Summary of entertainment “Keys to Fort Bayar. Fort Boyard with parents lesson plan (senior group) on the topic of Throwing a ball into a basket

For children of the graduating group of kindergarten.

Children enter the gym to the music and line up opposite the Masters of Shadows.

Leading: I am glad to welcome you to this mysterious fortress - Fort Boyard. The tasks prepared for you by the inhabitants of the Fort will be difficult but interesting. For each victory you will receive a key, and at the end of the game you will be able to get to the treasury, where the main prize awaits you.

Today the teams competing are: “Adventurers” and “Fortune Hunters”. Teams under the leadership of the captain announce their name and motto.

Captain 1: Team... Children: Adventurers!

Captain 1: Our motto... Children: We are adventurers, We came to Fort Boyard to play And our motto is to win!

Captain 2: Team... Children: Fortune hunters!

Captain 2: Our motto... Children: In order for us to have luck, We must win in the Fort!

Leading: Elder Fure, the Master of Fire and the Master of Shadows also take part in the game. And now I propose to enter into battle with the inhabitants of Fort Boyard and overcome all the difficulties that they have prepared. Step by step to the competition site!

They move: - Walking - With high knees “climbing the stairs of the Fort” - In a squat “through the low tunnels of the Fort” - Running - Forming into two columns in teams

Leading: Start warming up!

A set of rhythmic exercises:

    – stand on your toes, arms up

    – lower yourself onto your feet, arms to the sides

    – arc downwards right hand up

    - the same with the left.

    – squat, touch the floor with your right hand, left hand on your waist

    – stand, arms up

    – squat, left hand to the floor, right hand to the waist

    – stand, hands on the belt.

    – turn to the right, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – turn left, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – tilt to the right, hands behind head

    – tilt to the left, hands behind the head

    – stand, hands behind head 2 times

    – steps in place, raising arms up with wrist turns

    – steps in place, arms through the sides downwards with wrist turns

    – jump into a lunge on the right leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – jump into a lunge on the left leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – turn around, placing your foot over your right shoulder

    – jumping on two legs, hands on the belt

    – jumping on two legs with clapping overhead


"Strong Men"

Each team must crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomach, simultaneously pulling themselves up with both hands; run to the hoop, lift the dumbbells by 4 counts, run around the hoop and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the relay faster wins.


Master of Fire: In front of you is a glass of water. You need to raise the water level in the glass to the red line. Children run up and put pebbles in it. The task must be completed in turn, passing the baton to each other. (Do it).

Elder: The ______ team raised the water level in the glass faster. She receives the KEY.


Leading: The next competition is “Multi-colored chain”. You need to jump over the gymnastic sticks lying on the floor on two legs, then take a long colored stick and move the plume to the end of the rope. Then the stick must be put back in place and returned to the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Elder:(sums up the relay, gives the key).


Elder: And now I will tell you riddles. You are ready?

  • A cloud was walking across the sky,
  • A cloud of beads has lost
  • Beads are jumping along the path,
  • Like crystal peas.
  • I weave fine lace,
  • You won't notice it on the fly.
  • Who got caught in my net -
  • It will remain hanging in it.
  • I'm running down a flight of stairs,
  • Ringing over the stones,
  • From afar by song
  • You will recognize me.
  • So that blades of grass grow faster,
  • He makes paths in the ground.
  • If he digs deep -
  • Lugu can breathe easily.
Elder: You have solved all my riddles, and each team receives a key.

Leading: The result of the next relay will show us the most united team, because only united children who know how to act together can win it. At the signal, the first number stands sideways to the team, the second runs around him and stands next to him, placing his outstretched hand on the first’s shoulder. The third runs between the first and second snake and stands behind the second, putting his hand on his shoulder, etc. The team that returns to its original position first wins.

Elder: sums it up, gives the key.


Master of Shadows: I invite one player from each team to the table. While my clock is counting down, you must remember in what order the pictures are located. Then I will turn the card over and you will have to reproduce the memorized version.

Elder: Summing up, handing over the key.


Leading: The next relay race is “Building Fort Towers”. Each team must carry “building material” across the “narrow bridge” and build a tower according to the diagram. Each participant takes 2 cubes. The winner is the team that built the tower correctly and completed the task faster.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Master of Fire: I invite one player from each team to join me. In front of each of you are three containers - with beans, with pasta and with nuts. But only one of them contains the key. You need to find it as quickly as possible and raise it high. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Leading: In this competition you will need not only speed, but also attention. You need to run to the module, take one toy insect there, turn it over and look at the written number. At the next stage, you need to take a card with this number, turn it over, determine the first sound of the drawn picture and place the letter on the board under the desired number. (for the first command the word “message”, for the second the word “labyrinth”)

The final

Elder: sums up the competition and the entire game. The winner of the game has been determined, but that's not all. A surprise awaits you, because you correctly composed the words - MESSAGE and LABYRINTH. I give the captain of the winning team a message with a labyrinth in it. If he walks along it correctly, he will come straight to the super prize - the treasures of the Fort.

The captain walks through the labyrinth and finds a treasure trove - a basketball hoop, covered inside with fabric and tied at the bottom with ribbon.

The captain pulls the ribbon and treasures fall on top - small caramel candies (do not put chocolate ones). Within 1 minute, the winning team collects candies into a special large container.

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Kolotushkina Oksana Aleksandrovna
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 16

summary of organized educational activities
in physical education
for pupils of the preparatory group for school

Target: developing students’ interest and value-based attitude towards physical education.


1. Improving the technique of basic movements: crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms; jumping on two legs while moving forward; running in pairs “snake” between objects.

2.Development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility.

3. Fostering mutual assistance, self-confidence, and friendly relationships.

Material used: Balls, baskets for balls, hoops, gymnastic benches, skittles, keys, a box, 2 easels, letters, cards with images of sea creatures, scales, hourglasses, music, riddles, toy insects, “money”, plastic cans, beans, walnuts, pasta, chest. Elder Fury costume multimedia console, screen, computer, tape recorder.

Form: group

Methods and techniques: competitive-game, verbal, visual.

Musical accompaniment: Music from the game "Fort Boyard".

Preliminary work: Getting to know the country of France, its capital, famous sights, and population; with the language spoken, with banknotes, with the ocean and its inhabitants. Watching the Fort Boyard game on TV. Getting to know the Fort's past.

Music is playing. Two teams enter. They line up.


Dear friends! Today we are going to France, sailing on boats along the English Channel, where Fort Boyard is located. There is a treasury in the fort. And only the bravest and most dexterous can reach it. To do this, you need to go through many tests and guess the key word. If the word is guessed correctly, the treasury will open and the gold bars will be yours.

Video screensaver from the television game "Fort Boyard"

Well, are you ready for the test? Then let's go!

Warm up.

Walking in a column one at a time. Walking diagonally with tasks for the hands. Normal walking. Walking with high knees. Normal walking.

Walking, stopping at a signal and completing tasks: “star”, “crayfish”, “turtle”.

Run. Jump like a snake. Run. Side gallop. Walking. Reorganization in three columns.

1. “Where is the ship?”

I.p.–o.s., hands on the belt.


1-turn the head to the right;
3-turn the head to the left;
4-p. (3 times)

  1. "Morse code"


1-arms to the sides,
2 hands up
3-hands forward,
4-p. (4-5 times)

  1. "The waves crash against the side of the ship"

I.p. standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.


1-2 circular motion with straightened right hand;
3-4 circular motion with a straightened left hand. (4-5 times)

  1. "Earth"

I.p. standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.


1-2 – tilt to the right side, the right hand goes to the head “visor”.
3-4 - to the left side, the left hand goes to the head “visor”. (4-5 times)

  1. "Scrubbing the deck"

I.p. – standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.


1-3 - lean forward, swing straight lowered arms to the right and left;

4-i.p. (4-5 times)

  1. “And when the sea is rough”

I.p. – standing with your feet together, hands on your belt.


1-2- arms to the sides, lunge to the right, right leg bent at the knee,
3-4 arms to the sides, lunge to the left, left leg bent at the knee. (4-5 times)

  1. "Along the Tightrope"

I.p. standing with your feet together, hands in front of your chest, clenched into a fist.

Performance: jumping in place.

  1. "Sailor"

I.p. – o.s., hands on the belt.


1 – step forward, straightening the foot to the heel,
2- step forward, left foot on heel,
3 – right leg in i.p.,
4 – left leg in i.p. (4-5 times)

Walking in a column one at a time. Formation of two ranks.

Leading: So we sailed to the castle. Two teams will compete for the right to open the treasury.

It's time to get to know our teams better.

First team captain (F.I.), introduce your team.

Captain: Our team: "Starfish".

Our motto: “One for all and all for one”

Leading: Second team captain (F.I.), introduce your team.

Captain: Our team: Dolphins.

Our motto: “When we are united, we are invincible.”

Leading: Are your teams ready to fight for the Fort's treasures?

But first, the teams need to warm up and guess the riddle from Elder Fur. ( The old man comes out).

Elder Fura: You need a key, then guess my riddle, whoever guesses it the fastest will get the first key. The main thing is to think, but not to hesitate.


Every year they come to visit us, one is gray-haired, another is young, the third is jumping, the fourth is crying. (Seasons)

(You were unable to obtain the first key, sorry) or (a start has been made, the first key has been obtained by the team...)

But the most important tests are yet to come. I'm waiting for you with the keys. Good luck! (the elder leaves, leaving a scroll with tasks)

Leading: Captains, line up your teams to their starting positions.

First test " Don't drop the runs"

Presenter: – Two minutes are given to complete the task. At the signal, members of both teams take the ball, hold it between their knees and jump to the basket, put the ball in the basket and return running. The last one (the captain) takes out the key from the box located on the cube. The winning team keeps the key.

Time has passed!

Leading: Well, who earned the key? Team…. Well done!

Second test: " Don't knock down the pin and pass the obstacle"

Leading: The result of the next relay will show us the most united team, because only united children who know how to act together can win it. Two players, holding hands, must walk one after another between the pins without touching them. When you return, take two more hands and continue the relay. The game continues until all players pass the obstacle. The last one takes the key from the cube. The winning team keeps the key.

Time has passed!

Leading: Well done, team ….., you receive the key. And we move on to the next test.

Third test: " Obstacle course"

Leading: Team members must crawl along a gymnastics bench, jump from hoop to hoop, run to the cube and ring the bell. The last participant takes the key lying on the cube.

Time has passed!

Leading: Well, who earned the key? Well done! And we move on to the next test, where each of you must try to get the key for the team. Let's get started!

Fourth test "Room of the Unknown"

Leading: I invite one player from each team to join me. In front of each of you are three containers - with beans, with pasta and with nuts. But only one of them contains the key. You need to find it as quickly as possible and raise it high. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. The competition lasts 1 minute.

Time has passed!

Fifth test “Remember the pictures”

Leading: I invite one player from each team to the board. While my clock is counting down, you must remember what time

The pictures are arranged in sequence. Then the image will disappear, and you will have to reproduce the memorized option.

Time has passed.

Slide show

Leading: Well, the next stage of our competition has ended. You have collected the keys and are a little closer to victory. It wouldn't hurt to get some rest, but with benefit. Musical pause.

Leading:- It's time to count the keys. The team (Name). not enough (quantity) keys. Now is the time for the lagging team to visit Elder Fur and guess him puzzles. So the team (Name) There is an opportunity to earn missing keys.

Elder Fura: You must guess the riddle by association:

  • Ball, legs, goal, referee, good mood. (football)
  • Net, game, team, out, court. (volleyball)

You were unable to obtain the key, sorry (or the key was obtained by the team)

Sixth test "Cryptographers"

Leading: – In this competition you will need not only speed, but also attention. You need to run to the module, take one insect there, turn it over and look at the written number. At the next stage, you need to take a card with this number and place the letter on the easel under the desired number. Time has passed!

Leading: Now we have come to the end of our tests. We will now find out which team will open the treasury.

I ask the teams to collect key words, and the captains to form their teams, holding hands. The word has been guessed. Both teams played well.

Team (Name) I typed the required number of keys without additional questions.

Team (Name) dialed (quantity) keys with additional questions.

Therefore, the right to collect the Fort's treasures is given to both teams.

You have 30 seconds to get the Fort Boyard gold bars on the scale. Whose scales tip the scales, that team will win. Time has passed! A clock can be heard ticking.

So the winner of our game has been determined - this is the team (Name).

How will you use your winnings?

You were a worthy team. There are no losers in our game. The important thing is not to win but to take part. “When we are united, we are invincible.”

And now a surprise from Elder Fura.

Elder Fura: For your courage, endurance and determination, I reward you with gold bars. (Awarding)

Educator: Thanks to all participants for playing! (music sounds).

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 18 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

Sports entertainment scenario "Fort Boyard"

for children of senior preschool age

Panikarova N. N.,

physical education instructor

Target: Promotion of healthy lifestyles.Tasks:

Instill in children an interest in physical education and sports.

Promote the development and manifestation of individual abilities.

Develop children's physical activity.

To form positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between children and with adults.

Nurture positive qualities.

Location: gym, herbal bar, swimming pool, music room.

Decor: on the central wall of the gym, the name of the entertainment

"Fort Boyard". The competition prize in an opaque package is suspended from the ceiling on a moving rope. All rooms involved in the entertainment are divided into zones according to tasks.

Leading: physical education instructor.

The roles of the old man and the savage are played by adults. The role of guardians of the fort is played by children.

Preliminary work: tell the children about Fort Boyard.

Sports entertainment progress

The team of participants and spectators enter the gym to the music.

Host: Guys, we have gathered today to go to Fort Boyard. Our team's athletes will try their hand at various competitions for the fort's prize. But this time the prize is not gold coins, but a toy. This prize hangs in a prominent place, but to take it, you have to guess what it is. The brave souls arrived at the fort to earn a prize not for themselves, but for the children of the younger group. This will be a gift for kids.

Our athletes need to get 5 keys, which will give them the opportunity to get hints. With the help of clues, they will have to guess the name of the toy and write out this word from the letters. If the word is guessed correctly, the prize on the rope will fall down. Depending on the complexity of the task, the team sends one or two participants to complete it. A time is given for completion, which is recorded using an hourglass. If the participant does not have time to complete the task, he becomes a prisoner of the fort guardians. To free the prisoner, you need to compete with them and earn chips from them. If there is no prisoner, then with these chips you can buy another clue from the “savage”. To complete the task, the participants, and behind them the spectators, move according to the plan on which the competition zones are marked.

Now let’s get to know the participants better and see them in action.

Let's go for the first key.

1 task. 1 key located in the gym, which is divided into two parts. Through the “door” - the hoop - the participant enters the first part. Paths to flowers are laid out on the floor from auxiliary material. There is a key under one of the flowers. There are threads stretched across the hall; you cannot touch them. Just like you can’t step on the floor.

Task 2. 2 key.

In the second half of the hall, two basins are suspended from the ceiling on a movable rope. In one there is a key, in the other there is a counterweight. To get the key, children throw balls into the basin with the key. Under their weight, the basin falls down.

3 task. 3 key.

In the fear room there are containers with toy spiders, snakes, etc. One of them contains the key.

4 task. 4 key.

At the bottom of the pool, under one of the stones, there is a key. The child dives and takes it out.

Task 5. 5 key.

In the music room there are balls laid out in a row, with a key under one of them. With the help of another ball, children try to move the balls and find the key.

When moving from task to task, participants may be stolen by a “savage” to play chips. The participant takes chips for himself until he encounters a chip with a black bottom side. The main thing is to stop in time so as not to give away previously earned chips.

After the participants have earned the keys, they go to the basement to the keepers of the fort. Part of the music hall is designed as a basement.

There are 5 guardians sitting at 5 tables. Each of them has one task. The guardians invite the participants to measure their strength with them.

1 task with pencils. You can alternately take 1-2-3 pencils. The one who takes the last pencils wins.

2 task . Traps. This competition uses non-standard physical education equipment. Take a two-liter plastic bottle, a barrel from Kinder Surprise, and a cord 30-40 cm long. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, a cord is passed inside and attached to the bottle cap. The second end of the cord is attached to the barrel. Holding the bottle by the neck with one hand, swing your hand forward and upward so that the barrel is at the top. The one with the keg in the bottle the fastest will win.

3 task. Collecting two identical pictures cut into pieces at speed.

4 task. In front of the participant and the keeper lies one case with multi-colored balls. They are shown a sample in which order to place the balls by color. The pattern is removed and the players, from memory, arrange the balls according to the pattern.

Task 5. Mini golf. Holes are made in a large paper box lid with a diameter slightly larger than a table tennis ball. And the edges of the holes are attached to the edges of plastic cups. It turns out to be a small golf course. The participant and the keeper take turns blowing the balls into the holes, with their hands behind their backs. The one whose time is the best wins.

If participants win more tasks, they are given a key - a chance.

Leading. We have the keys, it's time for some clues.

Hint #1. You can build a house for this toy.

For this clue we go to the elder. By solving his riddles, we earn a hint.

1 riddle. What's the sweetest thing in the world? (dream).

2 riddle. What's the softest thing in the world? (hand).

Hint #2. This toy has 4 or more legs . This clue can be found in the pool. There are barrels of Kinder Surprise in the water. One of them contains a hint. The participant, moving around the pool, catches them from the water and passes them to the team. The barrels are checked for clues.

Hint #3. Boys love to play with this toy.

This clue is in the balloons that are hung in the gym, taller than the child's height. The child uses a needle attached to a stick to pierce the balls and find a clue in them.

When performing this task, special attention is paid to safety precautions when working with a piercing object.

Hint #4. There are 2 letters “A” in the name of the toy.

This hint can be bought from the savage for chips.

Hint #5. The name of this toy begins with the letter "M".

This hint can be obtained for a chance key.

After the meeting, the players under the prize must lay out the guessed word from the letters" CAR".

If the word is guessed correctly, the prize falls down into the hands of the participants. In addition to the car, there are also incentive prizes for participants. The main prize goes to the kids group. The game is summed up. Attention is drawn to how pleasant it is to bring joy not only to yourself, but also to others. And it is very important to be able to earn prizes with your work.

FortBoyard is a lot of challenges, an atmosphere of mystery, special surroundings and props. Many adventurers entered the fort, but not all left with treasures. Want to test yourself? Fort Boyard is waiting for you!

Participants: teenagers 10−15 years old.

Progress of the game: A fort is a house or cafe with many tests and stations along the way for the guys. Passing which they will receive the treasured keys.

2 mixed teams will be formed that will compete with each other.

The presenter welcomes all the teams that today will have to fight not only for Ford’s gold, but also against each other. To get the keys, you need to complete a number of tasks. The team that earns the most keys during the game will be the first to enter the treasury.

The journey begins with a meeting with the Instructors, who issue cards. Using the map, each team finds its first key with a hint for the warm-up test.

After a warm-up test of resourcefulness and cohesion, participants will be allowed to take part in the main tests...

Teams will have to:

  • collect the largest number of clues;
  • a key with a hint to the next stage is issued if the team completes the main test;
  • The team that earns the largest number of keys gets the right to enter the treasury first;
  • the team receives a bunch of keys and tries to open the lock from the treasury in a certain time; if the team was unable to open the lock, then the right is given to another team (with more keys);
  • The winner is the team that managed to open the lock from the treasury.


1). Station Riddle from Fura. (Warm-up check)

I run on wires and give people light and warmth.

(Key with hint TIKLERCHSOETEV) answer Electricity.

Timed riddles 3 min. gets the key, the team that guesses more (

1. What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: Comma

2.Which muscle is the strongest in the human body?
Answer: Language

3. You can tie it, but you can’t untie it.
Answer: Conversation

4.Which route has no one ever walked or ridden before?
Answer: Milky Way

5.How many years are there in a year?
Answer: one (summer)
6.What kind of stopper cannot be used to stop any bottle?
Answer: Road

7. In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: Grapes

8.How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

9. Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose?
Answer: Shoes

10. There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

11. A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total?
Answer: 3 people

12. A river that “fits” in your mouth?
Answer: Desna

13.Crossroads. Traffic light. A Kamaz, a cart and a motorcyclist are standing and waiting for the green light. The yellow light came on, Kamaz gas stopped. The horse got scared and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like a traffic accident, but who broke the rules?
Answer: Motorcyclist (was without a helmet)

14.How do the buttons on a phone differ from the buttons on a calculator?
Answer: Location: top to bottom and bottom to top.

15.Which 2 notes indicate an edible product?
Answer: Fa-sol

16. Gray hare under a pine tree
He announced that he was a tailor.
And to the tailor in an hour
The little bear gave the order.
— Your order will be ready
Until the January cold.
The hare cuts, the hare sews,
And the bear is waiting in the den.
The deadline has passed. The bear came
But you can't wear pants!
Answer: The little bear became a bear

17.What is the largest human organ?
Answer: Leather

18. Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he only needed 1 ruble. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?
Answer: The cost is 10 rubles. Marina has no money at all.

19.Why do they often walk, but rarely drive?
Answer: By stairs

20.Which word has 5 “e” and no other vowels?
Answer: Migrant

2.) Start searching for a large key.

3).Tug of teams.

4).Pass under an impenetrable vine. Whichever team member touches the team automatically loses. The team whose player remains and does not touch the vine wins.

5).For the best birthday card. Team game and presentation of postcards from the teams.

6).Team shootout with balls.

7).team relay tests to identify the winning team.

A).horse running

B) Running over obstacles.

C).throw balls into a bucket for accuracy


D).running with the ball.

8).team competition for knowledge of magic words (Thank you,
please, good afternoon... etc. and an attentiveness check game “Thank you”

9).Which team collects pictures from cubes faster.

11).racing on old cars.

12).For the best team dance. (The task will be indicated on the cards.)

13).Teams collect words from capital letters. (I read out poems; teams guess at speed and make up a word at speed.

14).for the best congratulations to the teams of the birthday boy. They compose a poem and present it.

15).Pillow fighting.

16). Labyrinth.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Competitions. Before the holiday, hide the pieces of paper where you can sit down and wash your face. On every piece of paper...
  • Paired tasks Four people are selected. The first one writes down on pieces of paper the names of all the young men present...


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 93"

municipality of the city of Bratsk

Sports activities for children of senior preschool age

Fort Boyarde

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

Petrova A.P.

Bratsk 2016

Goal: to create conditions for increasing the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports.


Promote the development and manifestation of individual abilities.

To form positive emotions, free and relaxed communication between children and with adults.

Foster mutual assistance and sports interest.

Leading: Dear friends! Today we will visit Fort Boyard. Difficult but interesting tasks await you here. A certain time is allotted to complete each task; we will monitor it using an hourglass. For each successfully completed task within the specified time limit, you will receive a key or a hint for a keyword. At the end a surprise awaits you - it is in the chest. You can open it if you collect the keys and guess the keyword. Elder Fura is waiting for you! But first you need to warm up (parents and children dance a flash mob).


Children and parents take turns standing near the basketball hoop. In 2 minutes they must score 10 goals into the basket. If they don’t have time to score 10 goals, they don’t get the key and run on.

2. Tasks

Children and parents take turns running through an obstacle course. They must complete it in 2 minutes. If they don’t have time and don’t get the key, they run further.

3. Tasks

Parts of proverbs are hidden in the area. Children run around the site and find parts of proverbs, and parents must assemble them into a complete proverb, only 6 pieces. 5 minutes are given for tasks. If they don’t have time and don’t get the key, they run further.

4. Tasks

3 participants are selected from the team, who come to the table with dice and take turns playing with the leader “build a tower, the one whose tower falls first loses” you need to win the leader at least 1 time.


There is a container of water on the table with a glass floating in it. Each team member, taking turns with the leader, places coins in a glass. The loser is the one whose glass drowns. If one of the team puts in a coin and the glass sinks, then the team is left without a clue.

6. Tasks

There are 10 sticks on the table. The team chooses 3 people from their team. They take turns with the leader to pull out 3, 2 or 1 sticks; the one who has 1 stick left loses. The team is given 3 attempts.

If the team was unable to collect 3 keys and 3 clues, then they send 1 person to the old man who asks riddles. If a person does not guess correctly, he stays with the elder.

Also, if the team doesn’t have enough keys, they can leave one person behind the key.

After all the keys have been collected, the team guesses the words using hints and runs to the letters and lays out the words.

If the team guesses the word correctly, they receive gold coins.

Leading: Well done to all participants! Everyone completed the task, everyone received the coveted prizes. Everyone was fast, agile, and most importantly friendly, they helped each other.

Let it all be just a game

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle family!

Keep and take care of it -

There is no more important goal in life.

Thank you! If you found it interesting and fun, we are very glad. Let this holiday become a good tradition in our kindergarten.

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