presentation No. 1, the epigraph of the game:
"The law is the highest manifestation of human wisdom, using the experience of people for the benefit of society."
S. Johnson

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.
First host:
You are the Protector and Intercessor,
Protector of civil rights,
Russians eternal companion.
How do you live, having become the Law?
Large, multinational,
You don't go astray.
The constitution is pleasing to the people,
Life is easy with you.
For many years we have measured with you,
Conquered the rapids of the rivers,
And we entrusted you with the rights
You are our amulet in life.
Become a guardian of humanity
Be written only with a pen
And the law of the united Fatherland,
That you can't cut with an axe.
Second host:
Today we have a wonderful holiday. The Constitution of the Russian Federation turns 20 years old. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993.
58 million 187 thousand 755 voters, or 54.8% of registered voters, took part in the voting (referendum) on the draft of the new Constitution. 32 million 937 thousand 630 voters, or 58.4% of the voters who took part in the voting, voted for the adoption of the Constitution.
The Constitution came into force on December 25, 1993, from the moment of its official publication.
The adoption and entry into force of the Constitution of 1993 marked the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in the history of Russian statehood.
First host:
Every citizen should know the constitution of their country! Today we will check how well our high school students know the main law of the country. Let's welcome the teams!
Second host:
Let's start our intellectual competition with a warm-up. I offer you a spelling contest. Insert the correct letters in the words and explain the meaning of the term.
1. Competition "Spelling" (1 point for correctly inserted letters + 1 point for the correct definition)
Slide #2
1.R.f.rendum (popular vote)
2.K.nsensus (consent based on the search for a compromise)
3. Parliament (the highest legislative body in which deputies represent the interests of the citizens who elected them)
4.Pl.r.lism (the principle of the structure and functioning of the political system, which implies diversity and free competition in the struggle for power
political ideas, views, programs, political parties, the existence of legal political opposition)
5.M.zh.ritarnaya system (type of electoral system)
6.Suv.r.nitet (independence, independence)
First host:
The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the foundations of the constitutional system, the political and legal features of the structure of our state. The study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the most important area of ​​legal education and upbringing of schoolchildren.
Are our high school students familiar with the main provisions of this document? Now let's check!
2. Competition "Basic Provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation"
Teams receive cards with tasks.
A) Complete the diagrams with the missing elements
Normative legal acts:
2) decrees
State power in the Russian Federation:
1)..... - Federal Assembly:1)....... 2)........
2) Executive - ......
3) Judicial - ......
b) Fill in the missing words:
1. The Russian Federation - Russia is a ________ __________ ___________ state with a ___________ form of government. (democratic, federal, legal, republican)
2. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of 6 years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of ____________ __________ and ___________ suffrage with ____________ voting. (universal, equal and direct, secret)
3. In the Russian Federation, __________, ___________, ___________ and other forms of ownership are equally recognized and protected. (private, state, municipal)
4. Propaganda or agitation that incites ____________, ___________, ___________ or ______________ hatred and enmity is not allowed. (social, racial, national, religious)
5. Everyone has the right to own property, _____________, ____________ and ____________ both individually and jointly with other persons. (own, use, dispose)
Second host:
While the teams are racking their brains over the next task, I invite you, dear viewers, to play a game with me.
Game with the audience "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..."
- Remember the fairy tale by V. Garshin "The Traveling Frog". What right did the frog exercise by going on a journey? (right to freedom of movement)
- What right of the rat Shushera from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key" was violated by Papa Carlo by throwing a shoe at her? (right to privacy)
- In Charles Perrault's fairy tale Cinderella, the stepmother violated Cinderella's right by not letting her go to the ball. What is this right? (right to rest)
- A. Pushkin wrote the brilliant "Tale of the priest and his worker Balda." What right did Balda use when he hired a priest? (right to work)
- Everyone read the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" in childhood. What right did the wolf violate by breaking into the goat's house? (inviolability of the home)
First host:
It's time to check the assignment. Team decision cards are handed over to the jury. And we would like to hear the right answers.
Slide number 3. Tasks appear on the slide. Commands one after another comment on their execution.
Second host:
On December 12, 1993, for the first time in its history, our country adopted a fundamentally new Fundamental Law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which a person, his rights and freedoms are recognized as the highest value, and the state, as its duty, declared the need to recognize, observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Article 2).
First host:
You probably already guessed that the next competition will be dedicated to the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, which are contained in Chapter 2. Now the teams will receive a set of legal situations and after a while will determine: which situation illustrates the violation of constitutional rights, and which is absolutely consistent with the Constitution.
Second host:
To accomplish these tasks, you will need a Constitution. Don't forget to include the number of the article you relied on when making your decision.
3 Competition "Rights and freedoms of man and citizen"
Teams receive cards with legal situations.
Card for the first team.
1. Citizen N. was detained by law enforcement agencies until his identity was clarified for 3 days. (Art. 22)
2. University students wrote a complaint to the rector against a teacher who allegedly deals in the distribution of drugs. The rector decided to install listening devices on the teacher's mobile phone. (Art. 23)
3. Citizen R. refused to testify against her father. (Art. 51)
4. The head physician of the N-th hospital signed an order on the mandatory vaccination of all doctors of this hospital with a drug that has not passed clinical trials. (art. 2 1)
Card for the second team.
1. The newspaper published information about the family secret of a famous artist without his knowledge. (art. 23)
2. Citizen V., who disagreed with the reprimand issued by the director, went to court. (Art. 46)
3. Citizen R.'s father committed a serious crime, as a result of which Citizen R. was forbidden to travel to America. (Art. 27)
4. Residents of the N-sky district require reliable information about the state of the environment from the District Administration. (art 42)
Card for the third team.
1. Citizen A. put forward his candidacy for the position of the Head of the District Administration. He was denied registration because he was a member of the international society for Krishna consciousness and spread the foundations of this religion. (art. 28)
2. During the trial, the prosecutor called the accused S. a criminal, to which the judge reprimanded the prosecutor. (Art. 49)
3. One of the popular sites was censored, limiting the dissemination of information. (art. 29)
4. The director of the enterprise forbade his subordinates to join the trade union, motivating his decision by the fact that the head of the trade union is campaigning against the policy of the enterprise administration. (art. 30)
First host:
Dear viewers, it's time to work again!
We have prepared a quiz for you:
- What is the name of the introduction to the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (Preamble)
How many articles does the Constitution of the Russian Federation contain? (137)
- Who is the head of the Russian Federation? (The president)
- What is the name of the parliament of our country? (Federal Assembly)
- Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? (President of the Russian Federation)
- What groups of rights contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation do you know? (personal, civil, political, socio-economic, legal, spiritual)
- In what way was the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted? (referendum)
Well done! It's nice to deal with educated people.
Second host:
It's time to check how the teams completed the task. Each team will now read the legal situations they have received for discussion and explain their decision.
First host:
When a citizen of the Russian Federation sees the flag or emblem of our state, listens to its anthem, pride for our Fatherland rises in the soul, and glorious pages of Russian history, feats and achievements of the great sons of our Motherland arise in the mind. Our next competition is called "Symbols". Teams! Attention to the screen! Now you will see pictures. You have to explain what they mean and how they relate to the theme of our game.
4 Competition "Symbols"
Slide number 4.
Dates 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977, 1993
Answer: years of adoption of the Soviet and Russian Constitutions
Slide number 5.
Portraits of V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, L.I. Brezhnev, B.N. Yeltsin.
Answer: the leaders of our state, under which the Constitutions were adopted
Slide number 6.
Special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Standard of the President, Badge of the President of the Russian Federation
Answer: symbols of the President of Russia
Second host:
There are chapters in our Constitution that contain information about the highest state authorities. It is important to know and understand how they work. The "Find a Match" contest is dedicated to this issue.
First host:
All teams have the same set of cards on their tables. On the cards - the names of the highest government positions, authorities, as well as their functions and powers. Connect these cards!
5 Competition "Find a match!"
Teams receive cards "mixed" and must combine, for example, the card "President of the Russian Federation" with his functions and powers, etc.
President of the Russian Federation
- determines the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state
- decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation
- approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation
- appoints and dismisses the high command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
- appoints elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation
- dissolves the State Duma
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
- Appointed by the President of the Russian Federation
- proposes the structure of federal executive bodies
- defines the main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation
- may raise the question of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation before the State Duma
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
- Appointed and dismissed by the Federation Council
- appoints prosecutors of subjects of the Russian Federation
State Duma of the Russian Federation
- appoints and dismisses the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
- announces amnesties
- makes federal laws
- brings charges against the President of the Russian Federation to remove him from office
After completing the task, the jury members go and check the correctness of its implementation.
During the performance of the task on the stage of the hall, girls of grades 5-6 sing the song “At my Russia” (Words by N. Solovyov, Music by G. Struve)
Summing up, awarding
Second host:
In conclusion, I would like to say: today's Constitution is a solid foundation for the democratic development of the Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions, it is a really working document of direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law, which he must know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever for improving its quality.

List of used sources and literature:
1.Constitution of the Russian Federation. Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2011.
2. Begeneeva T.P. Pourochnye developments in social science. M.: VAKO, 2010.
3.Commentary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation / Under the general. ed. Yu.V. Kudryavtsev. -M.: Fund "Legal Culture", 1996.
Methodological recommendations for conducting a lesson dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Activity a way of man's relationship to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the goals of man.

Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative and transformative attitude to the world around.

motive a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity. Motives can be: needs; social attitudes; beliefs; interests; drives and emotions; ideals.

Purpose of activity it is a conscious image of the result to which the action of a person is directed. An activity consists of a chain of actions. Action it is a process aimed at achieving the set goal.

The activity of people unfolds in various spheres of society, its direction, content, means are infinitely diverse.

The types of activities in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development: play, communication, teaching, work.

The game this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation.

Characteristic features of the game: occurs in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes rapidly; in its process, so-called substitute objects are used; is aimed at satisfying the interest of its participants; contributes to the development of personality, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often extended to include exchange and material objects. This broader exchange is communication [material or spiritual (informational)].

There are several classifications of communication.

In modern science, there are several approaches to the issue of the relationship between activity and communication:

- communication is an element of any activity, and activity is a necessary condition for communication, you can put an equal sign between them;

- communication is one of the types of human activity along with play, work, etc .;

- communication and activity are different categories, two sides of a person's social existence: labor activity can proceed without communication, and communication can exist without activity.

Doctrine This is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities.

teaching can be organized(carried out in educational institutions) and disorganized(carried out in other activities as their side, additional result).

Teaching can take on a character self-education.

On the question of what labor is, there are several points of view:

Labor is any conscious human activity. Where there is human interaction with the outside world, we can talk about labor;

Labor is one of the activities, but far from the only one.

Work This is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Characteristic features of labor: expediency; focus on achieving the programmed, expected results; availability of skills, abilities, knowledge; practical usefulness; getting a result; personal development; transformation of the human environment.

In each type of activity, specific goals, tasks are set, a special arsenal of means, operations and methods is used to achieve the set goals. At the same time, none of the types of activity exists outside of interaction with each other, which determines the systemic nature of all spheres of public life.

Main classifications of activities

By objects and results (products) activities - the creation of material wealth or cultural values.

Creation This is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, which has never existed before.(for example, a new goal, a new result or new means, new ways to achieve them).

Creativity is a component of any human activity and an independent activity (for example, the activity of scientists, inventors, writers, etc.).

Modern science recognizes that any person in one way or another has the ability to creative activity. However, abilities can develop or disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to master culture, language, knowledge, to master the ways of creative activity, its most important mechanisms.

The most important mechanisms of creative activity

Combination, variation of existing knowledge.

Imagination- the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind.

Fantasy(gr. phantasia - a mental image, a fruit of the imagination) - is characterized by a special power, brightness and unusualness of the created representations and images.

Intuition(lat. intueri - to look closely) - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

Thus, activity is a way of existence of people and is characterized by the following features:

conscious character - a person consciously puts forward the goals of the activity and foresees its results;

productive character- is aimed at obtaining a result (product);

- transformative character- a person changes the world around him and himself;

public character- a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

Job Sample

B3. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their manifestations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or any symbols).

Answer: 22121.

Activities are certain actions that are performed by a person in order to produce something significant for himself, or for the people around him. This is a meaningful, multi-component and quite serious occupation, which is fundamentally different from recreation and entertainment.


The main discipline that studies human activity within the framework of the course is social science. The first thing you need to know in order to correctly answer a question on this topic is the basic definition of the concept under study. However, there may be several such definitions. Another one says that activity is such a form of human activity, which is aimed not only at adapting the body to the environment, but also at its qualitative transformation.

All living beings interact with the environment. However, animals are only capable of adapting to the world and its conditions; they cannot change it in any way. But man differs from animals in that he has a special form of interaction with the environment, which is called activity.

Main Components

Also, for a good answer to a question in social science about human activity, you need to know about the concepts of object and subject. The subject is the one who performs the action. It doesn't have to be a single person. The subject can also be a group of people, an organization or a country. The object of activity in social science is that on which the activity is specifically directed. It can be another person, and natural resources, and any spheres of public life. The presence of a goal is one of the main conditions under which human activity is possible. Social science, in addition to the goal, also highlights the action component. It is carried out in accordance with the goal.

Action types

The expediency of activity is an indicator of whether a person is moving towards the result that is important to him. The goal is the image of this result, to which the subject of activity strives, and the action is a direct step aimed at realizing the goal facing the person. The German scientist M. Weber identified several types of actions:

  1. Purposeful (in other words - rational). This action is carried out by a person in accordance with the goal. Means to achieve the desired result are chosen consciously, possible side effects of activity are taken into account.
  2. Value-rational. Actions of this kind occur in accordance with the beliefs that a person has.
  3. affective is an action that is caused by emotional experiences.
  4. Traditional- based on habit or tradition.

Other Activity Components

Describing human activity, social science also highlights the concepts of the result, as well as the means to achieve the goal. The result is understood as the final product of the entire process carried out by the subject. Moreover, it can be of two types: positive and negative. Belonging to the first or second category is determined by the correspondence of the result to the goal.

The reasons why a person can get a negative result can be both external and internal. To external include a change in environmental conditions for the worse. Internal factors include such factors as setting an initially unattainable goal, the wrong choice of means, the inferiority of actions, or the lack of the necessary skills or knowledge.


One of the main types of human activity in social science is communication. The purpose of any kind of communication is to get some result. Here, the main goal is often the exchange of necessary information, emotions or ideas. Communication is one of the main qualities of a person, as well as an indispensable condition for socialization. Without communication, a person becomes asocial.

The game

Another type of human activity in social science is a game. It is common to both humans and animals. Situations of adult life are modeled in children's play. The main unit of children's play is the role - one of the main conditions for the development of consciousness and behavior of children. Play is a type of activity in which social experience is recreated and assimilated. It allows you to learn the methods of carrying out social actions, as well as master the objects of human culture. Play therapy has found wide distribution as a form of correctional work.


It is also an important type of human activity. Without labor, socialization does not occur, but it is important not only for the development of the individual. Labor is a necessary condition for the survival and further progress of human civilization. At the level of a single individual, work is an opportunity to ensure one's own existence, to feed oneself and one's loved ones, as well as an opportunity to realize one's natural inclinations and abilities.


This is another important type of human activity. The topic of social science devoted to activity is interesting because it considers its various types, allows you to consider the whole variety of types of human activity. Despite the fact that the process of human learning originates in the womb, over a certain period of time this type of activity becomes purposeful.

For example, in the 50s of the last century, children began to be taught at the age of 7-8 years; in the 90s, mass education was introduced in schools from the age of six. However, even before the start of purposeful learning, the child absorbs a huge amount of information from the outside world. The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy emphasized that at the age of up to 5 years, a small person learns much more than in the rest of his life. Of course, one can argue with this statement, but there is a fair amount of truth in it.

The main difference from other types of activity

Often, schoolchildren receive a social science question as their homework: "Activity is a way of people's existence." In the process of preparing for such a lesson, the most important thing to note is the characteristic difference between human activity and the usual adaptation to the environment, which is characteristic of animals. One of these types of activity, which is aimed directly at transforming the world around us, is creativity. This type of occupation allows a person to create something completely new, qualitatively transforming the surrounding reality.

Activity types

The time when students go through the social science topic "Man and Activity", according to the Federal State Educational Standard - grade 6. At this age, students, as a rule, are already old enough to distinguish between types of activity, as well as to understand their importance for the overall development of a person. In science, the following types are distinguished:

  • Practical- is aimed directly at the transformation of the external environment. This type, in turn, is subdivided into additional subcategories - material and production activities, as well as socially transformative ones.
  • Spiritual- an activity that is aimed at changing the consciousness of a person. This type is also subdivided into additional categories: cognitive (science and art); value-oriented (determining the negative or positive attitude of people to various phenomena of the surrounding world); and predictive (planning for possible changes) activities.

All these types are closely related to each other. For example, before carrying out reforms (relate to it is necessary to analyze their possible consequences for the country (forecasting activity.

The resource consists of a presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, an interactive crossword puzzle (Excel) and applications - handouts. The interactivity of the presentation is provided by a system of hyperlinks and triggers.

The game "In the world of finance" can be held among high school students (3 teams of 6-8 people) as part of the Financial Literacy Week.

Target audience: for grade 9

The extra-curricular event in social science "I am a law-abiding citizen" takes place in the form of a game. The students are divided into teams. The social studies event expands knowledge about the rights and obligations of adolescents. There are 4 rounds in the game; Civil law, criminal, labor, family. On each round, the guys perform various tasks, earning points.

Target audience: for grade 8

The purpose of the event: to form students' understanding of the importance of citizen participation in the electoral process; help future voters overcome the apathy that has recently developed in society, and increase their civic responsibility.

The extracurricular event was held in the form of the game "Brain Ring" among the teams of 8th and 9th grades. The objectives of the game are: the formation of a legal culture; practical use of legal knowledge; correction of communicative qualities of students. Students were asked questions on topics studied in social studies lessons. A presentation was developed for the game. It allowed to diversify tasks, helped to interest students during the game. During the game, tasks were offered on slides for the audience, which made it possible to involve a larger number of students.

The knowledge of students on legal issues, obtained in the lessons of jurisprudence or social science, is consolidated through the solution of practical problems; repetitions of basic definitions and terms. Both serious and comic tasks are presented.

This development touches upon a topical issue - the legal education of children. It will allow students to get acquainted with international documents, articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code that protect the rights of the child. The material will be useful to both social science teachers and class teachers.

An interesting and exciting game for students in grades 7-8. The game includes educational didactic material for repetition and generalization of knowledge in social science in the form of the intellectual game "Star hour". This development can be used to conduct an extracurricular activity within the framework of, for example, a subject week at school.
The purpose of this game: in a playful way to check the level of knowledge and terminology of the children on the topics: "Society. Historical stages of development of society", "Law in the service of the state", "Adolescent and his rights", "Legal responsibility", "State symbols" and increase interest in the subject.
6 people participate in the game, all the rest are spectators. The game consists of 5 rounds, each of which can contain from 7 to 9 questions. The winner is the one with the most points and stars.
The game is equipped with a colorful presentation that acts as a video board.

The methodological development of the extracurricular event "Philosophy and Ethical Problems of Medicine" and the presentation for it were compiled by the teacher of social disciplines of the "Arkadak branch of the Balashov Medical School" Folomkina Natalia Borisovna. Type of extracurricular event - round table. Conducted by conversation. The development contains an introductory and concluding speech by the teacher and material for students' reports. Questions for discussion are proposed. The discussion can take place in stages or at the end of the event. The event should be attended by a group of experts: lawyers, doctors, church representatives. They should take part in the discussion and evaluate the event. Text development of the event is accompanied by a presentation. You can also use films (an excerpt from the film by B. Natanson

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