Fireboy and Watergirl 4 Ice Temple. Game controls

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IN game Fireboy and Watergirl 3 – Ice Temple There are only a few elements: fire, water, earth and air. They all have their own unique characteristics, but each of them is a necessary part of our entire life. They often say that you and I are as different as fire and water. Indeed, this is true, but today something has changed in the game. Two heroes who had not found a common language for a long time rallied for salvation. One evil magician hid these elements in an ice temple at the very bottom, from where it is impossible to get out alone. It was at this moment that our characters decided to rally their forces and direct all their energy to salvation, and they are sure that the one who helps them get out of the enchanted temple of the game will certainly become the owner of super powers.

If you want to receive gifts, you need to quickly start the game Fireboy and Watergirl 3 – Ice Temple. When you load the game, a large diagram will immediately appear in front of you, similar to a subway diagram. You click on the cell, which will flash yellow. Now you find yourself inside the temple and begin to move for both elements. It is important to note that you have to play the role of two heroes at the same time and control in two ways. To do this, you will need buttons (letters and arrows) on your keyboard. You will notice that fire is arrows, and water is letters. Now, having figured out the game controls, try to go through all stages of the game. Along the way, you will see that in front of you there are precious stones of different colors: these are not simple stones, namely substances that give energy to their owner. You need to collect red diamonds with fire and blue stones with water. It is important to say that there are tightening turbines of the same color. The red turbine in the game is safe for fire, but the blue one is dangerous for it, and, conversely, the purple pipe is dangerous for water and the sky-colored pipe is safe. As you move forward, you will see levers and special buttons. It is important to say that to rise to the upper floor you will have to hold the lever, and the other go and press the button, which is located above the game, so that your rescue partner can rise.

Your task 3 – Ice Temple is for the elements to reach the doors and be able to go to the next level. Help our hostages get out of this captivity of the game. And they will be able to give you the most incredible abilities that they can have. Good luck completing the game!

Do you think fire and water can be friends? In the real world, probably not, since a fire can go out if it is poured with a large amount of water, and the water, in turn, may well evaporate into steam under the influence of a strong fire. What if Fire and Water are characters from the famous series of exciting flash games for girls? Then, of course, without any doubt, you will be able to see for yourself how inseparable friends are - a boy named Fire and a girl named Water.

Do you want to go on exciting trips with your dear friends? Then quickly turn on our free entertainment Fireboy and Watergirl: in the Ice Temple. Today, friends intend to visit the real Ice Temple, in which you, together with your characters, can learn what ice water is, how you can freeze liquid water and melt frozen water, and also learn how our inseparable friends Fire and Water endure the cold. If you want to overcome all the obstacles of the Ice Temple, then you will have to act together, because only such an approach to business will help you cope with all the difficulties that arise along the way and achieve your goal. site wishes you great success!

Tips for passing:

After our entertaining online toy is finally loaded on your screens, click on the Play sign. Now you can immediately start completing it, because to do this you don’t even have to register on our website. First, decide which level you would like to go through first - select it from the list of available ones, which are located on the map of the Forest Temple along with the other rooms. Next you will find yourself in a frozen room full of ice. It should be remembered that our heroes react differently to ice. Fire, for example, glides across it, as if on a skating rink, and Water moves across the ice, as if through huge snowdrifts - slowly and carefully. Therefore, try to wisely use these features of your game characters in order to successfully complete all the tests of the Ice Temple.

In order for Fire to move left and right, use the corresponding keyboard arrows, and to jump, use the up arrow. It is possible to control Water using the keys with the letters W, A, D. Remember that Water should beware of fiery liquid, and Fire should beware of ordinary water.

How to play:

Control remains on the WASD keys and arrow keys for two players. The remaining rules and subtleties will be shown at the first levels. There are three separate workouts, two of which you can skip to save time. Use the special talents of two characters to navigate the labyrinths.

Fireboy and Watergirl 3

The third part of the online game Fireboy and Watergirl offers an exciting adventure through the ice temple. New traps and more complex mechanisms are placed here, they will force players to think and act carefully. Collaboration is vital. If earlier it was possible to go through any level alone, now only the initial labyrinths seem simple, then the complexity increases sharply. There are many cold and hot rays in the ice temple; they can change the state of liquids. If a large puddle of water appears on the road, then the fire boy is at a complete dead end. The water girl must find a source of cold in order to freeze the surface, then the second character can easily move on.

The interaction of two different heroes becomes the basis of success. Small mistakes can lead to complete failure of the entire team, so you can’t abandon your companion. You can play Firegirl 3 for free in full screen, the quality of the image remains good. Explore the labyrinths of the ice temple, try to find mechanisms, levers and buttons to create a safe passage. In some situations, you have to act while the secret doors remain open. Try to succeed and win!

Imagine that you and your friend are in real danger. You will never be able to get out of the trap in which you find yourself due to your own ignorance. However, only if you don’t try to do everything as smoothly as possible, following the team spirit. This happens quite often in life, and now you can see it in the game.

“Fire and Water 3” is a real puzzle that will definitely make you think about how to pass this or that level. If suddenly, after the first level, it seems that this is just entertainment for children, then just go through it. What happens next will baffle even the smartest person. Some traps are made specifically so that the player can only make a mistake once, after which he would have to start all over again.

Such things are great for training your memory, because in order to finish the game and get out of the icy captivity, you will have to remember how this or that mechanism works. If you make a mistake where it should not be made, you will have to go through this level from the very beginning. And yes, you won’t be able to skip over difficult places. Be sure to pass everything, from the first to the last test.

Try your luck together

The game is called "Fire and Water 3: In the Ice Temple" for a reason. It's all about the main characters. It’s probably clear why they have such nicknames? At first glance, it may seem that this is just a choice of characters, but no, it’s a game for two, that is, you can complete the levels without a friend, but it’s not so exciting and interesting. Try to “infect” at least one person with such an application and you are guaranteed at least one fun day.

Just remember that Fire must not come into contact with anything liquid. In other words, if you plunge it into an icy pond, the game will end for both you and your friend. It's the same with water. When interacting with fires or lava, it simply evaporates. You don’t want to go through the level again because of such an annoying mistake, right? In fact, the developers have taken care of this and warn players at the initial stage.

Moreover, you can play for free, so you shouldn’t be afraid of mistakes, you will make them throughout the entire game, because the number of “problems” that the developers have prepared for you allows you to give out more and more new surprises and surprises. However, thanks to the lack of investment, this will not seem like something irritating. You can do the wrong thing, the main thing is not to let your partner down.


It is also worth understanding that the game is online, which allows you to relax in the middle of the working day. All you have to do is open the link and start the adventure. True, the number of levels that the developers have created may simply not allow you to get out of the trap in the time that you are willing to devote to it. But it's worth a try! Moreover, time is kept at each level, and this already brings you to the rank of the best.

The only thing you shouldn’t forget is that some places are impossible to go through alone. You will definitely need the help of a partner. But everything needs to be done so that both your character and your friend’s character advance further. Be sure to reach the finish line together, otherwise the level will not be completed.

Don't forget about the bonuses that are scattered along the entire route, right up to the finish. They helped you become better among other players, so you shouldn’t ignore the crystals. But, by the way, each character can take a bonus only of the color that he himself is. So don't be afraid that your friend will steal your points and become better. No, everything is extremely honest and fair.


Game controls:

Play for two or control two characters at the same time. Control the fiery boy using the arrow keys, the second player plays as a girl using the keys W, A, D

The story about the third part of the games from the Fireboy and Watergirl series should, perhaps, start from the beginning, that is, with the design of the menu. Although the name font is somewhat clumsy, overall the menu looks good - everything is simple and clear, the gamer has no chance of getting confused or clicking the wrong thing.

The level menu is very beautifully designed - in the form of a golden snowflake decoration, on which a gem appears after each completed sub-part of the game. So everything is just fine here too. The game Fireboy and Watergirl 3 in the Ice Temple does not have complex graphics at all, but this does not make it any less attractive - on the contrary, such simplicity helps to focus maximum attention on the plot and passage. And they are worth it.

Gameplay and controls

The fire boy and the water girl quickly jump through the levels of the ice temple, helping each other and collecting precious stones along the way (the girl collects blue ones, the boy collects red ones, respectively). Sometimes, in order to jump onto the next obstacle and reach the entrance to the next level, they first need to provide themselves with a support and then jump from it. With the help of a gamer, they can easily cope with this. By the way, the controls here are very interesting. Since there are two characters, and there is only one gamer, he controls small Fire using the arrows (left-right-up), and Water using the AMD buttons, respectively).

After each completed level of the game, achievements are demonstrated - how many stones were collected and how much time it took to complete it. However, you can keep track of the time during the game - there is a small board on top that counts down precious seconds. It is interesting that there are several types of obstacles in the game, for example, obstacles in the form of spilled water or fire, they pass separately - everyone chooses what is safe for him, because if Water falls into a fire trap, it will evaporate, and Fire will go out in the water. And at the end of the level, they also each go out their own door, but always at the same time.

Levels and their passage

Some levels of fire and water start from opposite ends of the game space, when Fire comes out of the door with the water icon, and Water comes out of the “fire” one. And then their task is to successfully overcome all obstacles and get to their door. Often, to successfully pass, you need to press a button or turn a lever so that a step or other support necessary for jumping appears. They can pass many obstacles only by helping each other - either the boy will throw a weight on one end of the swing so that the girl can jump comfortably, or the girl will press the button that removes the obstacle so that the boy can go to his stone. In such a well-coordinated tandem, they overcome the game level by level.

However, the gameplay can hardly be called overcoming; after all, the game Fireboy and Watergirl 3 belongs to the category of simple ones. At first, the only difficulties that arise are the controls and the need to think in two directions at once, but then the passage turns into pure pleasure, accompanied, moreover, by unobtrusive music and cute sound effects.

Naturally, with each level the passage becomes more complicated - either an intricate system of counterweights and elevators appears, which must be used in order to get to the treasured stone, or in order to remove an obstacle from the path of not just one passer, but both, you need to drop a load on the corresponding button .

And, of course, you need to collect more and more stones. Sometimes, however, a small number of stones is more than compensated by their inaccessibility and a large number of obstacles on the way. Often, all these buttons, levers and counterweights are not easy to understand and you have to go through the level several times.

What can we say to sum it up?

Firstly, the game Fireboy and Watergirl 3 in the Ice Temple is not as simple as it might seem at first glance - it’s worth starting to play. How obvious this becomes.
Secondly, it not only allows you to have a great time, but also develops coordination of movements and consistency of actions of the left and right hands due to the features of the control system. Thirdly, it’s simply a pleasure to spend an evening with it, and the gradual gameplay is so addictive that you don’t want to press the “Pause” button and stop until the last level is completed. And completion evokes a pleasant feeling of self-satisfaction and a desire to immediately complete the next part of the Fire and Water series. Sometimes it’s irresistible.

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